Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1857)
' i i ii. .. 1 i ii i ,,,, 9 m . ULTES rLCH CALTTCENIA. JEglily Important from Nicaragua. New Oexeans, Dec. 10. 'The' steamer Texas, with dates from San Juan to December. 5th, and from , California to the 20th nit., reache'd here to-day. The steamship Tennessee takes for "ward $270,000 in treasure. . - Tho- folloTrin isnho Tote-of-Cali-forma at the Presidential clcctlonr-T-Buchanan, G0,000: Fillmore,- 35,000; Fremont. -19,000. Tho -Democrats also have a majority in both Houses. The markets at San Franciscq were dull. No other jiews of interest. Advices from "Nicaragua- are 1m- portant, and Indicate 'Walker's success in a series of battles with the combined forces of Central Americans. j" ''' ' : On the 10th of November - Gen. HornsbyV with two hundred men, , de feated eleven hundred of the, enemy tinder the Costa Rican General, Cahas. The enemy lost two hundred, IIomsbys loss was two " killed and eleven wounded.-' "-" : ' 1 Four days fightic g at Wassaga ended in the entire defeat of the 'enemy. "Walker then returned' to Grenada, giving three days' notice of his inten tion to destroy that city in order to give the inhabitants -time - to. rcmoVc their, valuables. " ' He then fired the' place, and not a vestige is said "to re main. Walker, then removed all his cCectsj men and the inhabitants of Granada to Rivas, which city is hence forth to be the Capital of Nicaragua. A naval battle took place ' between theNicaraguan war schooner Grenada,' Capt. Faysox, and a Costa Rican brig of war three times its size. The Costa Rican vessel was blown up, and all lives lost. ' It is supposed that the Costa Ricans have lost 3,000 men in various battles since October. " ' . "' ECUS. CHARLES KOYTAUD ITEECXED. "While the' gale was: at its wildest fury Tuesday evening about 9 o'clock, a messenger came to the city from the Lake View House, five miles North of the piers, and reported a vessel coming ashcre'at that point, and that those on board must inevitably be lost1 unless aided from the shore.- A3 soon as they could prepare for the attempt,-a' corn-, pany ; of- the- following-'- persons : pro cured a -life boat and started for 'the rescue: --J ; - , i------ 1 - Capt. Gray,T C; I.BiselI, :N,K. Fairba nk,- Isa ac Walker, Agent of rthe Lake " -'Navigation'--' Company, - Captain Moore of -the Brte -Fontanelle, and Capt. of the schooner Kale" Jlich nond? --':-J l;-'K- c'u; lilr.BIssell taking vhorseprecced c& the ' parjy following, iwith, the life toat .on a -wagon,' And j reached the wreck in time to spring into' the-water .and 4rag'out a half "drowned' sailor "who "had attempted to reach thcr shore on some lumber. -1 The; artwithrthc life boat Vent: tth'e'-wreck" and1 took "off Capt!Iah6ny and four sailors who . were still clinging to iti They reached the shore about midnight.- "TheJ Cap tain and crew :Vcrd1hearly:dead"'from cold and exposure;; Such gallant; and nolle ccnduct,on the part of those who .manned the boat stamps them es men; actuated by the best feelings whichVah1 11 the liumalfhartlmdjnspired by 'J tnat true bravery wnicn spurns danger when duty calls. Chicago Press, t " N. ' . - - " . : ' i r- - 1 1 i w' - i . , I V Returns of the surveys of public lands in Utah Territory have been re- ceived by the Commissioner, bf 'the General Land OClce from the Surveyor .General of the Territory 'These re- turns embrace the valleys of Salt Lake, Cache, Malads-Blue Spring, and Hansel, "North of-the f base line';' the vallevs of .Tuilla-:cind: "Bush, 'West ' of , the:.Meridian;'-.iandv.the: - valleys of Jcrda'n,:Utah; -" Cedar, ; Tinctic, : and Yohab, to the South, -exhibiting snr jeys of our hundred and thirty section "fcl tOnTLships. XJmon. ''- : - V1 . . The Gadsden Purchase. A-TrrjirTpur.- California papers state that ca the 29tb of ; August, a large . number of persons, from difTerent parts of the .Gadsden -.purcK&so. -.esseinbled at Tucson, to tae.the necessary stepsj ta form a. Territorial JTOverniaerit, ; IV 13 prop osctTtocall the jiew Territory1 Anzone. -ane esumted' population is ten thousand."1 c'r:v V" V'i-'"'J"';: . TIealtii of DrJIvane. V e "regret to learn frorii our Xctt York exchanges that letters from' London ' by the last tteanicr crintr the most discouraging accounts cf the' heal tn-'of the brave Arctic navigator. : Ilew'eVf cry' pale --ilucIi reduced id. Ccsh and his night VKcr.fcrc 'fcrrible." - HisVouirh'nlso -T - -, -. o Ills --physicians rhad cricincd him to - ieavc tor a- manner xllruatots soon ss pbs2nIc and -Tie'Tras rccordlcglr' to'-Vail'oh' Monday, the 17th cf Usovcnlcr, fcrStrThomas and o . ..... i . L. '. . ..U. . 'IIiuii PnicE'crPnoyisicNS "is Earlington GazeUtlczrns . C;. r t ain B ilih czse; i us t down froni (SO mile's' below ,S.t ;rPaul,) the river at that point has closed, in consequence " thereof, ' pro- "Y much. lie 3 tL't flour was felling at Ilast- ::r S1J rcr tr.rrei;porik iaU per ; 1 ; l't t or 50 cents per pound, and 1. aT- v:"A :i3 m all ti d IT er curinr the winter. CouxiEHFEir Lo'6K OutA "cduii terfeitfive dollar bill of the Mercantile Bank of Hartford, Conn., was tshown to U3 yesterday. It is badly executed, entirely different frcci the genuine, yet might p:iss freel" in" sections not familiar with the tills of the Lank, The renuine: for a vicnette, has female C, , ' . nirures and cornucopn, a red 1 figure five, and figure of a Ejiilor at die right end of the bill. The counterfeit, for a vignette, has a railroad train, and steamboat in the distance, and on the right end of the f bill is a female meSirEouts -Ite- publican.r y n f ? r t ' MTT i. . Oswego. December 6. Thr rpent"rale on Lake Ontario has proved veryfUsastrous to the'shipping. The schooner Niagara coal"1 loading; froi3T"Os wegoto" Bend - Head J went ashore at Pert Hope, t The crew were in toa 'tjtrilJwhen Cant. Wd kl of tKe schooner Anna, and RobertCampbell, mate of another schooner, made an attempt to rescue them, and were both drowned. . r , ...... rltt.j ' ' The schooner Caledonia. Is ashore near Toronto,'and thebrig ;;Bea-erf;at Braddock Point. ;fu'". '.'"'M'l, The steamer Lildy Fngin wpiit ashore near Presquisle, and is a total wreck. . ' ... Washington, Dec. 6. i, - The President has removed' G. -Y. Clark,-! the alleged 'murderer of Bar bour, in Kansas, from; the? o3cc:of Indian Agent in that Territoryy and appointed Isaac Winston, ; (Whig) of Culpepper county, Va., in his place. . ;..' December'. tl " Wheeler, the Minister at Central America, has been peremtorily recalled by the President; reasonhis recog nition of the existing Nicaraguani GoVf ernment, which the Administration have deliberately resolved not , to recognize. - : ' Boston, Dec. 5. " The failure of Ilenshaw &; Son, the well known bankers of this - city, was announced this morning: The liabili ties; are large.'''-' J ."' ' j ' -Mr." Henshaw, Sr.,'was a trustee "of the Rutland 'Railroad, and. was con nected with other roacls.3 '" v ' -;:v;:;n ; ulii .Ei: ;Xori:, , ppe 5, a : Jacob Little, the extensive financier, failed to meet his payment at the Board of Brokers thB morning. 1; jJiabil ities aaimmefiseianibuiitaridtlie affair has crGatedr;cohsidcrable:Cxdite,- mentinimdnsy circles.; Hot r d: r.i . Agreatbreezehasbeenraiscdia troitin consequence of : the '' discovery j of horse beef in ansaes, niadej'a German iA'' that - city. Accordni 'tb the French .authority; horse, beef is as gooa as anyj ana m jrans at tne pres ent time',' sorrel stealcs,' ohgrey chops ana roan sausages, are eaten witnffreat relishV - I-Vi;:1,'M,;lf1 :, J ue-Vestekn TERpJToriES.--TThC!rp arp now open for settlement the JTer ritories ; ofi Iinne;sotaJ-'i Oregon, le braka, Washington, New Me.?ricoi tltaji aad-,Kan?a : - The Territorj es: contain, according.; to a Compendium .of i f the census ofl$50,MLa.rea.ofj.l,40.0,034 square .miles. , . Thb 'Mh.qle are iqf .the States and Territories belonging to the -Union boifig 2,93Q;1C(. Lsquare; iniles, thd. Territories, it will be ua.en,i com prise nearly no; half ; of; the whole. -1 ; jRemoval: of tiie Florida Indians. It - is stated that the Secretaries of War : and1 the '.Interior have" concluded an important 1 'arrajigemeht' for ' 'the peaceful removal of the Seminole Indi ans from Florida;' -!,;A'J delegation of Seminole Chiefs from the West of the Mississippi .will be sent' to Florida with presents and promises of liberal grants of land. .- - J- ,-. " u 1 ' 2 a-i :-t- ? " - . sr. . Senatpr Pugh submitted to the Sen ate -on the ; 11th ult., a proposition. de scribed by the telegraphic , reporter as "for the. survey of the, Ohio river- and its tributaries, jis a continuation -of the grand system of jtke luvcr and Harbor Improvements,' inaugurated at the last bession:of . Congress." ; Difficulty Bexex SwiizEFvLAKi) AND rrxssiAw 'Hit' principal feature of - the ' political1 : news : by the latest European! arrival 13 the firm 'attitude assumed' by Switzerland against the demands otl Prussia in tne1 affair of Neufchatel.' Switzerland has given' a direct and unconditional refusal to the Prussian Minister's direct deraarids.' Atistr? a,1"1 Bavaria- and Baden 'support Prussia.' ii f!C?nc?. i ii .:.:r.i ; i - i n. r. Tv' rr 1 iTI IV.': ' '""" ,'':?.$ i 7;;J ! (It. is stated.that-Mr. , Buchanan, wul be m v ashm?rton- abont the iirnt . ftf "CW.,',U, iV. icbruary,.. and .that the.compositipn.of the cab: letwill full v. determined . ' ; . - :-" i .'.f. -i. i on previousi;to lusrarrivai aune ieQe - 1 - -BAmsl -The-' followfiig banks-aro in bad credit j'dst n6v;nnd their bills' tie not received by ' other New England banks Oloiit ' Vernon ' and s ban ll of tho; Kcpullift,- titrji'ridencV'-'-iV, Rhode ' Iflsn d central at East Gl-e n ycl; Ex eter -Ne W; llata psbirb,'! 'rtmd Coniraericial ba'nli'at'rrth Ambcy'i T'r ;, j j; r ' r iT Li r! i r -About eighty-si avq?t .wko-.'vrer-Kct free Ky the ill if the. lato - JamesH. Terrill, of -JUbeinarlg county, Ya., hare gone. to xcri'olk to embark fcrliihcna. There are between: thirty and ! forty thousand!l!c.rnia.: and thev have lately started a' ' paper 1 in ,San . ..' ; i-'iy2 oj!; ,mjhi "An : Ovarian' tumor "vr'cighin'onb hundred and fivo ponnlli yas extr:.ctei frcrn a vro'iriaa in Rbley Broun i Co'J, lately. ::- :.i ci f-n- .'';:i .',;'' ri'o.-!:j '. ... ... f .f..J , ; ; Tho Pitt .?! urgb. . GascUey of,- Moiiday av. on K.illion bushels cf cord 'had V - leu lor r; joints, bclqw. ?. nt Iesst three iilion bushels' were ' awaitiit ' khln- cent. 8T.-LOUI3 "AD YE2.IL, ZLILl.'IJ.' r FBOM TI3E KEWSPAFES ADVaTIiyO AGEXCY OT ' W. S. SWTMMER, Corner f Olive and Slairi Sts, over inj Uoxu9 of Jobn J. 'Anderson PAGE -J PATJSXT Portablo Circular scnr-IIill, FOR STEAM AND IIOKSE 10 WER. THE oiost oscfal'sitd cocessary machinery in op eration; ia simple in constraction f nd ens': v ! :rt in order, tni can be moved on a wc-6n as readily as a threshing mxichine, and put in operation at a small expense. It will saw from one t two thousand feet of lumber a day, with ono team of six borsesa.srAii average business, and in a better style .ha a other mills now in use. It is cqnally well adapted to gteamtcror.JIorse-Powcr.. The undersized, agents for the patentee, would announcfc to the public that they are ;noW prepared to furnish Mills, with or without horse power, of su perior qualiSy and workmanship, with the right to U30 tho samSjUpcn the most favorable term?, at their mannfactory, No. 202, Second, street, St. Loui3, Mo. ."We have also the right for thu manufacture of . Ciiids": Patent? Double" Skw " MiUsi Tb eec!Mful praelieal-rperatioa of thesfTTliltS through the country haa been the means of establish ing their great reputatipn---and with improveni;nfcj in eonstruqtloa and increased facilities in manufac turing, we efior 4bem lor thopublie with full confi dence of their advantages. All .orders addressed to us wiU be promptly execu ted and anyjnfttrntatioji regard to Mills cheerful ly ;iven. . .r ' . ' , , f : Persons ordering Mills will jleaso mcntJoii tho State and County in which they wish to us-ribem. II jT Extension of Page's Patent.'5 TOTICE is hereby given to the public, thatthe 1 patent .of PAGE'S POKTABLE : ClIiCDLAR SA"V MILL has been extended fir seven years from Jcly lj6th,,l&5. :AHipcrsons f3und violating this patent, or jnfrinpijg op, they same, in making; unng or vending, will be pro3codcd against in'accordance with the laws in such case made and provided. ' ' -r , GEORGE PAGE,' Patentee. By "Autliority I ; ; THEr STATE - SUPERINTENDENT ' 'jQihci Board of Udncation,; nave ordered the following De'sirablfe TVorts'for. ho ' Township 'Libraries of Indiana.-1 ; Some of them hare been put into every Library, others only into the more populous townships. . The careful attention given to the examination of works for these libraries is a guarantee of tho merit of the boold iihoscn.. JIany fainiliea will desire to own the books, and read ' at their leianre, rather than Wait ihcirtiirn :t s get them from a library.' ii Tho works may bu purchased of Booksellers, or will he pent bj mail, free of postage, upon payment of priccs'anncx ed to each. Farr's Ancient Historr Much (superior to ivuiun, Because raore concise, accurate, and up with moaern researcn. 4 rols Cloth,, gilt, $3. ' Shgep, library style,, 350 The Teacher's liscellany is anew andci cellent collection of articles on Education, written by Judo .'McLkan, Drs, Stowe, -BiGGS,' McGvtFZT, Aydelott, ftctsrt , Ltnd, Vv&t; and other djstin gtiched members of the '-College of Teachers." 1 vol, 12mo Cloth, $1,25. ! ' History; of th'ar Puritans" and PiTcrim Fathers. By Stowell and Wilson, 1 vtW12mo $15. . 7.,.., :i Moffat's Life of br ChaimcrsJ 'i clv j!2no., $j25.(ri j;; if -ji'A '."' ISO h me L.adies ol the Covenant; Jlemoirs of distinguished bsottishJ Fcimalo Characters'; Embra cing the Period t the CoTenanl and tho PerseeU' tion. By Rct. James Anderson. Moffats"ouTh Africa. " One Tolumo. 12mo. MBiiiTears ia India. Bj,Mr.3T Colin Makex zxe voIs4 12n;o, Clpth.poV . :V.' ., r ' Kern's'Praitical Landscape icaftf'enink .with .32pIaas'aMt Illustrations; Third edition! 50 ,nj i.'iTlie.ililsfchant Vessels od A Saxlo.r-Boy-Vs Voyages to see thQ.Worid. --- (SIXTH THOCSAND.) r' . , 1 Tolume aCmei; Jfiustfatd. 75 cents!5 1 1 ' r Koswiojr'a aimiral.eeries of volumes, "Alan-of-Will- Life," McAihAnfTessel," and.tho new volume to appear in September, Hinder th title of "Whaling and JishiHg,". must be (received with great favor, as "the Er3t-fwa havs been, wherever circulated. r They -are th? faithful limningSj of xvJne years lexperierics at sea, of. a comm6n sailor, a native 'U3ckevfl " a- cogfaued ai inferior Xot no writer of the present day. in lifa-like delineations cf adVentnre by teiu- I .., Yery striking nood graphic, pictures tif.lifo it Sea, iiicunj auiucuuuuui very instruciive. . V. t t ; Z Has1 adventure enonghvto Tpleaso and truth enough to dissipate the chnrpj of sailor's life. r, r. i ! Tiere ji ' ia Ucm a vast amount of iuformitfrtn fespectmg.the.caauncxce.of,theorld.Prc5bvtCTian ? : W,iU tako' taptivathB young.-'ounial and Mes- Bnckeye Abroad. orWandcrinrs i .'IX J I - it Z wl'l-' il JW . Li M : J 4 C iatd the Orient. 13y SAMfEL S. Cox. Third it-dl. twn, inustratea : 1 voi.i i-'me., muslin; lfl5:'r t - The Three Great Temptations of Yonna Men. Rajiuel YV, FisnEa. Fourth1 edition 1 dJl'2mo!iaasKn-X00.'-,,!j'i!-! " - ' -:sf'' ' lhese arecarital works frfiiniilvlirnrira -. Pnk. liihed by MIQORE; W1LSTACII, KEYS & CO., . -3 - ' I 25 Wesi Fourth St, Cincinnati. w., K. ii CO. are the publishers of Bayard T f f 1 rn . ... . iayiqrs vjeiopeaia oi aioaern Aravej. wnicn 13 sold entirely by agents. J J - - v- ; f;"7 0 1 ''JENNDtr'S &' SMITH, 1h' ' ' "AND COMMISSION- MERCHANTS.1'0 1 nUorner toecond and Jb ranccs Sts. RESPECTFULLY call the atten jlm iiiereaania to meir large ana Varied stock n..-:a t,n. t. :.: j 1.1-1' . .. .., at tho lowest rates offrerght,nni, willjreceivf jdaily additions throusirihTe season; llavinir' Durchased for ,eashi.they pTOsent niore? rhaji ordinary inducements to puyers, anaTTUl.saVsly ail that favor them if lib a caO, that they can and will compete with St. Louis prices .. laey naveia storer A c-. -. . 600 bags Rio Coffee 50 boxes starch 40 " O G Java Co3ee70' do lemon syrup 100 chest and hf cheats. 25Q whole and of .bores ". ' - assorted Tas . '' candy - -10 bbLrcboilcd 5Lnd S II 300,d&! cans Fields ee'le- -Molasses ; . , ; f "rv3 ; . brated Baltimore oysters ICOlialf bbls do :' 100 bKs half and qr-'bbls 50 kgs Delchcsr'a Syrup 'u r macla-el ."'Jf.'. rnu 150 llhdsX O Sugar, J 600 do:ten 8x10 and. 10x12 60 bbls crushed " ' window, sash ' , 80 btls Tar : 100 hf bss ass'd glaiV. 100. stands d , , 300 do:i bed corda . .,.f SCO bbl? & hf bll crack-' SO coiLi manlila and .jute ' er of Various kinds - V rope . ' ' e '.' - 200 bxs ass'd Tolacco-.T. 4(Ja b'dleswrappinj paper 100,000 ass'd Cigars - 500 bbls S F and extra lODO sacks O- A Salt -: Flour ' il'- -' Hour ' ;15( ska Dai' uairr 1200 qj- ahdj half bxs- sar' dines! . 1 Id bales 4-4 Don-ieshcs 100 deetton batting' 60 dozen tins washboards uyikil,do jyara j v60.nesu.ubsr. 0A llhr ' oo kegs nails. . r . 75 don wooden bucketfl '80 ' ! do 'SOBotlar "-' 50 bx;i star candles u. - p . . ous to meatioti in an advertisement. Tr ; , Our corisign'm"(;nt 5,000 bbls Kanawha salt, at St. Loais rates, freights'added. :,;-" J:! ' '" .r.Owlers ar reVjectfully solicited and ishall receive prampt attention, and every eifo;:t made to give 0:1-tHisaUsfaetion.'--i,'l fii:"J 10 ; . n September, 27, i85a TlnlCtljr 00? flf) orv.r -Steam lim-trlnmber.--;-) .TT7;E tfttoth'S.EaetlwdofjiM'onnirig tha Public ' V V that we have just put iVoperation'on'what 13 known as Sonora Island, four miles above- BroT.-n-ville, a rstaiality.jtS3XrySajvpiill, and are now pre pare! to eaw all kinds ot Lumb ;r on short notice, main jror ,W.;S.rlIALL A.-Cpw COUNXY - SURVEYOR, , ; c Bjg WvfJ LLE, lEMfHA CO.'; ; '; rr.. f. . - , KetrasVa TerTitjry: . i V. EiOOEI: OUT!-i A IX perifHi hertby.Xorwsrned from btryirg . the South West fouti of Soction 25, Township 6, J.'virtli Kajis W, East of the vutth. Principal fferi difii. in .Neinahs.r conntT. JT. .".. row orcrrr)iiii TL(iS. llod.b-, aa I have a right 'Jt said claim that ia 1 B.'.:B.'.THOiITSOX. .ErpwnviUf, July 5thf 1551 tvl-ntf : WE IIAYE now rclvT,.r sals' 103,C 03 5 kvT ri r chantellc Erick. WESTFALL &. MAELOIT. EroTtvili:, August 2,li:55. w'l-nStf A Boy's .tie U. SJfavv. l.l "(stitrt TrtorsAKD.) - iT 0 fill Tolume,H6me.) illuslttitedJ; 75 cents.' - i n ana m niannerf wefr cor-taen'; WiI givs eatiiiw ticn-r, w e win K'lep- a 1 errr Drsit 10 run to tne tk)t for-i;:eo vLa cf our cu'ftoiners.'. : ' - - ' 11 ' 1 ivrifdrRliclufr-Plaiits: i,t0O?- Bushels Maclura Seed. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. OVERMAN i MA 2ffl, BlocTiiiuton, Til. BEQ lcav to s iritujaco that th eer.ics of years tn cn-ed ) hedges'and hedge planis, and ;;avi; P. y have, a the cuHur.3 of ; been catly . iclur i llede, and stimulated by theiio3nse'. increasing demand for the material, they hitve son, the. present reason on good, new land, about 150 bushels of excellent seed the produce of which is estimated a.t Jijtceu milliont ptanult which they offer for the Spring trade, It would hare required more than that amount to BuprAjf te demand the part Spring. The tenns for plants will be reatonalle, and to aealers and oth crl orJcrtng pTantily-w1 gr0-w aienU will bo offered. It iS.Tcry, important that.erders Ehould be Unl in SAttYn3 thty.will be registered and filled In die order inf which: they are received, For the last three years .they have been unable to supply the demand,;anl'lf is probable thatlato or dcrs,cannot be Ued thoacxt Spring m the domiuid i3 expected to be four timet greater JJian jheretoforo, Plant will'be securely 'packed arid delivered on board the cars free of ex 2cnsqxcext.fyr.ict.Qfja -Thevare aim Mtensive!y.,eriMrel in-Importing hedgo seed, which they sell on the best terms, and alwnvs warraht '-re A a nd' grtod orders rfor which ehould bt seit1n prior to fhe 15th of ;Octobqr jfafiXfc. They will be prepared to sprout seed for such as do sire it. - . ' J : Ilaving several extsnsiye nnrseribf, they offer, at wholesale and retail, a 1 area i stock of ' thrifty Fruit and Ornamental trees, Vines) Roses, Shrubbery, Ac, at -th following! points, ;to' wit'BlaomingtoujlU.; Mound Xursnry, Canton, 111,; Henry, Elmwcod," und Havana, 111. All Fruit Trees warranted to be of the best varieties and tru to name. - All. information cheerfully given, and fatalogue and premium essay on Hedgeing sent; to all applicants.' Address, i 3 T . i -. ... 'OVT.TUIAX k MAXK. Dee. 13, j5$. Eloomington, Illinois, AY. & Ai SEXSEXDEUFER. , 0j piPOPTEKSAND jWIIOLESALE. PEALER3 Havana "and Domestic' Cigars & Macco. ; SOUTH EAST COKNER PIXE & SECOND TS ST.XjOXJIO, 3VTO." 1 "i "yrTE have in store,- atrd'Ho arrive, a ' very-large - V Y assortment of tho very best brands of Havana Cigars. We desire , to call . the special attentiou of casn Duyers 10 our ii,Je kiocis, wniea wo any ucicr- - j a . . ti TT r . . . rri.' - i. ? mioeu votseu yeij tu" ..i'jr ;cobu. ; xuejr cuiisisc, in cart, of the following brands-:" , r f . ' Prentitude Regalia Dianal Millam "' ''Mi Destino i '-'do , Newtpii!do . ! ; . i r . Anticuedad r . do '. 1 ji'j: Bastamanto ,; do Iberia do : ;SParneiia; ' ! i . do j ; JEspcnola da Delirante do . legAdcra do Saluadora do ' r LaMorma do : Staffanoni , do Nensagcro do '. . . Meridianas do . ; Emulacion do : , Washington do ' La Yoz do ' r - El Sol r ?.&.'' Fortune Londress; 11 .v r-. ' Carrentus -tfcf'T : Pocahonta- do"?'" ' Reinas Sultana da . La Flora do "' J ElSoldelaDrimea do Doce ileses do v: ;. Figaro CillindradosJ I). B. Castanon do ' Prensado D. D. do s J. Y. P. Fa ma do ; V de la Rama do Yignera Plantations; ' P. L. ' :.j ' J do Vellegas do--- ' " . '.Mensagero Trabucas; De la Cruz Principes; -I ' ; Victoria do Barrios ' , do, r . 11 I-. t'LBgUtGuarfl Opera, Star"'. :a'dof -I'.k '(C ' J. I. Panetelas; .., 'Posignio Prcst. ,r-.,.r. May " W. & J. SENSENDERFEll: ! Mc3Iechan &, lialleutlne, "tTTliOLESALS drocbr3,;ati(i 'fJnrtrtnr.n :11pt. r V V ( chants, Ho., .3 4 Levee, St. touis,:Moi, between Olive asd Locust have now in store and receiy. Ing the, largest aisd most general ' stock of Groceries they batterer offered, which ithey intend: t6 sell at the; JowestViar.ket.jrates. .Their, stock, cpnsista ; in pari'ofr1' x-- w--'' '" 375 hhds N. O. suar: 400 bbls clalified;-J f hiU: (T: 225ibbls4oaf,crushQdandi-iOKdered sugar; 4 " 350 db'and hf do" plantation uiolasses; .'? 45 ly.pkga Belcher tti molasses; 150 bis NOSH: . ,15Q.Hphcst3'Y'fHteaf1273 doImp,Gl' and - 1 ' "vr,'w.v,?n.i I i 150 caskiS. Garb sodaj 2$ !do salefatas'r 20(1 liOToa TC.iM-vlJ h l.rn fni. i i ni ao v a ana -jjio tobacco: ' 75,Soa Spanish cigars; 200,000 Hav'aridCuba sle; R'irt Arver o ajnrl a. riila 1500 sks prirae Rio coffoe;' 300 packets Java; '" 1 ' f v,f 75: paeks. Mocha , do: r f;f , : ,:;f'' 2o00'kgs Wheeling and Boston" nnils and brads vi-assoftcdSd to 40J; .i:.':i:ir:J.;o ::. - i 1 1 i v75 M& Ba? Covrf ysters; 275 bales attingj , 2a(J ska Eagle otton yarn assorted: . 1450 coils Man. and Jute ropp;IiJ . ' ' '-' ' 1 ' - r)vj.l50, bis peperand pimentoj 75 ,bbls ftlfiionds; . 150" drums' figs; 600 bxs hf and qr M R raisins: vj,jx; druhacod&h; 325bxsdo-; : ' !i; ( lSvcascssardineshf qr; ) r H 1 ' I "ill" . ' 350 boxes assorted pickles, ketchup; " -350 bxs palm and fam. soap; 30 do trtould e'dls; ;i;yo0 do asstwinaow jass; M) bgs earpet pham i eign and domestia. Wines brandies &c . W. S. GIL3IAN. "til WrjQLESALE OROCER, No. 130 Second street, St. Louisj has in storo a largo and well eelejt--ed stoek,' which is offered at the market rates, con fcistiflg in part ia folio w : ! r : f ' -r ,r . -. J i 370 hhds 2T. O. sugar; 200 bbls loaf, crushed i powdered do; 1 : ' t ,1500 bags Rio coffee; 100 do' Javar do . ' 150 bbls S. II. syrup molasses; 850 do S. H. molasses; ' ....-v...-, . , 250 bbls" plantation molasse?; 100 pkgsmaokero;'! 100 boxes codfish; 100 bbl3 Wilmington tar; . 500 kegs Boston and Pittsburgh nails; i ' c C' "65tcgsfine3d nails; 75 bags cotton yarn; "3o 50 bales carpet chain; 150 do cotton twineto . "lc '100 bales -wicking; 450 els Manilla and' Jttc cordago;'j . ::? ;Ji-.vll ic T '.f ; ,, 100 doz plow and clotbeg lines; r .. 'i v 1 '' ' 40O boxes 'window glass.' assorted 'sixes'; i: ln ; 2000 ;ll$ WcaaiiJUi dor alum; 1500 Uq s'tpetsr; i '100 bj'. smotins'tobacco: 50 do cutchewiilldo; I O cL50 ixstal 4Bdlea; 70 do sperm :dop ! 1 1 1 u ; 300 candle moulds; .'ri,t 250 bojees soap; 350 pk g3 sajeratns; - 1 : "T' ft-itfa Jla..inai'?o; 6Aprnnn.51F-'rtnt . i.- 80 -bgrpcpperj 45 da pimento; .200 bxsg'ds'iacs; ' '- 350IVG. IX $er. caps, 250 rm C. & L."pap!r: 1 : i f . 35fc floi com. and fancy 'pails, 100 nV&hoop So; , ... 85ft . nests, 2 and 8 qt tabs;, 250 niaU cassia ; i , . . '25 '.cases prunes; 40 cka Currants; 3 do maddof; 7 1 : ; O bblswhUin; 400 ,m wrapping paper; ' ' ,";. CO" bale'snaburgs; bro9ni3, xinc washboarils, churns, 'ic.,' Ac., . "'".' . June 7, '5G ' .nrT, GLASGOW: BIPTHER.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDDJG AND COMMISSION WEKCHATS, V. 50 Levee, have in store and to arrive, thai following Poods, which they off;r for sale at the; lowest prices, VIS i , ( y- . - 1000 hhds fair t prima 3T.:500 boxes -Yeast powdrs; , J-. -r rO.'Suxorj , , 100 kegs up Carb Soda; 1000 bbls clfJ saWr-100 boxes sal'eratus: S00 do If andicrush'd d?j '500 els Uanilla Conine pn ' eminent Ja.eq3ce; )iS00 - do ass'd Candles, 1000 kegs-Xaifa; " , r 100 Preserved Fruits; , 1000 boxes Prnj Oleine :4 ' ' 160 r do' Meatay ' vr'tPaioHf Sj .vrr,o10(Td(f:f Pickles-C) 100 boes FancvrSVnp; t 100 - do' T Ketchupfj r '-taO'-'ad- Star Canifti: '100 'dojJ- OliVe' ilrL n5Qi;4ci -.Sfonlij 4fi.ri075o;.TW3d'd:(-i;fr.; rou do.castilo. Soap;..; o,.ao reaencs; ' i04. do BUuefa; Si .i,--S0''fcase -'Canaccas 300 .do i-VpaliTjo n-Chocolatfi ehiil'l - , bacco; y 40 do Wood bx patch's; 2C0 do : Mo.' 7 fdo;rH!: -1 50 do Sardines,' quarter -600 Jl-i -Sinokiny-do; 0 ir-nnihatf feoarcs;: j-jr HOQ ,do, Cuba" CHirsr 5 cases Citren;r , r -00,000' .Res, Ci?; imp.; '' lObblslIason-sEIk'lnj; 100.hs Pepper;! :tv'; J'i ''. -5 .cWI. Nutntcgsy': i -f ; 25 do .Alspice: . 5 2q Indigo; -300 bbls A hf do iiaVi.j 50 do E. C. Oysters; - 500boxes-Glass;'- 1500 reams "Wrop. Letter - 100 bales Batting - - l - - . and Cap Paper; 200 doi Painted JJuttV; - SCO nests Tub.v.S's-S's; -. :eiquues: ; ' : v ll 10 "fealf -pipes 'jureold :'US bbls Malagd -Wine; Brandies; 100 bkts Dennis Clamp. 100 do dot 1C0 do Jleidsick' do;' 103 bbls Mwion'. hiy: cases old lid. Wine; 100 do old Eye Whisky, 20? boxes. Claret Wine; very superior; ". r . - . St. Louis, Ho. June'Yth, 1S55. ' V -? -: - - ' : ' ' C;;:;:.y;;Kolice; FAIIJXO to fee several persons beforo I left, who had made bills r atTuy a5tion, their accounts liave been left with R. Tarn as,' who tA vaucei the mnnt3.r,r t . w... ,J0I1X JUPUEESOX.: ' EruwnvIIls, Koir. 2D, 1850. ' ' f ',. ,.' " c" B LAXKS every dc??ription, for sale at tbis C5c-. Li r j.ou oxs star canJ j, i ca?ks currants: f ; ' r 500 bbls, hfdo an.1 ki Tand 2, uiak'erel: " " (60 pkgsNoLtolmonf SiOOO bxsasi'a tm14(!rs f m 260, qt and pt flasksj S000J hjes ubs, 3. add 8 j j .1M) doz zinc washboardsj 50 gros? yeast pow ds; r T r Together 'with-a c&rieral and 'full stock.of for , 20000 esnaborg sacss; 10 kegs sup. corbt soda; . r 10 20J lbalf chests Imp.; Y. Ifahd G.T; tcasj ' ' ,hk SO1) bbxes-laipl;Y. II. and G. P. tcasjtuU : : I . . .45(3 fcoxes Yiwininvand, Missouri tobacco: i ouu OQ b. U.aolaasc:. .vi op. wave ., aoj- 800 'do plantation do: '.COdoi Manilla i Grass 100 tcs prime Riee; i . J- 1 'Bed Cords; - ". I 1000 pka G, b4 E. iTcaaj -Sf'0 b-Jiqs Kaismsj 1000 bajjs Ko colfiic; j1 2j bbls "Almonds;' ,;100 do -prime old' Gov- "100 boxes Lem. 'Fyrup."1' i . .... a s t f TYPE & STEP.E OTYft FLIIDilY IZo. ies Yin St., bet. Fcurta a;ad HU ' CINCINNATI, ;0. C. F. O'DIilSCOLI & co. x ''anufaclybrs r'nd dealer in News, T ok and Job i'; 1 Type, 1'rii.t :g I"rccr s, Ca Gat 4c., &c. lrs, acd Prini l- r Matei:-.l of I.vcrr Ut npu(m. TIUEOTl 1'ING f all I.ind lioois, iuusic, IV.entKedicine irectioii ; Jobs, .Wood E.:srevmg Eranu" and Saltern Letias, varicus "styles, Wholesale Paper Warehouse. nninvrn. V.1HTF!V 1l CO.. "XT WHOLESALE Dcaler3 ia Tapers of every des VV oription: Book Paper, Flat Cap, ( ! 'f ' ;l7GippiEg f Fpolsca ? ' i Btanilas, i v L ' J- Letter A to, !i I. OAlnr.-id Panoris. lledinm A; Dcmv'a. - v v " - l J J W v of the very best Eastern and Western Manufacture, ZlJ a3a ir i'-?' ana V'h f ' t v I y X.'liltADXElijWAIiliEX&CCL,! No. 12. La Salle strecr. Iniprorcd Little Giant CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL Irico HoducccL . THE subscribes, has. pui4ia.scd exclasivo riht of Territory In ihe West, of the above celebrated Mi!lf, and, is prepared to, furnish them at all times, cither wholesale or retail, and guaranteed ia' the most pofiljve manner. -: tu '-."! .'. .: ! v .V. qiI is now more than a. year since Ce .;.. . Was introduced to tho public, during which time, it has been constantly growin in the jwpnlar favor. ; . -She inrprovements recently csfTected and patented, makus it the most perfect machine' ever oiferod for gcperal farm 'use; It i3 furnished ready for attaching team, and weigh3 lis follows;, 'o. I,- 225 No. 2, 330, lSTo. ..'J, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. . Twenty minutes are sufficient to set one np, without mechanical all, and when once adjusted, it can: with safpty bo entrustsd to a boy.' Pull directions accompany each .Mill.- 'njmlxr ca.'sssSo ' v. Ko V, SSSj'wiir grind -8 bu meal per hour with 1 horso No2 40, . " 10 " . No3 50, .15-" . "V 1. " No 4 -60, u " '20 ; ' "'' 2 " ! I 'ISy Liberal discount to dealers. - JAMES B. CnADWICK, ' No. 63 Locust street, bet. 2d and 3d ' June 23, 1S55. vJ-n & t:j . ; - St. Louis, Mo.. AtOVZO PRATT, New York; E. 0 PRATT, O. W.'CniLD, ,E. W. FO.T, S. C. MANSUB,' iff; , v.'i ;i : at. liOuis. .. . bt. Louis. , .. r.: CHILD, PRATT. &.CQ.,V Diroijt Importers, Jobbere and ManufactorcM Agents English, French, German & American Hardware and Cutlery. 7 1 ' '' GtJKSJ RIFLES: PISTOLS. &c. & 13 & 141 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue, v iV i, v st;:louis,; mo. fv j ;: i, o, of G. T.'- rpiIE Brownville Lodge, No. 3, IndepndLmt. Order A. ef (jood lemplary m?ets every haturdav evo ning,JatT o'clock, at Templars' llaRy No. 23,'Atlan- tic sireemnurours liiocK). '.V'yr-.-io-Members of the order visiting thopitv. ivrft rpmot fullt invited Id atferid when convenient; and those Joc.iting'hpro,"are:earpcstly'$olictedti join tha Lodge, as wi; Jookfor-the purport of allr friends of.Temper arice'.'btth m'alc'and femalel '. ,iU l'r 1 "L 1 ."'Far iofonaation.'concqrping the r0'rde4vcuialri3 f vm. inurDur, Atlantic street, U. J.,Lke, ic.27, Main street, or Richard Brown, corner of Main and usi sweet. .7 li'J f l r CiJy orderor: the JiOdset Mrs. C. E. TIICRREE, W; C T. : n. Pf BUXTON, W, S"." " S' ' ' J ?26,:165.7iijvlfn8tfiJi!."l tu'i'f .I" . - . Attest Tiiyj 11 nj: jsiiyr i-ji: uni" r ' 1 f 111I v-v) i 7Maia street St. Luis, Mo. .. "jTANUFACT ERERS of Straw and Silk Bonnets, IYjL Importers and Vholesale dealers ia Ribbon3. ISilk liliinefylowcrsTrinimings, Lace Goods, Em- uoiacnesifliQ , .. j . ; f ' t3r"Merchant3' add Milliners are farticularlv in vited to examine ourtock, before making their spring .-nursery:. it tid ni sjLOLTiSiMO;.;! 0j;i Offer for sale the coming Spring, . " ' 5u,i)6() Apple Trees, 2 and 4 years bYd, em- bracing 175 varieties. Price Z5 t j 40 tents. )uW.'2,000 Peach Xrees, from 6 to 8 feet high, D8 vareitiesrfrom 25to 30c. . . , . ' 2s500 standard Pears, embracing 43 varieties, : " price frm-50, to 1 75 cents. . i ' m. m 5,000 Dwarf Peare, embracing 33.varietics, priee ;-- fleach.''-'"-1' ' "' '' i'-!, , ;.. 5jQO Cherryj Trees, 3E varieties, 50 to 7 cents each. t r 00 Apricots, Early Golden,- Buda, Peach Apri cbts, Large EayiTico 50 cents. ' .;! 1,200 Quince, assorted,. .. 25 to 50ccnfs. 500 Dwarf Api.le3, -:v:.';i. 50 ' u 500 White Grape Currant3 25 00 Black Naples 25 500 Chcrrv Currant 1 .. .. 25 . u u ' u 500 Red: Dutcte .Currant. KAA V:.t.nOT r1.. w. r. fa ............. l.V 500 White Dutch Currants"' t . II w . 1 1 If. JUIIi.u LJ . T T T " rr.-f r: 12 1 A 1 S tt .'jii'500 LargtfiRed Dutch Currants. 500 English Black" v 2,000 Prolific Green-'. ' ..'...'.'....' 1,000 ITough ton's Seedling 500 Warrington do ...... . 1,000 Sulphur f ;rdo .v.... fil.00tf Aihtdtt''.: 1 iidb .a ...... 12 V3 m3' .i ..,!. 25 M .25. .. .si. 5 f 508 Crown Bob I f.cdo t a- r- A . 25. u 1 il u a u a 'u'' 'it . u u 'LCdRiaemen "l ' 'do ' . 25 2,000' YelloW Astwarp-' Raspberries 19 ; 1,000 Ohio Everbearing do 25; r 1 2,W0 Large German Apt-warp do. ' ,' 1 9 ' !j J 000 Red Antwarp '-''-' t.rJi'. 13 ' l'oOO Eng'.ish Filberts !"r 39 1,000 Horse Chestnuts 5,000 Grape Vines, 2 to 3 years Id 25 to 51 ' 150,000 Grape Vines, 1 year old'-$5 ? 108 5,030 Dahiias assorted, each ' -" 25 500 Pernias, do ...........Si , ;10.030 Giant Asparagus Roots--$5 ? 100 ' 5,0 )0 Tube Roses 10 - 2,000 Yards Pink 50cts $ yard. i 2,0)0 Jlantj Victoria Jib abarb- ' 50c or $40 ? 100 J - 8,Oi50 Wilmot Earl j feed Rhubarb--12o 50,030 Strawbierry. Plants; 12 varieties ; -.4 rc.....-..-..v.-..5 to 10 rer 2,0000 ,; ".iu.OOO'bada and Ornamental Tree?, embracing -.1 A io Catalpa Black Locust, i'alioma lmp9rjj.llis. I.mbardv Poplar, Silver Leaved Poplar. .r,.r. jinaen wu, qwcci uum, tim, i;ai?nm 'PeplitTTAinaathus, TaliTreej, Upland Cy Trsss, Sycamore, Paper Mulberry, 'American 1 , i Larch, eeping jiIowt JJuckeye, Moun- t H .l.tairt Ash:WtrneBirJh.RdilaT.k.v.ivv;rn. .rr; rr: a P"?c froni 25-ccuti to $1,50;, awnlirg to size -15,000 Evergn-ccnVcmU-aclcg - -r-.-; : ! J . i fifj ?Rd Cedars, -pfce,.eacU 50c to $2;' White Pirn -do " ' 5Pcto'$l" Yellow Pins do JitLOe to3U J r 1 1 ;? f riatopean caviar wme box- Uo Knrwnv Snru?e.50c.7. 100i! n 12,503.nant3 of OrnwaehUl ShraUory.crchracficg ,,r!. in part a follows: w.rj i'.'!i Z7m Vfir 1! Lvlac, eh 50c; Spiras, assorted each ii;, each 50c; ,f" ... lr, I Honey .Suckle. Ported, 25d,i0o $lj') . : Phibidelphns 25e to 50c; " ' ' -1 RcS3 Aeasia. 25e to 50q - r Privet for Hedges 25c; ,?;'?':;,, . , 1 . Bl-xldacin 25c: CorcorHS Japonica 25c; --"' Ellagnns 25c; Libarnam 50cf - i i t . Tamarix Africans. 25 to50c; j r . r : , 1 , ,.. Ribes Oordoni2. Jo50c; '' ' Weeping Mountain Ash lOf3 -'' i:: mith-Frinre Tree tSO; r;:' -:l. s; For?jtbe 50c to 1,00; . , . . t Corni ce Dogwood Silver Striped 50rt ti 1,00 ' DeuUiSrabia 2i;:Deuiii Gracilia 40c; ; j .-1 . , f ' , . Y'etBUig Birck .50o; , . , f ' , r i; f, " ' ' ' Magndia Acnmlnetta 50c; ' ' . ' ' ' -lYeepiijLiEdan 13;"-! f li'r L' .' : Dwarf Ejx 59s per yard; ' . s. ? ... ' . " Eauonimus 0cf " .' "' ' , . " ' ' Althcai, assort ?4,5o to 50c.' ' 1! l t-iJ'. I a offering tho above Stock to out customers wo beg to say it 13 superior, in growth and quality to any heretofore Herod, and persons wLhiii supply can avn il themselves of further information, by ad dressing the fcndersigned at St. Louis." Catalogues furnished to all post-paid application. Rfspectfnlly, JOHN SIGERSON & BF.O. Oct. 25, 1S5. vlalMy v:n' i :i N purcmses, asrwe relying tully on tnq superiority of our"sEyle3,) intend fo offer ipduccmcnts equ.1T, if not anyjobbstg housain the United States. American iuixjeviuas jc, uyc, e, Jipv, G HEAT SALE O, One EuBdrei Extra' Lots, Ia tia Tova of ilrolior, ITJ". "X1. .The ' proirietors of tho town of Archer, knofr '.hat they have ono of the moit beautiful Town ia fcb-:l:a Territory, feel assured that the j needs I - t to bo seen to be admire 1 and thv 1. therefor-.-, concluded to offer 0::-j ii jndred Lot-, the alx v 3 named Town, at Public A ;ction, n AV cesJay, November 6th, 1853, it be! .15 the f rst cf the ELstrict Court. o es :o ic d- Archer is situated on a high rrr irio, ri a r.- !cs from the.Jlijsouri river, cnthe mo-s direct roiito from Nebraska City to Topeka, in Kansas, snd isthe County Seat of Eichardsoa county. The Lots tibe sold asd-iwr'mistake. Terms made known on clay of Sale. A. D. KIRK. Secretary Archer Town Company. Oct. 2kb,lS53. 20-2t FKES21 r x A RIIIV AIL ! r OF i. .' NEW GOODS!! v. iioblitzell ; &; co. BROyXv'lLLE,.N,,T. HAVETinSDAY"EECEIYEI), per steamers A. C. Godim and Wm, Cimpbell, and now opening, the ciobt extensive stock of Goods ever of forcd in this markets 'After the experience :they havo in Nebraska, they flatter themselves that they tnow what snits thepeoplo, and have purchased soc4 a' stock -of Goods as 'cannot fail to please. "Wo will not pretend to enumerate, bat saj como and see; and you will not fail to bo suited. Oct. 15, lS3S.-ly , .. ; . .: :'!; Ready .Hado Clothing; EVERY .'VARIETr, style, quality, price, and pit trof Ready ilade Cloth in 2. jnst received and f6r3uieiheap,by t .IIOI3L1TZELL & CO. - ' Boots and Shoes. unusually larrro stock of fine and coarse Boots and Shoes both Gentlemen and Ladies' can be seen, and purchased low, at IIOEL1TZELL & CO'S. . iiwu w ..Hats:;and- Capsl ' U ; .': LATEST styles of Hats and Caps, and of every grade and price, are offered at . ' ' ' 'u- IIOBLITZELL & CO'S. 1 Purniture. BEDSTEADS, Tables, Sunds, Bureaus in short, everything in tho Furniture line, can be had at HOUL1TZELL ACO'S. Stove3 and 'Timvare... . lOOK, Parlor aali Office' toves.. of. various, pa- y terns; and. Tin ware, at . "HOELITZELL" & CO. Hardware, , Cutlery , and Iron. 1 a xAiiUHi assortment at 1. .0-:-.- -, IIOBLITZELL & CO'S . Wo o d : and WilloTT i war or: r BUCKETS, TuK, Churns, and an endless yarioty -..ffiTOtfxT'.wsre, is for sale at ! !'. f r , , . . .... . x . JUOBUTZELL & GO'S. , r;- .Provisions. - XT7Ekecp constantly on hand, Flonr, Corq Meal, V V ) Bacon, Bo tt:r, and every variety of Groceries I..- , ,r, HOtiLnELL" 4 .COA ' Saddlery.' O AtJDLE3, Bridies; ifartiBjrale?. Checks, and er'- kJ 'cry variety. f goodj. in this line can bo had at HOBLITZELL & CO'S. s f A ; , t " -. - r .iUueensware, iVb.All the latest styles, and iu endless variety, w jusi openea at liUULiithLU A- UU S. - 'CJ-'-tfODD & CO., ------ AV212, XoraTirttor-jntn Strict, St. Zouit. ... , I .- i . . - t ;..,.., .!tll IMPOUTEK3 AJf JIAXCFACTCKEE Ol' 3 INCLUDINGj-Dutcb,- BoiUng,CIrths, .Mili Stones, Saws, Screens Damsels, ic' Also: , ,,r POETABLE - GEIST IJILIS, Both Upper and Lower Stone Runners '' Of Stretclied Leather nmel Tiufcber. r SferLbai?,1;t!5b?r 18.T?36.'- TlnTS-piT I r, , ,.JSOTl?E. THE Copartnership heretoforo existing between G. W. Crow a:nd J. It. Putterson as Attorneys at Law, in th?jl2th .Judicial Circuit, sn the State of Missouri, was dissolved on the 23d day of July, by mutual consent. Thoso who have business entrusted to the firm,,will nave the joint attention of former firm to its completion, and thoso. indebted to said firm will please call upon and setLIe the namn with G.;W. row, at Us Law OiTicc, west itie of thJ pub lic square, Oregon, Holt cpunty, Missouri. s ' L -Il ' G. W. CHOW.? ? :i : , , - '- j..m. katterson; i V prcgopiNov...22yl3jC.-5w ',.-.-,,!. a KEW- CASE! .STOUEn BnOWKVILLE, K. T. ' The subscrilrs would inform tho citizens of Brown- viite, ana surrounding country that their NEW STORE HOUSsE 13; 'completed, and they are now receiving ' ' and opening an eitcnsive stock of ; NEW GOODS! COMPRISING IN PART, ' Biay-"Go.oD. BOOTS AND SHOES, Hardware, arid Tinware, cookixg: AND. E OX STOVES, Wrrn?.TTnnTTTi "GROCERIES, "&C,, &C To which they invito tha rdtention of customers. Their Goods areftlected with reference to the wants of tho town and surrounding coun .rj; try, and will ba sold as Low as any House ' above St. Joseph. Jb'LOUU AND -CORN MEAL, T CONSTANTLY ON .IIAND. , COME ONE I '-COME1 ALL! And examine our Stock for yourselves ' 1 I'l ' "" " "'; Respectfully, 7' : 71 t W- .' "... MCALLISTER, D02lER& Ca. Brownvnlc, October 2j, 1353, . tlnlOtf ' ; ft CLrAIM for sale.-- THE un4ersignci Irrjl o fofc s'ajs 'a'ejlmprov ed CViim, ituated one mile west cf 1! cn tiie, mairv ral loiulinj in that dircrtioaf.The Claim 13 pretty equal: j divided" between Prairie and Timber,-,. .The.iinprovenicnts con-fist cf a -u: 1 ?.-.. Jog houe ajid'.tw!r,ty acres f com o fncc. A g.vf.u irgaia may oc aaa a Uo pre prietr is detcrr mined to sell in order to'sr to L";ii:f,.rnU' In thh spring For particular call uoon him at hi risi- denco on the above c'.vimV' J. W'. BENNETT. Erownvil.?" 2- LSi w -r-j- -j- :i U i mxisir.D EIJ ij ;j No. 23 .West Toartbi Street Cinciimati, O. A niSTORV OF MEDICINE, from its Ori?ia to rx. tho Close of tho Eighteenth Century. By Dr. lienward, of . Paris. . Translated by Dr. G. C. Conwgy Professor ia Jliaiui iledic&i College. ' One Volume, large.Svo, 7 j0 pnes, .Price J3,0O. An In trud action to tho Study of -Esthetics. Bj Professor J, J. C. HuTatof thaColIcb of New Jer- Princcton." Author of "Life of Chalnier?:" A I v 1. 12:a. pagt? Price ciiucr s 4-1 if'S'jliany. ' A sc: '-n of artir-1 r4 tLe irocced of ha Colic; cf IVfe Tcachen leaches. By J. 31. Campbeil and A. M, Ua-iJey, 0f "aJxish' Col'ege. One vol, 12mo, 4j0 pages: ;. Prico W ,-WJXL EE READY. IN SEl'TE'ilEER . Tho Cyclopedia cf Llodcra Travel, A RccorJ of -Adventure, Exploration and - ,. 'Discovery for tSo last ; Fifty yar ' ) Edited lv llaynrl Taylor, Author cf iVie' Afoct n . , Vlaviitin Ccfttri Africa," i.e., Ac. ' 0n 8vo., ILindotnely illatrated "itli,"l2 maps by Sc'honberg, and 'numerous w! ec-ravir by Orr. andiui cUtorate'hteoI fro&tiipc-ice bvB-tfrp .'tSr'ViUbo?o!dtogub.-nhrjcr,lV 3JOORE, -tViLSTACil, KEYS & CO " V hoale and RoUil Lot.kscllcw. 23 c:t 1 u-iith street, CuciaaiU. OUR Et4ck of Fruit Tree J, T r,''-j' , the most approvei Tarf't 5!,Mw i, 1 cnert, Cherries, ApricoU,X.K Straw I procar class a 1 of th. fnc: s,tc. E-pecialetreki-T. r -apte mostly IBch Tan'Ui, f-j best suited to tha jon l 'v t - id South. ".d S ind ro j est fruits, ' espec- Jy of the Eastern sitL'l va!u. ; if j VOur stoci of Peach Tree, i, k aaa iue pneo so low tnat all thk t'7? k trees the iast winter, shnnl.l . . a If. . . ' "l ITtlxp, (.hpnrr Trnti i V . 1-' . i-.r...i.i ... 1 . . . ne dinesa to the tree, to canse the tops ing fine cherries in the South and Vipi'N c .iiu 1 ft Of fc' vm have a splcndH lot, especially on di-f String Jsrers Vicficeiit,, th, best I abundant productivennss. 'J'jj Catilogi-k, witi j riccs, efP.f t applicants. N arseryaen aniDra!cr ; p . 1 are invited to cull and ciamine tor jt ? Pears and Cherries. Lcial!vW .,. . nvited to cull and ciamine tor stTi if -'N as wo believe they can save ex-von. .SU tr purchaoing "of 'uZ'ITlJlU Tv-L M " ready. . . ,c M. B. BATEhSV THOiiP, SillTH Jb UAXCHErV ' i--. ,.,PT10PllIET03S.-Ifa1iJt5-B.1,--t r .aA-Xv extensive tssortra:nt of "4 traae, , , ., 20a.OOO Api.le Trees, from fi t'o3 Ut ' '' 100,000 Dwarf Pear Trees, 2 vein' at T4! 50,000 Standard do. Ii fi-om 3 u i Peach, Plum, Ajricot, and Noctarla T- large numbers. - , ; : - - , 100,000 Raspberries, embra;jng every t ,, value. AUthe popular well is rarer v. other small fruit; . . . c v , . ; Foreign and Native Evergn;en3-Niu-iriy c ' ' Pines, Cryptomerias, Cedars,; I.l4-;k. aad 'r'' Spruce, Balsams, Hemlocks, c largu ae(g '", small. . r - Ornamental Trees, Roses, Shrabbcrr Cliv Hed-o Ilants, ete. , . ; J Bulbous Roots, native and inrported; DJiom r nations, Pocnies, Cbrysanthemanu, l'bl".iErnC' great abundance, and of the mont beautuift. ties. - .. While we confidently claim fir our pro-hj'k;clJ general an excellence not surpassed tj inj , Nursey, we particularly and eaipLatiealw dai-T our siock oi i ear irecs, ooia L'warr and Suijj as unparaleiled either ia extjot or qualitj, b existing stock in Africa. . The foilowint wt refer to trees taken frwn tho jame lot w th j offered, when they wer3 but ono year olJ: From Thomas W. Frtll, E,jq., an extensire fa in and importer of lVar. trees ia New York. ,i , , . i spocimena aro reauy spionaia mo luest i wjgi I From Robert liar k ell, Esq., Mobile; J er seea finer trees." " ' - ' r s, . '" From Messrs. Ncallyi Brothers. Burlin3ton,Icnj "They are really the fiaofifi trees of their er saw, and wo. have purchased a great maaj ia 4 few past years.', ...n-x.i :; . .,. As suggtive- to pers.ns nbout to tmrcW. 11 .T. .I... ..... . - . 7 " nuua t a nil- irce:) went nol $anjwteu'4 J tho extreme cold during tho l.;is4 winter, whwaeff ! lea so exiensivo injury to uscnea at uW and that we have had no drought during th summer by which the gnwth of. our trees hwi retarded. : They may be relic! Bpn,thercforf,fc!i in prime health and vigor. ; r .. , . , ; 5 , .ut t ; " " OUR CATALOGUES Will be sent post-paid. to all who imrlose for V I ri latter stamp, and 'Lf tbe 'oAeri a one c; No. I A general detcrfptlVo' Catalojns of 1 r productions. )' A . , . i ; descnntivo Lf a' )f bahliaj, firta- house and Bedding plant.. . No, 5- JurserjffitBJsi rtlt : 1" Also a Supplements r" T tal and Cfeenhouo c.ct. . Also circular on the I 1 "( 't-"f- j "f tho Oroamea- Syracuse, N. Y.V. , J, 1 GRi ti wo years oU, fc-r sa'e.-lY? B5 per hnndrel per tuousan XL,LL(;il.2t,-T AoV. 27tf I No. 200 Ha tt.Cinc-innati. asi nnOVrN undel t.sSer.inal linf?' i '-. vT subscriber, "warranted tfJ ntttuint '.-i 3 a w n6agh of which will bo sent ttt si pjijr large family,! On reception of price pre-paid, t . a Cassabah Mrst MetoxA beaot'il and di:!ini fruit.-C.VriAtieoririn.t..."i liwn'j. Oka nue Water ;M?lctt PetftTfl-frkr the rlnl of an, orange ten fine ' :" flavor '. - i J Class Lemon- A beautiful little me'.oa ' for rreservos when rreen.. .. .... .. 25 Chinese AsriRAGi-3 Annual, and eqaal ' ' to the common easilv rniird . 17 Five Feet Ct-ccMSHrHs-r-Verv Iuris and curious to behold .... .... .. ... 25 Mi"jjilOTHP III Or the. 0' wbtje fir ono doI!r.'?en't I r-miil tnT addr(?ss.,v 4- J JUSEIH Ll SJRY. 20-tf . , r flattsburgh, Clinton Co, Ho. f.Chlneso.'Snsat.Case., - " I HAVE a supply f thi seed' on vildi Tree pr lb- $2: per oi., 29 ceita.'' Pcr&cs rcmittiaz m 25 cunts, shall haTo oca cuncir r ;nt their posagi - Th'j exotic plant, known as S-wjl m Smhiitt recently introduced into this 4intry by the Ftenl O.licc, may be euHirateJ tfndtr.fc-7rtacverypirt of the United States.' U will loakuVgood crop on the poorest soil. , prom experimental already maJcia fyrup leaking from the juice cJ tlu.j LmtI fuBy bolio-o- that rugnr cm-be j ritA- BMdjrtt fj ratit is worth a trUl by Kcrj'fa .' v . - " loi-it- . SJ.-llrSl-tr.OUna, or. 23tf . ,- Noj2-JdMajB-r4Cini:iDi!ti. Llorgan, Horses. A PREMIUM ESSAY on the Orijrini Eistory sni eharaeteristks of this rcmarkabi A2irjiiCA:ur.i:ED jf houses, Tracing the pedigree from the original Jtia 31rf gan, throHgh. ths most noted of bis projeny, to the present time. With nunnroia rcrtnit.1 T which ar added Hints f or Erooaing.liriakin?, ai general Uso and Management of Horses, with Frae tical Direction j for Training them for Exhibitions it Agricultural Fairs. By D. C. L.5CtT,-JEJdkborr, "V t. ; Prica fl. "Scut free of pwta !: i s ' " ; -. - ' ' C. If. SAXTON 1 CO.. Agricultural Book Publisher?; 143 Ftdtaa sf, II. 'A..TEIIRY fr CO., :- WHOLESALE AND SKt'iIl' iE.ltIK3' I GARDEN AND ;ELOOTIIeK for all the best Rural I'ublltinns ia t2 Uni ted tetator. ..... i . . JBtore next doer to Poat-OSce, Council ElB"-.Iitra. la2My - . . A. MUDD,- tX UVGULSy V T ( i. r. .JlVl,rJ f M l ' , S. O, .11.. -J -A fir. praka lcrntory.Radin tl.e Twelfth JaiiciiLCircoit I 7 y f Brtiwnville, N- T. R. W. Furaas. ,'-lr. J cha MalVnoip ; .Tirpctin, Ohio. George .N. Miller,'' Arcuer, .1. . ... LOCKWOQD t'EOMEJlOr, ; TYvhr!e?al Dd icotail Dcaien it' r ' -ALL' KINDS OP' ' HATS' 'GAPS', WE invite the attention' of (r friends and th Trad,g'n'H-:'y,U-ur4inujcaTTy Urset'ck o. the above g yAi;v, h!cU we deJzn selling at Fricc' to -iitiho times, t-- - . . . r ii incm? cur I . . w-j ' u every ; , . ., advant.- - to I; ?, ithtr 1 'r 8Ji.!o c? retail. - Being A'racticai UatUr., selves, -they hfre a riy-ulcd.natt'?4'ia-rbjra their frt.ick of gotxls over tjos .nayiH.'iiSd it the trado. . . , 1 r onr t iry nr ir or -.t ;-in? uur JUt.iil Ue, -.rt:: ' u ?Kall noi b ex?t;:ci ij ...i llcasa ia tls Vcit. vo i.-J 'JileMSi'--cf variety by , and if trains ...t srvJ t to bhade tS. ..II.. . Ao. 2 A later cd;tipn tf the Fra? DeraAnest J(. A iescripL'yi Uitiao of 7 , , w IaCITS and Shrub.', Crpa at.dCfj1.L5ry Vii4 .Cra-i?, ClorT 8i?ed, Bird sedfl ef J1 kisJi, A5 ricultunvi and I or lie ui curat Boolo, Imoicuient., 4 ' T At,.-. - . W Ji Er.OWNVlLLEjXlT. Will pracUce: La tha Third' JuiLiai District ia 'e-