Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 01, 1856, Image 2
j,. WrOKTEK3 AXD miiOIXSALE DEALERS IS Havana acd Dcncitic Cigars & Ttoco. SOCTlI EAST COnSEB PISE & SECOXD STS OT. IiOUIS, LIO. T7EfcaTe in store, aud to arr; e, a very largo j V artmcnt of the very best brands c.f Havana Cignrs. We desire to call the special attention fah buyers to cur large stock, which wo are deter mined to sell very low for cash. They consist, in trt. cf the following brand : I'rcntitade Regalias; Diana llillars; Hi Destino do Newton do Antiguedai ISastamasto Carnclia Delirante Haluadora ' StaSacoui Meridiacai WaahiDgtoa do do do do do do do do do Victoria do Iberia do Kapcnola do I'egAdera do LaMorma do Ncnsagero do Emulation do " La Voz " do -rt no Londress: Kl Sol Lmi-erocbalds do ridcluiad do Meuar.rero do (iranadina do Carrentc do Pocahonta, do Kcinai FulUna do Li Flora do I'LSuldelaDriroea do Dooe Meses do Figaro (.'ill indradosi D. I5.Catanon do . I'rcn-aJo I). D. do J. Y. Y. Fama do ..Vdeialiama do Viscera ITantations; I'.L. do Vellegas do Mcnsa jcro Trsbucas; De la Crux Principes; Victor do Darrioi do . Lcfcht Guarfl Opera, Htar do J. L. Faneteias; Designio Frest. May . VT. W. frENSENDERFER. J?Ic3Iechan 6c Ballcntlnc, WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer chants, Xo., 34 Levee, St. Louis, Mo., between Olive and Locust st, bare now in store and receiv ing the. largoet and most general stock of Groceries they have ever offered, which they intend to sell at the lowest market rates. Their stock consists in trt of r 375 hhds X". O. suar; 400 lb!s clarified; 225 bbla loaf, crushed and powdered sugar; 300 do and hf do plantation molasses; 400 pkgs Belcher's sy. molasses; 150 bis XOSII; .150 hf chests Y H tea; 275 do Imp. G P and ' Black do; 150 casks S. Carb soda; 25 do salcratus; 200 boxes Babbitt's salcratus; 275 do Va and Mo tobacco; T5,C0O Spanish cigars; 200,000 Har and Cuba sixes; 300 bxs Ftar candles; III casus currants; 1000 bUs, hf doand kits 1 and 2, innkcrel 50 rkrs Xo. 1 salmon; 3000 bxs a.s'd tu mblcr- nd $ 200 qt and pt fla.-.ks; 3000 netts tubs, 3 and 8; ' IrOO dozen aortca paiui; 1500 sks prime Rio coffee; 300 packets Java; 75 sacks Mocha do; 250P kg Wheeling and Boston nails and brads snorted 3d to 40d; 75 bxs Bait Cove oysters; 275 bales batting; '. . 200 sks Eagle cotton yarn assorted; 400 coils Man. and Jute rope; . 100 bxs pepcrand pimento; 75 bbls almonds; ' 1C0 drums figs; COO bxs hf and qr M II raisins; " - 5 drums cod fish; 125 bxs do; . .15 cases sardines hf and qr; Sf.n lviTr A.osnrtod itickles. ketchnn: ?.n(l br Tta!m and fam. soan: 30 do mould c'dls: - 400 do afst window glass: 50 bgs carpet chain; 100 doi tina washboards: 50 cross veaet pow as: . CO nests willow basket?: Torether with a cener&l and full etock of for- e'gn rd domestic Wine3 brandies, &c. 1 . W. S. GILvMAX. "IT7H0LESALE GROCER, No.' 130 Second street, V Y St. Louis, has in store a large and well select ed stock, which is offered at the market rates, con- itir( in nnrt B follows: 370 hhds X. O. sugar; iuU bUis loai, crusnea & n i , i powdered do: 1500 bags Rio coffee; 100 do Java do; 150 bbls S. H. syrup molasses; 850 do S. H. ErJasse; . T50 bb'splantationmolaesc?: 100 pkg?mackerel - 100 "boxes codfish; 100 bbls Wilmington tar; , ." 00 kegs Boston and Pittsburgh nails; . r . C5 kegs fine Z nails; 75 bags cotton yarn; iO bales carpet chain; 150 do cotton, twine; lOO. balcs wickicg: 450 els Manilla and Jute Cordage: : ' ' ' ' ' -s 100 doz plow and clothes lines; ' - 400 boxes window glass, assorted sizes; 2000 ILs W. chalk; SU0 do alum; 1500 do s'tpeter; 20000 osnaburg sacks: 10 kegs sup. corb. soda; -' 200 half chests Imp., Y H. and G. P. teas; ' 300 boxes Imp, Y. U. and G. P. teas; 459 boxes Virginia and Missouri tobacco; -100 bx. smoking tobacco: 50 do cut chewing do; 150 bx. star candle?; 0 do sperai do; SCO caudle mould?; . : ' -250 boxes soap; 350 pkgs saleratus; 3 cases Ma. indigo; 6 ceroons S. F. do; eu t'g3 pepper, uao pimento; zuu Dxsg as ices; .' ' 300 M. G. b. per. caps, 250 ruis C.iL paper, 300 dot com. end fancy pails, 100 no 3-hoop do; J w Ann bOO nests 2 and 8 ot tubs; 250 mat3 cassia;. 25 cases prunes; 40 cks currants; 3 do maiderj 5 bbls whiting 400 mis wranung paper; 50 bales osnaburgs; brooms, xinc washboards, crurns, Ac, June 7, so - GLASGOW t BKOTIIEK. tT7nOLESALE GROCERS. FORWARDING VV AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 50 Levee, havo 4n store and to arrive the following Goods, which they offer for sale at the lowest prices, vi . . 1CC0 Lfcds fair to crime N. 500 boxes Ycst rowdrs: O.Snzar. 100 kegs eup Carb Soda; 1C00 bbHclfd j-ugar, ", 00 do If and crush'd do; 100 boxes taleratus: r.nn .1. xi.iii. 1 1 t n rn 500 do S. H..molasse5; , ,2C0 da Jute do; '. 8C0 do plantation do; 500 doi Manilla A Grass iCo tee frime ivice;. . . 1C00 tks G. and B. Teas; 100 bags coffee; 100 dp rjrinie old Gov ernment Ja, coffee; 1T00 kogs Nails; 1OC0 boxes rin, Oleino A Family Soap; 1C0 boxes Fanev Soap; 00 . do Star 'Candles; . 250 'do Mould do; 50 do Castile Soap; 1C0 do Starch; 300 do Va.m&fd To bacco; rtn 3 If. J . . - - Bed Cords; 500 boxes Jlaisins; 25 bbls Almonds; 100 boxes Lem. 1. I Ul, COO do as'd Candles; 100 1 reserved rruits; 100 do Meats; 100 do Pickles: 100 do Ketchups; 100 do Olive Oil; 75 do Brand'd Cher, 50 do do Peaches 20 eases Carraccas sSkSssb UD i'iO. an; 800 do Smoking do; 110(1 A,i Cnlii !i(rr? and half boxes; 5 cases Citron: 10 bbls Mason's Bik'in C0.0C0 Rsg. Cig. Imp.; 100 bafs Pepper; 25 do Alpiee: 500 bbis t hf dj MaV!.; 500 boxes GLjs; : ICO bales Batting; ' 203 del Painted BuTits; 5 cases Nutmegs; 5 do Indigo: 50 do B. C. Oysters; 1500 reams Wrop. Letter and Cap Paper; S00 nesta Tubs, 3--S'e; LIQUORS. 10 half pipes pure eld ' 58 bbls Malaga Wine; Brandies; 100 bkts Dennis Champ. 100 cases do do do; 100 bbls Monon. Whis'y; 100 do old Ryo WhUky, very superior; June'th, 1S56. 1UD do HeidMCk do: 50 cases old Md. Wine; 200 boxes Claret Wine; St. Louis, Aio. II. G. HOES & CO., V ITo. 16, Main Street, St. Louis Mo. GENTS for Straub's Cora and Wheat Mill jT the "Qaeen of the South.. This remarkable jbiU has been kept secured to the inventor by caveat recently, however, (June 27th, 1S54.) Letters Patent for the United States have been granted, se curing the invention for fourteen years. This Mill Las eustained itself whertver it has been brought in to competition witbother Mills. It was ran against the other'make of Mills of our city, at the Ohio State Fair, in ISoO, when it drew a diploma as the best Corn Mill, and was awarded a fine silver medal. Of these Mills we manufacture five sizes for corn, and three expressly forrrinding wheat flour. The reculiv novelty of this Mill is, the under (tone is the running Jtone, in all cases. There is no limit to the speed, and as speed is everything in grind lr , it will out grind any upper grinder ia the world. txscondJy. Ly this arrangement we are enabled to jet grain into the Miil with a very small eye, conse- qucntly we grind nearer the centre, and of course with less powe? ttisn anyupper runner can te made, Thirdly: Oar ilul takes any kind of grain without ehokicg. We warrant against choking in any and all cases. 1 cis is a tie tcisuou wuwiz ueiay ana trouble in all Mills where the upper stone is the run- nvr. Of course, we mean small VmIs, where the mo- tioa mujt be bih to do much business. - - lourtily: Our Mills never Uke unjury by running tuifUj . un&er stone noi toucturg me upper one, o lrgury ca be done. ThU if an important adran- we ocer au iUixj waere the upper stone U the run- Aujrust -3, Tlnltf CJreat Induce meiit. fTlLCSE ishir. to purchase LOTS La the Town of - mnrt ,.iU do well to giro u. a call, i we Ii Iv Am ir1 nV v T ch4arro.- A.s,JLoU OJAUACIT,fori;e Enquire ErowT.TiJ,N.T.Juce25,lSo8. 4tf iiOfice. TV. T friHE ttock headers of the Netnaha Brido X Coy.-pr.rytr Py order cf th -A c 2, 1 W 3.-T2-n3-:t .JOHN .8. SINN ICK. AY L IIATLACK, Wholesale Dealer vaocs 14 IVurl tirtir Utwfren YV. e hertbt notified that it U neee.-sarr to iz-ire the imtc-i iiata erection and coin'Jetion of e-. 1 that the aajeutt of stock f-uthvrid, be S-l in ia 1st, September. GRIST"r"M:rLE1"! Patent Portable Mill. THE subscribers have entered into a jmrtkership nndc-r the fnn cf Red, lloJibird A Co., to mnr.ufiictare the J. C. Reed, P.iter.t FortaVU) Grist Mill and are now prepared t furnish til t-ose in want of a k,4 Cora or Wheat Mill that fcrdara bility, sirnpliety and economy; ;xcel any Mill iatke world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold ZTtdal was awarded them for it. . ' i . It 13 adapted to all Grain grinding purposes li 13 superior to all others for thmogt. extensive Mjrchant Mill, as it is for grinding the Fanners feed by Horse power. The above Mills are manufactured by the under signed at their ehop in Cincinnati, O., where they con be furnished in any quantity at hort notice. The aboTc Mills warranted to irfoiia as follows: 36 in. diata-, per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, 5300 3g u so 15 , 250 24 - u 20 Li 200 20 u 15 u - 8 . liO As this Mill tells its is unnecessary to quote from our numerous recoir. tnendations, received. REED, 110IABIRD & CO. ' Cincinnati, O. " Fresh Arrival of NEW GOODS! AT ROCKPOIIT, -HO. THE subscribers would re?jectfully tendtr their thanks to their customers and the Public Gene rally fortheirliberalpatronageheretoforo, and solicit a continuance of the same ; a3 they are determined to sell Goods as low if not lower than any other House west of St. Joseph. Having just received a large and well selected Stock of Spring and Summer Goods: also a superior Stock of Family Groceries with Hardware, Glass and Queensware, Furniture, Saddlery, Iron, Ac. Come one and all, , , r - For well we know; Again youll caU, : . We'll sell so low. . - Of Goods thobst, And profits small,-: -We'll beat the nst, And suit you all. Our Stock of Dry Goods having been' purchased in the Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that wo can surpass our competitors in the low prices and good qualities of our Stock, and earnestly believe all will make bv calling and seeing for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. CAUL l , JOXLS, & CO. X. B. Country Produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest prices, for Good. Juno 7, '5fi. DANIEL 200K, "WHOLESALE AND BETAIL , ZD) it ul g i s Oregon, Halt County, Mo. Has in Store: Pure White Lead, Window Glass, Putty, Caster Oil, Ex. Logwood, Elua Stone, i Alum, ; Ground Ginger, -Root - do, . v Saint Louis Gl a e, Paris Green, . ' Chroma do, do ' yellow, 'Iron Paint, - White Zink do, Fish Oil, ' ; Whale do, ' . Wrights' Pills, " Champian's do, Jayan'a ; "do, ' :: '.' Loudon's do, Had way's R; It., Davis Pain Killer, ' Fahnestock's Yer., ; Stone's Cough Candy, McLs-ne's Liver Pills. . Linseed Oil, Spanish Whiting, Ked Lead, Litherage, White Chalk, Venitian lied, . Spanish Lrown, .. Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, Sulphcr Carb. Soda, Vinegar, Turpentine, P.J. ouaa, . Copcras, saltpeter, Borax, Mex. Liniment, Vol.- Oil- -dry Morland s do, Nervcr and Bone do, rarrels . do, London's do, Jays' Expt ; London s do, . In addition to the above, 1 have the largest Stock of Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture, Cnemi cals, Surgical instruments, and Patent Medinens ever offered for sale in this Lountry. Merchants and Physicians of Iotta. Kansas and Nebraska, nre respectfully invited to give me a call. June (, i&jo. . DANIEL ZOOK KEY GOODS AMD CHEAP GOODS! JUST HECEIVED EY B. B. 8l J. D. If. THOIvIPSON. BROWNVILLE, N. T. Expressly for this Market, a Large ana Well Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, QUEENSWARE, HATS & CAPS, CASTINGS, NAILS, , IRON, SASII, FINE DOORS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LATCHES LOCKS, BOOTS & SHOES, WINDOW SHUTTERS &c, &c. HAYING been bought and shipped at low figarc3, we flatter ourselves we are able to ofi'er suoh in ducements as have not heretofore beea offered. We ask an examination of onr Goods and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. The Ladies wi:l find at our Store a large assortment of DRESS GOODS. Challi, Berage, Delains I'oplins, l.iiihams, ictoria Lawns, Embroidered Robes, 11 aid Silks, &c, A,c,. &c. ALL OF. WHICH WILL BE SOLD YERY LOW. June 7, 1S35. A. B. HOLTiABIBD & CO. Machinists, Founders and engine builders Front SLrect, "West of Smith,' CINCINNATI, O, "VTTould most respectfully inferm their friends nnd v V the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in theirline, with prompt ness. Uaving lately enlarged their shop and with tho increased facilities they now dosscs?, they hope to merit a continuation of tao hbojal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw Mill Engines cf. every Description. Constantly on ban ': consisting cf the Sash, Circu lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every description of I. astmgs, warranted to be well made in every paiticu lar. ' They bare also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to overstc all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as aav other shop in tue country. 1 hose in want of anything in our line, wou.d do well to give ns a call ar-d examine our new patterns. A. U. liULAulKL) & CO.. B. W. J.EW13 JAilES IT. LEWIS TBOS. J. late peiit Jk EARTHOLOW BARTHOLOW K W. LEWIS k BROS. JlAMTrACTCREBS OT ALL DESCRIPTION OS? CHEWING TOBACCO. GLASGOW, MISSOURI. nPHANKFUL for the very liberal Ttatronago that X we have heretofore received from cur numerous friends and customers, and wbilo respectfully sclieit in a continuance of the same. Died rrini? ourselves to fpare neither pains nor expense to merit the patron- iec of the Public, we be? leavo to announce that William J. Lewis has withdraw! from our firm, and Thos. J. Bartholow is admitted n partner from this date.thestyle of the firm remaining uncharge, and that we have secured the scrvi?s of Car.t. Gs rrre G. Davis who will hereafter act in the capacity of traveling salesman in connection wita our Mr. Bartholow and will daring the coming Season por- sonallv wait nmn onr enstomers for the rjurccfe nf soliciting their orders. Ouritock held over froialnst Tear 0f 3i descriptions is nnadmouslv larffe. the quahty of which cannot fail to irive entire saUsfac tion to consumers. B. V. LEWIS A Bixis. Glasgow, Mo., January P, lb'5i. CT T Al'IvJ A VTI PAT7 VPTf T I ttttp Ol. LDL IO ASM) LULjALIL liLt'rib PACKET. milE steamer ADMIRAL, bavin ; tcn thoron-hly 1 repaired and refitted, will ply regularly between St. Louie and Council Bluffs, dcrino-the Reason of worth, St. Joseph, Savannah, DroTrnviUe, Sonora, Nelra?ka City, St. Mary, and atlint?mediate points. Thankful for the patronage extended to the AD MIRAL Uurirg the jiast season, th c tlicers h(.pt, by punctuality r.nd dispatch, to merit tlio continuance of the favors ei-ufrrcJ. by hiprer;f l.nd pr.?ej:gcr3 wi'.l revive all duo attention. CUAS.K-'LA3:Er., 2 raster. P..A.DAltST,Clerk. Drk' "Vrn HAVE now readvf.rMl K?0.(jco rv-lrr,". ' cLar.taUeBr.ok.. WliSTZALiL k MARLOIT , GROWN UEder the personal scpervi-ion of the subscriber, warranted trw. jenine ?: enough tf which will bo sen, to siipij a large family, on reception of price pre-paid. Caesabak JIl'SK Melon A beautiful and otlkions fruit. ( AiJticoririn. i 2j rrr-t?. s Oham;z iTr.R Milon -Peels off lifco the rird of an orange very na ( flavor- 5 Class Lemclv A beautiful little melon for preserves when green 25 Chijtese A-aAKXGCSAnnajJ, and equal to the cjmrnon easily raised -2d Fijte Feet Ccccxbeks Very largo and curious to behold o M i wivttt Prvptis -- a0 u (I Or the whole ftr one dollar, sent by mail to any address. JOSEPII L. ASIIBY,' 20-tf Tlattsburgh, Clinton Co., Mo. SAMUEL SPENCER & CO., , No. Eighty-Two North Fourth Street, X'ear LoeasU ST. LOUIS, 310. : ; rAVrPAfrrrREnS :of every description of JJjL Frames,dealersin Paintings,EngraviDgs,Litho graphs, Ac.; Looking-glass Plates of every size, and framed to anv Dftttern in the best manner. Advertising Stained ana varnjsnea or . . L. ... , , -r T 1 Framed at short notice.' Rosewood, Walnut and other fancy wood Picture Frame Mouldings. - .The Trade Supplied. Old Frames, Ac, Re-gilt. J. T. DOWDALL. - N B. E. CABE. DOUDAliL, CARU & CO.,' WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, ! Engine and Machino Manufactory. Corner Second and Morgan Streets. ST. LOUIS, MO. - rANTTFACTURERS of Steam Engines and Boil IV JL ers. Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Tobacco Screws and Presses, Lard Kettles, Lnrd Screws and Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines, Young's Patent Smut Macuines, liuuamg iasungs, xc. 7"Agents for tho sale of James Smith L Co, Superior MACHINE CARDS. YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. . Well tried, ahraj-3 successful, fully Guarantied.' Manu factured and for sale by DOWALL CARB, & CO., Washington Foundry, St. Louis, Mo. GREAT Clothing::! 1Ui WM. Ii MARTIN,! ! 10 rj -1 0. C. MARTIN, New lork. f XOUKJ. 1 St.Louii. . MARTIN & BROTHER. TEE OLD ORIGINAL CLOTHIERS, Ko. 114 AND 2To. 1 2IAIIT STREET, - ST. LOUIS, MO. TTOR tho approaching spring, we will have a TRE 1 MENDOUS STOUK OF CLOTHING, manufac tured by ourselves in New York, expressly for this market. In point of STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE, we defy any and all competition I We have marked down our price very low, as we intend selling to none but CASH AND PROMPT MEX.- To such we would nsk a thorough examination of our Stock before purchasing. l-5t MARTIN &BKO E.ESTABROOK, . UNITED STATES istrict Attorney, OMAHA CITY, N. T." REQUEUED to be in attendance officially upon all the terms of the District and Supreme Court of the Territory, tenders hi3 Professional services to such as need them. He flatters himself thathis facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such ns entrust their business to his care. - , . ,, Omaha City, June 7, ISoo. SHAW, BUEL & BARBOUR, IHrOETEHS & JOBBERS OF G-oods S3 Pearl Street, Cincinnati. L. EARBOCB, C. G. SHATT, L. C. EUELP, O. H. B ABBOrR. ALONZO PKATT, U." G.1'BATT, e. vr. FOX, S. C. MAXSCB, St. Louis. New York. O. W. CHILD, St. Louis CHILD, PRATT & CO., Direct Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents J , , a . . ! HingLisii, rencn, uerman cc Amencan ' . ITardware and Cutlery. GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, &c, &c. 139 & 141 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue, ST. LOUIS, MO. - II. WniTTEMORE. R. E. TVHITTEStORE. J. F. CARTER II. & Ik B. WHITTEMORE & CO., Wltolemle Dealers in BONNETS AND STRAV GOODS. NO. 143 MAIN STRIIET, (First door above the Bank of Missouri.) 3 1- XjouIs, Mo. "Cash paid for Furs and Deer Skins. P. LOAN, IIY AT III. ATM LAND AND LOT AGENT. ARCIIEPs RICHARDSON COUNTY, N. T. CHARLES WEST. N. J. M'ASHEN. IV EST & McASIIEN, FORWARDING & COMMISSION Morclaanta, Grocers and Steamboat Agents, Corner Second and Francis Streets, (Opposito A. Beatie's Banking House.) 3t. Josopli, Missouri. AN Assortment of Boat Stores. Groceries, Wines. Liquors, Meal, Flour, Ac, kept constantly on band. July 2(5, 185C, vl-n8 FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY Ko. 133 Vine St., tet. Fourth and Fifth, CINCINNATI, O. C. F. O'DRISCOLI. &. CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book and Job Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallics. Ac. Ac. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description. STEREOTYPING of all kind Books. Music. Patent Medicine Directions, Job3, Wood Engrevings, Ac, f c. Brazil and Pattern Letters, various styles, I. 0. of G. T. rpLTE Brownville Lodge, No. 3, Independent Order j. ot uooa icmplars, meets every Saturday eve ning, at 7 o'clnck, at Toniplars' Hall, No. 2(5, Atlan tic street (Thnrbur's Block). Members of the order visitinj the eitv. are renect fully invited to attend, when convenient: and those locatinghere, are earnestly solicited to join the Lodge, as we look for the support of all friends of Temper ance, both male and female. For information concerning the Order, enquire of Wm. Thurbur, Atlantic street, O. F. Lake, No. 27. Mnri-i, or ivicaara irown, corner of Main and irss eiraei. jjy order of the 1, . n Mrs.O.E.TIIURBLTw.W.C. T. Attest: H. P. BUXTON, W. S. July 25, 1S55. vl-nStf STJOSEPH AND COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET LINE. Season Arrangements for 1856. THE entirely new : and fine passenger packet, OMAnA, J. D. Holland, Commander, F. B. Kercheral, Clerk;) having been built expressly for tho trade, is now runnini as a regular weekly packet ! between thecities of Joseph and Council Bluffs. Leaving St. Joseph every Mocdsy at 12 o'clock M. And returning will leave Council BluSfj and Omaha City every Friday morning at 8 o'clock, and forming a connection with the five packets leaving St. Louis on. Mondays and Tuesdays, which arrive here on Saturday and Sunday evenings, by which arrange ment passengers or freight will not be dotainedat St. Joseph; but to prepare against all cont ingencies tho owners of the Omaha have a large Ware-House to store all goods itot meeting them promptly, and without charge to the owners, which we deem the t.on w ncr olncers and agents to receive thare of public patronage. a lar DONN ELL. SAXTON k McDONALD ) ' TOOTLES 4 FALRLEIGH, t 1-tf . ' ' Agents. BLANKS ef every description,- for sal, at this mos i perreci arrangement to passenger or shipper that can r will be the present season, and they therefore hone bv troartness and atrit ""' " SCARIUIT & iALVSON. FTJIUTITTJRE aUPHOLSTZP.Y, : DEALERS AND I?o,xxixXix o t xxjz cro. X"o. 40 and 42 'Washington Arena?, St. Louis, Mo. r t AVTXG comolct-ed onr arrangements for a full i stock of Goods ic our line, und hiving thab-?t aiortment in the Tct. w3 take pleasure m oUcnng to pnrshasers both WHOLESALE an 1 RETAIL : . 3000 Bediteads, ,r 500 dozen wood scat Chairs, 1000 Bureaus, 2JJ co can? seat oo, 500 Dining Table?, 103 3o raking co, 500 Breakfast do, .100 do childrens uo, 203 Work Stands, 500 tin safes, 200 Wash do, 200 Crib?, assorted siz, 100 Wardrobes, : 200 Lounges, 1000 Looking Glasses, 100 doz. Lash and split bot- lomivaairs. . fTTo which we add mahogany and walnut, par lor and rocking Chain!, Sofas', centre, side and exten sion Tables; Secretark and Book Cases. ; Upholsteryjn great variety, such m spring, hair, cotton, moss and husk Matrcsses, Comforts, Spreads, and Blankets. Our work is all Warranted as represented onr Prices as Low as the Lowest. " : , Orders promptly and faithfully executed and re spectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Please nil and satisfy yourselves. : rrr- St. Louis, July 25. 1S56. vln3-6m. . . E. A. WBITRIDGE. . '. . , K; J. M SIXKET. MRS. E. A. WIIITRIDG1J & CO. MAN-q'ACTUBERS OP Masonic Clothing and Odd ; jTL IE O- Xj X jZk. . Also Eegalia for Tetaperan.ce'an.d other Societies, . Xoi 123 Walnut Street, up Stairs, ':' : ? CINCINNATI, O. ' 1 . jmas6xs.. Rctrences. old fellows.. '..,GMof Ohio O. P. Morton, PGM Ind. C. Moore Ed Masonic liev; Turner A Gray, pub Casket F. J. Phillips, II. P. City W. G. Neilson, P G M Ohio . Tho Editor of the Advertiser .will have specimens of Kegalia from the abovo Manufactory, and recievo orders from Lodges or private members for Regalia. . August 2, 1856.' vLn9tf . ' ' PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, French and America Window Glasa & (Vawarc, Slices, Indigo, Madder, Perfuvierie, dc , SPRINGSTOOK! CHARLESS, BLOW & CO.' 1MPOKTEK3 WHOLESALE DEALEES. No: 66 and 67 Main street, St." Louis, Ko. Are now in receipt of their new Stock, embrac ing everything in their line. Sf"Merchants visiting our City are requested to give us a call, as we are determined to sell for Cash or Prompt Time Paper, as low as any House in thi United States. . NO BOQKS KEPT!! ALL CASH!!! A. S. HOLLADAY, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALEH Brujrs and Medicines Main Street, Brownville, N. T. THE undersigned respectfully begs leae to inform the public, that ho has now ou hand a complete assortment of everything1, usually kept in Drug Stores, which ha often for sale, Exclusively on a new system ot - CASH AND CASH ONLY I It will be entirely foreign to this beautiful syst ;ni to "Book," "keep account, " "note" "scratch" "chalk,'' or "remember for a few days." Coma 'with the "Spondulicks" ifyou riant anything in the Drug , lino. ' ... Prescriptions Compounded at all Hours with Accuracy and Dispatca. , Remember the system I have adopted, and my pocket and your feelings will not suner. Credit will positively not be given, unless undar circumstances of peculiar destitution. July 12, 185S.-vl-nCtf A. S. HOLLADAY. ! TVTOTICE ia hercbv riven, that tho co-nartnershin IN heretofore existing under the name and stylo of 1 Brown, Kogers & Co., was, on the 2uth day of 1 coru- arJ A- u- lb solved. ' H- BLOWN, S. E. ROGERS, r B. B. FRAZER, HENRY EMERSON.-' II. W. LAKE & BRO. July26,185G.-vl-n3 JOHN P. SAMSELL, (LAT12 OF 30ST0.V) . Fashionable- Tailor, . ROCK PORT, MO. TNFORMS the public that he is now prepared to . T . 1 1 1 . TT jl serve mem in iue noove nameu capacuy. Having had long and extensive experience, he flatters him self he can please all who favor him with their pat ronage. Good fits warranted in all cases. . PARTICULAR ATTENTION ; Given to cutting out garments for home making. Brownville, Aug. 22, 1806, vl-nl21y Land Office at Brownville. . All persons knowing themselves indebted to us, are hereby notified that tnpir accounts are due, andmus be Settled Immediately, by .Note or Cash: as asettle ment we must have, in order to continue our busintjs B. B. & J. D. N. THOMPSON. Brownville, August 1st, 1S5G. D. II. SOLO?IONT, Attorney and Counsellor at . Law. GLEN WOOD, IOWA. . , Will practice in the Sixth and Seventh Jadi:ial Districts of Iowa. A. 3. POITLETON'. TV if. N. KYEK3. POPPLETOX A BYERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. - Aad General Land Asent, OMAHA, -NEBRASKA. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. ; LAND ENTERED ON TIME. SPECIAL attention given to the selection and en try of Lands for Settlers, and all others desiring choice locations. : Land Claims, TWn Lots and all kinds of Real Es tate,' bought and sold and investments made for dis tant Dealers. OLIVER BKXXT. , JAMES P. FISKE. WM. B. CAEIUT. ACO'CSTUS KXICUT. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., Manufacturers and Whalesale Dealcra in BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 8T MAIN STREET, ' - (FoRJIEBLY, No. 101, CoKNEa OF MaIX AM) LOCCST.) . ST. LOUIS, MO. . E. F. SEAIIS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. And Solicitor in Chancery. SIDNEY. IOWA. "Will practice in the District Courts of Western Iowa. J2T Office at the Court House, up stairs. A..MTJDD, G. Tj. HUGHES, " J. J. MUDD, H. T. MUDD, S. O. GRUBB. MUDD & HUGHES: PRODUCE COMMISSION7 No. 33 Levea and 6b Commercial Street . ST. LOUIS, MO. Joseph Jiunpiiiy Attorney and Counsellor at. Law And Solicitor in Chancery. Sidxey, Fezmost County, Iowa. , vmce in tne VA)art House, up stairs. O. P. JIASOV. Attornej-s and Counsellors at Law. Ana General Land A?ent, Nebraska; city, n. t. TT7nX promptly attend to La nd. Agencies, collec v v uons, mvestiEg money, locating and selling land warrants, and all other business pertaining to t heir profession, in Nebraska Territory and Weste-m a.c. roRn, " . : ' FORD : L. L. EOVfEX. Sz BOWEX. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. OfTc at Uie corner c( Eroad wey and Ma-iin freet,Bp itairs. II ,11 Trout Street, near Biemnlajat Latdirg, BROWNVILLE. N. T. A. J. BENEDICT, ANNOUNCES to the publki thit he bs tken tho .above House, formerly kf-pt by T. H. Edwards, in Brownville, N. T and is ne w prepared to accomo date all who may favor hiia with their patronage. A Tew addition been built to the house, and ad ditions made of Furnituro and Bedding, an. 1 all ar- ran jemesta now are such .as to render tl.d House coual to any in tho Territory., . . 'Brownville, July 5, 1S55. rl-n5tf ' W. II. WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IX STOVES & TINWARE . - WA UgUJU-t - dkkk.W9 TAKES pleasure in annouajing thecjtizers of Or gon and the public in gper:vl, that bo has on hand the m:st extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in thij market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manuHicttre, and is for sale at Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices.' I would call particular attention to my Etock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved patirns both Air-Tightand Premium. Among them ma' be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pro mium. Also . - ' ' ' - Parlor---' B'os StoTes Of various Sizes unJ Patr,ern3, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid t making and puttin" up Tin Gutters, in th& towa nnd country V Als rc pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term. Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W.W.WILLIAMS, vl-n5 - - Oreron.Mo.. Jnlv 5. a w t y r FOSTY THOUSAND DOLLARS Worth of Goods at a small a&vanca on cost and carriage by XIXjXi03NT c2s tta mrif. ROCKPOIIT, MO., XZZk.WKl.di .IDXXjIiOW. - IIEM.1IES LANDING, JIO. WE HAVE in store, and are receiving per Steam ers Hannibal, Warner, Edinburgh and Omaha, a large and well assorted stw! of ', ; Dry Goods, Bonnets, Clothing, : Hardware, Queeosware, Boots A Shoes, Hats A Caps, Cutlery, Paints, Doors, , Oils, Medicines, Drugs, Furnituro, Tinwany - Saddlery, Grficeriep, " . Casting? , Sash, ; Nails, Iron CARPENTERS &. BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS AC. All of which we offer at very low prices for Cash or Country Produce, . NO HTJUBTJG! "We will sell at S01IE PSICE!! , DILLON A HAWK. P. S. Ladies, if you haven't cot a fino Silk Dress. Shawl or Bonnet, don't blame Dillon' & Hawk, for we certainly havo tho best assortmont of Fancv Dress Goods ever offered in this market. No trouble to show Goods. vl-n5 I). A n. CITARTER OAK . IJFE INSURANCE COMPANY ! nartford, Ct. -CapiUl $200,030 itli large and increasing receipts securely invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. .... - omcEns. : " - ;. " ALFRED Gn.L, Tret. JOHN h. BTJNCE, V. T. JAMES C. WALKLEY, Secretary.. . ; - rraccTORS. - Alfred Gill. John L. Buncc, Win. R. Cone, Jas. G BoLies, John A. Butler, Noah hcaton, N. Hollis ter, Sam'l Coit,Dan'l Phillips, C. N. nmphrcy. BOARD OF FINANCE. Geo. Beach, Esq., President r Phoenix Bank, D. F. Robinson, Esq., " Hartford " Hon. Ii"aac Toucey, lato Attorney General U. S. . . Applications lor insurance received by P.. W. FURNAS, Agent. DR. A. S. HOLLIDAYj Med. Ex. I GEO, P. LUCKIIARDT, WATCH MAKER J-tncl uowollcr, OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, .MO. , npAKES tho liberty to inform the citizens of JL Brownville and vicinity, that ho has opened a WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for Kile, a good asortmcd of uolaana Silver atchc3,GlocI;s and Jewclrv, which ho will sen extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot o'f Violin., Accordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ac; He i.1 prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, ot every description, in the best manner and on iho most reasonable terms.... -Every article bought in bis establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to ba. Watch re pairing warranted for one year. July 23, 185G. . vl-nStf . " . UNITED STATES GIVE every possible facility for tho safo and speedy transmission of. Money, Valuable Packages, Parcels, , Goods, and Merchandize Of every description, on reasonable terms. Principal 0FFIC3-J-New York, Buffalo, Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago, Dayton, lndianopolis, and all tho smaller towns on Railroads in the Eastern, Mid dle and Western States, connecting at St. Louis with Richardson's Missouri River Express. II. Kll'P. July 2C, lSjo.-vl-nS Gsnoral Superintendent. Wholesale Paper Warehouse. IIRADXER. WARREN 5c CO.. "T7II0LLSALL Dealers m Papers of every des- V V oription: Printing, Book Paper, Wrapping, Manilas, Folio Post, Flat Cap, Foolscap. Letter &. Note, Colored Papers, Medium A Demy's, of tho very best Eastern and Western Manufacture, and for sale at very low price?. J2r Cash for Kags and nope, BIIADNEK, WARItF.N & CO.k , No. 12, La Salla strccr. Chicago, June. 23th. 18:S. vl-n4 a. T. BEXNETT, . 8. MORTON", Ii. H. HARDING BENNET, MORTON & HARDING. Attorneys at jLsnv, Nebraska City, N. T., and GlenivooJ, Ia. "T7ILL practice in all the Courts cf Nebraska and v V Western Iowa. Particulir attention paid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection cf debts. REFERENCE : ' non. Lewis Cass, Detroit. 'r- t,?.. v . t . u t ilicliigac; Julius D. Morton, " J ' Got. Joel A. Matteson, SpringGeld, 111; Got. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; B. P. Fifiled, St. Louis, Mo.; ... Hon. Daniel O. Morton, Toled ), Ohioj P. A. Sarpy, Bellevue, Nebraska; Sedgewich A Walker, Chicago, 111; Green, Weare A Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa. H. I). JOHSSO.V. J. P. CAS3ACT. J. p. TEST. JOHNSON, CASSADY. fc TEST, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, . - : And General Land Agents, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Wiuu promptly attend to Land Agencies, In vestin? Moner. Iw'ntinr nn,l a'Wr, T u arrant, and all other business pertaininz to their i'lwwaioD, in m esicra lowa and Nebraska. COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET. rpHE fine passenger steamer GENOA, Throckmor a. ton, Master, will run reglariy during theseason uuineen cs. Aiouis an l Council Ailuas. Her o.uceri hepo by regularly and strict attention to business to merit a Eharo of the public patronage. J. THKOCKMOlvTON, Master. - J. E. GORMAN, Clerk. 1 . 1850. SPRING SALES. 185G. low tsices'to cash axd pnorrPT Tim; BrrtK3. JOHN HALS ALL, - V wholesale 'akd eetail EOOKSEJaLEE & STATIONHR. AND BLANK EOOK MANUFACTUEERS. , Jto. 120 Haia, St. Louis, ITo. HAS for gale all tha Spelling books; Orographies, lenders: llidtoriries; Chemistries; Dictionaries; Arithmetics: Philosophies, tfc. tow in n.:e, together with ft largo stock of Law, Mcdiailand miscellaneous books forming tha tnost compk-.c assortment to be found in the city. Al?o, Writing paper, and I'on iga ana domestic stationary, ef the finest quality. ! eountry merchants atvl others thould not fail U'cali at No. 120 Main st. ' ' BROWNVILLE FERRY PLASTERS & BAKE It, ANNOUNCE to tho Travelling Pu Vic, thai they ro prepared with every facility t.raceonicjod.ito ero-siatbo Missouri river. Tbii being tho :rj?-iig point or. tha upper . i ig t. Nebraska, will Cud it grc ctrair to tiitir cd- van lair'j to cross at this point. FERRY KATES :en A wagon, $1.0:) ia.-i:3 or oi'a 2 j For every two hers'.;, mules or oxen cch in-uvidus.1 p-'iir cf horse , " " li.--r.o cr muk' and buj u u led horse or muie, " loose cattle per head, u sheep and hogs per head, "5 I , 2 i i 10 1 " i 10 it U u a u u cwt. of freight, 10 Mfeit of lumber, 2,00 unloaded waon and horses, males or ' oxen therewith. o Erownrillc, Aaga?!i 2, lSo.-ly - FRESH DRY GOODS. F.EDY", JA3IKSOX & CO., JVblTO an 172 2lain St., St.' Louis. WE are now in receipt cf tho mrst emplete and "niajiaifieent stKk,'everoIretl to tho Western Trade. Merc-bant visiting this city fro invited to make an examination of our stoOk and price?. ' LUDl, JAMESON A CO. NEMAHA CITY FERRY : Across tlio 31 iosouri River at1 Nemaha i City, moutU of Littlo Nemaha river, Nebraska Territory.. - TnE Proprietor informs Emigrants, Travelers and the river-crossing public, that he has now in op eration good, huge and substantial boataat the above nimed point, and careful boatmen to cross persons and teamj from either side of the river, at all times Of tho day or night. The binding is s;fo and easy, and the IVoprietcr takes plea.-uro in calling upon tho puhlia. for patronage. This is in a diroct route to Big Blue, Fort Kearney and iliat region, nn l is the most practical point at which to ero.- tho Mis souri rirer. It is nino loilos frtia Rock Port, Mo., and seven below Brownville, N. T, Tho best of ac commodations to be had cn cither sido of the river. Nemaha City, Sept. 20, lSO.-St J. C. ELLIS. I. COOCKSflY. JOHN ; W. TOOLE r. (Succcsfer to NOONAN, TOOLE Y f- Co.,) 53 Muin st, Oil SternJ, St. Louis, Mo. ' TMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in China, J. Glass and Qaeonsware, Yellow and Rockingham Ware, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns, Locki'ng-glas-s(;s, Britanma Ware, Ao. Ac, with a grcsit varii.'ty of Fancy Mantle and Parlor Ornaments, direct from the Potteries and Manufacturers. 27Now arriving and in store, a full stock of the above line of good, which is effored to the Trado at reasonable rates. An examination is solicited. J"T"On hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade. N. B. Packing reeeive.s.pcial attention. ' ' . September 13, 13 j5. vlnli-Ga 185G FALL TRADE. 18 EDWARD HEAD'. TL MAURICE. E. II. MEAD. Oldest Iloune of the .liiid in the West ;r.iV;W 13.13. ; EDWAHD MEAD .& CO., : No. GO Main, cor. Pine st.t Importers and Wholsalcrs ....... OF ,.. Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Good.s. ""V 7" ATCHMAKERS- TOOLS, and materials, siN V V vcr and plated ware, thot guns, rifles, pistols, revolvers, mu.jij;il instruments, daguerreotype nintrj types, Ae., chrystalotypo materials; Hotel and Steam boat table va re ' ' St. Louis, September 13, 1305. vl-nl5-3m" E. G. TCTTIJ3. B.G. TEKU:T. II. W. SillTO. TUTTLE, PEHLEY & SMITH FALL STVLES.lSoG. 77 Main street, St. Louis, Mo. TI fAXUFACTPRERSof Straw and Silk Bonnets, 1X Imi.iorters nnd ho!es:ilo dealers in Ribbons Silk Millinery, Flowers, TriiaisiDg-", Lace Goods, Em broideries, Ac. T"Merthant acd Millinon ara particularly ir vitcd to examine our stock, before making their spring purchases, as we (relying fully on the supcrk-rity of our styles,) intend t o3'er inducement s equal, if not superion, to nnv jobbing house, in thn United States. September 13, 13 j5.j vlnli-C;n J. M. McFADIN & CO.,' FORWARDING $ COMMISSION No. 23 Lcvcc, anl 5G Commercial street, J St. Louis, Mo. Especial aUention gi an to .-ftles of nE MP, ROPE, Provisions, Flour, Grain, Ac. Consignments solicit ed, and promptly disposed of. THOMAS II. LARKIN & CO., COMMISSION MEBCnASTS AND lYhoIesnlc Grocers, No. 30, Lc'veo, Comer of Olive street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Srecial attention given to sal-s of HEMP. GRAIN and TOBACCO. Nu oitlcrs taken for thj purchase of Hemp, under any circumstances. - A. D. JOKES r" THE WESTERN PI ON EES LAND HUNTER, ANP -; - DEALER1 IN.'-IllTAE ESTATE, OMAUA CITY, N. T. SS7Lands carefully l x'atcil, and entered for cus tomers. L A and Liu.di bouirht and t Ad. L. FORSYTH & CO. . COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ind Freight Agents, OF THE BALTIMORE A.ND OHIO RAILROAD. Xo. 3, Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Improved Little Giant . CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL Prico Tloclncocl. TIIE sub3criber b;u jfurchascl e.-inlu.ive ribtof Territory in tho est, cf the love celebrated Mills, and is prepare! to furnish them at all tiiaos. cither wholesale or retail, and j'rahtecd in the most positive manner. It is now more than a year since the "Little GimnW "Was introduced to the public, drin which time, it ha.? bicn con?tant!y CTOwins ia the i)r.u!:.r favor. 'n. : i .i rr- . . . , iu3 jiujiuiYuiuenis r eniiy euccici una patcnlcJ, inabes n iae mosi pence 5 luaciiir.o ever ouereJ tor general farm use. it is furnished ready fur attachinz team, and wcjb.? as foUows: No. 1, 125 No. 2, ZZU, No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 p)un I., Twenty minutes are suiacient to set One cp, without mcchanicil aid, an.i when once adjusted, it can with .safety be entrusted to a boy. Eull directions accomir.ny each Mill. H.1 HH. H CZZZ S3 No 1, $33, will grind 8 bu meal per hour with 1 hore .oZ 4 ), " JJ " , I " No 3 60, " " .15 u " " 1 " No 4 61, " u 20 u ' u "2 " Z3J Liberal discount to dealer. JAMES 11. CIIADWICK, No. C3 Locust stroot, bet. 2d and 31 June 23, 1355. vl-nl !SL Loui-s, 3Io. FlitMV FACTORY7 A. J. MORROV, MANCFACTL'RER of tho IVcmiam nw, f ra rious Fixes: one and two horso l'rajri p!ow Brush and Steel plow?, for sale Wh(lesal and Re tail, on Second street, three doors Aortn ji Jtark Square, St. Joseph, 5Io. , BROWNVILLE : STEAM MILL, NOLL, LAKL, & X2l.-OXT33.-crillOf ir. "27. N. P.. AVo would rc-spectfully irf irra tho citi zens of Nejiuha county and'adjait M'isnouri, that we bare always on hand a large and well saloctcd supply'of LU3II1E5, which we can furnish at low er rates than any mill in tho Territory, Market pricus paid L,r logi ddivcrtd a't the yard, or on tho bank of the river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will receive our immediate attention. It EBPwASKA CITY HOTEL. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. BARNES & BAHXU:!!, Proprietor-. 1 1 T tr i: it i . a uno Luiuuiuuiuusnoiei. sitUMJPiI r -1- Main Stroet, Nebraska City, will be found a de sirable resort for traveler, bilges K-nve "hii hia?e for al! par!? of the Tt-rntry. ' " IUjO. JL. . V Thi3 oldest Monthly M.igniin!-,tho PafH.-u Periodical Publication, is so wi ll knr.wn a" crary mea cf ail co'intr.e, and xpc;ial,j bv speak th-; t n;'.ish langaige, and I art tj:M'i litcralLrs of tbo lait ccatury, tint it n fr;'L say very little concerning it. " :"C5i;-7,4 The G..r.UeraJia' Magiiia wit orglm,., ward Cave, the wcil-knwn Printer an-rp0i- ! man rcirarkatla f.jr his intcllijenre . '''"T.i who edited and c jrducscd it u:ler the f.-rJ -f", Sylranu Urban, Gent, lu t nit aS.-o of pm ' m tho- r?aerable gate-loss of thA-.t"f'' St. John, re air Smitht.eld ia iondon. 1, f erly contributors was Dr. Jolntu u, whose 6, i; ary productions appeared in this Manzi to tho foreboding? of of nany boclsellcr? of t 7 ts cotnm;iice:icnt, aai ," -t?, e an 1 unblemished rem..!-16' it succeeded from i tained an honorabl uioro oro iiiaa u ceiuary anu a quarter. :ought forward., inany. coapU tors, m w iban has always htild his portion, and in fa- '. ii . . , quarter, j., . 3:'-r bro U among all taoso remicr? who ca r to kao- t ions of Eaglish Solars atad Geclleiu.-iQ ,"a til i of the diy, it it will be asmucli bx keJ r,, ' l't ....... ..r.. 'luJc Eioro ar.a fccm p.iihs wui o-? taken with -.('' uarv. which will be madj it faithful ml... . person of eiaineiws. It will iJendlroto!, I its pit; n as a woriiiy organ ol .TQixt-Jt&'J -' I Historical and Arcl.a?oIgu.l Litirature ."""''' I o havo supply it witiT reguUTiiy. Terms 35 peraoaam, or iifl fientr,erBUn v thoso remitting $j in advance, will riccify.j ta v'''; aiino free of postare ui" ' I IX, EDWARDS I co . " Households Wcrda""7 CONDUCTED BT . CHARLES JJiatCESS, ' Containing tales, stores, unJ other articV by YilIiam llowitr, Leigh Hunt, the Author!, of "Mary Barton," Barry Cornwall, Collins, and all tho rising English Writers i in England to introduca anew feature in publicetion, by issuing it, fxm the; timj, in Weekly Namters. , They receive ii regularly in advance, and will jmliish iU American Edition immediately on tha arriv of the weekly steamer. The Month.' ci;;;:' will te Lsued as usual. Terms for tho Weekly Edition, G ccr,3 t- 1 - r r .it , .1 numoer, per annum, mocthiv Lj,t :- 2icents per number, $3.01) per anpum. prompt remittance of $3 will secure a rexh delivery, post paid. Seta of HousehoU Word3, 13 Vok.-can now be had, bound in cloth, at 22.500. Xou:.! in half calf, $33.00; sent fret) by Eij.ry.Nj C: Mail, on receipt of price. A3 a safe, interesting, aransinjramf usef series for Families' and Reading CloLs, it cr... not be surpassed. It contains 'more.vr.rir and information,' given in a ploasirig riiaer, than any other set of Books ever ptibliabsJ. A few sets of the En gl it h Edition onsjle, in fine bindings, at an advanced price. " l?ix,'' Ed wards, & Co. 021 Broadtvay, New York.. Ladies' Hepdsitcry. . . ' This periodical is publish ;d monthly at Cin cinnati and New York. All!ing prcachsrj of tho Methodist Episcopal (ihurcb aro author; ized agent j. . . Cash in ad will be c J poct-id in-all ca(. This can bo paid to any of our atj'toriigl agents, who can order it cl.aigelto thejr ac count, if not convenient to nniit. ., ' ' Tho agents and frier. ds cf V:.i work an carces:Iy ro-jticstcd to maTt c icamciule hi simultaneous e2brt in crcry ! s'.'ctioxi cf tU country, to prortiro nc.v subs criUn. AYo solicit Uiodo -ttLo tcccived the fu2cr.:!i volume to con tin u a Laeir snbscrijlions to ti.s sixteenth, and otherwise aid in it: '-circulation, which we hope to be alio to make worthy. of their patronage. , All communications contaih'nj or subscriptions should be nd dressed 'to tin Publishers; th so designed for publ cat;onvo the Editor, at Cincinnati. . Lct'.ers r.ot conJ;il:. inj; ten dollars, or five new subscribers, shou'J bo post-paid. In rctnittinj;, plne .pr&cura drafrs, or the most current" tark-totes. .. We thank you sincerely for past favors, r Our list is'now'quKe Tare. " BuJ.thoul: wi havo no pecrniaryi interest wh.ii..nvr ' in,'t'.i work, we would like to see it circula?e wti extensively. Will yon helrrtis? Will ck-rv' men, will the head at r.imili f!, will felicyqui ; gentleman and lad'ei of our'cr'rnmon country, will our former patron's, will all whovh!i t.' see a pure and sound yet enfertainin'ah'i 'M structive. literature put into- tbo hands rths rising gsr cration, lend m their heart v andco: - tinucd co-operation? We here ' ; tluit all w ill continuo their ellortj in belialf 1 the woik. ' . ,' ' " . Tnr.MS: $2 per annum, 5a . advance subscriptions received for lew than 010 ert:r volume. . . SwonMsrEDT i: i'oc. S Carltost & POI'.XES I r- j BROW X & CO., , ; No. 73, Main Steet, St. Loui; Vtf'.' -SrRING-STOCIC COMPLRTE: Tho cheapest and most extorsive Fancy Goods' arid. Yankee Notion Es'aV.iah; ment in tho Western Country. TERCIIANTS in search ofctejp yU af?,W;v; 1V1 ted to cxamino our stock of'silks. dr.'s gJ't shawls, white good-!, ErnbroidertCM, rit'wn, ,! .'. and hosiery, trimminsi. furnishin!t emidaaiiw. wares gone clly, together with I-;0M I'ra-o!t of tho latest and moit fashionable sty!is,'at nir.'- fac'iircrs' prices.' . ". ,' Civh buyer?, e!o?o pnreTiacr, and-protnpt m will find oar stock a.lij.ted to their warts in wer l-arlieu'.ai. A call from tiic L-aij ii nvpeutfully lloited., . . viilitf August 22, U 5J. OREGON, MO. . ROUT. L. IIATTIIN, Proprietor . No pains or expense will ba spa ire 1 by th'ijVil-'. m.ake his guest? eorufortable in everr r:f?-c'-at this well known and highly reputable Il xi-e. The very ba?t at.tcntioa gircu to anima'.. bj'. good and attentive Hostler. -' vl-nl ' ROBERT. L. IIATTE GKOCKIIY. . Head Quarters for Bartjaux'.' RUFU3 R. EDWARDS, " . V"hle?alc and retail woaler la, . Staple and Fino Groceries, AVinc-S Teas, Foreign and Domestic liior?, and ev'r thin? elsa ar.rwrrairi'nT tn t. Kniirr. f)f ft'Orf'6'" --- - -f-. - -" - Main, between Jule and Second streets, (Oprxwito the Fdrr LTiosc.) i ' ST. JOSEPH, 310. . 3affle 'Mills.- .'- ST. JOSEPH, 3IO. JA?IRS CARGILL, 'Proprietor. M AN U FACT U RES and k;crs on hand for sale, all kinds f Flonr. Tlf-' and i eed stuiTi". Ordr3 soli licit! and prom j-ii t Crrsh raid coEsttiy on ino't favorable tercn. Wheat. For character of Flour refir to every tc-. that ever used ir. r. 'e:- " . . St. Joseph. Mo., Aii';;. 33',' 'rlnl3-ly . . Steel Flc'iv Factoryi Market S", ?t.4 Joseph, Mo. . WILLIAM M. CUTER, - MANUFACTIT.ER f VtI-tIq pl." v( " fr cno end two hur3 I'iowi ;iul Shvvi l-i1- ' L'ulti vaturiand Il.irrovts. All orii!:-i u:idr,f"t4 tlre.l plow i v h;:.:J.imia:iia:r-l'. Libcr-l dl-fo on year nas proveu an gres, a iavcnte as bffur. M With the number fur July, l5,the (ion..' Mjgazino changed publisher, bu: itj reiicrarT45' ter will remain the ame as bofor?. 3r,r,j a,v"v'v" interest will, from tin:? to tim?, be,',,' r! no navo uiiiuo arriii-ajCEt:i tkhk t'Q9 r Proprietor.-, Mcjrs. J. II. & J. Pakxek. t.f i "?;t to publish tbo Ma-r.ritc ia.thU ccuntr' ,m r.ow universally rearaea cs iy lar the mcst interesting and popular of the Lnjrlish Tem cals its circulation in this co '.ntry bcciW- ly increasing, and to meet tho public Jernat.,' Messrs. Dix, Edwards & Co., have ka arrangements with the Editor and Trdiirictr j wh- lo.r l ? pu; i