t: i i i - i - i i i i . On Sulurlsr j;:Lt, tvo x-ta .t:x.d V.sUaee Toc-Im asi Join Fa-celt, Foster, vere 2Testei ; 1 lodn 1 noser. TLi drcuu.taiiccs t.tvudicg lie arrest reS fcllovz: Atott a v.eck 20, tie police, ib-ouL an. vliOfce n.e r'as Xi01 u?. tarr;c 1 rcca?c quantity cf couat-e rc-sM Le'rttcrei ia"u:is c:tr. coull rot tc-U anvtUa' alcut the cLara-cter of the 'iost? v, Lo'lhcr upon Mlal laaV&'pr 'cf deaoailaatioa tLe i;IU -w ere to. be. Icr couM iafor?3. tie ,c!Ice t ti t' jv,,iv(j t',i;e -riac-e. She Tr'ag qhe.'.LU-Jcnt, Loirevtrv tlist the 1:3 ur ect' v. a ..ch.er after tak ' hours on . hvxiur li v,' tie 2 1 1 v :t.,-cr on Saturday, ile 'OilT: 'Tie Vo;aaa .vatclil . lie . wSm-lhU ticselr, and ca lat-t-Satur-far. alout forAlot-1: dlscorerelthat ' Hced cae cf tie "rarlies'afr Lnaj.-t - s r' r-filer a jrfoccrv aal at jT cae of i-.;- ati'l r -ea Le Lad jrose prccred t?e n',e sal fouaiit to Lecf tlelJaak cf T;';;evi:!e, ef tie' .deaorriastioa cf f'2. HLe gave -Lor isfenaation" to the TXiicAt cace.asd xaearjres vcrc iai- xae'Laix'I further h talea to intercept any ues.;. Vet tie riaas cf the car. cf -coardrt!j were 0 complete a . UcVput upba the. rari.oiis shopi an'3 . .forf:s-cf .ovr citV. . IVhea night caine '.cnj the tw o raealbore.xacnUiiaedy.-cre "arrested at' a hoae ca the corner of Jakoa ztA Berry street, ia the loer! part -cf- the: city; some .200 cf the ! inQney va.-fouad ca tbeir perroas. ' ooauUTftit isprbaouaeed by good judge a "most "dangerous cae, ' aad it . Jtcciyji xaay 'ctdy 1 detected - by close rdaiinatioa; .The nane cfthePreji' 'h ut J. W.Utl'eberger, ii cagravi'd, Tj-bi!c that of S. EL Mantlebaua, Cashier, ' ind h. MHe, Register, bare been vrit' ::te3. It w supposed that the. -money . was made in Illinois,' and that foztr or ; -five gangi? vrerd employed in this city to give jt & f imultaneoas issue cn Sat- unla. It vas thought at one tinie, by . the'police,. that they would be able to arrest- 'tuite. a number, but by- some - "uidtichy Chance 'they' were defeated.-- j he -conduct of -vie woman in the. case hvi not been explained to va9 but it is Fieri than probable. that she r-'as acta ated by other fecdisa than thoi-e cf honest desire for the .public good,. The perKins arrested will be examined in atie &a.on. JJ mouri. Jjcmocrai. '' , About the." 20th of Jaly, a taan by tne rj-arae of Orrea Khoden, mio vra . tt the time ith'eriiT of Wasluufftc 'county, ia this Territory. lie is.a man about fivQ feet, ten or eleven incbes, arid .we-ighs about .two hundred and twenty pounds. He is very dark com plected, and had on at the time he left a heavy black beard, only shaving his upper up and the upper, part ol-.his face. He had rather Hinall eyes, tnd .thcyvcri of a deep blue.. - He left in company M'ith a woman who called her Ktlf here MrV K'unnion, and who had fui .tained a very ditireputablc character " for a lon time. Tlho&es; drove oflT a . ppan'of horses that did not belong to ' bimj ftnd swindled every ono he co Id . before Le left,' and also leaves hi ball to account to Uie'county for nearly ail . tho rnonyho had received. 'He leaves ' a highly respectable wfe and daughter in a most heartless arid destitute man ner. "' ':-' ' ' ' ' " " " : Ivlitors generally, and particularly - in Mifi-T'ouri and the South, will confer ; rt favor to' community bv giving pub lic i ty t o t h c abo ve; -XehrazJcia n. cLEAaiiraA p'ecciaatic mon mio 111 ICtJKQ&CO. Tho last received number of, the Jjcrrrct Xn':sf contaia3 the following from the Khlers of tho Mormon Churclu If. arty penurious, grain-raiser refuses ta comply with its provisions, we trust 'he will ba cdealt with according to the lajv of Zion!"' ' "Wheat harvest is. close at hand, bread -ttuu" is b till scarce and the owners ' r,f fi Mi of grain will probably have a surplus, They generally have much . labor to perform, and consequently arc ar t to harvest in more or less of-, a wasteful manner :. For theso reasons, wi?dom obviously dictates the policy . Vf freely permitting gleaners to follow ' tho rakers end hinders," thus opening nn tHVctual way, in which the poor will ... be enabled materially to contribute to their own support beside saving what . w i!J othcrwiso be - lost, 'or go k toward -farther . encouraging 'a' tlovcnly, bus . j.andman in'tilling soil , with self-saw in 17 Tlie JlishoT)?,- in 'each "Ward through- nut the Territory, nre requested to Fee . . . ? : : ?i' tO'it, mat every priuu-r.uswi . utTiuus the poor to plena Ins acids, unless he prefers to glean them himself, iranie- diately alter tuo grain is oouna; and 'if any , one will not fcasonably 'and .properly glean his fields, nor permit .the'poor to do fo, let his Bishop deal .with him according to the law of Zion. V ; HeeerC. Kimball, -' ,; , Jei'Ediah M. G n ant. 'Death or a Well-kxows Phil a iiixriiiA Baxkeil Mr. Enoch W. 'Clark, cf the firm 'of Clark & Co., hankers and exchange, hrokcrs, Third Vtreet. i.hovo Chestnut street, died ycMcrdav morning nficr a long1 and painful illness caused hy cancor of the tongue. Mr. Clark is extensive! v .known over tho wholeUnion, being connected'-with tho house of Clark Dodc:e k Co., cw York, nnd also with houses in the West, St. Louis, etc. J Jidadfijmta Lcdgcrt Ath. SCAItRITT &-MASOV- LJiiiJJSS-AS:) i. J 3 fcV-i.tb;rgiu; Arii, . w Li,'i , ... . . . . . . . 0. AYJ '.i w; cr ;irfaj'etot : tj ft . . ;.r i ?., t-vi l-i. v'.xjr taeVt -1 j 11 r.o.k vf Uv aci; 'n . . ert- w "t Jit fl.Mi-- v'.-) is-.- "ktfc fl :tr?a c I-- iiirs, ! itvu iy". Ivy fl 3Btt4 ; 8 3 f.tia f;':t.:tnr Tjl1!.L 10 4 a rxklaj .V, eoitcu. tos atid itu-k Jdititttw, Cwaifurtt, t-reivis, Prlw a La w a tl Lowert, Viiri:M:pv,Y i.aj ST. LOUIS, 210., . -TO THE " lit AVELK'GV, PUBLIC !HtS ?w ar.3 tzt-erira jj't.t', ioeaiffl en r.Ei tor- ntr of llaia aci ma ulrettF.ta lt t:j m L j . ;(?torii5pf.J. U. iir,iEt and hit$hUi static j'vr tie fxf .rrttt.oa cf ffrtsj'.rr, w rtai!iiUt tU.t.C:ja U ttj mft cxMtifixt li-Jttl Li Citj, frortitgon 3' til, Gre-fl aal lawad r'.eviid Larirs tlU'i-r: car lit etraiaer usotik, tli rnK btjlcs artll arrsr.4 to S tisura ttat eci: a.ai li C2 f Qai.tE ijpolve ti lUi'r-'&.d r-Trjr. 7iirt ia attv:td to tuc C-ttL an eitcs5r etarirj hUxa, wlta HalLf ; and ti iVcprktor iua til4. p Bithinj JkK3tn3 fjr.'lho; Ladies, - Yt'Ltta lh'-7 taay'ciijsy fre-j cf Charts. Tee Piii'.ii ar''r?peetf3j--itiTiUd t ca'!. Hue Prcjyietor r i?;px,5 fcr ls:i bos. crefjihcifort aa a!jy f'-rtsod la trrt flaw li,'tl8. JItali f sniilied to cuit I.:rol tujae. CLwe Z.frtf per Car. rl-nt ....... -..i ' : J. U- fcf AiUi. , ' mpror4 I. Lute Citant CORN i COB PLA!TATI02f 3IILL milK txiVKrXer Laa roiba-wdefelufivarlstlitcf A Territory hi tia lWt, cf tbott,ra Itrate4 ar t L. Kcparod to f unaUi Hieuii4 all lliaea, itler aUiULle or retail, aa 1 gniraateed ia ihi vsM yiuv Ci&naer. . . It it cow mora taia a yair i&? ta WaJ intr'Jti-ed to the talie, drjiig wblirh time, it tiaa tencontaaUy erowiar io Ihe KTwlarfaror. TL.e ia)jruv-nieau rcLtl tZwMrJ aal rteatjf bikeB it tb cwet T?rflf-t iacU!ina errr cered for rieril firci tiJ. It U far.iuh.td read -.iihKl ready fcr ttaeb.D-r, . JC. 1, hi No.2,2XK, t-sm, a fid weirfj aa follvw Xo. 3. 4Cf9. Jfo. 4, svaoiu : Twf nsy aunuta art euXcietat to iet Due apt, wtthoat meLijil uii, and when once aKija-ttO, it ea vruh lasely lt eotraftsa to a boy.- Pull directioai iKicoaipany cb MLJ,' ' IS. '3X C233 XT33 2TIiI Xil,?;5Tw:n rHrid 8taial7!rli-ira'ithl borse No2 IB ,.-,!..,---.11 XJ MS , u " 15 " 1 No 60, 2 " ' Kf"-Liberal 5iaKtist to ?'.,i.'?rs."' '""' " , , .JAMJW.B. caiDWICK. 5a, C3 Locasl stiruct, Ut. 3d aad ad June 25,1858. rd-ai ift. Luii, ilo. - X. A. WBITBimJJE. y.. Z; j. X'KlXXtT.f . ; , 21 US, E A VIIITR X IG 21 k CO. ; .; , r . .. " , ?. akcf AciTEiuts or . , -. Masonic Clothing and Odd Fellows Alio ?ga.lUi for Trspernce asd ctat? Coctetlei, ' .123 Walnut ftrctt, vpfytirs,'. " CJLKCIXKATI, O. I - KAaoxnl Befereuce. otn txLWws. ' W. Ii. D(14,GMof Ohio O. P, Morton, I' O M lad. C. More Hd JlaoijlcIleT; 1urner& Or&y, pab Casket F. J. lliillii, IL P. City IV.O.tilson, P OM Obio ' Tbe Editor J tbe Adrertiser will h:i7e irpeeStnenf of Ue-nlia froui the abore dlaatifaxrtorj, und rcieva ordr from Lodgci or private nemberf Ut Iiegsilia. - Ajat 2, 185. rl-rt&tf '.- lli H::fll!i!i, rAtM? , oils, '-vmnsnva, ' ; Frc and Anv.rirax Whiow Clati & CUutvcare, i . apice) Indigo, JHaJJtr, Perfiii4riet,J:c, SPRINGST00K! , CrnARIiESS, BLOW c CO. lroaTj:E WBOiRUtEDrALEBH. - TSo. C3 and f 7 Zlaln itrcet, Et. Louia, Xt, , Are now in receipt of their new Stock, cnibracinjj ererrtbinjlatbcirUne. '; t4Merehaa'4 ainLting or City arc reqaeatei to gire n a call, ai we are dttcnaiaed t cU fur Cub or Prompt Time Paper, aa low 4ui any How ia tba united fctatag. ' . : . . ".: :. i- S. WUITTEMOaB. B. . WXHTTK5l0aB. 3. T. CARTES il & iib. WHirrEJiqitE & cu, Wkolemle Xf.oXcrt in s . , S'O. U1 UAH STJlllET; t . : (First door abor tba Jlaiik of Jliesiori.) " 2ta'XjOTxi.3, Mo,' ' tTTCA))b paid for i'un a.nd Doer Sllni. '" A. C, FOED, - . t. L. BOWtX. ; TOIID fe BOWEX, Attorne)s and Corinscllora at Law " ". corxciL BLITFS, IOWA. : OCIce at the coraer tf Broadway axd Madison Btretita, np tair.i. : : '.' ; i --7-, , . W. P. LOAN", fi?TOBIJEYM;MIJ. LAND "AND LOT ' AG EXT. AricncR;rdci7ARDsoNrpoui;Trj;N. t. CHAELEfJ WEST, . . ?.JT, j, M'FHES t , , r 1VEST & McASIIi:x FORWARDING COffillSSlON , Grocers and Gtcsxiboat Agsats,', ' Corner Second and ''Francis ' Sir ed't, - (Opposite A. Beat'tua Ilaiiking Iloaic.)1 r- , Ct. ooot1i. T.lxiJOx-ixri- K X asscrfm,1nt ,.f Tt.wil Kt.nMi. (JMii'nei,A laea 21 Liquors, M.ial, Flour, An., Up eottitantly oa hand. :. i , July 2, 1. l-nS KO BOOKS KEPTH ALL CASH!!! i A. S; HQLLADA x; '- WHOLESALE AD L1CTAIL rSJAE IS IKi'iirrrj mi a laciiiicmes I'aln Utrcct, CrownvUle, 11, T. THE snd'Wjpiea rcspccuiui wcgsiniiTg w jmorm the public, that be has cow .on band x eomnlete asscrtvicct of eterytum, usually kept ia iJrog ytorca, whuh baoaeri lor ue, A,xciastTCly oa a Xew Syteiuof ,N . , '( ., , r .... ; CASH AND CASH ONLY !.: It will be entirely foreign to this beiiutirul ryiitcia, to "liook," -kcep aocount, "note" or "rcraeinbt-r for a few days." Come with tha f Spondalicka" if yoa want anythlcg ia the Drug line. . rrwcripticci Ccnpouadsd at all Koxltb witk , Accaracj, aua DLr patcX Ileracmber the system 1 haT adopted, and my pocket and vpm feelings will not suffer. Crodit will po.' irrly nt bo Riven, ualuss under circuintaaaes of peculiar destitution, July 12,1 85.-Tl-n6tf A. S. H0LLADAY.', "VTOTICE" is tertby riven, that tbe co-partnership li heretofore existing under tba name aad style cf Urtwn, llogers A; Uo., was, on the 20th day cf . Jt ebru ary, a.. ibco, GLssalved. i ' l, BF.0W.V, 8. E. KOGETLV , - ' . . - - .: . )3. It. FHAZEIV : . HEXRY EME11S0X. Jo!y25,18S(J.-Tl-ti3 H. W. LAKE A BRO Trtii trett, retr, ;e&3boz.t. Is 1 NTOrNCES t? He rul'ucthat he t&hentl i ku "louse, fcwnv.-r.'y kept 3. r T. ill. Ldwardi, ja ln,vsn rt, 5, T, ex I ia now pr? ;u-sd t aaeon .a-vt t'l t La majli.rtr 15xa wiui -lelr pa-troa: a-acorno- roravge. fed- I 4iU;.j rt.ude fcf rtn-;sr aid wjjgviiti javw x'f tuck a W xcidcx Etosa essJ ta anT in tie TSTitorr. ' IV. IX. lTILLIAS, -WEOIiSi-LK AZD 1X7 AJL VZilSTS. Vt TAKH? 3eaKie ia anaocxic'rg tin citizens cf Dr jroa aii tLe fii-i ia jrenri-l, t'Lat b ts.n a Ltd tJu mot exteiusire rtork of Ftwvt'e cl llo rw, ertr creml i? tbii xcaxltt't..' Ht rtje I'la "!: wf xnjesa itauafsttur, sli U f-jr eiJt I jrov'iejul aliciiiar a-ttetti'i'B U nr rtoefe; cf WUKXNU TOV, K;tc!Tixig t3e nwrt iaptwiwl pattrfis tyti Air-lig-btaiid Prtmiaia. Axnocg ti.ess ma j tc f.cd Filij'f darter Oak, tteWt EUve rT ia tiee, tbe Asiatic iir-Tljlt, IIqz&vz and rize I're ausa. Alfa Of raiiooa Sixtir and Pa-tierct, w!skii I wia ru loTvxs inAx asy norsE lv tovtst. I-Vik!ir tteEtjoa paid to nwlisg aul putliii -op Tin Getttra, ia tlae town and couiitrj. Ai, re pairing dune eWrt notice ajed on raieouai'e ttraJ Old tw, Ikaaa and Pewtsr la"kn a exvtac-e ior rtTk cr are. V,'. V, WILLIAMS.-. " al-r.5 , - Oregro,M.,J!B:j5, lBiC ' ICSTY THSUSArD I3LLA21S T.Torta t Goeii ttti nrill .3 T2x.ca ca ectt sri esrriax ty ,; IILJIJJO f,AX dim;, :io. WC UAVrTin store, and are reeclrLfig per ?trij en liaaaital, 'Wurcer, Edialurga aad Oas-iia, x Ur-re ar.d weU Jtssorted Btw'k of Dry Jod., : tic-uijcg, - i ' , iisrd ware, Queeufwi!, liooU A5we,' , ILata A Cai. ' Cutlery, : . , '. Paiata, . ; ; l)iyn, - . Oil?, Jdedicinea, -Irera, I rrtitare, , ' - Tiaware,' .. &ddl7, GrcerieB,. - - - Casftici Sati,- , , 'j IL-1, ' - Iroa CARPESTEHS t ELAC1LSMTI13, TOOLS AC. AH cf arlkb we oSTur at Ttry low price for Cash cr l-vtiotry rroaoca. . .'.. - DILLOX A imV EL ' ' V. S'. Iadie,if you hamft got a Cae Silk Drew, JJlawl cr Bonnet, doa't tlazna l)'ix,lox A Hawk, for ne eertaialy bar the best asiortajeatof Fancy Drem iJooda eter cJ'ere'l Sa thia raarket. So trouble to 4bow &xia. vl-ta . D.A IL 'Great:'; Incluceiiicsit,.- TJIOHJi a b-hirg to purchajre LOTS ia tba Town cf lirownriae rould do well to elre ut a call, t we Lire 50 Lota wbkh will le sold rrycbesipf7reah. - Auo,alxiti ia vmaux tlTl, fur -inquire cf 15. IS. A J. X). THOMPSON. Erownvnie,y.T.Jaiia 2BtlS.ZZ.'.T -1 4i;f KT-JOSEPH AXD COUNCIL BLUFFS '. PACKET LINE; Scascn Arrsngcmsnta for 105GL . ' TITj entirely new. and f ne paascngcr packet, l3dAlIA, J, U. nlland, CWtaauder, F. Ii. Kercbtval, Clerk;) baring been bailt- eipresFly for tbe tnde, ii now rnnning asa regular weekly racket fcetwetn the cities of St. Joseph and Coancil blu Et. Leaving Kt Joat-ph every Monday at 12 o'clock And rstairjjjn will loare Council Claffi andOatiba City erery Friday morning at 8 o'clock, and forming a connection with tho fire packets icstricg St. Lenin on Idondaya and Tuesdays, which Arrire here on Satarday and Sunday erening, by which arrange ment paenem or freight will not be detained at St. Jojh; but tjHrepare against all contingencies, tbe owner of tbe Omaha have a larg Ware-Uoase to store all goods not wetting them promptly, and without charge ia the owncrB, which we deem the moct jTerrect arrangement to pagFcner or ehipper that can cr will be made the preacct eeaon, and they therefore hope by poniptneis and itrict atten tion of her ofScera and agent to receive a large tba re of public put ronsge, DONSKLIjjSAXTOX A McDOS'ALD.I ': TOOTLES A I AliiLEIQlL : j Agents. 1-tf - ; ' CHARTER OAK 7' ' ! LIFE INS UItANCi: C03IPAXY ! Hartford, Ct... .1 ...... .. -Capital $200,000 With Urge and incrctiaing receipti aocarely invested under tbe sanctloa and approval of tlie Comptroller of Public Accona-ia. : ' 1 ' orriCERs." ' . l ' '. ii ALFEED GILL, IWt, JOUX L. BUXCE, V. P, , JAMES iX WACKLEY, Secretary. 4 ,. " . ' ; rmzcToas. . ' r"" 'j; Alfred CHI. John L. Bn nee, Wm. It. Cone, Jac. O Bolleg, John A. IEiitler, Xoah Wbcaton, 5. IIollu-i tcr,Saial Coit,Daa'l Pbillipe, C. X. niuphrcy. ' '' .. ' B0A.BD OF FINANCE.1. , Oeo. Bench, Esq., President of ITioenii Bank", I). F. Robinson, Eq , Ilartfoi'd " f ;r lion. Isaac Touecy, lata Attorney General U, S. ' - Applicationu for innuranc. received by H !' : ' ' '"-ft. W. FUttSi3t Agent. - DR. A. S. nOLLIDAY, Med. Ex. t , , . GEO. r. LUCKIIAItDT,, r WATCHMAKER ( jSL3tac3. JTcwoUor, , OREGON HOLT COUXTF, MO: t ,'. rrUKES the liberty to inforra'the citizens of -a i;rownviilo aad vicinity, that ho baa openeu WATCH, CLOCK A JEWELItY STORE Ia Oregon, Holt county, Mo., wbcro bo will keep in itantly on hand, atid for sale, a good assortment f l fold and Silver Watches, Clocks ana jeweir;, ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also , a fine lot of Violins, Accordeomt, Silver, and Plated Sspoc tacles. Gold Pens with Gold and ; Silver cxtexjsipa cases, Silver Thimble, Ae.. Aa. ' : :'n r , . Ue is prepared U. repair V;tehc,Cloc ks wd . Jew elry, of every de;rirtion, in the. best manner and on the most rcasocable tenna. , , i--i-L-. Every arUele bought ia aw r-uj nt-d to be what it is represented to bo. atoh re- rntd to ba what it is represet rairing warrnnted for one year. if.--: July 25, I860. , UNITED STATES til GIVE every possible facility for tho safo and speedy transmisi'oa Cf -':',;;: Money. Valnable rftckaes, Parcelsi ., Goods, and Jlerchundize ' f' Of every description, on reasonable terms. 'i-' . PiusayiL Offices r.eur lork. Buffalo. Ciiicin- rati, Tolodo, Chicaffo. Dayton, lndianorolis. and all the smaller towns on Railroads in the Eastern, llid- le ana extern states, connecting at bt. Lioui with UicuaniKoa anssoun ivivor express, ii. All'l'.. jaiy a, looo.-vi-na ueneraa fcupcrintcnaeat. TThclcsalo ; Paper : V7arcliou5D. , ' ruadneu, AVAiirj;;. & CO-:r. "XT 71IOLES5 ALE Dealers in Papers of every d?s- 1 onptionr Printing, - Book Pfiier, , Wrapping,' - Folio Post, . Flat Cap, , Foolscan.. : Ictter k Note, - Colored t'apers, . JJediam A Deroy's, ; and Western llanufactore, t f the ycry best Liistern said for sale at very lew prices. Idi Cosh for Jbjsjts ana Ipe, '-. . ... - Jk ," , " LRADXEli WATvREN A COM; ' -"i- ' - No. 12, La Salle streer. lliicago, Jane. 28Ui. leoo. -; , ' - vl-n4 IU P. BEKXETT, J. 8. MORTON", H. H. HA1U)I0 BENNET, HORTON & II AUDI NG.' '.'Attorneys: 'xit ILnv, Nebraska City, N.T., and Glenwood, Ia. "TT7ILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and V Western Iowa. . Particalar attention T?aid to f btaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of ccuta. ' , . . t TtEFERENCE: "; J ' : lion. Lewis Casj, Detroit, f . 1 - ' Julias I), llorton, "gan; , : Gov. Joel A. Mattoson, Springfield, El; ' ; ' " Gov. J . W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa: 15. P. riffled, St. Loais, Mo.; . . . : - . Iloa. Daaiel O. llorton, Toledo, Ohio; , . . P. A. Sarpy, BeUevue. Nebraska; . Sedge wich A Walker, Chicago, III; Greer Weare A Beuton, Council Bluffs, Iowa. W. EGUHTZELL i CO. uee kt es EtrrrtTT cf x Tvs.. . rrmi cf ITT nr i - "1 9 W , OUH ETOC3I r r GIiOCSIES AKE U0"GHT at tie tj fr ea-k, a-ad conv'urte tf Coffee, Sesrar, Teas FUb Kite, Cnnaats, Haiti a v, Ci aies -toJaiuse Syrup, thu'm, atd j rice ' - j-cura Late ttjlej tad a ru31asyrtir.(;-5tf Ji'1 f' frua tea cent Laira to Tn- L is -i- Also, a f t w fins , : SILK SHAT7L:3, BONNETS & PAEAS0LS CLOTIIIJf fi.-r-A b ftk t.!d and ycut-, fy;:5ej and 'fast taex, Ca'l aot if yv wuita tice vert cr jnis ta reasonaole Snas. IfATS. 5ew Ffi tloap tii durable. -, iAJlD'I'Ani-ArerTlarge a)fjriineit,Ki Kacg ia pari cf .f itli8 Totls, Si4e. Jilwvls, Eeke . Ilix-e, ikllj, liU, CroEwet nd Jiauiaiire, Filet, Ao?ns, At- L'mdates, Aia, Chimin ke, ix to 'tie fii of 4L-i ' ' ' : r. DUILD15C; :i.TL"HIATSA Iaj lot. n.sinicg cf Kae !ecr, .SX fc ft otter Lliudii Ui-f, Panata, 5ailf. I-li, L: - te-a, Puttj, Olas? Ae. Cbatra. Tin Saft- BpUarda,itJd8 Ae. - J-rr- v.'e will - :i c3i2:r f-r ctth. tl-aa anj toosa ia .S'tbraeta. Tt-y '4:r. T - . am. jiCLrxAir, Xtbmlui Ci t j, . T. ; Erernville, T. BKADFOBD, !lcLEXXAN &McGAEY, Ann iiliiiiiy lii -Miu . EOLICTrEEsWcmVN'CEIlY. , CroinsTillc tad JfcLrasta City, TEBEAS1TA TEnEITOBY. 'i BEI5G tXTmaneatly. located in tbe Territory, we will giro car ectire time ad attcativo tx tbe practice cf car prof es ion, ia all it brn:bes.. list ters ia Litigation, Collectiocs cf Dtbti, iialtf aid Preba$ce cf Ileal Ettate, Sletkn cf luaad, Loca ting cf Land Warrant, aad all ctber tuiiacsa ea trufted to oct raaaseaieat, w;U receira prcajjit iW faitbfal atteaiioo. : .(.''. . " v . TuZYLZZSCLS. S.'F. 5oekcll; . : ' Ilkbard Prows, Vm, Ilotlitrell A Co., lion. Jama Cn'z, Hon. Jam M. Ilajrhef, - Hon. Jobn E. ShrpUy, " iegi:T. Crow, MdL'rearyA Co. . Xebraika Citj, Lrownrille, St. Joeepb, Mo St. Loui, Mo., . Jlessrs. b. m. Ilalujil Jt Co. ; Hon. J. IL Lore. - jvecKcic, iowi. rl-nl . June 7, IH06. S. 15. 311 EH,' B LA G K S MI T II ." AND YAGOir IIAKESi ; First St', bet Llairi . and .Water, ' BROWNVILLE, X. T. v I JOHN S. HOYT, County ' .Surveyor anil Land 'Agent, fF Riebaxdsoa couiitj, N. Tn will attend promptly to all btiKmess in bus profession, waea eall iu on each as Paying Taxes, Uording Claims, Subdii iJir; Land, Laying out Town LctsJLraf ting City lists Ac. Iiewdeace and adureBt ' r - ' AIIC1IER, Richardson co., X. T. .... "FRANKLIN TYPE STEREOTYPE FOUI.'DHY ' 2io.' lSSTTiae St, bet Tourti tai lifth, : . ,: ;' "cincistxati, o. : C. F. O'DJtWCOLL : CO. Tacufachircra and dealers inXe as, Book and Job If A Type, rnnting Presses, Loses, uallies, kc, Ae Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description NTEKEOTYPING cf n kind Bkaf Moeic, Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs,lVood Engre-rings, ic, are. -. -: ' i Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, SPRIGMAN & BROWN, - RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT , ' ' -' AGENTS. And General Commission Merchants. ;No. 46, Public Landing. ' ' - CINCINNATI, OHIO. ' t. BAILT.' . - B. P. EANKIX ! BAILY & RANKIN, 1 Mm MM v OMAHA ' CITY, N. T. : O. P. 2HASOX, Attorneys; and Counsellors at Law. And General A-ana asinw, NEBRASKA CITY, K. T. . WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, collec tions,: investing money, locating and selling land warrants, ana u oaer dusidcm pciutinuig u their profession, in Nebraska Territory and Y etstorn Iowa..; ' ?:- ; ' '-' ' L. FORSYTH & CO. -'COMMISSION" ME1X CHANTS 'And 'Freight Agents, OF THE . i BALTIMORE AND OniO, RAILROAD. ; '' No. 3, Olive Street, St. Loais, Mo. A. ' 1 r, c.' L. , HUGHES J J. J. JIUDD, H. T, AtUDD, ; r;..r . r r 8. O, GBtJBB. ; : f MUDD i; HUGHES. - ..; PRODUCE. h Sr. COMMISSION ro. 33 Levee and C6 Commercial Street " " ; L 7 sT.xbuis, mo. , ' ' - NUCKOLLS, RUSSELL,' & CO. X'oclxiDOirt, r.Io. 1Y nr sum IIARDWARE AND CUTLERY, - Ilcdiclnen, Pyo StnfBs, - Saddlery, Bocls Slices, .Hats &- Caps, j v . IRON, NAILS, STOVES, PLOWS Ac. . Also Furniture, ef all kinds, . "Window Easa, &c . ,' : ; a. rj. .mini, ATTORNEY AT LAW, : o , : r. Land Agent tod N otary Public, : - , "Archer, , Rickardion countyj N. T, 7 -Will practica la tho Courts of Nebraska, assisted by Uarding and Bennett, Nebraska City. . , 4.-. mim'-. ' KOB'T. L. HATTEX, Proprietor, ' No pains or expenfo will be spared by the sahsori ber,to make his gne its comfortable in every res-seet, at this well known and highly reputable Honse." . Th8 very best attcttion given to animabj by a vl-nl 1 . f ROEEET L. UATTEN .1. E. E3TABROOK, ' ; ?TOrnn states : . 1 strict Attorney, UJ1A11A CITY, N. T. REQUIRED to be in attendance oCcially npoa all the terms of tha District and Sopreme Court of me i erntory, tender! nis t'rofesaional services to inch aa need theua. He atter himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable bin to give satisfaction to such as entrust ineir business to his caro. ' Omaha City, Jun 7, 1853. a. jaiea. BROWN VILLE .fERHY PLASTEE3 & L'AKER, . . rv.irvrP Tnifc!!! T Pal'J'?. iLat rxnrvrE to the Trurcll I Paia!, t-at tiej " t e-DSbirr'itl: ; ca tie uriff 2licLr, IB - ta KeLni.a, ill f . i i it reai. ti tltir d- f : . :e s,i ("j-gf" Et this t- TI 1 7-1 if - -' Z'j 15 25 19 5 13 ... 10 2,0 a 75 eili iadiridiial j tlx cf mules r ca'n . " t'rt or rna'e aiid tosj, tsd horse cr xaale, u jwjee eattJe per teal, " f hep and bi-'js j-t Lsad, " eta fvKtiaan, t. cwrt.4if re:-Lt, , 11 fvjtt cf Jaaiber, - t-Ad-'d w;,ie and Lor? e xaajse cr Bro-8-arin, Axsa-4 2, levC.-! BXlOTTinnLLIj i r TT T y. 13. W woald rcrpeetfolly infu-a lb eiti ua of Xfrraha cwrnty aai ijofsirg IllEEoari, that we LarealsraT a lrge ajjd wtU selected m-TT cf L.tL'ilUEli, wbkh we cab fuxaidi at low er rtea &aa ty will ia tbe TerritTy. - - Jdarktt prieej! f aid f or log j dt-iirercd at tbe yard, exoa tbe bai;kcf tbe river. 'All ordt-n .aasciEJf aaitd liecaii, U reetite cur iauaediate &ttcation. L 0. cf G. T. THE Brcwnville Lodge, 5a. 3, Lidependent Order ,f Good Temilars, xaecta every Saturday eve ning, at 7 ftVlatk, At Templars' Hall, No- 20, Atlaa ti!t rjreet (Tharbart Clock "i. - , . Jdembers of tLc orXer vUitirig the city, are re-eci-fs!3y invited to attend, when eonvenifiit; ajid those lo:at :ng here, are earnestly ak-it ed to j o:.i tbe Lfd as we look for the f r port of all frien Is &f Ten: jr- r both raale an I toi-e. l.r infnaa-iioa et aeeixicg the Orde. enquire of Wia. Tbarlur, Atlantic ttreet, O. Y. Lke, No. 27, Jlsln atroet, or lUcLaxd Ij-vWii, corner cf ilain ana First etraet. By order of the Lodjre, Mr. C E. TIIUKBCK. W. C. T. Attest: n. P. BUXTON, W. S. . , July 25, 1355. vl-cStT . IJEBIIASIIA dTY nOTEL. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. CARXEJi & BAIl.MOl. Proprietors. TIIIS coramolious Hotel, situ&led ojon Mala Street, Nebraska City, will be fonnd a de eiraMe resort for travellers. .Stages leava this boue fur ull parts of tbe Territory Twenty Laborers Wanted ! I TWENTY : LAEOBEES, who can handle tho spade, are -waited immediately at Drownrille, Nebraska Territory. Liberal wajres will be giren by tbe su Wrlber. 1 . : J.D.N. TUO UPSON. TJLANKS of erery descripuon, for aale at this X O COUNCIL, BLUFFS PACKET. THE fine passenger atc'araer GENOA, Throckmor ton, 5Luter, will ran regularly darin the sLon, between St. Louia and Council Lin ffj. Her officers bt by regularly an 1 strict attention to busineisto m int a snare oi ma pntrie patronsw. , . .. J. TIIIWJCKJIOUTO-Y, iiister. ' i J.E. GOP.11AN, Cerk. CLAIM FOR SALE. A ICO acre Claim within 2 miles rf UrownviHe, oa the County Jtcad leading to Nebraska City; with a good log H(u.se, 20 acres ia corn and ander fence, and a good eprin?. Eaijaira of DrownTillj,ABg.2, lis53. . K. W. FCRNAS. . I JTACOD SAFrORD, . xVttorney and Counsellor - at Law. . GENERAL INSTJK ANCI3 AND L.VND AGENT. And IXotaxy Public. Nebraska City, Nebraska Territory, WILL attend promptly to all bnisness entrusted to bis care, ia Nebraska Territory and West era Iowa. ir. D. jonxso.v. j. r. cashadt. j.d.test. JOIINSOX, CASSADY TEST, Attorneys and Counsellors; at Law. And General Land Agent1, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencie?, Ic vestincr Money, Locating and selling Land WArranti. and all other business pertainias to their profeseion, in Western Iowa aol Nebraska. R. W. FURNAS, Ml fll LOT III IIISU1IANCE AGENT. AND AGENT FOR AGRICULTURAL OLEMEIITS. - . -. BROWNVILLE, X. T. ;. CHARLES IJ. S3IITIT, . . AND NOTARY PUBLIC. . ' OMAHA CITY,' X T.. '; : '"' ' Cffica instate Houb?. ' '-- WILL give particular attention to orders and com missions from abroad, and to the supervision of the aai of lots and Claims ia Nebraska Territory. ' ,' References. Hox. Jesse D. BitrcnT. AVasbington, D. C. - M Jons Van Bcke.h, ;New York City. . u Edvix Cromwell, u u " Mark W. Izzakd 1 Gov. cf Nebraska. T. B.Ccmio, ' Sec. " ... Greene, Weabe & Bestok, Council BluJs. Iowa. ;i -r:D. II. SOLOUION, Attorney: and' Counsellor 't at Law. S GLEK VOOD, IOWA. Will practice in the Sixth and Seventh Judicial Districts of Iowa. ' ' ,.: ,' . r , : ., .. Ju 1. rOITLETOX. , ' t; . V. SYER3. POPPLETON & BYERS, ATTORNEYS AT; LAW. - And Cenral Land Agents, . Ld Varrant3 BoTiht and Sold, LAND ENTERED ON TIME. nprrTii.'.ttniu- .i ..... wviau m.i;nuii Fciecuon and en- v iui uttuvis, nuu uii oiticra ucfiirinr' cnoice locations. ' ' Land Claims, Town Lot? and all kinds of Real Es tate, bought and sold and investments made for dis tant Dealers. ' ' ' - ' . !!'-,; C. V. SNOW, r t r SURGEON, PHYSICIAN . .oo-cl Acooucliour, : ' : : EOCKPOinv mo, " OLIVER J5ENNET, JAMra p. fiske. -r ...'WK..B. OAKRIT. "' At"Gr3TCS 'XMGHT. , - OLIVER " BENNETT ;& CO, Manufacture and "SYhalesale Dealers in BOOTS AND ' SHOES, ' ;-: ; NO. 87 MAIN STREET, f- , , (FpMIEELT, NO. 101, CoEXER OF MAIN ASD LOCCST.) -v .- ST. LOUIS, Ma . -. - V. .:r sr. : - E. P. SEARS, , : . Attorney and Counsellor at Law. And Solicitor in Chancery. ' : : SIDNEY, IOWA. . jjwum m u iiSLfic vouru oi western Iowa. - - tSJ Office at the Court House, up stairs. 'J J. HART SOU CL IT ATlTlTinn 1C, ! Oregon, Holt County, Missouri. Keep constantly on hand all description of Harnc Saddles, Bridles. Ac. &c. S3, N. B. Every article in our shop is manufactured uj ourseives, ai warranted to jiva satisfaction. n finr.T G-EIST 31 ILL ! m. w -'. i-' -1 rr-'Z ' ' "rlt:i law frrtl ' a Liui.r :-e Ira tf ' v: ;r::f. . . 2 tlv J. C. Hwl, ' ; ;.J.:i ti are now fcrjrfl trf. funu. . if it vA C.jra or V bai-t-iJ. t... 7 w..ri. ;i the ltr xh:b;tia initiista ia Clstlaaiti, - 01 AA -stls a.: I?ulr4a. to aH Cra brgpRe-: it if r ti aJ ether fyrtbeiwrtcxtafive3.er-aiurt ; it ia for rriaiiis th. I'arsaai feed Ij L-rse saperior yL.A, as power. TV i.1t7,T- T--ra-turidlv the ender- . . . . , n . . . T cJn bs farnith-d ia atj qa ai.titvatsi:rt none. The a:'.ove :iswarra3U.d to-i-erfra as feller: 5 i a. dii sl, r-r Loux 5 3 15. Cra, 25 'L ea t, f 2 : 3 25 21 23 a u - 15 8 " 1 3 i.i;. . i ,.r ; r Tt-n t .rr i 1 5s n-r.pppr-'arrto Xi.5 I.-, -' . . - t.i-J - . . . , - - - quo1 tt L'oa oJ cuiceroufr5er.!z.a:ea lotions, rweivej- jLLD, iiula:jj ul A VU. tlncimati, O. Prcli Arrival cf - NEW GOODS! AT iiociiroirr, z:o. THE sabseribcrs woull re--ectf il'j tendtr tleir tha:iks to their eu-v.iaers and tLe Pnblie Gepe rallv fr theixUVptal patn.Tjr Leref-jre, and aclkit a cvEUsaants cf tie taase ; ai tiey lira usUiirised totJ Goods sj lew if not lower than ay ether Htase we? t of St. Joseph. IIar5nr;u?t reire-d a large and well arfee ted fct:k f Sjaing Mimmer G'x4?; hlsoa. surerkr S-Uk t-f Faail'.v Gnne -with Hardware, Gla3 and Q-ieeuware, I'un-JUre, Sad'ilcry, Iron, Ac. ' C.'me one ard s!L .... F'W well we know; " Ai;n f r-H call, ' - We7 - !1 f !-.. Of moo .. s-Le bt-'V AndT-roitsnaall, Well beat the rest, 'Aad alt joacX . Oar Ft-xkcf Dry Goods baring been pareiasei in the Laftra eitks. we sttcr oureclves tliat we eaa sarpa2 our eoKjtitora la the low pricti and good qualities cf our Uxk, aod earnestly btiirre all will maVe bv eallitz and peeirr f jr tbeai'elvea lefore parchaii)gthewLere. CALEY, JONES, & CO. y. B. Country Prolace cf all kins takea ia ex change at the highest jTice.1?, f r Gj(ils. June 7, 'i5. DAHIEL 2T00E, VntOJ-SALE AND Z7TTi.lL m -A. ' Orr$oi, Hill County, Jia. Has In S tore : Pare White Lead, Linseed Oil. Spanish A'Litin, . Re-1 Lesid, Litherage, Whit i Chalk, Venitiaa Red,' Spaniih Drown, ! Cream of Tarter,1 Tarta ric Acid, Salpher Carb. Soila, Vinegar, Tarjentine, , ; Sal rioda, Coperta, . . . Saltpeter, . , " B-.rai, .: . I ilea. Uniment, . Vol. Oil do, iforlaiid'a do, -Nerveraad Bona do, Farreli' do, Ix)ulens do, Jars' Expt, ' Windaw Class, Iattr, Caster Oil, Ex.Logwoxi, Llae ttoc', Alum, tr:tici Ginger, ; Kcx.t do, ' Saint LoniiiGlae, Parii Gretti, Chrome !, do ytllow, Iron Paint, WbireZiakdo, U ; ' Wrghta'l'ulls, 1. :: Chatiiplati's dvi, , Jayau's &j, - Joudon'a d-", ' nd w.t.v's r. r.-, " " Iaris i'ain Killer, FahEMirx k'a Ver.t Stone's C-cgh Candy," Ixnion s do, jacLaiie a Liver 1 Mu. In aidition to the above, I have the largest Stock tf Dngtand Phjilcians Shop furniture, Cht-rci-eals, Surgical instrument, and Patent iledkicas ever offered for sale in this Country. Merchants and Phyjif-Uns of Iowa, Kansis and Ncbratk, are rcfpoctfaiij invited to ive me a ealL .June7,lS5.- - DANIEL ZOOK. riEW GOODS AND CHEAP GOODS! - JCST BECEITSS BT B. B. J. J). IL TEOILPSOir, BROWXVILLE, N. T. . Expressly f.r this Market, a Large and Well Selected Stock of . r DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, QUEEXSWARE, UATS & CAPS, TINE DOORS, CASTINGS, HARDWARE,- NAILS, IRON, SASH, CUTLERY, - LATCHES LOCKS, COOTS & SHOES, WINDOW SHUTTERS &p. HAVING been bought and shipped at low f gures, we flatter ourselves we are able to ofer ?nca in ducements aa hare not heretofore been of cred. We ask an examination of oar Goods and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. Tho Ladies will find at ourhtore a large assortment of DRESS GOODS. Challi, Berage,DeIains . Poplins, Cinscham?, Victoria Lawns, Embroidered Robe, Plaid : - Silki !tc., Ac,. Ac. . ALL OF. WHICH WILL BE, SOLD TIiYLOW. Jnna 7, 13io. - - , " , A. B. HOLTiABIED & CO: tt Jlachiiiists, Founders and . ENGINE -BUILDERS Front Street, "We3t of Eniiti, CINCINNATI, O, nlT7'ould most reypcetfully inform their friends and . Y. A .nii:. i t . i t . t puuus ct:u7jraiiT, luat lucv r- DOW nrf- pared to execute ail orders ht theirlino, with Dromrt- tt-..: t..i i ' . ! . uvs9. uiii 1115 uii.cjjr emarguu iqcix 6Dop and With the increased facilities thy now possess, they hope to merit a continuation cf the liberal patronage which hrui heretofore been extended to-them. Saw Mill Engines cf every Descrifticn. constantly on nan-': consistinz cf the ri;h. Cirrn- lar and iluley. Mill Gears and I. astings, warranted to Le well made in every particu lar. Til OTT Vn.a .t.iyv a T TI A 1 . I , establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that lino furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on aa reasonable terms as any other shop ia the country. Those in want of anvthirr in enr !ln wrm i,. 6ne us 11 csi.1 aii'i e.wannrie oar new rat torn '. , A. B. liOLAIilllD & CO. B. IT. I.EWI3 JAJIE8 W. LEWIS Tnos. . BAHTHOLOW late FERT B.lRTnOLOW - B. W. LEWIS & BItOS. M AXUF AC1TKEE3 Ot A LL . DESCRIPTION OF CHE WHIG TOBACCO. . CXSCOR; MISSOURI, THANKFUL for tho very liberal patronage that we have heretofore received from our numerous friends and customer, and while respectfully solicit ing a continuance of the same, cled-n spare neither pains nor expense to merit the patron ?5?.f tht tablIc we beg leave to onaounce that ?' ;V n'w Wllbdrawn from our finn, and Thos. J. Bartholow is admitted a piirtner from thi aaie, me style or the firm remaining unchanged, and that we have secured tho services vf Capt.Geore u. waviswlio will hereafter-act in tho capacity of Vt a "VT!r 7 ... . . . - L oiLisjiw in connection Witti cnir 2It Lartholow and will durins thecnmir.n- sonally wait upon our customers for the purpose of soliciting their orders. Ourstock held over frcm last year of all ' descriptions is unanimously large, tho mmmj vi nuico cannoi ian to give entire tatisfac- tion to consumers. B. W. LEWIS A Bros. Glasgow, Mo January 6, 1355. ST. LOUIS AiD COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET. ; mnE steamer ABMITIAL, having boen thorou-hly - J. repaired and refitted, will ply regularly between V:rru"""u council inuas, aunn.tlie sna.ion if inankful for the ratronno-o rTton.ir. t, itx J1IKAL during the jast season, the oftcers ho, bv punctuality and dispatch, to merit tho continuance of the favors conferred by shippers, and paasen-ers will receive all due attention. ' CHASK. BAKER, Master.' r..A.DABST,Clork. -pjAT & MATLACK, Wholesale Deabrsi XJ Dry Goods, Eo. 57 Pearl street, botween Wal nut and Vine, Cincinnati, Ohio, Zl s " VCor!on -iy, loonvile, Leaven worth , bt. Joseph , Savannah, Erownvillc, Sonora, Nebraska Oity.bt. Marv. and nfl intn7Tr,,.ii,(. , ' !r 5 " J TO an Aa Cri Put:.: -"i T .,11 . . " - y r w : lie PwUiLeri TTTITTrS; T-ree D:Zai-j a year, w 7 j rta'jf a e,j-:r. t-a&ser.brirsLtiip,- rrt OriNIOlN'3 CP THE lTr5, iEjcAiaeri-aia JIagizij:e hrn rirathwl a,V,7r ; J AI tnk! nr-iaUT s-'jte tiU m eav t ; shoedd l inlJ'ei to X's rrer. Ijl.y i; ha? a ikm-uIUx at2Ticti-.E fr us, a; a- p. r. tranHatlaEti? DrfJkn-t t. Ittinie? bs ieVeV' T try an d ruihea ts ac:'iiLkiaii aikst It t, 5a anecrf, uf-.-fwt.-l a,'K?T. IV.-V .re n tfcir Ltt Tre not di;:it fit-tl-.t, 2 " Pctr.ania ia nuzaZlT ir8agtLIaorvi' exhlliu-d e-"grsof gradaal bat aetiied iap r.i! KBoe it ja5d int the Land s -af the jrweit the er. The rerie-rrs cf book? me hnartit1 t:'t " tro ecuted, aa uiaiL JT- Teri i'.'iy ft c" We hare already grren xrai-j fr tLj' men able rx'riHc-al, as 1 we ara ;!id t 1 z- aoii while tn matters if r?rera:.!itjraJcre.Tre ,if.3' tend to draw it within ocr s-.ticisais, ia c,..' rfclifit B far w ii discassei then, i; VTSL A n)WAK3, it Park KaaJ j Yf . & A. SENSIT)EJiftir IXrOETTKS A5T T20:J3UJ: tuira a E'CTII EAST rj"E A SECdTO 5 CT. XaOTXXS, TvlO. tr; in t: WE have in tore, aa J ta arme, xerr aa-wirtmeEt of the rtrr let briais f r-' 1U. Ci rs. We deiire to call th stiul liat-f havers to c-urlaige ?tcdt. wiik-h ve mil . ca?h it part, of thefa"w;rg brand : - ITentitaie iXeg-.as L.a;ia J ; ir-; Mi Dertino do N-toa here Ant'guedad da Vietoria d . Bastamanto da 5?ria do-V Cameiia d Ej"n'!a Dllranta d " BiiAderadi Salua-I'ra do lA7L-ma dj S'aJTaEoni d . Nensi.gt-ro do . 31eridlana3 d- Emalacioadjl Washlcgtoa da L Vox dj El Sol dy Forlcao Lccdrcij; .EirperoNtjha'rds do li Jellill ij ilensarero do Grj;iailEi j Carvectai da . Pihoat iz lleias altaaa da La i"I r ElSoldelaDrimea do I . ::e 31?-?? 2 Figaro CiHirsdrad.: D. 1?. Ciit;,.- s ' I'rensaJ-j D. U. do J. T. P. Fuca i . VdelalLana . Vi--.,-r.i. 11::; T.L.. . d; V.-Urg;s i4 ' Slensagero Trabaea?; Pe i u Cmx Tr.jij Victoria di Bri.s d I-gbt Guar! 0;--rar iar Ij J. L. I'auetelas: !?' nio T; . ling to Ft It r ' cf g' rnor. tofj: mod oi 1: Sec char in 0; Scnc to t ,ilay. . W. A J. JSENSLSI'inm trr-- II 0., XT7TJOLESALE G 1 V chariU,No5i mcer3 an.LC'jcmiwia il Lcxec.Jir. Lfaij Uiive ana Locut st- bare ii'- in ;-re aa-i rt;. J1-- ing the, largest aad kki gcctTa I t..i-k if Ct? . thy hare ever ctfemi, whkh they in:?cl to 0'ar 1 th lowest market ratts. Th--i!x tt.ck attitVo" fart of: - - - ' i. 1 " i. . 3iJ tadj . U. suar; ill 1 c',r:;I: . au l 7 225 bhls baf,eru3h'?i aai ;W'Krcd fiv. rapj SOI) do and hf do pianti? . i -.1 icvUss: . , ji;gs Btlcher'i i;y. la hi't: 1 j(, tliT1 ta 150 hf ehesta YHt.ac T5 dj Iap.G? laga'r. B'ack do; - " - . . . , ,4 150 casks S. Carb sra:. da raler-itia; . 200 boxes Babbitt til ;r.iti: ' here,? 275 tic Va an I t- b&cen: ' " . 75,003 Spanish cigsrs; 'IWCi II.iv ana CaUaWu-; 3U3 bxa star endles: 111 .ejsk turrws clot'.. r f K ait 3- t - . 59 pfcgs No. 1 salm--r.-"!SCil Lj 200 .tand pt flasks; 3M0 n.s.ts tuis... t!: . . : 500 doren aborted vils; 1 , 15? V.3 tn-.e Kioeofct- 5t0 rackets J; a s u - 7i ?3cks MK'lui dor . , . , g-j. 2503 kg3 Vbeesi.ag an 1 Bjit- n nalli anlh - assorted 3d to d"d; c?t 75 bxs Bait Cove oysters; H75 bales U'.;'a"or - 203 tVs Eagle co tt-'u va;ra a?.rted; 40 il3 iLaa. and Juki mjr; . ror-": 103 bxs pporand pim-snto; 75 bU Iair. I t 109 drums fig?5 6i0 brji IjT and or 51 Eos, . 5 drums cod fish; 125 bts dc; vC.. 15 eases sardia?shf and t; CH3 350 boxes aaK'rttHl Y'ltkieH, Itetchup; . ... 300 bxs palm and fani. Hoap;3) d ryiu'J'. 509 do asst windo-iv gias: 50 bg papet fi 100 doa xin wahboard.- 50 gr-jj yet pw- Y,", 60 bi wiilow basket; - ..... Together with a genera,! ar I full toci i'IT : eign and domestic Wines bnndie?, Ac, renii. W. S. GILJIAT. 1CD "XTTTIO L'E S A LE GBOCER, -Nn. 13ii.;y7rrir"Se'' VV, St. Louis, has ia tore a ktrre and jloca'.i ed stock, which is offered at the market rr-V f tistirg in part as follows: . "i" , ar t.. 31 0 hhdA N. su -an 2C'fl bib lo-f, iv c. powdered do: - ' lo00 bag? KiocoSVe; 100 do Jjra Ax vork fvJ od y,tiu",yw7ai.iI,i3i,nT:pu-irf.;"V t&i SutB,-itlia 3M4 is lea. ii-tstj, -.iV1 and rtta's if'. r.iy, lire l-llars. " tr, a'.d rail tnut-r the jcrsaaLn thuV rVtherir-g the STs;a-rtjJ 053 t-na tba w ' in tht L'-ltei H-JL:u$.Ultu (Lr 150 bbla S. H. ejrup ihis.-sj i 50 do?. -c. isses; . 250 bbls plantation niolatsest'lCO pVgJB4-3 ' " 100 boxes eodSsh; 100 bblj Wilmi.isp.au lhn : 500 kegs Boston a-nl 1'it jlurgh naLj; jjo" 65 Ig3fice3d naHs; 7 j bv's cot tea pa: f----51 t ales carret chains 150 .ia eotfi-n twi" rca c: 109 balej wLckiiz: .155 i:b' JLxcilla isiv., - 100 dor plow aad clothes lir es; , tu' .J ' 4J'J boms window glass, a9rted nzez 1000 W. chalk: do alum: 15O0W1V 20000 osnshurg sacks; 10 keirs un. eorh. , 20") half chests lap.. Y. 11. and G.F.ti .detcrr. S09 boxes I.np Y H. and Cf. T. tew: , 450 boxes Virginia and diouri tobaw" J " 100 bx. smoking tofciu-co:. 5C dl6tebo!"j''Jer.C3J ;150 bx.star eaii.iles 7 th apcvai do; i 30rt candle mouMs; , . . -; "1" " 250 boxes soap: :150 pkgj ialcrjtus: the f 3 cases 3ila. indigo; o eroons S. F. &x . 80 brr pepper; 45 do pimento; 2(WHrt'l'' : ' 300 ll 0. D. per. c-aps, 3.ii? rirs C. H-? a ' ,i- 300 doxcom. and fancy pails 10) no 3 c SOO nesti2andSqttuh2:0maUi.vii ; r 25 cases rrane-,: 40 cks earrants: 3 J' t 2 U'. t 5 bbls whiting; 400 rmi w:.-appingI'L cn I - - C3. bales osnahargs; bnn as, ziac "ri-,'V , churus,icic . . Jute's; CLASGOVi DIKrTUE-- WHOLESALE GROCEKS. F0r.w AND COMMISSION HSr.ClIANT Levee, hare- fa st-re ar.l tc a;-rive ,! ' ' "r Goods, which they cfTcr fur sole at the l-? lvA 1i)fla'-.T,Tj f .,r..-v r.,.r t--.Ifr am I- - " ' n, miuic .1 a.", can's a i 1000 Ibis clflsa-nr;" ' 800 do If and ernsh'Jdo 500 do S. U. molisjes; feOO da planUi'u.n do; - 'Til.) 1k-,t.s ni:,j A - 3C) do -Jata 5C J ilaci Bcdt'oriv 1000 pks G, nd B. Teas; , 5(i0'lxc Tui- 1 1000 Lag3 Bio colec: tit rfJl ' : 100 do prime old Gov ernment J. coffee: ., 1000 kegjili;- 1000 boxes I'm, Olel'ne A. Family 8onp; " 100 boxes Fancy So.ip;' ?00 do tar Candlesj 250.: An.' Miii;t.-f . .?..- l(i0bcxe3Loni..-.r: .IIU U'J . - If 0 Ireierv! F1 thii t, 100 do T!1.. , 1(10 ma MO 75 1.0 do rK' , do 1, 50 do Castile Soar; 100. do Starch; 300 do Va. niafd To- : 200 do Jlo. ' dof 800 do - Smoking do; 1100 do- Cub, Clears; CO.COO Cig. Imo.; 100 bas I'eppcr; 1 25 do Alspice; 3(?0 bb!s A Ii r do Ma'cT.; 600 boxes Glass: :o Ch-vobt'", 40 do Wood bt. - i,0 do Sardinrtr 1 ' and half befs: - & eases Citron J0bbLjlU',"ij' 5 ca.e yBts- c .1- lo.V'rt. j uo " so -doB.r.ry liiOO reams T. 300 nests Tub--,' tn:-.. 100 bales Batting 200 doa Tainted Eakts; 1IQU03S. iu imn pipe? pure ell." rsbbrs w' Brand ica?"- - - - ifinKfru Denut 100 crises do do do: -100 do IIci'W;k, 100 bbls3ronon. Wilis V; 100 do dd Rye Whisky, 1.0 ivti uW'f gt.L: d0 r. P th3"J' do : Envoi 1' 4 . d0 da rSa ?: cases - te.7.:-' J. rr.:;-.' . - very superior; June 7th, lS5o. , - M young, nouse & ro3 ,r,;- .. IXPOKTEE3 AND tnOLX3.UJ r--1 r'-: -; : roreigj aad Doinestic . HikKDWiVK? 0 15, Ti-ASi, STitsir, Cic''' cur : v-. n ia t: f