i ilE ADVERTISER. yY. FURNAS, Editor. -TV MORNLVG, JANUARY 1. 1S57. rr7Briy, General Advertising Afent, in rear V"k Ladies and Children's Shoe Store, j.ETTEKOiLL A Co. New Tork. f i'. SrTK!, X. Chestnut street, Saint t ti n iiimt . iinpecanoe, voio H K irk. Archer, Nebraska. I f I'eteb, Oregon, Mo. tawi Hawk Import, Mo. 4 WiriTK, -brwk City. N. T. ' M. W. Tatk, Linden, Mo, j IUyv, Three Grove, N. T. f-thorixed Agent to oolicit Subscriptions and t7rt:nnt for the Advertiser, and reciere and jrpt fur monies thereon. f rw,n resident ia this Territory, coming from rP-rUouf of the States, "gg to " f n of nemoM in their old neighborhoods who j d..ub'iU become subscribers if tbey could see ..j the "Advertiser." V e always send a spcci ' r,v end persons recieving, will consider it a V.uuji. to become t regular subscriber I urt J A otben, feeling suflment interest to make ,.b,canreUin the usual per cent for their T - j JOB "WOES. ; !fl";th recent extensive additions of new w Cms, colored Inks, Bron2es, Cards, &c, jie'to the "Advertiser" Office, we claim to - M to turn out Job Work in & manner un- r massed bv any office. The proprietor being .tactical printer himself, and Jiavirg id bis ' ioy fta accomplished and experienced l-rr Job Printer, is determined not to be !".done in the execution cf Job Work. Cards '.Tin- one of Foster's latest improved Card Tte? C'.aDka, Work in Colors, Bronze Work, ic, mcft witb cularaUeD f Orders from a distance will be promptly at tried to, and warranted to give satisfaction or l7- f ?V IIA1TY SEW YEAR, DEAR KEADERS, ONE AND ALL. . TEE rEESTEEXTS KESSAGE. ! Many of our numerous readers may a have time or opportunity to read je above document, we, therefore, pro pose a few comments, extracts, kc. i The first thing the President offers -to the consideration or perusal of Con gress h the continued prosperity, haziness, and quietude of the Union ; ' it ' thence branching out on the history f compromise measures. The com promise which consumes most of his ; time, is the "Missouri Compromise," j catered into by the North and South j in 1820, at the time the State of Mis- j souri was admitted into the Union. i Ihe President brings forth many argu- ! merits to show the fallicy and uncon stitutionalitv of establishing a line I over which a portion of the citzens of the United States would be prohibited from carrying their property. Decisions ! of the Supreme Court of the United 1 Stafcs, are brought forward to sustain the po.aon that Congress has no right j to impose restrictions of this kind s. More than one half of the Message is ; taken up by this question. The next subject, claiming the atten- tion of President Pierce, is the finan cial condition of the Country, show ing that "Uncle Samuel" is in easy . circumstances: During the last fiscal year the re ceipts from customs were, for the first time, more than sixty-four million dol lars, and from all sources, seventy tiirecmillion nine hundred and eighteen thousand one, hundred and forty-one ilollars. The expenditures, including three million dollars in execution of tke treaty with Mexico, and excluding Fums -paid cn account of the public debt, amounted to sixty million one hundred and seventy-two thousand four hundred and one dollars; and includ ing tho latter, to &erenty-two million nine hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninetv-tvro dollars. the payment en this account having amounted to twelve million seven hurnl red and seventy-six thousand three hundred and ninety dollars. Vn the 4th of March, 1853, the amount of the public debt was sixty nine million one hundred and twenty- nine thousand nine hundred and thirty- wen dollars, lucre was a subse i. ' . . -1,. muviu increase 01 two million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the debt of Texas making a total of seventy-one million eight hundred and seventy-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven dollars. Of . this the t um of forty-five million five hund red and twenty-five thousand three hundred and nineteen dollars, includ ing premium. has been discharged, re during the debt to thirty million seven . hundred and thirty-seren thousand one hundred and twenty-nine dollars: all of which might be paid within a year without embarrassing t he public service, fui Doing not yet due, and only re- deemable at the option of the holder, cannot be pressed to payment by the government. A reduction of the revenue from Customs is urgently recommended; also renewed recommendations for the in- crease of the Army and Navy. . Allow us to make one more extract from this document, in regard to the r?rcrt of the Secretary of the Inte- . rior. - .The aggregate sales of the public : "tids, during the last fiscal year, amount to nine million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight hund red and seventy-eight acres; for which has been receied'the sum of eight .hons' eight hundred and twenty-one ' hund fQur hundred and fourteen pilars. During the same period there nave been located. itli mY,t 8nl land warrants, and for other pur rses, thirty million one hundred thous Hi two hundred and thirty acres, thus making a total aggregate of thirty-nine million three hundred and twenty-eight thousand one hundred and eight acres. On the 30th of September last, surveys had been made of sixteen millions eight hundred and seventy-three thous and six hundred and ninety-nine acres, a large proportion of which is ready for market. . The Post Office Department shows "an excess of expenditures overreceipts of two million seven hundred and eighty-seven thousand and forty-six dollars. Our foreign relations come in for a small share of the President's attention; giving a slight touch of the "Fish Treaty" between Great Britain and the United States, showing that Department to be in a flourishing and amicable condition. - . - Efforts made to relieve our trade of sound dues have have not been attend ed with success. ' The Cuban disputes have not been satisfactorily settled. The subject of "abolishing privateer ing," is acceded to with the following ammendmcnt: "That the private prop erty of subjects and citizens of a belligerent on the high seas, shall be exempt from seizure by the public armed ycssels of the other belligerent, except it be contraband.". This propo sition has been submitted by our Gov ernment to all maritime nations, and has, so far, been favorably received. The winding up of President Pierce's final address, to the American Con gress, is devoted to Nicaragua,-and New Granada, two Central American Republics. Diplomatic relations with the former Republic are rejected on the ground, of so much "unccrtenity and confusion" having recently pre vailed in that Country, the President has not been able to decide "which was the Government de facto." New Gran ada seems to be disposed to subject our vessels visiting her ports to a "tonnage duty of 40 cents per ton a tax of "three dollars on every pound of mail matter transported acros3 the Isthmus." It is conceived to be the duty of the United States to resist the execution of these laws. The unfortunate riot, which occured at Panama on the loth of April, elicits serious consideration from the President, charging the inhabitants of Panama as the instigators of the out raeous assault upon the property of the Railroad Company, and the pas sengcrs who were passing over this route; causing full investigation of the affair and demanding summary punish ment of the perpetrators, with pro visions made for the families of those killed, and "full indemnity for the roperty pillaged or destroyed." Believing that the security of persons and property, passing over this route, demanded it, a part of our Navy has been stationed at the ports of Panama and Aspinwall, to prevent a repetition of such another outrageous attack. Commiting the safe-keeping of our Country into the hands of an All-wise Providence, President Pierce closes his last Annual Message, preparatory to retireing to the peaceful shades of private life. ., EfCTXESTS 01 TS3 PAST "WEEX. We are happy to state that nothing of a very sericus nature occured, since the coming in and going out of the "Holliday Frolics" and we hope, ma.ny a pleasure has been enjoyed which will be held in hallowed remembrance for many a day. ! . . Our friends at Sonora, Linden, and Millsap, Mo., we are informed had nice, glorious times, to which there are many "living witnesses" but the "times'' brighter and more glorious , than all came off at our neighboring town, Nemaha city. Our friend, Dr. E. M. M'Comas, a whole-souled, thorough bred gentleman, put the "cap-heaf" on the "hull on't" by getting up a "New Year's Eve Party" at which those who could, "triped the light fantastic" did it with science and elegance, those who couldn't played a fine hand in warming the iner-man and filling up natural yacancie3. All things went smoothly &3 a "marriage bell," and the boys are supposed to have waited on the girls to their homes next morn ing early about the hour of 9 o'clock. Such "time3" are worth, recording in the "Book of Memory." A' gentleman from England, thongh, h has furnished more than onehalf of the mea s for the purchase cf that wool machinery, tojr ingat St. Louis, they did not exempt hiabox es from the general search, hoping to qbtain more. His business here is to try, and gjt his money back, but if he is not careful hi will sr jay, to lose both moCey and life. . j I went to Salt Lake City, the other cell some cattle hides. I was allow Hew -Hardware Store. ..Sign of the Mill Saw. , ; - J. FLAHERTY, i Importer, Wholesalo and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French i IIARDWABE AND CUTLERY. ST. JOSEPH, MO. .' r5 NOW receiving and opening the largest and most. T&rie-l arsorttnent of goods in the above line ever offered in any market west of St. Louis. My stcck embraces a full and eomplota assortment of Cabinet ani-House Builder'' Hardware, Mechan ic's tools of every description, direct from the moss :turers; agricultural ana norticui i a i . : i - l . : GO cents for a pound of canales, , and Jo then -lDg&n Uierecent nd fai improvement for th. refused to let me have them on the hides, but saving of a Vast amount of labor to tho firming com- A j , . , j .,. munity.from whom I respectf oily request a careful demanded the4raoney. He informed me that examination of this department of my stock. I am t for the sale of th ) celebrated calico, money alone could obtain, leaving it will wjuTangnd fill all orders at ihe fattary price, optional withThimself as to what I Saould be Also a Urge assortment of Gnns, Rifles and FistoLs, ... - , ... 1 iron, oieei, nans, ac, oi iue i-bsii uriiuue; iu huum paid in lor the hides. " my sto-slt is very complete, which, for its quality and That you may have some idea of the many F.e, I am determined to offer such inducements as . , . ... i win couiihuhu a xiuercu 01110 v ukio iiuui mia uu ways tney nave Ol obtaining our money, lwill adjoining counties.' My srrangcmenU for importing enumerate a few of the taxes: and a-encies for American Hardware Manufacturers, a unuge spanning a Siream ia ue cuy. is wftre trade, enables me; not only to dely all eompeti- fvll.VriJ. - ...v:w i f I tion. bfit h2f Convinced me thSt the truo principle or 0 '. :. - trade is cash sales and small profits; senger pays ten cents for every crossing; fifty Janaary 1, 1857. vln29tf red by merchant one dollar each fr.r the hidte. and . . j . igi vooii ot every charged 45 cents for a pound of tisleratis, and approved manufact fn . r 3 .m i' t:-- toral tods and imp centeforaman and horse; one dollar for B IIUHRAH FOR YOUNG AMERICA!! horse and wagon, or carriage; two dollars for a wagon and two horses, or two yoke of oxen; then there is poll tax, police tax, water tax, school tax, tabernacle tax, State tax, property tax, and then comes your liabilities to the Church, which is the tytheing, or tenth of all EE THE CHEAPEST Clothing Store : 1 UNDER THE SUN!! ! GUARD VOCAL A5D INSTRUMENTAL CON- CEET. Notwithstanding, the slippery con dition of our streets, and the extreme unpleasantness of the weather, a very large and respectable audience, com posed of a goodly number of ladies, mfct at the "Nebraska Hotel" in this place, on last Friday evening to enjoy a treat of the above character, by Mr. and Mrs. Thurber and Mr. nannan. The pieces sung, and played were selected with taste, and executed with skill. In justice, to the company, we remark, that they are a part of the "Walker Fam ily," whose entertainments attracted so much attention in the Eastern Stat es, a few years ago. They propose giving a series of Concerts, at the most im portant points in this Territory and the adjacent States. "We wish them that success which their superior pow ers richly deserve. New Clothing Store. By refer ence to another column it will be seen that that Messrs. Siegel & Greexe batjm have opened an establishment very much needed in this place, par ticularly at this season. Give them a call, all of you who are in want of cheap, good and comfortable clothing. you possess; also frequent calls for a few days ' I js, undersigned would respectfully inform the t t t .I rv r . A citizons of lirownvillo and eurroundinz country, wort, for some of the Church functionaries, that we have opened one of the cheapest and largest whom it is not easy to refuse; and when you tock of ... . have paid all these liabilities how much do Ready Made Clothin you think you have left for . the support of in Nebraska Territory! TTe therefore resDectfullv your family? The intent of aU this taxin t is cau na "amine our sioc oetore purchasing J J o elsewiiere. as we are determined to under-soll any to SO reduce the individual that he may. be- Clothing Establishment in the Territory. "We have come dependent mxm them." and alwava at "?V!n nana a a.r sortment of Ready Mado i , j- coming; also, snirts. Uollars. Cravti. llandlipr- chiefcf, Socks, Comforts, Undershirts, Drawors, otc. all of the best quality and latest style. l lease examine our stock and see for yourself. SIEGEL & GREENEiJAUM. Store On the Levee near the Hot ol. Brownville, December, 25th, 1856. vln27-tf their disposal. After all I have suffered, if I can get away I will not repent my coming, as I never would have been satisfied had I not tried it for my self. I am now digging to put in a few pota toes, but the ground bakes like a brick. , In four days after the land 13 turned over, it is so dry you can hardly break it with a hoe. A large log-house I have built, I cannot sell for an old knife The committee comes round once every week to ask if we feel good toward the Church, and whether we respect the twelve and all the apostles A large camp of Indians have been close to my house all winter, and we are not much bet ter off than they are. This is no place for me; my children are spoiling for want of schooling. LATEST CONGRESSIONAL. We have advices from Washington City, up to Dec. 9th. Nothing of im portance had been done, up to this date, With the exception that Whit field was permitted to take his seat, by four maiority, and to receive the oath of office. Good time to Subscribe for Legis lative News. We will be on hand, every issue, with the latest and most important news, from the honorable Territorial body of this Territory ; which will add additional interest to the columns of our paper. This, if nothing else, ought to cause every citizen in this, and neighboring Coun ties, to send in their names instantly. Cuming & Turk. These gentle Ol m 1 111 men s vjaru win ue touna unaer tne proper head. We call attention to it. New Hardware Store. Mr. J. Flaherty, as will be seen, by his ad vertisement, is engaged extensively in the above business at St. Joseph, Mo. Persons wishing to purchase articles in T. B. CCMIXQ. ; JOHN C IUBC - CUMING k TURK, Attorneys at Law & Real Estate Agents, OMAHA CITY, N. T.. "VTTILL attend faithfully and promptly to all busi V V nes entrusted to them, in the Territorial or Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lota and lands, en- irriej ana pre-emptions, collections, tic. Office in the second story of Henry & Roots new building, nearly opposite tho Western Exchange liang, s arnnara street. Dec. 27 156. vln2Stf Peace in Kansas! C. F. JENNINGS k CO.,: The Church authorities endeavor, by all the FQHVARDIMQ & C0MM1SSI0M MERCHANTS, White Cloud, Kansas Territory. SPECIAL attention given to Receiving and For warding Goods of every description. ALSO: means in their power, to prevent any person from leaving, and when they find it impossible to stop the men, they try to keep the women; but da not in all cases succeed in either. A mule has just been brought hack, which they have taken from a man who was endeavoring to make his escape, on the plea that he ored somebody in St Loui3 something. I shall endeavor to escape on or before the 1st of September". Yours, &c, Will keep a large aud complete assortment of GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. CLOTHING, &C, &C, At the Lowed Cost Prece! Dec. 25, 1S56. vln2S-6m MitrrieK GREAT U. S. On Sunday Dec. 22, by the Rcr. J. VT. nail, Sir. James Richster, of Bethany, Mo.,and Miss Belinda Chamber of this county. MAIL ROUTE. From Nemaha Agency, in Kansas, to the mouth of the Xyoway Liver, Nebraska. WuV. On the 22d inst Emelive, consort of J. T. Ed wards, azed 31 years, after a very short illness, at the residence of her husband m ft emaha coun y. THIRD YEAR OF t asmpM girt gsssrMa The management of thi3 new and popular Institution announce, with pleasure, that ar rangements for the third year have been com pleted on the most exter.sive scale. V orks ol American Art,- and the , encouragement of American genius, have cot been overlooked. Commissions have been issued to many distin guished American Artists,and a special Agent has visited the great Art Repositories of La- rope, and made careiui selections oi cnoice Paintings, Bronze ana Marble statuary, sc. Among which are the following exquisite pie ces of Sculpture, executed Iron tha hnest ta rara Marble. The New and Beautiful Statue" 6f the" u WOOD NYMPH." The Busts of the three great American 1 Statesmen, ' CLAY, "WEBSTER AND CALHOUN. Palmer's exquisite Ideal Bust "SPRING." Together with the Busts and Statues in Marble of APOLLO AND DIANA, The Struggle for the Heart, Psyche, Venus and Apple,- Child of the Sea, Magdalen, In nocence, 1 he .Little 1 ruant, and the Uaptive Bird. Besides which,- are numerous Statu ettes in Bronze, Medallions, and a large and choice collection of beautiful - OIL PAINTINGS, By leading Artists; the whole of which are to be distiibuted or alloted to subscribers of the Association gratutiously, at the next Annual Distribution on the 25th of January next. Terms of Subscription. The payment of Three Dollars constitutes any person a Member of the Association, and entitles him to First The large and costly steel Engraving " Saturday Night," or any of the month ly Magazines given below, one year. Second A copy of the Cosmopolitan Art Journal, one year an illustrated Magazine of Art. Third A share in the Annual Distribution of Works of Art, comprising a large num ber of Paintings, Sculpture, &c, &c. The following Magazines are furnished to those who prefer them to the engraving: Har per's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Knick erbocker Magazine, Graham's Magazine, Blackwood's Magazine, Southern Literary Messenger, TJ. S. Mrgazine, Mr3. Stephens' New Monthly, and the British Quarterly Re views. Littell's Living Age, (weekly,) and two Memberships for $6. Thus it is seen, that for every $3 paid, the subscriber not only gets a three dollar Maga zine or Engraving, but also the Art Journal one vear, and a ticket in the distribution of Works of Art, maki ag four dollars worth of reading matter, besides the ticket, which may, in addition, draw a Eeautiful Painting, Statue, or other work of Art, of great value. No person is restricted to a single share Those taking five memberships are entitled to six Engravings, or any five of the Magazines, one year, and to six tickets in the Distribution. PLAN OF The Cosmopolitan Art Association, This new Art Association, organized June, 1854, is designed to encourage and popularize the Fine Arts, and disseminato wholesome Literature throughout the country. It is un dcr the direction of a council of members, whose services are honorary, and who receive no compensation. To accomplish & truly national object, uniting great public good with private gratification, at a smal individual expense, in a manner best suited to the wants, habits and tastes of the people', the Committee have adopted the fol lowing plant Every subscriber of three dollars is a member for one year, and entitled to all its privileges. The money thus obtained (after paying nec essary expenses') is applied, First lothe production of a large and costly steel Engraving, and the purchase of the leading monthly Magazines, a copy of ffllWH-ME W mwm John colhoun & brother, Sign of the Padlock, one door betoif the Post-OHce.-ST. JOSEPH, MO. WHOLES ALK AND BET AIL DKALXKS IX HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. VRE now receiving a full and completo assortment of all kinds of Hardware and Cutlery, to which they invite the attention cf pureh;isers. Our stock having been purchased on the inot advantage ous terms, we are determined to tell at such pricej as will be satisfactory to buyers. Do not forget to give us a call befcre you purchase elsewhere, or you may regret it. J. COLHOUN & BROTHER. MAMMOTH STOCK. 27"fiU c5 Wintor Groocls.' POWEL, LEVY & CO, Are now Receiving one of the Largest and Best Selected Stocks of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &C, EER offered in St. 'Joseph, which they intend Cuferin to tho Trade at prices which will con pare favorably with those of goods in St. Louis W solicit buyers to call and examine our stock before making their ru'chasc-?. . Among the articles they offer for sale are. 40 bales brown sheeting; 200 pi'es Ban'l, allgraJet 5 lales osnaburg; 250 " satinettes; 10 " . ghirtin.fftrlpcd; 150 " tw'ds and cas'rj; 5 u eyliner backing: 5 Uales seamless bag: 400 pieces piaii linsey; 10 cases ticking 10 cases til Shed shirting and bq ting; 20 dos sua is; 29 pair three pieet green mackinaw blankets; 20 " scarlet " " 40 " blue " " 8 ca-os brown and bleached drilling; ICQ' pair sad dle blanket3. ST. JOSEPH LUMBER YARD, SASH, GLASS, .BLINDS H DOORS. NEBRASKA LAND OFUCE NOTICE Many enquiries having been made "when his line would do well to give him a call, the Land Office will be open for Pre-Emption: we have to state, that our Tract Books were Salt Lake Cnr, sent fr0m Washington on the 5th inst (via St rpHIS LINE makes one trip per week, each way, J. stopping at the principal towns on the Missouri River. Good Hacks all tho way through, and good horses and nice young men for drivers. J. 13. v Vv. JJEKahT, Contractors. Dec. 19,1856. vln27-ly JEstray Notice. mAKEN UP by the subscriber on tho first of Octo- X ber, one red steer ot the following description, MistrihntWL hv lot nmonr tha members, free. viz: urooped horns, blind in one eve. tnrco or four i. v,. ,mj av,, r. pav charges, and take away within thirty days f-om eveT lnree nouars pam oy jnm. it. J. it UliMLl , VST. J. TAYLOR, DEALER IS Pine and Poplar Lumber, Flooring, SHINGLES 'AND LATH, AND MANUFACTURES CF DOORS, SASH AND BLDNlSs, Seventh and Edmund sts., noar CaTgUTs Mill, ST. JOSEPH, MO. The above articles are constantly on hand, and for - ale low. UU fine Flour just received1 and for sole by Nov. 29, 1356. M'ALLISTER, DOZ1LK it IaJ. WM. H: THOMPSON. J. IX. TAAiFS THOMPSON & TAAFFE, ( Successors to Burrows & Thompson,) Wholesale Grocers And Commission Merchants, No. 13, Fearl Street, Cincinnati. ttf Particular attention will be riven to order either of which is furnished to the member for fortiroceries, which will always be executed at current avery three dollars paid by him. Second To the purchase of Paintings, j Sculpture, Bronzes, &c.; which aro annually market prices. dito. Dec. 19, 1855. M'M. GARRISON, Meal Estate Agent PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. AS now on ban! several valuable town lots and St April 10th, 1856. Estrav Notice. TnnisY As soon as rpCfii veil w will fnvft no. T-l 1 - 1 - D uuz.a i iiwu. 1 ,. , t . . 1 1 T. Il-H W H -U I I f.mf.l I I II I II I Till 1 I niVH IV. I. SI I :i -1 II I la V-NJ I im t 1 1 . i. . . It is with feelings that I cannot express I . " ' ( )Air' m? "oiarare August, a oiac sow f , . , . . r, , f, er has sold the pigs and left the s( win my possession. It cultivates and enct laws, showing what will be required of those The expense is one bushel f com per month, and and disseminates sterlin claiming the benefit of the same. J. A. Pabxeb, Register. . A R. GiLLiioRE, Receiver. Omaha, Nov. 22, 1856. now write you. 1 hope you will excuse my confused manner of writing, as 1 am as near crazy as you ever saw a person, besides being broken-hearted. To tell you my situation would fill a book. 1 have been trying to regain property fur nished the Church, but there is so many band ed together, determined to uphold each other, m m i. ir'i- f ,i - , I TTAS now on ban! several valuable town lots and Third To the publishing of the CosmbA H "oTJT " i p.,; rw, w,i,i!i politan Art Journal, which is furnished gratuit- n .hea ousiy, to an memoers aunng me year. Doing agent for uie t;uy oi i Lacuraouin, no wi.i The sreat success attending the Association, furnish lots w those who wus to aeuie in me town has made it universally popular, wherever its 1; 71(1U ttllU ULIJUUbO U1C A11UWU. this advertisement, and unless paid within thirty I out the land; thereby adapting itself to the days, the aow to be sold to the hiirh'est bidder. r,TP5Pnt war.ts and tastns of tha American neo- ple, enabling both rich and poor to make their homes pleasant and attractive by the aid of Sculpture, Paintings, and the best reading RELIGIOUS NOTICE. Religious Services will be held in Brown right or wrong, you might just as well hold ville, on each Lords day, at 11 o'clock, and your peace. I had seven hundred dollars de creed me and offered to take three" hundred, but have no idea I shall ever obtain one cent, as I have not yet sworn by heaven and earth that I will at the peril of my life, support the Church, right or wrong, in all the plans they may wish to carry out I told them that I could not consent to act the hypocrite or be provider fcr any man or set of men. also every Thursday evening at early candle lighting. Brownville Market. BY Our Delegation elect, to the Ter ritorial A6semhly, which meets on the 5th inst., in company with several "lobby members," left fcr Omaha last Monday. TnE heather. The past week, save a slight jshowcr of rain, has hcen most beautiful thermometer ranging from 14 to 20 degrees:, above zero. Judge Lecompte. It is rtimmored that the President has removed this functionary, but such is not the fact, as we learn from reliable authority. CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK HOBBLITZELL & CO DEALERS IN PRODUCE. Beownville, N. T CSEILIXO BATES.) I have FLora, $ sack of 100 fcs '-$5,00 i t S af.-w.il Ll O . - been warned by several parties that if 1 did c . the ld bughel 40c nnr lml.l mr twci mv life would answer lor Oats. bushel, 40 it; but i am determined to see the matter ?0;:";:..::;:;:::;:;:;:n."65fc tVirnnrrli 1-fn nr rlAntri &nr. n wliat; the Con- TEA. 100" ... . Bacos. sequences will be Ham. I0o T bnvo RAiit to wirpral frif-rnlv; linniiKr to re- Shoulders, ii ...... 80 cm...... Q, ceive some assistanse to enable me to purchase Chickxns, $ dot.,-'- 2,00 a span of mules. A lijhi wagon I can get for Egos, do, ' 20o h, . i ,, f KfcSU BStr, IU Vliw eavy one I have; for provisions I woiiid j Potatoes, 33 bushel, new 75c trust to what I ennld shnot on tha mtu. W5 1 BCTTER, 25c have had no meat to eat for the last three months but dead catttle, of which there has not been less than six on seven thousand head starved to death the last winter. As for bread we have verv little at anv time. Hundreds of men at this time are digging roots for a living some fishing some hunting--somo begging from door to door others bundle up their clothes and travel trying to sell them. I took some to seU; I had ninety pounds; I traveled thirty miles to Whiler Creek and th(?r mot a ... - On or about the 24(h inst., a pair of Splendid BtCK man wun two 01 nis wile'ssnitts to sail wuich SKI?t Mitts, for which the owner paid the sum of reminded me It was time to "take the back or out; mariana orananoiuisuncuy remember . -w i t . -.-i. .ea Ihe finder will receive many wants Cy leavin vJ vijj naj iiuum i. U.I.!, lUolli "U Ih.ra I),. JnrBBTlStllUFFlCE." NEMAHA VALLEY BANK. BROWNVILLE, N; T. A. Hallam, Gash'r. b. H. Riddle, Pres't OFFERING DAYS, Mondays and Thursdays. DISCOUNT DAYS, Tuesdays and Fridays. BANKING HOURS, from 1st November to 1st March, 10 A. M., tcf 3 P. M.; from 1st March to 1st November, S A. JL, to I . m. Cm Lost, STRAYED OR STOLEN. C. F. Jennings & Co. Attention is directed to the advertisement of the above firm, engaged in the Forwarding, Commission, Dry Good and Grocery business at Vhite Cloud, K. T. - Persons can rely upon the "Adver tiser for lato and interesting Congres sional items. JOEL Lt WOOD, IVt D., BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, six bushols of coroj on his road to Salt Lake City, and whose team had given out I bought the coTU for $C, and when I reached home filt quite rich. I then made another trip and ob- "R EisPECTFLLLY informs the cituens of Nemaha . ,ii j . ,e r i n mv --. county, that ha-ing pmanently located imme- tamed two bUS.'xelS and a half for Ibis, diately South of Brownville, and having had consid- and keepin'e a shaTD lookout for the next dead erb!9 experience in the treatment of the diseases . . , incident to the West, be flatters lunself that ho is ox, is ail my aepcuuei.-B uaici. prepared to treat the same on purely There is a great excitement at th present BOTANIC r PRINCIPLES time, tnrougnoui mo wuoia vuumu. ja. com mittee has been appointed who are going from house to bouse, ascertaining what property, money, clothing, provisions, kc., you have, and if yoa have more than they deem will be sufficient for your support until harvest, they will take it from you. They are searching I GENERA L LAND AGENTS - r nrtTTViTT T-i T rrwmn f A.t, . And in connection with Da. BrcKSjjt of Missouri Brownville, Jaa. l, 1S57. Tln29tf B. E. FEGEAX. 6. H. KIDDLE. ' D. R. PEGRAU & CO.; AND closo trunk j and boxes do cot escape. COUNCIL BLUFFS, 0WA.. It cultivates and encourages the Fine Arts 2 Literature through- Dec. 19, 1856. 3t JAMEr? ENT WISTLE. stray Notice. TAKEN UP by the subscriber on the 6th day of matter which the wide raiige of American and December, 1856, three stray cattle of the follow- Fore5;m Literature affords. ' ing description: One spotted cow, 4 years old, and Persons in remitting fnnc!3 for membership, smooth crop off right ear; one pile red slightly roan wiU please gVe tteir post 0ffice &MTCS3 cow, bush of tail (ff, no mark or brand; one calf, red, ,T . ,. t. ,,0a 7-r --O"- w.uu. o . . . . zine w) commence, ana register me leiicr hi the Post Office to prevent loss; on the receipt of which a Certificate of IJembership, together with the Engraving or Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of tho country. For Membership Address, K. W. rUKNAS, Agent, are required to prove property and pny charges with- ivaays. - JU1K LUU. Town. 5, 12 miles duo Wi from Brownville. BROWNVILLE STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKE, A EMERSON, 33xoxraa."7lU, 13"- Ti N. B. We would respectfully inform tho citi zens of Xernaha county and adjoining Missouri, that wo have always cii hand a largo and well selected supply of LU JIBE'S, which we can furnish at low er rates tnan any mill in tne lerruory.. Market prices paid for Iotj delivered at the yard. or on the back of tho river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will receivo our immediate attention. in thirty days Dec. 19, 1856. 3t Nemaha Valley Bank riHUrt l-blULIl(J dates its commencement 1 from the 10th Nov. Owing to the unfiinished state of the Banking House, wa have not thought proper to give out any public notice, though prepar- C. L. DERBY. ActuarT, C. A cu ii ii UU11.-5 lu leuuum our p-pcr in circuiaiinn. We now give general notice that we are solicitous to accommodate r.nr fripndi nml will lnnn lilnnpoml all on good security. We will at all times purchase Sa"ndtlsky, O. tastern txctange, and are now ready to make Drafts on St. Louis, Mo., in sums to suit, in exchange for either Gold or currency. ALEX. II ALL AM, Cash'r. JJrownvillo, JN. T, Deo. 8, 1850. vln2otf MICHAEL McGEE, Saddle and Harness Maker East sile of Main, bet. Franci3 and Felix St., ST. JOSEPH. MO. rpHAN KFUL for pa?t favors, begs leave to inform Brownville, N. T. A tuoubiicj tnat no nas just returned from M. A. NEW WM. ROSSELL. BOOT MOE' BROWNVILLE, N. T. Louis with as uno an assortment of materials as has At Eastern Office, 348 Broadway, iew IIig .i conjist, of a ...ner'i.irarticla of Sklrtinr York, or Western Office, 165 Water Street, Harness, bridle leather, hog, calf, and sheep skins; fine goat morocco, and a surpassingly beautiful arti cle of enameled leather of various hues. ne has ev6rv variety of saddlo tree?, from tho real Mexicana and English, Beard's and Grimsley's pat ent, down to tho common fall-back. Ho hat on band and will continue to koep saddles, (addle-bags, bri dles, martingale?, halter?, eol'ars, whips of every quality, whip-lashes, hamcs, traces, spurs, 4c. Ha also, coach, buggy, Pennsylvania, yankee, cart dnl dray harncs?. He has not now, nor will ho keen any other tnart No 1 workmen, and his instruction's to them are neat ness and strength. He, therefore, feels no hesitation HARDWARE STORE. J. E. WASHINGTON, DEALER IJT Hardware Cutlery tind Guru, West Side Main stroct, St. Joseph, Mo TS NOW receiving and opcinrg a stock of Hard A ware and Cutlery adapted to tho wants of Far- niAN TrvrV iniiia nnil f atVlltift Unit littvrtnj nnmliai. , L.rimn tfr,-rr, v.nf.i.inn.p. t,a . a - I in say ir.g that h 13 work wul seldom bo euQaled. no IkUUL IjVI X U1J1J1 1113 IUC UUUMl, iiuivnu jwu ..v.u ......u.1,.-1 iu mi , - " HI! .v . . - , a. 1 ii -A. I nnrmmMl prinntmnnta fnr tht Airat imnnrl !( Xr 1 " Hero SUriM -SCU. 11 ln.a.1 no is prcprcu to serve mem win any- i--- . As small Profits and nni-k sale, li In. mntfn. b pledges hinrself to sell (considering tho quality of 1 v ihimr in hu iin lit hnrt TAti.n. nml with a of all my foreign good3, togctner witn a long exneri style and quality of work he feels confident will enco in the llarawtiro business, I shall oer such m clease. To his old friends and customers he deems ducements to purchasers in this market, as will insure it nnncKMaarr to rat a word, to others he savs onh satisfaction, and respectfully solicit ashare of patron ' . l r . . . r . e . - - . . try me. I 8 irow iu arenuu Hi cuuiiirj u&uiug a jo- Dprember 13. ISoe. vln'B-Iv sci'u. ' - . i t t i i r-- iiuuis anu oiinuion s axes, A AT1 TinnJTQ T"FPT f A TT. CAS!TTW XV S -J- S y AKJ JLA-l-i-J. J. iAJ 4 14 V1AJXA... A. S. HOLLADAY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX Drugs a Bid Medicines Main Street, Brownville, N. T. THE undersigned respectfully begs leare to inform the rAiblic, that he has now on hand a complete assortment of everythinj usually Kept in .Drag Stores, which he offers for ss.:e, Exclusively on a New System of CASH AND CASH OSLTl it win be entirely foreign to this beautif ui system, Building, Hardware and Caroen- to "Book," "keep account," "note" "scratch" "chalk," ml-. r or "remember tor a few days. Come with tho "Spondulicks" ifyou want, anything in the Drug line. i s axes, Angers. Mouse hole Anvils, Chisels, rvjiia iwx y ices, Chains Spcari Jackson'sandButher! files, Fry Fan, Ames & Rowland's shovels A spades, Coffee Mills, VjVli, wrougniana norsoshoo naili Si-cs; l.otton an4 Manilla cordage, Wostenholm pocket knives, Knives and forks, Guns, rifles, and pistols, Shears, scissors and razors, Hammer and Hatchets, Spear AJaikson's saws, Braces and Bitts, ALSO, the article) lower than any house went of the Alle gheny Jlountams. Those difsed to suspect hiiri of gasshig; have on ly to call to be aisuicd of their mistake. fet. Joseph, August lioo. vlnl-.tr ' THE HORTICULTURIST, AND Curry Combs, Journal of Rural Art and. Rural Taste.- Locks, Bolts, latches, Screws, Butts, Ae Ac. ter's Tools OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Dc.l9,lS5fi. Prescriptions Compounded at aU Henri with Accuracy and DispatdL. Remember the system I have adopted, and my pocket and your feelings will not suffer. Credit will Notice. FACING to pea several persona bofore I left, had mado bills at my auction, their acc ;, who J. JA7 SMITH, Editor North American Sylva. Thb HoRTicrLTCKisT, as its name implies, is de voted to Horticulture aud its kindred arts Rural Architecture and Landscape Gardcaing, and will keep its readers advised of the new things on th subject, either in Europo or America.- It is a Month ly Journal of forty-eight psges, beautifully printed on fine paper, and elegantly illustrated. In addition to numeroiu wood cuU id tho first atylo cf the art. each number contains a full-pago engraving, from stone, of seme new, rare, and Valuabls fruit, tree; or nower, ana is one or the most beovfiuf, as well ai the most nsefal Monthly Journals eutlidhed ij taj world." ' . Tkkms J2 per year, irf adrsneo. Tho volunw accounta commenced on tho "lsf t f January last, and wo can Ieft R' W-F?Irhe W --be from thai t'ime. ' Thoso who peculiar destitution. July 12, lBo!.-vl-notf A. S. HOLLADAY. amounts. Brownville, Nov. 19, 1853 NEBRASKA CITY HOTEL. NEBRASKA CITY; N. t. BARNES & DARNUM, Proprietors. TIIIS commodions Hotel, situated upon Main Street, Nebraska City, will bo found a de sirable resort for travellers. Stages leave this house j indisputable, for all parta of tho Territory. . ( Brownville XOOI OUT: ALL persons aro hereby forwarned from bayin" the South West fourth of Section 25, Township 6, North Range 15, East of the sixth Principal Meri dian, In Nemaha eonnty, X. T., now occupied by Ihos. Ucddy; ai 1 liavo a right to said claim that is B. B. THOMPSnv. Brownville, July 5th, 1356T ' Tl-n5tf prefer can commeitca with tho eumsnt number. Colored Plates. Still further t add t tv val ue of the work, and meet tho improving tis'te and increasing wants of the horticultural community, an edition is published with Colored Plates, each num ber containing a full-rgo engraving of tomo new, rare, and valuable fruio, r newer", correctly colored from nature by toe best living artists in this line. This i a new and important feature ia this country. Price $5 a year in dram?e. A'ldtDn ; . ROBERT PEASSALL SMITH, Publisher, 17 and 9 Minor street, Hailadelphi