Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 20, 1856, Image 3

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. S TURN AS, Editor..
rvis, No C3 Fourth street, between
; Vine, Cincinnati.
ttenciILL & Co. New York.
rxitER, No. 43 Chestnut street, Saint
LrxG, Troy, Ohio.
I. Dakst, Tippecanoe, Ohio.
'NGEK, Covington, Kj.
.K. Archer, Sebra.-ka.
:tkr, Oregon, Mo.
II ATI, Kockport, Mo.
,'hite, Nebraska City, . T.
. Tate; Linden, Mo.
rii, Three Grove, N. T
red Agents to solicit Subscriptions and
:"s for the Advertiser, and reoicve and
nies thereon.
-.dent in this Territory, coming from
a r.f the States, often surest to US
person? In their old neighborhood?, who
become subscribers if they could Bee
"Advertiser." We always send a spcei
.nd persons recieving, will consider it a
to become a resmlar subwriber. Post-
". other?. fccliDr sufficient interest to make
u retain the usual per cent for their
Eaxsas. It is to be hoped that matters in
Kansas will soon assume a more peaceful shape.
For particulars we refer the reader to ofacial
dispatches in another column of to-day'3 p3per.
We learn from reliable sources tbat tbe
. 1 3
armed bodies of men, on bota Biaes, are gis-
baDding and leaving the Country. Lane and
about 100 passed here on Wednesday last, on
their way into the States. Gov. Geluv ex
pressed himself as determined to put an end I morning
to existing difficulties. Y e cope ne may Do
A new company of carpenters we notice,
have coma among us, under command of "Boss
Workman," Hr. Glenn. They all take hold
of wort, like they were used to it, and inten
ded to rush matters.
Beef Market. Mi. A. Skees has com
menced furmYbit-g fresh beef, regularly once a
week. Ule wiil bo in town every Tuesday
Heavy Wkd. On Wednesday last thiB
region of country was visited with an unusual
heavy wind-a perfect storm. We era not
informed . of tho extent of damage on the
prairia on this side of the Puffer. Jcdge
Needles, of Missouri, informs us that in At
chison count', opposite this, fences, and Grain
stacks were damaged to a ruinous extent
houses unroofed, in fact some few blown down.
See the advertisement of Wyoming Town
Commm's Sale of town lots. There is anoth-
4 j
er chance for speculation. We have heard this
point spoken of in very favorable terms. The
advertisement, however, sets forth the particu
lars. :
cent extensive additions of new
, colored Inks, Bronzes, Cares, &c,
lie "Advertiser" .Office, we claim to
turn out Job Work in z manner un
. by any office. Tho proprietor being
.1 printer himself, and havirg in his
an .accomplished and experienced
" jb Printer, is determined not to be
in the execution of Job Work. Cards
ae of Foster's latest improved Card
Blanks, Work in Colors, Bronze
c.,.will meft with particular atten-
from a distance will be promptly al
and warranted to give satisfaction or
., ' NOTICE. ,
.e issue of our paper next Saturday,
;spend publication for two weeks, in the workman to prepare the
ccupied as the Advertiser office,, for
vice. The loss will be our own
s will receive the full number of
nstituting a volume, viz. 52 papers'
3 this announcement a week in ad-
at if there are any matters of a public
hich are desired to be brought before
'e, .an opportunity is offered in next
. .
dextial Contest. Never, perhaps,
;tory of this country has there been
itement in regard to a Presidential
l-.s at present in the States. A friend
s from Ohio, says: "The Log Cabin
IS 10, will not bear comparison with
:.t fftate of excitement." The fact is
a have all run mzd. The great issue
3n is North and South. . It is curious
v"the matter is managed. The peo
South apjear to be going just as far
i their operations as they can possibly,
rcrtrain South. Sj with the North
ear as they can come to be Southern
not b?.' to be their .aim. As
2, we rite to their candidates for Presi
It is to be hoped the "country will nev
led. to re-enact the tragedy now being
, to.elect a President. When genera
te! unborn shall read the record of the
t dav, it wilt be a matter of rejoicing that
ved not in it.
We see our neighbors at Nebraska City, who
are fond of "field starts," are making prepa
rations for a grand Buffalo Iluxt, leaving for
the hunting grounds about the first of next
month. Mobton of the Xeics, in speaking of
the hunt, closes by saying, "we hope that friend
Geosge of the Xelraslian, and Fcrxas of tho
Advertiser, will go in for this mighty hunt."
"Count us in." By-the-way, what has become
of the hunt talked of from this places Let's
"annex" "unite" "go snooks" with the boys
above. What say you?
A fair correspondent enquires what has be
come of G. W, IIitsn, and asks why his con
tributions are not continued. She subjoins the
following verges.
! Oh. where is the bard the Bard of tn West,
( Whose harp but onco touched lies idly at rest.
Ho touched but the Ftrings, and jeir soft, thrilling
tons ,
"Proclaimed him that favored Qne-Genius' own!"
, Cleffc A. M. Swartwout, of the Steamer
St Mary, has our thanks for late and impor
tant St. Louis papers. .
Beauties of Havana Life. A recent let
ter from Havana contains the following para
graph. . It will bo remembered that a few
weeks since we published an" account of a
similar affair in Boston:
On Saturday, the 26th 'tilt- the collecting
clerk of a mercantile house of this city was
stopped in broad daylight, by a black man, in
one of the most public streets here, and a bag
ot money, amounting to six or seven hundred
dollars snatched from his hand.: The thief
ran away and entered a house of ill-fame in
Lamparralla street, into which he wa3 followed
but the money ho had managed to dispose of.
It was afterward found concealed in an cut
house, i
To oub Present Adveetisinq Patcoxj.
Our advertising terms, as we have before stat
ed, are payable quarterly. The first quarter
of the Advertiser's issue expired three weeks
since, and as remitances have not been as ex
tensive as we desire, we beg to call the atten
tion of our patrons to the matter. We have
recently made extensive additions to the Job
department of this office, and now must lay
in our winter stock of paper. Nothing but
cash will help us out in these purchases. Town
lots are not current. We hope, therefore, that
those who have not complied with our terms,
will do so immediately. A few of our subscri
bers, also, have not paid up. Please help us
out of this Mrag." We know times are hard
and money scarce, and we are not disposed to
be greedy; all we ask the present year, is -cash
enough to meet our actual cash outlay; we can
"dicker" intown lots for the ballancc. Give
us a lift now, friends.
He touched the harp! and floating on the air along,
Sweet aad roe?odioi.f, falls his notes of song
And cica'ry lingering on the heavenly strain
Hopes, anl still hopes, to catch the sound again.
Once mere, then, sing Oh Bard of tho West;
Nor If t tby harp swct, lie idly ot rest;
The trembling strings with thy fingers sweep o'er
. Across the Missouri River, at Nemaha
- Cxnoath of Little Nemaha river,
" Nebraska Territory. '
milE Proprietor informs Emigrants, Travelers and
jl me nver-crossicg public, that he has now in op
eration good, large and mbstaniial boats at the above
named point, and careful boatmen to ercs3 persons
and teams from either Hide of the river, at all times
of the day or night. Tho landing is safe and easy,
and the Proprietor takes pleasure in caUing upon
the pubh-3 for patronage. This is in a direct route
to is:g iiue, tort Kearney and that region, and is
tho most practical point at which to cro?s tho llis
souri rirer. It is nino mile3 from T.ock Port, Mo.,
and seven below Brownville, N. T, The best of ac
commodation.! to be had on either sida of the river.
Aemaha City, Sept. 20, 1856.-3t J. C. ELLIS.
Sometime in February last, Thomas, a very
promising son of C. Bentle, of Boone county,
in his thirteenth year, was bitten by a mad
dog. A mad stone -was immediately applied
to the wound and with such indications of suc-
ces that great confidence was felt in the entire
extraction of the virus. All went on we'd till
last week, when the young man gave evidence
of singular illnes., and died in great agony,
there being no dougt but that he died of the
effects of the. bite in February. Paris Mur
cury. ,
It. W. Fues-as, Esq.:
Put. By permitting yourself to become a candi'
date for Councilman from Nemaha eour.t v to the Tor
And the sweet i!aden;e dvin, tho heart touch once ) rial Legislature, you will oblige MAii YOTERb,
morol Mollie.
Semao-a CotfXTT, September 10, 1856.
PiELiGious Revival. Quite an interesing
revival of religion has been in progress in this
place the past week, in the Christian Church;
Elders BooKAir, Wood, Packer and Ed
wards laboring. A number of additions have
been made to the church.
Having been repeatedly solicited as above, by nu
merous citizens of this county, I have consented to
bocome a Candida to for the Council, and shall take
the earliest opiortunity to se, converse and consult
with the people of tne Uistrict,
. ' K. W. I' UIOAS
We are authorized t announce I. L. KNIGHT as
a candidate fcr County Commissioner at tho ap
proaching election.
Public . fficctim
G. Yv , Buattok, Cabinet Maker, another
new mechanic, hri3 already erected himself a
shop, and is now working "late and early," to will bo held on the 20th of September, 1S56
Nemaha county, T. )
September 6th, 1353.' f
At the request of the undersigned citizens
of Nemaha county, a general Mass Meeting
get up a residence "before frost comes." Suc
cess to him. These are the kind of men we
Head Quarters for Bargains!
Wholesale an 1 retail dealer ia
Staple and Fico Groceries, Wins,
Ti?c?, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, r.nd every
thing else appertaining to the business of a Grocer.
Main, between J ule and Second streets,
(Opposite the Edgar House.)
(Successor to NOOXAN, TOOLEY fc Co,)
53 Main st.t Old Stand. St. Louis, Mo.
Jii Utf l .14, holssaleand Retail DeaW. in China.
A Glass and Queensware, Yellow and Rockingham
Ware, Chandeliers. Lamns. Lanterns. r.IcinT-Tiis.
ses, Britannia Ware, A j. Ac., with a great variety of
Fancy Mantle and Parlor Ornaments, direct from the
Potteries and Manufacturers.
STXow arriving and in store, a full stock of the
above line of goods, which is ofFered to the Trado at
reasonable rates. An examination is solicited.
grSJ Un hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade
N. B. Packing receives special attention.
September 13, 1858. vlal5-6ai
1 i 1 P f 5 2 3 .
HAVE now on har.J a largo and well selected
stock of Fancy an:l Slaple Dry Good's and Gro
ceries, to which they call the attention of their
fnend3 and the public generally " From their expe
rience la business, they flatter thenutlres that they
possess advantages in purchasing good r.ot surpassed
by any House ia the West. Their motto is fuick
sales and light profits.
Country Merchants will fin J our stock adiirttd to
their wants in every particular. A call from the
trade is re5pectfully solicited.
Wholesale and Retail Grocer
East side Market Square op'sife Market House
BEGS leave to inform the citizens of' St.-Joseph,
and the public generally, that he ha3 just opon-
ea a large ana nne assortment or Uroccnes, to which
: : : . ST. JOSEPH, MO.
JAlilES CARGILL, Proprietor.
MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly
on hand for sale, all kinJ3 cf Floor, Meal,
and i'aed stsilTi. Orders solicited end promptly tllcl
on most favorable tsrv.:3. Vtish paid constantly for
Wheat. For chara.t.- cf Flour refer to eTcrj bcJ
that ever used it.
St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 3D, 13C3. vlnl3-ly ,;
Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, 2Io.
CONSIGNMENTS of Goods acd Producj
respectfully solicited, and all biuine?3 entrust
ed to us will bo priym;tiy and cartfully attcnJ-.'d M
at the Invest rr.tcs.-
Tavlor i F'scp'.icrl, ' St. Louii,
R. L. McGhoe k Co., " u
Livermo.e, Cooley A Co., ,
Merthantj Generally, St. Joseph.
CEOKE C1ATZ3. 3. W. LZ3.
he invites the attention of Country Merchants, PLia- Real Est-ltC ?.Ild GeilCIvll
te-3 and the public generally. Loatstorc3 constant-
ly on Land. " OMAIIA CITY, N. T.
rol AcrencyV
like to see coming in.
at the residence of Mr. Jesse Cole, to decide
upon business of the utmost importance and
interest to Us alu
late .papers inform us of the passage of
my LiH, a measure for which the extra
i of Congress was called. The b;ll was
I without,, what was regarded by some as
ve provisions. After its passage, Aug.
tigress adjourned. .
i For; Tueh out West. We are as
1 la see the number of advertisements
eriipapcrs of "Fine Farms for Sale."
i of Real Estate." "Having deterra n
j West, a bargain can be Lad by early
.ion," and such like. They are indica
nt people have been to "look at the
out We4t," and, are pleased with it.
r Sale or La.xd is Kansas. Teeei
-The President has issued his proclama
thocizing the sale of the eastern portion
Delaware trust lands, lu Kansas Terri
The sale is to take place on the 20th of
r, at Fort Leavenworth. These lands,
ae Union, have been classified and ap
, and will rot be sold for less than the
sod value. The towns and cities laid
i these lands will be sold in lots and
s. The number of acres to be offered for
i about 208,833.
i.AKX Ixvaded. We have startling
Correspondence of the Nebraska Advertiser.
Nemaha County, N. T. I
September, 8th, 1856. J
R. W. Fubnas, Esq.:
Deak Sxa: Truly Nebraska may be said
to be a fast country, and from the present ap
pearance of things she is fully keeping np with
these Railroad times in the way of improve
ments, &c. . Quite a number of families have
moved into this neighborhood recently, and
the cry is "still they come." Three or four
new houses have been raised in sight of where
1 live, within the past week, and material al
ready on the ground to raise several others, all
of which are located on as rich laud as can be
found in any of the States, where it sells at
from $10 to $50 dollars per acre. This they
can get at $1,25 per sere. There are already
some farms made here of over one hundred
acres, which have as fine crops growing on-j
them as can be produced in Ohio, Indiana,
Missouri, or any other State. The average
yield of the corn crop in this neighborhood is
estimated at from G5 to 75 bushels per acre,
including the sod crop. Wheat and oats wat
raised this year with equal success.
There are, also, good church and school
privileges convenient; we have a school Louse
and a school now being taught of 35 scholars,
and the farthest of them do not have to travel
Over a mile and a half so people living out
of Nebraska, need not think we are out of the
world. If they would come and see they
would imagine themselves in the heart of cre
ation. Yes, come, and that very soon, for land
is being taken up very rapidly. But good
chances are yet to be had to procure homes, and
the longer you stay away the farther you will
have to go back from the great and mighty
waters of the Missouri, whose banks are to be
found along the entire length of the Eastern
side of Nebraska, th'us affording us a transpor
tation by water to and from our numerous
towns that are now being built up along our
border; a great many of which are fastgrowmg
into wealthy aud populous cities.
I will here say a few words to the citizens
of Nemaha county, by way of enquiry. There
appears to be a' kind of predjuice or hard feel
ing existing with a few of the people of this
county against our present couuty seat. Now
if some of those opposers to Brownviile wil
tell us why they are so down on the citizens
of said town, we will bo very glad to hear
them; and if there is really anything wrong
about the Brownvillo boys, let us all hear the
particulars, that we may all ba apprised o
their tricks. But, gentlemen, if all this hatred
toward the town has arisen from some alleged
misconduct of one or two of its citizens, then
why are you so opposed to all who live there?
There seems to me to bo no good reason in
We see W. Rossell, Boot and Shoe Ma
ker, late of Oregon, Mo., is "pegging away"
laboring like a preacher, for the good of peo-1
pie's sjles. We need not say "we hope he
will be liberally patronized." If he succeeds
in doing half tho work in his line, he will
have to "run all night." We are sorry to ad
vise a withdrawal of Nebraska custom from
our friend Cue, of Rock Port, but you know
'tis said "charity begins at home."
Dickers' Household Words, Dix, Ed
wards & Co. Publishers, for- September is on
our table. This is one of the most interest-
ng and 'popular English periodicals. The
Sept. number is unusually interesting.
Putnam for September is on hand. This
alualle work isalwsys a welcome visitor.
The Anr, an Odd Fellows monthly, p'lb-
reuce from Southern Nebraska. The
r Ruffians from .Missouri have. invaded
'erritory, and up to Sunday had arrived
i 20 miles of Nebraska City. They are
ne thousand strong are composed of
;rians, South Carolinians and Georgians,
3 fully armed with cannon, &c., prepar
war. Ohio Paper.
copy the above for two reasons to let
braska readers see how matters irrow.
rolling snowball, in traveling to Ohio, j trying to defeat the progress of one of our own
let our Ohio readers know there is uot
rdof truth in the article. We have
r have we had any "Border Ruffians,"
Jes of any kind in "Southern Nebras
any other portion of it. Ye have peace
et. Such articles are injurious to the
g up of our Territory, and we hope those
who have copied the above, will do us
lice to copy our denial. The paper, or
ondent who originated it for we fiud
ung without credit is "either a knave
"ough the politeness of U. S. Marshall,
kAKKijr, we have received a copy of the
mation of Gov. Izald, which will be
m another column f the Advertiser.
"Lb4 .seen that Nemaha County will
ne Councilman, three Representatives,
ee Counjy Commissioners. Totel num
Toters in the Territory, 3,807. Total
-ion 10,716. Next week we will pub-3-ofScial
abstract of the returns of the
i of each cotmtj'.
i I. O.tof G. T., we learn are to have a
.lion at Scnora, Mo., oa the 27th of the
-t month:
Christian Hiuder,"
J M Alderman,
A Medley
J Eastridge
W A Alderman -Benj
Josiah Roberts
Benj Carpenter
Jesse Cole
James McDonald
A Hobblitzell
C F Rickets
HS Thorp
C Luckage
J Harman
W Chambers
W II Barnet
R J Whitney
R S Haneford.
J M Donogh
J Bozarth
II B Roberts
E Reia
B Munnig
S A Chambers
M Eastridge
T Waldschmidt
G W Horn"
J H Beard
T Beard
II Alderman
F Tann
D C Hinders
' A J Sherley
W Handley
II Russell
R C Shaun
II Baker
J Tann
W Com
Cldetst House of the hind in the IVsst
LitablUhtd 1S35.
No. 50 Main, cor. Pine St.,
Importers and Wholsalcrs
OF . .
Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods,
T7ATCIIMAKER3- TOOLS, and materials, sil
T V ver and plated ware, shot guns, rifles, pistol?,
revolvers, inu?ical instruments, daguerreotype ambro
types, Ac, chrystalotyj materials; Hotel aud Steam-
D; ai tauie ware.
St. Loui3, September 13, 1335. vl-nl5-3m .
77 JIa5n street, St. LouU, Mo.
MANUFACTURERS of Straw and Silk Bonnet?,
Importers and Wholesale dealers in Ribbons.
Silk Millinery, Flowers, Trimmings, Lace Good3, Ein-
Droiucries, a.c.
jSrMerchants and Milliners are particularly in
vited to examine our stock, before makin their snrino-
purchases,' a.s we (relying fully on the superiority of
our ij ies,;iiii.ena 10 olt inducements equal, if not
auperion. to any jobbing house in tho United States.
September 13, 183(1. vlnl3-6ui
MANUFACTURER of the Premium Plow, of va
rious sizes; one and two horse Prairie p'ows'
Brush and Steel ploV3, for sale Wholesale and Re
tail, cn Second street, threa doors North of Mirkct I
square, bt. Joseph, Mo.
The only Exclusive Wholcsah Grocery
.;. House in St. Joseph.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
And Notary Public. v
Nebraska Citv Nebraska Territory.
WILL attend promptly to all buisncss entrusted
to his care, in Nebraska Territory and West
ern Iowa.
September 12, 1S53. vlnl5-ly
wliolosalo Orooora,
Corner Second and Frances S's.
FJESPECTFULLY call the attention of Conntry through;)-1 with new an'
L Merchants to their large and varied stock of in all njspxt.-, a First
Groceries, which has been increased bv late arrivals will fini tu -J aimer" &
at the lowest rates of freight, and will receive dailr f..rt. liixnrr ar.,1 nleaann
additions through tho season. Il ivinz purchased for t;m h anr.v.lie-1 with the best the market affi.rd'x-
cash, they present more than ordinary iuducements aad no pains will bo pared to render the stay f
w vujrcia, uu mil eitusij nu ioai iavor mem wnn eutsts botn comlorUble and pleasant.
Th v hCi nl: . conipew fflw otl Louu "TRY THE PALMER HOUSE."
600 hairs Rio Coffee 50 boxoa starch August 30, 1354, vlnl3-ly
References.- " ' .
James Wright, Broker, Srir Yorlr; '
Vrm. A. Woodward. Esq. ' " " .
Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Uov. cf Ohio Cleveland, ,
Wicks, Otic and L'rowaeil, Danker,
AlcottA Ilorton, . ,
Col.KobertCansphcIT,-. t. Louii,-
Jainoa Kidjway, Esq. a fc
. Cmwforu and S.wk.;'vt' Chkaa.
Omaha City, Aug. S3, 1353. vla!3-ly
S. SAHKOUH, Troprietoi. ;
Comer of Illinois and VasIiingtoa Streets,-
THIS well-known and popular Hotel, ba3 recently
b jen re-built and greatly en'jn-gei by the addi
tion o'. -i-ity or seventy rooan, and is furnished
d beautiful furniture, and is
Class Hotel. Travelers
i'aluier" all thev can desiro for com-
The table will at Jl
40 k 06 Java Coffee 70 do lemon syrap
100 chest and hf chests 250 whole and of boaes
assorted Teas candy
130 bbl reboilcd and S II 300 doz cans Ficli.s cels
Molasscs brated Baltimore oysters
100 half bbls do 100 bbls half and cr bbls
ou Kgs l.eicner s oyrup mackrel
. There is jet one paper not returned with
perhaps 25 names on.
Celebration and Dinner
rjlIIERE will bo a Celebration and Temperance
I -Srcakiii!r in Sonora. on tho 27th of Sent. 1S55.
ished nd edited at Columbus, Ohio, bv ALEX, by the I O. of G. T.. Also: A Public Dinner, to be
Glek5t, Past Grand Master of the I. O. O. F.
State of Ohio. This is tho best Odd Fellows
mblication in the Ui ited States. Bro. Glens
is a perrcct Waiking Encyclopedia, of Odd Fel-
owship. Terms $1.
Ladies' IlErosiTORY, published monthly by
siven by the citizens ot tsouora ana vicinity; to
which Uit pul'Uc are cordially invited to attend pc-J
participate. ' ' ' '
tty order of the Rich Lodge,
T. E. It. HUNTER, W. S.
Sonora, September 10, 1855. vlnlO
Lumber! Lumber!
the Methodist, Book Concern, Cincinnati, O., PlIE undciyi.rnod has on hand and for pale at his
t t tit r. . t r j-. rr c -- rxiill, llusli UoJtom, JJIo., One hundred and
Rev. D. U . CLAW,. D. D., editor. The bep- TwClity.flre Thousand feet of various kinds of Lum-
teniber number sustains the enviable reputa- bcr, which he offers for al3 at the following prices.
tion winch u has lon since attained. . . uiJ . . .. . i i
Sciestic American. The thirteenth vear .Blac! Walnut, - - - 2,00
1 here is a frrr across Inn Mumnri nvpr. nnnmitfl
of thii valuable Mechanical and Scientific the mill. Lumber will ba delivered on the Nebraska
weekly Journal, commenced on the 13th of 8reat 50 cents in addition to the aWe pricey
Steel Flow Factory,
Market Square, St. Joseph, Mo.
" TANUFACTURER of Prairio plows of all sizes;
ItJL one and two horse Plows and Shovel-plows,
Cultivators and Harrows. All orders ( under fire-hundred
plows) iilljd immediately. Liberal discount to
wholesale pui-chascrs. ; '.
J. M. McFADIN & CO.,
. Merchants,
No. 2$ Levee, and, 55 Qomniercial street,
St. IrOuis,"3Io.
Espet:ial attention given IIEMPjUOPE,
I'rovisions. Flour, Grain, Ac. Consignments stlioit
ed, and promptly disposed of.
150 Hhds N O Su:ar
60 bbls crushed
80 bbls Tar
liK) stands do
300 bbls & hf blls crack
era of various kinds
200 bxs ass'd Tobacco
100,000 ass'd Cigars
1000 sacks G A Salt
1500 sks Dairy "
10 bales 4-4 Domestics
100 do cotton batting
125 do do yarn
500 kegs nails
80 do SCSoda
Saddle and Harness Hakcr,
Last sidij of Main, bet. Francis and Felix St.,, .,
THANKFUL for pist favor?, beg leave to inforri '
the public, that he has just returned from St.
Louis with as fine an assortment of materials as Las
ever been purchased la that market. ..
Hi stx-k f!on.--i--t j of a sunerior article of Sk!rt;n
80 coils manilla and jute Harness, bridle leather, ho, calf, and sheep skiaii;
nri,0F?i &oat dorocco, and a surpas.iingly biauth'ul turti-
400 bdlaa wrapping paper cle of enameled leather of various hues. .
OUJ t)Ws b t and eitra To baa everv rarietvof s.l.lllii trea. frr.rt tba fill
Hour Ujticln'i nTiil fn-rll.ti'j and . i n-ih'tr'j ivxt
1209 qr and half bi3 sar ent. down to the common fall-back. He has on hard
dme3 Ian,! iriH ir,hHntta iit t-nrk sn!n.lMin hri.
COO doxen 8x10 and 10il2
window Bash
100 hf bxs ass'd glasj -300
doz bed cords
j : -vi i.
u.Jtcu 4iu nawuu dleS martingales, halters, collars, whips cf every
00 nests tubs . quility, whin-lashes, hamc.j, traces, spurs, Ac. ILh
1 o dozen wooaen buckets also, coach, tuy, Pennsylvania, yankee, cart and
2j0 bxs star candles
dra-y harness.
And a general assortment of sundries too numer- Ila has not now, nor will ho keen any other than
ocs to mention in an advertisement. No 1 workmen. and his instruction's to them are nai-
Our consignment, 5,000 bbls Kanawha salt, at St. ness and stren gth. He. therefore. fecU no hesiUtieu
Louis rates, freights added. . in saying that his work wiil seldom ba equaled. t
Orders are respoctfully solicited and shall receive I where surpassed".
prompt attentiou, and every effort made to five en- I A3 email proQt? and quick sale, 13 hU molt b
pledge hunT.'If t j sjII (considering the quality of
the fcrUvIe) lwcr than any hou.-o vrcst of tho Alio-
ghenv Mountains.
Tho.e di?pjsed to sa.'ncct Lira of z.rjurr.haTe on
ly to call to be assured of their mistak".
bt. Joseph, August SO, I800. vinloti
tiro satisfaction.
No. 30, Levee, Corner of Olive street,
Special attention given to sales of HE .MP, GRAIN
and TOBACCO. No orders taken for tho purchase
of Hemp, under any circumstances.
this present month. Now is the time to sub
scribe. -
The new volumes of Blackwood and the
four British Reviews, commence as follows:
Tho North British, May, 185G; Edinburg,
London Quarterly, "Westminister, and Black
wocd, July, 1856.
Subscription prices. Blackwood, or any of
tho Reviews, 3 a year. Blackwood and one
Review or any two Reviews, $5, The four
Reviews, $3. Blackwood and the four Re
views, $10.
Postage (which should be paid quarterly in
September 20, 1856. ?lnl(5-3inpd
Steam Mill Lumber.
WE takts this method of informing the Public
that we havo just put in operation on what is
known as Souoia Inland, four miles above Brown
ville, a first quality steam Sawmill, and are now pre
pared to saw all kinds of Lumber on short notice,
and in a manncr,we are confident will givo satisfac
tion. We will keep a Ferry boat to run to the main
shore, for free usa of our customers.
W, S. HALL & CO.
Grroctt ISalo of Xjots
At Wyoming-, I. T.
.a.iuu mi. ilo.c.ioa.iu iuuu, ATOTICE is fcerebv triven. to the "world and ths
o anv Post OiEce in the United States, only IN rest of .mankind," that there will be a sale of
80 cents a year, namely: H cents on each Re- Wy03liD5' Oi09 count Xobra3ki Territor?'
view, and 2i cents ou Blackwood. Now is
the time to subscribe. Address
L. SCOTT & CO.. Publishers.
seen at the Advertiser office, and monies re
ceived and forwarded. .
Twenty-fifth - day of October,
A. D., 185G.
To those who have hnd th iImjhtk r trU
l. Gold Street, New York. beautiful site, and surrounding country, it is useless
Specimen numbers of all the .bove can be 60 J. anTthin3 jn commendation, as the reality is
those who have not, we would say, that Wyoming is
located at the mouth of Weeping Water river, and
has tho very best rock landing on the Missouri river
without tiny exception whaterer. The beiwh. from
the mouth of Weeping Water for a distance of three
fourths of a mil j dowiwis nearly in a straight line.
and is a perfect rock base; in oree place already
graded. The bluff is low, and full of the best lime
and sandstone rock in the Territory, and abundant
enough to supply a largo city for all future ngs", for
building, paving, A. There ae extensive bodies of
timber in the immediate vicinity, on both sides of
tho Kiver; stone-coal, lima and sandstone, abounds
throughout the whola valley of the Weeping Water.
Executive Department,
Omaha City, N. T.
T'j the Qualified Votcrt of Xtbrailn Territory:
I, 3IAI1K VI. IZA11D. Governor of the sa:d
Territory, in pursuance of an act of the Legislative
Assembly, "to provide for taking the consus, making
Kehraaka Territory.
Pork, B icon, L ird, S. Cured flams,
No 9, Sycamare Street, Cincinnati, O.
county towns, because it may have ben
thought some imprudent men who havo acted
unwisely, reside therein. "We all know that
it is to the interest of every farmer in Nemaha
county, to build up at least one flourishing town
within her limits. Then, I would say, let us
all join together, and push forward both town
and country alike, and if Brownville shouli
go in advance, let it go; if Nemaha City
should make the most flourishing town, al
right; if Mt. Vernon bo the place of noteriety,
ameu to it. I haveno sectional views toward
either of the above places; nor have I a dime's
worth of property in any of them. But I well
know that every exertion we make to keep
down one portion of our community, affects all
alike. As well might we say that all the land
in the North half of this county, shall never
advance to more than $5 per acre, as to say
that we, the farmers of Nemaha, will make
this a great farming country, with wide-spread
fields and fine mansions, but that there shall
never be a town cf any importance anywhere
in the county. One would be just as impossi
ble as the other. we make a rich county iu
point of agriculture, we are bound to build up
a considerable town eoraev.hcre among us.
i i no lti 11 ti irvim n. Ti w I on r n hnvn hid .
apportionment, holding ilections " Ac, approved Jan- ' Vv V" r r m,
uary 20th, do hereby declare and make known that f P3 UP at n a?le f about x degrees for a dis-
an election will be held in tho several counties in tance ot one-fonrth of a mile, then spreads out into
this Territory on the first Tuesday in November, A. e mo beaut'(ul ta,bIe l3a!1. presenting to view
1). 135, for thirteen members of the Council, thirty .tLf "P8.1 rofan,-,c nfnd magmficient landscape ever
fiv- mJ.,.., r it.. ..r ioofi; ' beheld by the eye of man. Ihe surrounding coun-
three Cour:tv Coimr-i.oners tut each ennntv. nr- lrJ j.erea uv i aimost innumeraoic tributaries
ding to the apportionment hereunto subjoined; which '".T " .V "V romance,
said -lcc tic nsh.dl bo conducted in all respects in ac- "?d I.n,1a1n a-ltf10n j) andf " th?v ,fines fann5a2
cordancc, with the provisions of an act entitled "Eleo- !f-.on,in the .8tern eountrj. yomini lies due
tions," npprovc-d January 23th, 1S5(5. There being est of bld.a' Mimi, Bedford LloomGeld,
no Coun t Commissioners vei elected, the Probate Keoaaaquaand Burangton, and is the best terminus
i...i,..i- ,.T;-Mt.i.K-.-.v.,;,.i tor railroad on the Jlissoun river, and the best
dges of the several counties are hereby
and required to proceed at once to lay off their re
spective counties into convenient election precincts,
and appoint three competent Judges vf eleciicn in
each, and generally to do and perform fcll such duties
in conducting said eLction as will, by the provisions
of said act, devolve upon the Doard of County Com
missioners whin they snail have been duly elected
and orgauiied.
The comity ot Dabkota will elect one Councilman
and two Representatives; the counties of Hart and
Cuming joinly will elect one Representative; the
county of Washington will elect one Councilman and
three Representatives; tli3 northern district oT Doug- j
las county wul elect three Louneiunen and eibt
Rejirwentativep; the southern district of said county
will elect one Concilman and four Representatives;
the southern district of Douglas. Washington, Durt
and Cuciing counties jointly will elect one Council
man; tha counties of DoJgo and Platte jointly will
elect ono Representative; the counties of Cai?,
cister and Clay jointly will elect ono Coancilman
and four Representatives; the county, of Otoe will
eleet two Gouncilmea and six Representatives, the
c )uny of Nemilia will ele.t one Councilman ar.d
nrec R?res(!nUlives: the counties of Richards n
and Pawnee joiarly will elect one Councilman and
thr-1 Rtpnucritatives; the eounties of Dodge, Cass
ana uuv pnallj will elect one Councilman.
NVitnxss my hand and the great seal of the
... -x Territory, this 6lh day of September,
' A. V 1306.
By the Governor, MARK W. IZARD.
T. D, Crjic.G, Sctrslaryof Nebraska.
giint for a western extension, being dae East of New
ort Kearney, and the nearest point on the Misjouri
to the great Salt Springs in Nebraska.
From the grctt natural advantages this point has
over every other place on the river, it is destined to
becomo the Great Commercial Metropolis of the Ter
ritories West of the Missouri.
There is the machinery for a steam saw mill just
landed at ou? Lovee, which will be erected forth
with. There is another expected in a short time.
There will be a Printing Ofilee set up, and weekly
newspaper issued in a few days. Merchant and Me
chanics are lots in Wyoming for the imme
diate erection of buildings suitable for their business.
The country back already presents a thriving aspect;
being dotted over with fields and bouse? of industri
ous fanners. Taera is no humbug about the matter.
J ust come and see for yourselves, and get y ju a good
home while you an get it chenp. At the sale on
the day above named, you can buy fcr a few dollars,
vthat would cost you thousands in a short time bene.
By order of tha Wyoming T..wn Company, N. T.
. JACOB DAWSON, Secretary.
Wyoming, N. T. Sept. 20, lSitf. vlnlSi"
Foreign and Domestic
No 15, Pearl Street, Cikcikxati.
No. 78, 3Iaiu Stect, St. Louis; Mo.
The cheapest and most extensive Fancy
Goods and Yankee Notions Establish
ment in tho Western Country.
T ERCIIANTS ia search of cheap goods are invi
AtA ted to examine our stock of silks, dress goods,
shawl, whito goods. Embroideries, ribbons, gloves
and hosiery, trimmings, furnishing goods and small
wares gene ally, together with 15,000 Iaraols
of the latest and most fashiouablo styles, at maau
facturers' prices.
Cash buyers, close purchasers, and prompt men
will find our stock adapted to their wants in every
t t t 1 f . I . "
particular, can ironi me traac is rcspecfluliy so
licited. - vlnlitf
August 2, 1S5G.
Ii0O2 OUT! .
A. LL persons are hereby forwarned from bnyinz
i X the South West fourth of Section 23, Township
o. ortn ivange l j, tast ot tuo sixth 1 nntipal .Meri
dian, in Nemaha county, N. T., now occupied by
Thos. Hcddy; as I have a right to said elnim that is
indisputable. U. U. THOMPSON.
Brownville, July 5th, 1355 vl-notf
Furniture and Upholstry
Of Great Variety;
At the Banner Furniture Ware Rooms of
for a supply of the Little Giant Corn Mills
As I order none but th we engaged, Farmers who de
sire this useful article, will hand in their orders im-
All Mills aro warranted to porfora as represented.
R. W. FURNAS, Agt.
For J. It. Chadwick, St. Louis.
. A. D. JONES,,
257Eand3 carefully located, and entered for cus
tomers. Lots and Lands bought and sold.
4 FEW mere active and energetic youncr Men can
XJL find immediate employment, by which they can
easily make $ 500 to $101)0 a year, to act as agents for
several new and popular works, just published for
agents, and not for sale in book stores.
Wo have a great many agents employed, many of
whom are making from $15 to $20 per week. Those
who wish to engage in this pleasant and agreeable
business, will fur particulars, requisites, Ac, address
Publishers imd Wholesale Booksellers.
Editors of Newspapers, by giving the above and
following, thrse insertions, and calling attention to
it, shall receive any three of tho following works;
Life of Josephine, by Ileadly, $1,25
Life-of Lafayette, " $1,25
Life of Najtolcon. " $1,25
Wild Scenes of a Hunter' Life, $1,00
Life of .Mary and Martha Washington, $1,00
Odd Fellows' Amulet; $1,00
Any person wishing ny of the above books, can
have them sent by mail, free of postage.- on- receipt
of the above retail pricpj
vl-n4 j C. L. DERBY A CO., New York;
On Edmond Street, near Cargill'd Mill,
St. Joseph, Missouri.
W. J. TAYLOR, Removed from the old
Stand . to tho above named Jac3.
THE undersigned is now fully prepared to accom
modate bis patrons and friends with the he's: as
sortment cf Pino Lumber ever offered in this" mar-
Icpf,. miirmrisinc not onlv S"hitn tin t.nmho nnA
White and Yellow Flooring, ready dressed; but also 0rt Serid Street, Si-jn of the Chair arid BAtUadi
best assortment of Pine and Cottcnwood shingles, rpHE continued libcrst patronage of the citiiens cf
Poplar Siding, Ac. JL St. Joseph, North W estern Missouri, Kansas, Ne-
Ile has now on hand, at his Lumber Yard, tho lar- braska and Western Iowa, for all of which we fed
gest an J best assortment of Door3, Sash and Veni- thankful, has induced us to inoreu.' ourfaiilitiesfur
tian blinds, ever offered in this market, a portion of doing business. Having built last spring, a very
which is direct from Cincinnati manufiictorics, which large Manufactory Establishment on r ranciJ strce',
enables him to sell at very reduced prices. Hois and having employed some of the very best workmen
fully prepared to fill all orders in his short in tho Eastern cities, we are now determined not to
notice, and particularly solicits the Kansas and Ne- bo out done by any other Furniture establishment ia
braska trade, for he haj the articles they want and the Missouri Valley, in quantify, quality, durability.
must have. Be sure to giva m-aacall, near CargiUs I styles and prices. Uurstock. consists ia part of Rose
Mill, and in the immediate vicinity of the St. Jo- wood, Walnut and Mahogony Bureaus, marble and
seph Brewery. solid tops of every style; extension, centre, card, din-
ing ana swa table; Uook cases, ash stands, U orx
Ll l lLri UlAiXl UUKrS MILLO. tables and W rad.obes, boras, divans, ottomans ami
i t mi a . , t, footstools, spring Scat parLr cliais, rocking, nurs .
ATLXT week, I will send my last order of the sea- elizabcth chairs of every variety. Mahozonv. wal-
v ... n .I..,.. r t v i i ; f f i 1 i 1 1 . i , . . " . .
nur, encrry ana m ipio ieasieaas oi every style ami
varitty. Spring, hair, moss, cotton and shuck mat
tresses, ic, together with all other articles iu our.
line, usually kept in a Furniture Wareroom. Wi"
say then to all who may want good Furniture, cither
for hotels, parlors or be 1 roius, givo us acall and e.t-.
amino our work and prices, and we think you wilt
leave your money hero in place of sending it to Sf"
Louis and getting an inferior article at the sainn
price you can get a g'x.d one here at.
Our motto is tha cash system, which will enable m
to sell at smaller prnats than ours or any other estab
lishment can do whore the crit system is adopted.
N. 15, Tho highest price paid for. seasoned Wal-:
nut an l Cherry Lumber.
St.' Joseph, Aug 30, 1S5G- vluUtf
Tits Cocntby (emtleii s U a boautifully illus
trated weekly of Id pages quarto, with srveial De
partrtnnts for the Farm, the Graver, the Dairy, tho
Fruii Oardcn and Orchard, the Flornt, ihe Kitehen.
Garden, the Housewife, the Firo.ile, Ac. This i
without qne-ttion, the BEaT Agricultural Papr in th'
United Staffs." Hon. ,To3N WEsnroEt a, M C. of
Illinois. Price $2 a year.
Tirz CrLTiVAToa, monthly, 32 pages octavo well
known for twenty ycar3,as tho beist monthly agricul
tural Journal ia thu country. Price 50 cent per
The iLLrs-TKATF.n An'nxal RegiIte-i c? RfRAf.
ArFAitts. The two Nos. issued for 1S5 and 155,
contain more than 250 engraving? cf biiMing, ani
mals, trees fruits, Ac. Fries i:5 cents ikich sent
post paid by mail. " .
Thcso wor'.ts combine attraction? to hi fuund in n'
similar pall ioat ion", and the publishers will send
specimens cf the papers to a!l who would like to ex
amine them. Pub!;, bed at Albnnv, N. Y., bv ,
lltV7 Hardware Sicic.
Sign of the ?II11 Saw.
J. FLAHERTY, ' : . '
Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealar ia
American Genriin, English & French
IS NOWreceiving and opening te fargesi nni rjosl
varied arscrtment cf goods in the abt va line ever
offered in any market west of St. Louis.
My stock embrace a full and complete assortment
of Ckbinet and Honse Eaiider's Hardware, Mechan
ic's tools of crery description, direct from the mo4
approved manufacturer!-:; agricultural and horticul
tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin-,
ing all the recent and useful improvements for th
savir g of a vast amount of labor n the farming com
munity, from wbo:'u I respectfully request a careful
examination of this department of my stock. I ati
also cxclu'iva axont fcr the sale cf the celebrated
St. I,ouis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I
will warrant, anJ ii.'I all ortlers at ihe factary pricey.
Also it large of Gun', liides and Pistol,
Iron, Steel,, 4c., of the best brard?: in a word.
' An Ordinance
For the improvement of streets and aUey3 in tho
town of llrowuville, Nebraska Territory.
Sec. l. Pe it ordained by the town Council of
Brownville, Nemaha county, N.T., that five mills on
tho dollar, valuation of real estate, be levied lor the
purpose cf improving the street and alleys in said
JjkeT 2; I3 it further ordained, that the valuation
of town lots, as returned by the Sheriff at the last
assessment, bo the basis ujwa which to levy the
above tax. -
Sec. 3. Ba it further ordaiccJ, that the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to receive propnsals,ahd let
the contract for all work done in said town; letting
to the lowes responsible bidder, and requiring bond
in full amount of estimated work.
Sec. 4, Pu it further ordained, that a coinpetf-nt
engineer be appointed, as Cit' Engineer, whose duty
it shall bo to mako an estimate of all work desired,
which work shall be done in accordanco with such
estimate, and the inotructions of the Council.
Sec. 5. I'o it further ordained, that it shall be
the duty of tho Marshal to proceed and collect the
above tax, immediately after the expiration cf ten
days from the passage of this Ordinance, and pay the
money into the hands of the corporation Treasurer,
taking his receipt therefor, whkh money shall be
drawn by an order, signed by the Mayor an3 Clerk,
and authorized by a vote of "the Council;
Sec. C. Be it further ordained, that should any
property holder in said town, fail tocomply with the
requirements of proceeding sections of this Ordi
nance, then it-shall bo the duty of the Marshal to
proceed and enforce tho same, in accordance vith
(the law in such case rtadc and provided.
1 his Ordinance to takeeffjet from and cftcr ten
days from the date of its passage.
Passed September 2, 1853.
Attest: O. F. LAKE, Clerk,
New York.
o. w. cuilp,
St. Louis.
Dissolution oi Pdrtaersbip.
NOTICE is hereby givirr. that the co-partnership
heretofore existing between .!. D. Ji. Thompson
and fl. P. Buxton, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. The busines of the firm will be finished,
v-ith consent cf parties concerned, by IT. P. Buxton.
Erownvill?, Sept. S, 1855. vla!5tf
E. W. FOX,
St. Louis-;
Direct Importer", Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents
English-, French, German & American
Ilirdwaro and Cutlery.
139 & 111 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue,
Childhood. Youth, ?Ianhood Old A?e,
Four splendid Line Engravings, from the Oririnals
ia the Gallery of the Srinjler Institute. Plates,
15x23. Paper, 2tix33.
Of fi
Of fiv v,.ar' .,!! inv.,W fMi 13 ' c'-mpieie, wnica, lo.- irs quality anl
000. Artisf. t,roofs. fi'M). ' 1nx itt "n' S I'r.l:c 1 am uerined to offer such inducements at
Plain, $20. I l ::o.mnC!i liberal sh
the work, with testimonial- from our first ARTISTS,
our most eminent, DIVINES, our most distinjuUhed
STATESMEN, the best credited JUDGES OF
AIIT, at homo and abroad, together with tho
Of this city, and also of tho highest European au
thority, ' w
Will be forwarded on the receipt of two postage
The Trade supplied on ihe taost
Liberal TermS;
Appropriate and tasteful styles of frames, prepar
ed expressly for this work, at the lowest ca.-a ratt s,
are furnished a prices varying from $10 to ?32 tho
set.. Boxing, packing and cartage frm $1 to 2.
Address tha Voyago of Life, Bev. A. Pv. WOLFE, ,
Tlnlit Stingier Inrtitat. N. Y.
lare of trade from this ni
adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing
and iigencies for American Ha.rdr. aro Manuf.v-tnrcrs
logeiuer w.ta a ior.g expenenee in the general Iiam-
ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all competi
tion, but has convinced me that the tru principle of
trade U cah a!es and small profits.
Augusts, 1S51. vlnlf;tf
Wir. rx. Thompson. j. n. taaffs
(Succo.ors to Burrows Thompson,)
VIiolesnlc Grocers,
And Commission Mercliants,
ITo. 13, Pearl Street, Ciaciaaatl.
JJT Particular attertion will be given to orlT
for Groceries, which will aWs ji be executed at currcr.l
market prices. . ' ' .