Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1856)
i 1 ' i' ON TH2 PLAINS COL. A. V EIILEI! ---INDIAN EirncTJiTirs. A train arrived from Salt Lake on uhday last, bringing the startling in telligence that Col. A. r. Jklbitt, ". Secretary of Utah Territory, and two men who were accompanying him, were killed cn. the plains about one hundred p.nd fifty. miles beyond Fort Laramie, by a band of Clieyenncs, numbering some twelve or fifteen, who had watch ed the party ever since they left the Platte river, and fell upon them the . first time, they jverc scattered enough to make their game sure.. They .had toppc.d to encamp for the 'night, J and were ".engaged in different directions getting wood, water, and forage for the fctock, .whoa the' Indians made their ' appearance. 'The Col. became very much excited, and commenced firing pistols before they were in shoot ing distance, and altogethor. without effect, aftei which. he fought desper ately until he was struck by a hatchet -' frorii behind, which felled him, "and he was immediately dispatched.. .One of the men .attempted to assist him, but . . ineffectually, as the other would offer . no 'resistance at all until they were : both cut. down and horribly mangled. .The latter of ; the above information "was obtained by. a French trader, who wont, among them and secured the most of the Colonel's paper?, among which were several draughts,, one to the ""amount of seven thousand dollars, all , of which arc at: Fori, Laramie. '.j The . Colonel's Thatch they refused to give tip." ' ..: - .' .'.'It will he recollected that'Col. Bab ' Lett's train was attacked,' and one man : ''Jailed, and a woman and a child made prisoners, and some stock taken from . : hini, in the vicinity of Wood river, by . '.a band jof these samo ' Indians, soon .after, they started. ' '. - ' . This' is a lamentable affair, as the 061. was extensively known as a pub lic man throughout the estcrn coun - try, and was highly honored - by all ivho knew him. He was formerly a resident at Council Bluffs, whero ho still owned considerable property, and : :as a public officer he stood high in the . nfidencc of the people and the gov ernment, - : - ' ' - ' . aYc cannot let this melancholy affair pass without calling to mind some. of the remarks made by the anti-admin-. rstration papers when the news of Gen. i'llarncy's battle with the Indians at Ash Hollow, early in the season, was rc . -ccivetL TLe General was represented . as a barbarous and inhuman monster, and the government . as little better than' barbarians,. for sending such a . man there. But asisaon as he is recall ed troubles again commence, and will continue, we fear, more or less, until they recievc a thorough chastising. jSrcbrds7cian. , ' '. A2TECDQTE OF GENr, EASXEY, .We were told an excellent anecdote the other. day of Gen. Harney, by one of the officers who was with him at the -battle of Ash Hollow, and afterwards at Fort' Pierre. ; At the treaty held at the latter place, at which the General had a great talk with . the chiefs of all the tribes, he stood a few steps, in advance of his, staff, and was' dictating to the interpre ter what to say, in his usual gruff and authoritivo manner: " Telf them," said he, "that their great father at . : Washington has sent to make ..' them respect the treaties they have made with the whites. - " "Tell them that I am furnished with a great number of braves, horses and cannon, and that 1 shall make war upon . them as long as an Indian can be found ' on these prairies if they don't' - ' "Tell them that they must not 'kill ' or. rob .any more emigrant trains that axe crossing the plains, or steal any- thing from the whites in any manner "Ask them if they remember the .fight at Ash Hollow."- : : . - . It will bo remembered that a great number of the' Indians made -their escape through a pass in the hills .that the General knew nothing of until . too late.l . .';.- . f. "Tell them that I -left a place for them to escape through, then, to pre vent my braves from killing every one of them," and he continued, turning lus'eyes over his shoulder to his staff, . "It's lucky for them that I didn't know where it was, cr 1 d have kdled every d-r-a redskin in. the hollow. lb. -Thcro 'is now open for settlement, ike Territories of 5linnesota, Oregon, . Nebraska, "Washington,. New Mexico ' 'Utah, and Kansas. These Territories contain, according to a compenduni of .'the census of 1850 published in 1854, the following area : " , . Jilinncsota 166,025-Square miles. Oregon 180,0o0 Nebraska ; S3o,882 Washington 123,022, New Mexico 207,007 Utah, 269,170 n u ii . Total- 1,2S64S6 or 823,127,040 Kansas .'. : 114,703 72,470.720 acrs. The first named six Territories con tain 1,2S0,136. square miles,' or 832, 127,040 acres of land, and a total area .of all the States .nd Territories be longing to' the Union is 2,930,160 square miles, they comprise nearly one half of the whole. They run through some seventeen or eighteen decrees of latitude, and embrace millions of acres of the finest land, and mineral de ... positcs, in the finest climate, on the finest rivers in the world. -; . v - Election op Senator in Vermont. MorJpdieryVt.y Oct. 22:T-Solomon . Foot was this morning rerelccted United States Senator, for six years front the 4th of March next, by- the Jrtato Ligi'latarc 5 i Attempt to Mon a JrDon. The Cn? sville (Ga.) Standard, of Thariklay Iast,says: f ; : .. ' ' ., I Ye learn that a crowd of men under took to mob Judge Brown in court:, in Marietta, last weekj on. account of his having fined several of them for dis order in the court house. The marshal and officers of the court being present, came to his relief. He fined and im prisoned several of 'the'mobites to the extent of the law. r ' .J. Slaves Liberated. Georire WT. Johnsonone of the large sugar plant-' ers on the Mississippi, below New' Or leans, who died recently, has left an estate valued at not less than $700,)00. He has by hi3 will mamimitted all his slaves, two hundred innumber. They are all to be sent to Liberia in four years from his death, and .each one is to be lurmshed with - -, R. A. Prior, editor of the Richmond Enquirer and B. B. Botts, son of If on. John M. Bott3, were arraigned before the Mayor of Richmond, on Wednes day, rto answer the charge of leaving the State of Virginia to engage in a duel. . . After examining several wit nesses,', the parties wero held in two thousand . dollars each to keep the peace. ' " ' ..' ' Amalgamation '.in .France. A. Northern exchange translates from a Havre journal the following , extraor dinary advertisement : "Matrimonial. A widow 30 years of age, possessed of a fortune of CO, 000 francs, wishes to marry a nkgro between 40 and '45 years of age, vrho has received a good education. For further particulars, address Monsicr Dcs Rue ETtre'tat, No. 87 " ' . The'.taste of individuals, in this wicked world is proverbially unaccount able. ' ' . ." " .. , . A nugget of gold weighing six ounces troy weight, has been found in a stream near Arklow, county Wieklow, Ireland. Mcndiola, the old guide who piloted Gen. Taylor through his 'campaign into Mexico, up to the battle of Buena Vista, died in Mercer v alley, Texas, a few days since, at the advanced age of ninety years; ' ""' .' V , A very large iceberg, two hundred feet high, and. six hundred feet long, and apparently one hundred feet Ion ger under than above water, was passed in lat. 50 S. Ion. 4G W., by the Fitzjames, lately arrived in the English channel. The mammoth pig brought from Chillicothe for exhibition during the Ohio State Fair,- was two years r.rid three months old, and weighed on foot one thousand one hundred and thirtv- five pounds. He measured nine feet in length and about the same in girth. It is stated that the train on the G reat Northern Railway on which the Queen ol .Lngland was a passenger on her journey to Scotland, was driven at the rate of seventy miles an hour. ' The emigration from., the port of Liverpool, during August, numbered 10,3G3, agaipst 8,90S. in the corres ponding month of .1855. Of thisnum- bcr, 7,012 went to the United States; 1,961 to Australia; 482 to. St. ,. John; Halifax, and Quebec; and 39 to New Zeland. -" 3Ir. TVhitaker has recovered 3446 93 damages from the Boston and Maine Ulailroad for a broken thigh, by col lision some years ago at a crossing. Wc learn that there has been a tre mendous storm on the lakes, by which several vessels and many lives have been lost. ' It seems .to have been most severe about the Straits, and the North part of Lake Michigan. 1 The largest flouring establishment in the world, it is said, will be in Rich mond, Va. It will be 11 stories when completed. . . j , More than a thousand dollars in'cash have already been subscribed in New York city for the relief of the cholera stricken people of Maderia. ' - Lead has been discovered in Craw ford county, Missouri. The veins ap pear to be very rich. - ; An artist in Louisville lately re ceivcdhalf a million of dollars' by the death of a California uncle. , . - : . The wheat' crop of Winnebago Co., HI., for the past year," is estimated by a careful farmer at 333,000 bushels. The land sales of the Illinois Central Railroad Company for the first week in beptember reached blO.OUO. lhc average per acre was $10,48. ... George Steers, the famous New York naval architect, was killed on Thursday by being thrown . from his carnage. John N. Gennin,; the hatter, has been nominated for Mayor of New York by the mechanics and workingmcn o that city.' ; " -: ' ' ' ' The United States survevins steamer Arctic, engaged in the deep sea sound ings, arrived. at, St. Johns, N. F., on Tuesday last from Cork. During the month of September, 14, 483 Emigrants landed at Castle Garden, r. 1., making 10, 304 this year. Mrs. General Gadsdew The lady of G en. Gadsden, late Minister to Mex ico, died at .Charleston, S. C.,oii tho 7thinst. . - ... A "Western paper says that; char coal is one of the best : articles that can bo given to hogs, while in prepar ation, for the tub.- .v. : Baltimore has n Catholic population of upwards of 80.000. ; v GRIST MILL!! PatentFc y i ? j i e i . V-i K A'O At. rilUE suhsiriters LaTC entcre'it iuto a j.artnertLip -1 under the f ria -of lies J. IJuLlrA I: Co., to li.-mafactcre the J. C. Tieed, PsLtent l''s Oriat Mill and are bow prepared to fnrcUh all those in vrautcf aool Cera or "Wheat lli'l that for dura bility, siroj-ifcty and ejonomy ; exct-l asy Mill ia the world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Ciuein&ati, a GAJ M-.dal wa3 a-,varle them for it. " It is adapted to aU (Jrain grin 'IingpnrV?es ; it ia Fnpcrior to all others for themo?t extensive Merchant Hill, as it is for grinding the Farmers feed by Hcrstf power. The above Mills are nannfr.cti:red by the under signed at their shop, jn Cincinnati, O., whero they ccn b3 furnished in any quantity at short notice. .The above Mills wu runted to jH;rform as fallows: Zi in. diam., per hour 53 B. Corn, 2i WEcat 00:) SC " 39 u 13 " 2oi) 24- " - u -u 2D " 13 " 200 2j u u u u 1( 3 u 150 is this Mill tells iU'own story, r,t u nnneccs.-ary to CTtotefrora our numeronsrecomiaciKliitionreceived. HEED, IIOL.i.I31UD & CO. ;- - - Cincinnati, O. Fresh Arrival of NEW GOODS! AT ROCKI'OKT HO. - 11HE - subscribers would respectfully tender their . thanks to their customers and the Tublic Gene rally for their liberal patronage herotoforc, andsolicit a continuance of the stime ; as they are determined to sell Goods ns low.Lf not lower than any other House west of St. Joseph, Haviag just received a large and well selected Stock of Spring and Summer Goods; also a superior Stock of family Groceries with Hardware, Glass and Queensware, Furniture, Saddlery, Iron, &e. : . Come one and all, ' For well we know; 'Again you'll call, . , r We'll sell o low. , , i '', Of Goods the bc?t,-' - Anl profit rull, - 1 ' - , We'll t :at the rest, .' ' And suit you all. ', : ; . Our Stock of Dry Goods having been purchased in the Eastern .cities, we flatter ourselves that we can surpass our competitors in the low prices and good qualities of our Stock, and earnestly believe all will make by calling and seeing for themselves beforo purchasing ekewhere. CAREY", JONES, & CO. . y. B.- Country Produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest prices, for Goods. June 7, '5G. DANIEL ZOO K, WHOLESALE AJSD RETAIL 9 Oregon, Halt County, JIo. Has in Store;' ' ' ' , Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, Spanish Whiting, -Bed Lead, Litherage, White Chalk, Vcnitian Bed, -Spanish Brown, Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, Sphcr Carb. Soda, Vinegar, Turpontina, Sal S'xla, . Copcras, Saltpeter, . Borax, Mex. LJniitcnt, Vol. Oil do, J Morland's do, Nervor and Bone do, Farrcls do, London's do, -Jays' Expt., Window Glass, Putty, Caster Oil, -Ex. Logwood, Blue Stone, Alum, . Ground Ctr.ger, Root do, S:tint Louis Glue, Paris Green, Chrcme do, ' do yellow, Iron Paint, White Zink do, Fish Oil, Whalo do, Wrights' Pills, Chnmpian's do, Jayan's do, Iioudon's ' do, Radway's R. 11., Davis Pain Killer, Fahncstock'a Ver., Stone's Congh Car.Cy, . McLane's Liver Pills. . London's do, In addition to the above, I hare the largest Stock of Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture. Chemi cals, Surgical .instruments, and 1'atcnt Mcdicien3 ever offered for sale in this Country. Merchants and Physuians of Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, arc rcsxcctfuliy inrited to give mo a call. June 7, 1356. . DANIEL ZOOX. NEW GOODS AMD CHEAP GQGDS! JUST RECEIVED BY B. B. & J. D. N. THOMPSON, BROWXVILLE, K. T. Expressly for this Market, a Largo and Wcllf -" fciiectel Stock of " ' DRY GOODS, , ; GROCERIES, - , : CLOTHING, QUEENSW ARE, HATS & CAPS, riNE DOORS, CASTINGS, NAILS, J IRON, i : .. SASH, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LATCHES LOCKS, BOOTS & SHOES, WINDOW SHUTTERS &c, &c. ITAVIXO Lecn tough t tind shipped at low figures,! Members of the order viiitmg the city, nrcr?spc:t i wc flatter ourselves we arc able to offer such in- j fllI,y invited to attend, when convenient; and those dncemonts as have not heretofore been offered We a sk an examination of our Goods and prices be fore purchasing eLsewhcre. The Ladies yill find at our Store a large assortment of " . DIIESS GOODS. Clialli, Bcrnrre, Dclains I'opJinf, t.iugtiams, v ictoria Lawns, Um'oroiuered Itobes, PJaid - ' Silks, &c. &.c,. &c. AI.L OF WniCn WILL BE SOLD VERT LOW. Judo 7, 1808. A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO. MacMuists, Founders and ENGINE BUILDERS Trout Slreet, West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O, Would most respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that thet are now pre pared to execute all orders in thciriiuc, with prompt ness. , Having lately enlarged their i-hop and with tuo increased tacilitics they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of th-3 liberal patronago which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw Mul Engines nr. every Description. Constantly on han ?: consisting of the Sash, Circu lar and Muley. Jlill Gears and every description of (. astings, warranted to bo well mado in every particu lar. . . They have also a Boiler Tard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that lino furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on r.3 reasonable terms as any other shop in the country.. . Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call and examine our new patterns. . . . . A. IS. HULA ul Hi) & CO. B. vr: LtWI3 J AUKS W.LEWI3 TIIOS. J. BARTHOLOW late PERY BAKTHOLOW R W. LEWIS & BROS. aiANrFACTCREES OP ALL DESCRIITIOX OP ' CHEWING TOBACCO. GLASGOW, MISSOURI THANKFUL for the very liberal patronage that we have heretofore received from our numerous friends and customers, and while respectfully solicit ing a continuance of the same, pledging ousselves to spare neither pains nor expense to merit tho patron age of the public, we beg leave to announce that William J. Lewis lias withdrawn from our firm, and Thos. J. liartholow is admitted a partner from this data, the style of the firm remaining unchanged, and that we have secured the services of Capt. George G. Davis who will hereafter act in the capacity of TRAVELING salesman ia connection wua onr Air, Barthclow and will during the coming Season per sonally wait upon our cust-omers for tho purpose of wlioiting their orders. Oufstock held over from last year of ail descriptions if unanimously large, the quality f which cannot fa.l to give entire satisfac tion to consumers. B. W. LEWIS &. Bros. Glasgow, Mo., January 6, 1S53. ST. LOUIS AND COUNCIL BLUFFS . PACKET. . THE steamer ADMIRAL, having been thru-onghly repaired and refitted, will ply rogularly between St. Louis and Council Bluffs, daring the season of 1S5G, touching at Jefferson City, Boonville, Leavenworth,- St. Joseph, Sarannah, Brownville, Sonora, Nebraska City, St. Mary, and atl intermediate points. Thankful for the patronaga extended to the AD JnitAL during the past season,- the officers hop, by punctuality and dispatch, to merit tho coutinuanee of the faTors conferred by shij-pers, and passengers will receive all due attention. - CI1AS. K.BAKER, blaster. ; ; ' ' . B. A. DARST, Clerk. ' Ulriclk! " SricKl! - WE HAVE now readv for sale lfifl,P0O gwd mer chantable Brick. WF.STFALL& MARLOTT. Har4 foocl. G 1I10WX under the rr-'onal supervision of the iihvri!ipr. w.irr:ii e'i- true ncnuiue cuouirh of which will b nt to furpli a hirgi family, 'tin reception of price p?-paid. " Cass a bab Mrss MeloI-A beautiful and delicious ' iruit. (Asiatic 25cenU. . Okaxge Water lln. Pwls off like r t . the rind of sin .junge very Cue , llavor.......-.-.3--"--vi'-- 20 Clam Lemox A bt;a f fut little melon . for presenres whej,reea.- 25 f Chinese asparagus j.ianal, and eju:il - 1 . to the common niu'j rairei 20 M - Five Feet CrcrxEEn-Very large and curious to behold 25 Mammoth l'L JirKix.--l' 20 M Or the whtda ft r oaf dollar, sent by mail to any address. JOSEPIl L. ASIIBY, 20-tf nburgh, Clinton Co., Mo. 4 SA.liUL .srtNCEIt & CO., No. Eighty-Two' North Fourth S treet, Near Lotust V" ST. ID VIS, MO. TTTAyCFACTUEEU?' t-f every description of J-Vi. Frame.dealersuPainting3,Eiigr:ivuiir.s Litho graphs, ic; IiOoking-.ixs Ilates of evory iize, and framed to any pattern the best manner. Advertising Cards. S'-, Stained and Varnished or Framed kt snort notica. 1"-'. " ' ' ' Rosewool, Walnut ether fancy wood Ticxurc Framo Mouldings. ' I ' Tha Trade Supplied, ,01d FraniC3, Lcn Re-gilt. 3. T. DOWDALL.- ? 1 ' K. E. CABS. DOYI DALIV CAlili & CO., . . WASinxqrox i olwdry, . : Engine and LlachinG Manufactory. Corner Second and Morgan Streets. . ' : ST. LOUIS, MO. - MANUFACTURERS cf Steam Engines and Boil ers. Sa r and -i Mill . Machinery, . Tobacco Screws and Presses, Lari Kettles, Lard S-srews and Cylinders, Word Carding Machines, Young's Patent Smut Machines, BuilJiug Castings, &,c. . - Z-f Agents for tu4 sale of Jame3 Smith & Co. s Supcrior"MACHLE CARDS. v. - , : , YOUNG'S PATENT SMtJT MACHINE. WU tried, always successful.', fully Guarantied. Manu- Cwtuxedaadfor?- ' '"'"" Washington Foundry, St.Loui, M:.' , . , , :, OUEAT ; . .. 1 Clothiiisr'SalcT WM.'R MARTIN,) i QV p. C. MARTIN, New York, j lOOO. ) St. Louis, JMARTLN k : BROTHER. ' TEE OLD ORIGINAL CLO THIERS, ITo. 114 AND lid. 1 MAIN STREET, ST. LOUIS, 3lO. FOR the approaching spring, we will have a TRE MENDOUS STOCK OF CLOTHING, manufac tured by ourselves in New York, expressly for this ri?rket. - - -- ' . ; - n point of ST TLE, QUALITY and PRICE, we defy any and all competition!- We have marked down our priec very low, as we intend selling to none but CASH AND PROMPT 3IEX. To such we would ask a thorough examination of our Stock before purchasing. ' l-5t , MARTIN & BRO. ZL ESTABROOk, UNITED STATES ., District -A'ttoriicv. OMAHA CITY", N. T. ry EQUIRED to be in attendance officially upon all J. A the terms of the District and Supreme Court cf the Territory, tenders "his Professional service to such as need them. He flatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable hira to give satisfaction to such as entrust their business to his aro. Omaha City, June 7. lSj'i. ,. L. FORSYTH & CO.. , r COMMISSION-; MERCHANTS And Freight -Agents, ' . " OF THE . ' " - BALTIMORE' AND OHIO RAILT50AD. Xo. 3, Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. ALONZO rKATt, E. . New Ytrk. ; o. O. PRATT, i IV. CHILD, E. TV. FOX, S. C. MAXSCB, St. Louis. , St." LouisJ , . ( CIIILT,' FRATT. & CO., Direct Imp.Trtrf, Jihhers and Manufacturers' Agcrts lEnglish, French. .German & American Hardware and Cutlery. GUNS, RIFiES,.riSTOLS, &c, &c. 139 & 141 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue, ' ST. LOUIS, MO. I. 0. ofG.-T. " rpIIE Brownvillc Lodg.?, No. 3, Independent Order L of Oood TcraplarH, meets every Saturday evening-, ct 7 o'elnclc, ot Tornplftrs'- Hall, No. 23, Atlan tis street (Tburbur's Block). " locat:ng ticrc, are earnestly eoljcited to join tho Lodge, as we look for tho support of all friends cf Temper ance, uotn majc ana ieniais For information concerning the Order, enquire of Wm. Thurbur, Atlantic street, O. F. Lake, No. 27, Main street, or Richard Brown, corner of Main and First stroet. By order of tho Lcdo. - Mrs. C. E. THURBUR, W . C. T. Attest: H. P. BUXTON, W. S. . July 20,1S30. vl-n8tf . r : ' ST. JOSEPH AND COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET LINE. Season Arrangements for 105G. THE entirely new and fine passenger packet, OMAHA, . J. B. Holland, Commander, . F. B. Kercheval, Clerk;) having been built expressly for the trade, is how running h.s a regular weekly packet between the cities of St. Josci;.h and Council Bluff.?. Leaving St. Joseph every Monday at 12 o'clock M. And returning will leave Council Bluffs nnd Omaha City every Inuay moruing at 8 o'clock, ac forming a connection with tho five packets leaving St. Louis on Mondays and Tuesdays, which arrive litre on Saturday and Sundry evenings, by which arrange ment passengers or freight will not be detained at hfc. Joseph; Lut to prepare against all contingencies the ownsrs of the Omaha have a largo Ware-House to store all goods not meeting them prompt I v, and without charge to tho owners, which we deem the mst pcrrect arrangement to passenger cr shipper that can or will bo mado the present season, and they therefore hope by promptness and i-triet atten tion of her olucers and agents to receive a large thare cf pnblie patronnge. TOOTLES & FAIRLEIOII, f 1-tf . Agents. PLOW -FACTORY. A. J. MOTiROW, MANUFACTURER of the Premium Tlow, cf va rious sires: one and two horse Prairia plows Brush and Steel plows, for sale Wholesale Be-. tail, cn second street, three doors riortact jiarkd Square, St. Joseph, Mo. BROWNVILLE STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKE, & EMERSON. Hrowiivillo, J&3"m "j?. N. B. We would respectfully inform tiro citi zens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that wo have always- oa hand a largo and well selected supply of LYLT3IBtt, which w e can furniih at low er ralos than any mill in the Territory. . . Market prices paid for logj delivered at the yard, or on the bank of llio river. All orders aecoirpanied with the cash, will receive onr immediate atUution. . -.- - . NEBRASKA CITY HOTEL. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. BARNES & BAKNU3I, Proprietors. THIS commodious' Hotel, situated upon Main Street, Ifebraskr. City, will be found a de sirable resort for travellers. Stages leave this houie for all parts of the Territory. ' , Z. G. TCTTLE. ; H. G. PERLET. H. W. SMITH. TLTTTLE, PERLITZ" c SMITH FALL STYLES. 185G. 77 Mail street, St. Louis, Mo. " f" ANUFACTCHERS of Straw and Silk Bonnets, iL Importers nnl Wholesalo dealers in Ribhfis. Silk Millinery,Fiotcrs, Trimmings, Lace Goods, Em broideries, Ac. . i r "Merchant! ind Milliners ere particularly in vited to examine oyr stck, before making their sprii g purchases, as wa (relying fully on tho suneriority cf onr styles,) intend to offer inducement equal, if nt to anv ioibicg house in the United States. ibcrl'3, 133. Tlnl5-Cm gapenon. heptcm T)LANKS of cvfry descript-ivn, for s.ila at tli 05 1S5G. FUKNITUltL'. . tSoO. SOARRITT & MASON. FURNITUTIB & TJPIJ.OLSTERT, DEALERS AND r.larttiiftctTrroro. f Xo. 4 and-42 J'asl-'ngton Atpna?, St. Louis, lo. -i-vvtVP, pr.mT.l f .1 ur aiTr.ncremcnt 9 for a lull p tock of UwU In our liiic, and having ti.e oesi acnuieui in ia si, we i:k pic-u.c- ... .-..0 to pnrsiiascra both Vi HOLES ALE and RETAIL : 330 J B;lstvads, : ; 500 doscn wood scat Chaire, i r.fVi!.ius. 2;!0 di. tane seat d. :n;l J)!, ISO d rocking o, 130 ,d childrens' do, 5L'0 tin safes, 200 Cribs, assorte-1 sizes, 200 Lounges, 100 doi. Rush and split bot tc m f'h.iirs.-" " 5(0 Breakfast u , 200 Work Stand.-", 200 Wa.4i do, 100 Wardrobes, 1030 Looking Glasses, 27"To which we aid mahogany and walnut, par lor and rocking Chairs, Sof.s, centre, sida and cxtJti sioii Tab en Secretaries and Book Cases; - 1 Upholste ry in great variety, such as spring, hair, coiton. iiMs and Lusk Matrcssal, Comforts, S reads, and Blankots. h . - . n .- - Our work ' is "all Warranted . as rcpresente.l our Prk'es as Low as the Ix)westi - Orders promptly and faithfiiuy executed and re "spcetfully folk-ite'd; Satisfaction guaranteed. llease call and satisfy yourselves, , ' .- ( St. Louis, July 20, IS j6. ,ti I o3-Cm ilifi PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ; French and American Wtndoie Giast it (ilaxttcrirt, Spices, Inil'jo, Madder, I'erfumeric9,d'c. ' SPRINGSTOOK! - CUAKLESS, BLOW & CO., IMPORTEF.3 t WHOLES AIJI DEALtKS. ; Ho. 60 ari 67 Ilaia street, St. Louis, Ho. Are now in receipt of their new Stock, embracing everything in their line. . 27"Merchant3 visiting onr City aro requested to give us a call, as we are deteipined to sell for Cash or Prompt Tiina Papi-r, as low as any IIouo ia tho United States. - ' ' '' ; r . - - - "VfOTlCS is hereby :irbi, that tho co-partnership 1,1 ihoretoforo existinr under tiie natiic and stylo of Brown, Rogers & Co., was, on tho 20th day of Fcbru- ary, A. U., 1305, dissolved R. DROWN, S..E. ROGERS,. R. P. FRAZER. HENRY EMERSON. II. W. LAKE A PRO. July23,1355.-Tl-n3 EiiiiiiberlXiiiiiber! THE undersigned has on hand and for sale at his mill, Iluh Hottom, 5lo One hundred and Twenty-five Thousand feet of various kinds of Lum ber, -which he oilers for sale at the following prices. Square edged lumber, - - - SLO Sheeting, - - - - ' - '- 1,25 Pluck Walnut, - ; - - - ' 2,00 There is a ferry across tho Missouri river, opposite the mill. Lumber will be delivered on the Nebraska shore, at 50 cents ia addition to the above prices. LOUIS LAWRENCE. ' September 20, 1S53. vlnl6-?.mpd JAMES CAKCILL. GEO. V. CAKGILL. J. & G. W. CARGILE, rORWARDIXG AND COMMISSION '-.MEJStCB-ffAlWS. ' AND MANUFACTURER'S 'AGENTS, .Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, ?Io. CONSIGNMENTS of Goods and Produce respectfully solicited, and all business entrust ed to ns will b3 promptly and carvfully attended to at tho lowest rates. Reference?. Taylor &, Shepherd, -R. L. McGhee & Co., Livcrmnre, Ciiolcy & Co., Merchants Generally, St. Lonls, u . St. Joseph. HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. GEORGE CLAYK3. J. W. LE24 CLAYES Sc LEE, Roal Estate and General Agency, 031 AHA CITY, N. ,T. rieferences. "' - James Wright, Broker, . New York, Wm. A. Wocxlwnrd, Esq. . " " Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Gov. of Ohio, Cleveland, Wicts. Otic and Brownell, Banhc-rs, " Cul. Egbert CamTbcI!, ' St. Louis, James Ridgway, Eq. " - ' " Crawforn and Sackett , Chicago. Omaha City, Aug. SO, 1S5C. vlnl3-ly CHARLES KEARNY, "Whole s ilc and lletdil Grocer AND STEAMBOAT AGENT. East side Market Square op'site Market House r)EOS leave to inform tho citizens of St, Joseph, ) and the public generally, that he has just open ed a large and fiuc assortment of Groceries, to which h'i invites the attention cf Country Merchants, Plan ters and the public generally. Boat stores constant ly on hand.. : P. PLASTEKS, If. BAKER. BROWNVILLE FERRY . :' PLASTERS & BAKER, ANNOUNCE to tha Travelling Public, that they are prepared with every facility to accommudato those cros-ing the Missouri river. .This bing the best crossing point on the unper Mi ssouri, travellers coming to Nebraska, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to cross at this poiut. FERRY RATES. For every two horses, mul?s or oxen fc wagon, $1,00 " each individual pair of horses raulesur ex'n 2 j ii " horse or mule and buggy, led horso or mule, 25 loose cattle pcr head, 10 hhcen and hos ner head, '03 u it ctu-.h footman, 10 " " cwt. of freight, 10 u ' M feet of lumber, 2,00 u " unloaded wagon and horses, mules or oxen therewith, 75 Brownriilc, August 2, lSi5.-Iy NEMAHA CITY FERRY Across the Mi;sonri Eiver at Nemaha Citr, mouth of Little Nemaha river, Nebraska Territory. THE rropriclor informs Eui.grant, Travelers and the nver-crossing public, that ht) has cow i:i op eration g'X.l, large and substantial beats at the above named point, and oafeful boatmen to cross persons and teams from cither side of the river, at all times of the day or night. The lauding us safe and easy, and the Proprietor takes pleasure ia calling upon the public for patronage. This is ia a (Krect routj to Big Blue, Fort Kearney and that region, an 1 is the mcst practical point at which to cross the Mis souri river. It is nine miles from Rock Port, Mo., and Ecven bebwr Brownville, N. T, The best of ac commodations to be had on either side of the river. Nemaha City, Sept. 2;), lhj0.-3t J. C. KLLLS. Improved Little fi;int" CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL Piico Xt-oclxxcocl. THE subscriber has purchased exclusive right of Territory in tho West, of the above celebrated Mills, and is prepared to furnish thjm at all times, either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most positive manner. - It is now more taan a year since no . '"little-'Giant"- Was introduced to the public, during which time, it has been constantly growing in the popular favor. .The improvements recently effected and patented, makes it the moat perfect machine ever offered for general farm use. '.It is furniihd ready for attaching tm. and weighs as follows: No. 1, 225 No. 2, 3:50, No. ir 4 CM), No. 4. S00 pounds. Twer.ty minutes are snfTicient to set One up, withoat mcclianual aid, and when once adjusted, it can with safety be cntrustsd to a tejy. Full directions accompany each Mill. - XL .KOL T2 QZ3 2523 ?s3 . No 1, 535, w'll grind 8 bu meal per hour T. Uh T hone No2 40. " 10 " " I 44 . No3 50, " " 15 " u :." 1 No 4 CO, " " 20 " " " " 2 M ZST' Libcril discount to delerj. JAMES B. CIIADWICK, No. C3 Locust Street, bet, 2d and 3d Jan.T3, 1S53. vl-nl St. Louis, Mo. Wholesale Paper Warehouse. UKADNER, "WARREN" &. CO., "T THOLES ALE Dealers ia Papers of every ciea- Y onpticn: Printing, B x.k Paper, Wrapping, Folio Post, Flat Cap, Foolsenp. Letter & N; Manilas, ColoreI Paper?, - Mcdiuia A Demy's, of the very best Eastern nnd Western Manufacture, 1 asiljor sale at very low prices. . 1' iiTC&Jx for llag and Rope - No. 12, Li Salle strter. ChicPgn.Ju.SSi'a.lSOC'. vl-nl RJcIiiasa Mom Treat Street, Jiear Eteanloat Lfir.dbs, EUOWKVILLE, X. T. ' A.-J. BENIIDICT, " 'ENOUNCES to the public that he has taerj the Jt. aben-o House, formerly kept Ly T. II. Edwards in Brovwiv;! T., and is now pr 1 10 VVOftlG- daUrsU may fvcr Lisa with tueir jatron.igo. A oew addition has Lcn built to the h..nse. an I ad ditions lo of Furniture and Ilcildir , and o'.l ar- raaounnti roT are such ns to render tau Liousc equal to any in tho Territory. Brownville, July 5, ISO?. Tl-n5:f IV. II. AVILLIAJIS, irnaLEaALE and hstail dkalkh ik STO-YES & TINWARE Oroson, Mo., rpAKES pleasure in announcing the cllizcns of Or l gou acd the public in general, that ho lias on Liuid the inonS extensive sux-k cf Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in thid market. Jty stcck of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is fjr pale at Wholesale and lietall at St. LouU price?, I would call particular attemion to my stock of COOKING STOVKS, poinpTi'irtg tho m"?t improred patterns both Air-Tight and I' Among them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the beat dtoro now in use, ths Asiatic Aic-Tight, Pioneer and prize I're inium. Alo . ' ' , . I?prIor:& Bos Stoves 'Of various Sizes and Pattern.", which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and patting up Tin Cutter?, in tho town and country. AI.'O, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term'. Old c;pper, L'rass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, vl-n3 Oregon, JIo., July b, ISJ'o.. r02TY TH0U3AKD D0LLASS Worth of Gooda at a snail advanca cost ani carriaty X Xj 3Li O 3T tt? XXA."VJ7"2X- KOCKrOItT, . a:;i . JIE.12.HE3 LANDING, SIO. ' ' WE HAVE in store, and are recalling per Steam ers Hannibal, Warner, Edinburgh and Oinaha, a largo and well assorted stock of : -, .Medicines, . Bnij;'', Furniture, Tinware, S;1 Mlery, Cnicerie?, Castings Sah, Nail.j, Iron C'oihing, . Hardware, ' . . Quecasware. Boots & Shoe?, Ha's A Cap;, , Cutlery, Paints, . . Dm r.s, Oil. CARPENTERS & BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS AC. All of which wo cfFjr at very low prices for Cash or Country Produce. .' NO HUMBUG! Wo will sell at PSICE!! DILLON & HAWK. P. S. Ladies,if you haven't got a fine Silk Press) Shawl or Bonnet, don't blame Dillon A Hawk, for we certainly have the best assortment of Fancy Dres.i Goods ever offered in this market. No trouble to show Goods. vl-n5 D. A II. CHAUTEli-OAK . Lim INSURANCE CCMIPAXY I Ilartford, Ct. Capital'200,000 With large and increasing receipts penrely invested under tho sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts, - OFFICERS. ALFRED GILL, Pres't, JOHN L. EUNCE, V. P, JAMES C. WALKLEY, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Alfred Gill. John Ii. Bunco, Wm. T. Cony Jas. G BoBes, John A. Butler, Noah Whcaton, N. Hollis tcr, Siiml Coit,DanT Phillips, C. N. nmpbrey. DOARO OF FirrAXCE. Geo. Beach, Esq. .President of Phoenix Bank, - I). F. Robinson, Esrj., " Hartford " Hon. Isaac Toucey, late Attorney Gcuenu V. S. Applications for insurance received by R. W. FURNAS, Agent. DR. A. S. IIOLLIDAY, Mel. Ex. c:i:o. r. luckiiaiidt, WATCH MAKER oowollox", OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, MO. HHAKE3 the liberty to inform tho citizcn.3 of JL Brownville and vicinity, that he has opened a WATCH, CLOCK A JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt. county, Mo., where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, CI n ks and Jewelry, which he will soil extremely low, f..r CASH. Also, a fine lot of Violins, Aecordeons, Silver, and llarcd Spec tacles, Gold Pen.? with Gold and Silfcr extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac. Ac. He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on the most reasonable term. Every article bought in his establishment, is war ranted to bo what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for ono year. July 23,1353. vl-nSlf UNITED STATES EXPKESS COniPAiW GIVE every possibhj facility for the safe and speedy tntnsmission of Jloaey, Valuable Paclinges, Parcels, Goods, and Icrchaadize Of every description, on reasonable term3 . lRr:cir.4L Offices New York, Butfalo, Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago, D.iyton, India nnpolis, and all tho smaller towns on Railroads in the Eastern, Mid dle and Western Slates, connecting at St. Louis with Richardson's Missouri River E-tpres. H. KIPP. July 20, 1355.-vl-n3 General Superintendent. JOIIN W. TOOLE Y. . (Successor to NOONAN, TOOLEY f- Co,) 53 Mala sL, Old SlanJ, St. Louis, Mo. IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in China, Glars and Qucenswarc, Yellow and Rockingham Warf Chandeliers, La mjs, Lanterns, Looking-glasses, Britannia Ware, Ac. tc, with a great variety of Fancy Ma-ntlc and Bailor Ornaments, direct from the Pottcri'M and Manufacturers. 25Now arriving and in store, a fall rdockof the above line cf goods, which is offered to the Trade at reasonable rates. An examination is solicited. t-'J'On hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade. N. B. Packing receives snccial attention. September 13, lSo". vl'nl5-Cm 185G FALL TRADE. 1850 EDWARD 3IEAD.. W. II. MAURICE. E. II. 3IEAD. Oldest IIvu"' of the iind in the We'l EtnUiM 1835. EDWARD MEAD & CO.; - No. SX) Main, cor. Tine st., Importers and Wkolsalers OF Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS, and materials, sil Tsr and plated ware, shot guns, rifles, pistols, revolvers, mnsicnl iastrumcnts.daguf rreo'.yp atnbro types, S., chrystalotype materials; Hotel and Steam boat table ware. St. Louis, September 13, 13GC. Tl-nl -3m Dissolution of Partnership. "VTOTICE is hereby giron, thr t the o-farinerchip 1 heietofore existing Wtwscn J. D. N. Tl ompson and II. P. Buxton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The basines of the firm will be finished, with consent of parties corceme I. bv H. P. Buxtcn. . 11. P. BUXTON. ' . J. D. N. THOMPSON. Browaville, Sept. 8, IMS. vlnl-Stf FRESH DRY GOODS. EEDY, JAMESON A CO., Nos. 170 and 172 .Main SL, SL Louis. WE are now in receipt of the most complete and luagniSecnt stock, cveroiTered to the Western Trad?. Merchant Tilting this city are iriTitcd to make an examination of st'fk and 'ricw. EDDY, JAMESON A CO. Great rpitOrfE wi.-hing to purchase LOTS in tho Town of L r.rownville would do well to gire ns a call, as wo hareJf) Lnii whioh willbsVid rcry cheap for ensh. Also, 5 Uti in OM AILV CITY, for -ale-. Engirt of B. 15. & J- I'. N. TliOJIPSON. Urow;iYi!Ie,N.T.June2-,lS.i. - 4ff Bridge IVotice. THE stock holders cf tho Nemaha Eriilge Company are hereby notified that it is neccjjury k inaur? tho immediate erection and co:nrl.ition Jf said Brid, that the araonnt i f tck subscribed, be paid in in full, before 1st, Sirpternb'.T. J.y ordr i.f the Board 4 t , 15.-T2-uO-t JOHN S. MINNK'K. .Z3 ;v7..VT. Jiv. FORWARDING h COinW. Grocers zmd StcaniboaA 1 Corn r Sawl aid Fra.idJ (Opr. -ito A. ratw'i EanlU, r- A N as rt:n"nt A' Koat Storc :.Ti Liquor?, iU:., Flour, hand, FHANKLTV TYPE & STEREOTYPE FG Ho. 133 Vina St., let, T . CINCINNATI, o. C. r. "O'DRIS COLX." Vn- " fanufaetnrer3 and dealers in New. n ', M Type, Printing PtcisiCuaL' nd ; I Inks, nutt lnntirg Material of E STERI-.OTl aMNGofa:urn;5J. DCitioES, Johi, Woo,l E, ?r' 1 Patent Medicine Ac, fc. - "3r;j. Brand ana Pattern Letters, varies H. WniTTEMORE. K. B. WaiTTKXORX. - ' Wholetata Drnhri in i I BOXXETS AMD STRAW GiTm v NO. 113 MAIN STRRET, (Hrst door above the B;ini cf Jrissonrf ii uasa pam lor x arj ana Uijr ' 'AJUS, H. D. JOHNSON. ' - T.T. CA3S.OT i.t. JOIINSOX, CASSADV & Tr 1ST. Attorneys 'and Counsellors at T, na n.cncrai Land Agent COUNCIL BLUFF3, ioVi "T7"ILL promptly attend to 1 V V vesting Money, Locating and tT- uarrauu. an i u oiucr businoa, profession, in estcrn lowa ani Aobraaia - tit.- W. I'. LOAN. flTTBBBEY HT Ml LAND AND LOT AGENT ARCHER, niCHAnDSOX COUNTY. T J. M. McFADIN & CO., FOR WARDING j- COMMISSI ificrciinzits, Xo. 23 Levee, and 5G Commercial sfrsc' St. Loui, 2lo. Especial attention given to sals of HEW ROr 'rovisions, Flour, Grain, Ac. ConsiiTuntnU 'T I ed, and promptly disposed of. THOMAS II. LAHKIN & CO. COMMISSION MKBCHASTS asd Ko. 30, Lovcc, Comer of Olive street ST. LOUIS, MO. Special attention given to sales of FIE VP, CHH and TOBACCO. No order taken for th5 pa-ch of Hemp, under any circumstances. A. D.' JONES, . : TVESTERN PIONEER LAND IIUNTEL TIIE DEALER IN KEAL ESTAH . . OMAHA CITY, X. T.- ti?"Landa carefully bvsitcd, and catered f,r : tomeri. Lota and Lands bought and sold. " joseimi aiuupiiY, ! Attoracy and Counsellor at Lit. Antl Solicitor in Chanccrr.' Sidney, Fbemont Col'ntt, Iowa. Utbce in the Court House, upstairs. O. P. MASON," Attorneys :md Counsellors at And Ceneral Land AsTtnt.-", NEBRASKA CITT, T. ' l"7"ILL promptty ttml to Land Agerw ccl!"j- VV,tion3. inveatinp mortiy,- lucating and land warrants, and all other businoss pcrtainijj their profession, la NcbniiLa 7erriti)ry and Y:s:ra Iowa. JL. L. L. C07EN. rORD St, BOWEX, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lit, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. , ' ' Office at the corner of Eroadway and Ma.lL streets, up stair?. D. II. SOLOMO?r, Attorney and Counsellor at -Law, GLEWOOl). IOWA, Will practico ia the Sixth and Seveatli Judic Di-stnctj of Iuwa. E. I SILVIIS, Attorney and ) Counsellor at int And Solicitor In Chaaccry. SIDNEY. IOWA. Will practice in tho District Courti of YTfttMi Iowa. ' ' ' - . , . - " - l-'if Oilice at the Court House, up stair". Jpl A. MUID, G. L. HUGHES, . . 3. J. t'" n. T. MCDD, v r. o. Gnrs;. . IUDD i HUGHES. ' PRODUCE '4- COMMISSION No. u3 Levee antl G'i Commercial ST. LOUIS, MO. . OLIVER BKNNET. JAMES 1. FI.KE. WM. B. CASK. . OLIVER BENNETT & . C0.7 Manafacturers an 1 Wlwlesala Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOK NO. 8T 3IAEV STHEETr- . (FOEMEULV, No. 101, ConXKH OF MAIS AND LoCCT. "ST. LOUIS, MO. A. J. FOrrLETONV w.X. X. BTEW POPPLETON BYJKS, ATTORNEYS AT LAtf. And General Land Agent, OMAHA, NEliRASICA. Land Warrants Bought and ScW LAND ENTERED ON TIME. OI'ECIAL attention ci"ert,o the sei-eetion nd VJ-.ry of Landj for Settlers, and allotlieM Jinr4 choir locations. - ; iAnd Claims, Town Lt.ti and afl kiads cf Fal ' tate, bought and suld ac J inyestmenU inade lit i ! tant DealcM. - - ROBBINS .& POMEltOI, TVnOLIjSAtl! J)E A1R3 IM BOOTS, SHOES a SOLE LEATHL", Jfo?. v, Pearl and H, 3Iain Street, CINCINNATI. OHIO. - n. r. Buxxsny .-. 3. iroR-rox, ' K. if. h.ibi"?6 RENNET, :iOHTON i ILKDIN( Attorneys at Lau Nebraska City, X. T., and GlenwooJ, I jTactice in all the ('ourts of Ncbra.-ia tern Iowa, l'artkniar attention r obtaining, locating Land Warn.nts,ncd colkcti"3 REFERENCE: ' TT T n r... . 'nlius D. Mortor (it. Gov. Jotl A. Jhitteson, SpfingficM, 111; (lov. J. W. Crii.K'!. low City, lows.; J V. B. P. Fifiled, St.Uui?.M .: lion. IHinicl O. Morton, Toledo, Ohioj 1. A. Sarpy, Bellevui, Nelraota: Sedge wk-h & Walker, Chicago, 111: Green, Wcaro A Beptr.n, Council LI a !! Land Ofiice at llrownville. Aiipcrions Knowing inemseiTes uwi-u. , hen ly n-ticd that their aenountsara due. a1 ; jw be Settled Immediately, by Note or C'flh: as ' riicnt wemuit have, inorJor topontitneourbi'- - 1LB. A J. D. N. TllOUt'. BrpwnviIhvAun?t l.'t. LS.'i. ,"1. AY ft PcJ , r r 1 . r . i-i.... n ween ' ITT UIHXl,, I., ill I I'iill SUVCl. -.-- nut and Vino, Cia:ici:ati, Ohio. CUA i Ii t t '