Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 01, 1857, Image 2
Items. Xew York, Nor. 28. The Triluns learns from good authority, that Buchanan has offered Mr. Cass the post of Secretary of State, and that the offer was accepted on Thursday last. "Washington, D. C, Dec. 1, '56. The resignation' of Donaldson, U. S. Marshal for Kansas," bas reached this city, and has been" accepted, A great effort is making by the Freedom Subdaers to lave him re-appointed in spite of Gov. Geary, but the President insists that Geary shall bo sustained. The vacancy has not been filled. Mr. Faim, deputy under Donaldson, is acting Marshal of the Territory, and may receive the appointment. N. Y. Tribune. Boston, Nov. 26. W V lion. lhos. ii. xenton, delivered a copy righted address before the Mer cantile Library Association, last even ing. The sdbject was, "The state of the Union; its delivery occupied two hours. Durin2 the address many of the audiance loft, the subject being evidently too ponderous for the assemb lage, which was composed mostly of young persons. n New Orleans, Nov. 28. Steamship Tennessee sailed yester dav for Isicaraffua with 200 recruits for "Walker's army. The American Proposition to the Paris Conference: The Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool accords its hearty approval to the declaration of the Paris Congress in respect to ma ritime war. It also approves of the additional proposition which the gov ernment of the United States hasi made the condition of its adherence to the declaration of the Paris Con- j gress, viz: That the private property of the subjects or citizens of a belliger ent on the high seas shall be exempted from seizure by public armed vessels of the other belligerent, except it be' contraband." TJ. S. Snip Pennsylvania. We are pleased to learn that there is some probability that this magnificent vessel vill yet be turned to some more valu able use than that of a receiving ship. It is proposed to cut off her upper deck, lengthen her and convert her into a propellor. The Pennsylvania, though not the longest, is the most spacious ship in our service, has the largest armament, and requires a larger number of men to man her. She can carry six months provisions and water for twelve hundred men. Richmond Dispatch. Ominous. The name3 of five of the leading Uniterian clergymen in and about New York are rather ominous for superstitious minds Furniss, Coles, Uellows, lSlease and Uurnhap. The only antidote they ever had was Dewey, who came after SjiarJcs, and he has passed through this fiery ordeal and evaporated, though, we ought not to forget, that he has left a successor quite Osgood. N. Y. Post. The New Cent Pieces. The idea entertained by some that no netv cent pieces have been manufactured is a mistake. Congress passed alaw author izing tbeir coinage, but neglected to provide for their issue. The conse quence is, that a "heap" of them are now at the rhiladelphia mint, awaiting the order of Congress to cremate They are about the size of the half cent circulated fifteen or sixteen years n err arwl ea rs,m rro rA r-P rttrfl nickle and zmc. Washington Union 3d. Later from Nicaragua. By the British Mail steamer Dee, arrived at Greytown, we learn that Walker was awaiting the receipt of provisions and ammunition, which had not reached him at latest advices. The full conviction of all classes at Grevtown is, that as soon as he has rfrAived thfl nfnrpsrnrl Rnrmhes nnd 0Y t . , , . - , ... 1 r i.l arranged niS lOrceS, ne WlU proceed tO rlnvA nil tho nlliAil fnrcfi . nut nf thp v w bwaw wwwvm wuwln m -r s i i a -r State. Of his further intentions here after, nothing is known. The allies were very much divided and quarreling among themselves. Pedestrian Feat The greatest yet Kennoven, the great American Pe destrian, commenced and accomplished v t, i tv. - ,i o1? i j XiUtnccu I Lie iiiu uu i. lie iiuu udja in last October, in San Francisco, the astonishing feat of walking one hundred and six hours without sleep or rest. " . A Yankee has invented a plague .which kills all who don't p ay the printer, j rass it down this way neighbor. Look out ye delinquents. The email pox is raging among the! Mormons; and 6hort crops threaten lamine. In Oregon the Indian troubles hare heen renewed with a worse aspect than lormeny. Gen. Rufus Welch, for many years the famous Equestrian manager, died u Lis residence in riukdclphia. lhe editor of a narr out "Vpst who has just failed, says he did it with U the honors of war nrl re'yA fv 7T , . . : 3 0I Var' aad rettrea trom me aeia Wltn colors njmg the SherilFs air uuitenns irom two Trintimrs t,H "X THiyQ OT BEAUTT 13 A JOT rOBEVEB. " COLE'3 VOYAGE OF LIFE, Childhood, Youth, Manhood Old Age, Four splendid Line Engravings, from the Originals ia the Gallery of the Spingler Institute, Plates, 15x23. Faper, 26x33. . . . . . . ' A GREAT NATIONAL WORK. - Of fire yews' ei ecurion, involving n expense of $20, 000. ' Artist's "proofs, $J0. India Lettersd, $ 30. Plain, $20..' ' ' . A prt-spsetus containing a fall description of the work, with teutimonials from our first AKTISTS; our most emiiteti, DIVINES, oar most distinguished STATESMEN, the best accredited JUDGES OF ART, ut home and abroad, together with the VOICE OF THE PEES3 Of this city, and also of the highest European au thority, - THE LONDON ART JOUR2JAL,-r--Will be forwarded on the receipt, of two postage stamps. , : s i j ; j The Trade (supplied on the 'most Liberal Terms. Appropriate lind tasteful styles of frames, prepar ed expressly for this work, at the lowest cash rate., are furnished at prices varying from $10 to $32 the set. Boxing, packing and cartage from $1 to $2. Address tie Voyage ot ine, Kev. a. li. vyvlm, vlnlitf Splnglcr Institute, N. T, . J. 21.; McFADIN & CO., FORWARDING $ COMMISSION Merchants, No. 23 Levee, and 56 Commercial street, ,' . St. Louis, Mo. . ; Especial attention given to sales of HEMP, ROPE, Provisions. lour, urain, a,o. uonsigumsni evuun ed, and promptly disposed of. AMERICAN HISTORY. A 03E1T "WOEK COMPLETED ! LIFE AND WORKS OF JOHN ADAMS Second President of the United States. EDITED BT HIS GRAOTSOK, ' CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS. . 10 vols 8 vo. $22,50 vols, 1 & 10 just published Of the writings of our Revolutionary worthies, none have been presented to tho public with as much ability, care and good faith, as those of John Adams. The main portion of the labor devolved on Charles Francis Adams, who has devoted to it several years, and has set an example of thorough research and sound judgement, which cannot be to highly com mended. Krfif W. Grincoll. It is a work for the statesman to real and study a work- efoociaiiy suiien 10 young uivu a nur. mm which we can well afford to identify our national reputation. Puritan Jieeorder. ' Every student of American history, American laws, usuages. nnd institutions, should make himself acquainted witi these papers, containing as they do the reflections Of a miao oi great comprenension, I deep sagacity and extensive learning on the funda mental principles of government. National Era. One of the most valuable contributions yet made to American history, Fkuadelphiv JJullctxn. Such a contribution to American history wo have not had before, except in the collections of the Writ ings of w asnicgton ana jenerson. rrooaoiy in lit erary value and interest this will surpass them both Boston Tran-Kript. LITLE, BROWN & CO., 112 Washington Street, Boston Wholesale & Retail Department B. VT. DOX2TELL. . A. M. SAXTOJT. DONNELL & SAXTON. Arrangement for FaUBQ. Winter hi. . THE PEOPLE'S STORE. : ST. Joseph, uo. New Good3 ree'd by every Steamboat. More of them: Cheaper than ever. WE are prepared to offer Extra Inducements this season, and call attention to our large BtOCK of djjy GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, (Latest Styles) x ABUlUMAliJLli JJUN-NJc, To, READY MADE CLOTHING, WINTER GOODS, : ' Hats, Caps, Boots and Shc-es, ( six hundred cases. uroeenes, in aus, uaraware, uroefcery Wapo 4c. Uasn paid tor uemp, on d uivcry, at s.11 times. Country Produce T7ANTED, and for which we allow tho highest ? V Market price. UOBUTZELU & UO THOMAS II. LARKIN & CO., COMMISSION MKJtCHANTS XSD Wholesale Grocers, Ho. dU, .Levee, Con er of Uiive Btrect, ST. LOUIS, MO. Special attention given to sales of EEMP, GRAIN and TOBACCO. No orders taken for the purchase of Hemp, under any circumstances. GEO. C. FERGUSON. MILLWRIGHT AND ENGINEER BROWNVILLE, N. T. A NNOUNCES t the public, that be is prepared II to erect Steam Saw anl Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. ALL WORK WARRANTED. He is also Agent for A. B. HOLLIBIRD CO'S., Western Foundry. CINCINNATI, O., iee & LiJAvrrr3 Saw Manufactory, CINCINNATI, O., And is prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery manpJfactured or kept on hand, by these es tablishments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. ; REFFERENCES. Noel, Lake & Co., Brownville, N. T. Steam MilL Knntnll h ID Klrlrt Ma m Jamos Lowe, Linden, " M Tln31y. Brownville, June 21, 1S56. IMPORTANT NEW WORKS. PUBLISHED BY Moore, 'Wilstach, Keys & Co. No. 25 West Fourth Street, Cincianati, O. A HISTORY OF MEDICINE, from its Origin to Xl the Clone of the .bightecnth Uectury. Br Dr. Renouard, of Paris. Translated by Dr. O. C. Comecvs. Professor in Miami Medical College. One Volume. lareeSvo. 750 ptiees. Price $3,00. An Introduction to the Study of Esthetics. By Professor J. J. C. Moffat, of the College of New Jer- sey, Princeton; Author of "Life of Chalmers:" Ac. vol. 12 mo, pases. Price $1. The Teacher's Miscellany. A selection of articles from the proceedings of the dolleee of rrofessional Teacners. jsy j. m. ana a. m. uaaiey, oi Wabash UoLege. Une vol, limo, 4oo pages, i'rice $1.25. W llAt liti KL.A.D I Ja Stria iUifcK The Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, A Record of Adventure, Exploration and Discovery for the last Fifty years. - Edited by Bayard Taylor, Author of Yiews Afoot,' " Travels in Uentru Africa," tc, sc. One vol- 8vo., Handsomely illustrated with 12 maPf b7 Schohberg, and numerous wood engravings n . : . r - t2f Will be sold to subscribers onl v. MOORE, WiLSTACH, KEYS A CO., Wholesale and Retail Booksellers, 25 West Fourth strict, Cincinnati. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., XiirrrACTTKEBS 1M wholesale dealers in Boots Shoes & Erogans, .VO. 87 MA.IX STREET, SAINT LOUIS, 210. ARE Iv O W IN RECEIPT of a complete assortment of goods from their own and other manufac tories, adapted especially to the n estern trade. Purchasers are invited to examine their stock, manufactured and selected with great care and warranted of superior aualitv. Orders will receive prompt and careful attention. PALMER HOUSE, S. BARBOUR, Proprietor. Comer of Illinois anil-lVashirigtoa Streets, INDIAN" OPOLIS, IND. . rpmS well-known, and popular Hotel, tas recently X bica re-built and sreatly enlarged by the addi tion of iirty or seventy room, and is furnished mrougnoi.t witn. new and beautiful furniture, and is in all rwpxtf, a First Class Hotel. Travelers iU find th -i aimer" all they can desire for eom- ?" la:rarT pleasure. The table will at. all times b snnlied with the best the market affords. nd 00 Pms Wl11 b spared to render the stay of iin aui raijiLK o.UV.'oli' BT. LOTUS ADVESTISEKZNTS. FEOM THE KEWSPAFEK At-VEETISIXO AGESCY OF W. S. SWYMMER, ' Corner of Olive and Main Sts., over the Bank ing Uouse of John J. Anderson A Co. V . r AGE'S I'ATEXT 'i Portable Circular saw-Hill, FOR STEAM AND HORSE POWERi THE most useful and necessary machinery in op eration; is simple in construction and easily kept in order, and can be moved on a wagon as readily as a threshing machine, and put in operation at a small expense. It will saw from ono to two thousand feet of lumber a day, with one team of six horses, as an average business, and in a better style than other mills now in use. It is eqnally well adapted to Steam, "Water or Horse Towerr" The undersigned, ttgentr for the patantee, would announce to t bo public that they are now prepared to furnish Mills, with or without horse power, of su perior quality and workmanship, with the right to use the same, upon the most favorable terms, at their manufaotory, Nov 202, Second street, St. Louis, Mo. Vo have also the right lor the. manufacture or Cliilds' latent. Double . Saw,-Milk. The successful practical operation of these mills through the country has been she means of establish ing their great reputation and with improvements in construction and increased facilities in manufac turing, we offer them to tho public with full confi denceof their advantages. . .-. . . All orders addressed to us will be promptly execu ted, and any information in regard to Hdis cheerful' lv eiven.. ' Persons ordering Mills wi'J please mention the State and County in which they wit'j to use them. Extension of Face's Patent. "VTOTICE is hereby riven ta the tmblie. that the 1 patent of FAKE'S PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW MILL has been extended for seven years from Jcly 16th, 1855. All persons found violating this patent, or infringing on the tame, in making, using or vending, will be proceeded against in'accordanco with the laws in such case made and provided. GEORGE PAGE, Patentee. By Authority ! THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT And Board of Education, Have ordered the following Desirable Works for the Township Libraries of Indiana. Some of them have been vnt into evert Librarv. others only into the more Donulous townshirm. Tho careiui aneuuon given w mo examination or works for these libraries, is a eaarat tee of the merii of th books chosen. Many families will desire to own the books, and read at their leianre, rather than wait their turn to get them from a library. The works may be purchased of JiookseUers, or will be sent bv mail, tree of postage, upon payment of prices annex- ea u e&cn. . i Farrs Ancient Ilistorr Much snnerior tn Rollin, because more concise, accurate, and up with modern research. 4 vols., Cloth, gilt, 3. Sheep. The Teacher's 3Iisccllanv is anew and ex cellent collection of articles on Education, written bv JUOge JHCL.EAN, UTS. BTOWS, UIGG3, MctiCFFlT, Atdexott, Rckett, Ltnd, I'ost, and other distin- guisnea members or the "College of Teachers, vol- 12mo., Cloth, $15. jiisiorr oi me Jt'urnans ana I'Hs-rim Fathers. By Stowell anl Wilson, 1 vol., 12mo Moffat's Life of Dr. Chalmers. 1 vol.. 12mo., f,25. . i The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs of distinguished Scottish Female Characters; Einbra cing tne reriod ot tne Covenant and the I'ersecu tion. By Kev. J amcs Anderson. - Moffat's South Africa. One volume. 12mo iweum eaiuon. ji. SiiiYears in India. By Mrs. Colct Maien zie. 2 vols- 12mo., Cloth, 2 00 Kern's Practical Landscape Gardening with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. S1.50 xi.aa-oi- vv ar jjiie. A IJoy's experience in the U. S. Navv, I6IXTU TliOUSASD.; 1 Volume, 16mo.; Illustrated. 75 cents The Merchant Vessel. A Sailor-Boy's Voyages to see the World (SIXTH THOI SAND.) 1 volume. 10mo., Illustrated. 75 cents, Nordhoff's admiral series of volumes. "Man-of- War Life' "Merchant Vessel," and the new volume to appear in beptember, under the title of "Whaling and Fishing," must be received with great favor, as the first two have been, wherever circulated. They are the faithful limnings of nine years experience at sea, ot a common sailor, n native ".buckeye, re cognized as inferior to rio writer of the present day, in life-like delineations of adventure, by sea. Very striking and graphio pictures of life at Sea, evidently authentic and' very instructive. lias advonture enough to please and truth enough to dissipate tne ensrm of a sailors life. (jew AorK evangelist. There is in them a vast amount of information respecting the commerce of the world. Presbyterian Witness. Will take captive the young. Journal and Mes senger. A Buckeye Abroad, or Wanderincs in Europe and the Orient. By Samuki. S. Cox. Third edi tion, Illustrated. 1 vol., 12nio., muslin, 1,25. The Three Great Temptations of Younz Men. Sastcel W. Fishfu. Fourth edition. 1 vol. 12mo- muslin, 1.00. These are capital works for family libraries. Pub lished by MOORE, WILSTACH, KEYS A CO., . est t ourth bt, Cincinnati. M- W., K. A CO. are the publishers of Bavard Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold entirely by agents. The only Exclusive Wholesale Grocery tr rv. -r t Mouse in or. Joseph. JENNINGS & SMITH, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Wholesale Grooersa Corner Second and Frances Sts. T) ESPECTFULLY call the attention of Country XL ilorchants to their large and varied stock of Groceries, which has been increased by late arrivals at the lowest rates of freight, and will receive daily additions through the season. Having purchased for ch, they present ntore thnn ordinary inducements to buyers, and will satisfy all that favor them wrih call, that they can and will compete with St. Louis prices. I hey have in store: 600 bags Rio Coffee 50 boxes starch 40 " OG Java Coffee 79 do lemon syrup 100 chest and hf chests 250 whole and of boxes assorted Tea3 candy ISO bbl reboiled and S H 300 doi cans Field, cele- Molasses b rated Baltimore ovsters 100 half bbU do 50 k,s Belcher's Syrup 100 bbls half and qr bbls mackrel 600 doxen 8x10 and 10x12 window sash 100 hf bxs ass'd glass 300 doi bed cords 80 coils manilla and jute rope ' iou unas ? u &ugar 60 bbls crushed " 80 bbls Tar 100 stands do 300 bbls A hf Mis crack ers of various kinds 200 bxs ass'd Tobacco 100,000 ass'd Cigars 4uu o ales wrapping paper 500 bbls S F and extra 1000 sacks G A Salt 1500 ska Dairy 10 bales 4-4 Domestics 100 do cotton batting 125 do do yarn 500 kegs nails 80 do SCSoda Flour 1200 qr and half bxs sar dines 80 doten sine washboards 50 nests tubs 75 doien wooden buckets 250 bxs star candles And a general assortment of sundries too numer ous to mention in an advertisement. Our consignment, 5,000 bbls Kanawha salt, at St, Louis rates, freights added. Orders are respectfully solicited and shall receive prompt attention, and eveiy effort made to give en tire satisfaction. - . September, 27, 1859 yla!6-ly Steam Mill Lumber. WE take this method of informing the Public that we have just put in operation on what is known as Sonora Island, four miles above Brown ville, a first quality steam Sawmill, and are now pre pared to saw all kinds ot Liumber on snort notice, and in a manner, we are confident will give satisfac tion. We will keep a Ferry boat to run to the main shore, for free use of our ustomers. W. S. UAH, & CO. ESTRAY NOTICE. flAME into my inclosure about the 1st of A gust isa, 3 yoke of oxen; marks, color and age as fol lows: . ,. One ox, a blue roan, smooth crop and under bit. in the right esn smooth crcp from the left, and five years old. One red roan, sjune marks and age. One yoke oxen, pale red and white pied. Same marks and age as above. One red ox, with bush of tail off, and smooth crop off left ear. One yoke oxenone white, upper bit in left ear, under bit in right, and looks as thourh it bad been split and the upper part forced ofl age same as above. One black brown ox. crop off right ear, and smooth crop and under bit off right and a small appearance of a brand on left hip age smae as above. The owner can have them by proving property, and paying charges, within sixty daysirom this date Given under my hand, this 8th day of October, 1856. WM. WEDDLE. V. T., TwT-if 5. vlalS-w. Myriad3 of MlcloraPlants. 1,000, Bushels Madura beed. FRUIT AND OiNAMli-Ni Ar - iJ.o. OVERMAN fxMANN, ? . Blooniuztonf IM i .it 1 ' - - BEG leavj to annjunc taai wey uavc, ir -ser ies of years, bn enraged in the culture of hodges'and hedge plaits, and having been greatly encouraged by the teess if the Maclura Hedge, and stimulated by the immensely increasing demand foe tho material, they fiave sown, the present season oil rood, new land, abfct iau ousucia uwueu. fed the produce of Which is estimated at fifteen illiont plant! I wfcicn tney rwufc trade, It would have nrtireil more man inai amow to ri?f the demand ie patt Spring. The terms fcT plants will h rmibte, and ta-deajew ana otn- ers ordering plants by fc nolcsaie, eltu h nffrA it I. t-rv imixirtant that orders should be sent in earit, as they will be registered and filled in the order in which they are received, Vnr f hA last threfi vein tbev bave been unable to supply the demand, and it is trobablo that late or ders cannot be filled the next Spring, as the demand i expected to be four timet grtnt tnan nereiotore, rlanu will be securely pacKiu uu u"'"" i board the cars free of expcnse,ex:ept for cost of ma ijr inl - They are also extensively engaged in importing hedge seed, which they sell on tho best terms, and alwavs warrant fresh and nool ; orders for which should br sent in trior to the 13tb of October next, They will bo prepared to sprout seed for such as de sire iU . .1 Having several extensive nurs!ne3, they offer, at wholesale and retail, a larre Jtoek of thrifty Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vinea. Koe3, Shrubbery, Ac, at the following points, to wit: Bloomington, 111.; Mound Nursery, Canton, 111,; Henry, Elinwood, and Havana, 111. All Fruit Trees warranted to be of the best varieties and true to name All information cheerfully given, and catalogue and premium essay cn liedgeing sent to all applicant. AaareHS, , - OVERMAN MANN. Dec. 13, 1856. Cloomingtou, Iltluols. W. & A. SENSENDERFER. EKP0ETZR3 AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Havana and Domestic Cigars & Tobacco. 80UTH EAST COBSEB PISE & SECOND ST3 ST. IjOTJTS, 3VZO. "Y7X have in store, aud to arrive, a very large V V assortment of the very best brands of Havana Cierars. We desire to call the special attention of cash buyers to our large stock, which we ore deter mined to sell very low tor casn. iney consist, m part, of the following branus : JTentituiie tteganasj iJiana iuinars; Mi Destino do Newton do Antiguedad do Bustamanto do Carnelia do Delirante do 8aluadora do Stftffaooni do Meridianas do Washington do El Sol do Empero Nichalds do Mensagero do Victoria do Iberia do Especola do BegAdera do ' LaMoima do , Nensagero do EmnliLciondo La Voi do Fortuno Londressj Fidelilad do Granadina do Pocahonta do . La Flora do (Jarventus do Reinas Sultana do ElSol de laDrimea do Doce Meses do Figaro CillindradosS D. B. Castanon do Trensado D. D. do J.T. P. Famado V de la Kama do Tignora Plantations; P. L. do Vellegns do Mensagero Trabuca3; De la Cruz Frincipes; Victoria do Barrios do Leght Guarfl Opera, Star , do J. L. Panetclas; Dcsigiiio Prest. May ' W.& J. SENSENDEBFER. McMechan & Ballentlne, HOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer chants, No., 34 Levee, St. Louis, Mo-between Olive and Locust sts have now in store and receiv ing the, largest and most genersj stock of Groceries they have ever olrercd, which they intend to sell a tne lowest market rates, liieir stock consists in part of : . 375 hhds N. O. suar; 400 bbl3 clarified; 225 bbls loaf, crushed and jowdercd sugar; - 350 do and hf do plantation molasses: 450 pkgs Belcher's sy. molasses; 150 Us NOSH 150 hf chests Y II tea; 275 do Imp. G P and Black do; . 150 casks S. Carb soda; 25 do saleratus; 200 boxes Babbitt's saleratus; ' 275 do Va and Mo tobacco: 75,500 Spanish cignrs; 200,000 Hav and Cuba sixes - 350 bxs star candles; 111 casks currants; 1500 bids, hf do sad kits 1 and 2, makercl; 50 pkgs No. 1 salmon; 3000 bxsass'd tnmblors . 260 qt and pt flasks; 3000 nests tubs, 3 and 8; . - 550 doien assorted pails; -1500 sks prime Rio coffee; 300 packets Java; 75 sacks Mocha do; 2500 kgs Wheeling and Boston nails and brads assorted 3d to 40d; 75 bxs Bait Cove oysters; 275 balea batting; 250 sks Ea jlc cotton yarn assorted; 450 coils Man. and Jute rope; 150 bxs peperand pimento; 75 bbls almonds; ' 150 drums figs; 600 bxs hf and qr M It raisins; 5 drums cod fish; 125 bis do; 15 cases sardines hf and qr; 350 boxes assorted pickles, ketchup; 350 bxs palm and fam. soap; 30 do mould c'dls; 550 do asst window glass; 50 bgs carpet chain; 150 doi tine washboards; 50 gross yeast pew'ds; 60 nests willow baskets; Together with a general and full stock of for eign and domestic Wines brandies, Ac. 1 W. S. GILLIAN. WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 130 Second street, St. Louis, has in store a large and well select ed Stock, which is offered at the market rates, con sisting in part as loaows: 30 hhds A. U. sugar; 200 bbls loaf, crashed A powdered do; 1500 Wigs liio coffee; 100 do Java do; 150 bbls S. II. syrup molasses; 85) do S. II. moiasses; 2a0 bbls plantation molass-?s: 100 pkgs mackerel 100 boxes codfish; 100 bbls Wilmington tar; 500 kegs Boston and Pittsburgh nails; 65 krgs fine 3d nails; 75 bags cotton yarn; 50 bales carpet chain: 150 do cotton twine: 100 bales wicking; 450 els Manilla and Jute cordage; 100 dos plow and clothes ines; 400 boxes window glass, assorted sizos: 2000 B W. chalk; 300 do alum; 1500 do s'tpcter; 20000 osnaburg sacks; 10 kegs sup. corb. soda; 200 half chests Imp.. Y. H. and G. I. teas; . 300 boxes Imp? Y. II. and G. P. teas; 450 boxes Virginia and Missouri tobicco: 100 bx. smoking tobacco; 50 do cut chewing do; 150 bx. star candles; 70 do sperm do; 300 candle moulds; 250 boxes soap; 350 pkgsfaleratus; 3 cases Ma. indigo; 6 ceroons S. F. do; SO bgs pepper; 45 do pimonto; 200 bxs g'd s'ices; 350 M. G. D. per. caps, 250 rms C. A L. paper; 350 dos com. and fancy pails, 100 no 3-hoopdo; 850 nosts Z and a qt tubs: ZoU mats cassia; 25 ctses prunes; 40 cks currants; 3 do madder; 5 bids whitinz: 400 rms wrapping paper; 50 bales osnaburgs; brooms, sine washboards, churns, Ac, Ac, June!, t GLASGOW BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 50 Levee, have in store and to arrive tho following Goods, which they offer for sale at the lowest prices, VIS i 1000 hhds fair to prime O. Sugar; 1000 bbls clfd sngar; 800 do If and crnsh'd do; 500 do S. H. molasses; 800 do plantation do; 100 tos prime Rice: ' 1000 pksG, and B. Tea3j 1000 bags Rio coffee; 100 do prime old Gov ernment Ja. coffee; 1000 kegs Nails; 1000 boxes Pm, Oleino A Family Soap; 100 boxes Fancy Soap; 800 do Star Candles: 500 boxes Yeast powdrs; 100 kegs sup Carb Soda; 10') boxes saleratus; 500 els Manilla Cordage; 300 do Jute do; 500 dos Manilla A Grass Bed Cords; 50 ) boxes Raisins; 2 ) bbls Almonds; 100 boxes Lem. Syrup, 300 do ass'd Candles; 101) lTe3erved truits; 10i) do Meats; 100 do Pickles: 10) do Ketchups; 101 do Olive Oil: 250 50 100 300 200 800 1100 do do do do do do do Mould do; Castilo Soap; Starch; Va.mafd To bacco; Mo. do; Smoking do; Cuba Cigars: 7.i do Brand'd Cher.; 50 do do leaches: 30 cases Carraccas Chocolate; 40 do Wood bx match's: 50 do Sardines, quarter and half boxes; 5 eases Citron; 00,000 Reg. Cig. Imp.; 100 bags Pepper; 25 do Alspice; 300 bbls A hf do Ma'cL; 500 boxes Glass; , 100 bales Batting: 200 dos Painted Bu'kts; 10 bbls Mason's Blk'ing; o cases Jucmegs; 5 do Indigo; 50 do B. C. Oysters; 1500 reams Wrop. Letter and Lap Paper; 300 nests Tubs, S's-S's -LIQUOr.S. 10 half pipes pure old 53 bbls Malaga Wine; Brandies; lOObkts Dennis Champ. 100 eases do do do; 100 bbls Monon. Whis'y; 100 do old Rye Whisky, - very superior; - June 7th, 1856. 109 do Heidsics: do; ' 50 cases old Md. Wine 200 boxes Claret Wine St. Louis, Mo. A. L. COATE, - COUNTY SURVEYOR, . BEOWNVILLE, NEMAHA CO. Jfeoraska Territory. . . THvAY & MATLACK, "Wholesale Pealera JL Drv GWods. En. 57 Pear! itmL litwn Wal j nut and iae liacinaati, Ukie. I . . 1 . . . . y VRANKLIN TYPE & STERE OTYFE FUNBRY No. 1S8 Viae St., bet. Fourth tad FiL. . CINCINNATI, O. . C. T. O'DRISCOLL Sc CO. rnnriujnnn and dealers in News. Book anl Job iJ. Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallies, Ac., Ac. Inks, anl rnntm iuaienai oi irvrj iwcrii'uuu. STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, Music, Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrcvings, Brand"ind Pattern Letters,' various stjles, Wholesale Paper warehouse. BRADNER, WARREN fc CO., . " THOLES ALE Dealers in Papers of every aes- -LJ-.cription:. , Printing, Book Paper, Wrapping, ; Manilas, Folio Tost, Flat Cap, i j . Foolscap. ' Letter Note, Colored Papers, Medium A Demy's, of the very best Eastern and Western Manufacture, and for sale at very low prices' 'y ' Cash for liags and itope, - - ; BllADNEK, WARREN k CO., Hq,- 12, La Salle utreer. Chicago, June. 2Sth. 1S55. , vl-n Improved Little Giaat , i CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL l?rIco lToduood.. fTIIIE subscriber has purchased exclusive right of X Territory in tne est, oi ine aoove ceieoraica Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all times, either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most positive manner. It is now more tnan a year since me "Little Giant" Was introduced to the public, during which time, it has been constantly growing in the popular favor. The improvements recently etlocted and paten tea, makes it the most perfect machine ever offered for general farm use. It is furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs as follows: iNo. I, 22o ro. , iov, No. 3, 400, Ho. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minutes are sufficient to set one np, without mechanical aid, and when once adjusted, it can witii safety be entrusted to a boy. i nil directions accompany each -mil "H? fit. Cd3 SUP No I, $35, will grind 8 bu meal per hour with 1 horse roz 40, " " JU - " " "1 No 3 50, u - 15 " "1 No 4 60, ' 20" u " 2 u M Liberal discount to dealers. JAMES B. CnADWICK, No. 63 Locust Street, bet. 2d and 3d June 2S, 1S5G. vl-n4 St. Louis, Mo. ALONZO PRATT, E. G. PBATT, New York. o. w. child, St. Louis. E. W. FOX, S. C. XANSCB, St. Louis. CHILD, FRATT & CO., Direct Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents English, French, German & American ' Hardware and Cutlery. -GUNS, PJFLES, PISTOLS, &c, &c. 139 & 141 Main St, cor. "Washington Avenne, ST. LOUIS, MO. I. 0. of G. T. THE Brownville Lodge, No. 3, Independent Order of Good Templars, meets every Saturday eve ning, at 7 o'clnck, at Templars' Hall, No. 26, Atlan tic street (Thurbur's Block). Members of the order visiting the city, are respect fully invited to attend, when convenient; and those locating here, are earnestly solicited to join the Lodge, as we look for the support of all friends of Temper ance, both male and female. For information concerning the Orde, enquire of Wm. Thurbur, Atlantic street, O. F. Iiake, No. 27, Main street, or Richard Brown, corner of Main and First straet. By order of tho Lode, Mrs. C. E. THCRBUR. W. C. T. Attest: H. P. BUXTON, W. S. July 26, 1856. vl-n8tf B. O. TI TTLE. . E. G. PERLET. H. W. SMITH. TTJTTLE, PERLEY & SMITH FALL STYLES. 1856. 77 Main street, St. Louis, Mo. MANUFACTURERS of Straw and Silk Bonnets, Importers and Wholesale dealers in Ribbons. SDk Millinery,Flowers, Trimmings, Lace Goods, Em broideries, Ac. I57Mcrehant3 and Milliners are particularly in vited to examine our stock, before making theirspring purchases, aswe(relying fully on the superiority of our styles,) intend to offer inducements equal, if not supenon, to anyjoobing nouse in tho tnited States beptember li, ISjo. vlnlo-6m SIGERSON'S NDBSEKY, JOHN SIGERSON j- BRO.y Oiler Tor sale the com ins; Spring, ' 50,000 Apple Tree, 2 and 4 years old, em- thio bracing 175 varieties. Price 25 t) 40 cents. m. a,ouu i eacn irees, irom o 10 o ieei niga, do vareitios, from 25 to 30c. 2s500 standard Pears, embracing 45 varieties, price from 50 to 75 cent. 5,000 DVarf Pears, embracing ZZ varieties, price $1 each. 5,000 Cherry Trees, 31 varieties, 50 to 75 cents each. 500 Apricots, Early Golden, Buda, Peach Apri cots, Large Early, price 50 cents. 1,200 Quince, assorted, 25 to 50 cenfs. 500 Dwarf Apples, 50 u 500 White Grape Currants ....25 " 500 Black Naoles 25 " 500" Cherry Currant 25 500 Red Dutch Currant 12','" 500 Victoria Currants 15 , - 500 White Dufrh Currants 600 Large Red Dutch Currants-.- f.nft Frxrlish KLu-lr ....... 2,000 Prolific Grocn 1,000 Houghton's Seedling 500 Warrington do ....... 1,000 Sulphcr di 1,000 Ash ton do 600 Crown Bob do 500 Riflemen do 2,000 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries 1,000 Ohio Everbearing do 2.000 Large German Antwarp do . 25 . 25 . 25 . 25 .25 . 25 Iff 27 10 10 50 50 1,000 Red Antwarp. 1.000 English Filberts vnOO Horso Chestnuts 5,000 Grape Vines, 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50 15o!()00 Grape Vines, 1 year old""?5 ! 100 .1 000 Dahlias assorted, each 25 500Pernia?, do .....50 " 10.000 Giant Asparagus Root3-...$5 100 5,000 Tube Roses 10 " 2.000 Yards Pink 50cts yard. 2,000 Plants Victoria Rhubarb 50c or $40 100- 8,000 Wilmot's Early Red Rhubarb-...12j 80,000 Strawberry Plants, 12 varieties- 5tol0per2,000(T 10,000 Shade and Ornamental Trees, embracing Catalpa, BInck Locust, Palinnia Imperiallis, Lombirdy Poplar, Silver Leaved Poplar, Linden Wood, Sweet Gam, Elm, BaNara Poplar, Allianthns, Tulip Trees, Upland Cy prsss, Sycamore, Paper Mulberry, American Larch, Weeping Willow, Buckeye. Moun tain Ash, White Birch, Red Maples, varying in price from 25 cents to $1,50, according to size. 15,000 Evergreens, embracing Red Cedars, price each 50c to $2 White Pine do 5Peto$l Yellow Pine do 50c to $2 Balsam Fir, do 0cto$l American Arborvitas 25c, 50c, 75c, $1,50 Chinese Arborvitas, 50c, $1,50, Europesn Savin 50c, Tree box 50o Norway Spruco, 50c, 75c, 100, White Spruce, $1. 12,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrubbery, embracing In part as roiiows: Snow Balls, each 37 U to $1, Lylac, ech 50c; Spiral, assorted, each 25c; Hardy Koscs, each sue; Monthly Rises, each 50c! Honey Suckles, asorted, 25c, 50e$l; Tyringa Philadelphns 25c to 50c; Rose Aeasia, 25c to 50o; Privet for Hedges 25c: Bladdacina 25c: Coreorus Japoniea 25c; Ellagnus 25e; Libumum 50c; Tamarix African 25 to 50c; Ribcs Gordoni 25e to 50c; Weeping Mountain Anh 1,50; Whith Fringe Tree 1,50; Forsrthea 50c to 1.00; Cornice Dogwood Silver Striped 50c to 1,00 Dentxa bcaoia zoc; Dentza Gracalis 50c; Weeping Birch 50c; Magnolia Acuminett 50c; . WeepinsT Linden 1,50: Dwarf Box 50o per yard; . Eauonimns 50?; Aitheas, assorted, 25o to 50c. ST- In offering the above Stock to our customers we beg to say it is superior in growth and quality to any heretofore offered, and persons wishinz a supply can avail themselves of further information, by ad dressing tbe undersigned at St. Louis. Catalogues furnished to all post-paid applications. Respectfully, JOHN S IGERSOS A ERO. Oct. 25, 1S56. vlnl9-ly JgLAKS of every description, for sale at this NEMAHA CITY FERRY Across tho Missouri River at etaaba . City, mouth of Little Nemaha river, - Nebraska Territory. THEPmprietor informs Emigrants, Travelers and the river-crossing public, that he has now ia op eration good, large and substantial boats at the above named point, and careful boatmen to cross persona and teams from either side of the river, at all times Of the day or night. The landing i3 safe and easy, and the Proprietor taHes pleasure ia camng bjmi the public for patronage. This is in a direct route to Big Else, Fort Kearney and that region, and is the most practical point at wnion w cross me miv souri river, it is nine mues iroia c. i and seven below Brownville, 2. I, I ne Dess ot ac commodations to be had on either side of the river. Nemaha City, Sept. 20, lso.-3t J. V. GREAT SAZE OF LOTS! IT 0n" HmidreJ Zxtra Iota, la tli Towa . of Arclior, 37. The DroDrietors of the town of Archer, knowing that they have one of the most beautiful Town Sites in Nebraska Territory, feel assured that the place heeds but to be seen" to be admired, and they have, therefore concluded to offer Ono Hundred Lots, in the above named Town, at Public Auction, on Wed nesday, November 6th, 1S5C, it being the Erst day of the District Court. Archer is situated on a high prairio, nino miles from the Missouri river, on the most direct route from Nebraska City to Topcka, in Kansas, and is the County Seat of Richardson county. TheLots to be sold and no mistake. Terms made known on day of Sale. " ' A. D. KIRK. Secretary Archer Town Company. Oct. 24th, 1855. 20-2t FRESH ARRIVAL!! ...... OF . NEW GOODS!! W. IIOBLITZELL & CO. BROWNVILLE, N. T. HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED, per steamers A. C. Goddin and Wm. Campbell, and now opening, the most extensive stock of Goods ever of fered in this market. After the experience they hare in Nebraska, they flatter themselves that they know what suits the people, and have purchased such a stock of Goods as cannot fail to please. We will not pretend to enumerate, but say come and see; and you will not fail to be suited. Oct. la, IbjO.-ly Eeady Made Clothing, I7YERY VARIETY, stylo, quality, price, and pat U trn of Ready Made Clothing, just received and for sale cneap, by UUHLlTZhLL A CO. Boots and Shoe3. AN unusually large stock of fine and coarse Boots and Shoes both Gentlemen and Ladies' rean be seen, and purchased low, at , - IIOBLITZELL A CO'S. Hats and Caps. LATEST styles of Hats and Caps, and of every gnule and price, are offered at UUUMTZELL A L'O'S. Furniture. BEDSTEADS, Table, Stands, Bureaus in short, everything ia the Furniture line, can bo bad at UOBLITZELL A CO'S. Stoves and Tinware. COOK-, Parlor and Office Stoves of various pat terns; and Tin ware, at HOBLITZEL A CO'S. Hardware, Cutlery and Iron. A LARGE assortment at IIOBLITZELL A CO'S Wood and Willow ware. BUCKETS, Tubs, Churns, and an endless variety of Willow waro, is for sale at UOBL1TZELL A CO'S. Provisions. WE keep constantly on hand, Flonr, Corn Meal, Bacon, Butier, and every variety of Groceries. IIOBLITZELL A CO. Saddlery. SADDLES, Bridles, Martingales, Checks, and ev ery variety of goods in this line can bo had at IIOBLITZELL A CO S. Q,ue ens ware, f? all the latest styles, and in endless variety, J just opened at IIOBLITZELL it- vO'S. G. & C. TODD & CO., 212, Xorth First or Jfain Street, St. Louit. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OP ill Materials -Vo. INCLUDTNO Dntch Bolting Clnths, Mill Stones, Saws, Streera, Damsels, Ao. Also: PORTABLE GRIST MILLS. Both Upper anil Lower Stone Runners. MACHINE BELTING, Of Strrtched Leather amd Rubber. St. Louis, October 18, 165(3. vlnld-ly NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between G. W. Crow and J. M. Pattorson, as Attorneys at I .aw, in the 12th Judicial Circuit, in the State tf Missouri, was dissolved on the day of July, by mutual consent. Those who have business entrusted to the linn, will have the joint attention of former firm to its completion, and those indebted to said firm will please call upon and settle the same with G. yf. Crow, at his Law 01Ece,'west side of the pub lic square, Oregon, Holt county, Missouri. . W. CKOW. J. M. PATTERSON. Oregon, Nov. 22, IS56.-5w PORK WANTED ! We wiih to purchase Hundred Corn-fed Hogs, we will pay the highest market price. Eight For which W. IIOBLITZELL & CO. Brownville, N. T. Nov. 15, 1856. NEW CASH STOIIE!! BROWNVILLE, N T. The subscribers would Inform the citizens of Brown ville, and surrounding eountry that their NEW STORE HOUSE Is completed, and they are now receiving and opening an extensive stock of NEW GOODS! COMPRISING IN PART, DM GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES 2EEEi,"t.3, Caps; Hardware, and Tinware, COOKING AND BOX STOVES, rUAUtlTTJRE, GROCERIES, &C,, &&, To which they invite the attention of customers. Their Goods are selected with reference to the wants of the town and surrounding coun try, and will be sold as Low as any House above St. Joseph FLOUR AND CORN MEAL, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. COME ONE I COME ALL!! And examine our Stock for yourselves Respectfully, McAllister, dozier a co. Brownville, October 25, 185C. vlnlStf CLAIM FOR SALE. rPHE nndrsimed will offer for sale a fine Imnrov JL ed Claim, situateil ono mile west of Brownville, on the main road leading in that direction. The Claim is pretty equally divided between Prairie and Timber. The improvements consist of a good double log house and twenty acres of corn under fence. A good bargain may be had as the proprietor is deter mined to sell in order to go to California in the spring. For particulars call upon him at his resi dence on the above claim. , J. W. BN'TT. Brownville, Nov. 22, 1855.-4w BricR! Brickr: WE HAVE now ready for le 100,000 good mer chantable Brick. SVESTFALL A MARLOTT. Brownville, Auguat 2, 1355. vl-nflif "ColA2iT:u3 ITnrserv. For Central Ohio and aU around f OUR Stock of Fruit Trees, A.J., fcr salo the mcludl Pears. Strawberries, etc... Espxial care hns been taken d procure and propagate mostly such varieties of ejt class as are found best suited to the soil and climat of the West and South, where mont of the wint fruiti, especially of Uxo Eastern States, are ofT value. Out stiek'cf Peach Trees is remarkably j.. and the price so low that all then who W 11, :' K .t :i , ., lu,r v, j .uw r . w. iuiivi , suuu ty irow replace .nein. Of Cherry Tree also we have a fine supply, hiqh grown on Jfiikaleb itocl t, which secures greater hs diness to the tree, and if trained rather low, J to cause the tops to sbado the stm fr(,n the ht Ti belciveJ no diffk-ulty will b found in in; fine cherries in the South and Wsst. Of Pear we have . sflondid tot, especially on dwarf treet on strong Aner$ Quinn si Kit, tbe bit for speedy and abundant productiveness. Catalouce-S, with prices, efc? w:ll be sent to n pplicants. rserynerjaBd I'alers In Fruit Tre are invited to call and examine onr stock of Pearhi Pears and Cherries," e?eciariy, befdre sending Ej aa we bve- tkey eB espenew as well M by purchasing cf us. Wholesale ready. ... , , 31. B. BATEHAMA CO. ' Syracuso Nurseries. TUOKP, SMITH & UASCHETT JpJpROPRIETORS.-Beiides a general ,V, I extensivs- assortment of articles biuCt kept by Xurseymen, we have on hand for the Sutwt trade, . . . 20O,00 App'.e Trees, from 8 to 9 feet. 100,000 Dwarf Pear Trees, t yeas old. ' 50,000 Standard do from 2 to i tw 100,000 Cherry Trees, 1 to- 2 years old, Dwarf sni Standard. Peach, Plum, Apricot, and Nee Urine Treej, fa large numbers. 10C,000 Raspberrios, embracrnj every kind of ia value. All the popular as woU ai rurr kinds of other small fruit. Foreign and Native Evergreens Norway Pnmo Pines, Cryptomerias, Cedars, Blwk and White Spruce, Balsams, Hemlocks, e to., large, medium small. Ornamental Trees, Roses, Shrubbery, Climbers, Hedge llants, etc. Bulbous Roots, nativo and imported: Dahlias, Cir nations, Poenies, Chrysanthemums, Phloxes, all in great abundance, and of the most beautiful varie ties. While we confidently claim for or prod actions ia general an excellence not surpasl by any other Nursey, we particularly and emphatically designate our stock of Pear trees, both Dwarf and. Standard, as unparalclled either in extent or quality, by any existing stock in America. The following notices refer to trees taken from the same lot aa those now offered, when they were but one yeiir old: From Thomas W. Field, Esq., an extensive drr in and importer of Pear trees in New York: rs specimens are really splendid; the llnest I believe I ever saw." From Robert Har srell, Esq., Mobile; "I have nev er seen finer trees." From Messrs. Neally A Brothers, Burlington, Iowa; 'They are really the finest treos of their age we ev er saw, and we have purchased a great maoy in the few past years.', As suggestive to persons about to pan-hase, we would remark that our trees were not subjected to the extreme cold during the laH winter, which effec ted so extensive injury to Nurseries at the West, and that we have had no drought during the present summer by which the growth cf ur trees bas been retarded. 1 hey may be relieU upon, therefore, to be in prime heakh and vigor. OUR CATALOGUES Will be sent post.paid to,a!l who enclose for No. 1 s letter stamp, and for the otaers a one cent stamp each, . . No. 1 A general descriptive Catalogue of all our productions. No. 2 A later edition of the Fruit Department of No. 1. No. 3 A. descriptive CaUlogus cf Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Koae, etc. No. 4 A descriptive Cataloged Dahlias, Green house and Bedding plant. No. 5 A wholesale Catalog-ie for Nurserymen anl Dealers. AUo a Supplementary Catalogue of the Ornamen tal and Crit'iih'onse department. Also a circular on thoAgusta Rot e. Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 2'J, 135(5. GRAP two E ROOTS. 20,000 Catawba Crap RocU, years vis, for sale. 1 noe Js pi-r hundred $40 per tbousand. J. M. UaCVLLOUun. Nov. 2Utf No. 200 Main Jt., Cincinnaif. Xlaro Soocl. GROWN under the personal supervision of the subscriber, warranted true qtnniue nit enough uf whith will bo sent to supply alarge family, on reception of prii-e pre-paid. Ca?sabar Mcsk JlEtos" A beautiful anl delicious fruit. ( Asiaticoririn.)-- 25ceuta. Orange Wateh 1kun Poelsolf like the rind of an orange very fine flavor 20 " Glass Lemon A lxjautiful little melon for iTcserves when irreen 25 " Chinese ASPABA(JU-Annnal,and equal to tne common easily raised 23 " Fivk Fekt Cuci MBrits Very lanro and curious to buhold 25 J .. Mammotd: Pi mfkin, 20 itr the whole fir ono dollar, sent by mail to any Zddress. JOSEPH L. ASIIBY. aO-tf riatUburiih. Clinton Co.. Mj. Chinese Suarar Can?, InAYE a supply of this seed on sale. Price per lb- t2; per os., 20 cents. Persons reraittinir me 25 cents, shall have one ounce lent them poug4 paid. 1 bis exotic plant, known as Sunlnm Saetkarata, recently introduced into this eonntry by the Patent Office, may be cultivated to advantage in every part of the United Status. It will mnk a eoud erop o the poorest soil. From experiments already made ia syrup making from the juico of this plant, I fui'.r oeneve toai suzar can do rroriLaoiy mode: at acj rate, it is worth a trial by every farmer.- J. M. MeCLLLOUGH, Nov. 29tf No. 200 litin si., Cincinnati. Morgan Horses. PRVMTTTM FSSlYnn i Ctwin Tl;tnrt and characteristics of tJiis remarkable AMERICAN BREED OF HORSES, Tracing the pedigree from the original Justin Mor gan, through the most noted" of Lis pT'jjseny, dowfl to the present Uun. ith numerous portraits. ' which are added H'.nis for Breedinff, Breakin?. nJ general Use and Management of Iloiw-, with l'nc-- tical Directions for Training thm for Lxhibitifnsat Agricultural Fairs. By D. C. LlS'LET, iliddlebnrj, Vt. Price $1. Sent free of postog. -. C. M. SAXTON A CO., Agricnltural Book Publishers, 1 (0 Fulton tt, X. Y . ..II. A. TERRY & CO., WHOLESALE ASO EETltL PKALRK3 I GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, FRUITS and Shrubs, Crape and Cranbery Tin?, Grass, Clover KeetU, Bird aeeds of all kinds, btr ricsltwral and HorticnUural Bookf, ImplemenU, Ac Agents for all the best Rural I'ublications in tbe United States, b'tor next door to Post-0 Ifiie, Council Bluffs, It. vln2rt-ly A. MCDD, O. L.' HTGHE3, ' 3. 3. MrSD, H. T. Min)T, 8. O. GBCB3. MUDD'& HUGHES. PR'ODUCE 4' COMMISSION TVT i-; rt Tfr r TJ 'j, . Xo- 33 Levee and t)t Comrtvercial Street ST. LQTJI5, MO. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Attorney and ' Counsellor at L BROWNVILLE, N. T. Will practice in the Thirl Judicial District in Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in the State of Missouri. REFERENCES. Richard Brown, Brownville, N. T.. R. W. Furna, - " . , Ir. John HcITicreon, Tirpccan, Ohio. . James Frwter, Oregon, Mo. . "-"George N. Miller, Archer, N. T. LOCK WOOD ROMERO fT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ALL KINDS OF HATS & GAPS, ST. JOSEPH, MO., WE invite tho attention cf our friends and t! Trade generally to our unusually largest of the above goods, which we design selling at pm to suit the times. Desiring to increase our business, wo every possible advantage to buyers, either a mr"' sale or retail. Being Practical Hatters selves, they have a decided anvsntage in U-T1.B their stock of goods over tbose unacoj abated " the trade. Merchants visiting eur city are invited to exa' war stock before purchasing elsewhere. . i Our Retail Depiirtntent we are Antfl?r shall not ba excelled ia point of variety by House in tho West, , i .... ..... uc upiug, a rrj larje and to. ne all the most aoproved varieties of AT? PeacheiL Cherrien. AnrW.. .t.- iV