Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 15, 1856, Image 1
. - I I il is ' - . a w il !! Tl i , U2 n ' vVV Ay W -.y y A v A A v U A v . w i V ' A AX AN. INDEPENDENT WEEKLY... NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO MATTERS; OF 6ENEEAL INTEREST TO THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE VOLUME I. BKOWNVILLE, NEMAHA COUNTY, N. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1856 NUMBER 22. ac V ! 1 6 f ( i 1 i i 'rrrc i-J rrrusnED rvERT satcsdat bt ' VV. FURNAS, i (Lake'. Block,) 1 Drv0inHT- J. D. N. THOMPSON, ATTOBTJEY AT LAW, LOT AND LAND AGENTS; LEOWNYILLE, N. T, Will attend the Courts of Northern Missouri, Ne bratka and Western Iowa. 1 r- HiVFT?TTS;TVfi . KATLM ,l,;iliti.mal i"n narc.ontmonin v - three uvntri, - i " (IX IITlti8t " one year, VioenCnrdi of t lines or less one year, i C!mn,one jc:ir, c-Ui l'j awn, oe Jc;ir foifftn " r1 ..i.tnn. n inontn?. half OJu tun, six months, fourth - " . eighth - " " Column, three w.nUis, - f.mrth " - . ; . .... n " nm.unein candidates for cEw, tVb ,n advance will U required fi.r nil advert utt -ere actual wibfiity i. kjo ' . - -...v. ..i,-,r,ir be added to $1,00 0.50 2,30 4,(J0 6,00 10.00 5,00 00,00 35,00 15,00 10.00 35,00 20.00 10,00 8.00 20.00 13,00 10.00 6,00 5.00 advertise uown. I . j 1.1 n 4 Via T.n ,nr i-tnt lor eu'ju ."0- - C.u J " TunW nnaei Cards ef five linrs or less, for - c ; Mi adveVti-ement. will be cnn.Mercd by the year, .nprificd on the uianuwiiit, or previously the nartics. i.trt,.mrnt- not marked on thcrory for a ?peci- tl number i in--rti-ns wil1 l,c c-a"ei untl1 or- rred nut, nd c!ar?fJ iiv.rJin-ly. . , , All Jfcrtwmcnu Cran-crs or transient r"- to be iid in advance. : Tt...,;.-;i...r- .,f vei.rlv advertiser? will be coenned :ljtn ihiir own business ; and all advertisements rtrteinn thereto, w .am , f All leaded advertisements charged double the above : Vrvertisements on the inside exclusively will be ii'gcd extra. i -BeOS AI:D ' FMGY JOB PRINTING! E. M. M'COMAS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN, XEJIAUA CITY, N. T. Tenders his professional services to tho citizens of emaha county. B. E, HIEOIKG. G. C. KIXBOTGH E. T. TOOMEB. HARD1UG, KIMBO'JGH & CO., 21'invfact uren and Wholesale Dealt rt in HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS, Ho 49 "Slain street, bet. Olive and Fine, . ST. LOUIS, MO. . Particular attention j.aid to manufacturing our finest Mole Hats. JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH Second Street, between Main and Nebraska, BEOWNVILLE, N. T. m istclliiittmts. least ostentation; but f a quack hap- word in conversation, -which, while it 110103 1TJE IS ITT AH. , tian growth 13 such that if he cannot pens to get tho case, is he feels the sparkles, dies; for Charles H., the Wc have seen a letter from a mer-- iniproTe them, he nay pass among pulse, how grave he 1 oks. "Ah, it's wittiest monarch that ever sat on the chant in California, says the Salem them without injury. Count mercies THEKDlCM,PEOEESSlONAirDQTjACSE"aY. a 8enous case- nowefer trival it may Jbnglisn tnrone, was so charmed with Heguler, who writes that he had an in- peiore you complain oi auicuon. In all arts and sciences progress and C ,Ah? Pr?fe.ssnal nbchmery begins the humor of "Hudibras, that he terview with a highly respectable gen- JCeligxout 1 elescope. - , success arc dependent to a sreat ex- lu UiauK au is ousue jinu excnemeni; cuuseu muiseu iy u mtrouuceu, m ueman, wnose uuues compenea mm o ffnf imnn wTinf i topTini'niUr i one as to run forwarm water, another the character of a private gentleman, reside in Utah for more than two years. Lost Moet Restored. About " Tf flf L t hunt up the mustard lot, another the to Butler, its author. The witty king He writes that "his description of thirty-nine years ago, the lato Chaa. the proieision. it the men who .ri. ...... t. . j xt.J-At. . j..n . -.r f..i.r fj,c0oWw p t n v devote themselves to the promotion of RePPer . x .l0 ranslCK ptuutu.vcryuuucp m.u, luormon me ana cusxoms is reyoiuug - vT, . , . tne neigUDornooa lop vinigar me ana was oi opinion, witn many oiners, to decency, ana snows trie sect to De a nunc u rtnv hrn.n'.h nf snip y . 7 f , i man of mystery, of self-importance that so stupid a tellow could never have disgrace to the age. He estimates the "a7 " uincnester, stoppea lor tno oi any art, are men ot education, an(j conceitj is at 0rk; one has hold written so clever a book. Addison, number of fanatics -for they cannot night at a hotel on the mountain above ?Wn of a leg, another an arm, rubbing for whose classic elegance has long been be called aught else at 80,000, and Snickcrsville. In the morning, after tne true spirit oi tneir camne,ine arts Hfe and death The whole neighbor- considered the model of style, was shy he says a stranger is watched, and his ho had proceeded some distance, on and sciences to wmcn tney nave ae- nood i3jn mnt;nn. Juum, o. and aboont in eoolcty, preserving, even words noted, from the time he enters his way, he discovered that his Docket- in public estimation, and beneficial influence upon interests of the commun cited, and run'from house to house. before a single stranger, stiff and dirr. till a U?vp tko nln A tntK nf book containing four hundred dollars exercise a mu v i j n t-. ? I . . . : 1 I A , , r118 mwr "us vuic, auu bcui lor umcusiieute. iu conversation, Jjanto rail you have is taken also, even it you I w 3,3 gone ne reiurnea to tne noiei. t Tf th v motner. t0 neP him. Well, the poor was taciturn or satirical. Gray or be but a traveler. Brigham Youngs where he' and the proprietor of the V.o irrnnront iinnrinfinlprl nvtrl nrnfli " "v ""i UWUUJU lttlacv ounitu. - noia Upon mem 13 IflrOUgU iear. ne uwuoowaug uuo acauu, uunuo uiuucj DBiguoiaui, uupnuupcu, ami p uu - , fc i - i 5n thfl Rosse SSunf fblfr lSnntT!n orld is ho to get on?-- versationnot a word of fancy or lies in blasphemy and obscenity of lan- wards, he indirectly heard that tho rdHblv cXr If he would just proceed with this eloquence warmed him. Milton was guage, united to keen perceptive facul- money had been found by an individual kind of treatment should most unsocial, and even irritable when much ties, that enable him to pick good tools who was at the hotel that night, but rrW certainly, in numerous cases, feel no pressed by talk of others. out of a crowd of persons, and to de- his whereabouts could not be asccrtain- crable P16 Pfs- t concerQ for the ag a d i- troublesome, cd. After Mr. G's death his executor. SIOU. is umuuii mu uiuat iiuuiu, I ,i i . , .1 m, i .. i i . ..i "C "ITT. T l.-xi. ' xne latter ne gives ten aays to settle juuca.uii,, oi mis town, up their effects, and sends them on a took the matter in hand and lately honorable, and useful of the -profes-l .1 ; , J 1y 1 ta hirrhlv pnennra trm cr tn . 9 0 .jrr A LESSON E0B II0THEES. sions. A. L. COATE, COUNTY SURVEYOR, BROWXVILLE, NEMAHA CO. Nebraska Territory. C. V. SNOW, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN And jflcooucliour, nOCKPORT, MO, R. W. FURNAS, UK II LOT MIT, -St 3 I orfl mnstonl Yririr,m -rrlsrn f I TllA Ttllnirv rrTrt om fT?T rr Tn i7 I ! - C J x" A j. 1; I fnrl V. a wAr.!1rvv. ma M n ux .. .i , 1. .1 1 uuu "juoiaiu, pvuiici. iiit-"ai. I --iuuj-uuuj ixjxiii.i iti' tLiLL i itiissitiTi fir TivH vpars th rtiisira a. iuuuu uu fciio iciuculb Ul lilU UXLV hnd m our City, the metropolis that -ii . , ,1 , nrm nnlv a tirints the following acronnt of a flnrr. 1?!,! filoflwl,a Tf i in tho Statrt-wbprA bp rtnr1nnnlntrvrl must .give tone cnaractcr to tne little salt might, with advantage, be ging the Prince of Wales received go they are secretly murdered, and he a handsome property probably from f ?i i r tnnS li, added' in this Western country, to the from a poor boy: ?aysthat he knows of thirty who have the start given by this 400. One fully alive to their responsibilities, and . -r, i,;o 11,1.: l,; "Bnrinrf TTpv ArQ;oefir' mo,ma vJL .i.:, ,lvUCf wnowWArt,f ki::.i.,.i are putting lorta strenuous enorts to tea to g0 beyond these simple some years ago, at Osborne, in the so secretly that the murderers cannot who found the money, called upou Mr." place themselves in right relation, to n A j- j i ti f w;u t.:ij k. j..'i m,. i.A . i i t. n .-.iT I !inrl wnll-tncforl vmnailina l . Vnr! -n a I Tsl ft of AVlfrTlt ll Pr Villron wio o I U . ,1 -4 TkA.. M! Ja) I Ti find rTriTMATriioj.l J f ttiIV. .,' the public, so as to guard against tne t tl k f adm:n;ster:no( hirher customed to ramble aloncrthe sea shore, man himself. bfi is sn intPnsplv ilisrnit. hundred dollars. So. r?entlemnn. vnn quackers always so prevalent in a new , f me(ijc:nPS -R to think Now, it so hardened on one occasion eA witb thn vilft dninrrs nf thft nponlo. who have lost vour Docket-boolc dnn't country. V e have been led to ren a I f .i , 7TT i -i 4i,rt t f nr.i . .1 . i i i ... .1 0 . . 'r r 7 :i " , i. ui me junerai. unicss rroviaence ' vuuu xrmce 01 uaies met mat ne nas leit tne country. uum unriv-ume years nave . ir j j j p 7 specially interpose, it will soon be all a boy who had been gathering sea . elapsed. reaaing oi ine lueucccu aa gaauc QVer . the r gheUs T0 b had t a basket H0SEIELE SCENE AT AN E2ECTJTI0N. uournu,emieuoyijowrx.v. iti m r f,,w ritips The vouncr Prince, nresuminfr nnnn a : j A xi J MAnxr.TTn Attt irrrnv .T r,it - - 1 i u o i i sitfif k iinr mi pti f. npp irre 1 nx i h , ...Va.v.. .1. . i u . l. it.: ' l i i i if Johnson. This publication i Fosters, ! I . Show Kills i I life of r Blanks, Bill Heads INSURANCE AGENT. AND AGENT FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BROWXVILLE, N. T. A. A. ERAPFORD, tTM. 11CLESXAX, ebraska City,.T. d. l. mc gaby, Crouvllle,. T. A cVirilrin cr oonnn rvr-'iirP(1 nf To oitint! fhot opa Tv-irt'j'a VnrVlT -To ttq-1 I hlS hlfTh TinSltl nn thmirrhr. himoalfl . . . i-w-k ilia fni enanf nrl h J wnrthv thp attention not onlv . v L "'" . " &M r ---6- execution ot two robbers named uoyd " - " uauu, wortny tne attention, not oniy .1 -n ,iolit1p,l nrivilpfrpd to .wnnt Iia r, nnspr wtn i . . . T , J on I t,m v, r,f tl,P nrnfpsinn but nfpaorv man V . "" "v" "i""-"" f P o r ana UlSen, aWSSenS, mine 1SI0 OI .,vumVavuwkuwuu that is Anxious to obtain TsufficTent medical s.taff' than ChicaS0' imp? 7ltli0U,t n1Ce Le Funn, in Denmark, on the 18th inst. enjoyment of blessedness, the more amlmt There is no necessity for any person upset the basket and shells 'The poor Olsen made such a desperate resistance, ?JW feci the attraction of -Him nSL to enable d t0 rcsort to quacks If do S0) Jfwaj mdViS ?b?erved,l that the executioner and six men who om our soul lovcth. Many years medicine to enable him to torn a pro- it mugt 1q either from ; orance; or "You do that again, and I'll lick you." hplnprl him rmilrl nnt.hrinrr tbp rrimin.l a0 I read in the "Arabian Stents" per judgment as io me quauncauons , , lpvhaYeast ronfrfttrtpforonackS "Put the shells into the basket'1 said . &r:"Z:Z . r x l t.i.z i. j o l i . . ' i Lii iiie uiuuii. niiuuuL uiiiiiiii' liiu auiuiei 3 oi iue pmtuuuuw uC luajr van iu ma 1 1 . mi ...u:, have the Prince, "and see if I don't: r ---- ' .. , . to the block without calling tho soldiers of a mountain of lcaiestone. Ships at- The LA QC a great distance felt its influence. At We are amonj tho vnmoliT in VioJr attti knnda T.otlshpllS WPTP Tflt.hP.TPff 11T JITin TMif ' lntrkli i i f 1 1 1 I tirct triPti onnrnicri tr it vto aiiAlir, cr the number that are ,1 iJi. i i x i. voi xt a.. , . utau nas &tereu iromius uouy, two i;.irrni 1.1. . J . Ciieulais, BRADFORD, McLENNAN &McGARY, of opiuion that the law shouU inter- : ' u'.'ff! 'yJl1.- " passed through a regular course dare," whereupon the Prince again doubfe line of a?m'ed police wIl0ulrd. and it excited little apprehension. Bat iitAhl 4-l-t AI XI I J I - W . . I A. .11 l! I 11 1 1TTB11YS AT LAW mumty irom tne nostrums ot unquan- f , , , -v , .fi over the shelR And the lad T : : 1 the attract! ftnl -nrinfiti ATlPra IF it hp HpptyipH V , 7, . . i i . , . CU UlC BUU11U1U, ailU UUCU IUU YTlllvll I , nrS.dlunX rJrte carried 'with the . biooS which k''" L'fD!31 nil I O DAll TrniCTO jn.rriiiu ciluoi unuu mu.vl.ioj fttu! fverT other kind of ork that may be called for. Ifaving purcbased, inconneenon wnn ine "liCQec- AND SOLICITERS IN CHANCERY. Brownville and Xebraska City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. necessary attraction gradually became strong- vessel was irrosistibly lin- TlEIXG permanently located in tte Territory, we J will give our entire time and attention to tho ' Office, an extensive and excellent variety of 1 '. yr: I I tb latt nyiys, we arc vrerca 10 ao any ku.u imw.Uce of our Iirofcssion in all its branches L- i " 1 : 1. w ..., n with liOllt. I . I " and di.pateb. j The l'roprietor, who, bavinjr, bad an extensive ex- ?rrt-nce, will ci ve his personal attention to this branch i f lntrttid nnrl Kiitii- in V i pn il on vi .r in ii phj Sft. I . . . . . , . . , ' laitntul attention ruaiDtiie ex?uuenee oi cm wors, aiiu renouuuic prrrprvrra fharjc?, to receive a share of the public patronage, j KLr LwhCLS. t. t. JNuekolls, Nebraska Lity, Richard Brown, Brownville, Win. Hoblitzcil & Co., . Hon. James Cr'aifr, Rt. Joseph, Mo., Hon. James JI; llugbes, St. Louis, Mo., Hon. John K. Shej.lcv, " " " Messrs. Crow, McCreary 4 Co. " u " Messrs. S. G. Hubbard & Co., Cincinnati O. Hon. J. M. Love, Keokuk, Iowa, vl-nl ' June 7, 1856. tO demand quaimcations 10r i i oi i . , . . a liokinrr as fftW nrinrps pvpr bnrl ITia ',.1 c .i i f ,i . .m . t i -npllp.l nntvnTil -with inni-oQod i't.lA.ifir i,r nnilifipntinnq tpstprl lw pt- v v "mowu "VM l , " . , 7 , spoutea irom tne necK ot tne mutnaica r " r - '""j-1 tne oar quaiincauons tesieu uy ex- -r Ttr tt t, i Tlira uma nt T,0rt i-,v.i , . . .. Aiof a ii i j rx j.-.u. i" i tr. julumv aumnui. "i" ttUJVMU comsc. and mstantlv swallowed the h"-" rtafc " a" luc considerably out of its perpendicular, horrible draught. There is Ah old wor to itself, and so the ship fell to' and his eyes of a color which might superstition amongst the rural popula- PIeccs- "The Path of tne just is as: nen urst tne amination it must certainly be ad mitted that the sacredness of life is of much more importance than the Mat- rights of property. To take a proper I 1 ! i il 1 1 .. 1 U1UC 1 1ULL. of d sease. and to treat it arm; my nine unre legs uiu vci,y o ."l7,,M1 """lB' 7 ,, a i -' xr xi i x- oold with these lace ruffles- thev are r1"1 lvuo ue cuuceaicu irom ms royai .varm ting of Land Warrants, and all other. business en- efficiently, requires a clear DerCCUtlon COiU "llu "-ise ldte ruiues, iucji aie -xt, oi i .1 f arm a trnetAil f r rrrw tronarrnmnnt will rAitnirn nrnrwut nn1 ----7-- v r- i i1. . vii. T- w:u motner. one enouirea tne cause 01 : JCT UUVUlbllU tl ili .VV A t V ll UUl lW I 1 - 1 I lJ 1' II " Mil. I Tl XII IIU'H IHMI'K .1 (Fll M 1 1 I I I 1. !MT I IS . I1 w - ann mi rniTO ;nnv i n( 1 rrn rT Tnp "n tm nn a i w "vv - i i I lll V4 All iA V V AlAA V 1IAWVm,W V VU.V t V A A V UJ I , hlfl BUSINESS CARDS. OSCAR F. LAKE & CO, GENERAL LOT AGENTS. .OFFICE ci tel. Ut and 21 Els Erownville, II. T. A LITTLE CHILD'S SOLILOQUY. AVicli rrw Tn'mnmn wnnlrl t-Wsp I'PPn have well become the champion of a L- nf -npTimnrV tliAMonrl nf a the shining light. - . - i - r i ,. -1 1 : .-, ,i:t a .t u I . . . . . . . . ... . . I v i : - ri. xi i i m. . x uiuiuu ie tuum beIiea(je(i felon, if drank while it i3 ucver icus mo ui vnnst, it 13 1 an infallible preservative "e musiara seea: dui it increases, and Wav nvifl nnnnlAw - Trip te is constrained by its influence to disfigurement. The Prince was L.?i0 oV t nrcss more earnestly after the full en- can no from him iirh understanding of "materia PUSft mJ cur13 out oi my eyes, ornave ,7; . " "" "olvv- they showed apaper, signed tf. Ulsen, "V" 'ywaa, igu uuuLibLaiuuii ui . maierid, r j J 4 1 n Hft did sr in n. vorir . . , , , i r.i . i .i i 7 Unfl tlia Vnrlir ia i;c.rtl,r,1 Tr, medica- How in the name of com- tnem cut on mJ dress wouia a , T6 -m which he had authorized them, wnen- . , v vxJWiw. . i . i i otn-rf mir c hrtn Mara nrl thof 1 f xxxxxxxv,x . VKUVlUBlUUt IU1 UllllT U AnAnlfl a ha irann nH tn I JIUUIUIC. mon sense is a man to ootain Knowl-iOMj uiJU1A "v .t.:i.i xi. r '-i uc BUUU1U va v wwuivu, wV ,r,;r; r' " : Wish I had a lonsleeTed anron. for i1 ent. l at confessed the, truth. " ..: and declared that theT had jojment. At last tho spirit nature is affiicte 1 combined ith a my bare arms and neck. Wish Imight " t7 was ordered before the done only' what they had a right"t0 do; more be'kept at a d.stance thoroi I -.. r ,i ii cr r i ll Tnoi mnnn onu v t-t I ...... nrlrrp vithnnt a lonrr course of Rtndv. s not too nice lor me to get on tne - - . ermk his blood. Q .... o - 7 , . . -iir. i nave Deen ri.frntiv sprvprr fsir Hfirt i i t i n rrT n t l n i v T in P.nino ii i tti v i " j fflTl I 1 I I fTP( 1 I W V4.AA V A- J U1UV UAUtJt If AJAA " y I NUCKOLLS, RUSSELL, & CO. Hoclx.port, Mo. - WI10LX8ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IU ; "A. S. HOLLIDAY. H. D. SURGEON, PHYSICIAN i And Olostotl-icievxx. i . BROWNVILLE, '. T.; Solicits k sbare of t.ublie r.atronn?-". in tb mrinna Snjche of b is jrcfessipn, from the citizens of Brown-fule-Md vi inirv. j"; W." IIOBLITZELL & CO., i . -WULESAI.K AND FETA1L DEALERS IM BR! GOODS. GROCERIES. ! Queensware, Hardware, j - St'ovos, ruriiituro, COUNTRY PRODUCE. j; BllOWNVILLE, N. T. 'MISS'IIA11Y- W. TU11XE1V yv Tia. Dress TVXrvXs.or. lint . Street, etweeii ICain .&ud Witer, . ' BROWNVILLE, N. T. Baniirti and Ifitnmings always on hand. obsprvation. and cxDerience. conducted Poor and play nihe-pms. Vish my under the eye of practiced professors mamma would go to walk with me in- i" T i ? . j i. i.j : x.,i . ' stead of Bettv. Wish shp would not a"eady, I should have anu UliysiCiauai xi ia nuc, a, man . - - - , cPVPrplv Whpn v may pick np . .mattering of kno.l- ?rome Jthmg "very ajje iJ Pilrrphirfi.snnprtip.ial course ot studv. ,luu lui;u UiA auuuw n. . v.v.v , " 7 , r i . ii 1 . . xl . IxO TT. Ml you not been punished sufficiently punished you JPiUtEH vs. Actios. The following LESPISHTO household duties. is an extract irom a just and pertinent T7 x ' I editorial, in the Examiner, bearing rou commit a like . Arum . vailt,X v A. , . unon the views of those whn rnfiinLlin is more common man to nnu ixmencau , , , - 7" , will always receive Medicines, Dye Stuns, Saddlery, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, QTJEENSWAEE, STOKEWABE, TTKWABE, IRON, NAILS, STOVES, PLOWS 4c. Also Furniture of all kinds, "Window Sash, &c x ------ o is based I He will never be able to country, she wouldn't make me ear m.0nS- -ney came and the result is based, lie ml e'.??i.!:Il: mv cloves, lest I should tan mv of the interview was that her Majesty to L- o r i m Tru !! viih i m w ill i I ll" 1 1 1 ! I- I i . i 7 i.-i-i.i . -1 . . - - """"' J l j i l 1 1 lii., " ;;;7f Patient, so as to draw his hands." . Wish she would not tell me naa maae arrangements - l ' ... 1 conclusions" as to the nature of disease ma tau ne prey nowen "wm poison ------"-"o " fmm o cpfflpmnt Ttnmbpr of certain " isn 1 could- tumble on tne 7uv ,,W,MU t" au&"-n!le'f hav. and ao into the barn and see how Spoi use of the -advantages which lilL'LS. 11C lUltliUV xv m.uttiv.x xuix v ' . . . . . ahmi it 1-. ... 1. ; j 1 A. D. KIRK, fully into consideration ish there - - 1 a t-t-k ir r a -T- i a i a f 1 ..... x x -ir x I wji s not a hit ot lace, or Kjvrin. or silk i i i JKiwr y aa i aa i nt ronstimT.inn -Ternnerameiit. ciiuiaif. i - z m . . . mm m m mm a ivwaivix 7 j 7 'l 'I . iii. i ixlin T J 1 x V 1 T)..l.i: .mr, ntrmniit. nn- llfltilTS! nnn rpfrniriTP I" 0 j 1 1 . . . 1 x aii lx makes mother look so smilmt? at Aunt Archer. Rirhanlsnn rnnntv.W.T. "IS treatmeni accuruiimiy. xxu iua - , ...... , , o , Win practice in the Courts of Ncbtka. assisted he can io will be to deal in palliatives. s emiaren, no : come nere m by Harding and Bennett, Nebraska City. TTft pnnnot strike at the root and re- their papa s . carriage,) and so very JACOB saffoud, " move the effects bv annihilating the cross at my poor little cousin, whose lii -1 i - I 1- . 1 w 1 1 ..i iriAHmr irnrlrn SO nnrrl finn PriP.s SO iutorney ana counsellor at law. cause, lie -mpiy deais witn 8mp- --:- - , , overpowered him, and he is well-nifh IUUCU. I11SU 1 witn Ult iiiaxvto w . . . - --r c the world. Wish I knew what NAZAEETH AT THE fEESENT DAY. Without any thing extraordinary about it, yet what charm does it not possess for the pious pilgrim? Weary j has been his day's ride; the sun has C.-'W. 7HEELER, 1TEGT AND BUILDER ran x'jti. ulis ura tt&txz iss. Ti-L. KICKETTS, ARPENTER AND HrxoxTcriNj vixiiii:, XmiRASKA TERRITORY. , JOHN S. HOYT,- . County Surveyor and Land Agent, ( Y l.l'Mdr. county, K.T., will attend promptlT . V ' . s'np n n's rr"f"JSS',,"l when called on: , ,7' "JiRj Taxes Kceordin-Claims. Subdividing a.64, Layiug i.ut Town LotsDrafting City Hats ie tHdra an(i Bidres. - ARCHER, Richardson co N. T. m .J. HART & SON lira muss re?ou, Holt C.onuty, xMissonri. 'T' ,n hand aI1 tleseription of Harness, KlMles, Ac., ie. v V l-"ry a-ticle inonr ihopis manufactured J . r,(Ur,nd warranted to give saUsfacUon. '-HAW, BUEL k BARBOUR, lsroRTEua lObUEKS or 55 Pearl Street, Cincinnati. Mis boi-,c. c. 8mw, l c. Ei r-i r c. h. B1KBOCR liVAHMI. lYCri I VPr ivn t i xt i nnt- tma nml rnnO tA hie hnHL C Q Tl n firo. I - a. a a x. I'll ltn.i ii 11 a 1 : . i i 1.1 i tin. uiii v 111 a. 111.1 iiiuiali uiiva a a i And Notary IUc." scrih'es accordingly. Being defective on thfdat'ime Wilh reXe his d'rToping P t Approach Nebr-vka citr, TerritorT. in a proper medical education, he has tl S ln th,e dW V'sh it from ,vhere 4u will and -von c-n WM I ffamcrVt KtSiS ( - Xtl. t..if. dsr3 - 1 . a "w ivt . via 1 11- niTi Triinh' 1 r i 11 i n ir a. 1 1 a i 1 1 1 r . it i SPTJTP,ArT r, T,i,otvT euge suiucient to teacn mm ins gno Cv DllUltiN, I rn nro srv n r lnrlnpp n. littlp enntinn RAILROAD AMD STEAMBOAT Ifc savcs him from committing a great AUENTS. manv murders. And General Commission Merchants. 10. 4.6. PuWlC Lmlin CIKCIXXATI, OHIO. M. J. D. WHITE. & WHITE. W. KIDEX. RIDEN LAND AGENTS. INIxliUAblvA U1TY, X. T. HAVING inado arrangements by which we will receive accurate copies of all the TownJ.; embraced in tbe Eastern portion of Nebraska, we are now prepared tw ofTer our sen-ices to the "SQUATTERS OP THE TERRITTORY, ln Filing Declaratory Statements of Iutention to Pre-empt. Securing Pre-ernjitions, Locating: Land Warrants and ' ENTERING LAND. LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT &S0LD. Laud Entered cn Time, ic. Fartieular attention paid to Bayicg and Selling Property on comtuission: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to auy yaitr.f tbe Unr.oa. Atlanus of all kiuds alwav ou nana. "RIDEN & WHITE REFERENCES. ITon. A. A. Bradford, S. F.Xue -tolls, Messrs. Dolman & West, Peter A. Keller, Thomai Lumpkin, Jun2S,lS55. rl-n4 Nebraska City. , it u St. JrtTpb, Ifo., Wachingtoa Ciry, The profession of medicine is veiled in so much mystery that the uneducat ed are led to regard it with a kind of superstitious reverence ; and in the case of a dangerous illness, if they only can secure a man that bears the name of doctor, they think that he is invested with a mysterious power to deal with disease, and give death his marching orders, and deprive him, for the time being, of his prey. When the physician enters the family where some loved object of affection is laid upon the bed of affliction, with what intense solicitude do the members of that family watch his every movement, read his countenance, narrowly scan every look, analyze every word. At such times, the well-pdnruitpfl man- is calm, dignified, and self-possessci. He has that discipline of mind that enables him to conceal, in the greatest of emergencies, his own thoughts and feelings from his patient and surround ing friends. He goes to woik quietly, , and discharges his duty without the inrf thnfc Till T 7.1 A IwfciJ fcxiixxxvxxii. vx o I' I x xl 1 11 , 1 . A - ... . . . - rrroara flirt exra ti to an iqet a n.ratfo ,rl,nn unhftHv Wl Rt OTi TO TPl I m P ftA wv 10 wl W iiv loum vujuv unww lilt, i liV.ll iiuuuv. , ..... " L - I 71 xx x C"x x 1 xl. 1 mc aau.w. V cr' V " V ' 1 r xl. 1 .Ml 11 ' 11 she -says, '"Don't be a fool, Master U1 w m, tug biuou pioiu, v.aaJ t vW if Epttv VnoW mountain-locked on every side, so that AICUVIJ. " I x !l itll 1 1 ch herself. 1 wonder why mamma ? " " ) Ul" l" I't lovelier ownlittle boy. Iwonder, 1.d stretching itself m clusters of alludes to this subject: In this neglect of household cares American females stand alone. A German lady, no matter how lofty her rank, never forgets that domestic abors conduce to the health of body and mind alike. An English lady, whether she be only a gentleman's wife or a duke's, does not despise the household, and even though she has a house-keeper, devotes a portion of her time to this, her happiest sphere. It is reserved for our republican fine ladies to be more choice than are their monarchical and aristocratic sisters. The result is a lassitude of mind often as fatal to health as the neslect of bodily exercise. The wife who leaves her household care3 to the servants, pays the penalty which has been affix ed to idleness, wilts away from ennui, or is driven into all sorts of fashiona ble follies to find employment for her mind. mu 1 s r when I am grown a man, if I shall itc-washcd, fiat terraced houses, in have to look so nice all the time and the form of a crescent, is the execed- be Fo tirod of doin- nothing mgiy-interestmg vinage oi i.azarein. - . - . j i h i ii r : . . i Ana tni3 is xazarein, which save a cognomen to him who is TEE DTTLLHESS CE GEZAT MEa. " tnr, ennrpme Ruler of the universe. Descartes, the famous mathematician Could it be possible that this village and philosopher; LaFountain, cele- should be so highly honored; that he, bratedferhis witty fable; Buffon, the unto whom the heavens arc as a throne, creat naturalist, were all singularly and the earth a foot-stool, who rides in deficient in the powers of conversation, the clouds, and whoae name is J ehovah, Mermontel, 'the novelist, .was so dull is called a "Nazarene?" Yes, this is in society, that his friend said of him, Nazareth, sweet Nazareth, brightened after an interview, "I must go and for nis sake with' the visits of angels, read Ids tales, to recompense myself and invested with the undying interest for the weariness of hearing him. As of having witnessed His presence, and to Corneille, the greatest dramatist of been embalmed by his prayer. Syria Jb ranee, he was completely lost in so-iandthe Syrians. ciety so absent and embarrassed that he wrote of ; himself a Titty couplet, importing that he was ncter intelligible Winter advice to young ladies thin but tiu'ough the mouth of another. shoes lead to damp teet, damp fee Wit, on paper, seems to be something bring on a cough, and a cough brings widely tultercnt from that play of on acof-hn. Beware I lUXUxUVil VXXIAX J xxxxv. axxx.xvmm ,- t j. 11 i . ..l it. xi. the lmnortanep. of nrnvpr. in hr nwa. women who have not tne sngntesiiaea - r r.j rvw of household duties. A .writer thus nauonai crisis, m sucn a way as to maitu u a suysiiiuic ior practical duty. Count Them. Count what? Why count the mercies which have been quietly falling in your path through every period of your history. Down they come, every morning and every evening, as angel messengers from the Father of lights, to tell you of your best friend in Heaven. Have you lived these years, wasting mercies, treading them beneath your feet, and consuming them every day, and never yet realized irom whenco they came: If you have. Heaven nitv you! lou have murmur edilnder aflhction: i ... out wno nas heard , you rejoice over blessings: Do you ask what arc these mercies.' Ask the sunbeam, the rain drop, the star, or the queen of night. What is life but a mercy? What is the propriety of stopping to play with a thorn bush when you may just a3 well pluck sweet flowers, and cat pleasant fruits: Happy is he who looks at the bright side of life, of providence, and cf rovelation. Who avoids thorns, and thickets and sloughs, until his Chris- Our brother speaks to the point, and" his illustration from Scripture is very happy: Prayer is at all times wise and just; blessed for the light that it brings, and for the strength that it supplies of recruits. Bat prayer is not to bo ac cepted always as being alone tho whole of our duty; still less, when it it substituted for tho requisite action, or blinks the acknowledgment and the abandonment of some great wrong. Joshua's prayer, under such circum stances, while the sin of Achan lay unquestioned, met only the prompt, stern rebuke ot Jehovah: "Get the up; wherefore licst thou thu3 on thy face:" The wedge must bo unearthed and re stored before the camp could have peace, or the Lord God, Caotainoftho host ot Israel, condescend to be tho hearer of prayer. I A Punning Minister. Some of the most distinguished clergyman in. the days of our fathers were noted for quick, sharp wit, and which they used without scruple in the pulpit as well as in social me ui this number was Dr. Ryles, who could scarcely titter a sentence without a pun. There was a slough opposite the Doctor's house, in which, on a certain wet day, a chaise containing two of the Town Council stuck fast. The docton came to his door and saluted the officials with thi j remark, "Gentlemen, I have often complained to you of thi3 nuisance, without any attention being paid t- it, and I am very glad to seo you stirring in thi3 matter now." 1 . . Mrs. Mulloney writes from Cork to her sister in Boston, that her cousin Bridget died in August last. "Sho ate lndy male," she say?, till she got the "Cornelia Mcrgus, which carried her off in less time than yo-a'd snuff out a candle. The longest day i3 now discovered to be the day before your wedding. . (.