V The Gentleman's--Magazine. This old v-t Monthly M:igaz:ue,lh? Puti'iarch amcrig ; lYriodh-al Publications, ,s so wcii known among Ju v.xry men of all countries, and especially by all who ,.v"k the t::;.-':.-L language, and hare studied fjIis'.i l.teratnre of the !a-d century, that it is ncc-cary to tity very little concerning it. The (Jeiitlemau's Majazine was originated hy Ed ward Cae, the well-known Printer and Publisher, ni:iu remarkable for iiii intel'.!g-n ;c stud industry, j who c lit., d and conducted it under the cognoiava U' j J"vjan-J. l riau, w;ni. iisurM oiu.u oi jiuoi.e.mo.1 , was Hi I i e Vcii'-rai.ie g;ue-i:oce e i iuc nuijuu i-. ; st J.,hn. near Smithficld in London. Among it oarly contributors was. Dr. Johnson, whose first l.tcr- j ary production appeared in't'nis Magazine. Contmry j iu ihc for.-bodinir. of many LH,.k,ie:lers -i iue tiiue. it cueceed.-d irtia its coruuicneiiaeiji, cna na iii.i.h- tjiii.-l ::u tioi.cr.-iMe an.I nuweinisaca rcpina-.ion ior 1 more th:n a 'cer.tury und a ijuartcr. Its ficcei brought j.nviirl nm-y compel-. t'T-, t ut J-ylvanus n nitt:iy? hoi. i u:.' ih-mii'!!, ji 1.17. u , Vi'.W h prov proved ifrt a favorite a Li-forc. .. j ii'i i.'ie iiumU-r lor July, 1 .:'. lue eiuic-inan s 'zr'n:- cl.: 1 publisher', tnt it? peneral charac-t.-r rill nic:ili till.' s:'in?Ri befurc. ii;ce mat tori of jiechd iiins will Le taken with the Obii- j more un : narv, whi :i ; be iuua3 a lauaiui memorial i 111 ; r-.ij i f tiiiinc-ice. It will a!.-o endeavor to retain j' i:i.-ii a a worthy or.-m and representative of Ilir'.-ri'-id nn.J Arv'!;jt?vlg;eal Literature. . We Ls-.ve made arrang'.-aient wiih the present ' J'roprieUTis Mci.-r.-. J. II. V J. Tauke'.:, of London, to pub!h the Mnprazine iu this country, aiid will kupply it with regularity. Terms $ j per anuuia, or iO C2uts per uumher ; tho:e remitting i5 in tdvance, will receive the Mag- aziui free of poitoge. DIX, EDWARDS JL CO., Z21 ISi ondwaT, Xew York. . . Hou33hoIds Words. CONDUCTED EY CHARLES DICKENS. . Clunlainin-trf. f lories, zvA other articles, j Ly William tloi't, LcighUunt, the Authoress j :i '?iar-v- r;1' any Cornwall, UKie - L-Ol,infUZ all tLC Doing Ingush Writers, is ttO'w U'.iivtnfa.'y regarded as It far the most ! intcrts'.:nq;ar.d j'0.ularof the Eisgliali Pwiodir :a!s iis circulation iu this country Is constant ly iacrcvii g, ahd Jo meet the putlic demand, ilcsnrs. Dix, E Iwaris & Co., have mado a'rrangcmeiits vit!i the Editor and Prgprictois .in 'England to introduce a new future in its ubllajwon, ly ISaltillLf it, -from tho present! t;me, m tth.!y lumbers. 1 hey receive it rc-'v.hu!y in advance, and will i.uLUsh the Aniiicarr E -lition innricdintelv oa the arrival "of the wcelil v Steamer. The Month! v edition ! -'U 1 ; - ..., 1 " i 4,- e ' , 1 . - . : 1 cims for tuo eckly Ld.tion, b cents per ; 1 fcO-,.-,... T .II,,.,.. i i.uinwr, s-.wfer annum, xiontniy j-.aiuon, : 23 cents per r.umler, '$3.X) per annum prompt remittance of $3 w ill secure a reuar di-liverr, pott paiJ. " " . .Sets (A Household Words, 13 - Vols., can r.uw uo had, Luund in cloth, at 22.:), hound in half calf, $35.00; sent free hy Express or ;aaii, on receipt cr pr:c As a safe, iiit'erestins, amuin?-, and useful tcnes for 1 amines and IJoadinj Clubs, it can- not La surpassed. . It contains more variety and information, ' given m a pleasing manner, than any other set cf Bocks ever published. A few sets of the English Edition on sale, ia line bindings, at an advanced price. J)ix, Edwards, & Co. .. 321 Broadway, New York. Ladies' Repository. This periodical is pullished monthly at Cin ( 'iuuati and New York. All traveling preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church are author ized agents. . .Cash in advance will be expected in all cases. - This can bo paid lo any of our authorized agents,-who can order it charged to their ac count, if not convenient to remit Tho. agents and friends of this work arc earnestly requested lo make an immediate and himultancous effort in every section cf the country, to procure new subscribers. We solicit those who received the fifteenth volume to continue their snbscriptions to the hli.teer.lh, and otherwise aid in its circulation, hich e he j e to bs able to make worthy of .ALelr lattrosage. ' Ail ccrnni.Uiications containing remittances or sulHcnptioos should be addressed to the l'ublishcr.-; Ih se designed for publication, to - -ititt-13 Ji:cr. at Cincinnati. Letters not contain ing ten dollars, or five ne-.v subscribers, should be post-paid. I-t remitting, please procure dratrs, or the. most current baiik-notos. We thank you sincerely for pastfors. Our list is now (puite large. ' 15 ut though we have no pecuniary interest whatever in this work, wo would like to seo it circulate more -extensively. Will you help us? Will clergy . inen, will the heads of families, will the yourg . gentleman -.and .ladies of our common country, vrill our former patrons, will all who wish to -ee a pure and sound yet entertaining and in structive literature put into the hands of the 'rising generation, lend us their hearty and con tinued co-operation? We hope confidently that all will continue their efforts ia behalf of . the wo:k. . ' Ti-rms: $2 - per annum, in advance. No subscriptions received for less than one entire ' volume. . Swoemstedt & Poe. . Carlton & Poster. BROWN & CO., So. 18, 3Iahi Steet, St. Loui.; 3Io. . SPRING STOCK COMPLETE. The. cheapest and most extensive Fancy . . Goods and Y'ankee Notions Establish ment in the Western Country. " T ERG I ANTS in search of cheap goods are invi .five'd to examine onr stock of silks, dress goods, him wis, white pds, Embroideries, rib'oons, gloves and hsicry, trimmings, furnishing poods and small wares Rene ally, together with 15,(k)0 Parasols .f thtj latest and most fashionable styles, at manu facturers" prices. ' Ca-h bujers, close purchasers, and prompt men will find our stock adapted to their wants in every particular. A call from the trade is respectfully so licited. . Vlnl2tf Augu.-t 2', l s0c5. - ' . . ' OREGON, MO. . KOBT. Ii. IIATTUX, Proprietor. No paia cr expense will be spared by the subscri ber, to makf his guests comfortable in every rcspeet, at this well know n and highly reputable House. luc very iot attention given to animals ty a 'pKl and attentive Hostler. Vl-nl ROBERT L. nATTEN. NEW "GROCERY.. . Head Quarter for Bargain! ' ' RUFUS R. EDWARDS, Wholesale and retail dealer iu Sflile .ami Fine Groceries, "Wines, Teas, Foreign and Domestic Liqaor?, and evcry thVig else appertaining to the business of a Grocer. Main, betweeu Jule and Second streets, (Opposite the Fdjar House.) ST. JOSEPH, MO. iiagle Mills. ST. JOSEPH, MO. JAMES CARGILL, Proprietor. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly en hand for sale, all kinds of Flour, Meal, aul Feed f tu Js. Orders solicited aud promptly filled .n most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Flour refer to everybody that ever used it. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. CO, 185.3. vln!3-ly StceiPIov Factory, Market Square, St. Joseph, Mo. WILLIAM M. CARTER, MANUFACTURER tf Prairie plows of all sizes; ona eli 1 fivi torso Plows and Shovel -plows, Cultivators and Harrows. All orders (uuder five-hundred plows) tiled immediately. Liberal discount to vhclvr'alc pur.Lnsorj. . ....11 p.. ..l!...l..lT t..i .A, ...A . ,i ' r.Le1'3 L,, ,care, ij kuJ 1C ' 1 The TtacUr' Miscellany. ' A election of articles v.n of Ln-..:,h oiafcu I Oeatleiaan en the toj-iw , fn lUe lir(K.e,i;IlS? of ibo College cf 1V fwsional -. f v(. .1;. r. it it u ill Irf. an tnuili l.M.koii lor as usual: . , ' , 1 t ... n 1. ..n 1 ti rr.. n.. ,. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., JI.VNt KACTl KKC AND' "WHOLESALE rEALEJlS IS Eoots Shocfs c Broans, .V0. 87 XAIXSTUELT, SAISY-.LOUU,. MO. A EE NOW IN RECEIPT bf a complete assortment J. of goods from their ovra and other manufac-tories.adapu-d especially to the Weteni tni'lj.j l'urcha.-ei are iuvited to examine their rtock. manufactured ami inleeted with; greatcaro and,, warranted of superior quality. Orders will receive prompt uuu carcim atie-miou, TTfTPftT? V A 7J T TZT.VT WORKS PUBLISHED BY Mooro. Vilst:ich. Kevs & Co. - 0 25 et Fourth Street, CiiKiuuou, u HLSTOIiY OF MEDICINE, frexn its Origin to ! 1 :XtUe C.oJ -t iDei-.igtireeDiu vtmurj; '' 1. . i- t-..:j ; .of,.,i i.w il. 1: 1 , 1 .....- ...,; m.i;,1 I'lIIptc. Oho v''' 7:;rt i,0l?. j V Vol uu:e, large x o. 7r) jflges, rrtie ?.I.0l. An fnt rod m-t Ion lo the Studv of .E.-tll.J'.iei. T,y j IVuie-.-or J. J. C. Motfat,cf tlieColeVfLN'w Jef- j ?ev, I Viiieeiou. AUinor 01 - i.ue ui vuaiiu';ij.. ,uc j . jT r a.1 ' e . i i't...i t-A . -Jjh C' ollegc. Oae vol, 12x00, 4jO pages. I'rica "WILL EE READY IN REPTEIBEU The Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, A Record of Adventure, Exploration and Discovery for the last Filly years. Edited by Bayard Taylor, Author cf "View, Afoot," 'Travels in Central Africa," &3., A.C One vol., fcvo., Handsomely illustrated with 1 J mnos by Sehouberg, and numerous wool ecgravings by Orr. and au elaborate steel frontispci -e by Uuttre. "57" Will be sold to subscribers on! v, MOORE, WiLSTACH, KEYS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Booksellers, 23 Wet Fourth street, Cincinnati. GEO. C. FERGTJSON. IIlXWPJGJIT'AND ENGINEER BUOWNVILLE, N. T. . OUXCES to the puWip, that he is prepared il to ert Steam Saw p.nd Mer-.-k'nt Mills at bhort notice and rea.or.aUo ternii. ALL WORK WARRANTED. He is also Agent for ' A. II. IIOLLIBIRD &. CO'S., ' - '. Western Fo;mdry. CINCINNATI, 0., LEE & LEAVITT'S a. aw iTiamiinctory: - LlAl2s2sAll, U.f ,An'1 xi rrcPareJ to receive and fill orders for any ma- chinerv manufactured 'or kept on Land, ty these es- tftbhshtnents. Letters of enquiry, TTomptly answercfl. ' 1 J ' 1 1 J REFEERENCES.- Noil, Lake A Co., Prowuviile, X. T. Steam Mill. Nuckolls &. White, llockport, Mo. u " J.inies Lowe, Linden, u u u vhijly. Brovrnville, June 21, 1S56. PALMER HOUSE, S. HARBOUR, Proprietor. Corner of Illinois and- Washington "Streets, INDIANCTOLIS, INI). THIS well-known nJ popular Hotel, has recently' bocn re-built.aud greatly enlarged by the addi tion o( -ixty or seventy rooms, and is furnished throughout with nw and beautiful furniture, and is iu all resp vtf, a First Class Hotel. Travelers will nd thj '-Palmer" all they can desiro for com fort, luxury i'nd pleasure. The tablo will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords, and no pains wiil be spared to render the stay of guests both couifortablo aud pleasant. "TRY TIIE PALMER HOUSE." August 30, IS56. vlnl3-ly "A THING OF BEACTV I A JOY FOREVER. " COLE S VOYAGE OF LIFE. Childhood, Youth, 31 an hood Old Aire, Four pplendid Line Engravings, from the Originals 'n the G;ilk-ry of the Spinster Institute. Plates, 15x23.' Paper, 20x3:5. A GREAT NATIONAL WORK. Of five vears' execution, involving an expense of $20, 000. Artist's protfs, $i0. India Lettered, 30. Plain. $20. A prcspeitus containing a full description of the workj with testimonials from our first AUTISTS, our ui'ist eminent, DIVINES, our most distinguished STATESMEN, the b.st accredited J EDGES OF AUT, at home and abroad, together with thu ' 1 VOICE OF THE PRESS "" T'r. Cf this city, and alto of the highest European tiu thority, TIIE LONDON ART JOURNAL, Will be forwarded on the receipt of.two pjstrge stamps. , The Trfa supplied on the most Eiberal Terms. en vAjiie.Mjr lor mis noin, aw iiits lowest casa rates, arc furnished at riccs varying from $10 to J!2 the set. Boxing, packing and cartajjo from SI to $2. Address the Voyage of Life, Rev. A. It. WOLFE, vlnlltf Spingler Institute, N. Y. 1 ...1.. r . .u: . ,. , , . MOKE 'MEN WANTED. A FEW more active and encrgeti: young nten can find immediate employment, bv which they can easily make $000 to $1000 a year, to act as agents for several new and popular works, just published for agents, and not for sale in book stores. We have a great many agents employed, many of wnoin are making troui to?--0 per week. Those who wish to engage in this pleasant and agreeable business, will for particulars, requisites. Ac, address U. L .DLltliY A CO. Publishers and Wholesale Booksellers. Editors of Newspaper?, by giving the above and following, three insertions, and calling attention to it, shall receive any three of the foLowmg works; jiiie 01 josepnine, Dy iieaaiy, Life of Lafayette, " Life of Najx.leon. " Wild Scenes of a Hunter's Life, Life of Mary and Martha Washington, Odd Fellows' Amulet, $1,25 Slj 551,25 51,00 $1,00 l,0t Any person wishing any of the above books, can have them sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of the above retail price. vl-nt ' C. L. DERBY & CO., Xew York. RURAL PUBLICATIONS. The Cocntry Gemtlejian is a beautifully illus trated weekly of Id pages quarto, with special De partments for the Farm, the Grazier, the Dairy, the Fruit Garden and Orchard, the Florist, tho Kitchen Garden, the Housewife, the Fireside, &.c. ."This is without question, the best AgricuUcr.il Paper in the United States." Hon. Jonx Wkntwoetu, M. C. of Illinois. IVice S2 a year. Tjie Ci'ltivatok, monthly, "2 pages oct.ivo well know n for twenty years, as the bc?t monthly agricul tural Journal ia this country. IVicc 50 cents per year. 1 THK iLLrsTRATED AXNI'AL REGISTER CV RCBAL AFrAtl. The two Nos. issued for 1855 and 185'?, contain more than 250 engraving of buildings, ani mals, trees fruits, Ac. Price 25 cents each sent post paid by mail. These works combine attractions to be found ia no imilar publications, and tKc publL-hers will rend specimens of the papers to a'l who would like to ex amine them. Published at Albany; N. Y., by slnlotf LUTHER TUCOER A SON, ST. J OSEPIIE UMBER YARD. On Edmond Street, near Cargill's Mill, St. Joseph, Missouri. 1 W. J . TAYLOR, Removed from the old Stand to tho above named place. nilH: undersigned is now fully prerared to accom J. modate his jwitrons and friends with the best as sortment of Pine Lumber ever offered iu this mar ket, comprising not uly White Pine Lunubernnd bite and ellow Flooring, rcadT dre.-ed; but also best assortment of Pine and Cottonwood shingles, Poplar Siding, Ac. . .. 0 ' He has now on hand, at his Lumber Yard, the lar gest and best assortment of Doors, Sash and Vcni tian blinds, ever offered iu this market, a portion of which is direct from Cincinnati manufactories, which enables him to sell at, very reduced rices. He is fuEy prepared to fill all orders in his line, at hlmrt notice, and iarticularly s..litits the Kansas and Ne braska trade, for he his the articles they want and must have. Bo sure to give me acall, near Cargill's Mill, and in tho immediate vicinity of the St. Jo seph Brewery. THE NEW FLOURniG Mn5T. CLARK'S PATENT COMIHNEI) GRINDING and Bolting or ilorehaut Flouring Mill. Thu highly ingenious and much needed inver.tl.-n forms aa entirely new feature in tho naiiuf.ut.urii of MIEAT and FLOUR, by the suK"rior wijiuncr in which it performs its work GRINDING r,d WILT ING the Grsiiu at a single operation into Stten different kicds of flour and feed. . This mill possesses advantages to numerous t)bef enumerated in any advertisement. The proper 'fray to fully appreciate its great merit is to sect it ten. It is in operation daily at No. 313 Broadway, Corner Court st St. Louis, Ho. State aai Country Rights and Mills For Side. 1 Y. W. UA.'dhK & CO., I Broaltraj andCottrt,2J Btorr. PATENT GRAIN SEPARATOR ...,; wnL-Xt?Xl U n .w iMrre..l to far. iu . a bisu niraaa nuu vl.v.o ...... ' '(TAlN SEPARATOR,' fr the present pcttoa. it is .unoeeessary to spcti pjjikularly of the ineriti of these Maohinw, "as th.;y are lo wen KDdwa iumihuuum v.'...i.j .1. , wt. . .n . . l . ...4.1 nt.0 tl rt 1 . 1 J extolling : hut the faet that th-y have heretofore ami me eontuiuing to reeei ve the premimnd at the State and Countv Vairs where they have been exhibited is gunicieni 10 inauce an more i" nam. u chine, to purchase oue of these. At a practical teit of tnia .epararor incomjieiuiijn with the best of those made m r.ngland, in ibo, 11 rc-ceived the highest cc unnendaiion of thepres?, and sf the leading grigulturalist3 of tan t country. I have a larire mimur of them ou hand, ready tor he coining crop, made tf the best material, and war ranted to do good work. I have mado many valuable improvements in these maebinea withia the last year, and have no hesitation in wfirrantinorthein superior to any iu n-'o. Iam alio preparing a large number ot Crawford, a Improvetl. Clover llullrrs, patented in 1851, which are irreatly superior to his patent of IS 11, being in. itself feeder, and greatly ahead of it in other respect?. lucy will oe marui facturfd under the immediate saTserviirsn of the patentee, who h -s penranently located in this plar The above cut reDrsaerits ray i our boree ".Sepnr-V tor," aad is diaigucd i.?;)ceially xr the ir-&sr'a wa rnialWAr-ft'tr'or JTiCovmlek's celuWaitd REAP ER and MOWiSa MACHINE, combined. J. K. MOFFITT, rkjuD, Miami couniy, Ohio. Furniture and Upholstry Of Great Variety. ; At the Banner Furniture Ware Rooms of HEX TON & TRIMBLE, On v coml Street, Sij:t of tlie Chair and Ilnleteal rpilE continued liberal patronage of the eiiizens of L St. Joseph, North estern Missouri, Kansas, N e- braska aul V estern Iowa, for all f v, hich we feel thankful, has induced us to iilcreasi? our facilities f jr doing business, llav.'.ng built l.'ust .spring, a' ve largo Manufactory L.tibhsameat on rrancis street and having employed uo.meof the very best workmen in tho Eastern cities, we are now determined not to be out done by any other Furniture Establishment in the Missouri alley, ic quantity, quality, durability, styles and prices. Ourstock consists u part of kose wood, Walnut and Mahogony Bureaus, marble acd solid tops of every style: extension, centre, card, din ing and side table; JJjok cases. Wash stands, Woik tables and "Wradrobcs, Sofas, divans, Ottomans and footstool, spring seat parlor chairs, rocking, nursj, clizabeth chairs of c.'cr- variety. Mahegony, wal nut, cherry and maplo bedsteads of every style and variety. Spring. Lair, mos, cotton and shuck mat tresses, Lc:, together with all other articles in our line, usualh' kept iu a Furnituro AVareroom. We say then t all who may want good Furniture, either for Lotels, parlors or bod rooms, give us acall and ex amine our work and prices, and we think you will leave your money here iu place of sending it to St' Louis and getting an inferior article at the same price you can get a good one here at. Our motto is the cash system, which will enable us to sell at smaller profits than ours or any other estab lishment can do where the credit system is adopted. N B, The highest price paid for seasoned Wal nut and Cherry Lumber. St. Joseph, Aug 30, 1855- vlnl3if JIICIIAEL jMcUEE, Saddle and Harness Maker, . East side of Main, bet. Francis $ind Felix St., "' ST. JOSEPH. 110. TIIANKFUL for past, favors, begs leave to inform the public, that he has just returned from St. Louis with as fine an assortment of materials as has ever been purchased In that market. " His stock consists of a superior article of Ska ting Harness, bridle leather, hog, calf, and sheep skins; fine goat morocco, and a surpassingly beautiful arti cle of enameled leather of various hues. He has every variety of saddle trees, from the real Mexicana and English, Beard's and (Jrimsley's pat-, ent, down.totuoeommoii fall-back. 11a has oibnnd and will continue- to keep saddles, saddle-bags, bri dles, martingales, halters, collars, whips of quality, whip-lashes, hames, traces, spurs. 11 m also, coach, buggy, Pennsylvania, yankee, cart and. drny harness. . - ' He has not now, nor will ho keep any other than No .1 workmen, and his instructions to them are neat ness and strength. He, therefore, feels no hesitation in saying that his work will seldom bo equaled, 110 where surpassed. .1 As small profits and quick sale, is his motto, he pledges himself to sell (considering the quality of the article) lower than any house west of the Alle gheny Mountain!!. ' Those disposed to suspecihim of gassing, have on ly to call to be assured of their mistake. St. Joseph, August 30, 1853. vlnl3tf The tircat Western Central Koute. Dayton & Western & Indiana RAIL ROAD. IN through trains without change of gaage, ; Between Dayton, Indianapolis and Chicago, ti u - ft Lafayette, Tcrre Haute, Louisviilo. u First Morning Train leaves Dayton for Indianapolis at 6:20 A.M. L Second, Evening Train leaves Dayton for Indian apolis at 3:30 P. M. JAMES M. SMITH Sup't. hai. . xuujursox. . J. II. TAAFFE THOMPSON; & TAAFFE, (Successors to Burrows if: Thompson,) Wholesale Grocers, . And Comrnission Merehants, No. 13, Pearl Street, Ciacianatl. ' 2- Particular attention will be given to order for Groceries, which will a ways be executed at current mantel prices. W3I, GARRISON, . Meal Estate Agent PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. . HAS now on hand several valuable town lots and also Timber and Prairie Claims, which he will sell cheap. . - . Being agent for the Citv of Ilattsmouth. b will furnish lots to those who wish to settle in the town on eiieap and reasonable terms. . Oiiloe with J. II. Brown, Esq. New Hardware Store. Sign of the Jlill Saw. J. FLAHERTY, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ST. JOSEPH, MO. IS NOW receiving and ojening the largest and most varied arsortment of goads in the above line ever offered in any market west of St. Louis. My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and Houso Builder's Hardware, Mechan- ic s tools of every description, direct from the niosti jij-ijinj, m iHtiiiuiaciurcrs; agrieuiiurai ana uoriieoi tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I regretfully request a careful examination of. this department of my stock. I am also exclusive agent for the gale of the celebrated SL Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and 11 all orders at ihc factary prices. Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, ic of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, for its quality and price, 1 am determined to offer su:h inducemcutsas will command a liberal shs.rc of trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in the general Hard ware trade, enables me: not ouly to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is cash sales and small profits. . August 30, 135t. vlnlptf ' ; MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. ; THE new, t-legnnt and Tast rurting passenger picket and freight Mcamcr. E. A. OGDEX, Baldwin, Commander, is now running her regular trips between St. Louis and .Council Bluffs. She is one of the best freight Ftcniuerson the river, having been built exj-rer-W for thii trad. NOTICE. ' NOTICE. SIcrcliaats, Sportsmen and -Manufacturers. , HORACE E. DI3XICK & CO'S iREAT ;VESTEnN EMl'OKIUM, for Shot Guns, VJT liiflcs, Pistols, l'i-hing Tackle and Spj.rtin. Ap- mratU3 of every varietv, is at No. 12, North Mam street, St. Louis, theign of the Der ia the Uu- dow. - s x- We keep constantly on hand a fud assortment cf AAUuuug, Aai t J Together with every variety of 1 urcussion Laps,-; Gnus, Wads, and Wadding Paper, I wain;- Jackie, j Ac., Ac; in fact, everything connecieu wuu me uun rTvo Hundre'l Creech loading Rifles of various patents. . ' li. All kinds i,( etia material and muui twig, in the forged, filed and "finished xtate. r lease can and examine fr yourselves before you make your purchases, as experience is. tie. oiily'-.tme fruide. o I . 1 ZT Onr gwds are all warranieu oy us. August 23, 1855. vlulitf . : Ricliarclson's Xlissouri , Express Company,,. Piincipal Oflicc No. 12, N. Main St., ST. LOUIS, MlSbUU KI. BEG leave to inform the pubhe, that they have extended their Express Liue to this place. - . IIav ing complied with the requisition of their Charter, and being fully orgaaizod, are now prepared to trans act a General Agency Business. The success which has attended the original Propri etor, ia a Guarantee of the satisfaction rendered, and it will always be the aim and study ot the executive of this Company, to give every possible facility for me specuy anu saie. transmission o Money, Valuable Psiekage, Parcels, and liundlc cl Goods, 3ierchanuue, and every description of Freight, on rcasonnble term', to all points on the 31i.ourt liivcr1, ancTat I? Louis, with other responsible bxpues-i Companies, for iSew York, New Orleana. ;BQ.'ton, Philadeiphia. (Jliicago, Cincinnati, Bur liitouf Lou ivilie, lion k Jla nd, M eai- phis, Pittsburgh: and Jiuhiiio, ana to nlmoft every town, and viiliage' in tho Uuiild State?, Europe, Aus tralia and California. ... , A Messenger will ba rut on tho new steamer Oma ha, making weekly trips between here and St. Jo seph, there connectingwith ourdaily line to St Louis and all points a?alove.' In behalf of the Enterprise, the patronage of tho public i.- respectfully Solicited. All business entrusted to us, will meet with the same energetic ar.d prompt atteutiou which has always characterized this Expref s,'and niade'it pre-eminent iu Western Express busine. - . ; v DIRECTORS. - ; . St. Louis. Edwasd Mtir). ' SAMEri. McOastxey. W. B. W. BEBSARr, Jonx W. Toolev. , ' Josei'U F. RicnAr.Dsox. B. F. Barkv. Alton. W. J. PifiOT. l.ex'ngton. JOSEPH F. RICHARDSON, Prcs't.. S. M. Git ay, Sec'y.. .. ;vln2. . H exky Kyle, General Agent. BOOR STORE! .'JUST OPEKED AT TIIE HEAD OF BROADWAY, COUNCIL ULUFF3, IOWA. : HERE may bo found a large assortment BOOKS AND STATIONERY, and everything in their Lne, consisting in part, as fol lows: ' ' ' ; Ilistoricvs and Biographies, ' Narratives and Travels, '. .. , Schoi1 Books, '';-. Missctllaneous Works, . ' Lives of End n mt Persons, ' : ' Agricultural Works, Standard Poetical Works, Religious Works, . ' - " Song Books, i - . Jibles and Hymn Books, ' Novel i and Light Reading, ' . Pictorial Works, , . : Blank Books, Paper, Pens and Ink, ' . , Cards and Gift Books,' Toys and Fancy Primers, ( Portfolios and Albums, And a thousand other useful and necessary articles in the line. , . . ' Also," red, block and blue INKS, of our own man ufacture, Wholesale and Retail, as cheap as can be had in St. Louis, and warranted of the best quality, put up in quart, pint and hatt -pint bottles; also, in , , .,1 . ' - t lour ana iwo ounee'i.Miups. : . .? , ... Professional men.wishing a biil of , - . . MWISIIEIll Can bo supplied here, ft SOpexV CQn't nbovt' pub-, l'uhiti jirxvigt yrf pv'jrall eots and obtaining .heic : at.ttre slcjrtest n6tkV.' Oar 'avrhncijyintf en; trace' any !S'I1VND AK1 lSOOIvS priuled art the Uni ted .State?-, 4 J -.. t tj-'j 'r ,-f 1 Call and s&o our'sloek we are new Thinners tut will ser-e our customers to the best of our ability. Our prices, we arc sure will be satisfactory. . . CRAIG & SANFORD, jCou.ncil Bluffs, Iowa, June It, '5!i vln2. TO STEAMBOATIV1EN. CORD-WOOD FOR SALE. - At cr:Cord.' JAMES W. COLEMAN informs the Boats running the upper Missouri trade, that he keeps constantly u3 good a .supply, of Dry .Cord-Wood, as can be found on the river. L:intli;ig always irood.' Wood Yard one milo above Brownville, Nebraska Territory, ou the' Nebraska .-ihore. , August 2, 185G-'xl-n3tf . . . .";'; ; v F. DINGS & .CO., - : Zi)2ortcrn of, and Whoh nuh Dcaicrt in ; ' French,-German;. British & American Fancy Goods. HOSIERY, GLOVES, TOYS, NOTIONS Manufacturers of all kinds of Prushe3. ; 39 North Main Street, (Up Stair?,) . .' ST. LOUIS, MO. HAVING since the first of January, adopted the Exclsive Cash System, we draw the aten sion of eloso buyers to the fac t that we have revised our entire stock, and reduced former C'rctlit lr ices from 5 to 20 per cent, according to the nature of the different articles. ..... Comparison Respectfully Solicited. Price List." may be had on application. St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1850. vl-nl-'tf. TWEXTY LABORERS, who can handle tho spade, arc wanted immediately at Brownville, Nebraska Territory. ; Liberal wages will be given bv the subscriber, J. D. N. THOMPSON. COUNCIL: BLUFFS PACKET. THE fine passenger sieimer GENOA, Throckmor ton, Master, will run regularly during the season, between St. Louis-and Council Bluffs, tier officers hope by regularly aud strict attention to business to merit a share of the public patrontisrc. 1 J. THROCKMORTON, Master. .. , J.E.GORMAN, Clerk. : 185G. SPRING SALES. 1850. ! LOW I'KJCKS TO CAKII ANP mOilPT TIME CCYER3. JOHN. HALS ALL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOXSELLES &, STATIONER. "AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. No. 120 Kaixi, St. Louis, Mo. 'rTAS for sale all the Spelling books; Geographies, .LA neauers: Uistorxnes; unemistnes; L'leiiouaries ritti nrtoti.a- Pliiltun,.!.;: . - nnw l'n 1HP. tofff'tho? Arithmetics; Philosophies, rfc. now in use, together with a large stock of Lav, Medical and miscellaneous books forming the most complete assortment to be found in the city. Also, Writing paper, and Foreign and Domestic stationary, of tha finest quality, country merchants and others should not fail to call a y0 j20 Main st H. P. BENNETT, . t. 8. 3IOKTOX, li. H. HAKD1NG RENNET, MORTON & HARDING. Attorneys at Law, Nebraska City, Ti, T., and Glen wood, la. TTJDlLraciiee in'all the Courts of Nebraska and V Western Iowa. Particular attention paid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of debts. ' , ' . ' : ' ' "REFERENCE Floii. Lewis C.s-!)ftr,i;t. . .' .'ulius D.Morton, " . i Gov. Joel A.'Matteson, Springfield, 111; Gov. J. W: Grimes. Iowa City, Iowaj ' B. P. Fifiled, St. LouIs.Mo.: Hon. Jlaniel O. Morte n, Toledo, Ohio; ' Sarpr, Bcllerue. Nebraska: ; Sedgewich A Walker, Chicago. Ill: r Green, Weare A Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Land Office at Brownville. All persons knowing themselves indebted, to us, arc hereby notified that their accounts are due, and must be Settled Immediately, by Note or Cash: as a settle ment we must have, in order to continue our business. B. B. A J. 1). N. THOMPSON. Brownvill?, August lt,lS59. . . ... Y. & A. SEXSENWEItFEll.-V. i I1IP0KTEE3 AND WHOLESALE PEAL2R3 IS Havana and Domestic Cigars & Tobacco, SOCTH EAST COIOCEIi PIXE A; SECOND STS "ITE haro in sU n-. aul i arrive, a rtrv large a?srtinent of the very lest tmndi cf Havana Cigars. ''We desire to call the apeoial attention of ca-h l ayers to ourlare stoek,! wbi h mo are deter mined to sell very kw for cani. They coniit, in iiart, of tiie following brand k latitude Regalias: Diana Millars; yd Destillo Uo Newton do Antiguedad Bustamanto Carnelia Deliranto T. taluaiora " Staffarumi Meri I'taniW Washington El Sol do do do do do do d da Victoria do Iberia do Espenola do BegAdera do 'LaM-onn d ,-.-.v-Nen;tgvro do Emr.lacion do t "La Voi ? do , i Fortuno Ijondre-s; Fidt lidad do Granadina do Pocahonta , do J do Einpero Niehalds do , Alensagero uo Carventns do. Kcinas Sultana do .Laljora- " do ; , ElSoldelaDrimeado Doe Mescs do 'T'lgaro'CilTuidrados: D. B.atanon do Prensado I). D.da J. Y. P. Pa ma do Vdelaliama. do Yignera Plantations; P.L. do Vellega- 'do -" Men3igero Trabucas; D8 lu Cruz Prineipcs . Victoria , . do Barrios do Leght GuarS Opera, Star - do J. L. Panttelai; - Designi. Prest; ' Mny -" - . V.& J.SENSENDEEFER. Mc3Iechan liullentlne, "T7H0LESALE Grocers and Commission Mer- V V chants, No, 3 1 L ovee.'Sr,. Louis, Mo., between Olive and Locust sts have now in store and receiv ing the. largest and most gene:-al s-tock cf Grooeries they have ever offered, which they intend to sell at I the lowest iuarkoi rates. .Their stock, consists ia j part of - , ... . 375 hhds X. 0. suar; 400 I lls clarified; 223 bids leaf, crushed and powdered sugar; 300 do and hf do plantation molasses; I 400 pkgs Belcher's ?y.- inols sses; 150 bis NOSH: 1 .r-:150.-.hL4diesU A'.H ieej 7.5-drIn,?. .G P,.aad " ,. .Black ilo;: ... " 15.0- casks S Carb ?ouaj 25 .do sacrt!ji?i i 200 boxes Babbitt's saleratus; ; 275 do Va and M"o tobacco: -? ..' I 73,000 Spanish cigai-'; SOO.OOO liar and Cuba sises; ;00 bxs star candles; 111 casks currants; 1000 bbls, hfdoanJ kits 1 and 2, makerel; 50 pkgs No. 1 salmon; 3000 bxs ass'd tumblers; 200 qt and pt flasks; 0000 nests tubs, 3 and 8; 500 dozen assorted pails; , 1500 .sks prime Rio co?iec;200'p.cket3 Java; - 75 sagks Mentha do; , 2500 kgs Wheeling and Boston nails and traJs assorted 3d to 40d; " " - ' 73 bxs Bait Cova oysters; 275 bales batting; 200 sks Eagle cotton yarn assorted; 400 coils Man. and Jute rope; .100 tx pepcrand anient j; 73 bbls almonds; 100 drums figs: 600 bxs hf and qr M I raisins; 5 drums cod fish; 125bxi.do; 15 cases sardines hf and ,Y; " ' y ' 350 boxes assorted pickles, ketchup; 300 bxs palm and fam. soap: UO do mould e'dls; 500 do asst window glass; 50 bgs carpet chain; '- 100 doz zinc washboards: 53 gross yeast pow'ds; f,0 jicsts willow baskets; - . Together with a general arid full stock of for eign and domestic Wines brandies, &c. 1 V. S. CILJIAN. WHOLESALE GROCER, No. l.'.O Second street, St. Louis, has in store a large and well select, ed stock, which is offered at the market rates, con sisting in part n-s follows: - 370 hhds N. O. sugar; 200 bbls loaf, crushed &. powdered do; 1500 bags Rio coffee; 100 dc Java do: 150 bbls S. II. syrup molasses; 850 do S. H. molasses; ' ' ' 250 bbls plantation molasses: 100 pkg3Uiackcrcl 100 boxes codfish; 100 bbls Wilmington tar; . 500 kegs Boston and Pittsburgh nails; 65 kegs fine 3d nails; 75 bugs cotton y?ni; , 50 bales carpet chain: 150 do cotton twine; 100 bales wicking; -150 tls Manilla and Jute cordage; v ' ' - ' 100 doz plow and clothes lines; 400 boxes window glass, assorted sizes; " 2000 lbs W. chalk; 300 do alum; laOO.Wrpcter; 2000O osnaburg sacks-; 10 kejiyip.-Porb. soda; . '200 half chests Imp. II. and G. P. teas; 300 boxes Imp Y. lLand G. P. teas; 450, WtesVirginia and Minsonri tobacco; """lOO bx. smoking tobacco; 50 do cut chewing do; 150 bx. star candles; 70 do spcrui do; 300 candle mouldy ? 250 boxes s:ap: 350 pk-gssaleratus: ' 3 eases Ma. indico; f ceroons S. r . do: 80 lgs pepper; 45 do pimento; 200 bxs g'd s'iccs; . 30!) M. G. 1). per. caps, 25l rais C. A L. paper: 300 doz com.iwid fancy ils 100 no 3-h'oopdo: 800 nests 2 and 8 qt tubs: 230 mats ciuw'i? -r-l: i r"25 eases prunc: 10 eks cir Tatrtsr a da mnddcT: 5 Istits wiimng-; 400 T-uIs Tapping .aper; 5n'dalfc (wnabttrgs; hcooiiSj ziue washboards, churnsic., Xc,; ' ' -"June 7,''5t GLAStJOlV & RUOT1IKK. WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 50 Levee, have in store and to arrive the following Good5, which they offer for sale at the lowest prices, via . 1000 hhds fair to prime N. O. Sugar; 1000 Ibis clfd sugar: 800 do If and crush'd do; 500 do S. U. molasses; . S00 do plantation do; 100 tcs prime Rice: . ; 1000 pks G, and B. Teas; 1000 bags Rio coffee; , 1 '100 do prime cl 1 Gov ernment Ja. coffee; 1000 kegs Nails: -1000 boxes I'm, Oleine A Family Soap; ' . 100 boxes Fancy Sonp; 800 ,do Star Candles; 250 do ' Mould do; . , . i0 . do Castilo Soap; 100"' do' Starch; . , . , L 300 do - Va. mafd To- l-aeco; ' 2C0 do Mo. d;:: ; 800 do - Smoking do; 1100 do Cuba Cigars; 00,00 Reg. Cig. -Imp.-100 bags Poppr; : 500 boxes Yeast powdrs: 100 kegs sup Carb Soda: 10O boxes salrans; 500 els Manilla Cordage: 300 do Jute do; , 500 cloz Manilla A Grass . Bed Cords; 500 1-oxes Raisif s; - 25 IhU Almonds: 100 boxes Lcui. Syrup. 300 do ass'd Candles: 100 Preserved Fruits; 100 do Meats; , 100 - do Pickles: 100 do - Ketchups; 100 do Olive Oil; 73 ' do Brand'd Cher.; 50 . do , do Pc-a-hes: 30 cases Canaccas Chocolate: ' 40 do WoihX bx match's; 50 do Sardinos, quarter and half boxes; 5 cases Citron: 10 bbls Mason's Blk'ing; I 5 cases Nutmeg2; 5 do Indig..; 50 do B. C. Oysters: 1500 renins Wrop. Letter ' aad Cap Paper; 300 nests Tubs, J's-8's; j do Alpice: 300 bbls & hf do Ma'cl.; 500 boxes Glass; ' - . 100 bales Batting: - ' 200 doz Painted. Butt?;- : LIQUORS. 10 half nines pure old 53 bbls Malaga Wine Brandies; 100 cases do do do: 100 bbls Monon. Whis'y; 100 do old Kye Whisky, very superior; Jane 7th, 1855. 1 J lOObfcts Dennis Champ. 100 do Ileid-dck do: 50 cases old Md. Wine; 200 boxes Claret Wine; St. Louis, Mo. ...... f III. G. MOIES & CO.; No.' 10, Alain Street, St. Louis Mo. 4 GENTS for StrauVs Corn and Wheat Mill il the Queen of the South.'1: This remarkable Mill has been kept secured to the inventor by caveat recently, however, (June 27th, 1S54.) Letters Patent for the United States have been granted, se curing tho invention for fourteen years. This Mill has sustained itself wherever it has been brought in to comietitin with other Mills. It was run against the other make of Mills of our city, at the Ohio State Fair, in 185), when it drew a diploma as the best ixm .Mill. an. I was awarded a fine silver medal. . Of these Mills wo manufacture five sizes for corn, and three expressly for grinding wheat flour. The peculiar novelty of this Mill is, tho under stone is the running stone, in all c;ises. There is no limit to the speed, and as spoed is everything in grind ing, it will out grind any upper grinder in the world. Secondly: By thi3 arrangement wo are enabled to get grain into the Mill with a very small eye, conse quently we grind nearer tho centre, and of course with less power than any upper runner ean be made. Thirdly: Our Mill takes any kind of grain without choking. We warrant against choking in any and all cases. This is a great vexation causing delay and trouble in all Jiills where the upp ;r stone ij the run ner. Of course, we mean smill Mills, where the mo tion must be high to do much business. - Fourthly; Our Mills never take injury by running empty the under stone not touching the upjcr one, no injury can bo done." This is an important advan tage over all Mills whero the upper stona is the run ner. , j August 23,1855. vln!2tf Great IiiducL'ment. miTOSE wishing to purchase LOTS in the Town of L Brownville would do well to give us a call, as wo have 5(1 Lots which will be sold very cheap for cash. - Also, a Lots in UilAllALll 1, lor pale. . Enquire of 13. IJ. 4 J. I). N. THOMPSON. Brownville, N.T.June 2K,1855. 4lf Bridge. Notice.--- - THE sttck holders of the Nemaha Bridge Company aro scEchy notified, that it is necessdry ta insure tho immediate erection and eompleti-ui of said Bridge, that the amount tf stock subscribed, be paid in in fall, before 1st, September. - , . - " : By ordor-of tho Board August 2, !S5G.-v2-nO-2t JOHN S. MINNICK. DAY & II ATLACK, Wholesale Dealers Dry Good, Eo. 57 Pearl strtft, between Wal nut and Vine, Cincinnati, hi. GIST MILL!! milE hvribcra have entered into a partnership 1 ( undi taa frm of Reed, llolali'd &. Co.. to ln.inafaet. the J. C. Reed, Fatsr.t Portable Gmt Mill and prepared to furnish all thosvj ia vrau; of a 4 Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, sirup.-ty and economy; excel a:.y M-ill iathc world. On Jate exhibition of the Mechanics institute ia Wjiiiiaiti. a GV-J Jftilal wa3 awarded them for it. , It is adaptcdV 4H Grain pfrindirg purposes it U hujerior to all vtri ft,r the most extensive Merehaut Mill, as it is for Aiding the Farmers feed by Horse power. The above Mills0 manufactured by the under signed at their st.o jQ -Cincinnati,-1., where th-ry eon be furnished in ;V'ouantity at short notice, f The a'wve Mills wi-iiej to perform ai fellows: ;5 in. diam.,' per houii B. Corn, 25 Wheif, 5-)00 liO . " - 4) 15 " 250 24 " y a 13 200 ID ' -: -u - , 8 " , : 150 'As, this Mill tells its o story, it is unnecessary to quote from our numerous V'nnuieiidar.Ions, received. iO:EJUOLAlilliD fc fU. 1-:: Cincinnati, O. .. Fresh Ar.lval cf v NEW ; GOODS! : AT ROCKPOrirr, MO. . : THE subscribers would respectfully tender their thanks to their customers and the Public Gene rally for their libenl patronage heretofore, and solicit a continuance cf the same; as they are determined to sell Goods as low if not lowr than any other House west of S:. : Joseph; Having just received a , "u , nc,lsc' u!u llt In hrge and well selected Stock of Syring and Summer Goods; also a surcrior Sck cf Family Groceries wiih ilnlwars. Glass and Qucensware, Furniture, Saddlery, Iron, &e, - . ' '. Come one and all, r l'Vr wutl wo know; - ! ". -1 "vv-- Again you'R'tall, - - ..." : .ss- .V We'll Sell 80 low. ;. r - . . ..v XrthH-4 rne UCT; - - ! - " T ' And profits ma 11, 'f .3 . i- - -- Vt'v'll bsat the rest, -v- q 1 v- And suit you all..,, ' 'i'lt.j ,.l Our Stock c f Dry Gotnis having be-n purcha?cd in tho Eiistern cities, we Batter ourselves that wo can surpass onr competitors" in the low prices and good midline- nf wir St iI(.iln.l p:irn'fl v lu-lipvrt nil wi'1 qualities of onrt.wk, and earnestly believo all will make by calling aud seeing f.:r themselves before pun-haiing elsewhere. CAREY, JONESi CO. N. B. Country Produce of all kinds taken in ex change at tho highest prices, for Goods. June 7, '5o. DANIEL ZOOK, WnOLESALK' AXD EETAtf. Orryoii, Unit CuttutJ, JJu. Has in Store : Pure While Lead, Linseed Oil, Sjnish Whiting, Rtrd Lead, Li the rage, White Chalk, Yenitian Red, Spauish Brown, Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, Sulpher Carb. Soda, 'incgjir. Turpentine, Sal Soda, Copcrits, Snltpeter, ' Borax, Mex. Linimenf, Vol. Oil do, Morlnnd's do, Ncrveraud lione dc, Karrels" do, Louden's do, Jays'. Expt., London's do, In addition to the i Window Glass, Putty. Caster Oil, ' -Ex. Logwood, Blue Stoac, Alum, Ground Ginger, Root . do, Saint Louis Glue, Paris Gicch, ' ; ' Chrome do, do yellow, Iron Pai?it, Whito .ink do, PihOiI. "halo dn, Wrights' PilN, Chanipian's do, Jayau's do, Loudon's do, Pad way's R.R., Davis i'ain Kifler, Fabnestook's Y.t., Stone's Cough Candy, Mc-Lane-V Liver lrills. ib. ve, I have the largest S'ock : of Druggist an.L Iltysiuiuns Sitop furniture, Chemi eels, Surgical in.-trutn.-nts. and l atent Medieiens i ever offered for sale in this Country. - Merchants and Physicians of Iowa. Kansas aad Nebraska, are respect fully invited to give me a call. June 7, ISa'j. DANIEL ZOO K. NEW GOODS AND CHEAP GOODS! JLT RECEIVED UY . B. 33. &J. D. N. THOMPSON, .;' BROWNVILLE, N, T. ' Exp-'c.-jJy. for this Market,, a, Iirgo aVWtll " Selected Sr. xk of ' DRY GOODS,' GROCERIES,: CLOTHING, - - . .QUEENS WARE, HATS & CAPS,;. PINE DOORS,. CASTINGS, HARDWARE, NAILS, CUTLERY, IRON, . . LATCHES SASH, LOCKS, ROOTS el- SHOES, j WINDOW SnUTTERS &c, etc.) HAVING been bought and shipped at low figures,! we flatter ourselves we ara able to olfer such in- j ducenicnts a have not heretofore b-en offered. We ask an examination cf our Goods and price. "be fore purchasing elsewhere. -The Ladies will find at our Store a ljrgS assortment of DRESS GOODS. Challi, Rerae, I)e!aius JPophns, iingua;n, ictoria Lawns, jEmbroidcrctl Robes, Plaid Silks, c, At-,. Ac. - . ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY LOW. June 7, Lh5o. " ' ' - - A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO. Machinists, Founders and lT"iTT?,DTTTT TT? t 5 I '1 n 1 nil Frout SLreet, West- of Smith, CINCINNATI, O, Would most respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that thy are now pre pared, to execute all orders in their line, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shot) and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to j merit a continuation of the liberal patronazc which has heretoforo been extended to them. Saw Mill Engines of every Description. Constantly on han-': consisting f the Sash, Circu lar and Mulcy. Mill Gears and every description of (. astings, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. - They hava also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. Ihose in want of anything in our line, would do cu 10 gie us a can ami examine onr new patterns A. B. HOLABIRD & CO. B. W. LEWIS TUOH. J. B A RTUO LOW JAMES W. LEWIS late PEilV k BARTUOLOW R W. LEWIS & BROS. MASVFACTTREKS OF ALL DECRirTION OF CHEWING TOBACCO. GLASGOW. MISSOURI. THAN hi I L for the very liberal patronage that, wo lave heretofore received from our numerous t frienls and customers, and while respectfully solicit-! ing a continuance of the same, pledging ourselves lo ! spare neither pains norcxpenso to merit tdie patron age cf the public, we beg leave to announce that j i imam .i. jewis nas withdrawn fromyur firm, and tu. i ....! . .... .""" " iu.M.j,armoiuwH aurnittcd a parlner Trom mis date,thesty!e of the firm remaining ur.ehang.d, and ti.i - " "e ' that we 1 avc secured the services of Card. George G. Davis who will hereafter act in the capacity of Traveling salesman in connection with our Mr. Bartholew and will during the coming Season per- sonally wiit uK,n our customers for the purpose soliciting their order. Ourstock held over from 1 9 Ot last year of all description! is unanimously large, thi A 1 1 ... . i .... . ...rr 'lu.iuijr oi nuicn cannot :ail to give enure saiisiac-, tion to coasuiucrs. B. W. LEWIS & Brjs. Glasgow, Me,., January (5, 1S55. ST. LOUIS AND COUKCIL BLUITS PACKET. 1 - , fpHE steamer ADMIRAL, having been thoroughly 1 A rci Aired and refute d, will ply regularly between t. juui anu council ijiuii.-s uunu iuq ?t-u.."tou 135G, touching at Jefferson City, Boonviile, Leaven- worth, St. Josertb, Savannah, Brownville, Soiiora, NeLra-kaCitv.St. Marr, and att intermodiato points, Thankful for the patronage extended to the AD- MIRAL during tho past season, the officers hope, hy punctuality and disptitch, to merit tho coutinuanea or thu favors conferred by shippers, and passengers I will receive all due attention I CHAS. K. BAKER, Master. ! .. .. It. A. DARST, Clerk. - Brick!: Uriels: !!' WE HAVE now ready for sale 1 0(1.000 gfod mer chantable Brick. WESTFALL A MARLOTT. BrwtiTira. Anyut 2, Mil. rl-n9 ENGINE BUILDERS GROWN under tho personal snptrilf, subscriber, warranted . r jni,,? onoogh of which will lo sent to uW-a' . - oa rc-eption of price- pre-pail. Cas.s viaK JitvR Meux A beautiful an t , fruit. (Asiatic origin,)- Orange Water Meion Pelsoff the nnl of aft orange very Ei0 navOT-- Glass Ltns A beautiful little tnel.m t for reserves wheagreen Chinese aspakauvs Annual, and eqtsai to tre common easily n.ited Five Fekt CecvuBtRj Very large t i curioU3 to behold Mammoth Pruriiix,.- a Or the whole fir one dollar, sent by ,1 address. JOSEP1U. A.?1 2'Hf ..riatt.bur; Clint.,,, d; , . , SA3IUEI. SPENCER No. Eighty-Two North Fourth StrcetXcarh Sl LOUIS, MO. - "X MANXFACTUltEBS of every derir.:. Fraines.dealcrsin PaiRting. KncraTinL'?.,'' graphs, &.c; lx,king-glasj Platen ,,f tvt-rj framed to any pattern ia ths i.st mnarr ' . Advertising Card.j, ic., SU'uied aud artLlioJ 'ramed at hort noti.-e. . ' Fr Rosewood, Walnut end other fancy wocd p, 8 Frame Mouldings. U u I Th Trade Supplied. Old Frames, i,, Ue.,; J. T. POWDAIX. , DU.VDALL, CARR A; CO. - !- ' WASHINGTON FOUNDr.V, Engino and Machine IMasricicrj Corner Second and Morgan ?Ttt'j - ST.L0UL m: MANUFACTURERS of fl & Enci nj iv ers. Saw and Grist Mi J Ma.-hin-.Tj,,",)."" Screws and Presses, Lird K,eltl?s, Lard SvrT,Jj i Cylinders, Wool Carding Ma. shines, Ycun'j pA;" burnt .Maciiiucs. bui!a.ngasi7igs, Ac "Agor.ts for the sr.jo of, ,Ia;acs Smitk if - nor MACHINE CARDS. ; .. Juwtr , iOUNti I AT L N 1 S.Mlji lIAUitXE:. r., lralwuy iu,..o4-"r r foll Gaaraaaed. lLi fiittured aud for sate ty j,,,, - DOWALL CAR.r"L4C).. .1 . -Vvas'iint in Fo,isdtykit.U".i",M GREAT C! WM. It MARTIN, New York. ) 185(5. MARTIN & BROTHER. . THE OLD ORIGINAL CLOTIUE?' No. Ill AND 2To. 1 MAIN ST2IIT, ST. LOUIS- 21 0. ; f'OU the approaching xpring. we will harejjr . MENDOUS STOCK. OF LOTHnc. tor tured by ourselves in New Y( rk, expr.-M j , t va market. . . In ic,tnt of STVLE, QUALITY and FR'Ct, 1 defy any aud all comjietition ! We hava mirk down our prico very low, as wi intend se lling to n0a " CASH' AXD PROMPT JISX. To such we would a.-k a tbcrongh exsnuEatiua & our Stock before purchasing. . , l-5t MARTIN 4 DM. E. E3TABI100K,- . . UNITED STATE 3 District Atorncyi OMAHA CITV, N. T. . " REQUIRED to be !n attcud ince officially n? !! ', the terms of the District uod Sirju-cum Court tf t the Territory, tenders his Pn.fehional scrv i;" to n. -h f as need them. He flatters hioMtdf that his f!u-i!!i; for gaining a knowleilge of the practice in e;-!i h triet, will enable h:m to givo latisfaciion'tosu h b i entrust their business to his ct ro. . ' Omaha City. Jnno 7. 1S3H. I . ; L. FORSYTIlTTlv"" i . COMMISSION MERCHANTS : Ami 'Freight Agents,- ok tiih'. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILK0AD.. - No. 3, O'ive Street, Si. Louis, ifo. ALONZ'I 1 It ATT, 'New York. k. t;. rit.rrr, o. w. cm.'.-y St. Louiii. ' K. 11. KMX. ' s. r. ii ivr St. Li tiii. CHILD, ri'.ATT. it CO., . " Direct Importers, Jobbery and l!u.nuf.i.:tiircrA'?ati English, French, Germliu & A'ih'Onwu" "''"4S"VJIirilwaraJ iiiyT 'Outlun'. GUNs,""nirLEsHsims, & &c. ,' . 130 & 141 Main St, ?qr. Wiiihiiyuni Avenue, - ST. LOUIS, MO. . i. o7ofa. ' " v milE Brownville Lodge, N. '. In d L of (iwif! Templar, meet. T.'Ty Saturhiv ct ning. at 7 o'clnck, at Templars Hall, No. 2U. Allan tie street tThurbur's Block . , .. Members of the order ?i.-itinf the city, nrerpsp" : fully -invited to atte-t-d, a lien o aveaic'nt; ni:l t"- hicatirghre, are earnestly s.'lici ted to join tho L.V, -as we l.M.k for the stipport of all frictit'.s t Tetnt-' anec, loth male and fe'ui ilc.' - For information concemir.g t ic? Ord:.-, emMiirVf Win. Thurbur, Atlantic street, O. Y. Lak.-. N.t". Main street,. or Richard Brown, comer t " M 14-1 a:d First stract. " :.: Br order tf 'the I-d. . Mrs. C41!. THLRL:UR,W.C.T. Attest: H. P. BUXTON, W. . July 2t5t180S.. vl-c?tf ' , ST. JOSEPH AND COUNCIL BLUt IS.- PACKET LIKE Season Arrangements fcr 1856. ' Tfin entirely m w and fiao passengfr raf'. OMAHA, J. II. lli:and, Ceinmar.dcr. J Kercdicval, Clerk;) having bcei. built exfli ' the trade, is row running u. a r-'pil-ir weekly pw-t.'t between the cities of i't.' Josept. und C-.unciU'i Leaving St, Joseph every Mot day at lloVl-k M. And returning will lcavg Coaai-il llluC andUuiii City every Friday morning at i ,,'clock, ar.J f.rmii; a connection with the lir- packet! leaving St. Lo"'-4 on Mondayj and Tuesdays, which arrive hero on Saturday and Sunday evening, by which arwn mcnt passengers or freight will n . be detaincil at St. Joseph; but toprepire against all contingnciH. the owners of the Omaha have a largo Warc-lh.o , to store all good., not mtcting them pteiui'y, without cbargo to the owners, '.hich wj deeai the most perrect arrangement to puscnger r pLipper. that can or will be mad 3 the iTsent S' a-'.n, itf! they therefore hopo by promptn?s and strict atti n; t ion of her officer and agent tc re-wive. 'a lar; thare of public patronage. ' - DONN E LL, S A XTON A McIXJN A1.DA AnJ. 1-tf 1UV1U.3 A Jt AUiLtlUlI, ) PLOW FACTOIIV. A. J. MORROW, - ' MANUFACTURER of the Premium Tlow, . f rious aizeo: one and tiro 1, irso Prairie pi" Brush and Steel plows, far sale Wholesale an I K" tail, on Second street, three dxn North of ,Mr ' Square, St. Joseph, Mo. :l . - . STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKE. As E3IERSON. . N. B. would respectfully inform th-vci'i- , 7 iJ , J a, n ...i ,-ti-l I we have always on hirvl n. Ian, ami well selo I .,, , n-1rt , J, " ' r,.; T.atl.v- nTVJ I-IDLR? wlwh wironfnrnbUat..- , or thin anv ttiM n IS Tj?p.rnnr Market prices paid f,,r logi Ld'nered at the pr.l, or on the br.uk of the river. .. All orders accompanied with the cash, pi'd fcpe!V our immediate attention. . . NmEASKA crnT "hotel NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. RARNI1S & RARNUJI, Proprietor. THIS commoJioiis -Hotcl'sitaateil i,-l"'n Main Street. Nebraska. City, tall be found. :i rirabbj resort for travellers. S.a.jes leave thiJ h'ju-' . fjr all parts c f th.e Territory. J E. G. TUTTLE. -R. O. PITKLKT. ; H rTrT"TlT.TT T3TnrT.T"V ; ; ' EA L L STYL ES. 1 So0 -. c i t j 77 Main strcet.bt. Iv.qii, " T" A N U F ACT U R E RS cf Stran-i nd Silk 1 L Importers and Whoh'silo t ciders ia I id ; ; Silk Millinery, Flowers, Tri aiming, Lwe G J-' L" broidi?ne, Jte. ' J''." ' . , ;B- ifMerehanU and iJ.ll.Brs arl panicui".- - vited to examine ourstock, lforeiiuikingiueir , i.- . t.,:.. f..ii.. a.. vTiwrii'ri..' ' our styles, ) iutend to offer inl aeo xient. on-iU J su).ciicn. to any jobbing house in tte Uui'.ed -September lo, IS V3, ylal5-6X ... BLANKS of evcrv description,. ;or Oi5. at tbv