Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 08, 1857, Image 3

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rpunuvj u- y ......
JANLAUI 5, 164.
.a1 . -
'TV Gencr-I Advertising Ar-nt,in rear
S.lLL.Wad Children's MLoc Store,
S- H: SSSr Chestnut brcct, Said
& c Mr Canrgton,
Kim. Archer, ebraska. -
f JTTKB. Oregon, ..lo, ,
I. J- jt-ed Agent to solicit subscriptions and
lre , . Advertiser, and recieve and
peCADOC, Ohio. .
nidemt in this Territory, coming from
TtfS! of the States, often surest to tu
Tef persons in their old neighborhoods who
t "bacss become subscribers tf they could Bee
v S -Advertiser." We al wi ys send a speci
VJr and peron recievin-, will consider it a
tTln to become a regular jubseriber. Tost
Ciwd other, f eclieg auScient interest to make
'aSg!? . tak retaia the usual per cent lor their
grtCDl" .. ..
pjtiW , ,- , , , T . , ;
r ; '-job vciL'i - i---. '
.-.v..P7rf extensive additions lof nevr
' Cuts, -colored Inks, Bronzes, Cards, &c
jVio the "Advertiser" Oujre, we claim, to
j ttr mT omce,
The proprietor being
I V:ca' iirhster "'msclf abd barirS bis
V.r V' accomplished and experienced
idWuTthe esecuion of JuL"Tork. Cards
JJ!tt 0Le or Tosher's latest un pro red Card
pSs-Or Kat Vcrt hi Colors, Bronre
TfS7'c,-ni xaeft with part:cnlar atten-
' frirs froi a distance will be proraptly ai
iel Jo, aI vKMie J to tve satisfaction cr
"j.o rat.-
' . irrrr T7T i Tf C
" ' Vc desire to call the attention of our
fiends taet, and. other", vho contcm
plate. crossing tie plains the coining
reason, to the 'ad vantages of this place
a Starting Point, and in so doin- it
.is not car "object to misrepresent the!
Wasted advantages of a host of vil
lages4 tovms and cities" sitxrated below
t cn the Missouri Hirer. A simple,
" id olrvioiiS statement of facts "we
'Lit alone is'strScient, believing one
"."tnc representation is ivorlh more than
.aaca3css"string..of falsehoods, but
do-not "believe that we mean anjmsm-
caiiaa-toVards" eur neighbors. We
.hare na such. intcntion nierelj wish,
a correct understandinir had as
jo ilg Ivantagcs of our place as a
. stL-tirg, paint, for the plains; and 'in
It "will' be - remembered, '.'forty-two
ycarx ago, to-day, the Britbh underr
went -a severe chastisement, at -Is cw
Orleans, inflicted by the Americans ;
and Gen. Andrew Jackson was the
lauded champion of the bloody contest,
whose firce and undaunted ; bravery,
combined .with military Etill c-f a high
order, slaughtering and capturing the
entire British army., dumber of the
enemy kiUed, 203; wounded," 12C7;1
prisoners, tahen, 484. Loss : on the
American side.-; only 13 killed, SO
-wounded, and 19 missing. r
'All things taken into consideration,
this, in. all probability,.was one of the
most signal and brilliant victories ever
won by any of the ancient or modern
heroes ; and .long should the "anniver
saries of Euch days be kept fresh in
the memory of the present and rising
generations of he Amcricnn people.
Hurrah for " Gineral" Jacbson !
Sixteen -Deghees eelott Zeko. -
Cold 'weather has come at last: Friday,
2d inst, was a genuine,- downright,
tearing, .rearing, rip-snorting, "smash
ing wintry day, and no mistake. Snow
commenced falling early In the day,
accompanied by a "smart sea-breeze,"
which lasted about twenty-four hours.
Damages: One fine calf, six months!
old, six short-legged cliickt ns, and one
Shanghai rooster lately imported, froze
or starved to death, it is not as yet
known which, us the Coroner is pro
fessionally engaged in another part of
the county. ;i
Such cutting, cluiling u times," and
such sad casualties as these, remind us
of what might happen to the printer
should timely aid fail in the shape of
a fciu joads of tcood, or (what is bet
tera few of those fsand JCs executed
so admirably by the Neniaha Valley
Bank. Further explanation to be had
by calling at our ofnee. ,
I about licfl -v tLS-'cczs whether tlcScd
Ourcitise:i3 arebeginningto be aroused er Not. and'maik sicklaua aswe.waunt.
to the .importance of cultivating the To'cepe-tLey kattal up 'alid pliam out
art of public Epeahing, as evidence of cide. td corperait town Sytes. and
which our Semintjy was crowded on charter Rhodes from quatelb urn i tu
the evening of 'the last .'meeting; the Squashtow! and sitch like, as Tape-
debato was animated, cud - conducted cuneiary matt irs and Epeculashion we
with couimendablo decorum. " la out toTrns andTraid lots! cvrv bodey
Question proposed for discussion has an inturast in sum town or Sity
Friday1 evening, Jan. 'th, "Affirmed and a polict. ful ov town scrip whitch
that the Indian La:! a greater Tight to is gist the same as they r edy rinktum.
complain of tho - "Whites ' than the they onley cbgecsion tu Newbrasky is
NeErro.".;; Principal disnutmt as fol- their aint Lanfl ennu betwene Thev!
I , . . . . V
AEirmitive, IL S. Tiioete.
: Kcgat?ye,Il. B. Stoet. j
TeleiSrjlthic poiiiiuxiCATibir. he-
towns forPharmen purposes, butt then
yo no if tha eaint fined rume thay kan
go to Californy. i Have hepe moar tu
Write, butt i haint time now for that
"wandering Jew" is gitten up a nue
xi.aj. aua. o. wiaiAx jtiiAiA. gt.0ve for this markit and! amstartin
Mr. C. W. Field is the projector, of purpetchuel xnosion tu hichontuit too
tius:grana enterprise ot connecting save fewel and Laybour. Sew ile
America with Europe by a Sub-Marine clothes by promisen tu Wright a dis-
lelegraplju, -
; '! ' ; .Laki Omcr, Omahx,)
' - ( t; ' 17th December 1855.- f
DECLAIM ATICIXS for pre-emptinir mart hereafter
be f,;.I jn tlii cSce instead of beir ifnt, as
heretofwi--, to the Samycir-CenoraTg oEec.- They
will te received at arj tirne, and eh'juld b filed as
soon tt p55lble, na a ouestiou kaa arisen. WUe&cr
the cjrptmtioa of t7ree months, after the i'rcr are
made, it -not bar to farther jiiinj, but certUkates
cauiot bs giren until the Tract liuoks are rewired.
' l'roprit tors tf Town Si;t3 tliould le plats, ghow
ic the legal eatxiivLniooti claimed, ad socaosthej
can do io, to prevent their belrg led ca by pre-
cmptora. ' - -
The fee for declaration i3 one dollar, to bo pail
when they are Hied ; and for proring up, one dollar,
payable when. th pn-enjption is consamma'cd. ' - " JOHN A. TAEKEK, ReSiter. '
scription on they kentry! .
Written for the Nebraska Advertiser.
'A tall by four hundred and forty
Voters cf Nemaha county, will he
found in to-days paper. The object
of calling the settlers, en mastc in Con- vrho hM not ieaJ,ti of Riei-h-rid at night,
-it't: '4. - TVith bell aH jsUng-iti liSlt j ;.: -
cuuou.a ui vu-c uuii.jk jipuiuinu, With maay sweet face-heartsLappy and free
and should be attended tO immediately, They all rally fori fora nicelittle sjree.1:
A tnrt vptv l.nim hnUpr. Batae fortone wu baTe M ld jadel-
J ..,' ' I For want of TrreDtion. soma otifnidon maris;
in the G)Unty. Our efforts should be J y0w,they aimed to be choice, and take but the first,
blended and cemented"" together for Eat for waBt jadgment, they took au the
x VT rtr ?iriT rw-1 TTnT1 nnf ani AT rF tsn r I VOr3t
Ultudai u.u um,vuvu i v v J And to make reparation, it 'a no lind of use
Others lIlterest,for OUr Security against To get up apartyas a sort of excuse j
the diabolical attempts of land pirates But ctoofiills pany ba quite seiec-
. . ... , . . Though the feelings of others do merit respect.
tu fuuyuxiiiuiuiesauu uuxnciica ui uui And j ust wben you are ready, to show you are Bmart,
homes. Pitch your girls in the sleigh and off with them start.
Wo r,Mrt;W nrnr. nf fhU nrtinn Te aristocrats, with codfiahs taH. I
J . . - 1 BUC tegh aspirations, you surely must fail.
On the part Ot OUr Citizens, ana Urge No doubt in these lines you Ve already Teai
them. tO-meet at the time' and place That people of sense are cTer weU bred.
, . - i .it . .j. - . SPOKE SHAVE.
aesignaiea, mat iney may auupt buuu
ConacilEluiTs,l3wa. ) Nebraska City X T
(Sui:ccssor3 to Eidcn Jt White).
HAVING made Arrangements by which we will
rtjecive accurate copies of aU the Townships
embraced in tLe Eastern portion of Nebraska, we
are now prcjared to oficr cur scmces to the
In Filing Declaratory Statements of
Intention to Pre-empt. Securing
Pre-emptions, locating Land
Warrants ani
Land Entered on Time, Ac,"
Particular attention psad to Enying and Selling
Property on coiamiasion: Also, to making Collections
and forwarding remittaciej to any part of the Union.
Jjianis of au lands always on nana.
Hon. A. A.Eradford, Nebraska Ciry.
S.F. Nuckolls, . . ' . " " ...
Mesare. Dolnan A. West, Ft. Joseph, Uo
Peter A. Eller, Washington City
Thotna3 Lair pkin, . .
June2S,lS55. Tl-n4 :.
:!L.rrr:TIIII!D .TrAi: or
Jiemeka eonafy, January 1,1S57 ,:
measures as will insure their mutual
protection and safety. ' t f
tb? fcfplaceattcntion is respeci
directed to our qeotrraphical ' position;
a cartful examination of which,-evi-ccLuyives
us a prominent - position
relative to the "country j lying East . of
ti. ''Our location cannot rcscapc the
tj-fcltf -iiic . jnost casual and
its lijortancc" docs ' not sdmit of a
ipcll By -drawing aline almost duet
West from Few York City it will strike
! or flace, passing tliroughome of our
nos 1 wealthy ' and populous States,
viz: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Bli
l rl jls' the "Southern part of Iowa, . and
I theNorthern part of Missouri. ' This
I Iqing a fact, overland emigrants from
the States enumerated to Utah, Califor
iiia 'and. Oregon "would find it hiirhlv
I - ajyTJitagcous. to make this .a . point; jpf
f tarting,intcadof starting fromplaccs
farther down the Missouri River.
We have an excellent Ferry Boat,
capable of accommodating all who may
want to cross, and the charges quite
reasonable," The banks of. the river
here - arc solid and unchangeable and
the landing cn both sides splendid.
Onr Mercantile Houses will be fully
rTvd with -every indispensable to a
tieyTedre themselves to sell at a very
2;air alvancc over original eastern
ost Tho resources of our place and
the EsrrouTiding country for cutfiting
E:grants arc abundant,"
. P. S. We stop the press io announce
the unexpected demise of the editor's
blue pullet, i- The unfortunate occurrence-'
is t o. be deeply re gre tted, and
the said editor meets with" the ."heartfelt
sympathy of his numerous, friends' and
patrons. ' rr'
..;ifl ):) f;
W '
We puldlsli. - to-day, a inoticc to set
'rs inelraska. furnished us Tji'Mr.
J."Ai TarkeeT Register of tho Land
OSce, Omaha. '". v. !-.
We have heretofore, if our recollec
tion serves Tns ' aright, urged the settlers
CnAifGE OFFniii. Rid ex & White,
Land Agents, Nebraska city, N; T4
havericiade a change 'of 'firm, which
will be perceived, by reference to our
advrtisms columns. Fro'ji the reputa
On Tuesday, December 2d, 185C,3Ir.B. Stose Be-
xett to Miss Axsa E XT wis tle, all of Nemaha county
Nebraska Territory.
Uanv enquiries bavins ieen mado Mwlica
tion ah-cady acquired by these gentle- the Land OSce will be open for Pre-Emption':
men for prompt and .correct we have to state, tbat our Tract Books were
qualifications we have no. hesitancy in from Ston on thestn wst im bfc.
, . ' , u. , Louis). As f-oon as received, we will give co-
recommending them to , the public at r
p ariied with extracts. from,. the pre-emption
. . laws, showing what will be required cf those
By reference to our advertising col- dalmhi:r the benefct c the samel Ali::: ' .
umn3 t will be.Ec'eix 'that Br. Joel M.
Wood lias commenced the practice of
Medicine in the Botanic branch of the
. i . j . . . . .
profession. 1 Br.: Wood: enjoys the
highest confidence of community and
r 4 J. L. Paekeb Eegister.r
'A.'!!! Gillmcke, Receiver.5
Omaha, Nov. 22,1S5G.
Religious . Services will be held in Brcnm
i , , . .t t r - alle-on each Lords dar, at 11 o'clock, and
land we bespeak forlorn a Lberalshare &ho ;yerjp daj eveninS at eari7 candle
'of j'-itcf age. r: r -r -.7 ?f -7 '( i5sbtic3- , , ,.,:t--:'
BrdT?7nVillo llarkct.
RESPECTFULLY informs thecitiiens of Nemaha
county, that haying permanently located imme
diately South of lrowEville,and baring had consid
erable experience in th treatment of the diseases
incident to the West, he flattera himself that he ia
prepared to treat the sams on purely
And in connection with Dk. Ecckeax cf Missouri.
Erownrille, Jan. 1, 1857.- vln2?tf
B. TL FHGHAI.3 & CO., .
'. AND
with:very jerruisition c the Pre-errip- the pathetic appeal for ;Spondulicks" caeetellx coehected each week :ex
tio'ri'Lawl We have ; dene so .frori'a made by Hoelitzell & Co., ia another -. . DEALERS IN PRODUCE.
sense 01 uuty conceived io De ours ts column. . ., - - -r: , BaowsvnxE, N. T.,
conductor of a. public iotTnrh devoted " " . "'. . T''-' . , '. (sei ling bates.)
to tlm-intert -of-thft-fermi -wcll following communication 13 pub- fLora, sack of 100 ft..
7." .J mtinjttfnitwl ftnf rtTntlTl
. i . t . I It. 1 r. it rtT r tlitt finecr cnoi. I tOFFEE. .-... lo?'S
this Cmmtv, ; who have not thought .l , b ;:;.! ii. . i . Tea,- -..-- - ioo:
ilrv it -l mens of the hind and a profusion of Bacox,
uniin actually necessary, but those -s . , i-. . , rjama, - lOu
gentleman, and all others, will now ., v " ' . iJ'
to near xrom iuju ai;aiu,
"jj-TewHardware - Store., ,
Sign of the 21ill Saw.
;v-i J JE-LAIIEIITT, . i A -z
Importer, Wholesale and Iletall Dealer in .
American Gernisii, English Si' French
IS NOWrweiting and opening the largest and most
raried ataortment of goods in the abore line ever
offered in any market west of Jst. louis - ;
My stock embraces a full and complete assortment
of Cabinet and liausa Euiloer 8 Hardware. Xechan
ic's tools of crery description, direet from the most
aTrorcd manufacturers? afrncultaral and horticul
tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin
ing all the re cent and useful improvement for. the
saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com
munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful
examination of this department of my stock. I am
also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated
St. Louis Circular MUl and Cross Cut Saws, which I
will warrant, and fill all orders at ih factary prices.
Also a large assortment of Otms, IUSes and Pistols,
Iron,- Steel, Nails, Ac, of tho best brands: in a word,
my stock Is-rery complete, "vVch, for its quality and
price, I am c.c tenoned to offer such inducements as
will commazd a liberal share of trade from this and
adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing
andagencicf for American Hardware Manufacturers,
together with a long experience in the general JLrd
ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all competi
tion, hut hai convinced me that tho true principle of
trade is cash Kales and f mall profits.
; January lilS57. Jvln20tf V '" V. .";'';.
. -.Mac j. . .- j
Tie tnanaernentof th;3 row and porular
Institution announce, uhh Measure, that ar
ranercenU for f..e tLlrd vear Lave been ccia-
jslcteJ on tha most extensive ec.c. Vi'oils of
American Art. acd the encourar-.:ru:3t of
Atncriccn Eenius. have vot t-een overlooked.!
Com-atiisiipLs have bce2 L"ued io marsv diitin-1
guiihed Arasricia Artibts,and a specia.1 Ajrent j
has visited the great Art Repositories cf Ea- j
rope, -'land' Taade careful selections of cLoica
Pamtoss, Lror.ze and ilarble Stataary, &c
Anions v Lich uxa the following exquisite pie
ces ct rjcniptare, executed from the finest Ca
rara Marble. ;
The New nnd Eeaatiful Statue cf the
The Basb of this three great American
' . Statesmen, .
Palmer's exquisite Ideal Last
Together with, the Busts and Statues in
.ilarhle of
The Straggle for the Heart, Tsyche, Yens
and Apple, Child cf ths Sca, ilarrJalen, In
nocence, The Little Tmrxt, and the Captive
Bird. . Besides which, are numerous Statu
ettes in Bronze, Medallions, and alanreand
choice collection of beautiful
Bj leading Artists; the whole of which are to
be distributed or alloted to subscribers of the
Association gratntiously, at the next Annual
Distribution on the 2Sih of January next.
Terms ot subscription.
The payment of Three Dollars constitutes
any person a Member of the Association, and
entitles h;ni to
irst The large and costly steel Engraving
" Satcedat Night," or any. of the month
ly Magazines given below, one year.
Secoxd A .copy of the Cosmopolitan Art
Journal, one year an illustrated Magazine
of Art.
TinnD A share in the Annual Distribution
of Works of Art, comprising a large num
ber of Paintings, Sculpture, &c &c
The following Magazines arc famished to
those who prefer them to the ec graving: Har
per's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Knick
erbocker Magazine, , Uranam'a .ilagazire,
Blackwood's Magazine, Southern Literary
Messenger, U S. Msgazmer- Mrs. Stephens'
New Monthly, and the British Quarterly Re
views. Litteh's Living Age, t-weeklr.) and
two Memberships for $5.
Thus it is seen, that for every- $3 paul, the
subscriber not only gets a three dollar Maga
zine cr Engraving, bet also the Art Journal
one rear, trad a ticket in the distribution of
"Works of Art, making four dollars worth of
reading" mat:er, besides the ticket, which. mav,
in addition, draw a Beautiful Painting, Statue,
or other work of Art of great value.
No person is restricted to a single share.
Those taking five memberships rre entitled to
six Engravings, or any five of the Mnpziues,
one year, and to six tickets in the Distribution.
The Cosmopolitan Art . Associatim,
This new Art Association, organized June.
1834, is designed to encourage and' popnl arize
the' Fine. Arts; and disseminata -wholesome
Literature throughout the coutnr. It is un
it f t ! I ; : ' .' ' ' : . r , !
g . .
S!n cf the Tadlock, one door below tha Posi-O-ie. r-
st. JOSErn, mo.-
trnonrsAXS axd eetaii. EEiLrns is . , .
TT A 7?71TT".I 77 JYT) nT7TLVT?Y 'i
A EE nowrcceivin? a fuliaadc'cm;'cie S-ortme:
J. cf all kindj of Hardware and Cutlery, to whlc
they invite the attention of purchase. Our stocky
having bcn purchased on the most advantage
ous terms, w care detennined to sell at n?h pricei
as will be iatLfactory to buyers; -
Do not forget to give us a call befow you purebaso
elsewhere, or you may resret it. - .
JIA3IJIO Til STO CK. . : , . ?
oil. c2s "CTixs-tcar Oooclis..
POWEL, LEVY & CO, - vzzlx
Are now Receiving, ere cf tir-Iirest.
and Best Selected Stocks" cf"
DRY , GG0D3r GRCDEFJES... &0,,
EVER offered in St. Jusejii, h"icb they ictecd
offering to tha Trada at prices whkh w.U com- "
pare favorably with th.ise of gxds in St. Louis We
solicit buyers to call and examine oar stock before ,
making their iu"chase.s. . -ii
Among th articles they offer for silo arc. ,
40 bales brown sheeting; 100 pi'cs !Lml, u)l grade
a bales osnabcrg; 230 " eatluctts;
10 " shirting, striped: liO " tw'ds and cas'rj;
5 cyliuer baing; 5 bales seamier bagj;
10 cases bl clied snirtmg an4 sa liiig;-J aoi BaaTtu;
23 pair three pice greca matkinaw Llauketd;
20 fcarlet u
40 " blue " . " .
8 cases brown and bleached drilling; ICO pair !ad-
A. S. 1 1 OLLADA Y,
Llain Strset,BroT7iivlll2rrr:T.--
TI1E nwlers-gned rcspcetfullylx ;' leave ialwm
the puhlic, tlxa; he has n.irf o i L.Lud a'cct:'f2'.r
a?scrtment tf CTerytairi," Usttany fcet' in lrr
Stores, whk;h he otters f .r sal-a, UxCluail ely 3 t!
Nctv Systcra tf ' - . - . t?
'It'will UoVLrwv foreign to thiih-:aallf;tl ?7i:t?33i
to Cook,r "keep a-vount," -ncte'eritcij: "chilly '
or "remonier fr a few d.iy," Com3 wiii tuj
"Spoudniii:k.S.r' ifyou wai.i nrj'.Lirg in tha Iruj,
line: " . '. ... " . ' '. . ' ; . . . ,
Prcscrijticni -Cc'nTOuiiiel at all Eortrj vit'i
Accural nnl Disjatuh.
Henu'eraber the 'system Iliavo a iopicL arA v f
pocket and your feelings wi'.t not uffer. L'rcd : jrj!;
noiilircly cot 1-e jriven, unI?SjU3d.rcir;a:a?tanj2i'i..
ret ;
have tlicir eyes opened to tlie necessity
of fulfillii) every requirement . of "the
law or they will be jeopardizing their
right to pre-emption. - i .
- To those who have ; not gent their
declaratory statements to thellegister'
OfBcc "we say, delay not send irrfrne
Shoulders, '
Cmcxzxs, dai., .v
Eggs, do, -
Fkech Beef, lb--
PoTATors, bushel, new--f
...... lUTii
St. Geoege, K. T.,
;il Jan. 7th, 1857.
T n.ffi flq Anl -ronr estern ens-
u.vvv j I iirM Afl A rri i rr nnviif
antsious to no snmp- IICUMHM VHLLCI DHUUi
then about Kewbrasky, and ime shure hallaji, Cash'r.
VU Jiaini got xiuaaa ; turu.5uiivxiiic
diately, as the time may come when enuH tu suppli they estern- demands,
you will be cTebared by the disputed i theirfour- m weigh -of lnterducksion
provisions of the law, refercd to by Wright a breaf histry ot new bras ty
w Po-i -ny !finm in ihw tnrst mais we ar awi
OFFE1UNG DAYS, Mondays and Thursdays.
DISC0L7NT;BAYS, Tuesdays and Fridays.
BANKING IIOURS; from 1st Novemljer to
1st March, 10 A. it., to 3 P. 31.; from Lit 3Jar:h to
1st November, 9 A M,.to 3P.M.. i. .f j Bm j
(plpthing1 Store
THE atndersigned would respectfully inform the
'citizens cf lirownvillc and surrounding country,
tbat we hate opened one of the cheapest and largest
stock of
Heady Made Clothing
in Nebraska Territory! We therefore respectfully
solicit a call and examine our stock before purchasing
ewewncre, as we are determined to under-seil any
uiOkumg rtabusEiinent in tne lerntory. e nave
now on nz.nd a large assortment o: Jteady Made
tlothmr: luso, bbirts, Collars. Cravatt Handker
chiefs, Socks, Comforts, Undershirt', Drawers, etc.
all of the best quality and latest style. "
Alease examine our stock and see for yourself.
Store Oa the Levee near the Hotel. '
BrownvUle, December, 2Jth, ISjG, vln3J-tf-.
NITW Tcsr-orri!
Tlcmainuii? La the Tost Offlce at Brownvilie. N. T
' ' Sivil OOiS,- WO awl lOOCK OVer WUn- December 31st, ism, which if not taken
'?!-' j' . . -i I three taontha Will -be soak to tho' Dead L
SUtttCCr, lU. PS5,U. JiUiicu uiuu vu.ii Washington, V. U.
out within
Letter OHice.
r: r i- r rri t tli. til.
:- birrina. .! evrv bodey boar has a froua
i 5 1 t - - rju 7 I w V 1 - - rm f ' 1 I - af '
Aoicr fact of ouch ioportance ff? W .6 cdacaci bitfi 't'
sioull hot be forsottcn;. The route hcar ftat a '.W6. las Ueu - .rii t. tirXtAjL
1 . , , . , , . 1 . 1.1. rl 'WJlM 1VI- k uur.w.
frcsLtkis place to New Pert Kearney LUshed at their, place, and that 3Ir,
frrhtes but sli-htlr from a due West N Fijeaiinq ' has received the ap-
Ts?sir" over beautiful. rntlv pomeni oi j;'ost Piaster. IHis umcc
. tecclatiBj prairies, interspersed liere ka?".bn ack' needed,' and 'we hope.
' 1 a. . Lftl 1 VI i n n i i
there with proves cf trees sldrtinc onr lric.ntis m Pawnee sviU experience -j--T-r--rv
c cii ..'...- .t j -f . - ; ' - - r ; , i !Tir !rTr?i.iriip rmnrT
c; .1 .e -i : - ? I less annnvnnrvn and tmnliln T,T.niOl c
u.i...i;rauciifa. (Ji cicar. ruEiunjr ' w , ;
mcettin? their Al.nll r nW.'. . U - - - .
O , ! I . -- t . - ! ' .. ' - . .
totiier aey wlicatncr ow was negiuve
evry.boiey nose what a rale Car is. an
iheli-ballune" or a telagr'af.wyre, and
Cofcrth-T-but jografy iilocofy and As
tronymy i3 awl Beangus.-kimastray
Lcr tjiulhur name is very
irtcr to the emigrant those
tn?pt?n?tirjie-re(iTiis:tcs '"woeu,
! T.-i-rsirrass."- The lJIties" often
I J&n'g the progress of cmigrantshy
-k .water and. by. still higher fcrragc
j , avoided by this route; cnly.chc cr
; ,tT spall, branches'' of the Xcmahas
j i the Saline Kivcrs to cross which do
! ot ttqsire bridges cr fcrfays c- I 1
; '. , A -raatare consideration of thesr
; . will we think, result in the con
tioa cf many that our town can
; . ?st cf nhtcral advanta-cs as a start
t 12S Phit for jthe plains; equal, if not
- J"I-ericV -to'nf thcPpcint "on the
;-v.rfiniVcr:-'. V.L-.:-
f Lste intelligence from Congress un--portW
President. Tierce's Hes
t3ce seems to be the" only Eubject to
cornc before the .. House ;tla present
?.e.slcf; vituperation after. vitnperatien
aped npon-the. President's head
ly eRtT.nllicaa:Jicabcrs; on the
.-nd, tlic Djccr..ts letTocsa'a
AsTOUNDLNa Foegixs!- Vc have or positive.-evry bodeyls an aspyrent
just been . infonaed hy a rentleman to pflisrr:nd'cyry bodey li eampotant to
. Ft ci- osepti that large and eiten an anse. Av uour cieKsrons we
sive, forgeries have recently 'come to awlxotfur nourselvsjandwunahuthcr
ligh Via thai place,, ''l!Xii accuscil Lari- ia3 ttiba; weair .iuxe 1 to 'dekt they
icg Sed to parts unknown, the enation h112!16 anL wnnce in akwhyle their
amon thesniTerers teim be better im-1 corns m a taulyankey hoo thinx he
agmeti than described. "We withhold nsot-awl-nd-4heyphnse--a5-iti
the alleged forger's 'name until farther agrea-lha ar purty sharp for tha ar
intciliccuce from that quarter Taiie a0Ilt as 10 g1 Grn .Y
. .. cs- fctae wonlds tellers as J ony swaliered
RcaiOR says, the Territory of Llin- jhail. i' hoap thurl cum; moar sune
csota will be -knocking at the doors rrith sum bybels and redy maid clou-
congress, ine jireaeas .session, tor then. as., to. hour -rcDgin , it is they
admission into the lj won. How long csccuts ot awl Religins and theirfour
wifl it be before 3-ebiaska tap5 at the EuteseTrybc)dyandispuirandTTholey.
door? - 'Echo JJl "WCrS" the Lord hlOtCtf L a rnorli.WA htT'J cncn
We don i, that s certain. .; we iiooverinmisury andEhunwhorses
-; 1 V' -' for mrmny shute ait a marte drinh
la-.vuuruas,. xion. ... . . ... ....-i..- - 2
wins ty gi; arnnK ana ia out awi ivnignt.
Our Delegate,
Bird B. CiiAriiAN, wo notice, has; hi
trodaced a Bill Into the House creating
the pfHce cf Survey or 'General forse-
! i
c:i the .'Message, the
. uu ue acts ci tneir
rartT. Trin-wTTl
I a v. 4.U V U.t T j
w c--ca' r,l!rttc l o' " " " '
foramuzments we meat athourneybers
and dants with : wan anuthers wvves?
whylei2 or $ Tnour piaze j they phidel
we are aD :r..t:hau pmdlers and thebab
The irst regular meetin;: cf cur ants rnzsl df.ntse:rs.:tTht5rtopastIme
v5 .
County Commissioners was held, m tlus Vt e jhump wunannthers clam e 3 and jro
piacethis week. Vfc will bq prepared
nct week to rive "a-Thcriis-of -their
most important proceedings.: '
tti law aboat it, in they wlntur it bitzv
to. get wedd bild .)hirca and sphin
vsrns.' when 'Hoar Icc-jcslater nctes
Amstrong, A
. llageoci, tolas 3.
ButUr, iirs Al '
Bradley Hob Jas-
! Burns, A W
Cummingi, Israel "
Crawford, Wm
Chapman. J ii - '
Corlett, Jkha ? ' -Ltlmistea,
Tho - i
Edmiston, Dan! .".
r Tood,E
Fellers, Wa
Furrow, Wni
Furrow, 31 A
IIoliKmb, Jas
Hathaway, Sstlx
Ilentos, Ja
Jcnktns, Law .-
Kirkham,'S ; -
Kins, Thcs
Maleg,Jehn '
lladdox, VY M
- ilarkee, Eli jah
ilcllillcB, Wa
4 - -IVatt, J
Purcell, Ja
. - Boberts, Josiah
: : Kodibiugb, 51 '
1 Benard, Medame 2 r t
i lidoken. Y G i
.-V-tr Staiwell,Wm ?
a . j ' -. S tiers, Saia-acl " : "
1 ("-" ' '8tonc, A, ' ' ' '
; Tate, Mary A - ' ;i! "
Tate, Wm ! - '
- Teague, Wm ' .
.; Wagner, Oliver :r ' ::
-,- i ..Wicks, Edward
: ' - r "VVaUer,MrsGF
"-: Watter, Isahs ' '
Watkins,Mr3 E
Wheeler, Edward 2
- Persona calling for the above letten, wUl please
say they are advertise J. . ATi't..
t . - - A. S. HOLLADAY, P. M.
AH letter Advertised are subject to an extra
enirwcf one Ckst. . -Persons calling for them wiU
please eonjd prejared with the accessary cnaago. -
t. b. crinxc. . . -. tony; c. ttek.
. '.v..,:ma;&lKi,lv.:
Attorneys at Iaw&-Ecal Esiate Agents,
-... ' OMAHA CITY, T. -
"YT71LL attend faithfully and promptly to all buji
J V pess entrusted to them, ia the Territorial or
Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots acd landJ, en-
tmc an!lpre-emption?,-collection3, Jtc. , :
Oilicc ia the second storv-of Flenrv Boots new
building, nearly cpjiojite ; the "Western Exchange
Itaink, jarnham strtrct. - - -
Dec.-27, 155. vlnZSlf
Short Settlement Ma'eTongricnds.
TEE EtihscribeTS reqeest all that are indebted to v nate or account, to make payment by
the 15th of February1 next, 3118 c lho fi1
start East at that time for a aew atd full stock of
goods, and CASH will be wanted to pay for them. '
.AVe jetexn cur thanks to our friend for their
patronage to this time, and promlso to merit a con
tinuance ol the same hereafter." ;
t ; , . ,; WM. I10BLITZELL CO.
BrowrviHe, Jan. Sth. 1Sj7. -
IPeace iii Evansas!
FC?iYARDi::a-& co;issio:.i
I..-.MERCHANTS, - , - -i
TViite Cloud, Iansas Territory.
QPECLtL attention given to Eceeiving aad For
KJ warding Goods of every description.
. ; .ALSO: .
Will keep a large and eompleto assortment cf
-rr-iBOOTS, . . . . SHOES; i
' - JUTS. , CAFS. 1
At lM .Lowest .Cod Prece!
Dec.25,lSo6. vln2S-5m
der tho . direction cf a council of members, peculiar destitrrtion.
whosa services are hoDorarr, atd wto receive S Jal A- i.-ti-u Jti t
no ccmpensation. .
r To accomplish a truly national off ect, uniting
great public rrood with private'gratification, at
a smal individual expense, in a, manner best
suited to' tlve wants, haliU .and -tasfes cf, the
people, the Committee have adopted the fol
lowing plan; . .. . . , . '
Evcrjf subscriber cf these dollabs is 4 !
member lor cna rear, anJ entitled to all its
privnegea!;: - -- - - :
The money thas obtained (after paying nec
essary expenses) is applied, . .
' Fra.Tr To the production of a laro and
costly steel ErsTavin, and the purchase cf
the leading monthly Magazines, a co;y of
either of which is furnished to the member for
overy three dollars paid by him. . '
; SscoTfD To the purchase of raintmss,
Sculpture, Bronzes, &c, .whica are annually
distributed by lot anions the members, -,
each member being entitled to one share for
every three dollars paid by him.
Thiei--To the pnblishirs of the tosmo-
vdltan AH Journal, which is furnished gratnit-
ously, to all members during the year.
The ETeat success attending the Association,
has made it universally popular, wherever its
plan and objects are known.
It-cultivates And encourages the Fine-Art
and disseminates sterling Literature through
out the land: 'thereby adapting itself to the
present want3 and tastes of the American peo
ple, enabling both rich and rocr to mate their
homes pleasant ana attractive cr tneaia pi
Sculpture," Tainting?, and ' the best'readin
matter which the wide range of American and
Foreign Literature aforis. ' '
Persons' in reml'Jig" fundi for membership,
will please give their Post 02ce address is
full, staling the month they wiih. the Haga
zine to commence, and register the letter at
the PoEt OSice to prevent loss; on the receipt of
which 'a Certiacate cf ilemtjcrship, together
with the Engraving or ilagazine desired, will
be forvraided to any part cf tho country. For
Membership Address,' " ( '. '. ' " '
: ; E. W. FUTAS, Agent,
' 1 . Brovmville, N. T.
CI L. DErkB Y, Acinary, C. A. A.
- At Eastern OSce, 313 Broadway, Xew
York, or "Western Oface, 1G5 Water Street,
Sandusdev, O. ' -
Crr SACKS cf Zttk's Ohio Mills Extra Suicr
JUU fin Vloux ju.-t rwcired aau for ste by
"Ncv. 2 1553.. ll'ALIdSTE::,-1)013111 & CJ.
- - - - - ' -
c "rSneccs3cr3 to Barrows f: Tacxrfrn,) '
WlipSesale Grocery
ind Coniiiilssion Meitliints .,-jrT
. Ho. 13,,'Teail "Street CLasiaaitL )
. "37". Particular attention will lo givra t prder
CorUroccries,whkh will alvray3 bs executed at cuiri.n
market prices .. . : .
- GAJUUSOX, : ! :'
Meal Estate Ageiit
rLATTSilOUTH, X. T. .-::
HAS new on hand s"vcrr.l va'aab' j fewn 1U i nd
also Timber and Prairie Claiioi, wakh he vZl
sell cheap. ...... j-
Being Bgnxxl for the City of. ruttjnriuth, te
farniih lots to tbc?e who wish to scttiu in the town
on cheap and rea.nnblo terri.j. : j
Ofllee with J. II. Brown', E3q. . ! '
noei. LAirn, & r?irRsoN..
N. B. We would rrfpcctfully tbo c?li-tc-acrNcsuha
c.trjiai -ljvliiz&'
we have alwir m b;uid a large aiid well cJ
eupvly cf IXillimif w'.i,h we can f aruL i s.:
cr ratci than any ciill in tao T-Trltry," I 'I.
Hardware; Cutlery and Guns,
West Side Main street,
St. Joseph, 3Io,
ilsrket rrfees rsil f'-r lg J-Irtd aiXac yisrtc,
cr on the b'ink i f tb river.. . ;
All ord?ri aceu-u:.anitd wli the c.u'u wH! r;cir
our immediate attention.
Saddle . and .'Karnc-i i Ilalicr,
.EaiUUj cf MAla,tet.ri-anch' ail 7z'z; "
';. st.' Joseph. :io.
TTIANKFTL for pust faror?. Lt-r lc-ivc to iaiV-rru
the jiV.ic. that he has just rcturzied fr3: Jt.
Louil with as l.m an avS-sortmcot of mi fcrutli ;u his
ever been pure jcd lu that market. ,
Ui stack eonutj of a saperiur article of SVu tl:i
names!, bri ll) leather, br?, calf, and sLeept sJilji.";
fine p-oat mortyrc, nul a jariala:;ly bea3tii"al ari-
clc cfcnaxactrl Jr'Trthrr cf variiua hci.
He has er aridity of ad..Uo txee.'rcm the rot
Mexicana acd English, Beard' aad ( -im. ley's piJ.
cnt, dowa io the eoaimoa fll lack.' II has oil liu 1 .1
and will lecnliaae to keep sadd'.ej, s.l lie-b:
dlc martingales, Latter;, evllar?, al.ij.s ct vry
quality, wh;.-laifle. bi?. traces, span, c. Iu
ihoi ckh; bcjy, I'causylvaiia, yauiec7 car: ftd
dray him-". - -' i "'
He has rut row, nor wi" L" keep any other tfcs
No 1 wcrkmcn,atidl.ii ixsstruu'.'K.nstoUiemaie aeai
nc?saiid fitr.-nth. He, therefore, feels no triiJitica
in sayit,' taat nis worit t :i scuoor io cisn, no
TAE el' bens of Nemavha eounty wiT meet at the
M.iFbersrm Hall in the town of BrownvCle, cn
the irth r.t Jucarv. to ivdr-pi such m-asur-s as thev 1
may agree upon, to recsrfi to themselves and tho . 777
i;f r v r.- their rrrvpf rrj!.-m ! .'
When asi where ii is hoped - all IT"d eitizecs will
attend. -." I ':' - y ?
' . .. -.Z'f. y , Jaauary 6th.la7.
From Kanaka, Agency, in JZansas, to the
tvmth ff the A'yoay Eiicr,
::! - JTcircsIca. - t ff); . " j ;
TUJ3 LINE m-'ikea one trip per' week, each way,'
stooping at the principal towns cn the Miouri
Hirer. "Good Hacks ail the way through, and ?od
hoee9 d fiie ywtp rrrrt fir irirrr.
.v.;. . : J. 11. '& W. BENNETj Contractors.
Dec. 19, 1856. vliiily;; J-'A If
TS NOTT rec'cirici and OTenjns a stcck of Hard
X ware, uid CuUery adapted to the wants of Par-
mcrs. Mwhanics, and Jflerchar!t.,and harfngpurehas- j where surpassed.
cd .American culs from Manufacturers, an 1 made I As small proa acd c lick JI?, is hit motley he
permsBcr.t arTangcmeuta for tho direct importation pT Jrfl3"LlrSn3 S-1I "(eccMdcrirgttre o.":i!:ircf
of all my foreign-g-jods, together with a long experi- j tie artL?!e) icwer than any hoae wc2t of ihr A:Ie-
ence in the Uaxawire tnsincrs, 1 saaa ener such ia-i gheny JiouiitaiE3
duccmcntj to purchasers in this fnartc:, 3 wi.I insure
satisfaction, aid rcrpoctf jl?y sclicita slcre of rstron-
ge from the section cf co'intry trading at Jo
seph. ' ; i
llunts and Simmon' aies, Ac-sr?, - ,
Mouc bole Anrils, ', CL litis,
Solid Box Vices, ' , Chii-3
" Spears Jackion'stE.lSutler'i lies, Fry Viz '
Ames & Bonlard's ebovtls 4 spades, CofTce M1H3,
Cut, wrought aod hone shoe sails
Cotton and Manilla wvrdsge,
YTosteE.hcln-.a pockf( inures, :
Kclre ar.d fork?,
Guns, rISe, aul pistols,
Fhaam. sciruors acd razors,
I !amaxT3 ffni Hatchets,
Spear iJackscn'i saws, r
. :AL50,s
Curry .cmbs,
PlaAcs, '.;
Iocks, ;
Latch ev '
Ac.7 hti
TLoee dupesed io su7pet hiar of rurriaLaTw on
ly tQ coll to b3 aisand cf their ruisul.f?. . f
v t. Joscjh, Auga3t 13. vin!3if .' il.".
.:. AND : , . : - : '
JoLTiial of Hzial Art znl Hural Tzi t i.
J. JAt r.
mrrrn it "1 : 1
Thi; II:-ur.cri.Tix:sT, a ia tarn ii; 'l - ', is -J--voted
lj Ilur:i;ul:arc aul iu l ;al:cl art." Wrvzl
Arcliitectur aad d-u-lrcap" C'i :i.'.T, w:li
keei) its renders .1 lvi;:d cf tha thirr cn tho
, 1
THIS lNSTITUTION.dai: iU ommeneennt
from the 10th Nov. Owing to the unfluuahed
state cf the Banking Honev we Jiavc not -thought
proper to give out any public notie, though prepar
ed at sJl time to redeem our ppcf in circa!ati..n.
We now (five general notice that w are '..Il.l:cu5
to'ac.mcv'late our friends, and wiU loan ti ov.e and
Eastcrn Exchange, and are now
on St. LoaLS, ia. m?
ei:her Geld or curreacv. : ALEX. HALLAM, C
.LrownviUa, N T 1:. S, 1S56., t1
stray; -xotice.
TiAIIEN UP by the abfcriter on- the rst vt Octo
Jr, one red steer of the following description,
vir: Drooped hears, blind in one-eye, three or fcur
venr old. The owner is required to prove property,
r?r" cmrr?, and-take away wita:a thirty cars f-om
date. - ' B-J. WHITNEY.
3t . ' - - -
.i i '.
ow raiSj to make l):i.::s r 1 iAO c
t ?rrl, iaf cxeb.3n! f r -1- ?'iia.St
; - -NEB RASILA-CITY, N. Ti ; - , ;
"CAITNES kc ITAItNUU, rr.iUietor.
cci "iodic as' li'otcl,- fc'.tuaCad upon
Euiiai2f . Hardrars end Carpsn-- fieanueicgH.-jy-iiut..-. LJij;.
wotdevtvia ti e Htst :yl-5 tillL'arl.
Dec. !?, lS.v j.
eaoh nnr contalr.3 a
Tfr- fn:-Tar:.r,;, ra
TOI.- 110SSELL.-
sTcse.'-ef s-ma tew, rarl r..,i aliLhlj "i'r:;l;:, tr'i'. "r
fi'wer. and icnet Jhe n"(-si 6fiirtiY". c:t wsi- f .-
the most u
I w r i.
' cc-mn-'T.eed ra tee 1;
f.-r can c-usea!:'! w
" . j ce 0; t..-a v.c;
- 1
. ,; Er.ovrx villi:, x. t..
L" v I t!'i?t he is prepared t ';-r,c th-.-ia w!:a any- 5 bsr cor.:iiJrg a f-11-;
s. ILiiir iu his IiiJ", at, -u ,-rt : : t.r. I with a rare, and rsl-iavl- frni
style a
To Ui t l
hi c,2r.-!-T.t will i f- vi rf.ur.' v
) 3 eu v ncrs he decci3 I Til 1 i-1 a !"- c-
Street, Nebraska City, will be fortrid a dc- f it tsMeccsiiry to s.?y a vJ, t j otL .rs he sayi etjlj
-i-lAs rejrt f or trarcder.1 fc-ares Lava thii hoasa j "try ti
fct allprta tf t.'3 Territory.
t f Jv-n iu ry !a t, tal wsc
:01a tLat: i.iae. ' T'i'iJfl hn
i:h tic carrnr.: r. :::l':r. 1
::11 fr '.r r? ;.1.L ti n!-
j; I'-.c '. 1 1.: , ;..;T: S.I
l.i.f ;1, ulnTnl r : nu vl r :i
ill (.':,! .ri l'U.r?, C. I'.-i
34-3 e-'c."ari:i' :." t;-r) n :-,
" ;'.-.'tT. t-. ei ' . 1
: i;,l. V
- : ti- 1" .l.ii.
i- in Hi ...
.;t p;:.u
J ..: