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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1856)
. i . . ' . jCorrCiponAencc of the N. Y. Herald. . " TE02I "tfASEIXGTOX . Washington, Aug. 15, '56. Senator Pearcc reported this morn ing in favor of sending an- agent to Great Britain on the subject of regulat- ing coins behveeh the two countries tind equalizing their value. . A' number of private bills "were 'passed to-day by the Senate, and among them a bill for .the relief of Com. Tho3. Ap. Catesby Jones, the hero . of the ' gun-bbats at the battle of New.Orleahs. ' The Army Appropriation bill of the House was reported in the Senate, with 'numerous amendments. . Four of the other -appropriation bills are now in the hands of committees "of conference, and no doubt will be ' come laws, : " . T " " " ". The appropriation of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the capitol . extension, asked tor yesterday by the President, was voted on, also, five hundred thousand dollars to continue the Washington aqueduct. This last . amendment, .three times voted rdown ... by the House, was agrped to .by the fccnate almost unanimously. ,. . The Senate -bill lor the coxnpensa- tion of the members' of Congress was considered in the house to-day, and created, as I Predicted, much interest The hard shell members desired the increase pay but voted in the nega .live, believing the bill would c-crtainly "cass-and enure to their benefit.'. kThe substitute varies from, the Senate, bill m : fmncr the ; compensation . at six thousand dollars for the 'Congress in stead of twenty-five hundred dollars : Xitr annum! "'. ' "' " ',: ! . . Mr.- Pennington's bill, remodelling "and regulating the "diplomatic and con '. sular system, passed the House to-day " but will not be considered by the Senate " this session. ' ' . A bill passed the House to-day op- Dronnatincr . two. -hundred thousand dollars for the establishment of a nava depot at Brunswick on the coast o Georgia". The'SenatcHll for reorganizing the medical and hospital departments of " the army - was passed .by the House without amendments. This bill creates four additional and eight assistant sur geons; authorizes the enlistment of a 'corps of hospital stewards, and gives ' increased compensation to soldiers em- ployed as nurses to the sick." : " " " The Senate bill. regulating fees in the-United States Courts passed the' .-.House and received the signature of the President". . t :. r ' - ' The bill for running the Southern line of Kansas passed the House, and .'no doubt will pass the -Senate."- It is ' important in many respects, this line passing through rich salt and . mineral . ' districts yet in possession of the Indians. . '.The Senate having adopted the . amendment of one hundred thousand dollars to continue the work on the Capitol dome, suspended the conside ration of a great public appropriation . bill to consider the House bill giving themselves an increased compensation in future. . ;. . General Lanc3pf Oregon, has been offered the Governorship of Washing ton Territory. He declined it. . . The Cabinet has not. ordered a dis : Continuance 'of the 'Kansas prosecu tions. . . ;.; '',. ; Mf. Blair, Soliciter of the Court of Claims,has appointed John D.McPher . 'son as his Deputy j and it is said the President has appointed Daniel Rat- cliffe, assistant Solicitor, as provided , by the recent law. , .; . . '. A bill reported in the House to-day "by !Mr. ..Faulkner,. to promote the . efficiency ' of the army, increases the pay of all commissioned officers, .20 per month, and raise their rations, to thirty cents; the brevet not to confer . any rank, command or emolument. 1 . ; A treaty between the United Stele's . and.' the two Sicilies has been trans- ciitted to the Senate for ratification. - ' - Washington, Aug. 6. House. Mr. Thorington reported . a hill granting lands in JN ebraska; Min nesota and Kansas, for railroad pur- " poses; which was referred to the Com- laittce, of the Whole on State of the . Union.'- Mr. Bennett, of New York, report , :ed a bill granting. 1,500,000 acres of , " land in Missouri for a similar purpose. Passed, yeas 03, nays 59. .- f Sixty-five rebels were beheaded in Canton in one day. , . London, July SO. The Money Market is. flat; caused ( partly by a further decline in the Pari! Bourse- There was an active demand for money at the Stock Exchange at 4 percent; Foreign securities opened arm- but closed dull' . s Liverpool, July SO. Cotton firm; sales of three days, 20,000 bales. .Breadstuffs dull and irregular. Flour declined '-Gd.- to Is; , on the nxcor rraflfS- 2 to 5s. ' Wheat declined 3d. to 6L Corn 6di ower, but firm. Beef dull with a declining tendency. Pork and Bacdn unchanged. ' ' f . .' THE SPECULATING- lliNLi H CHICAGO? The subjoined paragraph,' from i recent number of the Chicago, has been extensively copied: A day or two since a real estate operator in this city telegraph to Wash ington to know if a party there would sell him a piece of property for $6,000 upon a credit of sixty and ninety days. The answer was- i; You can have it." The dtcrnoon of tho " same day" the operator '. telegraphed to another .city that he would sell, the same property for 8,500, Upon thirty, and sixty days time, . and r the reply was " W e wil take it.' Here "was ' a , clean profit of 5,ouj maue wunoui me inveimem of a dollar,and all within twelve hours. ' The Editor of the Buffalo ' Courier makes the following judicious remarks Upon , it: "They. , are last people, at Chicago , and count nothing short of thousands But what ; a grand smash up. they ;will have oneof these?days, when real estate comes down. to its ligitimate value! In grandure, it will surpass anything in that line that has taken place on this continent 1S5G. FURNITURE. 185G. SCARRITT & MASON. FURITinmE Sc UPHOLSTERY, Samuelanctt, under sentence; and - to he Hung ma few days, was married ; d Avenue, St.Lo'ai3,: iOlllSft Bnckeil. the daUtrUterOt the vivn ,!.a our arranicrr.ents for a full w -v r i i I r m i ir ill 1 1 i v. w v s u . TTftbrais House. Trout Street, near Steaatont landing, - 13HOWNVILLE, N. T. man for whose murder he wTas to (and pprbably has been) executed! . It is said" the girl did not falter in her devotion from the time of his arrest to his conviction. M .ir f tla owrline, andtavins thebest asaortmcnt in the Wwt, w e wKoLeasure in on cru.s to purchasers both MTIIOLEtsALb aaJ iETAlu . ima ViPtca.Aa. 500 dozen wo6d seat Chairs, 1000 Bureaus, - 200 do cane seat do, 500 Dining Tables, W0 do rwVmg do, 500 Breakfast do, 100 do childrsns do, 200 Work Stand, 500 tin safes, m 200 Wash do. ' 200 Cnbs, assorted sizes, 100 Wardrobes. I Jucgea, -. It is renorted that the celebrated j. , i v C ' I low V ardrooes, . v- mMujt, bandit -Joaauin. is acain lnLalitornia, 10nn T ni,.,. 100 doz.Uus ' : a i i o ' . riu: mm a , OailU VlrM' v "vr iJ.-x.'. -. ftWanv and walnut. T)ar iy iowuiuu wv o j . . ' ft-VA. . BENEDICT, s vvnTTVf!F:A t tho ruLHo tb -t be t iken the li above noue, formerly kept by 1. II. Ldward, in Ui-ownville, N. 1 and is now repared t accomo dataall who may ;vor him win the:r p:iironagc. A new tiJdition fc.H been built tr tho house, and ad ditions made of furniture and Bedding, and all ar- ningemonts now are such as to rcnuer mis nouso equal to any in tho Territory. Brownvil'le, July 5, 1856. Tl-n5tf W. II. WILLIAMS, TTEOLES ALB AND BETAIL DEALER IX jLATFE AKKIVAEi!! , t AT BKOWK VILLE, X. T. AV. IIOBLITZELL & CO. ARJ VOVT IS BECEIFT OF A FEES1 St'ITLT CP nrrn K5i STOVESrTJNWARE Several "persons aver that they have jjw Chairs, Sofas, centre, sidcand cxten- mAKES seen and talked With him. sion Tables; Secretaries and Book Cases. . , lpna Seen dUU laicu Upholstery in ereat variety, such as spring, ha r, han(1 tho r pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or- and the public in general, that ho has on most cxteusivp stock, oi otoves m.iia - A i magnificent SAVOrd has been tre- cotton, moss and husk Matrcsscs, Comfort, Spreads, V w;vrc, eTer offered ia this market. k Jly stock of Tin- the .' San ,1 . : xttZ. , ronriwpnffd our I Francisco - - Vi srilance Committee,- to ilons. Velaceque, commander of the French division of the committee, as a compliment for the services rendered by the French citizens. : ; The Chinese emigration to Califor nia, which has been arrested for some time, has revived, and the Celestial emigrants are arriving quite numer- ousiy. ; -' r : r Mr. ;Barhes, an overland emigrant n,v ;a oir Warranted as represented our Wholesale aiid Ketalf at St. Louis prices Prices as Low as tbj Lowest;'- - - t'ivould call particular attention o'imy 'stock" of Orders promptly and faithfully executed, and re- COOKIG STlA ES comprising the most improved aTnffniiv unlloitpd. Satisfa:tion guarantee-l. patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them r""'""J " r i r ( I . - . .ni. . - Ilease call and satisiyyourseie8. ., , i may do iounu r my e vurier va.n, iuo dcsi oiu o iiu t to tb end of the chapter. ' I St. Lonis. July 28. 1855. TlnS-6m jn use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre- .TKRI ALS. A lar; - . w ti mium. Also -nn-utinff of Pino Doors, Sash. Sbutter Blinds, Oils, v iruiiu v ' Farior. c& is ox stoves ft nwi- TT fl TIT.,. 11 i , tich. when complete, will composa the Lar-;st and tadt selected stock in this country. ArR STOCK OF GROCERIES AKE BOUGHT KJ at the lowest price for cash, and consists of . CofieeVsasar, Teas, Fish, Kice, Currants, Itaisias, Candies, Molasses, Syrup, Fruit. Nuts, &.c, &.C. - DRY GOODS. Ladies and Gents, call and e them, and price for yourselves. Late styles and a full assortment of Dress Goods, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Alio, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS & PARASOLS CLOTHING. A fina stock old and young, fogies and 'fast' men, Call soon if you want a nice cout, vest or poats on reasonabla torms. If ITS. New styles cheap sind durable. "liAKDWAItE.-ATery large assortment; con ;snr in rart of Smiths' Tools,. Spades, Shovels, Kakes3, How, Bells, Mill, Crosscut and Handsaws, Files, Augers, Axes, Uroadaxcs, Adis, Chisels Ac, etc., O lot. KEY GOODS AND CHEAP C- 4 ,JCST KIXEIYSD B. r. a, J- TH0ap.t ; snOWXYlLLE, N. T. Express: y for V's JJarket, a DRY GOODS, tiL-UitllVr, HATS !c CAPS, HASTINGS, . NAILS, IRON, -SASH, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, WXE Ddop LATr;: WINDOW SHUTTEIiSft HAYINQ been bought and shipd tU, wc flatter ourselves we are able to offr dticements as have not heretofore been nfrlJ!'5 aucemenis as uavo noi u'srcijiore ocen off?j We ask an examination of our Goods a0j .J fore purchasing elsewhere. Tho Ladies i ? nr Si-irw . lar.T assorticent of DRESS GOODS. Challi, Bern-P,D 1 Foplin, Ginghams, Victoria Ia7 jiuuiumcicu uuucjj laid . SiiJc, &r. c Jtc. ALL O? HICII WILL LC SOLD TEUti June 7,-1806 ' " ' ; . , ' -! v . gx. LOUIS, MO. TO THE r TRAVELING . PUBLIC. mmS new and extensive Hotel, located on tho cor 1 X ner of llaiq and Green streets, in tho city of bt; TTiSa .nnilmiu in ncccssful eDcration, under the rroprictorship of J. U. CjPAKB ana ma ai T?r ixfxmitmn of straniersi we would tate tho most extensive Hotel in tins uy, m m . f h'lt thia IS tO California: had tO Winter among tlie . w4: 11 and Second sts, and having MormbnS,' Who levied a tax of twenty- southerly front of 320 feet, which affords good ven- . 7 . ii' -i . . , ;-r' tilation during the summer months, the rooms being tWO per Cent. On all niS ClleCtS. , Une wellarranff0dato insure that end; and is oxjssquakk ner cent.4 was a county ana territorial oxlt from 1 r,.?-v'j V 1 1 , , UnYsitn the Railroad FerrV.- There is attached to tax,r one per cent., a scnooi tax, ana t Hotelf an extenSfve shaving Saloon, with Uathaj twenty per Cent, a "tort Or City Wall and the Proprietor has njtea.up tax Of various Sizes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN" ANY nOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to makin? and putting up Tin Gutters, in tho town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term. Uld Conner, Urass and rewter taken in exchange for work or -ware, v W. W. WILLIAMS, vl-n3 Oregon, Mo.; July 5, 1856. Upward of $2,000,000 lias been sub scribed for the , purpose of making a Hailroad between Matanzas and Regla, m Havana1.0 Two other. Railroads are in contemplation; one, from Lai Union to iNaraia, and the other from Matanr zas to uumess. AttejiptedBiubery. Joseph IIoo fer,: a guard ' at the Penitentiary, in thiscitv was arrested, ah Saturday last, and placed in jail to await his trial for attempting to liberate Robert McO'Blennis, and sOm'c four other persons confined in the .prison. lie proposed to. O'Blennis' that if he would give ,him $150,. and his obligation for $5000 to be paid after hil liberation, that he would nave ahorse and a change of - clothing in readiness, and pass him out by rway of the guard house,, for which purpose he had a rope-ladder prepared, and place, him in safety ten miles from this city. Mr. O'Blennis, it seems, informed the Warden of the circumstance, and a watch was-concealed in the cell occupied by O'Blen- nis.ana wnen noover maae nis ap pearance to 'complete the" 'necessary arrangements' with O'Blennis', and to receive the money. " (which had pre- yiousiy Decn piacea m me nanus o O'Blcnis.) Hoover was secured. A gentleman writes to the Hartford (Ct.) Couranty that about a year ago, while engaged in counting over money, he carelessly put his name on theback of a $20 bill. A son of Erin came into his office a few days since with the bill, and said he had come from East Hartford to get gold from the endorser. The gentleman examined the detector and found the bank had.' suspended, and on further "ef lamination found that he hadiriade himself liable as endorser by placing his 5 name on the back of the bill whereupon he gracefully paid over' the required double eagle. ; ' v , t ----- v i : - - - ' ' - ft it -r;i i ; a m" progress . Dy tne isatninir- itooms. ior my I'u-iuieB,. -it7EHav '.i: etH T- ' r:i. . : . . Jl. - . . I V .ra 1 Inn ri",,r -t--0"--j-v , , . . v, i!r.,wuuiuuvj,na) . ' large and well nwnril'nf '9,0 000 000 UsWn Riih: .'-The Pablic aro: respectfully invited to call, the Dry Goods,'- . PiYinrietor nledin!? for his house, every comiori us- mnlltf fonnd in first class Hotels. Meals f urnished to suit Pilroad time. Charges ?2;00 per day. , . . . ; J. a. st'AKft. rOSTY THOUSAND DOLLARS of Gooda at a small advanca on cost and carriacra by KOCKPOKT, 1SEO., ''''.' ' ' AND "" ' IIEMHES LAXDIJfG, 'MO. 2 in store, and are receiving per Steam- lbai, Warner, Ldinburh and Umalia, aiorted stuck of: . . ' ; . Bonnets, ..... , Improved Little Giant CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL WashIohW-i: Place ll Jt lor xne tuspeusaiion oi j us ugtr. rt yi either wholesale or retail, ana guaraniceu i: Z OQ nonc tMiMioVt Vr.-v n"moio' I rvi.BitirB manner.' ' i ; :." ' ; 7" ; It is now more than a year since tho . ; . flx ?onths :A:';V;';V.Iiittle.?iantw were uisxiiisisuu us w Clothing,' Ilardware, . Queensware, -- - -Beets & Hhocs, : , ! Hats &. Caps, 1 - Cutlery, Paints, Boors, Oils, Sledicincs, Drags, : furniture, r;; .. Tinware, . t Saddlery, ' ' ' ' Groceries, f .-: 'Castings Sash, Nails, j;'.-! .'. Iron T-atfthos.l'uttv. Glass Ac. FURNITURK. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes; Cupboards, Stands Ac . tT We will sell cheaper for cash than any house in JSebrask Territory. ' i . " " '.. - r"' "' "l e June 7,18atf. ' " ' " D. L. MC OARY, Brownville, X. T. A. A. BRADFOKl, WM. MCLEXN AV J Nebraska City, XT. . , r , , V, BRADFOED; McLENNAX :McGAEY, TTORDEYS:lrf.MW SOLICITERS iN CHANCERY. Browntille and Nebraska City, , NEBIlASKi TEitCIT02Yi.f , , - BEINt? 'pc'naanently located in tho Tenitory, we will "-ive our entire time and attention to the practice ot our profession, in all its branch esj .blat ters in Liti,ration, Collections of. Debts, Safes and Purchases of Real Estate, selections of Land, Loca tin of Iind .Warrants, and alt other business en trusted to-our manascnient, will receive prompt and faitatul attemion. .7: 'REFEtlENCESi ? of 1855, 5,785 vl-n5 D. & II. CARPENTERS & BLACtSJIITIIS' TOOLS iC. All of which we offir at very low prices for Cash or Country Produce. . , ;, NO HUMBUG! .We will sell at S0HE mCE!! , . .. .DILLON Si HAWK. P. S. Ladies, if you haven't srot a fine Silk Dress. Was introduced to the public, during which time, it Shawl or Bonnet, don t blamo DitXON & HAWK, for HYii'n-mnrtnnr. tn flomnnrl nn TMinish- heen eonstanUr zrowinz in the popular favor. we certainly have the best assortm-mt of Fancy Dres " lJ I .r .i. t.l Ii , rr 1 il.:. i. .. . V- . .t, : -j n ' f : i , , r . i .Th imnrovenients recently cnocioa uu wwnwu, i uooas ever octrca in-tuu iaare. :jo ironoie to "vk. - , ' j . .. i m.akp.9 it the most nertect macuino ever vuvivu i snow uoous. ;,. InNcw York 2,750 dogs have ItSSSTiSt Caught and: taken tO the UOff-pOUnd, x0. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minutes arc since tie 25th of June; : of theso 150 nave- Deeu , reueemeu Or SOIU, UUU , lue I to.a boy. Full directions accompany eacu Jiiu rpmnindpr Y.fiOO havnheen destroved ' XJ J3GK. CC3 33E3 3 , .1 'At vf -rinA k hn meal WrKoni' with 1 horse Nd3 50. " 15 ' a u 1 u F5r T.iKnpdl diwnnnt t,n ... .1- ,.( lir I T 1 MT 4 nTTm T No. 63 Locust street, bee. 2d and 3d ;. 'June 28. 1856. . vl-n4 .... j: , .St. Louis, Mo. . by the process of drowning. Coal in abundance is being discovered in almost every portion xf our ! State, arid coalmining will ere long be added to our already, fruitful resources, and engage the attention of capitalists; A company has been formed to wotk the Table Mountain Coal Mine, "with5 a capital stock of one million of dollars. Masonic Clothing and Odd ; Fellow Also Eegalia for Temperance and other Societies, j . ,128 Walnut Street, vp. Stairs, CINCINNATI, .0. , Grat Iniluccmeiit. THOSE wishing to pnrchaso LOTS in the Town of Brownville would do well to givo us a call, as we have 50 (ots which will be sold very cheap for cash. Also, 5 Lots in OMAHA CITY, for snle. Enquire of . B. 1J. & J. 1). X. THOMPSON. Brownville, N.T.June 28, IS 55. , ; 4tf ST. JOSEPn AND COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET LINE. Season Arrangements for 1856. B. A. WBITBIDCE. ' ' j , : ' - Si; 1 H'KINXEY. ' E MRS. E. A. WIIITRIDG E & CO. . ., . MAXCFACTCBEK3 OF ' . . ., IS 10 QilE. Death of Mrs. Sailah Norton, of Lexington, KyI- The. community at Lexington have been thrown into deep sorrow by the death of :Mrsf Sarah Norton. She was probably more ex tensively and favorable known than any i lady in ; Kentucky, -lief', wealth and position in society enabled her 'to do a vast amount of -good to" the dis tressed and suffering: and7 alibe'ral hand responded, -ia her ;! case; to the r promptings of a noble heart.' Jutfew persons ever surpassed her in active charities of life. Mrs. Norton r was a prominent member of tho Methodist Church for . a creat many Srcarsl arid that church will .very serious feel her departure from the earthi ' May she find an abundance of that happiness which it was her joy to impart to others. T ... '-...'77- XT " .1 ,, 'lal JUOlllsviuc isvurur, , The coal is found one hundred feet from the surface. Alta California, ' 'p Hector Smith, and Ethiopian gentle man,1 of Boston, has been arrested for marrying TWO lrisn girls Ann MC- "' xasoxs.T References, odd fijllows. flnrmilf -nnfT RriSAnna. MrOnnnr Grat W'.B.DoddiOiTofOhio O. P. Morton, P O M Ind. i i'i ' x C. Moore Ed Masonic Uev; Turner & Gray, pub Casket plaCC, tnat UOSton. , . .v. r r ;. . F. J. I'hillips, H. P. City "W, Q. Neilson, P G M Ohio rinnoofl L;a Kft, of wtoi1anA The Editor of the Advertiser will have specimens .. UeparteU r thlS lite, at ner residence rf Resalia from the ttbQT8 Manufactory, and recieve in Mason COUnt V. Kv.. near tho mouth orders from Lodzcs or nrivate members for Regalia. of Cabin Creek, on; the 14th day nf Anst 2, 1850. vi-n9tf . , , July, Luzabeth consort of Uenjamin Cole, deceased, an old Revolutionary soldier. Her age is. supposed : to be over one hundred years, as her eldest son is in his 89th year. She Was the mother of sixteen children. She .has left eleven living children, a great many grand children, aUo some great, great grand children. ' ' :r - ' J A man named Pevcr,made a balloon ascension at' Havana on th'e. 29th!,'of June, and was wafted over towards the sea. He, has not been heard of since. ,P. Johnson", on Sunday last, per formed the perilous feat of ' swimming across the Niagara river, between the Falls and the Suspension Bridge, ,; This was ..the first , time the feat was : ever attempted, t. -. ; ; il rJ St. Peter's Churchy in Rome; inde- pendentpf its jnYaluabletreasurcs of art-. .cost U,UUUuuu,,ana tno -annual expense 01 repairs 13 some $oi,ovu. -An appropriation of 50,000; and all TIIE entirely new nnd fine passenger, packet, OMAHA, -J. B. Holland, Commander, F. B. 'Kercheval, Clerk;) having been built expressly for the trade, is now running as a regular weekly picket between the cities of jSt. Joseph and Council Bluffs. Leaving St. Joseph every Monday at 12 o'clock M. And returning will leave Council Uluns and Umana City every Friday morning at 8 o'clock, and forming a connection With the- five packets leaving St. Louis on Mondays and - Tuesdays, which, arrive hvre on Saturday anL,unday evenings, by which arrange ment passengers or freight will not be detained at bt. Joseph; but to prepare against ail contingencies, the owners of the Omaha have a large Ware-House to store all goods not meeting thcirr promptly, and without charge to the owners, which wo deem the most perrect arrangement Jo passenger or shipper that can or will bo made tho present season, and they therefore hope by promptness and strict atten tion ofi her officers and-agent t receivo a large thare of public patronage. - DONXELL. SAXTOX & McDONALD J . TOOTLES Jl FA1RLEIGH, . f Agents. 1-tf - AHXIYA1XF ms iJLLGO. - . . New York, Avg. 111 p. m.: The Arao arrived here at 1 P. M. She passed the Baltic off-Point Linas, "on the 30th. . - ' -.- : - : She brings 175 passengers; among them C F. Faring, bearer, of dispat ches ' from St. Petersburg, and C. Ferren, bearer of dispatches from Sardinia. ? Advices from Italy state that the outbreak in the Duchy of Masacarra had been completely suppressed. ; Twenty 'arrests had been made. ' Tour persons belonging to the Mazzi nian Society, had been ' sentenced to imprisonment in irons, two for life, and tho others for the terms of ten and twenty years. . Three millions of bal cartridge had been ordered by tele graph to be sent from Cologne to Italy. . Spain The accounts from Spa -are to the 2Gth.4 The revolution was nearly suppressed. -. , v Gerona had been evacuated by Gen Kaiz. The militia were hastening to give up their arms. . Gen. Kaiz and other chiefs had fled to France. The intelligence, however. states that Malaga and Granada had pronounced against O'Donnell, and that the Royal troops had joined the movement. China. Advices from China state that the revolution was progressing. 1st ERESTixa Decision Powers of Parents and ' Guardians. ! Judge Lackland, yesterday, rendered his de cision m the habeas corpus case, which has been pending the past week. "The particulars of the case , has been pre- viousiy puuiisueu, uui we reier xo xnem in brief. " Alphorisine " Hickman, a minor, had been indentured to" her uncle, with the' consent of her mother, her father having diedrid the uncle by power of attorney,-had 'delegated his authority to the lusAy Superior of the Convent of the bisters of St. Joseph, at'- Carohdelct." The! Cdurt decidea that the uncle had no right to transfer his authority or custody to another and that the indentures were void, because they contained no cove nant or obligation on the part of the uncle. Ho accordingly ordered1 the child to be delivered to tho mother. St. Louts Democrat j Aug. 1. A? ' r The t Jancsvillc C fls ) Free Press, states that, as Dr. Evans, of Evansville, was returuing home from that city he met a span of horses attached to'a wagon loaded with produce, and the owner, TV!!!: C? l.i ' t uiiiiazu ciuiiu, a corpse, aunougn sit' ting erect and holding iks reins. . The Doctor stopped the team ,and had Mr. Smith immediately carried to a house. but life was extinct. It seems he had been sick for some time with dyspepsia, ana probably died ot disease ofthc heart. v : ; ; paints,' oils, tarmshes, . - FrentJiditd American Window Glass & Glatsicare, Spice, Indi'jo, Madder, Perfumer ict,dc. , SPRING STOCK! . CHARLESS, BLOW Sc .CO. . 1MP0KTEK8 t W HOLES ALE DEALERS. ' Ko. 63 and 67 Main street, St. Louis, Mo. , i i . : . i 1 1 1 . Are now in receipts their new Stock, embracing everything in their line. ". . . i E5T"Merchanta visiting our City are requested to give us a call, as we are determined t sell for Cash or Prompt Time Paper,' as low as, any House' in thu United States. ' ' -i - " ; ? H. WHITTEMOBE." B. B. TVHITTE1IORE. ' J. F. CAKTEK v H. & R.,B;WHiTTEMOKE & CO., ; 'r ! 1 Wholesale Dealers '' BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS.' r NO. 143 MAIN STRRET, (First door above te l5ank of Missouri.) s, 6Csish paid for Furs and Deer Skins,. jr A.c.fowx, r 1 . FORD &. BO WEN, L. U BOWEJfi 1 CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Hartford, C&Z- V: . . . , i : . -Gipi tal 20 0,0 0 0 With large and increasing receipts securely invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. . . OFFICERS. ALFRED GILL, Pres't. JOHN L. BFXCE.y.P. JAMES C. W ALKLEY, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Alfred Gill. John L. Bunce. Win. R. Cone. Jas. G Bolles, John A. Butler, Xoah Wheaton, N. Hollis tcr, Sam'l Coit, Danl Phillips, C. X. nmphrcy. J .- . BOARD" OF FIXAXCE. Geo. Beach, Esq., President of Phoenix Bank. i. ivuujuson, r,sq., - - . uartjord " ' Hon. Isaac Tonccy, late Attorney General CVS. j Appiicauons ior insurance received by R. W. FURNAS, Agent. DR. A. S. IIOLLIDAY, Med. Ex.. .. GEO. P.. LUCKIIARDT, WATCHMAKER OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, MO. TAKES tbc liberty to inform the citizens of Brownville and vicinitv. that he has onened a WATCH,' CLO CK '& JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will keep con- good assortment of i and Jewelry, which Also, a fino S-,F Nuckolls, Nebraska. City, . 'Brownville, - SL Jocph, St. Louis, Mo., l. Richard' Brown, ' f. Wm. Hobiitzdl Co., T I' Hon. James Craig, . - Hon. James M. Hughes, . , . Hon. Job a R. S heplcy, . Messrs. Crow, MeCroarr & Co Messrs.' 8 1. Hubbari & Co.", ' Cinciftnati O. t Ilwn. J. MIAvc,-fi .v EookukIowa. vl-nl; )f 1 ' "June 7,1856 44 a Fresh 'Arrival of NEW GOOD AT ROCJCPORT, 3IO. TIIE -subscribers would respectfully tends thanks to their cusr.oniirs and the Taiic rally for their liberal patronage hortiUJure, ati T17ILL practice ia all tha CourU of Nebraska And a continuance ot tbo saaia : as tney are dtfe W r:t.,rn T., iart;.ni!.Hn.-1 .to sen uooas as low u nos lower maa iar H. P. BEXXXrr, JJi S. MORTON', . . u. n. HABDIXG BENNET, MORTON & HARDING. Attorneys at;.Law, Nebraska City, ,N,T., and Glen wood, la. m DANIEJiZOOK, n ii .j. y ' Basin Store: . Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, Spanish Whiting, Red Lead, Litherage, ' White Chalk, Venitian Rod, Spanish Brown, Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, Sulphcr Carb. Soda, Vinegar, . Turpentine, Sal. Soda, Coperas, Saltpeter, Borax, Mcx. Liniment, Vol. Oil do, 3IorIand's do, Nerver and Bona do, Farrels do, . Loaden's do, Jays' Expt., London's do, In addition to the above, I hare theiar of Druggist and Physicians Shop furnitur?, 5 cali, Surgical instruui:nts. and 'Patcat lj ever offered for sale in tis Country. , Merchants and Pby.ciaas of Iowa, La Nebraska, are respectfully Invited to iivemi June 7, 1856. . . DASIELZO! Window G'. -PuUy, h Caster Oii, Ex.Lofjwocd, Jiae btoue, Alum, UrcunJ Cu iioot d-,; ' Saint Loui CUe, Paris Green, . Curcmtf do, t T, Iron Paint, WhifeZliiJdj, Tisb Oil, . Whai ii Wrighti' Pills, Cliaiaiaii'i i, ..Jayan i f. do, .Loudon's i.t .Radway'sE.K, Davis Pain Killer, 'iFaUoestueVi T. Stone's CinghCs ; Lane Liver Pi paia obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of debts. - - - 'REFERENCE : Hon. Lewis Cuss, Detroit.-1 . v . - r n Jiibaa D. Morton, .; " - . . . ? . -. Gov. Joel A. Shitteson, Springfield, III; - " ';.'' Gov. J. W. Grime?. Iowa City, Iowa; " " ' B. P. Fifiled, St. L3uis, - Hop. Daniel O. Morton. Toledo; Ohioj , P. A. Sarpy, Bcllevue, Nebraska; Sedgewich & Walker, Chicngo, 111: Green. Weare & Benton. Council Bluffs. Towa. ., E. ESTABROOK, UNITE!) STATE3 District ''Attorney,- O EQL'IRED to b& ii attendance officially tipon all X the terms of the District and Supreme Court of the Territory, tenders his Professional services to such as need them. He natters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrust their business to his care. i. Omaha City, June 7, 1S53. NUCKOLLS, RUSSELL, & CO.! HooUport, Mo. -WUOX.ES ALE AND RETAIL DEALEK3 IX ; nnniiv nfinnr-HTifP HARDWARE AND CUJLERY, Medicines, . Dye Stu, Saddlery, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, QXTEEJfS'WAEE, STONEWARE, TLTWAEE,1 . IRON, NAILS, STOVES.PL0WS Sic. AI30 Furniture of all kinds, "Window Sash, &c cases, Silver Thimbles, Sic, &e He is prepared to repair Watched, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in. the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. . , Every article bought in hi3 establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for one year. , :' t July 26, 1805., vl-uStf . rr-jf , . e .. t j ' ; 4 T.'Z .:?,; ! . iu vregon,noit county, 310., wnere the proceeds of, the . fcahne-: Lands in Attorneys ; and Counsellors at Law fJa,n,Uy in ?nd "a st' s Tt KA.tflrlA fni : oarrTrintt- Ar . - , . . . " Gold and Silver atches, Clocks ar A" m t, vv.: 'Jjro v hr!) " ' COUJSC1L BLUFFS, IOWA.' k : :i ho will sell extremely low. for CASH. Uie- wuia;. uuv4; wo uwiv . jjuuduu , Ullice at the corner of Broadwav mid UAe,ln 1UL Ul un Accorueon, ouver, ana riatod poc- Aolntri Tinw in pnnstrnrtinn n.t.-Arnnnf streets, up stairs. V , . . tacles, bold lens with Gold and Silver, extension Pleasant;' r; ;-'; n i .-ir-- . josephmurphy, , , ... -The widow pf Lord Byron ; 13 .still Attorney., and Counsellor at LaTt', alive and hearty.. She' has 4 recently ' - ; And Solicitor In chanceiy. . purchased the ' residence " of the" late r $P3Tt Fbemont i Cocxty, rowA.J poeCRogcrs, in London.' . ; 7" is ' Yellow Fever still continues to pre- .I3yiiX;..JLUAJN.'.: vail at Havana to an alarming extent, A fp IT1 fl Tl TT Tl IT km j ttj HZy "Snlhos: "LA AND LOT AGENT. ,n who have not become acclimated. The ARCHER, RICHARDSON COUNTY, N. T. fever is also very prevalent among ."the shipping at Matanzas.', fr V Some of tthe newspapers are arguing inr favor of making rail cars:wholly of iron, and steamboats of the same mate rial, so fat. as is practicable, to" avoid disasters v from, - conflagration. e::Had such paxt3';of the Northern; Indiana, John Jay and propeller Tinto as were contigouS to the boilers, j been of iron, these boats would not have been' consumed.- - ;i ; j 1 . - j The degree of liberty enjoyed-in; France' is illustrated by the followinc extract from ' a Paris letter to the Brusseh 'Independence! "To-day, two men, guilty of having uttered some remarks, in a workshop, injurious to the person of the Emperor, have been sentenced to five years' imprisonment and ten years' surveillance." .! " ; ri I The Adas. $ Argus say Judge Davis has rendered a decision in the Supreme Court, atPoughkecpsic, "that Commissioners of Highwaj's are liable for accidents on tho Highways, when it can bo proved that such accidents occurred in consequence of the roads not being kept in proper order. CHARLES WEST. N. J. M'ASHEJT. "'' ''""WEST & 3IcASIIEN:''' ' FORWARDING 'COMMISSION 1. . . ' .. . , j Grocers and Steamboat Agents,' . Corner , Second and -Francis- Streets, .' " " . ' " ( Opposite A. Beatie'a Banking House. ) . Ot. Larosrla.,' TSaim&aixurli A Jf iissortment of Boat Stores, Groceries; Wines. XX Li.juors, Meal, Flour, Ac, kept constantly on hatd.'; - , . July 26, 1850, vl-nS SO BOOKS KEPT!! ALL CASJHU S.; HOLkADAYv: - T WHOLESALE AJfD BETAIL DEALER IN s , Brragsand Medicines Main Street, Brownville, IT. T; THE undersigned respectfully beg leave to inform ,thi) public, that he has now on hand a complete assortment of cyery thing, asuitlly kepi in Iru" Stores, which he offers for etle, JCxclasivcIV oh a New System of , . CASH AND CASil ' ONLY ! . l1!1 9 ntirely foreign to this beautiful system, to -Book," -keep accoun- aote" or "remember for ft few days." Come with the 4; Spondulicks" if you ant anything in the Drug line. . ( Pres'criiptioni Compouadcd at all Hottri wiUi ".' Accuracy aad Biipatch. 1 Remember tho irystem I have adopttd, and my pocketand your feelings wilt not suffer. Credit will joneriynot be given, unless under circumstances of peculiar detitntion. July 12, loM.-vl-uOtf A. S. HOLLA I) AY. UNITED STATES . SCOJS1PAWY GIVE every possible facility for the Kife and speedy transmission of ; Money, Valuable Packages, Parcels, iioods, and Merchandize Of every deseriotion. on reasonabla bm Pkixcipal 0iFrcE3-New York, Buffalo, Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago, Dayton, Indianopolis, and all the smaller towns on Railroads in the Eastern, Mid dle and Western States, connecting at St. Louis with Richardsop's Missouri River Express. Jl. KIPP. July2!5,18j5.-vl-n3 General Superintendent. NOTICE is hereby given, that the co-partnership heretofore existing under the name and stylo of Brown, Rogers A Co., was, on the 20 th day of Febru ary, A.D., ISSGj dissolved.. " R. BROWJT, ' " ' S. E. ROGERS, B. B. FRAZER, , : .:' - HENRY EMERSON. July2S,1856.-vl-n3 .. . .. II. Y, JJiKE. & BRO. A. D. KIRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Ajreat and Xotarv Pablic, Archer, Richardson county, N..T., Will practice in the Courts of Nebraska, assisted by HitrdiDg and Bennett, Nebraska City. . , OEEuOXj MO. ROUT. L. IIATTEN, Proprietor. . 1 No pains or cxpease will be spared ly the subscri ber, to make his guests corufortaolo in every respeet. aii mis weu Known ana nigniy rputaoie ilouse. Tl... V... r. . . . . auo ery uui mieiuion given 10 animais by a good and attentive liostlj. . , -r . vl-ni . . ROBERT L. IIATTEN. TUOS. J. BARTnOLOW late TERY t BARTHOLOW NOTICE is hereby given, that the co-partnership funnerly existing between II. W. and O. F. Lake, under the name and style of II, W. Lake & Bio. was by-mutual consent dissolved, February 20th, A. D 18t8; o, ,o-. - II. W. LAKE. ' July26,18j6.-vl-n8-3t ; O. F. LAKE. Wholesale . Paper , Warehouse. 11KADNKR, WAUREN CO.. VV Ucalera. in Papers of every des- House wost of St. Joseph. Having just nee large and weilstlected h lock of SpnaTln! Goods : also a superior Stoak of Fan-'.' Gr with ILiruware, ulass and Queensware, far. Saddlery, Iron, Ac. , Come one and all, ' For well we know j Agtvin yoa'B ca!t, l: f AVeli sellsoW. ' Of Gootli'tlie best, And proSts small, We'll beat tie rest, And suit jou all. Our Stock cf Dry Good hs.ving been pnnk the Eastern cities, we Hatler onrsclres that' surpass our competitors an tlio low prkw a qualities of our Stock, l jjd earnestly leiierti mako by calling -and seinr for tapni-elw purchasing else w acre. f CAREi, JOiu.l N. B. Country Produce of all kinds taket change at the highest pricei, for GooJi. Jss Patent Pcrtnblc.ll THE subserilxjrs Lave ei.tered into under tho firm of Redf Ilulabird I manufacture tho J. C. Reel, Patent Form Mill and are- now prep tred to furni.-h ail i want of a good Corn or Wheat MIJl that fc bility, simplicty and eccnomy ; excel any Mi world. On tho late-exhibition of tho & institute in Cincinnati, a CM JLdal war them for it. . It is adapted to all Gi"ain grinding parp superior to all others fortta moist fxtensiwl Mill, as it ia forgrindin tt e Farmers fwdi power. . j The-above Mi'ls are mat:ufactturef by fix signed at their fhop in Cincinnati, wi: con be furnished in anyqutwtityathoftin " The above M-ills warrant! to perforait! 36 in. diaia., jr hour T-0 II. Corn, 25 Wk 30 . " f "30 u li " 2i u u . ID ' U 20 " - ! .15..' ' ' 1 3 . As th is Mill tells its i wn story, it is na quote Jroia our numerous reconitaeniir-Si iM." . .. REU,U0LAi;O ! ' filK'iUi- oription: Printing,"' Book Paper, Wrapping, . Manilas, Colored Papers, Folio Post, Flat Cap, Foolscap. , . Letter Si Note. Modium A l)fmV of tho very best Eastern and Western Manufacture, and for sale at very low prices. kdt7 Cash for lings and Hope, BRADNER, WARREN CO., . ' ' ' ' No. 12, Li Salle streer. Chicago, June. 2Sth. 1800. DAY & MATLACK, WholesaloDcalcrsi Pry Goods, Eo. 57 Pearl street, between Wal nut and ine, Cincinnati, Ohio. - B. W. LEWIS JAMES -W. LEWIS ' v A B. W. ME WIS '& BROS. MAKCf ACTniETtS OF ALL DE3CBIPT10N OF CHE W; I N G T 0 B A C C 0. : GLASGOW, MISSOURI. riiUAMvlLLforthe very liberal pa tronage that X wo have heretofore receiveil from our numerous customers, ana wUilo respectfully solicit ing a continuance or tho same, pledging ourselves to spare neither puns nor expensa to 'merit the patron ?5?' th rW'f, w-b;g Jeavo t.aniH)unce. that v i iuiam v. iiowis lias .withdrawn from our firm, and Tho. J. Bartholow is-admitted a partner flora this date, the style of tho firm remaining unchanged, and that wo have secured tho services of Capt. Georza u. mvis who will hcreoftef act in the capacity of ""w- salesman in connection with our Mr. Bartholow and will durin? the eominff Season -rr- sonally wait upon our customer for tho purpose of soliciting their orders. Our stock held over from last year of all descriptions is unanimously large, the quality'of which cannot fail to $ivo entiro satisfac tion to consumers.. B. W. LEWIS A Bros. Glasgow, Mo., January 6, 1S55. . , ST. LOUIS AND COUNCIL BLUFFS ''PACKET m. rilOE steamer ADMIRAL, hafing been thoroughly X repaired and refitted, will ply regularly between M. Louis and Council Bluffy, during the season of 18o5 touching at JeTon Cifyi Boonville, Ix?aven worth, St. Joseph, Savannah, Brownville, Sbaora. Atbraska City.St. Mary,audatl Intermediate points. mto f ? j -fur the Patlfolia;e extended to the AD flllilAL during the past season, the officers hope, by punctuality aad dispatch, to merit the continuance of the favors conferred by shippers, and passenjrers VtT 111 V Wa k t t A nil A. i. . O ,T;UT J. f ; ; C1IAS. K. BAKER, Master. t ,. U. A. DARST, Clerk. -A. B. IIOLLABIED&C , r - Machinists,' Founders 1 ' ENGINE; BUILD! ... i .... Front SLrset.-'West cf nii - XINCirVXATlj.O,' Would naofct rirpfsctfuiiy iniVrfii their the publio generilly, that theyf pared, to executo ail coders in Ihcirliae.' ness Having lately enlarged their si'?' thc-fncrta?eMfa:?iritios tliey now voss1' merit & codtliiusftion'o the liberal psW has heretofore been extended to tJcut. Saw Mill Engines cf every Ptf Constantly or ban t: conshiting cf the lar and Muley. Mill Gears and ever; (. nstings, warranted to lie m ell made ia V. They have also a Boiler Yard establishment, which ;nalles them to jj work in tLAfljue r Tumished by tcA pared to worli' on as reasonable torai 1 shop in the errantry. ' i! 1 , Those in want of an;ihig in oorli'"' well to give ua aeall aiid eiamine ' t A 'It Tint Ai " JOHN SHOYT. r County -' Saryeyor ani 1. ' OF rwichard-ron county, Y.T win all to ail bttsinw ia his pr-ifessin."?,' such as Paying Taxes, Keeordln? Claim;'' Land, Laying out Tewrf Lots,,LrafU'DSt.!; "iKesideuce nnd addrwi '.V " "" ': ' . ARCllEK,Bihrd' FRANIVJLIN" TYPE&STEREOTVFEF J1I0.-1S3 Vino St., bet. Fo-i ' 'CiXCINiCATI, 0.- MISSOURI RIVER PACKET. TtlE new, elegant and fast running fassen-er n , ,rck Rnd fre5llt steamer. E. A. OGDEN, laldwin, Commander, is iiow runnin her regular trips between St. Louis and Council Bluffs. She Is ono of tho bost freight steamers on the river, bavin been built expressly for this trado.- A. , G.. L, HUGHiCS, J. J..MTJDD, H. T. MCDD, S. O. CBUM.- MUDD & HUGHES PRODUCE cjv COMMISSION M" No. 3 DO Levca and CG Commcrcuxl ST. LOUIS, MO. Street C T. bDniSLOLL ff anufactnrcn an 1 dealers in c1.;, Tvr. Priatia? ft-es;s. C hK inks, and lYinting Material of STEItKOTYPINR of MVir I'atent Medioine Diroctious, Jobs, V"'' Ac., 'C. 'V - '' Brand an-J Pattern Ij&vi Wit. n. Tiionpsoy. ' ' l .-:raOMPSON;;&. (Successors to Birrowi & llS' Wliolcsalc Gtf And - Commission M- . .-. . Ho. 13'Pearl Strwt, j : i . i . ' rartkaiar attcntif.ii win5 for Groceries, which ill always be' . market pricps. r . ; - -:. -H FORBYM COMMISSION M&L And : -Freight '' OF THE ? BALTIMORE' AXD 011$ Ko. 3, Olive Street, St J4 l t i I c c c c t r f ' v. b' Pi y c ti. et r cr th in- h fro I; c:: cov in I " cor. r- ii r iiia!. . tv , , i ir. f tj wo L 'xi:cs, Oz Lave fnn i .. . .- i. ... r: - - . ' 1 t'cci til ' ill s irS dep..-. f