v 779 77 ,"7..: :;;;7 77t ; ' - 1 " - M . y Yyj A?- p -y : A n . , "i (? y , 1 7 1 ;1 A. r Ii !77 11 :!v -77 l-J :Mi'VM:: :.J' aitIndependei OLlM : ,7" ' . ' ' - - - - ----mmimmmm!mamtmmml&amamm-mmmlm ' '- - T ' " . .- , . , " Y , . Y- ! .: : .11 ' ! - rasfc okviiscr . 0 AD rCEUSHTD EYE3Y SATTEDAT BY, .V; FURNAS, . Street, tet. rai tsi .Water, " j (Lake's Clock,) OWNVILLE, N. INT T. ,tr(inTariallj in advance), - ...-atbs, - t. . . - " HATES OF ADVEKTISIXG: . (12 linea or less,) ca iv''C, .ional inscrtwn, ' - 1 1 -A 1 ' ?, one muntb . 4. . - thiee montl.3, . ' . six month, - - one yeLf, ; ' : '. f Is of six lines or less one year, -s, one year, ; ' ; . - . 'umn, on e year, : 44,. 4 . . U t ...'. - ' six months, t ' "- lunin, six months ' , . t ' " -: 44 44 - 4t ' . three months, ; ' V lanin, three months, $2,00 1,58 u $1,00 2,50 . 4.00 e;oo 10,00 5,00 . 60,00 So,C0 15,00 -10,00 : 35,60 20,00 . 10,00 8,00 2fl,00 . 13,00 10.00 C,00 - nfinr11fltp; for office. -' '1- 5,00 Irancc will be reqnire.l for all sulvcrtie- f i,r ntna.l responsibility is Known 'cat for each change be added to the IWsineW Cards of Era Jines or less, for rr mn?idercd by the year. f.ed on the manuscript, or prcriously kotvKpn the parties. . mentsTi'""i marEa ou iuch i j - i r of insertions, will b ccnt'uiued until or- ni tharged accordingly. lisemenU from stransers or transient pcr '4iii in advance. . c-e of yearly advertisers will be confined e?r own business ; and all advertisements thereto, to be paid for extra. 1 adver Jtemcnts charged double the above tncnls on tho- inside exclusively will be , ', J. D: N. THOMPSON, ATT0B j 1EY AT LAV.'r, LOT AND LAND AGENT; ;, . ; .; EKQWXVILIX, X, T, - : .i Will attend tho Courts of Northern Missouri, Ne braska and Western Iowa. - - - . 5 n rrnr ' t A IZlUxlT TO TEE "BIG C- K.. HAEDIXC O. C. KlifBOYGa. , . F. TOOiaE. i JIctHufnctHrert ard Vfl.olttale Dcutcrt in' ILVTS7 CAPS & STRAYT GCODB; Ko 49 llaia street, bet. OliTe atd Pine, 1 - ' ST." LOUIS, 110. , ; ,, rarlicuhi.r attention .paid to manufacturing our finest Mole Uats. " . . . 7 The following is part of an nrticle on voice-jnus-ic by R.' Storra Willis: ; Listen to Lie mother, -talk ng; coin- fort to . her YGUiifT, bab'e."-:; The -comfort vM h theworUs-rfCT the 13 surely chn ! muUr-ta:ui not one of thora gave him into custody on suspicion. The gentleman happened to be the husband of the nnrdcrcd lady, nndby the . licrlit I'-'rccosmzed . the cloak .'as belonin -to-his "wife; 'The tragedf happ&ncd.during Iicnt Tvhen rceat is forbidden. - .The man confessed .the crime. - ' The murdered ladv had a little not -an inch in diameter, r.::h-rcy. in color, and covered with , very minute silfy- hairs. The Germans fancy the j caiv discover a resemblance in them to j grey eyes, and call them croTS oyer, but the likeness is purely imaginary. The tree is thcStrychnch nuxromiea, and the seed is the deadly poison nut'. basket with her which contained 'a pie. The latter was early used as a mcdi- , I: r 1 -n a?kcd by the commissary cnic- by the Hindoos, ana it3. nature ! ... -r - " I " "i , i iii r ' , L :i the pie, "How ana properties unacrsrooa dy unennu 1 JAMES W. '.GIBSON, JL JLJ ii-Vy-i-A-CJ .1U- JJ- -H- Ji.JL Second Street, between Wain and Nebraska, - - snowy villt, k.-t.1- ,e;m;m?comas--;; PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN, Two Miles from IJrownville, on claim near llr. Cm3txiGS:"Tcn3er3 bis professional services to the citizens of cm:ba county. . , .. ; AIX-COATE, fT; COUNTY SURVEYOR, r-.f BROWNYILLE, XEMAHAvCO. t ' TlifAt'J tvl vhih tadtn,' tctihin2fvet of Kim, - (i touch inf of him how and thtn.' ALhalc! t'aou raihty animal all halo! ." A cure 4 thousand pounds j am purty wel . it rvrporshucd, thoa.trcmenjosbovecB I v?ond3rhow biyou was wen you ' .'""". TY ..... ' 1 . ... M1T li. r U 1B T'lVf Ox if yurefathir Vouid reku-nizo l.is-ofspnnr urui.. j.6 wuu moiua a umu Ui piieutnc as:asmi it mar contammeat, ioreigTi aaiioiis, iog-Miier. anurisu- AnUhii'kaS'.thoatjicfantecnfluodrupid! voice ner mufaic v men . tne, ciuia and. devoutly crossing himself. "I scale are two ot its Arabic names'. 1 wonder if h hurts you much to be so bis, understands and receives into its little am, thank God. a izood Christian.? It is stated that at present the natives troubled heart. . y '"yYlXlYl YYY.- Y - ': -Y.Y " of Hindostan often take it for many T.WH..TI latelv OnO of acimlft nf frlPTlflsi 1 - - nvmrvy - niTTTgii1 ' ' L i I mATiflia nn Jrr-NlicT iri "mtr'Ti Tirs titnfi V ,l-t, ,:iV K. 1! th. lrt..mn tn'uVnn Ushiff . ,, . . . - - : -- . - " . J 7 : ; " ,i"","'.v-. . . . . g ivhero" tho: conversation- tnrnod nymn m ' ' , l-wav n mn.pntpr mt? nmnm J , " ; - ''.' ' tho rvrnvn 1 I m it IT arm AT ft tl tin(T with I 'rhnir nr-mm n-r, nr twit K in tt-n rr li c rl l-i 1 afterward tha no doubt fiV" . Vi riiVA"c; ter 'Ot man5- are somfit mos sppt iit a iUV WlUmuvc -'6" very( Young;t cnilOrcn. Une iriend-.. - a ,nftlr -;e.n,nfl.. of a nut a day, and gradually increase - And if. you grwlo itin a Taonh W-JV -C;-I sposo wenyoa ivoa yoacg thai didn't gin PMKTIiX G! Blanks, Bill Heads Labels, r Circulars, Ladin, 7n1 ' Ynm, 1T C. V. SNOW, ' - SURGEON, PHYSICIAN S-nr ilCCOUCllOlir, i.l EOCKPORT, MO, v - R. W. FURNAS, LMJ11I M MIT, - : How big yude gro and Fed you on otes and ha, and sich like, , - With perhaps an ocasional punkin bl'squosh! In oil probability yuro don't no your enny Bier than a small katf for if you clid, Yud brake down fences and switch your tail, - - And rush around and hook and beller, . And run over fowikes, thou orful beast. O, wha t a lot of mince piic youd maik, ; ( ' And saasengers, and your tale, . ., - v. Whitchkan't wa fur frum phorty poind, . - Wed cr.jke; nigh T.rto; A.birrtl Xf.ait-ta3a coop, And ccdn't a hecp of stakes be cnt oph yo, Whitch,wlth salt and pepper and termatcr ' . - -Eotchtp, wouldn't be bad to taik. .. ' , ' "t '..iThou great and glorious iusccktt ., ; . . . .; ., .; Hut i must klose. O most prodijus reptile! """And for my adniiradhun of yu, when you di, "He ritj an cdo unto your jeddy and renans, i'crnouncin' yu the largest of jure rac.e; ." ' ' ' ' And as I don't f 'Xp6ct to have half a dollar 1 A u n to spare for to pa to loke a t yu, a nd as , ' Iairtadcdhed,! will sa,farcwelL . j SQUASH. ' TT v X S : f i glance; a word, a look, a single action, a nu a aay ana graauaiiy increase tsisted strongly, that mothers should ellg the storv' either for'sood tbeir allowance to an entire nut win eh UK-common sense 10 xneir on-spnng; - nw " a. wouki be about twenty grams. It they just as intelligible, and in aU their fellow-vovagers through -life. eat Meetly before or after, food, no taste than nonsense jn t k m j v.i unpleasant effects areproduced; butif msi talk that it was '-ITere 15" Dean Stf courtship and its"conscr,:en-?.r: t- - Tiro or thrco J?ri ar 1 two cr i:-2 ir::r, ' .. , JTVo or threotalli and tw j cr tir"j trr.t r, - Tiro or three scrcna.le., given a.i alrrrj Two or turoe oaihj how mucli they cn'ur; . .. T ro or three message sent in one Jjj; '., 'J " Tito or thrco soft sr-c-eche n.ada by th 3 wit Two qrur;c.tickJts friWo-or Shrai Cmec; ' v: Tiro or threalove letter?" all writ b rlj-ac.j . Y.i Twoor thrw? months kecjing strict tatheso rales Can never fall making a cocplo cf fwte. far better short that all this so-called, baby .talk disadvanta of those' who ride in citv they .neglect this precaution, spasms was as unnecessary as it was toolish.l ;k , "J result. , ; the occasional uses of nonsense.--The f. ' J-a truth. is, as I have already stated, very young children -understand neither incident a mere trifle in itself as we saw. 'yesterday . was as' refreshing ! is an oasis m the desert, or a pure HAZING. A HEEELE. .' ' f ; Needles are made of steel wire. The wire is first cut by shears from, coils into the lensrth of the needles: to be sense nor nonsense.-wAhev only teel. - . , -4. - V: mR. : After -a hatch of. snch hits of - . . . , : V V I STinillf , III 1 lIH 1VH TV Trl VP Or "1 Pi O . ' But the words they can not; feel-not Li - Vaa nearlv fnlbxv-h.n it 7 are cut off, they are placed in a o . J 7 " ' 1 ltt f. 1. 4. 1 lt.l to the curb-stone to, take' in: an old , V; , bl , man and a young woman. Who" will backward and forward On a table until move, thought we, to cive the strangers they ar straight. , They are now to be -.The Buffalo Express sav3theautW of this rhyme deserves to be " nlpr'V by untimely frost;": 77' ' :r , " 'Tu winter, and no more tha troeici ' . " . ' ' Bui aniocg the lu lling treezesj ' ' ' -' AnJ while tho boy with ragged trc.me, "" ' Shivering, homeward drives th c-wscf, ' 'rJ Nearly frost lit are hutose., : ' -' ' Afll Mesa my life, how cold hij aoso iii'1-" 1 L ,-. Good, . at.: Grrssixa. uVi'e' Pat,! which is the way: to UaTlingtoh?' -' "How did. you know nry nama waj- . "Oh, I guessed it." -' -Y,:Yr I . "Then, by the powers', if jo are; so' .: ;ood. at .'guessing; ye'd better' gues TST7E CO TISTESY. comprehending them; it is, of course, then,' the music of the words, the tones of the " voice if they feel at. all.- Music, -and. particularly a .mothers r0Qm? Not the four : silks on: that grou?d' The needle pointer takes tip music, is the very language offeeuns; .. i i; .r. i ..i - - two Amen or ??o of the wiros. and rolls ' . r .. , j' si ih: iiil li uriiiKi. mn sr i wp ' . - : 7 and it is a "mother-tongue perfectly ' v i -11 't r i.L them between his thumb' and finders. well understood py the youngest child. ' ;M, . sf(1I tt with their, ends on the grindstone: first If a mother, for instance, is rcprov-1 p. , (T? . V, - one and then tho other. Next is a I'll L. il ' ,1 '11 ' nic uiiciuivvii. jjm Vdl ClUi, laillUl, , . , . , , . mg a child be the child ever, so young, d h machine which flattens and gutters the your. way to Burlington." J -'-uY AND AGENT. I'OR: i 7 Ret. Hcnry Giles, : one of the most the reproof seems perfectly well under Sa cnnfW aS f e v. eloquent of our. lecturers, gives birth stood; and we see. its little watchful K?W a moment, i FnMmwnti iVl Cf ?riiTv- eloentot our. lecturers, gives oirm stood; and we see. its little watchful fhk: nff man forwnrd with Next comes, the punching of thp eyes; AGRICULTURAL' IfarLEWEHTSr to these... Bentimcnts. respecting true eye fapd: steadily on the .facb'bf its SSS and a boy docs it so fast the , eye can " BROWN VTLLE, N. T.;. 7 courtesy:-1 , ,: mother. -If; che6ringrI.eivohing, HnflSi hardly tecp . pace with him. The A." A. BRAPFORD, WM. Nebraska 1 D. i: mc'garv, :berkind of work that may be called for, Purchased, in connection with the 'Ileflec an extonsire and excellent variety of ; ' -1 styles are prepared to do any kind of oncd in the aboro Catalogue, with neat-.-patch, . rietor, who, having had an extensive ex ,11 give his personal attention to this branch and hopes,' in bis endeavors to please, i excellence of his work, and reasonable receive a share of the public patronage. only in the smiles of.;love' andbeauty. AND ' ; : 1 ana wiuiers ana coois aowii in tne ai- SOLICITERS IN CHANCERY: ; mosphcre of . poverty, age anoVtoil Brownrille and Nebraska City, bhow me ; the man . who . can , quit me NEBRASKA TERRITORY, .7 . . . . -v . I - - - " . .v u i ?i ;n i w i s r. . i s i p m i mm i - a a This is real courtesV, ' that which" has or fro hckmg, the child seems -equally L .hi, seatl rrn,.' n1(1 nn vi splitting, follows, which is running, a 'j i : v to understand- what 'is meant.- And , i TT - 1 1 . . , . ,' fin a ttiVa tUfumli i'rln7An tn1ioiu f anvil before heads i and .1 " ' ml f.,i,.f c:n-..w-v-.i,; t. separates tnem. A ney arc now com ,, S1 not. natai y fT,V,fte, stopped forcm tget out wluch, plete nee.Ucs but arc rough and rusty, hat tho talkmgorplamcommonsenso fotottering'Mcp Wmdcdby si-ht and they easily bend The hardening to sucn youns cnuaren molenxan, ' 1 IJroTrnville,a. T. City.N.T. ' 1 inucuv- iui :uwauiiuuu.m .iw . . oiina. xiow mai nine act oi Kinaness , :r-o . 1 . rmirtAaTr TrliiAh hfiJ rnQnocf : fnr nthAra 4" fcU" ui uuui, ..w tnese XWin IieeaiCS. AAMiyjxiii JUCLJiNAiN MClxiU.1, tlian the' rich.-than Hhefybunir. it is ana e ot cheeD '. A woman, with a little Anmnnnnvn Ami a in dist&ctfiomtoe the n 1.1 i! n it I a n 1 r. n 1 i II I I IJliiJIl 1 II i! 1 Jlflti JSINESS CARDS; DltOWNVIIJiB. JAR F. LAKE CO., AIID - LOT . AGEHTS. "GENERAL, E ca-LTain, Let. 1st and 31 bta 2rov7nviUe, IT. T. J."" H0LLIDAY, M. D. EON, PHYSICIAN cl Otostotrlcian. EROWNV1IXE, N. T.; hare ofpublic patronage, in the various ,s profession, from the citizens of Brown- .nity. i J. D. I7. THOLIPSON, E3ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN -rErx JL will practice tcrs in Purchas tin" of Land Warrants, and all other business ,eu- I nnA who It A "It . ? . . I irusici 10 our managemeni, wui receive prompi ana laithiul attention. REFERENCES. S. ' F. Nuckolls, ' . Nebraska City, J ichard Lrown, , ' , f . UrownviUe, IlobUtie'il A Co., - . TT T . Mn t IVU. W MUtfi V. 1 .1 I , -. t-U. U-J.l, HIV.., Hon. James ii. Hughes, , bt. Louis, ilo., Hon.JobnR. Shcpley, " " Messrs. Crow, MeCrcary & Co. ' " - Messrs. S. G. Hubbard & Co., Cincinnati O. v w T 1 t r lion. J . ji. liove, iitcoxuii, lowa. vl-nl i ' June 7, 18jG. t.v t .i-.w., . - - 1 . .. .- .... t 11 tiij iL't l 1: 1 . 1 1 i 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 , III .11. 111111:1 III1IM I brilliant society of. the young.to listen JfP!?1!5,; -S, just asiro airdownward movements m a furnace, . and when red hot are to tho kindly voice of age who can that we should faU ineyitably intalhe . H AUow me gir, T thrown into a pan of cold water. Net, , 1. 11 - ,i . .1 i-( inin i si'iisi;. LfiiiK til Ymr.nr w 1 p 1 is - ' . S. B. MILLER, BLACKSMITH AND MAKER. First St, bet Main and Water,: BROWNVILLE, N. T. stands in need of help; and, should compose no pleasant music ri t f ha if the: blush of , Helen mantled her . B f"18-: V"""?' and tate him gently in his arms cheek no more in the well-dressed lady in the sa mtlpnhon.l- ho wonlri the thfiress iuey.iou;5 listen no us. surrounded by the powerful protection of rank, riches, and family; show me tho' mart who abhors the libertine's am Of " - - - . .. . - I nr nor ri n rrrn -v t cnAiAoa Hrt4 .1r VAt-gVst Ut DUlCOO ' lUai. .1CU141& loon; - show appear to the children great nonsense t dQTthd little act of genuine noliteness. iT 1 1. . i 1 . 1 tney muse oe lempcrea, ana tnis is done by , rolling "them backward and forward on a hot metal piatc The nnllaliin r otJlT Trim o !no n n Amnn Cn (j0WIJ a very coarse cloth needles are spread, to tne number 01 . lorty to hlty thous and. Emery dust is strewed over them, oil is sprinkled; and soft soap youn man were uj. ovumuio wum -: "If I "were so -unlucky A'r'said'' an: oGcer, -"as' to'hayea-stupid son,' Z would make him a parson." c'-. i') 1 ': T 4 1-. 1 .-1 .!.'' - it"!! :.jiuugjfui.in present caimiyrepuea, '.'You -think difTerently, sir, from your' lather."-- - : If a: man coiild have half he wishes.' he would double his troubles. i 7 .v-r Life's enchanted cup but sparkles- netr tho brim! i?rort. ',7 , -.: u.'l .. Adversity is the tru6 touchstone of merit. Lord Grcvilh. : - Courting a second wife 13 sald'to:bo moving for a fcewtriall 1 ''.' ' V,' , Those who posses the most real ex cellence, say the' least about it. - 77 A; clear conscience is sometimes sold' for mo bey, but never bought with" it.' . ' To empty a house of blockheads just set' two ; dogs to' fighting in . the street. me the man who., treats .unprotected p10" t understand; nor I h , made happy by that thc clotli ls ttcn rollcd ard up, and . , , , , ii I.1 t wonln thftv lonff listen-to ns..! J . ""I'lV MJ ,'AAtltk!j.v i at xt. 1 i i - ' i t i w . i " - i . i k-v-iti iiirii'rw iii i r i ca v i tti i m i. 1 i t i. i.v x xi . . iniie act oi Let any mother try the experiment m , and make a yery sensible remark to 7" (LrOOClS , Qneens ware, Oroccries, and Country Trodnce. -:f.ov7kville. n. t.. . I0BL1TZELL - & CO., ::ALK AKD RETAIL PEALER3 IS . iOODS. GROCERIES. oensware, Hardware, MTRY PRODUCE. tlOWNVILLE, N. T. NUCKOLLS, RUSSELL, & CO. Xlocltport, T.!Io. WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DEALERS IS ' lY-Ill, ISCil, HARDWARE AND - CUTLERY, IJedicines, Dyo Stufis,' ; Saddlery, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, QUEESSlRrAEE, STOKE-WAES, TINYYAHE, IROX, NAILS, STOVES, PLOWS 4c. Also Furniture of all kinds, V7in.dow Eash, &o 3 ;MARY ff. TURNER, zX Dross 2Tn.li.cx. ct, between, llaia Mid 'Water, lOWNVILLE, N. T. j7id! Irimmings always on r7Uf. W. WHEELER, ICT - AND BUILDER v wxivillo A. D. KIRK, ; . .. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Agsat and Xotary Publicy Archer, RichardMon connty, K, T. "Will practice in tbe Court? of Nebraska, assisted by Ilardirig and liennett, rvebnvska tity. JACOB SAFFOUI), ' Attorney and Counsellor at . Law. GENERAL INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT ' And -Notary Public. lf . ' Nebraska City Nebraska Territory. WILL attend promptly, to all buisncsa cntrnfited to his care, ia Ncbnsia Territory and West ern Iowa. Scpttuibcr 12, 1836. Tlnl5-lyt N. M., FL0KER,f i her child, with , the sensible itonri of - . . - - ... - , - voice tnereto appertammjrrr and: see traducer. of his mother's sex; who scorns -r,8 he would, a coward' the ridicular cf womanly foibles, cr the ex posure of womanly reputation; show me. the men who never torgets tor one hour. the.. delicacy, the. respect that is due to woman, and woman in any ;con- ihtion or class; show me such a - manj and you show me a gentleman nay, you show me a better, you.shoy me a true Christian gentleman. ; ': JLhero are some wiio think that persons lose -in manners as they gain in liberty. . One grace belongs to the spirit of liberty, which is most active where this grace prevails most with this grace it ex pands, this grace is respect tor vroman not for her rr'nk ' or elegance, but for woman. ' And when this sentiment becomes enlarged, when it is stable, a social structure nay' be' raised upon it more glorious than mankind has (ever seen.' . : . . .. ..' - - ;- - i. RICKETTS, "ITER AND JOINER. ERRASKA TERRITORY. )HN S. HOYT, Cul l l (Ji and Lard "Agent, rdson counfy, N. T., wiH atUnd promptly UMnegs in hi? pmfessiiin, tshen called on: ng Tax Rof-orJirq Claims. Subdividing g out Town Lots,'D rafting City 11at3 4c. j and address , . AKCIIER, Richardson cort N. T. T. HART c SON wmi Holt Couuty, 2Iissotiri. a ntly a hat.d ail dasiriptlos of Carr-oss, rcry iirtkie ic cur shp is m-tiufsvctarcd . aai warrsnt'ja to grre sutisfin'.e WHOLESALE DEALER IN Pork, Bcon, Lard, S. Cured Hams, DRIED BEEF AKD BEEF TONGUES. No. 9, Syeamare Street, Cincinnati, O. . YOUNG, NOUSE. cc POND, IJirOKTEIU-AXB WIOLESALE DEALERS IS Foreign and Domestic '- HARDWARE, NO 13, PEAr.L SXT.KET, ClXClXXATI. C. f. BAILT. u. r. ni'ux. 1J DAILY & RANKIN, win OMAHA CITY, N. T. SPRIGMAN k BROWN, 5AILR0AD At'D STEAMBOAT ' AGENTS. ; I v e n e r al- C o a irt i f s ic n Z I c rcban t?. Xo. '4G, rublic Landing. f . , . CINCINNATI, OHIO. ; i WnAT . the Great Pyramid' of Ec.YrT Cost.- An English architect, Mr. Tat(, has been "figuring up . the cost of the great Pyramid near Gizet. Its original dimensions, at the base, he says, were 764,000 square feet, and it had a perpendicular height of 480 feet, covering' 43 acres 1 rood, 22 perches of ground -' It consumed 89,028,000 cubic feet of stone; andMr. Tate adds, that it could not now be built for less than thirty millions sterling. " The joints of - the large casing blocks of granite were so fine as to be scarcely perceptible., not thicker than paper; and the' mortar was so adhesive that the stones in .some cases broke through their substance rather than 'give way at their joining. The cost, therefore, of this structure, reduced to federal currency was 145,2000,000 a sum large enough to build and put in run ning order six good substantial rail roads between New York on the At lantic and San Francisco on tha Pacific. But where did all thi3 money come lro will have with her child. We contended, therefore, with oiir disputing friend, that a mbther'.s .talk vkua acr young cnua snouia oe leit, in all its naturalness and loving signific ance,; even as it is -without the modern improvements. The motherly instinct is as .beautiful as it is .ineyitablcj.and in no. case is it more beautiful and truthful than as shown1 in her using' a language with her child which it will understand the - language of v music.' The words are nothing and theyf go for nothing. ! They: serve merely as a means of articulation; "and Uhis is all the mother means by them. - The music is not set to the words; but the words are simply used as syllables for the music. And if ; listening, grown-up persons for ' whom, ' albeit,, the con versation is not intended-r-quarrel with the language of ; a mother, in sweet communing with her child let them close their intellect and open their heart to the frequently irresistible charm of such motherly melody and they will be content. ; ; ' J . . .( CAN. NOT. .' ; l ean not get ready in time for public worship on the Sabbath morning. I am so-tired -on Saturday; so hard at work all tho week. Could you. get ready if you'haJ "a pleasant journey to take? ' " I' cannot keep, awake in the house with several others of the same kind, thrown, into a sort of wash-pot, to roll to and fro for twelve hours or rnore. Theyf come out dirty enough:, but after rinsing in clean hot water, and tossing in saw dust, they look as bright as can be, and are ready to be sorted and. put up for sale. Scientific American. .... : AuJ G Do not. confide in tho young heW wood splits." Tut no faith, m the old an old pump leaks. . . . . A EELIGIOTJS KTJSD2EZS.". ; : ' ' A late narrative of travels in Rulta contains the following illustration of religious fervor in that country ;;1 . v, A lady, on leaving a private party in St. Petersburg, at a rather advanced hour in the evening, called a droshkee, and having given directions.; to. the driver, the latter proceeded toward her home, as she thought, instead of which he drove her to a rather deserted: part of the city, when; suddenly. he turned round and cut her throat, the. rich sable-lined cloak in which she was enveloped having excited his cupidity. Having divested her of this, he dragged o CO the body to the brink of the canal, and threw, her into it. . Ho then folded up the cloak, and laid it on the seat. On his way back to his stand he was hailed by a gentleman, and, hovever reluctant," obliged to take him up as a tare, lhe gentleman not only noticed the cloak, but touching it,' found -his fingers stained with. He.s'aid nothing till he reached a police station, -where, having ordered the driver to stop, he ' r THE BOYS 07 ANCIENT G2ZZC23 " The amusement of . the boys of fp i,t 1 A nr i i auucui vjiittu aiu &iui nearly ilil XU1- 1 j t-l ?Y TT M TT lby those of modem- Britain. be drowsy sUting to hear a will read, ir.,ir... ..-..u u .. -v. j it you were expecting a legacy was t,rt .i i, l't .-.t i1 v u left joo", though the reading of it should T'I"ch J1 1'ttIo bclls lastaffhourf' fatanyboymiralicarnassus.- - T .c -i c - . liimd-man s bufi was a great favorite; I can notfind time for secret prayer, tt a M. , ,-.. 4, V tJ orrea4mgthe,SerlptureSim priTate. themus, who had hil one' eye put out Rather, Eay, I, am .not wJliDg.. Were b rjlJS'ses, while the other boys played you to -reeeiTC .tr.ple, wages- for one & ts 'f s hic0Pman. hour s early Tismg, would you say, I r v - can not9 " ' - " - ; trying to get out of the cave. f r -,'. '. ' -r The chytrinda, again; was like our hot I can not have family worship.- I nnytnft Av,f- t j if t cockiest one boy sat on the cround, never was. accustomed to it. Bo you otwj ,',,, i . . t .,1,11 t and was called the chvtra, or pot, while tell the beggar what he has to say? fT, i,'v , , Can you Smly read in Jeremiah, other boys ran round, pmching and "Pourout thy fury on the heathcn,thaJ ftK? T't V S 7 know thee not, .rid upon the .families h0 i i i. xhe epostrahismos was like our ducks that call ' not on thv name, and not j. rt, .m. v . , f 'Ifc -ii A' and drakes, lhe bovs stood on the 111" . SI "rr.'A, , , uc heach,. and; flung oyster-shells : cd-e- t i t -ir - ways over :the harbor, and he whose --v -. pioiioir ui shell made the most leaps in the water religion, for fear of dishonoring the m rri.I? " I - i "ii cause of God; Does not the .Lord 'T bJUluv AU liJf m., tiroinWtnn-sfet: ? fnor,-Voo, 3n? Pla5 at ; odd-and-cven for r tJ. walnuts, almonds, be? ui " ii icn i. uii alio J n ii. ViKilliVO. iuv j not ? Paul say, "I can do all things through Christ strengthening me?" , - I can not give my heart now to Jesus;-by and by I hope to do-so; "iioast not thyself oi to-morrow, for thou1" kriowest -. not what a day may bring.!' iWill this excuse do you at the judgment-seat? ' ; ; ; -'; -i;; ;; STHYCHNIN3. Y Y Tne source from which this terrible poison, which ' has gained so world wide a celebrity recently,- is thus noticed in Bickcnf Howel'oU Words : ! In Ceylon and several districts of India grows a moderate-sized tree. with thick shining leaves, and a shor,t crooked stem. :In the fruit season i is readily recognized by its rich orange colored berries, about as large as golden pippins; the rind is hard and ' smooth and covers a ; white, soft ; pulp, the Uvcriteiood.ol many kinds of birds: within which arc the "Hat round seeds can3, or money were as common then as they are now. Jije ana l ravels of Jlercdolus , If a" small boy 13 called 'a latf,"-' ii it proper to call abiggerboy a "laddcr?,,,' Scandcljllke a kite, to fly, well de- pends tvcry much on the length1 of tail it has' to carry. " ' . .." V ' '. The young lady -who i3 nhalds tbl sport a riding habit, should get into a: walking habits . ; , ' - - The proverb, "The longer oho livc3r the moro ho'll see,' ' car?t allude to money now-a-days v r: A country paper speaking of a blind woodsawyer, says: 'Although he can't see, he pan 8au-r. ". " . I will chide po heathen in. the worlds but myself, against whom I knoTrmbsf. faults. -ShakctpcarcZ . '.-;-.' i, it A: sign in Ann street," Bostcnrcadi' "Lodgers taken in." - We guess thcW is no deception about that ;shm-le., Let Vour" 'expenses .be ruch' . as -ti' leave a balance in your pocket. Ready. munev m a menu in need . , i, . Every : woman is,' -or- onrrht' to ic. 1 more or le'33 a child beauty, "and- lier occupations snonUi not degrade her; into a'drudge.'-- ' - '' ' We are only. interested in others in proportion to the interest we take in ourselves, and look for jn conscnuencc 1 i1 1 ' ' - irom inc;n. . , ...... v. Sin is never at a stay; if wc do not' retreat from it wc.shall advance in if nrA 4,n . it - ' diiv my tai uiur ua a e go me "more have to come back. - r ; - -V : r ; , . It goes a great deal toward 'ml in a man faithful to let him understand that you tliink hinvso; arid' lie,' that does but suspect that I will deceive him, gives mo ; a kind . of a riht to' cozan him. : r r -.; ? 1 v wc A We cannot agree with the author the following short patent essav in last assertion, hnt rhrrrfnllv odmif 11 bctten . 7 .. his hen-coop premises. Chickens and charity, L ducks and devotion, mangel wurtzels. and morality are 'prone' to associate. - ; ... "The man who devotes a whole life to accumulate wealth is . a donkey. lhe moment he obtains a competence he should quit the trade, buy a neat little coop in the country, for his hens ana chickens, and immediately after wards give himself up to the cultiva tion of drum-head cabbage and" "a higher grade of morality. People who die in trade generally, die .indebted to tcr gentleman way down below." Hollyhock says that charactrr i71 . of good enough institution to help a follow, his alonS in..e5wd, butjeash is 'much Tire following words, if spelt back- yards or forwards, are still :thd same; iame no one man. -! "Poor; rule that 'won't wcrlc Lot!i: : "uenius will work itself .thrcirh " said a poet-when he found hi.j ccatwa3 out at the elbows. ways as the boy said when he thrcr thc rule lack to the schoolmaster. . ' ' It 13 our candid opinion, and- fear-: lessly expressed, that.the only real sub-i stitutc for food is" victuals. A young-widow-wa? asked.why.sho was going to take another hnsband' so soon ;?iftc-r.thc denfh cf ):cv Crst,:; - ; ' "Oh, la!" said she, f I tfo'it'to pve-r vent frettingmyself to death, on account of dear Tom.";. : 7; ; " ; Begga-s always fin'd one ' kirl cf previsions plenty the 'cvM :;h"uTd;r..' : ' tv.