Wm 'Kcbrasloi LIgusc front Street, rear Stcantsat Laaiioj, BROWN VILLE, N. T. . A. J. BENEDICT, A BOUNCES to the public that he bus taken the above Uouse, formerly kept by T. H. Edward3, in Browaville, X. T, and is now prepared to eccomo date all who may favor lira with their patronage. A new addition has been built to the house, and ad ditions made of Furniture and Bedding, and nil ar rangements now are each as to render this Ilause equal to ariT in the Territory. -Brownvll'le, July 5, 1S53. vl-n5tf , IV. II. WILLIAMS, STOVES & TINWARE Oroson. 3Mo.) TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens cf Or gon and the public ia gmeral, that he has on hand the most extensive stock cf f?toye3 and Tin ware, ever tiered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is fcf tale at "Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices. I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING: STOYfcS, comprising uie moti uuiotu mium. Also Parlor & Box toves Of Tarlou3 Sizes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY nOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and putting tip Tin Gutter?, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. t)id copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, Tl-n5 , Oregon, Ho., July 5, 1856. FORTY THOfSASfD ECLLAHS TTorth of Goods at a small advance on. cost and carriage by TO" ts HAWS, . KOCKPOHT, 2lO LA. VV JL1, tfb 3D! 2M, IIEM31ES LANDING, MO. WS HAVE in store, and are receiving per Steam ers Hannibal, Warner, Edinburgh and Omaha, a larre and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hard ware, Queensware, Boots A Shoes, Hats A Caps, Cutlery, Taints, Doors, Oils, Bonnets, iledicines, Drtlgs, Furniture, Tinware, Saddlery, Groceries, Castings Sash, Nails, Iron CARPENTERS A BLACKS JHTnS' TOOLS AC. All of which we ofir at very low prices for Cash or Country Produce. - - X?0 HUKBTTG! W wUl sell at SOUS PEICZ! ! DILLON A HAWK. Y, S. Ladies, if you haven't got a fine Silk Dress, Shawl cr Bonnet, don't blame Dillon A Hawk, for we certainly have the best assortment of Fancy Dress Goods ever cfiercd in tins market. No trouble to ihow Goods. rl-n5 D. & II. ' CHARTER OAK ' ' - - LirE INSURANCE COMPANY ! Hartford, Ct.-. Capital $200,000 Withlanre and increasing receipts securely invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller cf Pubuo Accounts. OTTICEB3. ALFRED GILL, Pres't. JOHN L. BUNCE, T. P. J A1IL3 C. WALKLE, Secretary.. ... ' EIKECTOES. Bolles, Johr A. Butler, Noah Wbeaton, N. Hollis . ter,S-:s'ICoit,Dan'l Phillips, C. N. nmphrcy. BOAED OF FTS&SCT." Geo. Beach, Esq.. President of Thoenix Bank, -D. F. Robinson, Esq., " " Hartford. " Hon. Isaac Tcucey, late Attorney General C S. ; -Applications for insurance received by R. W. FURNAS, Agent. . DR. A. S. EOLLIDAY, Med. Ex. . GEO. P. LUCKIIARDT,' r - WATCHMAKER And. jr-7CUx ... i v OREGON, HOLT COUNTY 310. 'HnAKES the liberty to inform tlie citizens of Rrownville and vicinity, that he has opened s WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELRY, STORE In Oregoo-Holt county, Mo., whero he will keep con stantly on bani. and for sale, a rood assortment of Gold and Silver Watchc3, Clocks and Jewelry, which no will sell extremely low, Tor LAsii. Also, lot of Violin?. Aecordoons, Silver, and Plated tacles, Gold Pens with .Gold and Silver exten; cases. Silver Thimbles, Ac., Ae. " He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the host manner and Every article bought in his establishment, Is war- ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for one yqar. : July25,lS56. vl-nStf UNITED STATES EUPKESS COMPANY YTVE every . possible facility for the safe and v speedy transmission cf rionejv-Valuable Packages, Parcels, Goods, and Ierchandize Of tvery descrirtion, on reasonable terms. ParvciPAL OrncE3 New York, Bafalo,'' Cinctn'- i ati, Toledo, Chicago. Dayton, lndianopolis, and nil 1 tee tmaller towns on lumroads in the Lastern, Mid dle an l Western Sta!o, connecting at St. Louis with Richardson's Missouri River Expres?. .,11. K1PP, July 23, lS53.-vl-n3 General Superintendent. CKEIY.IS: , . JOHN W. TOOLEY. (Successor to NOONAN, TOOLEY fc Co.,) ' 53-lfotn tt., OU Siani, St. Louis, Zfo. TMrO TITER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in China, JL u.S6 and Queensware, cllow'and Rockingham t-'Now arriving and in store, a full stock of the above line of goods, which is offered to the Trade at reasonable rates. An examination is Bolici ted. . r57On hand. Assorted Crates, for Country Trade - N, B. Packing receives special attention. September 13, 1S55. vlnl-6m C Z3TABR00II, :, TJinTET) STATES District Attorney, OMAHA CITY, N. T. . , , OEQUTRED to be in attendance oSicially upon all X the terms of the District and Supreme Court of the Territory, tenders bis Professional ncrvicea to such as need them. He flatters himself thathis facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrrst their business to his care. ; Omaha City. June 7. 1S53. : t. T. POWDAIA. H. K. CAS&. DOWDALL, CARIt & CO., - - WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, Engine ana I.IacMno Iannfactory. - Corner Second and Morgan Street. ST. LOUIS, MO. TI rANUFACTURERSof S team Engines and Boil crs. Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Tobaoco Sv-retr and Presses. Lard Ji.ettle3, Lard bcrews and Cvlir.ders, Wool Carding Machines, Young's Patent 'iimut Machines, uauaicg vanmp, m. ....... rcrA!rents for the sale of James Smith k Co; fcupenor YOUNG'S PATENT tried, rj cays successful, SMUT MACHINE. WeU fully Guarantied. iiann- fa;tured aiidfcr sale by , -. ' DO WALL CARR.CO., Wrshington Foundry, St. Louis. Mc S.VTlUUi SPIiXCEU &. CO., 0. Ei;hty-Two North Fourth Street, Near Locust. 1 ST. LOUIS, MO. - rAVrrACTUREES cf everr description cf S L r--.uie.,dealersinraintlrr,EngraTirics,LitJiO- s-'-.r. Ac: Lotkirg-class 1'iatcs cf every jiie, and (..vnM in nrv rattern ia the best manner. ' , Aiverfl 'r.gCard.s Ae.,SU;2fd ni VandsLci or Tr.'---1 z s-'ri notice. .- i" -, nyr - . 1 W'tlnct and other fan?y wood Ticture OU rrr.r",r?, Ac.Re-r.lt. o. P. riAON, r.i.l Councilors at Law r-i Crneral Land Ajrents, NEDRASirACITY.N.T.' . ; r - dlsrl A reneies. ccl.ee- - :.. ' t - -f. atirr find sc: .ryeci Western i patterns both Air-Tight and rreniium. ivmong iueia may be found Filly's Cbnrtcr Oak, the best stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mm wmra; lanterns, nooainir-eias- uaie. me sive oi lae una rinainin? ancnansreu. ana i ? - Vx r--'A. :n u i l n . . ritn.ni.ia t arr, Le. &c, with a creat variety of I that wa havuseenred the services of CaptJ Geor?e . . . ,-. .' I'i I.. ' t Fancy Mantle nd Parlor Ornaments, direct from the G.' Davis who ;will hereafter et ia thfc enpacity r Dr" ma5 DIS ue3t rortalle in every jespeet, IVt-.-nes and Manufacturers. - TRivrt.txo ai.f!wan in connectioii with or.r Mr. atthia weil known and highly reputable House, IT Patent Portable M '1: xit THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the Cnu of Reed, Hclabird & Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Fa;eht Portttte Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish al! those in want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility aimplicty anl economy ; excel any Mill in the world. On the lata exhibition oi trie necnanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Medal Was awarded them for it. It is adapted to all Grain erindinzpuiwsos: it is superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant -uul, as ll la ior ri.auiug mhj i iuio itvA j power. , , f 1 ' Th nWfl Mills are manufactured by the cider- signed t their shop' in Cincinnati, O., where they rrin be furnished in anvnuantity at short notici. The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: 36 in. diam:,!;Mr hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheal' $3 )0 on u u lu u SO w " 13 " 250 21 20 13 ' , " ' ' 230 u u ' u u 4 is 8 " 150 Aa this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to quote from our numerons recommendations, received. r n. ' via r i TiTnT fi ' ' : .'J '.. Cincinnati, O. Fresh Arrival of" ....... - - - i i . NEW GOODS! AT ROCKPORT, MO. , THE subscriber would respectfully tender their thanks to their customers and the Public Gene- ral'.v for their libenil-Datronae heretofore, and solicit a continuance of the same : as they are determined to sell Goods a3 lovr if not lower than any other House west of St. Joseph. Earing just received a large and wcllseletted Stock of Spring and Summer Goods; also a 6up;rior Stock of FaDvily Groceries with Hardware, GlaBS and Queensware, Furniture, Saddlery, Iron, Sc. : Come one and all, For well we know ; Again youH call, ' . , We'll sell so low. Of Goods the best, o: v And profits small, .' We'll beat the rest, , ! ' And suit you all. - Our Stock of Dry Goods having been purchased in the Eastern citiea. we flatter ourselves tLat we can surpass our com poii tors in the low prices and good qualities of our Stock, and earnestly believe all will make by calling and seeing for themselves Deiore . y-i a Trr r t ri fc purcna&mgeuewncre. Aiti. x, jujls, a. vu. "N. B. Country 'Produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest prices, for (roods. Juno 7, '5(3. ; DANIEL ZOOE, W0OLE3AIE i.SI SET AIL Oreg-m, Halt County, Mo. Has in Store : . ! ' Pure White Lead,' Linseed Oil, Spanish Whiting,. . Red Lead, , -Lithemje, ' u" '-' White Chalky ! Venitian Red, . ; Spanish Brown, , -Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, ' ' J; ;' Sulpher Carb. Sola, Vinegar, . , Turpentine,' ; . Sal Soda, j.r-' Coperas, . ' V' Saltpeter, ; Borax, I .-.'i Slex. Liniment, r Vol. Oil do, Morland's do, : , Nerver and Bone do, Farrels . , do, .J . Louden 'a do; .;,-;.; . Jays' Expt.', ,,, Window Glass, Putty,.. Caster Oil, Ex. Logwood, Blue Stone, .', l: Alum, ') Ground Ginger,.:' Root r do, " J Saint Louis Glae,,; Paris Green, ' . r Chrome do, t ; . : . do yellow,i m Iron laint, ; White Zink do. Fish Oil, - Whale do,' ' Wrights' nils, ;.; .Champian's do,' ' Jajan's do, ; jLoadon's do,, ) Radwavs R. R.,' - -Davis Pain Killers .v, Fahuestook's yerj, J-;"gr Stone'i Cxmgh Csiii-ly, r ; London s do, . jucwuu siii ct i u o. In addition lothe'ahove; I have the tart-?.;! -Stock of Druririst and lyaiciana Shop funiituro, Chemi.- cals, Surgical iisrumnts, and, .PateniV Meiijiens .ir.j r.. ...i.l'.tk;. p t Merchants and Ihvsicians of Iov;a.' Kansas and Nebraska," are respectfully invited to eive mi a call. June 7, 1S58. ; DANIEL ZOOK.": A. B. HOLLABIRD & COT z -Macliiiiists, Founders M: ' VTaTM Front CLreet, West of Eaiiti, CLCINNATI .Oricon 7ould most respectfully inform thrir frie-ads and hey now posses.i,'they hope i merit a continuation cf the lmeral calrona pi which VS aval nfAVA lHAnavtnnA4 n. 4 Vi fvn r iUUl Jo Ui -cvtl) iCaCItlOU. Constantly oa Ltin ': consistinz cf the Sash.Circn lar and Muley." -Mill Gears and every description of i. agtmgs, warrattea to vt wen inaae in every paruon lar. 1 . .... . ?. - . They havtf also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables .them fo oversee all workin that line furnished by them, and uro pre- pared to work on as reasonable tcrm3 as any other I workm that line furnished by them, and uro ire- shop in the Country. lhoso in want of anything in our hoe, would do well to give us a call and examine our new patterns. a. is. uu L, a t;i to? a uy. , . W, LEWI3 . JASIE3 VT. LEV7I3 t fH'IUOS. late tekt tA&l tlOJUW -f A BARTHOIOW - 13. W. LEWIS & BROS. MANTFACTTKEBa -OP AT. rESCKIPTIOK OP: C H E.WI II G T O B A C CO.; GLASGOW, MISSOURI.', THANKFUL for the very liberal patronage that ' we have heretofore Teiiwd from our numerous friends and cusxmers, and while respeetiuTly solicit ing a eontinuawe oi tne same, pledging ourslvcs to spnre neither jxiins nor expense to nieritthe patronr at of the pub.iewe beg . leave -to annoanee -that llliam J . Lewis ha3 wuturawn from our firm, and Thos. J.,Barth-)low is admitted a r,artncr from . this ' - , s Bartholow and will daring, the comir. "St ason per sonally wait upon our customers for the purpose of I soliciting thoir order. Oar stock held over from last year of all dcscnptioos ia unanimously atrge-, tha Quality of which cannot fail to gave entire satisfac- lion to consumers. - ix. v . jlc ia mos. IX. VT. : EIDENc " , 4 : J. D. T'HITE. - RID EN t WHITER LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. HAVING made arrangements by which we will receive tvccnrate copies of all the Townships embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebraska, wo are now prepared to offer our services to Lie ,. "SQUATTERS-. OF THE TFJIRITTORY In Filing Declaratory Statements of. - Intention to Preeaipt. Securing : ' ' Pre-emptions, Locating Laud' "- 1 Wnrrants and :i ; ENTERING LANDJ V; LAND 7 ARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD. Land Entered on Time, &cM Particular attention paid:, to Buying ftnd Selling Troperty on commission: Also, to makiag Collections aad forwar Jir g remittances to any prji of the Union, XHatiks ci all kinds always oa band. : RlL'ENs VKTTE. : REFERENCES, f ! u j' non. A. A. Bradford, : S. F.NoeiolLs, Messrs. Dolman & West; " Peter A. Ki.ller, :. Thomas Lu mpkin, ,t ; June 23, 15. vl-n4 : ' Kebraski City: :r ; . : j f St. Joseph, Mo Washington City GREAT ; . WM. R MARTIN,) lOTC '"O. O, HARTIN, " New York. J ' XOcJU.'V V. .St. Louis. - MARTIN- &- BROTHER, r TEE OLD ORIGINAL CL Q THIERS, T7o. Ill AITD Ko; 1 HkTi jrmtrT, ; r . : '-. ST. LClilS, rO.Ci- V L I?OR the apirrr rprn. v ttP. hive a TRE ? MENDOUS STOC'iwUi: OLQItUNG,manufac: tureci bv tanelvcs ia Ne"w York, titmsly for this market. In point cf STYLE. 'QTALITY' i !ITJCE, we cf.'y any and : omrtt.tion!. . Vie Live tnrrsei down cur tri:o very rs iro but Inter d sd.ir.tonone . -- i j:. to 1 To Each wc would asi a thorough efcKJunatioa if I our fctock l;cre purtr. HI T TTTT -ih-v --, T-v y. JJ1 U XX' asS! Ured to uteSSSniS and-ounseUors:at Law. sion ness. Having lately enlarged their shop. aad'with AnJ Gtipral LauA Asrents. ;; u -. . .... the increased facilities they now posse&Vthev hope to T T -r. t'tt -r, n t k r : i" ' J H. WElTTEMOBjf.B; B. WHITTEjIOSE. J. f. CABTEB H: ;& R. B. WinTTEMOEE I : CO., ' :. ; : VThdttale Dcaltrt tii ' ' liONNETS AND STRAW GOODS. N0..113 MALN STREET,'. .. (First dwratovo the Bank of Missouri.) .' C2t- XaoiaJLis, 3VTo- . tSCash paid fcr Furs and Deer Skin3. . J REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ; CXORGS CLATE3. . J. w Li.. : , :CLAYES; Si LEE. Real Estate . and General Agency, OMAHA CITY, N Ti - ' - -": References. ; ; ! ": ' James Wright, Broker, . . New 1 ork, - Wm. A. Woodward, Esq. ' ' Hon. It. Wood.'Ex-Got. of Ohio, Cleveland, Wicks, Otic atd Brownen, Bankers " - AlcottJfc liortcn, - . - , Col. Robert Campbell, r f St. Louis, James Ridgway, Esq. : H Crawforn and fcackett'., . . uiucago. Omaha City, Aug. 30, 1855. vln!3-ly : -CHARLES KEARNY, AYholesale and .Retail Grocer '. - AND STEAMBOAT AGENT. East side Market Square op'site Market House BEGS leave to mtomi the citiaens of St, Joseph, and the nubiic tfri-U?. that he has just open ed a large and fine assortment of Groceries, to which ho invites the attention of Country Merchants, Plan- tors aad the public generally. ' oat stores constant ly n hand. i '.: - - . ' ILuimber! IL'umber! TpHE undersigned has on hand and for sale at his JL mill. Rush Bottom, SLo., One hundred and Twenty-five Thousand feet of various kind3 of Lum ber, which he offers for salo at the following prices. Square edged lumber, - - - fcl,50 1 Sheeting, -" - - - - 1,25 Blaek Walnut, - - - 2,00 ' There is a ferry across the Missouri river, opposite tne mill. Lumber will be delivered on tho . ebraska shore, at 50 cents in addition to the above prices;' - - 'LUUIS LAWRENCE. September 20, 1356. vlnlf-Smpd - '-; w JAHES CAKGILL. , CEO. ..CABCIIi.' C J. & G. W. CARGILL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION , MERCHANTS.,... . AND MANUMCTUIIER'S; AGENTS, Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, Mo, CONSIGNMENTS of Good3 tsd Produce respectfully solicited, and all business entrust ed to us will be promptly and carefully attended to at the lowest rate3. :.-? - References -r r? - Taylor Jt Shepherd, T: "" ' SCLouis, R. L. McGhee & Co , " " ' Livermore, Cooley A Co.',"" ' " " " l" Merchants Generally, 1 St. Joseph. 1S5G. , , , FURNITURE. - i 1856. SOARRITT & LIASON. FTJRIUTURH & UPHOLSTERY, DEALERS AND - ' "I : ' r ivxaxiuiaottiTers. No. 4&and AZ. Washington Avenue, 5t. Louis, Mo. HAVING completed pur ajraagemcnts .for a full stock of Goods in our line.'and having the bes(5 assortment the 7est,"w9 take pieasnre-in offering to purshasers both WllULlJSALK and RdTAIL: !'- ('500 doaen tvood seat Chairs, 3000 Bedsteads, -!-!','. li)0 Bureau,, : t, - rr ,iUu, iao - can aat 'f i doyr : , 100 ; do:i rocking.; f .dO ! . 100 .do -j-childreas'f do,:-,;. : :500,' tin-safes, -U vlf 500 Dining Tables, 501) Breakfast. do, iO0; Wash ;i ,. d,o'i "J- 20Q Cribs, assorted ;sizes it. 200 Lounges,-, i ; t : 400, Wardrobes, 1000: Looking ,Giasses,'r 100 do?. Rush aod split hot- E3fTo which wo add mahogany and walnrat, par ley and rocking Chairs, Sofas, centre, sida and, exten sion Tables; Secretaries and Book Cases, -r-.1: u f. ;L'thoJstery in great ivanety, guch & .spring, hair, cotton, moss and tusk Matresses, Comforts, Spread?, aad Blankets.-, t,.-" . ,'. i.f.. ; w;:.J . Oar work is afL; Warranted a3 represented -put Prices, as Low us the .Lowest.. .. .,: - , , , ; ; Orders promptbl and faithfully executed and.ro- spoetCully.eoUeitetl.. Satisfaction guaranteed. !.7i, 1'lease call and I'Atastryourselve?.. , t St.. Louis, July 26, 1855, i.vln8-6m h.-j n'..-,f.-: h; t. joEssojr. ' " j. t. cassidt i. test... JonNsONi cassadv & test, f!OTTNOTL BLUFFS. IOWA. WILL promptly attend to'Lahd Agencies, Ifi vesting Money, Locating- and selling Land Warrants, and all other business pertaining to their profession, in Western Iowa and Nebraska. imowNMSjcarriU h Nor78, 3Iain Sieet, Si7 Louis; Mo. SPBING STOCK ' COMPLETE. . . ' - r:-, ,; ATbe cheapest and most extensive Fancy. L Goods an4 Yankee Notions Establish' ment ia the Western Country. : F.ROTTANTS in:fearch of chearpood are invi- JX ted o examine our stock of silks, dres3 goods, shawls, white goods, tmbroiacnes, , ribbons, gloves and hosiery, trimmings, furnishing good3 and smtJI wares gene: ally, together witn l5,ow l'arasols of the? latest and most fashionable styles; at manu facturers' prices,. , , ' ' ; ' ' Cash buyers,. cIosq "pureha3er3, and prompt 'mon will find our stock adapted, tov their wants in every particular. A call from thg trado is respectfully b Ucited.. . ; , .' v ... " vlnl2tf August 23,1350, I. " .' T . - ROBT. 1L4 1IATTEN, Proprietor. ' Tho very -best attention eiven animals bi giiod aad atte-ntiye Hostler. ; ' vl-n4 f ; - ROBERT' L; IIATTEKi" ' : f. U -j'.ij.:--..! r.NEW - 'GROCERY. Head Quarters for ' Bargains!;. J ' ;;-RUFUS JL EDWARDS, ' Wholesale and retail dealer in i. Staple and Fino iGrocerieSy AYlnes, Teas, Foreign and Domestie Liquors, and everw- thing else appertaining t9 the business pf a vroik't. Main, between Jule'and Second street3, "'.""' (Opposite the Edgar House.) .... . ST. JOSEPH, MO. IT . :; Eagle;:li5IIilIs. o r T, - ST. Joseph, mo. ;: v, JA3ICS , CAUGILY,, Proprietor.. "VfANUFACTURES and keep3 constantly JjJL on hand for sale, all kinds of Flour, Meal, and Feed stuffs, Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favoraole terms. Cash paid constaiJy for Wheat.: For character of Flour refer to everybody tnat ever used it. - 1 , ..t-'l St. -Joseph, Me., Aug. 30, 1856.--vlnl3-ly- St PIoit Factorv, " t Market'Sq.i3are, St. Joseph, Mo:; r," 1 TANUFACTURER of Prairie plows of all sizes Xf jl one anu wo uorse i lows nui puovcirpi'jw; Cultivators and narrows. AH order ?7 under five-b un dred plows) EIld iihmediately. f Liberal discount to wholesale pure hasers."5 ' 1 4 1 ' '!!, ; C3ATJLE3 yxsiv.;::: .,v . js. .j. ai'ASHEsr. WEST & 3icASIIEN; 1 x rORARDIKG S CODnSSION Grocers and Stcsrnbqat Acnis,; : ; Corner. ' Second qvu.1 lYartds Streets, ' 1 . ' (Opposite A-Tleatie's Banking Boose. :" ' C3t, Jojii3oxplx, ' rXiraooxxxi. A N assortmont i f Boat Stores, Groceries, Wines J.X. Liquors, Meal, Hour, Ac.,-' kenf contantrr o hand. , : July To, ISoS, Tl-;a3 on FORSYTH -& CO. u coiniMpiniiiciiAXTs r? . . . , ;- ,. CF THE-.- ' . . i UAL I1I0RE AND . OHIO, RAILROAD. Ko. 3, Olive Street-,' E-t, Loti's.'IIo.' ,v1 'J I I ..-Sr.- ,5IOEE!iar!T!S.:, pateni-iGrain; sepaeator r UIE, SUBSCRIBER nowf FF to ar: X nish Farmers and others with his l- " . .; .-GrRAlN: SEPARATOR,' u - . or the present season. It i3 unnecessary to speak particularly of the merits of these Maohines, as they aretoo.wejl known throughout the, country to neea vfftllii? Tiiit. ihn fnitt. that thev hftveherstoforeanc , "r--7..'; V2f are continuing to. receive wie preiumm and County Pairs where they have been exnibitedla jufneient to nluoQ all thosa in. wanii pi puco tu, fai chine, to purchase one of these, At a practical test of. tills Separator in competition with the best of those xnade.in England, in -185 J, it received the highest commendations of theprsss, fend of the leading grigulturalists of that country, r., ' I have a large number of them on hand,' ready for "she coming crop, mode of sthe best material, and war ranted to do good work. ' 4 , I haTomade maay valuable improvements in theSs machines within the last year, and have no hesitation in warranting them superior to any in use; I am also preparing a large number of . Crawford's Improved Clover Hollers, patented in 1S54, which are greatly "superior to his patent of 1814, being ia itself feeder, an greatly ahead of it in -other rtspecH. They Will bs manu factured under the immediate supervision. of (thc patentee, who hfis permanently located in this placo, The above cut represents- my four horse Sepaif lor, anu IS uCSJgncu cnccuuiji imi iwuiusi j w u t . Im also asent for McCortnick's .celebrated REAP ER and MOWING MACHINE, combined." ; J. R; MOFFITT, Piqua, Miami couniy, Ohio it, rurnitnre and Upholstry' Of Great Variety. At the Banner Furniture Waro Rooms of nENTON1 & TRBIBLE, Ort Second Street, Sign of .Hie Chair and Bedetcal. fTHE continued liberal patronage of the citizens of JL St. Joseph, Sortn YV estern Missouri, Kansa3, Ne braska and Western Iowa, for all f 'which we feel thankful, ha3 induced n$ to increase our facilities for doing business., Jt laving built last spring, a ,very large Manufactory Establishment on Francis street, and having employea some of the very best workm m the Eastern cities, we aratow determined not to hi irat'doiie byny!thfT Firrnitore Establishment hi the Missouri Valley, in quantity, quality, durability, styles and prices. Our stockconaists in part of Rose wood, Walnut and Mahogony Bureaus, marble and solid tops of every stylo; extehsi6rcentre,card, din ing and sida table; Book cases, W ash stands, Wtrk tables and Wradrobes, Sofas, divans, ottomans'aad footstools, spring seat paricr. caairs, roctangj .nurse, elizabeth chairs of evary variety Mahogony, wal nut, cherry and maple bedsteads of every stylo and .variety. coring, tiair, moss, cotton and ghtiek'iriai tresses &rij-tgii&t- with-all -other- artielts la ciur line, usually kept ia a Furniture Wareroomv , We say then to all who may want good Furniture, 'either for hotels, parlors r bod rooms, give us a cajl and xr amine our work and prices, and we think you will leaf e ycrar money here in place cf lending it to 'Sin Louis; and .getting .an: inferior article ut.tho,. same crice you can set a eood one here at. , . , Ourinotto is ih'i cash system,'' which will enable to-sell at s.majler .profits taaa our? crjtnyother esfcib lishment 'can do where the credit svstem i3 adopted 1? '.J Tlid hJfhlpst Tiri(A fiiii fii em nn t Wit. nut ana inerrytuiaiwr. . fl .. t St. Josepn, Aug 30, 185u- vinl3tf' ': ' - ' i '.Cl :."t ',.,1. ,; ,3 "A THiira CF EEACTIJ 18 iA. JOY FOBEVEB. " C01aE'3 VOYAGE VOF LIFE, Childhood, Youth,. lUanhoodOId Aire, Four splendid Line Erigrarfngsfrom' therOrigirals in-the"Ganery:lho,Sp;ngler Institute;-Plates, loxl'3. Paper, 2013?.'- ' ""- -i XTGREAH NATIONAL lYORK;!tJ3 Of .five jnara'exeduiion, involving oil expense of2b,' QUI), Artist s proofs, -Jduia, A;ettered( !u. Plain' $20". : ' : - A prospectus containing a full description of the work; with testimonials frpm our first ARTISTS, our most em.ttftJiiil)iINES Id.fifftv'sSdisUniruiiied STATESMEN, the best accredited JUDGES OF ARTJat hotod .and aliroad, together wJthlha :; ' VOICE ;'0F: THITPKESS Of thjeta&d .alioof thohighfeEur,ope"ar au- tnority, ... v ,, THE LONDON ART JOURNAL, Will be forwarded oh the receipt of two postage stamps.1-- ' ; ' 1 - A '"' v,;n";.; The TraUe'suppliea on th'3- most ! ' ' " Liberal. Terras; y v ' . s Appropriate and tajteful styles of frimes, prepar-- ed.expressly for this work,, at. the. lowest cash rates, are furnished, at prices yaryipg. from .$10 to S?.2 the set. lioxing, pacipg and cartage from if I to $J Address the .Yoyage )f Life4 R.ev... A.. R. WOLFE, Tlnl4tf . . .. ..bpingler. institute, . 1. eob wjJtDma:f commission :v: -;; ;;iierciiaiit.s;' : r; rrNor 23-Levee, and 56 Commercial street, " v ? ? -n "st; Louis, Mo,' 1 Especiadatteniion given to sales of HEMP. ROPE, Provisions, t lour, uram; &c. Consignments solicit' ed, and promptly disposed of. '9.T - AMERICAN IIISTOIt Y: : f : LIFE AND WORKS OF JOHN ADAMS -Seeoud President of.the,Uaited States." EDITED BY, HI3 GRANtSO, . . T :;; ,-cnARLEs. francis; ADAitCr' 10 vols 8vo. $22,5' vols, 1 & 10 last published i . . ...... Of the writings pf our Revolutionary worthies, none have been presented to the public with aa Eiftch ability, care and good faith, as those of John Adams. 1 he niaia portion oi tho labor devolved on-Charles Francis Adams, who has devoted io it several years, and has set au'exflonjle cf thorough research and sound judgement, which cannot ;b: to highly eota-mended.-ri&i 'Wil Orineold. f i 7 ' r.'j It is a work for the statesman to read and study a work especially suited to young men-a work with which we can well afford to identify" our national reputation.3 Recorder. Vm.U ..; i Every j stwdcBt of American history, American laws, usuage3. and institutions, should make himself acquainted, with these tapers, containing aa they do the reflections ; of niind of great coaipreheiision, deep sagacity and extensive learning on the funda mental principlefl of government.-rSftai JSrW One of the most valaablo contributions yet made to American historyPAarfAtVy??.' , r Such a coutributian to American hi?t(ry we- have not had before, e3tceot in the collection of- theW'it ings of Washington" and Jefferson. Probably in lit erary value and. interest this wUl f urpasa them both. '-Boston Trantcript. 1 ; ; " ,r ljr r. ,. ; LITLE, BROWN & CO.", ' , ' , ' " " 112 Washington Street, Boston. Wholesale & Retail Department, , . 'DCrNNELli &13AXTON;, ... ' ' . THE PEOPLES" STOllEt-- ' ; T.:OSEPilrMO.'i ';lot NeTy , Goods ree'd by every. SteaintoatJ Libre pf thorn: Cheaper than ever. "T7E are prepared to offer Extra Inducements V j) "this season, and call attention to our large Stockcf .- .-.: . - r PRY GOODS, "rrVTfpr-r"" " , LADIES' DRES GOODS, (Latest Stjles) . ' : FASUIONADLE BONNETS, . V i iIlFJATJY-:MADE'CJLOTniNGv;r tit ire .-.. WINTER GOODS.. -a 7. ? ' Hats, Caps, B ys anl Shoos, (six hundred cases,) Groceries Nail?, Hardware, Crockery Wape vasapaid for Hemp, on deuvcry.at all times. ' ' - .-'TnOilAS IL LARK1N & CO., - ' Isq. VSp,,Leve?, Comer 'of; 01 ire street,. ""i-; f - ' -ST. LOUIS, MO. i 'r- ;'Sr.'ocial attention given to sales of HEMP, GRAIN ana lUJJAviaj, jvooravjrs laKnicrtne porcaa'e of Hemp, under any circumstances,. ' - . r. - - Country Produce W ANTED,-and fr wbieVwe alisw the l.iest VV Market price. UORUTZELL & CO. -. ; .KQTICR .: . NOTICE. , . Merciianfi Sportsraa 'and Hanufacturers. HORACE E. DHlicK & CO'S ' iREAT WESTERN EMFORITJ5L, for Shot Gut, Ijr Ri2cs, Pistols, FLibitg Tackle and Srcrthg Ap paratus of every variety, is at No. 12, Korl laia street, St. Louis,' . the sigd of th Deer th ) it m- We kucp constantly on tani a full asscrtuent cf Hunting, Target and Minnie JtifleS, Together with every -variety of Purcussioa Caps, Guns, Wads, and Wadding Papir, -Fishing Tackle, &c.', io.j in fact, everything conflicted with, tie Gun Trade." '" ' "' i Two Hondred Breech loading KJles o'Tariouii patents. , '. V , . - ... - . i N. B. All. ilnls" of gun material and mcuiitir.g, ia thof orsed, filed and finished state. t r . . J I lease call and examine for yoarselvos befari yoa make your purchases, as experience is the only true guide. . , ST" Our goods are all'warraated by-as. ? ' August 23,1S53. vlnl2tf ' "" " Richardson's LEi-souri ' " : Express "(Dpiiipany, , Principal Office- No. 13, N, Main St., f34 LiUUfO) iUlOOUUlll. friEG 'leayo td inform tho public, ' that thoy- hiite " j extended their Express Line to this place. Hav ing complied with the requisition of their Charter, ! and bein f uliy ornitedi are now' prepared to trani-1 act a ' . General Agency Business The success which has attended the original Propri etor is a guarantso of thS satisfaction ren4ir.a,nd it will always be the aim and study cf the Executive of this Company, to give every possible facility for tho speedy and sate transmission or v ..: p 3Ioney, Valuable Paekaaes, Parcels and Eandles ot Goods, JJ ere handle, vf i and eyry description of Freight, on reasonable terms, to' all points on the Missouri River, and at St Louis, with'other responsible Express Companies, for New York, New Orleans. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, Burkrgtou, Louisville, Rock Island, Mem phis, Pittsburgh and. Buffalo, and to alm jst every town anii Villiageiti tlid United States, Europe, Aus tralia and California. f , i A Messengwill be 'put on -the new steamer Oma ha, imikirg weekly trips between here and St. Jo seph, there connecting with our daily line to St Louis and all points as above. In behalf of the Enterprise, the patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. All business entrusted to os, will meet with the same energetic and prompt attention which has always characterized this Express, and made it pre-eminent in Western Express business. DIRECTORS. :r ; ' i V St.. Louis - r - - - 7 " Edward Mead. Sameci, McCartjost. WDj W! BisRjtAso,: i : Jons W. Toole y;. r , r Joseph F. Richardsox. ' , B.' Fv Barry, Alton; W. J. Pigot, r,exicgton. : ' . , JCSEF11 F. RICHARDSON, Pres't. S. M.-Grat; SecV.' V ' - " :'vln2. , ;:.,,f f Hesry ..Kyle, General Agent. BOOK . STORE! , JU3T OPENED AT XIIE HEAD OF BROADWA3T, - 'COUNClL OJLUFrS, IOWA.' J TTJ.tlERE may. loo. found a. largo -.as'aorfcrreEt ,1 T r 0f BOOKS AnJ RATION VIIY, and everything in their line, consisting in part, aa' fol lows; - ; .! -; ;. Y;. j,. ; Flistories and Biographies J : -oijJ Narratives cod Travels;:. .Mjfo ifi-.l JivL ,. School Books, , r . ,'" r ' -ii'i M stfellatkeoua Works; Ki- " (t' -- J 1 i n t ; Lives of Eminent Persons, r''Jil Agricultural Works; - 1- -.1 .j Standard Poelical. Works,., , Religious Works; '" " .' r 2 $ong Books, cj r10 ' fit tii liibles and iiymn iiooks, ' Novels and Light Reading, I Pictorial Works Ii: t 1 J y J . . . Ulank liocks, iO') Paper; Pets' and Ink? O) 'JOifJl Canw and -tnft Uooks, r ... To V3 and Fahcv Primers. ;; i;f7.' j i . . Portfolios and Albums. . ... t And a thonsaiid other1 useful and necessary articles Also. red. black and blue LNkb. of our own man ufalture, .Wiiolosale'sni IJetailjiap cheiip as tan be had in StiTLduis, and warranted o.the best quajity, put- op in quart, pibt-aiki LaufanL' bmxxs also,lxa ior iwmawo otiuce ooitiss. r j i. t.i..i. -Professional men wishlng'a' ti'l of '-' :0'J !?r f'tTf mmmmm: Can be supplied here at 20 per cetit anove pub lishers pricefj wfl payieg nll costs and btaitigbem at the shortest notice. Our arrangements embrace any.iJTANIAIlD BOOIS printediin,' tho Uni ted btatcs. , C&U and see our stock wo aro new bogWiibrs"but will serve our customer- the best of our ability. Our prices, wo are sure will bo satisfactr-r, - i ,i ; tCRAl(J A' SANFORD. Counotl Bluffs, Iowa, June H, '56 vln2 f r ; -r;:ir.::,i. l?CfGS,.& , CO., Importers of , and Wholesale Detdert in . Frencli G erman: British & 'American lu ii": -w- ' r. "-a ;-f - Fii'iicy.Gobals;';, HOSIERY GLOVES, TOYS, NOTIONS Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes 39 North 3Iaia Street, (Up Stairs,) -. : ST; LOUlSk MO ' ... HAVING since 'the first of January, adopted the Exclsive Cash System, wa dravfr tho atten- sion of close buyers to the fact that we hu vo'reviscd our entire stock, and reduced former Credit Prices from 5 to 20 per cent, according to the nature of the dia'urent articles.; " , tA ' ' : ' . Comparisoir' Respectfully Solicited. Price List? rany be hat! 6n applijatibn. , St. Louis, Augl3, 1856. .Vl-nl2tf 1 i i, j 18.56.,- KPJUNG, ; SALES. I50. tow rmcES.TO cash and prompt time buyers JOHN 'HALS ALL,' !:: .1, i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C !- BOOKSELLER STATI0I7ER. f A2? D BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS.;; ! HAS for sale ajl the Spelling boons; ueographies, Reader&'IIktorirics; Chemistries; Dictionaries; A rithineticsi Philosophies, dc, now in u$e, together bocks formipg. tho most complete assortment .to be found in-the city: Also, Writing paper; and Foreign an Domestic statl'iart tf ..the t finCit duality.. country merchants and others sheuld not fail to call ft. rj o. -.v . ii m "?ti!. n . v ! . j ittr. si y.v.riv-it X856o -FALL TRAEEMtIBoQ ;XrVA5D JJEAD.-. W. IL MAUKlCTE. E. H1IEA0. . ..Oldest Houi of the kind irthe Wt 0 . . ; No. 5Q pajo. cor,'.?ine ;st.v, v ' Importers and Wholsalera r Watches,; J e'welryi and Fancy; Godtls. T7:ATCIIJIAKERS:r TOOLS,, and materials, sil v J yer and platei warc.'shot guns, rifles, tiatols, eJvof7ers,rmusieal instruments, dagerreotyp.aHibrr types," Ac, ebrystalotype materials; BTotel and Steam post tr-Die ware, '.' ' - r.L r Tj-nl5-3m St. Louis, September 13 1856. lfi .iROBBINS& POMEROY, , , ,M , .t.VBOLESALS DEALERS LI . f , pqDTS,SK0ES&-SOLELEATI!EnI Sos. is l-eari ana .71, Jiain street, ClKCrNNATIOHIO. tf. P.' BE.VXETT, '-' . k. OaTOX, " H. H. HABJJISO y :iiENifirr, ?ioa.TOX &'iiardixg.t; attorneys nti ILaiv, - ?fcbra5.a'Cityf'N T.$ and Cleatyod, la TT7IEL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and V r Western Iowa. PartvjuUr at tentln paid to otitaining, locatin; Land Warrants, and collection cf debts.' ----- Iloa. Lewis Cass, Detroit. J :1IkMgani -r: Jaius u.' Morton, Sedewich A Walker. Cbicazo,.Ili -. Crcer-,Weari A Benton, 'Ccnncil Z alls, Iowa. i7. 7- FACTO r JJO If 1.4- jtL'lf ' 71 T AM?FA CTCJLE R of the'Prc'mJlCT f low, of ya rioos gizc-s; oco, and two, home Prairie plows Lruili s nd Steel pUws, for sale Wbfntfiale ant Re ti jt:i tul, ca becond etr?et, tixce floors orth oi Jiarset ..Gov Joel A. Matteson, Springfif:l3, T.!;, . , . . . i - Gov. J. W." Grimes, Iowa City, Iciraj 1 ' ' 1 ' c;iB..P. Filod;,St; Louis, Mo.-, ,r jTrJ, ;..,. ' EoH; Daniel O." Morton, Toledo, Ohio;' ' ' ' .IV, A. Sarpyi BeUeraa, Ntbraslra:;; j 2 olf & C. If. niTCiOCS. . C. ARDSLE2. . BSX. JOY. d; lirpiiviicocK ' co., :l Bet; OViva and Locust streets,' St. Lou;3, Ho. ANUFACTURERS cf Cooking; Heating, ard Parlor Stoves anl Grates., ; AUa J..inufacturers of four sues of JeweH'3 lat ent Gary Plough, one and two hone, right and left haul.- '; " 41 .' Shakespeare and hi3 Contemporaries. T' ' ; PAlSTElJEY JOHN1 FA ED. '' - WILLIAMS, STtVEXS, WILLUMS & CO ; 't. 353 Jproadway, 1 Have pleasure in announcing that they have at length received a finished Proof of the Engraving by James Fasd, from the above- painting, ; . r ' It Is without exception one of the mo3t brilliant Engravings cf our Crao. ?- t . . ,.. ; . Prints, 10 dolls; Proofs, 2d dolls; Proofs with Au tographsj SiT" dulls: Artist Proofs. 40 dolls. i A few choice impressions of "EVANGELINE" are stul to be bad. . . u . : l l : . .; Prints, 5 dolls; Prw-fs, 10 dol!s; Trocfs before lt ter, 13 dolls; Artist Proofs, 25 dolls. Nev. 15 ISoti. ;r.., JOimvPSAMSELL, : r (late op BOSTON) FasIiionaMe Tailor, 'T ''--;;' noeir port mov : INFORMS tho pnblie that Le is now prepared to .serve them in the abovo named capacity. Having had long and extensive "experience, he flatters him self, nc can plcaso all who favor him with their pat ronage, uooa nis warrantea in ail cases. . PARTICULAR ATTENTION J Given to cutting out garments fer home making. Urownville, Aug. 24, looy-T '7 vl-nl21y WUITniDGE. r.f ; -!- J111S A.. WIIITIUDGE Jb CO.r MANrTACTCBEKS OP ' ' " ' ' Iasonic Gothhi. and Odd Fellows Also Eegalia for Temperance' and other Societies, Ao. Ilia H (un &toef, tj) Siairt, , '; CINCINNATI, 0. jiasoxs. " References, odd tzixovs. ' W. B. Dodds, G M of Ohio O. P. Morton, PGM Ind. C. Moore Ed JVIasome Rev; 1 urner & Oray,pub Casket F. J. Phillips, IL P. City W. G. KeiLjon, PGM Ohio The Editor of the Advertiser will have specimens cf Regalia from the above Manufactory, and recieve orders from Lodges or private members for Regalia. August 2, 1355. vl-natf HARPER'S MAGAZINE. . Close jof the Thirteenth Volume. ' Subscribers to Harper's Magazine, whose sub scriptions expire with the November number, are respectfully requested ti renew them without delay, 'Terms: Three Dollars a year, or Twenty-five Cents a Mumber. The Semi-annual volumes, as completed, neatly bound in cloth, are sold at Two Dollars each, and rcnslin covers are furnished to those who wish to have their brk numbers uniform ly bound, at Twnety-five cents eoch. Thirteen vol umes are now ready, bcun 1 ia. cloth, and also in half calf. ..... ; Clubs, of two persons at Five Dolhrr3 a year, five persons at Ten Dollars, or eleven persons at Twenty Dollars.; ,-! - ' - . ,; , Tho commencement of a volume affords a favora ble occasion for the opening of new subscriptions Tho December number will commence a new vol ume. .')'-' .'. '!.)'. ii. The Magazine weighs over seven and not over eight ounces.' v TSe postage "upon' each number is Three Cents. . -. . : .. , T.r :.. - Each number of the Magazine will contain 141 oc taror pages, in double- columns, each year, this s com prising nearly two thousand pages of the. choicest Miscellaneous Literature of the da?. Every num ber will contain nuuioroos Pictorial Illustrations, ac curate Plates of the Fashions, a copious Chronicle of Current Events, and impartial Notices of tho im portant Books' 'of tho month. Tho Volumes com mence with the numbers for JUNE and DECEM BER; but sabscriptiona may. commence "with any number. lARTFJi A LRO'S, Publishers, - ---Pranklin Squjrre, New York. ; PAfsTS," OILS, ' VaRMSHES,1 French and Ameriean Window Cla'$ &. Glqrwartl r-, .'Spices, Indigo, JUadckr, 'erfierieriettd-cs! r j SPRING-STOOK! lt. CIIARLTJSS,, BLOWt CO.r, r IMP0RTITR3 WUOLES ALE DEALERS. x -i.j?orj63ajid6T 2Iain street; St. Louis,.' Hju.' ; '. . ...... - .Are now in receipt of .their newStock,.embraoir.g everything In their line. ' ' , J3FMercbahtfl yiaiting our City tro requested to cive us a. call, as we are determined tn sell for Cash or Prompt Time:Pa"per,as low as any llousa ia th United Mat-os. . . . - T. J. RAFTERV. Jv P. KELLY. .. : llarkcfc Square, .West, St. Joseph, Ho..' . KAITERV l KELLY, WHOLESALE '& RETAIL DEALIKS. HAYE the pleasure of announcing to theirfriends patrons, and the public, that they have remov ed their establishment from-Main street to Market Square, West side of the Market House, where they wjl! keep constantly on hand, a lare and varied'as- sortmeolof groceries, salt, liquors, dry gocd.", queens- ware, lioots, snoes, ac.,jwith a largo supply of ehoiee family flour Bd meal. Attention, is invitd to their7 select stock of Virginia and Missouri tobacco, manu factured expressly to their order, which will bo said as usual, at a low figure. , " , , . V ith a thousand thanks for tue generous svpport that preceeded their removal, which was occasioned by the encroachment of the Missouri river, they now solicit a continuance of that support, and as the best inducements to customers, they guarantee that their prices shall be. low, and their goods unsBrpaSscd.---They invite country dealers and the public, to inepwei their stoek of groceries, particularly their choice col lection of Teas, with full assurance that they stand uione in uiis cuy, ooin as regaras quality ana eneap ness. - Received per steamer "Edinburgh, 30 this of Pittsburgh and Dayton ahy; Terms cash . or produce-. : Cash paid for wheat. t r AMERICAN AND ORIGINAL. . raiCKERBOCKER ifAAZINE " " ;!-u For 185T.';- ' The Forty-ninth . Voluio of tho Knicieebock'xb Magazine will commence with the number for Jan uary, 1857; and it is the intention of Ihe Publisher to make great additions t the literary merits cf the work. '' '-' L --.i- , We Lake it fo? grahtcd, there aro hut few Maga iine readers in the country who are not familiar with the authors of Sr. Lkgzh and tho Sparsow -Grass, both old edutributors to tho Knickerbocier. We araplcafcd.to'be atliito annoenco that thvw ill both write for our rnngaxina the coining year. Mr, Cozzens willcontribaSo'a ftew': and 'really original Story, which will appewia very number; and Mr KiMBALL-will furni?h.a Sketch oraStoryas cftenas Hi1!) other uuties will permit." J - - - ' ' XEiun: Three Dollars a year; in advance; -Tw c)pic3 Fire lk;r.irs.'. Five copic and upwardsTeii py.lsrs., JTha Magazln is j sold- by all pri.jdical dealers. Specimen numbers sent free f charge n iTbe Knickerbocker and, wsji otbtr Three Doliar Jlagiiine, sent one. year for J ive Dollars. The Knwkeibocker and Home Journal, one year for Four Dollars. . , Letter eontaimnz remittance' anl t.vo-n,r-,i.L . . .j - - ... I .J 1 1, C W. 1. - ad- R. ork. OLIVER BEXKETT & CO., MANCFACTCRSEX AXD WHOLE3ALI CEi.LXR3 LK 'i ' r Boots Shcc3 Cc Brogaias, N0l h MALY STREET, SAINT LOUIS, ' MO. ARE NOW IN RECEIPT of a eomplete assortment of goods from their own and other manufac tories, adapted especially to the Western trade. . Purchasers are inviwd to examine their stoek manufactured and selected with great care mi warranted of superior quality. Orders will receive prompt andcareful attention. PALMER HOUSE, S. BARBOUR, Proprietor . ' : Comer of "Illinois ahd'TTasLin: ;ton Streets, -t INDIANOPOLI3, INa ' THI3 wcll-kitowa and popular llotei, has roccttit .boen re-built and greatly enlarged by th addi tion of -iity cr seventy rooms.' and is furnished thirnghnu-twi'th n?w and beautiful farnitu re. and is la all rospxt--, a First Class Hotel. Trave ers will find tb.3 -i 'aimer" all they can desire for com fort, luxury .PTid pleasure. The" table" will' at all tim;s b supplie-l with the best the market affjrds and no pains uFJ be: spcirei ta render the atav nf ... i , tK r,-,,vi, i . . 'J " j "TRY THE PALMER I10USR"' gu3t ?. VMt. fvlnlMy. ' . : - : , A. Am DAT.& HATLACS, Wholesale Dealer Dry Coed, E. 57 Pesrl sfrf L V. v.. not as ii Viae; Cjjtiacati, Ohio . dl'.rr O -' Brpadway,Nuw.Y 6 CO. "So. 1G, Mam Streef, vuiiu fcuoiurcHuon ior luurtaea jear i has sustained itself wherever it has been v "1 a to competition with other Mills. Ir. lii . the otbermake of Mills "of ourcity.Mti.? Fair, in 1350, when it drew a dipW Corn Mill, and was an ardei a fine ii ver Jt , W .: - . v ! . . . - '""HM..., ' ana nree express! Jorgr.ndicg f.4, fi -' 1 i. L . . . 1 . . ni ri pctuu-tr nvcHJ ot tms. 31i:l is. stono is the running stone, in all esse- -n.' ,rit limit to the speed, and as speed L vsrythin ing, it will ont grind any upper grinder in fs'''- Secondly: By this arrangement ws art ' T get grain into the Mill with a ttry 8Maji qaenily we grind nearer' the centre anjVf with le.s wer than any upper runner m- l chel cases, iiiis is a treat vexation c-a,,. trouble in all Mills where the upptr itont M ner. Of course, we mean smill Millwhsr. tK " tion must be high to do much basioeRs. W,B Fourthly: Our Mills never lake uoirrVr r, empty the under stone not touching the at!8 no injury can be done. This is an important6' ta?e over all Millj where th nm.t .7- ner. August 23,LSo3. lalj FRESH DPtY-GOOfK . r EED1V JAMESON & CO, ' Nos.-170 and 172 Main St., St. LW THE ErilTISH PIZIIOLICais; 1 lllXi IVAttAUSU'S CiLIUS. - . 1 . t . . . . - ., Great litductivHi the Price of thi latUrfiUic, , ' Jj SCOTT & CO Newr.York, Continue to publish the following British Pe-v. cals, vii: :- ... The London Quarterly (C.)semtive The L'dinbursrh Iteview( Whig). ' The North Ilritish Retieur (FreC6ln:M The Westminister Iteview (LibenP. BlackwoodlsHAinargh illagazijievT These Periodicals ably represent tie tWv political parties of Great BriUin 'Wbig,Tryi14 Radical, but politics forms only cue feaursrf character. As Orjjans of the mcst profoond tritn on Science Literature, Morality, and Religion, An stand, as they ever have stood, snnvalleti ia world of lotters, being considt?rijd iadepBabU 1 the scholar and th professional manr while (ft fa intelligent reader of every class, they farciih a awn correct record of the current literature of the aV, throughoat the world, than can be possibly obtaia4 from any other source, j '..-':!. . XSrvx-ly Ccrjpios. , The receipt of Advance Sheets from thiBrit ish publishers gives additional valne- to these R. prints, especially during the prefest excitci state Enropean affairs, inasmuch as they can new b pi, ed in the hands of subscribers abont as soon u CU original editions,' . v TERMS. For any one ef the four Reviews - $3,M ' "For any two of the fnr Review, - ,M For any three of the four Ret iews . .- r 7,M " For all four of the Reviews j ' - " . 8.04 For Blackwood's Magazine - - , 3 M For Blackwood and three Reviews - .oj For BlackwooO and the four Beviews - h$ , Payments to be made ia all canes in tdrann. Money current ia the State where Issued will b ceived at par.. i.CLrBBl'o. A discount of tweaty-fiva perwit, from the above friers wilj be allowed to Clabi wda ing direct from L. Scott A Co, fonr or jnort eBs: of any one- or more of the above works.' Tia: f.r copies cf Blackwood, or of one ILsvie w, will U ml to one address' for 9 dolls., fonr pie of the 6m Reviews and Blackwood for 20 tlcla.; and so oa. - PusTaaE.In U the priccifii Ci;iee aad Totav these works will be. delivered Pass or Ciisea- When sent by mail the Postage to kaj part otto United States wi bo Jbat, Twenty four Ccnti ajnt for "Blackwood," ahd tat Fourteea CcntiavnrSr eachof the Reviews. . ,. j, ; , k - , r TIjo Iarraor'a Oxiido to sannnc asd pkactIsa t agsictltck. By IIesry Stephens, F. R. -S, .of Edinbur?, ao4 ' the late J. P.'Noktov, JVof&i-or of ScientiStf Ag riculture ia Yale Col'?, Jim llartn. lia Royal Octavo. " 1500 pages, anil nners Tfoi "and Etctl .Engravings', i v j : This is eonfessedTj the most complete work wiij ricuiture ever published,' aod ia ori!r t fit U wid-r circulation, the publialierj hv resolrtd to W dac the price to ; 'J "' -i Fire Dollars for thq'Two .Volames, . When sent hy mail (post-paid) to 'California m4 Oregon the price will ta 7 -doTIs.- To evsry other partof the Union and to Cana.La( post-paid ),t dell. Th is work it XOT tht olduDook of the Farm." . 1 Remittances' 'for anv- of the above natl-cationr should always be addressed, poft-paid, to th Psb- : ' ' I No. H Gold Street, X T. THE i NEW-' FLOURING MILL G LARK'S. PATENT COMBINED CRiyOINC and Boltin-r or Mt-rehant Wirir Milh Toil1 highly ingenious and raueh reeded invention fcrfl aa entirely new feature in th tnantifaetart of WHEAT and FLOUR by the su prior manner ia whioh it performs iu work CRLNDLSO and BOLT I"0 the Graia at 'a sin?la nrra.tinn fnta Swi diSercnt kinds of Sour and feed. Ibis mill possesses advantages ta namerous uM eanmcrated ia any ad variiaeQtri'si, The proper ia to luuy appreciate ,i great m!rit to seet i rn. It is in operation daily at ' - ' No. 313 Broadway, Comer Court sL. St. Louis, Mfc kutbu ttiiu vuumry ivig.iis ani M.IIj for . . Broadway and Court.2d SUitt. ST.. JOSEPH , L UMBER YAM. On 'Edrnond Street,-near 0.113 MiH, r-y . St. Joseph, JliMOuri. W, J. TAYLOR, RemoTect from tha o'i Stand to the above nanhed place. THE undersigned is now fully prepared to modate his patrons and friinds with the best sortment rf Pine Lumber ever; olfered in this ket, comprising not only White Pine Lumber ai White and Yellow Flooring, ready dressed; but! best' assortment of line and Cotton wocd hicgJes Poplar Sid To ir, &c. . He has now oa band, at his Lumber Yard, tie In gest and best assortment of Dors, Sash and Veni tian blinds,' ever offered ia this market, a portion of which is direct from Cincinsati mlaufactones, whit enables him to tell at'Tery red iced prices. Ba fally prepared to! fi'4 alt orders in hi line, t notice, and particularly solicit the Kansas and bradka trad, for he has tha aitklesl' the want must have. Ba ?ure to give me a fall, near Cjut1" Mill, and in thV immediate vkinity cf tae Su" aeph Brewery. , ., . ,.. RROWNIVILI F rPRRY , , -PLASTERS & BAKER, - i AjfXOLWCE to.th.j Traveiliog PuoHc, that tiT ; aro uKnareJ with everv faai:n trmftmnwdaW ' those crcsinz the Missouri rlvw. bt erii poiatoa tho ur wnp iri.wouri, travel coming to Nebraska, will find h rieatly to i greatly their & vantago to. cross at this point FERRY, RATES. For eve ivery two hoi-scs, xaujes or x:u 4 wagon, aeh indivi ioaj pair cf hrriw mulis or ex't fl eae "---., wi iiuje una DUTY, i led torso or unle, ';j- loose cattle per. head, - ; " heep and hogs per head, ; 1 J II ii cwt.cf freiglt, t M feet of 1 amber,' '' ;- unloaded wanon aad lrcrses. males or ) M M cxen therewith ' - Brownvir,, Ananwt ?, 185..-1 y ; GEO. a riUlGUSOIT. IILLWRIGHT AND ENGINES BROWNVILLB. N. T. -A y0UXES to the public; r.hat he is XX to erect bteam Saw and March. notice and reasonable terms. .. i . ; - ALL YORK Tf AR;RANTD. ,,nisal3o A'jntfcr ,r ; t - ' A. B. ilOLLIBIIlD fc CO'S ; v co tern ' Foundry ; 1 ' "l CINCINNATI, 0.; " , ' XXIT & JLCVViTT-3 f rinn'Jfactorjv CINCINNATI, O., And is prepftrei to rtccWe aiwl 1.11 ordors for ant chinery manufictareii fcr key; tn bnd,by U': tAblishmcnt.. " ' Letters cf enquiry, prompter nnswarcX. - ' REFFEREXCUS.. Jill Li.ke i Co.,Bn.wni:is, N. !,s&Whi'.e-r kwri.Jli.T T,Sla 'JiEs Low, Linlaa, 1 G. ZlOlTj St Let', ' ' A GENTS for StraaV. Cora nivn- ' A" the "Queen cf the South- -ml has bcea kept secured to the inr. i. -recently, however, (J8M 27th, ljjT74 Paten: for the United gates bar. I. JL . UuZ Wi. are now in rtceipi ci taa most ecai-V. . Trade. Merchants risiting this eiry are iari"? make an examination of rur stock and jric-a' -. f - . EDDr,JA3IES034CO.. 1 TlnSly