Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 08, 1856, Image 3

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    HE -A
I'l'-RSAS, Editor.-
yOVEMEER 8, 1S58.
-r ncral Advertising Agent, in rear
1 Children's Shoe Store,
i Ti-v.i. .r
New 1 Cfa.
4J Chestnut , ttrcct, Saint
, Ohio,
. o KTKk; Jo.
rv Thre Grove, . L . .
j ius.r. t j 6jUt.-t subscriptions an!
1- 'rf.'f!i the Advertiser, and .recicye and
- ft.
.i T rrir-trr. cutuirur iroin
. i.i - .11 L I. I
i- -TV ...r Jn h'-Ir oU teirnoornoou.-. iu
;-? ' i.ej.eub; risers if they could see
kii t l , --, -t!--' " We always sen., a fpeei
- - f'b V.'-eeieving. will cir.iJer it.
. .'. I ' . .. ,-,Lr suVneriOcr. 1 o.4-
-. 1 T f.'.o;;:- tfufiieicut interest to make
tbeCu5ual per ceat for their
J3B VGSZ. - -
cxteiisive additions of new
- C
to t-c
"... t . r".- is
i i 1 1 -c. i iaiuo. u.
".lvcrt.v- uaice, we viaim
kJ .TrJ.-. Work m c manner un-
1 Vw a-Voftce. The proprietor being
'?K: . -rJcr Lhnsclf, and having in bis
1 ;;':0-!.V.ihc.i .1 experienced
of Jolt oik. Carus
:rovea Card
kU, Vr.I meet itli prawu.arat.en
r f,,rl a uiUle rrornpUy at.
t, a-.J Nv-rra:.tcd to or
(iiV Lahore! vou .sulscri-
v.i .:ive 1 .een anxMu? iu
rvMlfi'l. US Uiat "v.
Vrtirk. Jfvuu could just peep
i.'ij. cr.iclo in our caLiir ami
I x ''iiULit' wifo and children"
j ,vvvh: -(-vcr lalf a- fire,' -we . know
vnuV.ld n-itcli iu-' and Iring us a
f-w jua'tf - God avoo1.
The t'
Jon iu'tlils TorritoryTor
ll.e I. 'islitur? av.J a onion of tlie county oS-i-5.t-,X
jlaco t-n Tucfday Inst." In but few
? j ar'v lines of anv kind were drawn.
"V':k.i:5UCitLere Lave been, principally were
i vj. In cpuuty,rM?.7y there wa3 no is of and the result has diown
!, irwlr the people of "N'omalr.i county are
'"p'd to ivtop aloof from party divisions
-.v. I v.' hi oli ouly serve "to distract
v-rv1 ei .'i 'or the cotnnio;) good 'of all. Uia
'v rf a': :;..; s, foclii and sympathy is tho only
.tjn.l to hcct;re prosperity, and more es-'p.-ci.j
kthi applicable, to riew countries. .
i Tie resilt'fyrtliC L?c;;alait:rc in this count v
- kehaha co ttkty totz.
; . -JJrqwxville Peecixct.
For. Council : v -
v - R; AT. Furnas
J. S. Minick
For Keprescntatircs :
Y" A. Finney
I. L. Lawrence
. Sr-V". Chambers . .
R. J. Whitney
E. Reid -
J. T. Edwards "
For Commissioners : ,
I. L. Knight
D. 'C. Sanders
' J. Cole
R. W. Frame
L. Kinnisou
J. Long -
- - Mt.Terxos pRrcrxcT.
For Council :
R. W.Furnas
J. S. Minick .
For Representatives :
W. A. Finr.oy
I. C. Lawrence
A. Chambers
W. S. Horn
R. J. Whitney
E. Reid
J. T. Edwards
For Commissioner:
I. L. Knight
V. C. Sanders
J. W. Hall
R. W. Frame'
J. Cole
J. Long
L. Khmison . . .
Tecumseii Precinct.'
For Council : , -
RrW.. Furnas
J. S. Minicl:
Kexsisox Precixct.
For Council:
J. S. Minick
Rrrrtrmas -
We have not received full returns
from the last ta o precincts.
Correspondence of the Advertiser.
73 ;
51 :
' 1
the 8th inst.,ijust below. Leavenworth
Citvt the fine steamer 1 atom,. ot ..our
trade, struck a snag and sunk. ;. We
understand she irill be raised. It is
frightful to think of the, loss of boats
in-the Missouri river within a. few
weeks past. The Arabia, Genoa, Tutum,
&c, have sunk in .3, many successive
weeks. Rumors have been alloat that
the Admiral and Omaha had gone down,
but we arc glad to know that this is
not the case. The Admiral struck a
snag but is not materially injured.
Joseph Gaxetle.- .
S!ade of Vermont, passed tliroudi Springfield
j Mass., on Satmday. with another detachment
of bis array pf femalq schoolteachers toiu-;
: vale the ignorance cf the West. There were
.twenty-five in this company, and they svreil
th'j total Lo tiare inns geme ander' Uovernor
Slide's au-spices, to four hundred .and CHy.
Exchange i. .-": - . .
We are pleased to hear of the over xowded
Fl'isfc looking lo the West for employment
pleased, too, to know that a leading object
with some is tducatiou;. but don't like to hear
such expressions "to invade the ignorance cf
the West." We venture tho assertion that
the writer of the above is an "ignorant" ass,
acd thit any cf our western boys of 12 years
can loam hinvsome things for instance, man
rera. ''. .
, What has come over our mail ar
rangements? Three weeks now since
we have Lad any regular matter, conse
quently wc are unable to fill the inside
. of the Advertiser with anything new.
V e clou t like to be always complaining,
but really there is ho reason in, such
irregularities. 4 ; ...
lit pro ye m en'ts. 0 ii lo okin 2 around
town w e find much improvement going
on, late in the season as it is. Some
even, are just commencing to build.
The work is still progressing on the
streets, ami everything looks as lively
and bus as bees. ' . .
Snow. The "first of the season"
fell on'Tuesday last, enough merely to
whiten the ground and warn us that
winter approaches! But Thursday
night, jehu! how it "blew snew and
friz" about four inches of snow fell
while we write the cold pinches, even
in the house the wind whistles through
tire openingsin short everything looks
and feels wintry.
Appointments. James Pollard, of
Iowa, has been appointed by. the Presi
dent to be Register of the Land Office
at Council Bluffs, Iowa, vice Lysander
W. Babbitt removed." William Brindlc,
of -Kansas, formerly of Pennsylvania,
has been appointed receiver of public
moneys in Kansas, in place of James
C. Shoemaker, removed.- WasJiington
Union. ' 4 ' "'" : "; " " ' !.
Offer for sale the coming Spring, -,
s-r 50.000 Ap-de Tree, 2 and 4 years old, em
ri tr.iciijr 175 varieties. Trice 25 t) 40 ceai.
J&. 25.001) Te!u;h Trees from C to S feet high, 6S
vareitie, frori 25 U 3Je. "
2i500 sUr.Janl Pear-s, embracing 43 varietii5,
price from ,'0 to 75 ei?nt". ; 1
' 5,000 Dwarf I'-iars, ciahrains 23 varielbs, price
SI each. ;
5,000 Cherry Trees, 31 varieties, 50 to 75 cents
each. . ' '
500 Apricot?, Early Golden. Bula, Teach Apri
cots, Lar" Early, 50 ceat3.
1,200 Qiinee.nssortcd,... '" 25 to 50ccnfs,
500 D-rarf Apples,
500 White Grape -Currants
.500 Black Naples ...........
vnerry wrran.
500 Rh1 Dukh Currant..
500 Victoria. Currants
500 White Dutch Currants.
500 Lanre Red Dntch Currants "
500 English Black 123' "
2.000 Prolific Green - 1-3 a u
1,000 Iloujhtws Seed'.inj 2?
' 00 Warrin-!:on di 2o
1,000 Sulpher . d 25
1,000 Ashton -do 25
5C0 Crown B)h dj
'500 Ri3eiacn di ; '?
W. S. .SWYMMKlt,
Corner of Olive an! Main Stj oTr the Paak
io? Hoojs of Jjhn J. AnJerson & Co.
pno ciiA:.i ATiav-
The Kational v ,'InteUigekcer, had
under its marriage notices, on Tuesday
last the marriage oh the 27th Septem
ber, of Dr. W A. Williams, to . Miss
Susanna J. Williams, of AYashington,
and among the obituary notices of the
same day, the death of Mrs. Susanna
J. Williams. From the bridal to the
bier, in two short da vs. . .
Killed. "We learn that a brakes
man was killed at or, near the Depot at
Herman, yesterday, vhile the tram
was running, he attempted to jump on
the cars, and in the attempt tell under
the wheels of one of the cars, and was
killed. We did not learn his name.
Jcfferson Inquirer. ;
T.. rCE.VAj,
C Y. A. rijrxEr,
I.- C. Lawrence,
( S. A.. -Chambers.
Council Bluffs, Iowa,
October 24th, 185G. J
K. YV. Fcexas, Esq.:
Dear Sin: Yesterday the Council Bluffs
Guards made their appearance in the streets in
full uniform, preparatory to their visit to Oma
ha. The morning was unfavorable, and it
was" thought they would not be able to go, in
conseiuecce of the rain, but about ten o'clock
the sky appeared to be relieving itself of the
threatening storm, when they ventured to
make the trip. . Ilarl's omuibusses were ar
rayed for the reception of the citizen soldiery.
Seats were prepared on the top of his largo
and tew 'bus for the music, consisting of the
Council Bluffs Brass Band, and all moved off
in fne glee, th3 band discoursing its finest
A Scientific Exhibition. We
noticed about a week since, the arrival
of Prof. Moore, of Iowa, on his way
to South America, to make a scientific j Lous 2iepuUican.
Equador. We have now the pleasure
to note the arrival of Trof. E. C.
Francis, of Keokuk, Iowa, who joins
professor Moore and will go but with
him on the same mission. They ex
pect to start on the fifth of next month,
and to be occupied in their investiga
tions about eighteen months. In ad.
dition to their zoological researches,
we arc informed that they intend to
make instrumental measurements of
some of the mountains and valcanoes
of the Andes, about which little is now
accurately known. We anticipate very
valuable and interesting results from
their researches. X. O. Delta, Sept. 21.
A hearse, costing; $3,500, 'has just
been manufactured in Philadelphia,
for the Livery stable of Leach, Arnot
& Co., St. Louis supposed to be the
finest hearse in the union. i-
Mr. Wm. Homes has been associated
in the Editorial department of the St.
Brownville Market
Beoyv'xville," N. T.
Flouii, p sack of 100 fts. -$1,50
Cork Meal, bushel C5c
Cokx, in the ear, old & bushel 30c
...15 "
or THE
ElKCfTtV l)Er.lKT5IENT, ) .
Ouaha Citr, N. T. J
i 7 l n.,.,i;,'..l ..f X.hnt. I -t T.rr 'An rv !
1 Attire PATIINT j I, 5lAi:K V. IZAItU. Governor
Portable Circular Sa-Illill, i Territory, n , f m .act of the LeSiilativ.
vnr. err x-n irr ,ner iwrn ! Assou ,ly, -to provide for taking the mbus, laiLirj
apportionmeat, boMin tlections, ie, approvca Jan
uary 2 Jih, tlo h-rt-by declare arid make Jiiionu
. u
u .
it .
Oats, ( bushel,.
Sugar, ? lb
Ham?, -
Sh )uidc
Ciiickens, $ doz.,
Ecus, do,
Fbeu Beef, $ B
Potatoes, bushel, new
BCTTEK, - ..
pelces of music for the edification of the spec-
Mr. has the alvantage of experi- j tators present. They were met on the Xebras-
i.vjture, .las proved himself a worhing'tnem
Wr,.a:id it sa'.dj- by those who have labored
w';:h h'::i, to 1-3 one cf the best cf Legisla
tors. ' Mr. Liwrer.ce will take with him one vear's
('j as a Legislative member, which
I . ' ' ' '
I t.vihcr with his Lateral abilities, warrants the
hf rli ithe will mahe a useful Eepresenta
i . Mr. Chambers has also the experience of the
i, .r.jid King a man "honc.-t and ca
jrVwill act well his part, and without
,!:r,U give sattsfactioa to his constituent?.
Mr. Pumas.-- Tu say he feels pleased that his
,'."!'. has heen r.ich during Lis brief residence j anJ SeCv. CoL Ha
ateommaLity, as to cause the people to j band and Gur.rds w
o m-i.:m the tru;t they have, is giving
u:t a-f.iii.t egression of -his feelings. lie
promise to -teprcscut the people of Nemaha
v Jvmty to the best of his ability. Judge him
by h;s" future acts.
m- The f. llowing persons were elected County
- "'". C. SAyi.Etis.
ka bank by a company of horsemen under the
immediate command of that prompt and in
defatigable officer, Capt. Moore, who was in
charge of the Fontenelle forces during the bor
der difficulties last fall in Nebraska. The
Captaiu formed his company on the bank with
Maj. Gen. Thayer on the right, who received
the Guards with an' appropriate speech, and
answered by officer Benton, of the infantry,
with much credit to himself, in behalf of the
company under his command. . The calvary
then moved off proceeded by Maj. Gen. Thay
er and -Brigadier Gen. Bowen, followed by"
their Aids, Goodwill and Strickland, then
came Sec'y, Cumiags and Gilmorc, Col. Boot
Ilanscom and Jones. The
were next in procession, fol
lowed by tho company under command of
Capt. Mo'oie Maj. Moore by commission
and all moved off in the best of spirits, under
the animating sound of the fife and dram. i
Just before reaching the Omaha Platteau, our
attention was attracted toward a small group,
silently approaching and paying but little- at-
! tention apparently to the soldiery, w hen a
I command was heard of "pull off hats." The
hats of tw.o men were drawn, exposing to the
gaze of the entire companies, as they passed,
their heads half-shaved. Oa reaching town,
wo ascertained that those lads were among the
numerous horse thieves who have becminfest-
ing that community of late, and had been over
. 403
' 8c
f flftfl VfUiiw Irttrin Tf.i rr,Vfrri . .
1.000 Ohio Everbearing do ' 2
2,000 Lare German Antwarp do 1!?
i 1,000 Red Antsvirp 1
' 1,000 Enjf.i-sb. Filberts - 50
? 1.000 Horse Chestnuts..." 50
5,000 Gmpo Vine?, 2 to 3 years old 25 tn 50
150.000 Grapo Vines, 1 year oil S5 100
5,000 Dahlias assorted, each- 25
500 IVrnias, do - 50
10.000 Giant Asparagus Roots..$5 t 100
6 (100 Tube Roses 10
2.000 Yards Pink 50ets V ya-d.
2,000 Ilanta Victoria Rhubarb
50oor?J0 piOO
8.000 Wllmnt's Early Rod Rhubarb 2c
50,000 Strawberry Plant?, 12 varieties
...$5 to 10 rer 2.0C0O
10,000 Shade and Ornamental T rees, embracing
Catalpa. Blaok Iocust. Palionia Imperiallis,
Ij.mbxrii7 l'opliir, hi Ivpr Leaved rovlar,
Linden Wood, Sweet Gura, Elm. Bals;un
: - Tcplar. Allianthns. Tulin Trees, Upland Cy--Tr5.s
Sycamore, Paper Mulberry, American
Larch, WeTiin Willow, Buckeye, Moun
tain Ash. White Birch, Red Maploa, Varying
in price from 25 c-ent3 to Sl,50, according to
15,000 Evergreens, embracing .
, Red Cedars, pnee each 50a to $2
White Piuo do 50c to SI
Yellow Pine do 50e to S2
Balsam Fir, do 50c to $1
American Arborvitas 25c, 50c, 75c, $1,50.
Chinese Arborvitas, 50c,?l,50,
European Savin 50c, Tree box 50o
Norway Spruce, 50e, 75e, 100,
White' Spruce, $1. '
12,500 Bants of Ornamental Shrubbery, embracing
in part as follows: ,
Snow. Balls, each 37 to $1,
Lvlae, ech 50 j; Spiral, assorted, each 25s;
Hardy Roses, each 5 fle;
Monthly Roses, cash 50c! '
Honey Suckles, asortcd, 25c. 50e $1;
Tyrinira Philadelphus 25c to 50c;
Rose Acasia. 25j to 50o; ;
Privet fur Hedges 25e;
iBladdacina 25c: Corcoras.Tnponica 25c;
Ellagjiu3 2oc: Liburnnm 50c;
Tamarix Africana 25 to50e;
Ribcs Gordoni 25c to 50c; .
Weepin? Mountain Ash 1.50;
- AVhith Frinsre Tree 1.50;
F.rsythea 50o to 1.00;
Comicc Dogwood Silver Striped 50c to 1,00
DeutxaScabia 25?-Dcutza Gracalis 50c; .
. Weepinfr Birch 50c:
Magnolia- Acuminetta 50o;
. Weepinsr Linden 10;
Dwarf Box 50s per yard; '
Eanoniinus 50;r
Altheas, aborted, 25c to 50;.
r7 In ofTerin? the above Stock to onr customers
we be to jay it is superior iu growth and nuality to
any heretofore offered, and persons wishing a supply
can avail themselves of farther information, bv ad
dressing the undersigned at St. Louis. Catalogue?
furnished to all post-paid apy.licatior.s.
Respectfully, JOHN SIGERSON & BRO.
Oct. 25, 1350. vlal9-ly ." .
THE most useful and cece-ary machinery in op
eration: is simple in ecn.itrr.'tson and easily kepS
in order, and can be moved on a m readily as
a threshing machine, and put in operation at a small
expense. . It will saw from one to two thousand feet
of lumber a day, with one team of six horses, iu aa
average business, and in a better s'.yld than other
mills now in use. It is eipnally well adapted to
Steam, Water or Horse Power.
The undersized, agents for the pa tin tee, would
announce ta the public that they nrc now prepared
to furnish Mills, with or without horse power, of su
perior quality and workmanship, with the right to
usti the same, upon the most favorable terms, at their
manufactory. No. 202, Second street, St. Louis, Mo.
n e nave also ue ngnt Icr th j manufacturi tf
Childs' Patent Double Saw Mills.
The successful practical operation of these mills
through the country ha been the rajacs cf cstiibli.-h-ing
their great reputation and with improveineiits
in construction and increased facilities in manufac
turing, wo offer them to the public with full con5
dence of their advantages."
All orders addressed to us wi'.I be prompt! execu-
an election wul bo neU :i tho several C(.unicJ m
this Territory oa the rst Taes-lay in November, A.
I). lS5t3, f..r thirt.Hn members of the, thirty
five members of tho House of Representatives, tuii
three County Commissioner fr each county, accor
ding to the apportionment hereunto subjoined; whl:U
said election shall be conducted in all respects ia c
cordaiiec with the provisions f an n-t entitled IlIc
tioc," approved January 2t5th, l?jti. There beij
no County Commis-'ioxiTs yet elected, the IVibat
Judges ct" th . several counties are hereby anthr-riiej
and required to pr:oevl a. once to lay oa their re
spective counties into convenient election precinct,
and appoint threo com petcnt Judges of cloctkn iu
each, and generally tolond perform til "ch Uat
in condot-ticg sail election a will, by the provisions
of said act, devolve upon tho B.T.rd of County Cosn
missioners when they shnll hava been duly elected
and organic -d.
jlpIortioTi m ont.
Thj county cf D.ihko'a wi'.I cKt on j Councilman
and two Representatives; tho counties of Burt and
Cumin' jiuilv will tlcct ona Rerrescutatite; tha
county of Washington will elect one Councilman and
ted, and any inflation inrcgard ti Mills cheerful-1 " T ?X'V Zr2X " i . t
iy iriven.
Persons ordering Mills will jlcaso mention tho
Suite and County in which they wi.-h to use th.-m.
: - Extension of Page's Patent.
"VtOTICE is hereby given to tho public, that tho
SAW . MILL has been extended f r seven years from
J:ly 10th, 1S55. All irsons found violatiiig this
patent, or infringing on the same, in mak;ng, uing
or vending, will be proceeded against ia acccruancc
with the laws in su.h case made and provided,
i;..,- GEORGE PAGE, Pitentee.
r By Authority! ,
And Board of Education,
Have ordered the following Desirable Works fur the
Township Libraries of Indiana.
Somiof them have been put into cccri Library,
others only info the more unt.ulon townshim. Thi
careful attention sri ven to the examination of wnrL I Tweuty-uvo 1 hc usanl i'tct of various kinds of Lum-
I'or these libraries, is a guarantee of the merit f the ' her, which he JTcrs f.r iu!o at th-2 f.lowLc -ics.
oooks caosen. iiany fitiralies will desire to own the
books, and read at their loi.nre. rather than wait
their turn to get them frum a library. The works
may bo purchased of Bookseller, or will be sent by
mail, free of postage, ui-cn payment of prices annex
ed to each.
Representatives: the southern district of said ccunty
will il vrt one CVn:i!ma:i and f&cr Representatives;
the southern district of lcuglas. Wa.-iiingtor, Bar
and Cuming counties j .intly will eloci Cnil.
man; the counties of Dodge and PUtte jointly v.'ill
elect one Representative; the counties of Cass, Iin-casterar,-!
Clay jointly will elect one CcucciLnan
and four Represectativcs: tho county of Otoe- will
ck-e-t two Gounciluiea rnl six Rerrcacnutixes. th
county rf Ncniahi wi'.I elect one Coi'.n-i':tiun nr.d
three Representative?: th c- nnties of R'uhardsen
and Pa n.-o joinriy v-iil elect ouc Councilman nud
three R:p.-e?cr.tatives; the c-unt'es of Dodge, Ca.-J
and Otoe jointly will c-l-vt one Councilman.
Witney my hand and the grat se;.5 of tho
TcTriterry. this Gth d iy tf Scpt.uiW,
A. D., l?5o.
By tho Governor, MARK W. IZARD.
"T. B, CruiNC, Secretary of Nebra ka.
Lumber! ILumbcr!
HE u:idcr,igncd hf.s cn hind and for sale at hi
mill. Hush IJnttori, JIo., One hundred nl
Farrs Ancient History Much superior to
Rollin, becauso more concise, accurate, and un with
iD'Hlcra research. I vols., Cloth, t,ilt, Sheep,
library style, J,50.
The Teacher's 3I?.ceIlnny is anew and ex
cellent collection of articles on Education, written by
Judge McLean, Drs. JStowe, Bicus, MeGrFFHT,
Aydflott, Pickett, Lysd, Post, and other distin
guished members of the 'College of Teachers." 1
vol., 12me., Cloth, $1,25.
Square edged lum'er, ... jfl.'O
Sheeiiirjr, ------ 1. .
Black W'alaut, ... - 2,C!
There is a ferry across tho Missouri river, opp sit
the mill. Lumber will be delivered oa the Neor.tA
shore, at 50 cents in addition to the abov, pri-.
September 20, ISofi. vlnl(-mpd
Groat fEiixlo or Lota
At Wyoming, M. T.
NOTICE is hereby given to tho "world and tho
rest of mankind'," that there will be a nale of
L'-ts ia Wyoming, Otoe county, Nebraska Territory
! ' . ' I. Ij. Kxioiit,
. J. W. Hall
j A" K these mcu in e very respect, arc qualified
j f-r the positioa assigned them, and will, doubt
! h, do all in their power to serve the county
j fa.thfe-.ny. Their xitions arc of more impor
j lance really to the county, than the LezWlators.
ar'J we" hope they may rccicve the undiv"Kledltacu wlien leiist aware of their danger. Cit-
? .tsMstanee of tlicir constituents, to eiiablo them i lzcns most iuterested had taken the privilege
I tueccssjfulTy'to accomplish every cud calculaulof"SlYini. hem an impartial trial, which result
ed m the decision of "shavir.2 their hPar1
i l to advance the inleres-ts and promote the
prosperity of the county.
. RwiiAr.Dsox axd Pawnee Couxties. We
, lcamly a note from Col. SiiAur, that the elcc
I U-a fn Richardson and Pawnee counties, rc
j ulted ia the election of Ciias. McDoxald to
f fl? Council, J. A. Sixgletox, N. J. SiiAur,
j tL.l Pit-.Cuosiwja.L to the
i .-. -In Richardson, county tho Countv Scat was
j rx.v.r.ed at Archer. In. Pawnee county the
j County S jat was located at Turkey Creek.
At the time of going to press, we have noth
j from othjr counties in the Territorv.
making them pay the money which they ob
tained for the stolen horses, and forty-nine
lashes-well laid on." After the execution of
the judgement, they were taking them to the
ferry when we first saw them. Horse theives
Wasmngtux, Oct. 9.
The Indian Department has had the
Delaware "Reservation" Land apprais
ed according to treaty. The lands lie
in the. . fertile valley of. the Kansas
rivcr.from its mouth and Westward.
They are supposed to be the best in the
United States. Of the two hundred
thousand acres to be sold on the 17th
of November, not one is said to be in
ferior to the' best "in the valley of the
Miami or the Scioto.
Although the land is of such immense
value, the body of it has been appraised
at only one dollar and twenty-five
cents per acre; the lowest sum which
the treaty would allow, and the highest
at twelve dollars. 'And yet adjacent
to Leavenworth, ten thousand dollars
have been offered for a Government
title to ten acres. The average ap
praisement, per acre, i3 said to be one
dollar and seventy-five. cents.
'Speculators some time ago intended
to enter upon the reservation, and laid
off a town caliedr "Leavenworth."
The lots, 2,500 in number, are ap
nraised from $2 to S10 each, only, by
thn "tttmointed officially, to fix ther
valuation. The average is about $3,50
a lot: ..:
The sale will be held in the Fort.
Associations of speculators, relying
upon the general ignorance concerning
the value of the lands, have completed
; their arrangements to buy up the whole
Tho Department, it is said, desires
the sixty or eighty settlers, who have
made actual improvements in the town,
to have their lots at the appraisement,
the other lots to be sold at their real
value. So with the lands. Ihe Dela
- BltOWXVILLE, A'. J'. -
The subscribers wonld inform the citizens of Brown
villo, and surrounding country that their
Is completed, and they are now receiving
and opening an exton.-ivo toek tf
Hardware, and Tinware,
History of the Puritans and Pilgrim j
I athcrs. Ry Stowell am Wilson, 1 vol., 12mo on tho
Twentv-fifth dav of October,
3Ioffats Life of Ir. Chalmers
12mo.f S,2j.
1 vd.,
A. D., 1850.
xZ- r , S u1 -"e"-".! -loramrs ti , To who taVfJ iad the pleasure of seeing tnlt
unui.u.ruu. uu;i j-emaia vi:ar;icicrs: i-mora- . 0,;flI, :ti nn.i ll,mn,i;n,nnn) Uu.W
to say anything iu commendation, as the reality u
:, OF
A. C. Goddin and .Wm. Campbell, and now
opening, tho most extensive stock of Goods ever of
fered in this market. After the experience they
nave in IScbraska, they flatter themselves that they
know what suits the people, and have purchased such
a sick of Goods as cannot fail to ileiise. We will
cing the Period cf the Covenant and the Persecu
tion. Ry Rev. James Anderson.
3Ioffat's South Africa. One volume, 12:no.
Twelfth edition, .si.
Six Years in India. Ry Mrs. Colin Makiix-
zie. 2 vols, 12mo., Cloth, $2.
Kern's Practical Landscape (iardenin?,
with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. $1,50
Man-of-War Life.
A Boy's Experience in the U. S. Navy.
1 volume, lrtrao.; lllustratej. 75 cents.
The Merchant Vessel,
A Sailor-Boy's Voyages to ee the World.
(sutu TH.n-sANr )
volume, lflmo., ; IlLftratod. 75 cents.
Nordiioff's admiral series of Volumes, 'Manof.
superior to any description that can b- given; but to
thnsa who have not, we would say, that Y youung H .
l.x'ated at the mouth of Weeping Water rive, and.
hns tho very best roek landing cn the Missouri river
without any exception whatever. Tho beach, from
the mouth of Weeping Water for a distaaco of tbrtre
fourths of a mlhe dwn. i nearly in a stralgh . line,
nnd is perfect rock base; in some places already;
graded. Th-J blua' is low, and full of the bct Yiun
and sandstone rxk in the Territory, and abundant
enough to supply a large city for all future age?. f(.r
building, pavirg, Ac. There ae cxtcn-ivo bo In s cf
timber in the immediate vicinity, on both sides of
the River; stone-coal, lime and snndstono alund
throughout the whlu valley of the Wecpir.g Water.
The blaT, fri.m a few foot above high watermark,
slopes up at an ansrlc of about six degree, for a dis-.
tanco ot oue-lourtu oi a nine, men spre.ia-i ot i inio
TT I 'I fit! 1 m
ari.iic, .uercnant cssci, an l too uw volume v W1.;. .,, :r.-i ..'., im.ij nri.ionii.jt.nirt
tonppcar m September, under the title of W j thc m,,,t ron.iutic and mazniricieiit l:nd-aie ever
and lisaing, must be received with great favor, as , bli,eid py tha eve of man. "The surrounding coun
the first two have been, wherever circulated. They trv : . ..uA bv the almost innumcrahi.j tributaries
aro me laiiui urnmngs oi nine years txperienej If t,e Weeping Water, (so celebrated in romance,
at sea, of a common sailor, a native "Huekcye," re- anJ ;ud!an traditions and i.( the finest farming rc
eognizeu as inferior to no writer of the present day, -un ;u t'll0 Western coun'ry. Wyoming lies duo
in life-iike. delineations of adventure by sea. Vest f Sidner, Ci.ii-in U, -liciforl. Womficld,
ery striking and graphic pictures of life at Sea, kVnnn-i fi-,.l ihn-lin 't.,n. and ii the best t-:rmi:iu.
pvi'li'iitl v ftuthentis ainl vcrv in :innt.iv
Has adventure enough to please and truth
enough to dissipate tho charm of a suiior's life.
New Nork Evangelist.
Them is in thc-m a vast amount of iuformatie;i
respecting the commerce of the world. Presbyterian
Will take captive the young. Journal and Mcs-
T? n n r! xr TJTnAn PI nf Vi i rn
not pretend to enumerate, but say comoS,',,s.
tuu mil uoi idii io1 ue suiiea. . w
... . . . , . .
Oct. Ij, i8jf).-ly - ' X lv isntKeye .croau, or uanaenng-on r.uroirc
-J.r i tne uncut. vj bamiel r. cox. i:i:ra tui
tion, Illustrated, l X'ji., i-mo., mu-iiu,
The Three flreat Temptations of Young
3Ien. Samuel W. Fisulu. Fourth edition. 1
vol. 12:no, muslin, 1,00.
The.-e are capiLil works for family libraries. Pub
lished bv MOORE. WJLSTACH, KEYS & CO.,
25 West Fourth St., Cincinnati.
M., W.. K. A CO. are tho publishers of Rayard
Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold
entirely by pgents.
T71VERY VARIETY, stvlo. onalitv. Drice. and rnt-
A A V A V 4 A W I WA-W A AAA 1 W W V I J ' 7 7 l ' J 7 r
nnn 1."rXW I AT n Tnv OTA! t rSTC tcrn of Ready Mads Clothing, just received and
To which they Invite thd attention of customers.
Their Goods are selected with rcferene-c to the
- wants of the town and surrounding Ciuu-
Boots and Shoes.
A unusually largo stock of fine and coarse Boots
and Shoes both Gentlemen and Ladies' can
be seen, and purchased low. at
try, and wiU bo sold as
Low as any .House above St. Joseph.
And examine our Stock for yourselves
. Respectfully, " '
McAllister, doztkr a co.
Brownville, October 25, vlnll'tf
Hats and Caps.
LATEST styles of Hats and Caps, and of every
grade and price, arc offered at
BEDSTEADS. Ta'oles, Stands, Rureaus in ehort,
everything in the Furniture line, can be had at
ari-car to meet with poor encouragemeut in; ware Indians own the lands, which are
1 " 1-T ito be sold for their benefit.
me council Hluffs Guards were escorto.3 tn
j the Douglas House, where the citizens of Onia.
ha had made preparations for their reception,
and invited tbcui to partake of a sumptoua
dinner. Chain paign was not s:arcc, and all
apiarently felt easy and at home. Toasts were
j : "' P R F. ? 1 1) E NT I A L ELECTION. Theelec-
f'.tion fcrProidcat and Vice President
j - ef -the I'nited States, also took place
j oa Tuesday last. We have no mail
I :aUer than last Saturday, consequently
! nothins in rtdatihn tn tho Prwl;.,1
5 .J --v.-. v a.N A V i-'tUV. UIIU1
j Wti.)ii. The result of the State
dfetious in Indiana and Pennsylvania
j ka-vc inpirC(1 the friends of Buchanan
Ereckenridge with exultant ex
j i-cctationa of their success. We shall
ec. Should we receive sufficient npws
l'c'.Ween our ivahlir-itinn d.iv tr.Vnn-
'-V how i)n hir:f.,.. L--.
- iu iiiti uiie:. n t
o i -
Cool Shooting. Under this head
ing, the Crocket, (Texas,) Printer, of
the 20th inst., has the following:
Two men, named Rigsbv and Rob-
1 bins, at a whiskey shop, in the North
Country Produce
"T 7 ANTED, and for which we allow the highest
V Market price.
uers anil Medicines
Main Street, Erownville, N. T.
' . . . . - i
THE undersif,Ted respectfully beg3 leave to inform
tho public, that ha has now on hand a compete
.assortment of evcrvthins, usually kept. in Drug
Stores, which he offers for sale, Exclusively on a
New System of
Tt ivill b entirclv foreign to this beautiful system.
to' "Rook," -keep account,'" "note" "scratch" -chalk!
r .TrmfiTTibcr lor a few dr.ys." Come with the
"Spondulicks" ifyou want anything in the Drug
line. -
Prescriptions Compounded at all Hours witli
Accuracy ana vupwm,
Remember the system I have adopted, atd my
nrran:! fet'linss will not fuffer. Credit will
pr,fitirrlff not be given, unless under circumstances of
Stoves and Tinware.
COOK, Parlor and Office Stoves of various put
terns: and Tin ware, at . . ..
Hardware, Cutlery and Iron.
LARGE assortment at '
Wood and "Willow ware.
BUCKETS, Tubs. Churns, and an eadlcsd variety
of Willow ware, ia for sale at
Provisions.' '.
WE keep constantly on hand, Flonr, Corn Meal,
Racon, Ratter, and everv variety of Groceries.
The oahj Exclusive Wholesale Grocery
House in St. Joseph.
"Wlxolooalo G-rooons,
Corner Second and Frances S's.
1 RESPECTFULLY call the attention of Country
A Merchants to their largo and varied slock of
Groceries, which has been increased by late arrivals
at the lowest rates of f.-eight, and will receive daily
additions through the season. Having purchased for
cash, they present more than ordin.-fry inducements
to buyers, and will sati-fy all that favor them wiih
a call, that they can and will compote with St. Louis
prices. They have in store:
00 bags Rio Coffee i) boxes starch
40 " O G Java Coffee 70 do lemon syrup
100 chest an 1 l.f chest.J 250 whole and of boxes
assorted Teas candy
ISO bbl rcUiled and S II dm cans Field, celc
M.laoses br.iteJ Raltimore oysters
100 half bids do 100 Ibis half and bbl
50 ke:s Beh-her s Srrup mackrel
Q ADDLES, Rr.dles, Martingales, Checks, and ev
O cry variety of goods in this line can be had at
oncrca ana rep.ica 10 t,y Uen. Thayer, Secy. , Eastern portion of Grimes county, got
Cuming, Col. Derdon and high private Turk, to Quarrellin- both had rifles; Rigsbv
all of whom done honor to themselves and the
occasion which called forth their eloquence.
The Guards visited the residence of Gov.
Izzard, and after undergoing a few minutes
parade and inspection were handsomely ad
dressed by the Governor, who was replied to
by Col. .Benton.
As we left for home, the word was given
for the horse men to visit Tom. Cuming, and
up with his, and shot Robbins, who fell
mortally wounded, but as Rigs by turned
off, cursing him, Robbins took aim at
him a? he lay on the ground, and shot
lligsbv through the heart. Both-died
almost instantly, revenged, even in
death. "
peculiar destitution.
July 12,lS5.-vl-nS.f
Louis Napoleon has ' positively "and
nosoouer said than a united shout and yell j peremptorily ordered the perfects of
was made and a stampede amot. wild horses! France tr nil tbo Prnfstfinta in ihr-
' 4. W A. AWV.-'rV.i..U AU V i-1 Vli
districts, the free and undisturbed ex-
(LATE OF BOSTOX ' . ' ,.
FasliionaMe Tailor,
INFORMS the public -that he. is new prepared to
serve them in the above named ear&rity. . Having
had long and extensive experience, he natters him
self ho can please all who favor him with their pat
ronage. Good fit warranted in all cases. .
OF ail the latest styles, and in endless variety,
just opened at UORLITZELL CO'S.
150 Hhls N O Sugar
60 bbls crushed -
SO bbls Tar
100 stands do
.100 bbls A hf blls crack
erj of various kinds
200 bxs nss'd Tobac-jo
100,000 ass'd Cigars
1000 sacks G A Salt
1500 sks Dairy
10 bales 1-4 1-om-stica
InO do cotton Lattiug
125 do do yarn
500 kegs nail)
COO doxen SxlO an-T 10x12
window sah
100 hf bxs ass'd glasf
000 doz bed er Is
80 coils manilla and jute
400 b'dles wrapping paper
500 bbls S F' and extra
12 '0 rjr and half bxs sar
0 dozen zinc washboards j
5") nest.-: tubs i
75 dezei wooden buckets I
250 bxs star caudles
to culticout garments for home making,
ravine, Aug. 23, 1356." - ;! ' ' Ti-nl21y
M iTifornrcar readers by an Extra.,
at a distance appear 3d to be tha result, as they
raised the hill and neared his residence." II;
In Town. Our old friend Dr.
M'Pherson is with us again. , We had
hoped he would have made his arrange-
. I A All
e communication of "P" was not rece-v- mcrnP or ,a permanent stay tins tall.
lie informs us ho will bo here with his
family early next spring.; - . i
ercisc, of - their religion, disiring that
he may hear of no more persecution of
the .Protestants," and that thev raav
never again be disturbed" iii their wor
ship. ;-;:' if --; :
"t.t!Mil after
ill matters he wrote about, were
E. A. WniTBIIHJE. - '' ; M'KIXXIV.
nus. i:. a. wniTniDGi: A co.y
Masonic Clothing and Odd Felloe's
Also Eegalia fcr Temperance and other Sacieties,
Ko. 128 Walnut Street, vp Stairs, ,
G. & C. TODD & CO.,
Xa. 212, Xrrth iVf or 2Tu .SJr-rt, Louit.
Mill Materials
INCLUDING Dutch Bolting Cloths, Mill'Stjnca,
Saws, Screen?, Damsels, Ac. Also:
Both Upper and Lower Stone Runners.
Of Stretched Leather amd Iiu!ber.
St. Lvuis, October 13, 1S5 5. ylnl3-ly p
80 do S C oda
And a general assortment of sundries too cumer-;
ous to mention ia an advertisement. .
Our ce.aaisnuieni, 5.000 bbls Kanawha ta'it, at St.
Lonis rates, freights added.
Orders are respectfully solicited and Kiall receive
prompt attention, and every effort made to give en
tire satisfaction. . .
September, 27, 155.1 vlnlo-ly
Steam Hill Lumber.
"T7E take this method tf informing the Public
V that we have just put in oj:niti'ju on what is
known as Sonora IslantS. four miles above Brown- !
; ville, a Crat quality steam S vwm'Jl, and tre now pre
i pared to saw all kinds of Lumber on short notice,
l and in a manner, we arc- fonfident will jriv sati.d'ae-
j tion. We will keep a Ferry 1m at to run to thi main
t snore, ior iree us; oi tar customers,
for a railroad on the Missouri river, and the best
point f.r a western exh-n-i.r.i, being due East of New
Fort Kearney, and the nearest p int on tae Missouri
to tho great Salt Spring-" in Nebraska.
From the great natural advantages this point ha
over every other place on the river, it h destined to
become tho Great, Conmi'-rcial Mutrvpdis of the Ter
ritoricj West of the Mi.-sour;.
Tht re is the machinery for a steam saw n ill just
landed at our Ii?vee, which will bo erected forth
with. There is another ctpectc I in a hurt tim i.
There will be a Pi fating Ofd.-e pel up, and weekly
newsjiniK-'r issued in n few days. Merehanls and Me- t
chaai .-s are selecting lots in Wyoming for the imme
diate erection ef boil lings suitable f.r their business.
The country back already presents a thriving asjxs-t;
being d.ttel e-vt-r with celdinn-1 homes of industri
ous farmers. There is no humbug about tin matter. .
Just com? and see for yourselves, and get you a good
home while you can g-t it cheap. At tho sale on
the day above nam- d, you can bny tVr a few doll trr,
what would cost yon thousands in a hort time hem;.
Ry order of the Wyoming Town Company, N. T.
JACOU DAWSON, Socretafy.
Wyoming, N. T. Sept. 20, lH5t. vlnlfitf .
Dissolution of Partnership.
"VrOTICE is hereby given, tHut tho co-piirtcership
1,1 heretoferc existing between J. D. N. Thompson
and II. P. ll'ixton. is thi day dissolved by mutual
consent. Tin; busines of the" firm will bo finished,
with consent of parties eoneernt'd. by If. V. Buxton.
II. P. RtXTOX, .
Brownvill Sept. 3, 1h5. vln!5tf
l70O3 OUT:
ALL persons aro here'by forwarned front buying
the South WVr fourth of Section 25, Township
6. Ne.rth Range 15, East of the sixth Priucipal Meri
dian, in Nemaha county, N. T., now occupi d by
Thos. Hed ly; 83 I have a right to aid claim that jr
indisputable. B. R. THOMPSON.
Brownville, Jaly 5th, 135). vl-n5tf
J. & C:. CAR (ILL,
Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph. 2Ie. :
CONSIGNMENTS of Goods atd Trodr.'
respectfully oli;itcd, and all busine?? cntnif t
cd to us will bo promptly and carefully attended to
at the lowest rates.
Tajlor A Shepherd, St. Louis,
R. L.McGhcoA Co.,
Lirennore, CiKIey A Co.,
;derehants OcncmUy, St. Josepn.
Nos. 0, Pearl aud 71, Main Street, .
'.: It is rumored that Senator Douglas
js : soon to, be; married' to avwcaltliv
young lady of. .Washington Cit
ti E
tv.v Z
masoxs. 1 Reference?. - odd fellows.
W. B. I)od ls.G M of Ohio O. P. Morton, P G M Ind.
C. Moore Ed Masonic Revj Tunier A Gray, pub Casket
F. J. Phillip.-, II. P. City. W.G.Ncilson, P G M Ohio
The Editor cf tho Advertiser will have qecinens
of Regalia from tho above ilanufactory, and recievc
orders from lodges or private members for Regalia.
. Angnit 218oi. rl c'Jti .
One Hundred Extra Lots, In tha Toy of
The proprietors of the town of An:ber. kiviwing
that thev have one of the most beautiful Town Sites
in Nebraska J cmtory, xeci a-un.-o, iu eu uiace
needs bat to be socn to bo admired, and they .have,
therefore, eonoladed to offer One Hundred Lots, ic
tho ahuve named Town, at PuWic Aueti-m, oa Wed
nesday. November Cth, 1S56, it being the fir.t day
of the District Court.
Archer is situated on a hign prairie, nins.mues
from tbc M'ffKtnri river, on the most direct rout from
Nebraska- City to Topeks, in Kansas and is the
County Seat of Richard son county. The Loti tobi
Id and bo mistake. Terms made known on d iv of
Sale..' - .' ; " . A. I). KIRK.
Secretary Archer Town. Conn any.
Oct: 24;h,H55. . , . ; 20-2t
"1AME into my ine.!osare abot.t tho 1st of A?u-t ,
j ls55, 3 yoke of oxen; marks, color ar.d age & j fol
lows: One ox, a blue smooth c rop and under bit
ialhe right ear; smooth crop from the left, and five
years old. One red roan, nasuc marks and age. One
yoke oxen, palo red and white pied. Same marks
and age as above. One red ox. with bush of tall off,
and smooth crop olT left eir. One yok3 oxen -one
white, upper bit in left car. under bit in right, and
looks as though it bad been yplitand the upper part j
forced oil; age same as ab-jve. Une Luci Wowtvox
C'LAYLS Si. li:e.
Real Estate and Generil Agency,
James Wright. Broker, Net York,
Wki. A. Wexdward, Esq. ...
Hon. R. Wuod, Ex-Gov. of Ohio, Cleveland,
Wkks, Oiie and Rrowtoll, Rankers, 44 . '
Alcotti, Norton,
Col. Pwubert Campbell," " St. Uni,
James ll-dgway, Esij.
Crawforn and S.icket.' Chka'o. "
Omaha City, Aug. 30,1355. vlalS-ly
Whaltilo and Retail Grocer
eropoff right ear. and smooth crop and un U-r bit off . . , ir , ' -". V rf
right and a email appearance of a brand on left hip t 61 Je 11 ar'iet "1" ,re P slto Market Ijotwa
T)ELi leavo to inf. rm thj of Si. J( e h,
age smae as above.
. The owner can have them by proving pre p-rty,
and paying charges, within sixty diystrom this date.
- Given under iay Land, this 9th "day of October,
1353. ' s WM. WEDDLE.
Ncrraha eo.ty. T., Townsn'ip TlnlS 3t.
an.i tno pun cg neihnr, that l.c lt-u just ei-n-
fd a large and Cne assrtmen: of (ir.)teries, tn v.hich
ha invites the attention f Country .Meiehants 1 lan-
ters and the put lie generally. L-eot stores c u-:tn.t
! ly "r. lanl.