Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 22, 1856, Image 2
rscsiroifiosACcd.. Among the many articles, the growth and manufacture of this State, exhibit ed at the Fair, there was none that elicited a higher raced of praise than the Tobacco manufactured by -Iessrs. B. W. Lewis k Bro., of Glasgow, and which received the premium, a silver cup, valued at ' $10. All competitors acknowledged that the award was justly m. made and many of the judges of To bacco in this vicinity declared that it far surpassed any article they hadscen manufactured -in this btatc, ana was 'equal to the very best celebrated James '.River,' Virginia Tobacco; ; i We believe Jli.ssoari Tobacco, in quality, now ranks .with the very best in the country, and where, it is manufactured by experi- ! .i i ?i .nced persons m ine Dusmess ii must certainly "cqtiaV that ofany State in the Union. . ' .- '. '. Messrs. Jennings & Smith are the ugents in this cit for the sale of Lewis Joseph Gazelle. '. JVATcn Mascfactubed is St. Jo seph. Among the various articles on exhibition at the Fair, none attracted more attention than the splendid watch, manufactured in tolo by E. C. Baldwin of "this city. Perfect in all its parts, it excited the wonder and admiration of all who beheld it. Too much credit cannot be awarded to Mr. Baldwin for the energy he has displayed, and ex- pense he has incurred in bringing his manufacturing facilities to this state of Tprfr'tinrt Jfniprih (lTn fin 7.rtf fi. .. From the Xebrasta Democrat. . . . The first Session of the Kansas and Nebraska Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church was held at Law rence, Kansas Territory, Oct. 23d, A. I'.ichnn CTV11TJ presiding. f . ' . - The following is a list of the appoint ments for the present Conference year, 0 far as relates to Nebraska Tcrri tory.: - i." Nebraska District John H. Goode, P. E. ! . Omaha City Win. M. Cbivinsrton. riorence Isaac h . LoDiss. . ' Fontenclle to be supplied. Omadi To be supplied. ' . Rock Bluff J.-T. Cannon. " . 'Nebraska Citv Hiram Burch. ; Brown ville J. Y. Taylor. j. Neinaha To be supplied. ; : The next Session of the Conference is to be held at Nebraska City, N. T. probably -in the - last week of April next,) the time to bo determined by the Iishop. I. F. Collins, Secy.- ' FE02I HTCAEAGTTA. New Orleans, Oct. 22. General Walker finding the enemy -advancing on Massaya, withdrew the rv - iV i : Ai : ciuun iuivvj w.ii;) at ucii iui eutniy, 4,000 strong, occupied the town '-General Walker then left a small force at Granada, and advanced towards Massaya with 1,000'ihen, and meeting the enemy' on the 12th inst., near the city, repulsed them driving them back to Massaya, where a battle was fought; lasting until midnight " "' At daylight a courier arrived from Granada, stating that 1,400 Guatama- lauus aim uauves were uesiegingvxrana da. Gen. Walker, on receiving this in formation, immediately marched to the 'relief of Granada, and arrived on the heights surrounding the city on the tnnrn in o 1 Tir 1 fttla 'if 1 ( rynnnl o - A tindmg the city barricaded by the whole .4orce of the enemy, he charged upon . . . . .. . . .them them and drove them from their osts, capturing their commanders and . all their field pieces, and routinr them Ifod the city with great sloughter. mi jLiio xotai loss oi tne enemy was 1,100. Gen. Walker's loss 16 .killed jind SO wounded. . General Walker would immediately march "on Massaya. and Leon. His troops' were in the highest spirit. The citizens of Granada held the government building'twenty-two hou3 against the lorccs ot the enemy, and were vigorously defendino; the" place wncn uen. waiter rrrived. Messrs. Lawless,' Aleeler and Fer ' guson, American citij;cns, who have had no connection whh'Xicaraguan affairs, worn Tntii-rif-Q-i 1,-rr Ad-ct uii.. AU-AV X WAJJi 5TJKEET rOEQESY Moue Forged 'Xotes Discovered. . . ' I'v.i.vnutvu UJ VUUllS aj. Aiuuuaiiuu, iuu aoic t)roiver,.xire tnl cnusm considerable excitement among the business community, " more especially as new forgeries, : arc daily being Uiscoverca. ihe aggregate amount oi tnese iorzencs. so tar as kn'oTvn to the authorities, is 685,700, hut' this sum it is thought will not cover one fourth of them. Many "firms, it is rumored, who have lostlarge . sums by discounting the forged paper, keep the matter quiet, fearing to injure their credit by an expose. The, case , is now under examination before Justice Osborne, and in addition to the testi mony takn on Saturday, an aSdavit vras made hy .Mr.'Wm. H.. Harbeck, of the ra; of Harbeck k Co., No. 60 m TTall street, setting forth that his firm loaned money to Huntington on four ... promissory notc3 purporting to have -been made by Phelp3, Dodge & Col, aau aiiuauLiii v-.a,u, uh oi wnicn lire forgeries. . r . . - i . . ; Other firms besides those already .reported arc said to have been imposed Upon wiin inc lorgeu punur, auu among i ,i r j j t:i em are .tola cue oi u:e coil-s , Ubdcll, Picrson t Lake hold a note for 5,581 CI; Sacl:ctt, Belcher t Co., cue fcr -j,5iD. Huntbtca has lc:a visited in prison by his friends and asked to name the extent of the fraud. lie, however, declines giving any particulars, but says half a million will cover it. lie has been carrying on his operations fcr some months, andwaj discovered once before, but as he paic .back the advance the matter was hushed pp. It was un noubtedly lis intention to keep his operations still as long as possible, by returning the same amounts loaned to him before the paper became due, but carelessness on his part, in allowing one of thenote3 to fall due and be pre sented for payment to the firm whose name he Kad forged, revealed the trans action. N. Y. Neict. BISHOP SEKTE3TCE ' We learn that the Episcopal Conven tion, sitting in Philadelphia on the 21st inst., by a very decided majority, re mitted tne sentence upon msnop ii u. Onderdonk, of this State, which sus pended him from all clerical functions. This sentence was imposed twelve years ago about the time his brother, Bishop Onderdonk, of New York, was also suspended. The members of the Church public als6 are doubtless familiar with the history of these cases, and the feel ing that the action of. the Convention produced in ihe' Church. An interval cf twelvo years has softened tho asper ities the discussion then produced and the remission of the sentence at this late period more than" an act of ' iustice' to an old servant of the Church, who in his previous career had rendered it good service; and. whose conduct since has been, void of offence. The remission of his sentence will re store him to his ministerial functions, but, we presume not to his Bishopric, which is now filled by Bishop Potter. ' ' ' : i ': ,. .' ' Raelhoad Loan. The following are believed to be the full and complete returns of the election on Tuesday.- Thereare some two or three precincts not reported, however, ind it is pre sumed that there were either no polls opened, or else tho vote was so small that the judges did not deem them of sufficient importance to bring them to the city: St. Louis Herald.' . ' : '' ': City County Total. For North Missouri Loan, 3,026 107- 3,133 Against North Missouri, : 1,886 : 565 2,450 Majority for :.- . - . For Iron Mountain Loan; 3,010' 139 Against Iron Mountain, 1,925 565 Majority for' - - - . C33 3,140 2,490 650 AESISON TS THE PEHITENTIALY. ; ' Some of Sheriff Brasfiear's efficient deputies escorted, recently,'- sixteen delegates from -this City to the Ohio Penetentiary. " Among the number was Arrison, the murderer of the-Alli sons, by an infernal machine. None of the prisoners evinced any ' emotion on their transit to 1 Uohvmbus. uhenj they reached that place they found be tween three and lour hundred persons collected to see Arrison. , Some, of these cried out that he ought never to have been brought there that- he ought to have been hung, and the like. Arrison scowled at this, and remarked ihat "ten years would soon pas's by, and when ho got out he would , make some suffer," lie said he didn't mean to attempt an escape, but: "when, he got out he would give hell to some body." . - ; I1. After he had his beard shaved,head trimmed and prison clothes put on, he was about to utter another threat, when Mr. Hoffman, an old and efficient keeper, told him sternly not to utter another word, that he was now priso ner in the Ohio Penitentiary, and must not speak to any one but him (Mr.'lL) Arrison attempted for a moment to look scornful, but he cowered before the stern officer, and did not dare to utter a word. , He was put to sawing axe handles, the most laborious work in the prison. Cincinnati Gazette. Melancholy 1V6 Mex Drowned. Mr. William Miller, pilot on the A TT 1 A . V rxtn. atuamer AAtiaiu, duumuamtu try uui ; Bartholow and will during the coming Season per Other persons,' Started from this city Onj sonally wait upon our customers for tin purpoeo of Thursday night, in a yawl to get on board the boat lying a few mile's below this, at a wood-yard. When the' party were nearly opposite the railroad depot, where the packets Auhry and Cataract were lying, Mr. Miller directed oars man at the , oars to pull out' into the river in order to miss the boats. The night being very dark, before the party were aware of their danger the yawl struck against the Cataract and cap sized, and threw the whole party into the river. The oars-man, a deck hand on the Herald, and a cabin boy, were drowned. Mr. Miller and two other gentlemen with him1 fortunately were rescued by some of the oficers and men belonging to the packet boats! Inquirer. ' The Pennsylvania Legislature. The Democratic majority in the Penn sylvania Legislature, on joint ballot, is five, according to that very reliable paper, the Pittsburg Union. This gives the Democrats the IL S. Senator. , The Geologists at Fault.- Mac- ullock's Gazetteer, a work held in the highest repute, in the edition published ten years ago, devoted only five lines out of fourteen pages to theminerology of Australia. All that could then be said on this head was compressed into the following brief paragraph "This," at present, is a very meagre topic: iron is the only metal of which unequivocal evidences Vare. found;'' "from the comparatively small amount of old formations in the mountains, that they are destitute' of tho precious metals &c. GRIST MILL!! X1 1 !t!DO Patent Portable HI THE iubssribcr tve entered into a jaxtnersMp tnder tbe na cf Reed, Ilolabiri A Co., to manufacture the J. C. Keed, Patent Portable Grist iliil .n J ore now prepared to fnrnbh 111 those in want cf a od Cora or "Whtat Mill that for dura bility, iimplicty and economy; excel any Mill in the irorld. On the lato exhibition of the Mechanic institute ia Cincinnati, Gold Jfedal xt$3 awarJed themforlt. It ii adapted to all Grain grinding purposes : it i superior to all others for the most extensive ilerchant Mill, as it ii for grinding the Faiincra feeel by Ilorse power. The aboTe Mills are manufactured by the nndcr igncd at their shop in Cincinnati, 0 where they con be furnished in any quantity at short notice. .Thc above Mills warranted to perform as fellows: Zt in. diam., per hour 50 B. Com, 25 Whc at, $300 SO " " 30 15 " 250 24 u . u .. 20 " 13 " - 200 20 u . u m xd " 8 150 As this Mill tells iss own story, it is unnecessary to Quote from our namerous recommendations, reeeircd. REED, EOLACIRD d CO. , , . , Cincinnati, O. Fresh Arrivsil of NEW GOODS! i AT ROCKPOIIT, MO. THE subscribers would reHpectfully tender their thanks to their customers acd the PuWic Gene rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, and solicit a continuance of the same ; as they are determined to sell Goods as low if not lower than any other Hous west of St. Joseph. Having just leceived a large and well selected Stock of Spring ami Summer Goods: also a superior Stock of Family Groceries with Hardware," Glass and Queensware, Furniture, Saddlery, Iron, Ac. . .,r, ;-;,. ' .. ' Como one and all, , . I '- ' -For well wo know; ! ; i Again youll call, ... - 1; " '" We'll Sell so low. ' Of Goods the best, ci . ; And profits fniall, ... :j i'.i W11 beat the rest, ., t !f "v "And suit youall ' " ' .' Our Stock of Dry Goods having been' purchased in the Eastern cities, we natter ourselves that we ean surpass our competitors in the low prices and good qualities of our Stock, and earnestly belUve all will make by calling and seeing for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. r CARET, JONES, & CO. ' N. B. Country Produce of all kinds taken in change at the highest prices, for Good3.' J une 7, ex 58. DANIEL ZOOK, WHOLESALE AND IETAIL Oregon, Halt Coanfj, Mo. Has in Store : , . , h .- Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, ' ' Spanish Whiting," Red Lend, y Litherage, Whito Chalk, . Venitian lied, Spanish 1'rown, Cream of Tarter, : . Tartaric Acid, Sulpher Carb. Soda, Vinegar, , ; . Turpentine, Sal Soda, Coperas, " ; f- -r-Saltpeter, Borax, , , Mex. Liniment, , Vol. Oil do, : Morland'i do, : Nerverand Bone do, Parrel's " do, ' Louden's do, . Javs' Expt., Window Glass, iyiy, . . Caster Oil, i ? ;' Ex. logwood, Blue Stone, Alum, Ground Ginger, . , Root do, - Saint LotiisGlue, 1 am ureen, T , Chrome do, do ' yellow, ' Iron Paint, TVhiteZink do, (FishQU ::- Whale do, Wrights' Pills,'' 1 'Champian', . Jayan's ' . dc, ' Loudon 8 ' d, fM : Rad way's R.R, , ., Davis Pain Killer,' Facestock's Ver., Stone's Cough Candy, McLanc's Lirer Pills. London's do,' In addition to tho ahoro, I have the larsest Stock or Druggist and rhysicians Shop furniture, Chetni cals, Surgical instruments, and Patent Mediciens ever offered for sale in this Coantry. : V : Merchants and Thysicians of Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, are respectfully invited to give me a call June7,lbo0. j t ?: : DAMEL A.1 B. HOLLABIRD & CO. ' ' Machinists,. Founders aid ENGINE BUILDERS 3?ront Street, Weat of SmiA, CINCINNATI, '.O, , ; "T Tould most respectfully inform their friends and v the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in their line, with prompt ness. Having latelyN enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw Mill 'Engines of, every Description Constantly on hanl : confuting of the Sash, Circn lar and Muley. " Mill Gears and every d jscription of 1. astmgs, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. - , ; " They 'have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment which enahles them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop ia the country. ' - Tho?o in want of anything in our lice, would do well td give ns a call and examine our new patterns. ; - ,: A. B. ROLABIRD & CO. B. W". LEWIS ' 1 " " : TD08. J. BARTHOLOW jAiiis w.LEwis i late tery t BAicrnoLow 13. W. LEWIS & BROS. : ' MANCFACTCRESS OP AT.L DESCRIPTION OF CHE WING TOBACCO; GLASGOW, MISSOURI. . ':: TEANKFUL for the very liberal patronage that we have heretofore received from our numerous friends and customers, and while respectfully solicit ing a continuance of the same, pledging ourselves to spans neither rains nor expenso to merit the patron ago of the public, we beg leava to announce that William J. Lewis has withdrawn from our firm, and Thos. J. Bartholow is admitted a partner from this date, the strle of the firm reinaininz unchanged. and I that we have secured the services of Cipt. George I G. naris who will hereafter act An the capacity of traveling SALESMAN in connection with our Mr. soliciting their orders. Our .stock held over from last year of all descriptions is unanimously largo, the quality of which cannot fail to giro enfcre satisfac tion to consumers. ... JJ. W. LEWIS A Bros. , Glasgow, Mo., January 6, 1855. . ST. LOUIS AND COUNCIL BLUFFS v V PACKET. ' ' THE eteamer ADMIRAL, having been thoroughly repaired and refittod, will ply regahrly between St. Louis and Council Bluff, daring tee season, of 1855, touching at Jefferson City, Boonviile, Leaven worth, St. Jtweph, Savannah, Brownvdle, Sonora, Nebraska City.bL Mary, and atl intermediate points. ' Thankful for the patronage extended to the AD MIRAL during the past season, the ofBcsrs hope, by punctuality and dispatch, to merit the continuance of the favors conferred by shippers, anl passengers will receive all due attention. - CIIAS.K.BAKElt, Master. R. All) ARST, Clerk. ,11. W. BIDES. J. D. WHITS. & WHITE, ' LAND AGENTS. . NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. i HAVIXG made arrangements by which we will receive- accurate, copies of all tho Townships embraced in the Eastern Jortiou of Nebraska, we are now prepared to offer onr services to the "SQUATTERS OF. THE TErvRITTORT,1 In Filing Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Securing .' Pre-emptions, Locating Land. .j, Warrants and , , . I ENTERING LAND LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD, i Land Entered on Time, kc, Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling Proporty on commission: Also to making Collections and forwarding remittances ta any part of the Union. ' Blanks of all kinds always on hand. - RIDEN & -WHITE. : REFERESCES. " Hoa. A. hi Bradford, ' ' S. F.Nucolls, r . Sebra-ka City. Icrs. Dolman A West, Peter A. Keller, " ; , Thomas Lumpkin, -' June 28, !S5f5. vl-n4 ; St. Jw&ryh, Mo., Washington City, Bricl! --Bricli!!- E HAVE now re&drfot sale 100,CC0 rood mer chantable Brick. WESTFALL A MARIO IT. RwTil'$ Agrt 2, 135. Tl-9if i Xlaro Cood. - fFwOWN under" the persciU inpcrrbion of the T .nVdM-ibcr. warranted trae atnuim aea enough of which will be sent to tartly a Urge family, on reception of price pre-pa:ii Cxssabar Mcei MiLOX A beaut;: al and delicious fruit. (Asiatic origin,; cents. 0Avctt Witej Melos Pecli off liko l . the rind of an orange very fna fiavor 23 . Glass Lesos A beautiful little ticlon ' for preserves when green Chixese ASP akagv Annual, and e jual . to the common easilv rcd--r 0 "? Fits Feet Cccvhbebs Very large and curious to behold MaSDIOIH PCMFKIX, 20 Or tto whole fcr one dollar, sent oy man 10 any address. JOSiril L. Asaui, 20-tf Flattsbnrgh, Clinton Co., 3Io. SAJHUEL' SPENCER & CO., 0. Eighty-Two orth Fourth Street, eaif JUoeasL ' st.'xouis; MO.' H rANTFACTUREBS of every description of Frames,dealer in Paiatbg?, Engravings, Litho graphs, looking-glass Plates of every size, and trained to any pattern in tiie Best maaner. . s Advertising Cards, Ac btaiaed and arnished or 'rarnei atshort notice." .TT. Iioaevood, Walnut and other fancy wood Picture Frame Mouldings. ' "v '" " The Trade Supplied. .. Old Frames, Ac, Iie-gllt. j. t. DowDAtu:;it ; :. i . DOWDALL, ' CARR & CO., - ,j Engine and Machine JVIanufactory. Corner Second and Jf organ Streets. ; ' i MANUFACTCEE RS of .Steam Engines and Boil . ers. Saw and Grist Mill ' Machinery, Tobacco Screws and Pressc?- Lard Kettles. Lard. Screws and Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines, Young's Patent bmut Machines. liuiMinz castings, C. - ' t"A;rents. for the sale of James Smith " Co. SupcrnrMACniNE CARDS. ' . u . YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. Well tried, alwavs successful, fully. Guarantied. ; Manu factured and for sale by V. , ; ..- ' . : DOWALL CAUK, 4 CO., . " : ' , "Washington Foundry, St. Iou is, Mt. : . : f GREAT ' Clothing Sale r, r, i- WM. R MARTIN,?-, : Q rn , -. JO; C. MARTIN, New York. J lOOD. St: Louis. , MARTIN & BROTHER. Z THE OLD ORIGINAL CLO THIERS, , , '.. No. 114 AND No, 1 MAIN STREET, . : V . 'st. louis; 3io: . : ; FiR the approaching spring, we will have a TRE MENDOUS STOCK OF CLOTHIXG, manufac tured by ourselves in New York, eiprcasly for this market. . ." ". ' . In point of STYLE' QUALITY and PRICE; we defy any and all competition 1 . We have marked down our price very low, as we intend selling to none bus ;-' .r , CASH AXD PROMPT 3IEXn To such wo would ask a thorough examination of our stock betore purchasing. ' l-5t' -- f..i A1AUTLN A BRO. . E. ESTABROOK, 1 i 1 UNITED STATES' ' D i s t ri c t A 1 1 6 r ii e y, ... v OMAHA CITY,, N; (H. . ,.; . r EQUIRED to bo In attendance officially uponall jl me terms oi me uismci ana prenlc Uourt ot tne l emtory, tenders uis rrotessjonal srvices to such as need them. Ho flatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge ef the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrust tncxr Du.sincss to ms care. . . i Omaha City, Jane 7; 1835. 1 - - 1 r' L. FORSYTH & CO. . COMMISSION. MERCHANTS " A'n'd'. Freight ' Agents " , ... OF THE BALTIMORE AND : OHIO , RAILEOAU ALONZO PRATT, E. 0. O. PRATT, W. CHILD, E. V. FOX, 8. C. SIAXSCR, v St. Lotiis. New York. ! t: ..ur ;.' .St. Louis. w ; . CHILD, PRATT : & CO., Direct Importer Jobbers jj Manufacturers' Agoats English, French, Gortaan & American . i: v.i Hardware'and Cutlery.4 ; i - GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, &a &c. r 139 & 141 Main St,' cor. Washington Ayenue, ST. LOUIS MO. " ' ;L;0. of G. T. :i THE Brownvillo Ixdge, No, 3, Independent Order of Good Templars, meets every Saturday eve ning, it 7 o'clnck, at Templars' Hall, No. "26, Atlan tic street (Thurbur's Block). , ,. .. ; Meiabers of the order visiting the city, aro respect fully invited to attend, when ooavenient; sad those locating here, are earnestly solicited to join the Lodge; as we look for tho support of all fronds of Temper anee, both male aDd female, r ' : 1 ' Fr information concerning tho Or ic.-, enquiro of Wm. Thurbur, Atlantic street, O.'F. Lake, No. 27, Main Btreet, or Richard Brows, corner of Main and First.Htrset. . , . . By crdcr of the Lodge, ; Mrs. C. E. TIIURBUR. W. C. T. ; Attest: II. P. BUXTON, W; S. ' " . ! Jaly26,1856. T:vl-n3tf. , i .. . ST. JOSEPH AND COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET LINE. , Season Ajrangements for 1856L THL entirely new and fine passenger packet, OMAHA, J...B. Holland, Commander, F.'JJ. Kcrcheval, Clerk;), having been built expressly for the trade, is now running as a regular weekly packet between the cities oft. Joseph and Council Bluffs Leaving St: Josepn every Monday at 12 o'clock M. And returning will leave Council BluSs and Omaha City every Friday morning at 3 o'clock, and forming a connection with the five packets leaving St. Louis on Mondays and Tuesdays, which arrive here on Saturday and Sunday evenings, by which arrange ment passengers or freight will not be detained at St. Joseph; but toprcpare against all contingencies, the owners of the Omaha have a large Ware-House to store all goods not meeting, them promptly; 'nnd without charge to the owners,'; which we deem the most jierrcct arrangement to passenger or shipper that ean or will be made the present season, and they thcreforo hope by promptness and strict atten tion of her officers ana .agents to receive a. largo thare of pnblic patronage. ' ' : ' ' . DONNELL,SAXTON A McDONALD,), hm TOOTLES A FAIRLEIGII, , , AS0?"-1-tf :, i: ' :; i: - rFJLO W ... -'FACTORY. . j. morrow, - ... MANUFACTURER of the Premium How, of val rious sizes; one and two horse Prairie plows Brush and Steel plow's, fot salo' Wholesale and Re tail, on Second street, thr doors North of Market Square, St. Joseph, iltf..".. v,. - BROWNVTLLE STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKE, Ac E3IERSOX.' - ' j a3aro"wxi.xrillo, 13". T. ; : N.' B. i We would rospectfally inform t no citi zens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we, have always on hand a large and well selected supply of LUJIBER, which we can furnLih at low er rates than any mill in the Territory. -Market prices paid for logj delivered at the yard, or on the bank of the river - ' ' - . All orders accompanied with, the cash, will receive our immediate attention. ' , II EBEASKA CITY ; HOTEL. : NEBRASKA CITY, K. T. BARNES & BAHNU1I, Proprietors.. THIS commodious Hotel, situated upon Main Street, Nebraska City7 will be found a de sirable resort for travellers. ' Stages leave this house for all pftrts of the Territory. : ! . r ' ;,i E.C. TCTTLI. ! K.G. TEKLtT. H. W. SMITH. TTJTTLB, PEHLET c SLUTH - - : FALL ' STYLES. ISoO: , '' 77 3Iain Etrect,S Lui3,Mo. ' ' ' MANUFACTURERS of Straw and Silk Bonnets, Importers and Wholesile dealers in Ribbons. Silk Miruacry,Flowers, Trianings, Lace Goals, Em broideries, Ac. : . ( ... -.-i - . . I3?Merchant3 and MHIiners are particularly in vittid to examine our stock, before making their spring purchases," as we (relying fully on the superiority of onr styles,) intend to offer inducements equal, if not superion. to any jobbing house ia tho United States. fceptemU'r 13, 18S3. TlrA5-5a ' ' TjLANKS'of everT dcscrWion, for sals at this iisss. rUKNlTURE. 1836. FXIR1IITTJTII3 l XJPIIOLSTE21T, DEALERS rAM ' I'S. 43 ana V.'ashingtoTi Avenue, St, Louis, Mo. 7 tAVING eocipleted our arriEgerocatj for a full II tock of Gcods in oar line, and ha.vhig the bet. I sort.iicnt in tL West, we tali a pleasura in Te S;huV Uth WHOLESALE and RETAIL :0UO bedsteads, 00 d-zea wood scat Chair s, J.000 Bureaus. , 500 Dining Tables, 500 Breakfast do, 200 Work Stands, 200 Wash do, 100 Wardrdhes, 1000 Looking Glasses, 200 do cane eat' do, 1C0 do rocking ' do, 100 do childrens do, 500 tin safes, 200 Cribs, assorted sixes, 200 Lounges, 100 dox.Hush and split bot j our Chairs. r - " or tiion ITnholsterv in ereat varietv. Euch as snpring, nair, cotton, moss and husk Matresses, Comforts, Spreads, and Blankets. , - r- , r .- w Onrworkiis all Warranted ai represented our Pricea as Low as the Lowest. .- . v. Oniers promptly and faithfully executed and ra- Hpectfuliy soIIcitedT"" Satisfaction guaranteed. 1'Iease call and sausiy yourselves. f St. Louis, July 25,;18oC; , vla3-6m ? IIIID'IIII, A-PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES,- French and American Window Giant Jb Llasixsart, j 1 Spicet, Indigo, Madder, Perfuuterie, S c. r S P RI NG ' STO OK ! : . , CHARLESS, BLOW & CO, 1 ' ' IMPORTERS WHOLESALE DEALERS." Ho. 66 and 67 Main street, St. Louis, Ho. Are nowm receipt of their new Stock, embracing everything in their line. : . SSHMcrchants visiting our City aro requested1 to give us a call, as we are determined t sell for Cash or Prompt Time Paper; as low as any House in Mb Unitod btatcs. . ., , . . . .., r ,. . NOTICE is hereby given, that the co-partnership heretofore existing under the name and style of Brown, Rogers A C04 was, on the 20th day of Jb ebra- ary. A. V iojo, aissoiveti. . , ; , . .. 1 ' ' ' " K. BROWS. r I..,.-- 1 S. E." ROGERS. : . ; . . j : B. B. FRAZER, ; r " ,; ' ' HENRY EMERSON. " July26,18j8.,vl-h8 k H. W. LAKE A BRO. f Eiiniber! Luiiiber! fTlHE undersigned has on hand and for sale at his ;X . milL llnsli Bottom, 3Io., One hundred and Twenty-flve Thousand feet of various kind3 cf Lum ber, which he offers for sale at tho following prices, Square edged lumber J " v-': I $10 Sheeting, - .- ;- - 1,25 Black Walnut, ' - ' - 2,00 ' There is a ferry across the Missouri river, opposite the mill. Lumber will be delivered on the Nebraska shore, at 50 cents in addition to the above prices. . ' . v . LOUIS LAWRENCE. " September 20, 1858, .vlnlG-Smpd , ( ,- JAilllS CARGILU - GEO. W. CARGILL. , ;r i ' J, & G. . CAItC.ILL, , ....... FORWARDING AND COMMISSION 9 -. , ' ' AND : MANUFACTURER'S.. AGENTS, . r Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, Mo.' CONSIGNMENTS of Goods and JProdnce respectfully solicited, and all business entrust ed to us will bo promptly and carefully attended to at the lowest rates.' - . ; ; : . ; - References. ' - ! . ' Taybr A Shepherd, St. Loui3, . -R;L. McGhce A Co.,'. - ' ' ' -. t Liver more, Cooley A Co.,: ; , - -.-.. . " Merchants Generally, r , ,- " St. Joseph. . i REAL i ESTATE AGENCY. : . CEOBGK CLAYE3. , .' J. .V. LEE. . CLAYES it LEE. ..... Real Estate and General Agency, .'''V OMAHA CITY, N. T. . - ; '( ' References. . ,, "James Wright, Broker, New York, "rWm. A. Woodward, Esq.: J . i. 1 " :. Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Oov. of Ohio,,.,,, Cleveland, Wicks, Otic and Browncll, Bankers, " . 'AlcottA Horton, .: ,-.: .;: v: Col. Robert Campbell, . . . , j r St. Inmis, Japics Ridgway, Esq. if " - Crawftrn and Sackctt ' ?-': Chicago. Omaha City, Aug. 30, 135(5. vlnl3-ly - CHARLES KEARNY, 1 AYholesale and Retail : Grocer AND. STEAMBOAT AGENT. - East side Market Square ophite Market House BEGS leave to inform tho citizens of St. Joseph, and the public generally, 'that he has just open ed a large and fine assortment of Groceries, to which he invite the attention of Country Merchants, Plan ters and tho public generally. Boat stores constant ly on hand. ' ; - 1 ' ' - D. FLASTEKS, IT. B4.KER. BROWNVILLE FERRY -" plasters & baker, ANNOUNCE to tho Travelling Tublic, that they are prepared with every facility to accommodate those crossing the Missouri river. This being the best crossing point on tho upper Missouri, travellers Coming to Nebraska, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to cross at this point. . ...j , FERRY RATES. ' For every two horses, mules or oxen A wagon, 51,00 e.tch individual pair of horses mules or ox'n - 25 a .Lorse or mule and buggy, lb " ' ;" ' ld horse or mnle, ' ' 25 " loose cattle per head, ,j 10 " Bheep and hogs per head, ' ' 05 " each footman, '! i '10 " " ewt. of freight, - . '. 10 " " II fet of lumber, . ' 2,00 " ' " unloaded wagon and horses, mules or . r . oxen therewith, , t 75 Brownville, August 2, lS56.-ly NEMAHA CITY FEgRY Across the Missouri River at Nemaha ' - City, mouth of Little Nemaha river, Nebraska Territory-. - THE Proprietor informs Emigrants, Travelers and the r vcr-crossing publio, that he has now in op eration good, large and substantial bolts at the above named point, and careful boatmen to cross persons and teams from either side of the rivur, at all times Of the day or night. The landing is safo and easy, and the Proprietor takes pleasure ia calling upon the. public for patronage. This is in a direct route to Big Blue, Fort Kearney and that region, and is the most practical point at which to cross the Mis souri river. It is nine miles from Rock Port, Mo., and seven below Brownville, N. T, The best of ac commodations to be had on either side of the river. , Nemaha City, Sept. 20, 1855.-3t J. C. ELLIS. - - Improved Little Giant . CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL . lico IlocliiCOd. THE subscriber has purchased exclusive right of Territory in the West, of the above celebrated Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all times, either wholesale or retail, acd guaranteed in the most positive manner. .'. It is now moro than a year since tho "Little Giant'? Wa3 intrcduced to the public, during which time, it has been constantly growing in the popular favor, j The improvements recently effected and patented, makej it the most perfect machine ever offered for general farm use. r It ia furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs es follows: No. 1, 225 No. 2, 330, No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minutes are rsnSicient to set one up, without mechaok-al aid, and when onco adjusted, it can "With safety be entrustsd to a boy. Full directions accompany each Mill, m No I, $35, will grind 8 bu meal per hour with 1 horse No2 40, " a . jqm . u u , No3 50, ' . 15 " i - No4 (59, . 25 u . ;. 2 " iST. Liberal discount to dealers. ' JAMES B. CnADWICXy No. C3 Locust street, bet. 2d and 3d June23I856. Tl-nl . , St. Louia, Mo. , TTliolcsalo Paper Warehouse. V BUADNEIL AVARIlEJf 4Lr CO., WHOLESALE Dealers ia Papers tf every des cription: . , ' ' , ' Printing, Book Taper, Wrapping, Manilas, Colore.! Papers, Folio Post, Flat Cap, -. Foolscap. Letter A Note, Medium A Demy's, of the very best Eastern and Western Manufacture, and for sale at very low priefs. - V ! tSf C&eh for liars and Rope, . i BRADNER, WARREN A CO., - No. 12, La Sa!le streer. Ciieago, Joel. 23th. 1S56. wl-n4 rTo which we add mahogany and walnut, par ana roc ting vnairs, noiaa, cuaire, bjujuu wj n TaI,! SfHTprariea and Book Casts J '".'. if "Kcbi'hslia Honce. Treat Street, near S:eaa!:ot Laadisj, . . ( BEOWN VILLE, N. TV " ; . f : V ' A. J. BENEDICT, ' WOUNCES to the public that he has t"kca the .73 House, formerly kcl ty T. II. Edm rds, in Bro vaville, N. T, and is no ,r prepared t accomo date all who may favor him with their jatronige. A new addition has been built to the hous nl aJ dition3 mftia of Eurnituro and EoJJing.aad a., ar rangeme uis now are such as to render this Louse equal to any in the Territory. " ' ,,. 4 Brownville, July 5, 1S53. vl-n5tf . - Y. II. WILLIA3IS, WHOLESALK AND RETAIL PEALE3 W STORES & - TJNWAREU Orcson, Mo.,.. r . ( TAKES p'ejusure in aanouncing the citizens of Or gn and the paMic in general, that ho has on hand the most expensive stoek of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market". My stock of Tin ware is of my "own manufacture, and ia for sale at Wholesale and Retail ot St. Louis i-riecf. K I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most iispr:Tcd patterns both Air-Tight and premium. . Among them may bo found Killv's Charter Oak, the bc.-t stove now in use, tho Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium, Also 1 -. x Earlpr;&rE5ox Stoves Of various Sixes and Patterns, whkh I will SELL LOWER THAN" ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and puttfeg up Tin Gutters, in tho town and conntryj ALo, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term. Old copper, Bra33 and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. s ) : W. W. WILLIAMS, vl-n5 1 ; ' ' Oregon, Mo!, July 5," 1856.,, F0STY THOUSAND DOLLARS 7ortJi of Goods at a f maU "advance oa C03t and carriajra by XDXXjXjiOTJ" cfc ' TT XWK, ltOCKPOltT, MO., AND ' ' " ' " r LANDING MO, r "T 7E HAVE in store, and are rcjcoivin licr Steam- V V , ers Hannibal, Warner, Edinburgh and Omaha, a largo ana wen assorcca stucn or Dry Goods, ' f J , I Bonneti, Jledicineg, . Hani ware, ; ' Queenswaro, - Boots A Shoes, Hats A Caps, Cutlery, ,- Paint A, Doors, , ? Oils, Drugs, ' Furniture, .Tinware, Saddlery, . , . . Groceries, : ' ' . ) Castings Sash, Nails, ' ; lion CARPENTERS A BICK3MITHSr TOOLS fAC. All of which we offer at very low prices for Cash or Country Produce." , ; ; , . - NO HUMETJGt We wHl sell at S02TE PEICE!! -3 DILLON A HAWK. P. S. Lad:es, if you haven't got a fine Silk Dress, Shawl or Bunnot, don't-blame Dillon A" liAWt, for we certainly hav the best assortment of Fancy Dress Goods ever oSercd in this market. No trouble to show Goods. ;vl-r.5 ;" - - j. jj . CHARTER OAK , IFE IJfURAJfCE COMPANY, !, ,5 HartfordCt...r-- .-i--.Y. .i Capital $200,008 With large and Increasing receipts securely Invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. t OFFlCET8 i ALFRED ' Gn.U Pres't." JO IDT L. BtTNCE, V. P .- JAMES C. WAt.KI.El, ' Secretary. f : DI2ECT0H3. .; - i ' - Alfred Gill. John L. Bunce, Wra. Ii. Cone, Jas. G Holies, John A. Butler, Noah Wheaton,N. Hollis ter, 'iiaT Coit, Dan'l Phillips, C. N.njBphrey. t BOARD OF FINANCE. ' Geo. Beach, Esq.. President of Phoenix Bank,.., , D. F. Robinson, Esq., ; " 44 Hartford " . f , Hon. Isaac Toueey, late Attorney General U. S. ' Applications for insurance received by K. W. FURNAS, Agent. DR. A. S. IIOLLIDAY, Med. Ex. - ".' ' ;eo. r. LUCKIIARDT, .. - WATCHMAKER ' T ' -A.xicl "Towollcr, . QREGON, JIOLT COUNTY,; MO.i TAKES tho liberty to inform the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that he has opened a WATCH, CLOCK A JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Ma., where ho will keep con stantly on hand, nnd for sale, a good assortment of Gold and' Silver Watches, Clock and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. AL-o, a fine lot of " lolins. Accordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles, ('old Pens with Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ac. Ho is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on ihe JDOst reasonable terms. Every article bought in his establishment. In war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for one year. , July23, 1855. vl-nStf ! UNITED STATES EXPRjBSS COMPANY GIVE every pos.-ible facility for the safo and speedy transmission of - ' , , Money,' Valuable Packages, Parceli, Goods, nnd Merchandize . Of every description, on rensonable tenns. Piukcipal Offices New York, Buffalo Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago. Dayton, Indianopolia, and !1 tho smllCT towns oa Itailroads in the Eastern, Mid dle and Western States, connecting at St. Louis with Richardson's Missouri River Express, n. KIP1 ' July2C.,lS55.-vl-n3 Ganeral Saporintende'nt. . CROCKERY. 18 JOHN W. TOOLE : (Successor to NOONAN, TOOLEY & Co,) ' 53 Main et.t OH Stand, St. Louis,. Mb. T M PORTER, Wholesale and RctailDoalcr, in China, L Gla? Quconwarc,. Yellow and Rockingliam Ware, CbmdelWs; Lamps, Lanterns, Looking-'glas-ses, Britannia Ware, Ae. 4c, with a great variety of Fancy Mantle nnd Parlor Ornaments, direct from the Potteries and Manufacturer?.' ' '"T","" t"Now arriving and in store, a full stork of the above line of good, which is offered to the Trade at reasonable rates. An examination is solicited. rOii hand, Assorted Crates, for Country frade. N. B. Packing receives spoeial attention. September 13, 1355.- vlnl5-6ra Great Inducement, milOSB wishing to purchase LOTS in the To7n of L Brownville would do well Ui givo us a call, as we nave 50 Lots which will be sold vcrvcheaufor eah - Also, 5 Lots in OMAHA CITY, for Enquire r x- i5'4 J- 'K THOMPSON. . Brownville, . T.June2S,13j5. . A. A.JSRADPORD, WM. MCLEXXAX, Nebraska City, N. T. 1. L. Mc'iiARV, Urownville, N. T. BRADFORD, McLEXNAN & McGARY, HTOBDIK IT LAW SOLICITERS1N CILVNCERY. Brownrille and Nebraska City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. BEING pcrnianemly located in tho Territory, we will give our entire time and attention to the practice of our profession, ia all itj branches.' Mat ters ia Litigation' Collections or Debts, Sales and Purchase of Real EdUte, Selections of Land, Loca ting of Land Warrants, and ail other business en trusted to our management, will receive prompt uci faithful attention. ' REFERENCES, S. F. Nuckolls, Richard Brown. Nebraska City, Brownviilf, , . -i ;, St. Joseph, Mo, St. Loui;, Mo., Wm. ILblitzcll k Hon. James Craisr, Co., Hon. James M. Hughes, Hon. John P.. Shepiey, Messrs. Crow, McCreary A Co. Messrs. S. G. Hubbard A Co., Hon. J. M. Love, -Tl-nl . . it w u M u Cincinnati O. , Keokuk, Iowa. !' Jane 71853. R. W. FURNAS, Ml ffl LOT MiT. INSTJEAIICE AGEIIT. AND AGENT FOR . AGRICULTURAL IL1PLEL1SMTS. BROWNVILLE, X. T, 5 S6. C1IAELE3 W3T. WEST & nicASUEr?, FORWARDING & COMHlssinv Grcccn and Steamboat Ar-, ! C rner Second aihl Francis Xr. ranas Hirr. n ppo?; i A. Beatio's Banking Cinse at. N t strtr. nt of Boat Stor-n. C i-i. Liquor, ileal. Flour, Ac, kect en,'... hand. July2G,13jfi, Tl" FRANKLIN TYPE i STEREOTYPE F0U!iB"iY Ko. ICS Vine St., let. Tourtli ari Ti CINCINNATI, O. - C. F. O'D HIS COLL t CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Sock and J i Tyjcv Printing IVesscs, Cws, Caries U i Inks, antl Printinj Afateriul of Every Derinf STERIiUTl l'IAU or ail kind Books. M Patent Medicino, Directions, Job?, .Wood Enneyhi Ac, f-c. ; ? if , N Crand k3 Pattern Letters, variogssn H. VHITTEMOJE. K. B. WHITTEMORS. J W tlrT JL& IL B. WIIITTEMORE & ca ! BONNI7TS ASU STRAW GOODS ' ' v 1 NO143 3TALVSTRKET, ' 1 (First door above the Ban'i of M-siouri.J " Ot. XjonJLa, 2VIo. JCajih paid for Furs and Deer Skins. : JOIINSOX, CASSADY & TEST, ' Attorneys and Counsellors at Law.. And General Land Agrnts, COUNCIL BLUITS, IOWA. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, In. . vesting Money, Locating and Helling Land . Warrants, and all other business pertaining- uv profession, in Western Iowa and Nebraska. W. P. LOAN, 7 a i luiiuij i iii uau.' LAND AND LOT AOENT. ARCHER, RICHARDSON COUNTY, N. TV J. M. McFADIN & CO- FORWARDING J- CO3DIISSI0X , . rrlerchasits,. . No. 28 Lavee, and 56 Coramcrcial street, ; St. Louis, Mo. Especial attention given to sales of IIEMP,"EOfE . Provisions, Flour, Grain, Ac. Consignments kaui' ed, and promptly disposed of, , THOMAS II. LAR KIN &! CO., COMMISSION' MEKCUAMT3 AXD Wholesale Grocers, No. 30, Levee, Corner of Olire street, ' 3T. LOUIS, Ma V Special attention given to sales of HEMP, GRA 15 and TOBACCO, No orders tak-m for the purehiw' of Hemp, under any eircumstaneesv ' . A. D. JOiES, THE WESTERN PIONEER' LAND IJUXTER, s DEALER r IN- ,1EALT ESTATE, ' f ! omaUa ciTT.jNl t;i t57Lanli carefully located, and et tred for cus tomers. Lfcts and Lands basghS and mil. josei'ii -jiuiiwiY . . Attorney antl Counsellor ; at -Law Sidney, Fbemoxt.Couxtt, Iowa. : '.. OCice in the Court House, np stairs, f .o. r. 3IAS()XrI Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. And General Land Agents, NEBRASKA CITY, N- T. WILL promptly atiomU u la. A jmicies, collao tions, investing money, locating and. slJin land warrants, and all other business pertaining to their profession, in Nebraska Territory r nd Wes'tertt Iowa. A. C. FORD, - -vi L. h. BOWKX. . roriD aTbowen; Attorneys and7 Counsellors; at larc, COUNCIL ELL'FFS, I0WJ. . Office at the comer of Brtdway and Madisow streets up stairs. .) - .. . , ' ' V. II. SOLOHCOT,1 Attorney and - Counsellor. at- Law. 'r rGLENVOOD,'IOWA j, " Wifl practice la Ch? Sixth aaJ Seventh "judicial Districts of Iowa, i , . . , . , - ' r.. r. ssEAits, Attorney 4 and ; J Counselor' " at Liw. ' And Solicitor In Chancery ' SIDNEY, iowa.; iil practice ia the District Courts tf Western Iowa. , P l7 OET'ce at the Court Hoijej up ttiiirs.g: . A. MClI, G, L ' ncc GIIES, 02 USB. ..HU LIU & llUUIIES; PRODUCE 4- COMMISSION No. j-ieveo ana to Commercial Street ST. LOUIS, MO. OLIVES BXNT. JAMS F. FISKE, ti il'M. l. CARRJT , At'UCSTl'3 XXIOUT r OLIVER; BENNETT CO.y .. Manufacturers and Whlilcsulo Driers 'tn . ' BOOTS Xm SHOE (F0R33I.T,:NJ0. 101, CoRXKR MaIX LlLomT.) ; -ST, LOUIS. 110.- 1 M . a. j. rorn-ETox. , , r ! ! v jr.! . btebs. rorri.irrox a. nvnis. ATTORNEYS AT .LAW. rn.o..! T 1 . ' . OMAHA, NEDRA3IU., Land Warrants BoTiht aiirl Sold. LAND .ENTERED ON Tiaif - - -r 1 '.lAUAi SPECLM attention Riven, U tho'setetrjon! icd en try of Lands for Settler?, and all otUn desiruil choice locations. ! . ; . - . - Land Claims, Town Lf U anl all tindVof Real Es tate, bought and sold and investments taide for dli tant Healers! ROBBJNS POMEIlOY, :; : WHOI.ESALB DEA.UH13 IX ' ' ' BOOTS, SHOES & SOLE LfATHEP, INos. to Pearl ami ti cntvj CINCINNATI. OHIO. . H. r. BEXJiETT,, ' s, KOUTOxi-' sill. UARC1NO BEN NET, 3IORTOX & UAH DING. Attorneys at hnvu Nebraska City, nad Clentwood,, la. 7 . )vtcrn-Iowa. Partk-a!ar attcntian-pwd U ot-tainias, locating Land Warrant and. eaUsioa of. nnn. Iwi Ca.. Detroit. ) ..... : ulim I). Mortem. f v JIiCfcsai:.- , JJov. Jo:l . llattcson, SnriSclJ, Iij; Mi u.j.jjniei w. Jiorton.Tol.-d-, Ohh? t J . A. Saqy. Bellevne, NcbraV&i: ' ' ; " Sedewicli i Walkor, Cuicfc?, 111: rccn ear & Benton, Council Liu Vt, Iowa. ' Land OlHce at Erownritle. - -All persona knowing thm)lvcinJel4d hereby notified that thsirac-onntare dnr, anima.t be Settled IinnrjdiattJr.l.y Noto cr Cnh: ajjel' maat weimut have. In rter toeoiitinniiirbu--inc) , '"- .,.-; JB.A J.-D.X.TUP.JIPSOX. ' jL-ow 3V.1L'. Ausruiit 1st, IS.l. - , DAY-& iTATLACK, AVhoIesal Dealers ' Dry Csk-1-lEo. 57 P.rl jnutajd VuiCicvinz'ti, Ohio. ' i