Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 23, 1856, Image 2
HE, CLIVES'S EEPCET. Mr. Oliver has presented a report on Kansas affairs, in reply to that of Messrs. Sherman and Howard. The c following is the conclusion, and suming up: . . " . '". First. That at the first election held in the Territory under the organic act, .for delegates to Congress, Gen. John . W. -Whitfield received a plurality of the legal votes .cast, and was duly elected such delegate, as stated in the majority report. Second. That the Territorial Legis " lature : waTa'legally constituted body, and had power to pass valid laws, and their enactments are therefore valid.-'Jhird.-That these laws, when ap pealed tp, have been nsed for the pro- niri nit iti n in i i nri v : i i . in cinri i k . andfor the maintenance of law and order in the Territory. ' -Fourth. That the election under which the sittiu delegate, John W. "Whitfield was held, was in ' pursuance of valid lav,', and regarded .4X3 a valid election. ". . .. Fifth; That as said Whitfield, at said election, received a large number of legal votes without opposition, he was duly elected as a this body nnd 13 entitled to a seat.' on this floor ' as such. " . Sixth., That the election under which 'the contesting delegate, Andrew H. Reeder, claims his seat, was not held under any law, but, in contemptuous disregard of all law": and'that'it should only be regarded as the expression of i i- i . -j t.-x: a Dana. oi malcontents anareroiuuuu Ists,and consequently should be wholly disregarded by the House. ' ; ' ;, ' Seventh-, As to., whether : ctr': not ' Andrew R. Reeder received a greater . number f votes of resident citizens 6n the .9th,' than J. W. Whitfield did '"on the 1st of October, 1855, no testi . 'HMny-was takeir by the committee, so far as;the undersigned knows, .nor is it material to the issue.' v ' ' - " . All of which is respectfully submitted. " . M, OLIVER. jlit A-rrruL aitd stbakge cmcrrn stance "The- New York. Times, of. the 28th has the he following: . Max Killed by . His oVj? Coffin .. On" Saturday might last, a man who re . sided in twenty-ninth street was killed in: a most singular manner. : The ' fol lowing are the peculiar circumstances, as .far. as our reporter has been able to learn them for, in consequence of the opinion entertained,- concerning his re latives,; by the deceased,- who was a spcrctabllity, they liave made great keep the particulars from the public " ear. It appears that nearly a year'ago tho'dee'eased, who was fifty three years af age, became strongly " impressed with an" idea that, ' when he should die, .the parsimonious disposition of his. relatives would lead them to put .Jiim in.axheap cofiin, while he had a strong desire to be buried in one of polished rose wood? lined with white , satin --and trimmed with silver.- Soon after this strange idea, got possession 'of his mind,-he discovered an elegant cofiin" in one of the principal warehouses, VhiclrEuitod hint. '. He purchased it at . .575; had it sent to -his residence , at nightfall, and stowed it away in a small closet adjoining. his bed-room, where it remained until the time of the accident. iiow it occurred is not Known to a certainty, for the first intimation the iamily had of the lamentable occurrence twas from a servant, who, on going to call him to breakfast, found the door . the floor, dead, with his coffin at his .side. She' screamed,, which, soon .' brought the family, and on raising the body the skull was found crushed in . upon the brain. . He was discovered auouwcigut u ciuuk uaieruay wurmug, when, to all appearance, he had been '. dead' se veral hours". On examining the -closet, -a bottle containing a quantity . of sherry wine was found, and as Satur- day night was excessively warm, he is . order to procure the wine to use. with 6ome icfi water he had on a small table Vi v rn VpdRir1- Tt is thnrifrht flint, ho must have sought for it in the dark, and by socle mistake upset the coffin, which fetood nearly upright. Becoming sensi ble that it .was falling, he probably made an effort . to get away, "when he Tell, and the outer end struck his head with soScient force to fracture his skull Tind cause almostimmediate death.; The inquest will be held- with all. possible secrecy. The unfortunate impression of the deceased 'concerning his - re latives is a sufficient reason for with- ' holding the name? of the parties. - rOSE KEJr IXOH THE CRUIEA: ' Another company of English labor ers from the Crimea came out in the . Orient, -and have applied for emplov ment at the office of the American In dustrial Association, No. 67 Greenwich street. They are a part of the "Amy work corps," the whole numbering at '.the time .of their discharge 3,880 men. A copv " of the articles of contract shows, that these men were employed as laborers, excavators, or navies, for ' a period of two years, and is required for. three years, at thirty shillings per . week, , including, rations, such as arc . .supplied to the soldiers. These articles further stipulate that notice' may at . any tune be given them that their services are dispensed with; in which event, or at the expiration of the agree- fnent by aSuxion of time, each person singing the articles shall, if his conduct be approved by the officer in command of the corps, be entitled to receive gratuity of twelve pounds and a free passage home. - On the arrival of the men in London they received their arrears of wages, together with the gratuity above stip- ulated. In an address delivered to them by their commanding officer at the time of their disbanding, they were advised to: emigrate to some of Her Majesty's Colonies; A large number, however,' it appeiaus; have given the preference to the land ot the fctars anu 3 some of which have already tnpe 2, arrived, and the rest are o:i their w ay, having embarked, in London. " ,Ihe notice of the arrival of these men, which appeared some days since in our columns, has led to correspondents, from several quarters, with the Secre tary of the Association,' with a' view to the locating and employments of these emigrants, and no difficulty will be found in giving profitable employment to all who may seek our shores with the intention' of becoming industrious nnd peaceful citizens. Xiw'. I rorh Times, . a heroic mrs, ' ! ' A passenger on board the Northern Indiana gives an account of the narrow escape of Cicero Fowler and wife, of Tully. .i. There was but one life pre server for-.Mrs. F.- and her husband; he insisted imperatively that she should put it on; she peremptorily refused; saying she "was in poor health, and his-life was worth far more than hers!" The preserver having no strap, Mr3. F. tore the hem from her .'dress, and fastened it to her husband, hom shei continued to, encourage, saying : she could hold on to him, and if -the pre server could not sustain them both, she would be the one to let go and leave him to save himself. - - - - ' The fire was getting hotter and hot ter. Therwater.was thick with human forms struggling for life; she tore - her bonnet, already on fire, from her head, and hand in hand with1 one '. ihe. loved better than herself, took !thc dangerous leap. As they arose" from the water, Mr. Fowler assisted his vrife in 'pro curing a good hold of him on or .about the shoulders. She .wiped ' the .water from his mouth: and eyes, and encour aed him to retain his hope, of being sav'?cL ' He continued to struggle with the waves. . Half an hour elapsed and there' was no sign of, assistance.- His strength was rapidly failing;, his wife observing it, tried anew to cheer him. He. said he could not stand it any longer; it seemed as though ho must give up. . At that moment she heard a steamer coming rapidly through the water. She says, "My dear husband, a. few moments more and we are safe don't -you' hear a boat coming?" He said he did, and immediately revived, made all the effort Tn his power, and struggled for himself and his heroic wife until the Mississippi came tip and took them, with scores of others, on her commodious decks. Syracuse (iV. I.) Journal. SHAEP W02IAN. A well-dressed and highly respect able looking woman, a few days since entered a fashionable store in Cincin nati, and desiredto look at some gloves. They were shown to her, and she selected one pair. The clerk left her for a few moments to get change, and she quietly secreted in her bosom a halt dozen pairs ot the same , gloves. As she was Hearing the door, the pro prietor stepped forward and stated that he had perceived the theft, and requested her name and. residence, that he might send the bill for the stolen gloves. She was indignant but he was .stern, and took great pride in evincing how smart he had been. Find ing escape impossible, she begged him to keep the matter secret, and she would pay at once; for that purpose she handed a twenty dollar note he deduct ed five dollars for the gloves, and gave her fifteen in change and allowed her o depart. His exultation over the result came to a sudden termination next day, when the twenty dollar note was returned from the bank as a coun terfeit. no thinks he did not make much by giving her fifteen dollars in cash as a present, for stealing half, a dozen pairs of gloves. . . . , Savage Assault upon a late Mem ber of the San Francisco Vigilance Committee. Mr. Edward A. Jessell, a resident of Jersey Citvi who recently returned from San Francisco, and who while there, was a member of the Vigi lance Committee, vras attacked on Monday evening by Andy Shehan, fellow well known to the prize-fighting community, who beat him in a terrible manner. It appears that Shehan had known Mr. Jessell, bv sight, m Califor ma, and happening to meet him at the corner of Last Broadway and Catherine street, on Monday night, .he accosted him, and accused him of having aided in the capture of Yankee Sullivan,' and acted with the v igilance Committee in their, crusade against the gamblers and others, who had been expelled from the btate. He then fell upon M: J essell andbeat him until he was hauled off by some bystanders: - No police- - 1 '--4 mt'-m man was aoout, ana shenan escaped arrest at the time, but yesterday he . .. .: . . . was captured by olhcer Masterson o the Chiefs Bureau, but as Mr. Jesse had made no complaint against him he was released from custody. Late in the day! Mr. J. made a complain against him before Justice Welsh, who issued a warrant for his re-arres;t. A the time of the assault, Mr. J. had in his shirt bosom a pin containin e twenty five diamonds, which he valued at 600 which was missing immediately after ward, and has not been seen by him since. There is to be a gathering of dea mutes at Concord, New Hampshire on the third of September next, when an oration will be delivered, in the sign language, by Mr. Laurent Gere, who has been chosen orator of the daj. An Incident of the, Burning of the Northern Indiana: An incident, which . created intense excitement among the lady- passengers on board the Mississippi, was the discoverjof a svreet j little baby about a year old, which-by some means had -its Jittle arms across a board. and was -.holding on with a death 'grip.4 It .-we 3 now mounting the!' top 6fthe wive?, and now down in their troughs, cud it seemed as though at eachv moment it must relax its hold and go down. The ladies watched it with the most intense anxiety", and' among them were mothers whose eyes were moist and sobs audible. Rut it was riot long before one of the boats picked it up, and the most fervent exclamations of joy at its rescue were heard on every side. Fortunately it3 mother was among the saved who came to this cityon the Mississippi, and the scene, as she clasped to her bosom her child, whom she thought drowned, is altogether 1 indescribable. Exchange. Palace Discovered Underground. The remains of a magnificent palace have been discovered under a garden in the Isle of Capri. ' It must not only have been splendid in structure, but in situation, commanding a view of the bay of Palermo and Naples. Marble of various colors was used in its con struction, and all its apartments, so far as the excavations have proceeded, are of the most spacious and elegant character, - The doorway is twelve feet wide, and of white ; marble, and the rooms are paved in mosaic, while- the walls are painted red, blue, yellow, &c. Several coins of the reign of Augustus and Tiberius have been found, some of hem disclosing the curious fact that he coins of one reign were at times recoined in another. A ; Prince on His Travels. The Paris correspondent of the Boston Atlas says , that Prince Napoleon intends being absent for some time on his arctic cruise,! for, he will visit the Shetland Islands, Iceland, and Greenland, and the coast of Norway. lie travels un der the title of the Count de Maudon. There are several scientific men in his suite; M. de" Saulcy, member of the Institute; M.' Chamourtois, Professor m the iuininr bchool: M. fotahl, an artist of skill in taking casts, will make the phrenological experiments; M. Kousseau, of the Garden of Plants, will take the photographs; M. Giraud will execute the drawings, and'M. Chbidsky, will be the historigrapher pi. the expedition. . . The Latest Dodge. The Vigilance Committee of San Francisco, in the course of their investigation into the case of a coroner whom they had arrest ed, elicited satisfactory evidence that he was in the habit of disinterring the bodies of persons who had been buried for the purpose of dropping them into the docks, and thus receiving the fees attending an inquest. In this way, it is said, one body has been made to do service three or four times or as long as it would hold together. This accounts in part for the great number of bodies that, but a little while ago, were con stantly found under the wharves of San Franciscoi Re-Election of Brooks and Keitt. -Columbia. S. C. July 30: The special elections in the districts in South Caro lina lately represented by Brooks and Kent, have resulted in the unanimous re-election of both. The vote Tvas large. New Governor of Kansas. Col. Geary is a high-minded, honorable man, and -who will bring to his new duties a desire to secure equal and exact justice to all the citizens of the new Territory, to promote order and tranquility, to perform efficiently and fairly all the trusts committed to his charge. He possesses administrative ability of the highest order, and has been admirably trained for his new duties by his ex tended experience as a Colonel in the Mexican war, as Alcade, and subse quently first Major of San Francisco, and other capacities. Pcnnsylvanian. Mr. John Parker and son were at tending some fish, lines on the river about three' miles above here, when they . were surprised by a continous, unusual roaring, towards the middle of the stream. The night was without wind.. Owing to the darkness, no effort was made to ascertain the cause of this strange noise until daylight, when it was seen thaj; a whirlpool of large extent was in active operation some two hundred yards from the Missouri shore, which still continues m opera tion, drawing in a great body of water; so much, indeed, that the volume of the river below is sensibly lessened.- Driftwood and large floating logs go in and disappear totally. Many hundred yesterday went up to see this strange sight. . Unless this chasmsoon fills up with water, the enect upon navigation will be calamito s indeed; for it would seem that the bottom of the river has really fallen ou.SquaUer' Sovreign (Atchison, K. T.) Driven to Suicide by a Wrongful Charge of Theft. On Sunday even ing last a young girl jumped from one of the piers in the city of Racine, and was drowned. She had been accused of stealing money from her employers, wmcn impelled ner to this act of vio lence. After her death the money was found in the house where she had lived. It had been mislaid. We do not learn the names of the parties. Wisconsin. These two lines which look so solemn, Are just put here to fill this column. vt vir T?Tnr,v , - J. V, wani" - RIDEN & WHITE, LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, N." T. HAVING mad arrangeineE .tn by whih we will receive accurate copies of nil the ToTnsbips embraced in tie; Eastern. rtiou of Nebraska, we are now prepared ta offer our services to th ; "SQUATTERS OF THE TE1 Jl I TTUli i , In Filing Declaratory Stater ;its of Intention to.Pre-empt. . Securing,-Pre-emptions, Locating Land Varrants and ENTERING LAND. LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD. -Land Entered on Time, &c., - 5(1 to Bnrin and Sellin'; Propcrt j on commission: Also, to making Collocions and forwarding remittances to any part of the Union. IManks of 5S,En"-wniTE. . - KEFEBENCES. lion. A. A. Bradford, . S.F.NuBolls, Messrs. Dolman & West, Peter A. Keller, . Thomas Lumpkin, June 23, 1858. vl-n ' . Nebraska City. , St. Joseph, Mo., Washington City, IMPORTANT NEW WORKS. - published, by " : Moore; Wilstach, Keys & Co.. No. 25 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O. A HISTORY OF MEDICINE, from 5t3 Origin to the. Close of the Eighteenth Century. By Dr. Kenouard, of Parid, Translated by Dr. li. C. Coraevs. Professor in "Miami Medical Colleze. One Volume. larsr8ro. 750 nazes. Price $3,00. " An Introduction to the Study of JSithetics. By Professor J. J. C. Moffat, of the College of Now Jer sey. Princeton.' Author of "Life of C'halmer3:" Ac. 1 vol. 12m9. naares. Price $1. ;' - The Teacher's Miscellany. A selection of articles from the proceedings of the College of Professional Teachers. By J. M. Campbell and A. M. Uadley, of Wabosih Uolleze. One vol. lznio. ioO iwses. rnce $1'5' WILL BE READY IN SEPTEMBER : The Cyclopedia oFMo&ern Travel, . A Record of Adventure, Exploration and. , j-Discoyery. for the last Fifty years.. Edited by Bayard' Taylor, Author of "Views Afoot,' "Travels in Central Africa," Ac, Ac. . One vol- 8vo., Handsomely illustrated with 12 maps by Schonberg, and numerous wood engravings by Urr, and an, elaborate steel frontispeice by Buttra r 5y Will be sold to subscriber's onlv, : y , . MOORE, WiLSTACU, KEYS A CO ' -Wholesale and Btail Booksellers, ' . . 2 5 West Fourth street, Cincinnati C. II. WILLIAMS' Patent Double Acting Ball, Valve, Force and Lift Pump. ' fliTTE attention of the public is respectfully solic X itcd to the examinination of this valuable Pump, as the moat valuable one in use at the present time. Simple in its construction, durable, substantial, and not easily impaired by uso. Perfectly adapted to Railroad Stations, Steamboats, Manufacturies of ev ry description, Minos, Furnascs, Salt Wells, Oil Mills, ilot Liiquids, the balls for such being of metal,) t ire and Garden Engines, Cisterns, and, In fact, all pur poses for which a pump is required, and capablo of tnrcwing water to a great height or distance, witn great force and power. The highest prizes have been awarded by.the New York, Ohio and Indiana State Fairs. Town, County and singlo Rights for thirty nine Counties in the Eastern part of Chio, extend ing from tho Ohio River to Lake Erie, and the Coun ties of Augusta, Albcrmarl, Pittsylvania and Rich mond City County in tho State of Virginia, for sale upon the most reasonable terms. - Address through the Cincinnati P. 0., tho undersigned vl-n4 B. HAZEN. MORE MEN WANTED. AFEYiT more active and energetic young men can find immediate employment, by which they can easily make SCOO to $1000 a year, to act a3 agents for several new and popular works, j ust published for agents, and not for sale in book stores... ... We have a great many agente employed, many of whom are making from $15 to $20 per week. These who wish to cngago in this pleasant and agreeable business, w ill for particulars, requisites, &c, address C. L DERBY & CO. Tublishcrs and "Wholesale Booksellers. Editors of Newspapers, by giving the above and following, three insertions, and calling attention to it, shall receive any three of. the following works; Life of Josephine, by Headly, Sl,25 Life of Lafayette, " $U5 Life of Napoleon. " $1,23 Wild Scenes of a HuntcrVLifc, $1,00 Life of Mary and Martha Washington, . S1,C0 Old Fellows' Amulet, v $1,00 Any person wishing any of the abovo books, can have them sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of the above retail price. vl-n4 C. L. DERBY & CO., New York. A. A. BRADFORD, ' WM. MCLENNAN, . l. mc'gary, Brownville, N. T. Nebraska City, N. T. " - BRADFORD, McLENNAN & McGARY, ITTOMIYS IT L1W AND SOLICITERS IN CHANCERY. Brownville and Nebraska City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. BEING permanently located in the Territory, we will give our entire time and attention to the practice of our profession, in all its branches. Mat ters in Litigation, Collections of Debts, bales and Purchases of Real Estate, Selections of Land, Loca ting of Land Warrant?, and all other business en trusted to our management, will receive prompt and ianaiui attention. - ' REFERENCES. : .1 S. F. Nuckolls, Richard Brown, Win. Hoblitzsll A Co, Hon. James Craig, . Hon. James M. Ilagbcs, Hon. John R. Shcpley, Messrs. Crow, McCreary A Co. Messrs. S. G. Hubbard A Co., Hon. J. M. Love, . vl-nl ; Nebraska City, Brownville, u St. Joseph, Mo, St. Louis, Mo., u It u a Cincinnati O. Keokuk, Iowa. June 7, 1856. H. r. BENNETT, J. S. MORTON, E. II. HARDING BENNET, MORTON & HARDING. Attorneys at Law, Nebraska City, N. T., and Glenwood, la. WILL practice in alf the Courts of Nebraska and Western" Iowa. Particular attention naid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of ueois. ' - . REFERENCE: Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit) ,. -.Julius D.Morton, .,.( Michigan; Gov. Joel A; Mattcson, Springfield, Illj Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; ' . B. P. Fifiled, St. Louis,Mo.; Hon. Daniel O. Morton. Toledo, Ohio; P. A. Sarpy, Bellevuo, Nebraska; ' Scdgewich A Walker, Chicago, 111; Greon, Weare A Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa. E. ESTABROOK, UNITED STATES District Attorney, - . OMAHA CITY, N. T. n EOTjLRED to be in attend -C - , " . viviquij UpUU U XV the terms of the District and Supreme Court of T Si A. J m vuc i umiory, tenaers ni3 rroiessional services to tuch as need them. . He flatters himself thathis facilities for erainine a knowledfo nf th tnct, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrust mcir ousiness to nis care. Omaha City, June 7, 1858. - NUCKOLLS, RUSSELL, & CO.- . 'WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALERS IX ' 1Y KOI. BISK HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Medicines, Dye Stuils, Saddlery, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, HViJSJSSWAEE, BTOKEWARE, TTTTWAEE, IRON, XAILS, STOVES. PLOWS it. Alao Furniture of all kinds, "Window Sash, Ao A. D. KIRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jjana Agent and IS otary Public, Arc5er, Richardson county, N. T. ..m pKuwmiM v.ourtaof Aebraska, assisted oj naruing ana uenn-u, Nebraska City. BOOK STORE! JCST OPEJfED AT THE HEAD OF BHOADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. i i i WHERE may bo louna a large assonmeci of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, and everything in their line, consisting in 'part, as fol lows; . ; Histories and liiosrapoics, ' f Narratives and Travels, ; School Book?, '. i . Misscellaneous Works, ;. " V Lives of Eminent Tersons, Agricultural Works, Standard Poetical Works, Religions Works, Song Books, Tables and Hvmn Books, Novels and Light Reading, ' notorial Works,' " Blank Book?, , , - , - Paper, Pens and Ink, i ; ; , ' Cards and Gift Books, - ' --' Toys and Fancy Primers, And a thousand other useful and necessary articles in the line. - : . a Tan. rnA Ma,.v nnA WnA of our own man- ufacturc, Wholesale and Retail, as cheap as can be had in St. Liouis, ana warranted oi iae ucsi. 4uiiijr, nut un in ouart. Dint and half-pint bottles: also, in four and two ounce bottles. . Professional men wishing a bill of WM mSIICAL BOOKS, Can be supplied here at.20 per cent above pub lishers' prices, we paying all cost3 and obtaining them at the shortest notice. Our arranjements embrace any STANDARD BOOKS printed in the Uni ted States. Call and see our stock wo aro new beginners but will serve our customers to the best of our ability. Our prices, wo are sure will be satisfactory. . ' CRAIG 4 SANFORD. Council Bluffs, Iowa, June 1456 vln2. Richardson's Llissonri res Company, Principal Office No. 12, N. . Main St., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. BEG leave to inform the public, that they havo extended their Express Line to this place. Hav in complied with the requisition of their Charter, and being fully organized, are now prepared to trans- act a r " General r Agency Business, The success which has attended the original Propri etor, is a guarantee of the satisfaction rendered, and it will alwavs be the aim and studv of the Executive of this Company, to give every possible facility for the.specdy and sare transmission ot aioney, Valuable Fackasres, Parcel, and ' Bandies of Goods, Merchandize, and everydescription of Freight,on reasonable terms, to all points on the Missouri itiver, ana at ok u, trit.h nt.har resnonsible Ex Dress Companies, for New York, New Orleans. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, Burlington, Louisville, Rock Island, Mem phis, Pittsburgh and Buffalo, and to almost every town and villiage in tho United States, Europe, Aus tralia and California. A Messenger will be put on the new steamer Oma ha. makin? weekly trips between here and St. Jo seph, there connecting with ourdaily lino to St Louis and all points as above. In behalf of the Enterprise, the patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. All business entrusted to s, win meet witn tne same energetic and prompt attention which has always characterized this Express, and made it pre-eminent in Western Express business. .DIRECTORS. St. Louis. Edwakd Mead. S.vmeix McCabtxet. W. D. W. Bernard, ! Jons W. Toolet. .. .Joseph F. Richardson. B. F. Baebt, Alton. W. J. Pi got, l.exington. JOSEPH F. RICHARDSON, Prcs't. S. M. Gray, Sec'y. ; , vln2. Hexky Kyle, General Agent. li ATE ARRIVAL!! AT BROWNVILLE, X . T. ' W. HOBLITZELL & CO. AKE XOW IX RECEIPT OP A FRESH SCTPLT OF m MITY Miich, when complete, will compose the Largest and best selected stock in this country. OTJR STOCK OF GROCERIES ARE BOUGIIT at the lowest prico for cash, and consists of Coffee, Sns:ar, Teas, Fish, Rice, Currants, Raisins, Candies, Molasses, Syrup, Fruit. Nuts, &.C., fee. DRY GOODS. Ladies and Gents, call and seo them, and price for yourselves. Late stvles and a full assortment of Dress Goods, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS & PARASOLS CLOTHING. A fina stock old and young, fogies and 'fast' men, Cair soon if you want a nico coat, vest or pants on reasonable terms. HATS. iew styles cheap and durable. HARDWARE. Avery largo assortment, con sisting in part of Smiths' Tools, Spades. Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut and Handsaws, Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaies, Adzs, Chisels Ac, ic, to the end of the chapter. . BUILDING MATERIALS. A large lot. consisting of Pine Doors, Sash, Shutter Blinds, Oils, Paints, Nails, Locks, Latches, Putty, Glass ic. FURNITURE. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes, Cupboards, Stands 4c. We will sell cheaper for cash than any houso in N ebraska Territory. - June 7,1858. i LITTELLS' LIVING AGE. Extract of Lettcrtfram Judge Story, Chancellor Kent, ana President Adam. Cambridge, April 27, 1S44. I have read the nrosrsectm with tho rrpntftstnlom. . A c C . . " M1J ure; and entirely approve the plan. If it can only i t li i i ODiain mc puouc patronage long enougD, ana larc enough, and securely enough, to attm its truo ends, it will contribute in an eminent degree to give a healthy tone, not only to our literature but to public opinion. It will enable us to possess, in a moderate compass a select library of the best productions of the age. It will do more : it will redeem our period ical literature from the reproach of being devoted to light and superficial reading, to transitory specula tions, to sickly and ephemeral sentimentalities, and false and extravagant sketches of life and character JOSEPH STORY. !. 7 New York, 7th, 1811. 1 approve very much of the plan of tho "Livin Age ;" and if it be conducted with the intelligence) spirit and taste, that the prospectus indicates, (of which I have no reason to doubt) it will be one of the most instructive and popular periodicals of the day. JAMES KENT. - WASraxGTON, 27th De., 1814. Of all tho Periodical Journals devoted to litera ture and scionce which abound in Europe, and in this country, this appeared to me the most useful. It con tains indeed the exposition only of tho current liter ature of the English language; this, by its immense extent and comprehension, includes a portrature of the human mind in the utmost expansion of the pres ent age. J. Q. ADAMS. This work is made up of the elaborate and stately essays of tho 'Edinburgh 'Quarterly,' and other - Re views; and 'Blackwood's' noble criticisms on Poetry his .keen political Commentaries, highly wrought Tales, and vivid descriptions of rural and mountain Scenery; and the contributions to Literature, Histo ry, and Common Life, by the sagacious 'Spectator,' tho sparkling 'Examiner,' the judicious 'Athenseum ' the busy and industrious 'Literary Gazette,' the sen sible and comprehensive 'Britannia,' the sober and respectable 'Christian Observer; these are intermix ed with the Military and Naval reminiscences of the United Service,' and with the best articles of the 'Dublin University,' 'New Monthly,' 'Frasers,' 'Taits,' 'Ainsworth's,' 'Hood's' and 'Sporting Magazine's, and of 'Chamber's' admirable 'Journil.' We do not con sider it beneath our dignity to borrow wit and wis dom from 'Punch;' and when we think it good enough make use of the thunder of 'The Times.' We shall increase our variety by importations from the Conti nent of Europe, and from the new growth of the British Colonies. Published every Saturday. Price 12 Cents a number, or Six Dollars per year in advance. Sint freb of Postage. The SECOND SERIES' began with April, 1803. It makes four large volumes a year. e Complete Sets of the FIRST SERIES, in thirty six volumes, handsomely bound, packed in neat boxes and delivered in all the principal Cities, free of ex pense of freight, are for sale at seventy-two dollars. Any volume may be had seperately, at two dollars', bound, or a dollar and a half in nnmKora Any Number may be had for twelve and a half cents, and it may be worth while for subscribers or purchasers to complete any broken volume, they may un iiuuo greasy cuimn'jc meir vaiue. LITTLE, SON A CO., Boston. S. B. MILLER, BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKER. First St, bet Main and Water BROWNVILLE, X. T. ' MS, 185G. SPRING' SALES. 1856. LOW PKICES'TO CASU AND KROMPT TIME BCTIES. JOHN HALS ALL, tpHOLESALE AND BETAtli BOOKSELLEE & STATIONED. ; AND BLANK BOOK MANTFACTLT.SR3. . - ITo. 123 Main, St. lotus, Ho. : HAS for sale all the Spelling books; Geographies, Readers: Ilistoriries; Chemirtna; Dionaneji Arithmetics; Philosophies, rfc , now in use, : f S with a, large stock of Law, Medical and muc aneoaj books forcing tho mo-t complete assortment to be found in the city. Also, Writing paper, and Foreign and Domestic staUonary, of the finest quality, i i 1 . iUa-. cl..irl.l nnt fall LO call country mercnanw una vuij ov-.- j at No. 120 Main st. I - -GREAT j Clotliiair Saler, WM. R MARTIN,) -IQZfl j jC. C. MARTIN, New York. ) xwj e St. Louis. MARTIN & BROTHER. k TEE OLD ORIGINAL CLOTHIERS, XTo. 114 AND TSo. 1 MALTS' STUTET, ' ST. LOUIS, MO. FOR the approaching spring, we w"ill have a TRE MENDOUS STOUK. OF CLOTHING, manufac tured by ourselves in New York, expressly for this In po'int of STVLE, QUALITY and PRICE, we rir.rvnTftnil fi'l finmratition ! We have marked down our price very low, as wt intend selling to none but c , CASU AKD ; PnOMPTWEX. r-,. To such we would ask a thorough examination of our Stock before purchasing. . ' I - ' ' l-5t . , . 3LVRTIN St BRO. SHAW, BUEL & BARBOUR, , , KtrOKTEIiS A JOBBERS of . :.C2rO.OCl3 55 Pearl Street, Cincinnati. h. BAKBOCBc. fl. Kn.IT, L. C. BCEtr, OHv BARBOUH. N. M. FL0EEK, WHOLESALE SEALER, Pork, Bacoiv Lard, S. Cured Hams, DRIED BEEF AND J3EExf TCLNliUES. . No. 9, Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, O. BOBBINS & POMEROY, WHOLESALE DEALERS IX BOOTS, SHIES & SOLE LEATHER, Nos. 9, Pearl and Tl, Main Street,. CINCINNATI, OHIO. IS. CBOCORY. IS. JOHN W.' TOOLE Y. (Successor to XOONAN, T0OLET & Co,) 53 Main st., OU Stand, St. Louis, Mo. IMPORTER, Wholesale and RetailDealcr, in China, Glass and Qneensware, Yellow and Kockingham Ware, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns, Looking-glasses. Britannia Ware, &c. ic. with a errcat variety of Fancy Mantle and Parlor Ornamentsdireot from the' Pottencand .Manufacturers. . J5f.Now arriving and in store, a full stock of the abore line of goodJ, which is offered to the Trade at reasonable rates. An examination is solicited. TOn hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade. - Is. B. Packing receives special attontion. - . T. DOWDALL. ' - B. X. CARS. DOW D ALL, CARIl 6c CO., WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, Engine and Machine Manufactory. Corner Second and Morgan Streets. , ST. LOUIS, MO. MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines and Boil ers, Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Tobacco Screws and Presses, Lard Kettles, Lard Screws and Cylinder.--, Wool Carding Miichines, Young's Patent Smut Machines, Building Castings, Ac. - ... ffAr'ents for the sale of James mith A Co. 'a Superio:: MACHINE CARDS. YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. Well tried, always successful, fully Guarantied. Manu factured and for sale by DO WALL CAKK, & CO.. Washington Foundry, St. Louis, Mo. E. G. TCTTI.E. R. G. PERLEY. H. W. SMITH. TTJTTLE, PERLEY & STCH. SPUING S TYLES. 1 856. 77 Main street, St. Louis, Mo. MANUFACTURERS of Straw and Silk Bonnets, Importers and Wholesale dealers in Ribbons. Silk Millinery, Flowers, Trimmings, Lace Goods, Em broideries, Ac. tif jlcrchants and Milliners are particularly In vited to examino our stock, before making thrif spring purchases, as we (relying fully on the superiority of our styles,) intend to offer inducements equal, if not superion, to any jobbing house in the United States. SAMUEL SPEXCER & CO., . ; NO. Eighty-Two North Fourth Street, Near Locust. ST. LOUIS, MO. MANUFACTURE BS cf every description of Frames, dealers in Paintinjrs, Ensravinars. Litho graphs, Ac. Looking-glass Plates of every size, and iramea to any pattern in tne best manner. . . Advertising Lards, &c. Stained and Varnished or Framed at short notice. Rosewood, Walnut and other fancy wood Picture Frame Mouldings. The Trade Supplied. Old Frames, kc, Re-gilt. FRESH DRY GOODS. EEDY, JAMESON & CO., Kos. 170 and 172 Main St., St. Louis. W: are now in receipt of tho most complete and magnificent stock, ever offered to the Western Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited to make an examination of our stock and prices. , JAMlifcSUN & CO. KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE.' EDITED BY LOUIS GAYLOIi CLARK. The nnmbpr for Jannnrv Iftfi Uln'ati,.r... j , -"-o'-UO VUD X UW K - Setenth olcme of the Knickerbocker Magazine. Since the prico of subscrition has been reduced from Five to Thsee Dollars a year, the circulation of the Knickerbocker has hm i UiUi W W1IUI live to one. In many places, ten are sold where was u-.,u; uuwc, mm vurougn me year past it baa been teadilr increa.rino It. is nnw frnr. any of the Magazines, all things considered. Instead rnaimj ut-i mm prouigious promises, we submit a few extract from notices of late numbers, which we might extend to a number of pages. OPINIONS OF TELE PRESS. Those who Uossip with his readers, have doubtless, with our selves, admired the perennial source of its pleasant wit and joyfulness. In this number "Tho Gossip" holds On its Wav. like onmr far ri.n1i .1..;. 1 dancing in the sunshine of a May morning. We used oii.vwm neia oui, expecting ne would certainly "snow brown" in the coming number; but this number gives no sign of exhaustion. National Ttn: it'..- . . KxiCK is him.sclf. nnrl nnkAir nlun n i;M f possessing within himself every variety offresh) choice literature, from the ablest, the wittiest, and uiuai, uumorgus pens oi ine limes.-Z,nern Union. The Kmckerbockeb has been ana will bo a fact cf its own: a irennino living thinn- oil a.. sirable now that the new crop of mazizincs, filled r viT irom x.ngiiin autnors, makes fresh home creations more conspicuous and welcome. A"M Vnrl- rtrt'ilin. P....: Rev. F. W. Sheitov. AntSw f T t rr the River, etc., will be a regular contributor. The best talent in tho country will be enlisted, and no exnense or effort nat-f.i tr, m-,u BB30CKER more than ever descrring of the first posi- .mvuS uui uniuai Amcncan Aiagazines. TERM3. Three Dollar a. vnar cfi..ri j. j , un.wj iu wi allots there will be no deviation from this condition. opccimcnnumoers will be sent gratis, on application, post-paid. ' Postage. Two cents per number, prepaid at "the office where the work is dsliverod, quarterly in ad vance. ' All remittances and nil L!ini.m..:..i: 1.UUUUUUH.U11UQ musk uc Raaressea, post-paid, to SAMUEL HI7FSTOX 313, Broadway, New Ycrk. ROB'T. L. II ATTEX, Proprietor. No pains or expense will be spared by the subscri ber,to make his guests comfortable in every resteet " nunu uiiu uiguiy repuiaoie riouse. Tho very bet attention gircn to animals "by good awl attcntire Hostler. Tl ni ROBERT L. UATTEN. I'EW GOODS AtlDfHAPCS JUST BSCXIT ex ; UE0WNYILLE, N. T. ExpWily fvT this Mirlet, a Lar. w 1 SeleetiHl Stack of 6 DRY GOOD?, ' GROCERIES CLOTHING, QUEENS HATS & CAPS, PLN'E T)n? PAQTTVfiQ U.i! NAILS, IRON, SASH, BOOTS & SHOES, latch WINDOW SHUTTEBs i H T XAVIMJ been bought and shipped t l ., we flatter ourselves we are able to off . V - ... V ..... i , r !Tik Yt c ajk an examination of our Goods arJ - i rp DPa fore purchasing clie where. The Ladies wu? our Store a large assortment of e' DRESS GOODS.i-Cbani, I5era?e T).t PoDlins. Gin shams, Victorii i'. Umbroidered Ilobes, Plain ..... -.. silks, &c., fcc,.-&c. - ALL OF WHTCII WILL BE S0LDTdTb Jane 7, 1353. ' - . DANIEL Z00K, WEOIJISAiE, AXO BETAIL. t a .. "S: t; vregon, umi county, jj0m Has in Store : - r Pure White Lea J, Linseed Oil, ' Spanish Whiting, . Red Lead, . Litherage, "White CLalk, . ; Venitian Red, Spanish Brown, Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Aeid, Sulpher Carb. Soda, Vinegar, Turpentine, Sal Soda, Coperas, Saltpeter, Borax, Mex. Liniment, Vol. Oil do, Borland's do, Nerver and Bone do, Farrels do, Louden's do, Jays' Expt., Window GW Pulty,.' Caster Oil, Ex.LogwooJ c Blue fctone, ; A lam, Ground Cin Boct do, ' Saint IiiisC,, w Paris Cr, Cbraiia do, do yeiluw, Iron Paiot, White Zink do, ' ' TiahOil, Whale do,' Wrights' Kit, ' Champian'j do, Jayan'i do, Ixo don's do, Itadway'j E. Daris Pain Killer. Fahnestock'i V, Stone's Conga Ctmir r 'Le.; Fr London a do, AIcLane s Liver KSj, In addition to the above, I have the lanrstv, of Druggist and Physicians Shop f urnitare, Duj; cals, Surgical instrumenti, and l'atont il ever offered for sale in this Country. Merchants and Physicians of Iowa, Kaaai Nebraska, are respectfully invited to gi7e mes June 7, 1856. DA.NIEL ZOCl txk eve that' Fresh Arrival of 'we r NEW GOOW repc 9' AT ROCKPORT, MO. THE subscribers would respectfully tnderi"3 c thants to their customers and the I'dUkG-c- rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, sadi' a continuance of tho same ; as they ar detena,?0 I to sell Gooda as low if not lower tW ny 02 Houso west of St. Joseph. Having just receira ir ? large and well selected Stock of Sprisg and Sana Goods also a superior btoclc of jannly Grstnuth' niiu xiaruwure, viiuas uu yuccas wiutj, fura;R bacldlery, Iron, xc. is tr. . Com-j one and all, For well we know; Again youll call, i ; ! We'll sell so low.' ; Of Coods the best, And profits small, f We'll beat tho rest, . . And suit you all. S.z. root j ato t" rover Our Stock cf Dry Goods havinar beeo turck the Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that surpass our compotitirs in the low prices and ; say qualities of our Stock, and eivrnestly believe iCr J mako by calling and seeing for themselrej If purchasing elsewhere. CAREY, JONES. IC'.nr N.B. Country Produce of all kinds taScsisiWa change at the highest prioas, forG-jods." JacsV .ict. GRIST -tillVXl ers he1- Patent For tabic Mill r i Mil suDscrioers uavo entered into a parti'rq jl unaer ids nnn oi rteca, rioiaoira a w. manufacture the J. C. Raed, Patent Portable Gt TL : Mill and are now preparrd to furnish all tholT.a want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill thaf ffc bility, simplicty and economy ; excel any JIi'iiss8 1 world. On the late exhibition of th lleciu t institute in Cincinnati, a Qold Ifedal wasitit-,. ' them for it. . . It is adapted to all Grain grinding pnrpowjii .cI'iT superior to all others for the most extensivuMerii " ixiU, as it is for grinding the Farmers feed by H.;ec J POJ". , w , . . . jlra..: Tho above M1II3 aro manufacture-! by thenci. t signed at their shop in Ciucianati, 0., wht10 u con be fdrnishedin any quantity at short notice. ihrxjV X no udovo .anils warranted to perform as folio'. , 36 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, P mtor 21 t 20 - 13 20 i n it re: It As this Mill tells its own is nnnecwar thrc.r quote from our numerous recommendations, redr,a(i j0' CincinnttO , ar3 . . . Jts, i A. B. HOLLA33IRD & CO. 3jreJ Machinists, Fcnnilers and bjdij ENGINE BUILDEEu: Prcnt Slree:,"V7e8t of Saiti, aajer - CINCINNATI. O. . a. Tf W 'ould most respectfully inform their fricmLaf u ' - - AtJ .I.J ViiU I-" - 1 ' the tmblia ?rnm.l'- Kl tVi m naff pared to execute nil orders in theirlinei with pres.' We ncss. Iavinff latelv enlarcrp.l lhi.r sbnninir. .j the increased facilities thev merit a continuation of the HLers.1 itronafl i JiT Tcr haa heretofore been extended to them. ; t:3 L; Saw Mill ErjgiEes of every DesciiA com ConStantlT On han.t? Mnnilinif thn .ash.Di'rm lar and Mule v. Mill Ocar mTuXavm HnifrctiSi. Castings, warranted to be well male in even" CU33 lar. . II: '"r f Thev have &Un liAiWY.i "ktin-UtO Mf -iM i all m V:.V 1. 1 - a A. I ' work in that line furnished by them, 'and aifst t'ui pared to work on as reasonable terms s J ';i1P t ihnn in tt.. , . U.U1. inoseia want of anything in our line, wow 'rj- ez: well to give us a call and examino oW n3 p:if A. IS. HULA VlliU, r,.. , JOHN S. HOYTY tiaV:-. County Surveyor and Land k&md f: OF Richardson county, N. T, will attend to all business in his profession, wheBeii'.e,;3lic: such as Paying Taxes, Itecordins Claims. Suixlieret- r Land, Layinz out Town Lot,T)rafting City J - Bl1i1lHM ; " Will C K(Rlilnri ti1 aHiliuu. KUUtd3 , m . - . . ARCHER, IUchardion co-.-nfactur " T"T A VK T T VT . t- A ( TYPE & STEREOTYPE FODSS nv. loa vme sc., net, jFoTtrta ana CINCINNATI, O. snergy . C. F. O'TJTlTSrOT.T. li CO. inrV fanufacturers and dealers in News, Book' . T r lTl Type, Printing Presses, Cas, Calli. - ' " Inks, and Printina: Material of Every Dery. STEREOTYPING of all kind BV)L,f raienv Jieaicine directions, Jobs, Wood ts &c. f-c. . hil Brand ana Pattern Letters, varion3te!jC THOMPSON TxVAFffi ,i:t , i ' (Successors to Burrows & Thcml t . Wholesale Grocer H And Commission MercbwtJ lct c Ko. 13, Pearl ' Street Ciaeisxa tes- . tue cr,r ST Particular attention wi'd he giT Jir raici! for Groceries, which will always be oxccatd . market prices. e,r O'.va. L. FORSYTH & CO.;" COMMISSION MEBCII1:? of t: And Freight Agtw - . OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO F11" , Na 3, Olive Street, St. Loui?, a 's t ar.