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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1856)
. .. .. r I 07 ! . .. ,1 MA.. A t 1 A ' , .J t .I" 1. F ! ( ;!lVi!-v;!..s : -. i i V Tn "X" . :--' 7.-. '.. .41 n i ; '6 " :J I -n.-.v' -.71 --.v i - an Independent weekly ewspaper-dyotedto-ie ITY" AT : LARGE.' VOLUME -L" : s t BEOAYNVILtEi'lfelAH : . " r f 77L ( 7 ?. - rr; ,77.7' 77" " 1 1 . , . r I. It t: ' t:: ' i ; t TED AKD rCELlSHEO ETEKT SATTSCAYTJT W. F URN AS, ri ESxet, Ut. llila and TTatcr, (L&Ve'a Block,) iROWNVILLE,- N. T, $2,00 : - 1,50 . cycaT(inTarilly in adrance), i montlis, - - - . " "JAMES W. GIBSOIJ, n" . BE ACK..S:HI. I Til, Second Street, tctvreea Main and Nebraska, . . BEOWXyiLLE, T." A. L. CO ATE, 3 : . : T2B T2XTSTY CTTAnSllJr ; ; "Ilarrvl 'tHat ."was wrorifr. How could you strike old Rorer?" ; 7 ;; A espcetes is A EcnooL-EOCii: 1 1 . "JJecanse , he stepped on my kite .Boys should learn at scKoolrhattHey with, his; big heayy foot,' and" like ,to are to practice when . men. r Many have made, a, hole, m jt, .replied the . " A. I - - 1 t (- . ' ' IT 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING: , re, (12 lin or It'?,) or-e insertion, ' lilituj&l in-'frtk-n, ... ?rc, on1 nntH s ; three inontL?,-' ' -.. ' six months, . .' . ere year. Cards of six lines or Jess one year, mn, one year, Culamn, one year, U " " aain, six months. ' " Culumn, six montlis, . , ' M " ' 4.00 c.r'J 10,00 5,00 53.00 15.00 io;oo 35,C0 20.00 10,00 8.00 20,00 13,00 10,00 6,00 5,00 Arti imtv Ql la VFYAD teacners seem to tninx amcrentiy;.-iboy, a laa ot ten, years oicl,twho had twenty-five francs. ; , " v v- ,T of allowing pupils-to try Twice in spellf ing a faithful old house-dog. V ",-L i Father Besides, - . - getrat-a Territory. , - r , g a, word.. : How is a boy to ' know, i "But Rover didn't do it on purpose, twenty-five times, . JOSEPH MUJtPllY, ; when -he is writing a letter: -which of He didn't mean to" break vour kite " iWifit f '4rTi?n'thTT .a nn; three months ('olainnthree months,.' v - ..', nrnandidatrs for office. i France will be required for ill adTertise- pj.t where actual tcyponribility is known, r cent for' each ehange be added. to the Y Businesi Card of fire lines or less, for 7.oo. , - rtisement will be considered by the year, x-ifi4 on the manuscript, or preriously on between the parties. o-menU not marked on th.eeopy for a rpeci er of insertions, will be eontinued nntil or-: '.' and charged aefordinj;ly. ' " , -srtisemeuw from strangers or tranEicnt per- paid in adrance. ivilce f yearly adTertifcr will be confined their own business ; and all advertisements '.ning thereto, to-bo for extra. ; ' led advertisement charged double the above pmentson the insido exclusively wiU .be -xtra. - ' .' '. - ' Attorney.- and .-Counsellor - at .Law. the two, ways to adopt! ' - Jpr be never And Solieitorini JL.incerr. .' ' srcusi i iA.n:i..rAmm;cc;i - Island-. -Schoolmaster' visited -one :;of ; Ajt. 3. Pressing an. actress upon he heart shall be. fiped Jwo francs.and a-half.-;;- 77 7 ; ? Now, Narcissus has pressed my wife to his heart ten time3, instead of merely pretending to ' do' s67 That - liiakes ! ' t . - ' 1 . - , . ! more than itfs worth. he has kissed her . and i no mistake makes up the sum mty : Men 'who are tco lazy, to -.Tcrkciust feel bad7 yet' th?: Mount Vernon;:Re- publican seems to' have bat little com passion for them..' In a rccnt l-sue pi that1 paper the edUor.says: "r 'Y;''-";"' l:: We. are down! on straggllag' jour printers, r We have never tefore been ablc :to muster; sufHcient.jdouragb," to cpiqo.down on them,"butusnllly.slidlc'd oat-pretty :lib.crally. ' for tip doleful tune 'tlieyjsang. ; As la general -thing that class of jours who goLVtrcraping" around' the" countfylike '"wandering tnz r:: The BuiTab 'rfrcci j-htst t:., : the: papers ar qudisg with sirpriie, thci statement that a lr? number cf the life preservers cn: board the ITorthsn;, Indiana were TcudoTcd r;Glcss from? having been r.r:7rit?l br rir.3, : Thio ls a fact r.n 1 th? f th-3 c::ro cf ev i The editor of the 17iodeUhculd think7and old 'enonch. too." file's old.'Cnough to be ar.irisa dog, thing. hsr consent, . tt0USo ' Omilvi arid Fontcnelle; - r lucso 8UP:s?..b;cfW8";r.ii SY . f1.3 -ana so x; r1DK UP is mucn i j jb athjjf My wife declaresoothe ml f.n excuse, ior. ocggwg at ..wmcA in , - nana notes oi asingte rccnuxion, wun wiser as a ao tnanTou are as a. poyi trarv. . r ; . ,,rr are preuy successiui, jor typos i. latest tyie of liEDSTKAUS, f-. : "Ac m jjcuiapuy . was wucu. .inaw? a uog as you are a Doy, ne. wouifi pect yourvwne to-tell you the truth on feieu,'"iJ1o"iUUU;'i' wov,;wt'05e every Also Learitts corn jiiiis, adapted for injKBg consistedpf seven b'oysand cirlsj whoso have tarried round and bit vou instead feuch a matter?,, 1 rpnfft hrr PvidpJ inch was" "bone and sinew "call.'upon irhosts," are "ifherxct1:1 rimjchan- o'that I! don't owe,any-iiC3 cr as men, and instead, cf faking o?. i s-jt-i , ,is ,-; ; i.r I pririmg a- vocation,,. mey-&m maxe it L 7 i- T 1 .1 are d Abo, a larze lot of llatf-ba Merchants supplied on whol shd ieasurV?, stiunped. namea i were, as we learned during the bf walking off as he didi with'a h feal8tem',7 'i rccitatfonV7Tno of grief z, your bad treatment. I .look am FatherI demand payment, aceord- Wl vitli!their stereotype, story ,of an ha; to oramatic usase-. r: 1 JnnrrA:rt Xvt'' ' : The vere recitig aboatjE'uropeJ'arid kindlyyou-of: allothers."' ; :errnined," let's C6me to lenns Til make generally: the ;next:, townwhere .they wholesale dealeu c, , vt .... Questions and answers were as-fol- 1 Vhv me of all nthftrs. mother?" W contft. ' - r r ;;:;rr have friends or relative's. or. sometlnn rf Bacon, ;Lard,-S, Cured Hams, lows:. ' ' . : - - 1- 7 H ' "Have I never told vou hoW. Rov&. i 7Fftt.TiAr.TT,vV 'ni'1:!. ''7, ' J Seise, .and' wV have' 'alvavs Jbeen fool BEEP AND BEEF -TONGUES i "Thomas, what i said of EuroDe?" saved Vour life?" v 1 ' - '.r'.':": " V. ' i .m;h;, rZli& kou2hvto'lork overi" Brit, oneft for J : 1 X I -, , .J' - ' - ' It AY UA VllJO UU -A- W j AAlLVA b It Lilt V AA t lv I . t5 Pork, DUIED : No. O, Sycamore Street, Cincinnati O.y 'fit-it-it-is- stammered the boy. ! "No,: How; Ara3. it.- -mother? :iTTieni kissRs from.vftnr-wifi. r, ;7 77..';;; "the .jsmail r-,".'. prompted, the did he save my life? Tell me; ' ,"Are you not sorry that; ybus 1 ) ''V MID FAHCI: . PRINTING! x " Blanks, t .S Bfll Heads Labels, r. Circulars, Ladia; PHYSICIAN. SURGEON I est division cf the globe,"' continu- the faithful old dog?'' i i mi . . . . l . tt i - , f. : r -. AND : OI3STKTRIGIAN, ' ' M ea x nomas.---; ; , r" v; ; ; , 7ics, ram; j. was a .na all, we aret.dowh7bh7them,7 In the " . . " I Father Yc577 i T t '.T. future we "shall discriminate between truck Narcissus Well,'; I 'offer ' to return ,thry and nnwp'rthps and when- , . . . i luvm iu Aiur. ,1. i jkrcinenuous lauLTuier. 1 1 r v -,":vvv, "- 'ughty : boy. I "When the Judge had.succeeded "in pw-fconeUj our asis-for.o'uf ! 'charity, mem wna: service- - we them; into a iob:6f hod- ortirrntion fi ! d 1 Tn : r : . Q. . Two Miles from Brownviiie, on claim -near Mr. I "Grand diTisIoh, you mean, do you But tell- me how he - saved -my life, restoring-1 silence, he finished :thal:tlis-r w'e''will5 rehder : ' ; -" 1 es. sir ronlipd the bov tronn- , "Ynn vrere,rnte; n. vova-: IIhTa Xfo'-nWA'i.' ;Trt0: T,-r':A-V.---iLl;'r''T, cirrTiriit or t'c r XULDJO. iXVX :UWJC5 dently:----.!. 77:: 7 "! host like yoar.dear. broth.illie;.,' Jt dispute.:-WJo-hope --th --noble father j'1 f1-1?-. n.L.111, jajiiu o., ; . lliat rjglit-returned the master! was.m the summer time,just;as- it? Ss khowed lumsHf mhanimousT tX J'',n,J'n-'I VirVfi riin "T7E are now in receipt of tie most complete and ! .ilt'fi7i?rirfnrtfnrljLlJl'tr UoWInn inf1 rotVor tV.n 'flmr)rc -nA II r r 7' ...1:1 iiA,hO f JfepUQllCt V maguifieent toek ererffered to the Western U ' -"" -r" 7: - 2 'HTEYETI" M - 7 I ., the '"S.ii', V . ' . I Uli. iiUU BUUiCklUiCS UCUUVVU ttllU II t the teacher went, fairasleenrupon the crass. Bover was It " As a; 7 n r :rl- true in t t,r. Captain Titns i. of the Gri7thwcr :- by the - ignorance tlie la'dv pas??n l.rvn - " ' ' - h - people ar.d . nothing h i.or? -oinrr c: than-to'find that the, inflated life rr-- A, crc7:ines3;cf board,' and wa . . f. :m steamb')?! -rcrs in the state rc?r as pin-c? stca?r enrr"' sr.rjcier.' timet tiDn ci u. board, -is renue-r 1: nr.scrv travel u "i "ten bcr.that C th?- one r' A ) be em cf the- c?.r .c ... J rem cm-- pin into a lif? preserver cause tho. death of. a fellow. being, and thatthis, ab'itof .theirs is a sen :r.3 crime and, one wbll de?',"vr- cf p inLrLmcnt.; Suca'e'onduct i : .: cnly rccklcr.?, br.t actually, "crimi" 1, wcr? tl.m theft, though. pcrhnps not so L" a:- murd.?r, y-J--' rrr - " - ' , ,1 u I cstcrn it Trade. Merchant viritin? this citv are invited to ful fe I makeaa examination of our rtotk rl price?, i j J j 'belhff the lilOSt . JT. T. DOWDALL. -! ' ' . B. E. CAK2.f DOWDAT.L, CARR & CO.,1' ,1 , WASHIXGTON found KT, . of July 54th give3 ifollowin'rhyming desctiptiom of - mm r . 1 A. I A mere p on with the sentimcel. -" -7, ...' 7' . 7' .1 I world no where " I 1 II nil ' 1 LU V- 11 a UUU 9Jm A.A-.-tm A LA a t Uj kl I ' . . I t . s s ci vilizedr ahdidnd-andrHB vidently dos. lie" was vcryfon'd T)f tou? and M1 cdmplcx-niece-of Imachinery in ;o; XUrr. i he : earth .13 r. parched ; and Lucy's memory 'was completely - ex- When you were out alone at play, : he I smail a .space., vIt is, an epitome of cracked jnd.x ry, and quivering .0 ex ' - - . - AL . I 1 J - I T . t 1 ' - - - I I T T 1 lit "IT . I 1'. I 1 rk'!! LTQ' THQ TTrtTW ?1!!Q BILLS, BALL TICKETS, ry other kind of work that may be called for. purchased, in connection with the " Keflec ice, an cxUnsire nd excellent variety of itest styles, we are prepared to do any kind of ntioned in the above UaUAogue,. wuc 1 diriatcb. Voprictor, who, having had an extensive ex- will give his jiersonal attention to this branch ess, and hopes, in his endeavors to please, the excellence cf his work, and reasonable , to receive a share of the public patronage. J -, m ' r - . 1 - Til a Jill. Machinery,-Tobacco Lucy briskly nowlhelpcd '.completely uith your little -basket. - and theredK allthodaj .upon their pars,. r oranns. ettles, U-rd Screws and Wnn nml.nn.occ.mBni ? r.ti a 2 .tjj1 ?"Li.'.r- oatrlpa 'it fiiTTiiafia kawa, xenrAi.rn iLUQ llOrSCS han2 their iWeatm? ll'nril.1. it iuu 01. nowers. .-xvover .was : asiecp.i t . ,1 "r.Tr.'.rr;rj ,,vuuviu i - , . i r, , , . p, u did i exampiea ui ui vmu-jr roviaence ana fuuvu r1-1 ftu : . wuu a r 1?J- ers. taw and Grist Screws and Presses, Lard-Kettles, lird Screws and hevon(1 embarrassment nT.1W,,1n VT,A Tsrin Morhinp. Vnnnir' P(.nt UL.VUI1U J"-UU?"T d.S&meUU . , Sinnt Mauhines.Uailding Castings, 4c. - .1 . ' ? 7 , ."Biiltr' t5J"Agents for tho sale of James Smith & Co. s ""MVk'w TThTjIoVi o - it k niTTvr n a imj .- .... 4., w n,. ..uuu YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. T ell 1 t-timaie; baiu tuu tried, always successful, fully GuaxantiedM 3Iaha- some tendftrnessin factured and fcy J ' ei iTf ; Jf 1)0 WALL UAKll, & vJO.. V- Washington Foundry, St. LotLsMrt. '. . . "The western - part is milder- eanui" .11 I r- a 1 1 , t 1 nil ina nrn Pr k win iat- rnn n nn c o on - I wva.v- v wvuoti lAA , what: is said of its not see von ! kro oht. TWait looking Mmniscienccj ot whicir no other 'part e ymno-wnen ;aayiio;nt DreaKs,,we schoolmaster, with fr6m the window, and all at once I saw of the body affords', an ftxact' ; illustra; ink lheworJd pnhxclhe cats his manner;-- ir.-,t,- ravp- stnrt Ttn rVrfVnm rriWnin tion. K .We have.the-mechanical power a me teneato tne house,r they . dare 1 w r kvj mm v w u aaa w a m j ta a 14 an a ' w - .OiJIMr ; 7 llliLil lufeseci;t7e teacher.,7 n : began, the" girl, the house. He acted as if some one of the pulley-vthe; retins,-that mirror m - . i ' ,.- a r . : . k t't. KAi-rtT-.- -Af thn- 'tinAh ' wtiTAt I drooT to death.. with one r rav from o had called him. After riinning through Hn tn. all the and on BUSINESS CAHDS. SCAR F. LAKE & CO,, GENERAL J AMU LUl FICE cn Haia. let. 1st and2ISU Erownville, II. T. ' mum . S. HOLLXDAY, LL D. - iGEON, PHYSICIAN ud. OlDStotrician. ER0WNV1LLE, N. T.; ' j a share of public patronage, in the various of his profession, from the citizens of Brown I vicinity. - ...... .. . 'That answer is in fine print, and we bn the. nrfi'nrrt to lpn.rn thn fine nririt " .nriod tla WoTr r , - - i'-- 7 1 vi mi iiv.a uuuuuo. jjuiciiiil: iiiw , " ; o " : It: l- - - ri v ii- . i ' . . a half dozen voices. : A Uy, 1V4 11 n nnon it. whether- it be six irir.he 'or that .rain 13 not, , hhel hsh , arc dead : .Kiffht.- I forgot said he. - - .U. l1T, ' v ! v ' six miles :"om ther colored moment to hrobstefs are not7no pystes lives- ri 0 7 . I uvn u 1 xuv.v. I ' - - - f-l - 1 i " 1 . m. v -' . ' ' - ' ' "Well try the map questions. What ! Where's Harry Rover'lsaid- for absorb the superfluous rays, the sensi- f10 clam.-.: 4b0- DroP-3 and streams are ocean oh .the north?' Y:v.l? the thoucnt of yon came instantly ko. e iris, that : beautiful curtain which iT7m5 L SL J.ortB a , ."IN ortherni said the scholar prompt- mind. u . Go find him , ... 1 j . i-u j.'- . kineao understood me MPvmifK .sti(:k ov in.riTHrxd Tn!nfsL. : Arc . tne teacner saia. snaKinrM ehrt-nt oir-iT- enrunn An-n 1 ' - "-- ...... " -" I . . nuuL W W t -t I . rui 4ill UU nil Odtttl D.' UUU 7 .: ' (1 I . . " . . ' . . . n . . i . ' tnred by ourselves in NeF; York, expressly for this hishead.7: 7 "7.: , uP but mto the "garden. 71 fblloWed him, fty andjstrengthto :;the ; orgair, ..the rd.s;nest pie., Ihe leaves turn.brown: i r cTrt.te nrriT.TTv prtpw ' "Arctic!" shontfid-Hnldaliiinahnrfv T fflH . vitreous humor with whieh it 5. fill pA before their-timc,' the blossoms deave defy any and all competition i We bave nxMrkej ;to correct herselfV . 7 ' J. 1 . ...... voh , As Tannroached tho lower nart the external defences, the arched brow: the J?)f ers and r drooping, withering iiTT i?- 1.-i' 5 i.; I . - . . . ' .. . ' 'X. I ' '.1 ' Til.'- ii. 1 i t. - f ' " l'l I tha tl-nT-lif (hnsa BaiTr cntintr tinit!. " xiorauo, waat- ecas .Clothing Sale n WM.RMARTLNJ '.inrfi" (C.C.'MAttTlX, .-Xew York. lOJU. -. -.St. Loaw, MARTIN & BROTHER. 1 27iT OLD ORIGINAL CLOTHIERS, Ko. 114 AlfD Jffo. 1 MAIN STEEET, , . 7 ST LOUIS, 31 0. - . ; TpOR the approaching spring, we will bare a TRE J. J :, c J. D. IT. THOMPSON, T HOLES jLLB AN t RKTAIL PE ALER3 IX ZT'y GSrOOCL3 rare, Queens ware, Croceries, and Country Produce. . ' . HOBLITZELL & CO., COLES ALE AND RETAIL CEALER3 IX ! GOODS. GROCERIES, Queensv7axe, Haxdvyare, UNTR.Y PRODUCE. BROWNVILLE, X. T. iRPivG. c. c. KiMBavea r. f. tooxib. 7.DI1IG, KII.'HOUGH Si CO., nwacf nm and Wholetale Dtalert in CAPS & STRAW GOODS, 13 Haia itreet, let. Clixe uii PLae, ST. LOUIS, MO. :lar attention paid to manufacturing our !e Hats. down our price very low, as we intend selling to none but . - ' CASH AXD. PR OMPT HEX. To such we would ask a thorough examination of our stock before purchasing. " I l-5t - - ; . MARTIN 4 BRO. 1850. SPRING SALES. 185G. LO-W TRICES TO CASH AND PROMPT TIME BCYEES. JOHN HALS ALL, ' .i : WHOLESALE AST) EETATti 'ill'.Cij. BOOKSELLER STATIONER. : AXD BLANK BOOK MAXFACTCBERS. Ko. 120 HaiiL, St.Lcuis, Ho. . ' HAS for sale all the Spelling books; Oengraphies, Readers; Historiries: "JChemisttie.; Dictionaries; Ar4thmetics; Philosophies, f e now ia nse, togetfcor with a large sto& of Law, Medical and miscellaneous books forming the most complete jwsortment to be found in the city. Also, Writing paper, and Foreign and Domestic stationary, of tthe finest quality, country merchants and ethers should not fail to call at Xo. 120 Main st,r- - r::n 7: - "'J f , r r r on the south?!' was i Horatio began cautious but there he, was arrested from the teacher. i -," Was the tipd teacher's 5 RIDEN :iSS.MARY W. TURNER, . treet, tetveca llain and "Water, ' 5HOWNVILLE, N. T. r and Irimmivgs always on lumd. J. T7. "V7HEELER, J1TECT HID BUILDER. 3'J Sir. L.TZD "SfJLTEZ S?2. Irownvillo, -M". 1. '. L. HCKBTT, PE1ITER AND NEBRASKA TERRITORY. VMUEL SPCNCEH &. CO.. y-Two North Fourth Street, Near Locust ST. LOUIS, MO. FACTCRERS of everj description c: -inraintings,EnsvingsLituo-JKK-king-giass 1'lates of every Bixe, and any pattern in the best manner. - ,ing v-arus, c, blamed and Varnished or t short notice. - Walnut and other fancy wood Picture uiairgs. adc SuppJieJ. Old Frames, Ac, Re-gilt. RiTht.' "Vhat 'river. III '71 '-'j.- i wurni & .WHITE,!.) ! - LAND AGENTS; NEBRASKA CITY, JT. T." , ' HAVING made arrangements by wbricTi we' will receive acrnrste -copies of all the Townshije embraced in the .L'astera pprtiou'of Nebraska, we are now prepared to offer our services to the In Piling Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Securing" Pre-emptions, Liocatin Land arraats ana . ' ENTERING LAND. LA2sD WARRANTS BOUGHT. & SOLD. , Land Entered on Time, Ac, . Particular attention pnid tc Buying nnd -SeUin;' lropcrty.on commission: Also, to making Collectfoni and forwarding remittances to any part of the Union. AiianKs oi an Kinds always on tana. , RIDEN & WHITE. ' ! REFERENCED. N ebraska Oily. " - - U it St. Joseph, Mo,5tA Washington City, '"Medit "Mediterranean, .Black, .Az- said the. boy, and a frown brings him up again." ';. y ? v XV . V v -7 ' s . "The. i mountains; now,"' said the master. Cau7V :r I '.Caucasus!" said Horatio,' catching the nanixv ::;-. . Z , - b ,n : tin - mountains, ; and.- sea on the cast, Sidrrcy?"(Twas .the next truest ion. vYrj,v '.vUXO'A1" V61ga'4-v.Uiic the pupil,- When the frown again. stopped him. ' ivu.I r?. " 'U-Ur "j drawled, out the ques tioner and prompter. - 'Ural mountains, Ural river? and" said Sidneys hesitatirig'again:.7;. 'Casp "jsaid the teacher., .-t ;:ian Sea!'7 shouted 'thq boy: : 7 ,: ..; Good, b HYhat ocean on the west, AnstinrVni (I7A 'Ai 'L'JtUUA ; "Atlantic," ;was- now. -the prompt replv.' "Amanda,' where is4he Yvhite bear' said he:::ir - :'r: vr; -;x':? She replied, hesitating, - "In th e-in-the-m the A -1 ' :-N6r" tion , TIon. A A. Bradford, 8. F.Nuctolls,' - , Messrs. Dolman ii Wcs ' ) PeterA. Keller, 1 nomas Lumpkin, o nair on ms ooay stooa out straignt j u.iua j, uy ---- r --r jl " - v-rA&w : t ,1 Rt'.iT i;tA 1,rTtl ' TlA KoJnvi which the.tears , are i conveved:awavJliefr societies.; rl he farmer pours his him you lay sieepinc-' on a band. You after having performed their intelligent! tatter out, and measures it per' pint. nn I r-n n n 1 V. ..A r.4-. 1. 1 I J 1 1! IV I! I K 11 1 II r. I II ,il I I Jllr Lilt Pul .-il-a 1 wvvWV( n r.uvtunvu j. Ul U 'U UiL to sec a venomous stake, in Rover's sliall perceive that aU naturp's -jabora- times:are out of joint. . Dh'. for one fcTETriGN'OF; Sr4't?. Tradition irr; ' sist3 that corsets were first invented by a. brutal butchct qf the thirteenth cen tury, as; a' punishment fcr his wife She was very Jocjuaciou, and finding noth-i ing would ctire .her, h!j put a pair '.cf stays 'on; order., to take; away, her breath, and. so' to prevent her; -a. ho thought,; from 'talking. -Th6 cruel. punishmept - was ' infiictc .1 ' y other! heartless. husbands, till, at last there! was, .scarcely, a .wife in all London' who wa3Tiot condemned , to tbe like -.aIic-j tion. The 'punishment -.became s; universal at. last that I -lie?, i:t their'deilence,. made a-fashion cf .it, ; and so it has continued to the present: 7 : .' : : " 7 .Wtr t ; . f-, .Gibbon and the rrj:xc:r Doctor. A cjood 'story of Gibbon h told in tho last volume of Moore YMcmcjr?. Tin?' aramaiii persons y; ere Lady Elizabeth Foster Gibbon J the historian, and an,'. eminent French physician, the historian and doctor.bcing rivals in courting thi7 lady V, favor. 'Impatient at . Gibbo-nV occupying eo ranch. bf. her attention Ii hi conversation, the Doctor said cross-. ly to himV 'when my" Lady, Elizabeth1 Fostor iTnade your twaddle," X u.:ii' r.-tt n t.f.t. rt 1 . - niii t viii wiivr, , .UIUUOIJ. drawing him self up grandly,' and look-; ing' disdainfully at-the.' 'phy sician-re-, plied,"' "When r my 'Lady r ; Elizabeth'.':dead from "your reccintsV L -talized her' ,7 . " '. ' . 7 will immortali mouth: The faithful dog: had doubtless tory has been exhausted, ,to produce tle Urop j of ram, .to cool the thirsty ' - -I'll 1 f "1 T , I rvrn l n r Y r c w. i ti -v. IiTa 4- K T.4 'am 4 saved youfrlife.And you-ah: Harry! inis wonuen ui organs tm contempia- j.i" r.1 .."o. .c .v " nave ueen soi uu uunmuji nnutuviDaiui - -- o. r r - k if ;rtdist to exclaim. We are 'fearfully and let lhat drop 'expand itself as inuchas Rover !" : ' :: : : " :i 7 1 7V; 7J wonderfully madef liut the great r " pas; yea, leiaseconu ueiuge The boVsaUhis burst into tearsand beauty of the eye coni sts in the soul tne .can i oeiore it ceases. 1 esTr : F - 7 .i' i f. a Al. 4J-JIl- 11 1 ri a hid his face in his mother's Map.-. He ttiatfehmes through it, the expression .V,11 uu,au, a"0 Vae;W continued to weep for some time, and ot that nuncl to which at holds office, hriP"r reiuemuer;, o er;au; then he went after the faithful animal, that -power of 'control," rhich, . iron, "F.? v try tuing. reign n and When LC had IOUndhim, he.CareSSed mc-iwncr urucrm ;iuc?iimuiayVieauou him and talked ' to him in such a kind P to thelpftie'st;' intellect, is exercised way,tnatiiover, wno never neiaresent- ""ulv; "lf. AIL AE0T7T GIHL3 saiees. Tnont tnrrrAt iti ti instant, t hn nw ho UireCllU lUeirat llUUS, tiUitiryuiUff UlCir A MMii ta wrto.a i,nMr Qr imaffinationsr and inlluencin? theiri 1 .41 joa re a very precise man, and n s. 1 1 t " 1 ;AAto iJ71r7W-.i-77.l.--. Wisnto be1 certain ot what vnri trot , o. ....,..,.r. .... v ... , , r r ; t I ' ii'.j"iL! r-ifA'j jff .. . . 1 1 . i . ; i .,-.. i i iievfjr marry a, Lriri nameu rtnnr inr ivi naveine auinoriiy pi juinaiey jiurray, and .bthefsi that' "An , ii !an indefinite the until .. If - as an old do 1 r scrms in a FEExcn couht govtt. r j. i wa is the Teady : sugges- June 23, lS56. Tl-n4 MORE MEN WANTED. r7 , A FEW more active and energetic joung men can find immediate employment, by which they can easily make $500 to $ 1000 a year, to act as agents for several new and popular works, just published for agents, and not for sa-Te in book stores. , ' y- V We have a great many agents employed, many of whom are making from $15 to $20 per we;k. . Thosu who wish to engngo in this pleasant and agreeable business, will fr particulars, requisites, Ac., address : . C. L DERBY & CO. . . Publishers and Wholesale Booksellers. Editors of Newspapers, by pivinx the ; alove nnd following, three insertions, and calling attention to Jt, shall receive any three of the following works; . Life of Josephine, by Ilcadly, - $1,?5"" : i Life of Lafayette, t - $M , 'Life of Napoleon. . " ' I . $145 j Wild Scenes of a Hunter's Life, ' -j." .". , . $1,J0 Life of 51ary and Martha Washinon; A $1,00 . Odd Fellows' Amulet, . - T Any person wishing any of the a"bove books, can have them sent by mail, free of postage, on reipt or the above retail price, vl-nl . C. L. DEIiBY A CO-New Yorfc. A' PLEASTJ2E TOR A CHILD. .v.ns.'jw -.... 'r:-,v HEIIT HEGULAnoxs OF THE .THEAT2E3 -Blessed be the hand that prepares ar artfcle.'-'" r" ' v -J pleasure ipr.a-rcniia; , ipr rjeneir is no ;J n you wouiu ujte to ;nave .a wne. NarcissusYour .nonorlI,1 am:f:a saying :when and whci'a it mayramiin Snoiis tfone i of a thousand," you should dramatic artist,' and my 'line that of bloom forth.- Does not almost every nia'rry. -an "' Emily; or' Emma; ' for; any lAvre T nm ffirr.ftrl tnhti TtiWeA.xr hnrlv rfminmhpr" Krim kinfJ-hpartprl nfiritpr' rari tpll -vein trrVf. ''nmV' '"aro ' kNbrtrr of'Asia said xlmanda with confidence. " "- ' '" : !" : "Why,-you rarc r'ecitmV about Eu- rope, saiaine man witn , vexation. "North of -Europe, said the girl, correcting .herself.''-'' n"'r- r inis was once round tne, ciass wnn a question' aplecei.and, wasjin exact specimen oi tne .manner in wnicn tne poor scholars were taught. The teach er asked' the questions;- having first designated who should answer, and then when there was the least hesita tion he prompted them,-. givmg..them the half or the whole of the first word, and allowing them to commence exactly where he left off and finish the,, word or sentence, as the ease might be; and the result: was; as might have been ex pected, ihe scholars could no more gd on with : a recitation without 4 his con stant prompting than a cripple':: can walk without his accustomed crutches. sought to be turned to my disadvantaged this moments as ra ,cJuds 'bustl- ould not footed jladJ marry ' one named JennyVfore very jxpiaiu yoursen.r.c Narcissus -V hy, I have francs a month, and they want mo pay one hundred and fifty erties. Judge Properties? What kind of The possessor came-forth from his cat properties? 7 . vr . ., 7 7 7 ' , little cottage; he was a wood-cutter by The" most incessant writer - in - the Narcissus Kisses. - (Laughter,) A trade, and spent the. whole, week at world is he who is 'always bound to hundred and fifty ; francs for kisses for work ' in the - woods.1 ? He " wa.7 ' come Ad-a-line. ;. : , ' '77. J L 7 - 1 . You may adore wife, but .you ; will OiCil sianuiug xvw wuuuyu leuceuj a poor cotton spmncr Jtnows taat jennies are a hundred little garden m fcis-native village? with always turning."' to ma.e longing eyes he gazed on the flowers , If you.have a wifa named. Cordelia, for prop- which : were blooming there quietly : ia ton should ever. dro any of your old prop- wmcoL.Tverg uiooLimg mere quieny , m you snouia ?iever aro any ot your i ii - I one man, it3 exorbitant. (Renewed into , the garden to gather flowers to laughter.) That,however,is the amount stick inhis coat when he went io church. which Valsin, our noble father, has the He saw the boy, and breaking off the auaacitv to uemanu pi me. - . . f;I moji ueauumi oi nis carnauons, it was The Father; Stop, old fellowv v - streaked -with red and white, he gave jrThe" Judge liow is that? ;. ; . it to him, .Neither the. giver nor the Father It is easily nnderstootL 'In receiver spoke a word; and withbound every theatre there exist the following ing steps the boy1 ran home and now, regulation's:'"' ' ' il ' " . , here at a vast distance from thathoae, Art. 1. When the stage directions after so many event3 of so many years, require an actor to kiss an actress, he the feeling of gratitude which agitated must merely pretend, to do, so. 77 the breast of that boy expresses itself Art. 2. Every actor who shall kis3 on paper. v. ihe, carnation has long an actress ..without her formal permis- since withered, : but it now blooms sion, shall be fined five francs per kiss. afresh.-IJK-yfa? Jerrold. i be surpassed in lore when your wifais a Dora. - ': - -- ,..-. ,- ! ;iUnle'ss you .would have the evil " one for ."a " father:in-lawj you ' should not marry, :a . lady named Eliza; for the devil is the father of Lize (lies.) : ; I ' ,H you wish to' succeed iii fife a3 a porter, you should marry a Caroline, and treat her very kindly, - fcr so : long ,a3 you continue to do this, you will be good to Carry. 7 ;" . ' ' ' ' -'" ' : ' :Many men of highmoral principles, and who would not gamble for the world, st)H have not refused to. take Bets. ". ; Bfjght, Houiis1 axd : ,GLborrI -Ali,f this beautiful world! I knownot wh.U1 to think- of it; Sometimes 1 it is. all sunshine r and gladness, and heaven itself lies not far off, and then it. sad-; denly ' changes, and is dark and sor-' rowfulan'd; the clouds ' shut out the day. r Inthe'l.lives of the saddest cf us there are bright days like this, when we feci as if we could take the-great: world in our arms. Then come gloomy hours, when" the fire' will not burn on our hearths, and all withontandw(thfnJ: is dismalcoltl anddark.7 'Believe rnl, every heart has it3 secre' sorrows, which the world knows not, and oftJ tinie3 we call "a man' cold when, he ii onlfs'ii&LcmrjfeUow. 7 ?:- 1 '! i ; ' . . i " " ' ,")'';; The, frequent use cf asparagni w recommended 'strongly in affection of the chest and lungs; in fact, aiparagu.t; is ohe'of .the most 'wholesome as' well as the., most agreeable vegetables wej p03.sess. ;; -i .::'.)..: - . -. : . ; . .The. crop? are rroo in Great Britain: and France; and are about thcushal average in Russia, Austria, and SpaJn. In Forttrgal they arepoor. ' ') -" There is fitness in all thingr, except cheap clothes. '-; ' - - ' A ;Lbxo rjAD : PrtoFiTAEii:' Joi;.' ' Dictionary making' "by authority,1"' like most public operations, is, a nicr business for those who have the job. to" judge byr the following statement . from the Par'is'U'nirayi 1 ; : ' 7,r '; The- Commission ' of the' French1 Academy for compillingVnew diction-' ary was informed in 183G. It h 'com posed of ;sixin embers," who; receive a yearly: salary of 1200f.,; or together, . ioiiows tna:, m the course of twcntyear3,the sit members have' drawn a spin of 140,000f.- At this day,! not; . only" las the : Commission nofc nnisnca tne letter A of its dictionary;? but it ha3 nb gone beyond the" adjec-f vo . . aifeaionnc i -An ' approximate guess may, therefore, - be given a3 ti the: period when the Commissi oh will' have terminated It; labors,' and also tHe' expense it will entail on" the State''3'" . -.''Si .-.-v'