THE . ADVERTISER. . n. W. FURNAS, Editor. ' P SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9, 1855. S E. 'Pakvtx, No. CS Fourth street, between Walnut and Vine, Cincinnati. - - S. M. rrmKGiu. 4 Co. New York. W. S. Swrmrxa, No. 43 Chestnut tret, Saint Leu is. B. F. McLcxo, Trov, Ohio. Dx. H. II. Daest, Tippecanoe, Ohio. W. C. McifGER, Covington, Ky. . ' . A D. KniK, Archer, Nebraska. .. - 11. .W.' Peter, Oregon, Mo. Dillon A Hawk, Rockport, Mo. . RiDKt A Weitt, Nebraska City, N. T. Are authorized Agents to Bolieit Subscription and Advertisement for the Advertiser, and recieve and ciept for monies thereon. With eur recent additions, we new hare the most tensive Job Office in this Western Country, and e prepared to execute Job Work of every descrip nf in the neatest style, and on reasonable terms. nicular attention given to Blank and Card work: via" purchased "one of Foster's latest Improved rd Presses. Orders from a distance will nfeet .th' prompt attention. Persons resident in thia Territory, coming from rious portions of the States, cften suggest to us e names of persons in their old neighborhoods who ald doubtless become subscribers if they could see tpy of the "Advertiser." We always send a specj i copy, And parsons recieving, will consider it a citation" t-become a regular subscriber. Post liters and others, feeling suSkient interest to make a club, carf retain the usual per cent for their ible. . . .. 'EtiMtZ. Qit Claim J)xiD..aijd Dzclaka :cht rATXiiisTS. for sale at tb. advertiser ... . CiLce- - JtvO- We want a good industrious boy, to learn the riLting buslneeS. Our Euliscribers of Brovroville and vicinity, 10 har not already paid their subscription, .l confer upon us a very' great faYor by "call l at the clerks office." -We bare special need r fund just -now, and we know it' is only stisary.for us to let our delinquents friends 2w, and they will "come to our rescue." 7e bbpa a few friends (?) of the Nabraska rertjser will "keep their, cotton garments "VVe supposed we spoke plain enough in - Grst issue to be understood we suppose inscription on 'our banner "an independ newspaper, deTO ted to matters of general rest to the community at large" is plain gh to be understood. Yet we find there tiiose. who do not, or. will not' understand position. Upon the great .issues of . the , we have, personally, our preferences, '. in conversation with fellow citizens, do fail to express them. But in the manage .t of "the "Advertiser," we repeat, we know i rrty, sect, or clique." "We came Into -Ne-ka to labor as conductor of a public jour- in advancing the interests, and promoting harmony arrd prosprity of -the country, we are quite, sure we can do it more effec "y as an Independent paper, than a parti- ne. Ve have the satisfaction, too, of ing that our position is sustained by the -:j and intelligent portion of. the inhabit- ' f this Territory, therefore we shall not en to an argument upon that point. "VVe know it is impossible to please, all and yet it r desire to" make a"paper that will come a3 it -as possible. If. there are those who jt lik'e, our paper, and will cot patronize jaase we will not make it a Whig, Demo . Freesoi.1, .or Pro-s'avery sheet, all we have sy is","' You know our terms, &c"- We I advocate any measure we deem for the interests of Nebraska.-emanate in what may, and-condemn the contrary like manner. When the proper time ar- for. the agitation, discussion and. settle- . ; of. questions iovolviDg the future inter- end welfare xt this Territory, we will be i in our j.iace manc-inat. uut.ior tne r.t, allow to pursue Ihe course marked i our ret number. Our numerous friends bave been, and are still. interesting tbeo s in extending lhe circulation of our pa- ave" our thanks, and Tenewod pledge, to the Advertiser" a useful paper to the e.wfieks.agove requested of. our far certain Agricultural information, that enable us to make a statistical agricul rticley for publication in our paper; and aatter" desired by .the Department .at agtou City, in making up agricultural cuts. Thui far. but few have riven iesired- icorrrration. -Messrs. Whitney, Cummings Ilall, Chambers, Hoover, Knight;' Handly, Russel and ilcDon ' this ,coirctyfc can show, ave thinX as mlng results as can be found in any r, notwithstanding lhe eaany disadvan- I eoctended "With, in this, as in all : uutries." "Ht: Chambers is from the i Valley',7 in Ohio-Sutler county a 'ide' bo as ted .corn grQ.wingxountry, and us that h never, raised better corn there s his sod com in Nebraska proved this j far- ... . . hope those fanners who haire now given ka soil the second year's trial, will in .s of . the. quantity per acre they have is soon as their crops are all gathered. rs; Cot EaxKijf, U..S. Marshal, was t we'ek, 'appointing county Deputies 'ngth'em to 'work taking the census, lance with an act passed at the last : f the Legislature of Nebraska. ? speaking p( Ma. IUxust, we are re of a' rumor ir circulation, that an cf rr;g made to remove him. from his virion. IIow true this report may :.t are the f'ons urged. we are una '. Our'acquaiLtance with Mr. IL, is s same ex'tentVthat with any other ace put arrival in Nebraska, and we seen or known .of anything In his - private conduct, contrary $o his ba tleman, atrd an eScient oScer. Nei s we in our travels through the coun I ought against him. 1 rTXEXTS. Indian Agents. We -t . the Indian Agencies have been u en. L B. Rpbertson formerly Farmer -lahas, has been.ippointed agent for crj Allstox, of South Carolina, : r.the Otoes, and Major A. AcxoLn. 3un, N. :Agect for the Shawnees - i e nave aeon sbowu specimens of T 1 i, . -e at -this place "by Wlstfall & which are pronounced-by judges to : as ever was.- By making early i "a lew" can be cUaincd. , - : For the Nebraska AdratUer. j , ME.! EDrroii: "Truly this is the age of proj. gres3, and the country of vronderfd improve ment; and where is the old fogy, now, that will dare to say Give me cot rivalry, for you will ruin my business that xnaa is ro where to be found; but men rather court competition for it is the life it begets and builds up lusi-; ness. Oar motto is progression, honorable competion, and sure success. This is probably ! more true of these new countries than else where. Whca our neighbors are doin .well, we are not envious but emulous," and expect to do better. W e have only to watch the rap id progress of the many young and flourishing towns of Nebraska to be convinced of the truth of all that I have stated above. See Omaha and Nebraska Cities, the first great rivals of the Territory; see, then, the sadden rise of Brown- Tillo by magic, as it were a city planted in a day now rivaling the first cities of the Ter ritory; and look, too, at Plattsmouth, how rapidly she is now advancing; and last but not least worthy of note, we invite you down into the Southern portion of Nebraska, to the coun ties of Eichardson and Pawnee. It is an in disputable fact that we have more good farm ing land and timber than any other two coan ties of Nebraska; and though our neightors are now somewhat in advance of us in the way of building cities, we do not feel in the host discouraged or envious, but to the contrary, we feel proud of the enterprise of our prosperous neighbors; we know that it is for the interest of our common country the beautiful Ne braskaand we say to all rival towns,' suc cess to them, though we are pursuing a'dif ferent course to theirs. We first settle and build up the country, in order to support our cities, while others seem to build up cities to support the country. We think our plan pref erable. The country here, I am 6ure, can sup port itself. I am sure you would think so, if you could see our fields of corn. We are just now beginning to build up our towns watch our progress not slow, but now rendered sure; cast now your eye. upon the beautiful town- site of Archer; the county seat of Bichardson oounty. No more beautiful location can be found anywhere; it is on a high, rolling prairie, bounded on three sides by good timber; and 'Us here no doctors are found. And for the benefit and information of those who are, or may be interested,' I will state that although we are very near the "half-breed line," yet we are not upon the "half-breed tract." . This we may with confidence say, is now a settled fact. Archer prospects are brightening daily, and it is beginning rapidly to advance. A good saw mill will be in operation by the 15th of Au gust and Tarious other improvements are scon to follow in rapid-succession; and soon Ar cher will be numbered with the cities of Ne braska. ; While speaking so much of Archer, I would not in the least, wish to disparage, or have you forge the pleasant and thriving towns of Sa lem, in Richardson county, and the noted Ta ble Bock, of Pawnee. These are thrivins towns, with flatteriDg prospect; and of Table Bock, I must further remark: It has been re cently laid out in a fertile and beautiful section of the country near the great natural curiosity in eastern Nebraska, and takes its name from the Table Rock. Pawnee County will organ ize on the 25th of August, on which day they elect their county ofScers, and select by ballot their county seat. This will be the second county organized in the interior of Nebraska. We have more interior and better towns, than any other portion of the Territory; and we say to settlers desiring to locate in the Garden spot of Nebraska, whether in the town or country, to come between the two Nemaha rivers, and we will furnish them with good claims, or town lots. We want moral and industrious .men these are the qualifications we want All kinds of mechanics are needed. Come on, you Shoemaker, Blacksmith; Carpenter, Plow and Wagon maker; we have employ ment for all; yea, come on, all ye who love to follow the plow; to reap the rich fields .Wheat, Oats and Barley, and ye who love to see the waving corn grow in luxuriance. Though Tve are rapidly filling up, we Etili have plenty of good claims open for settlement, and we desire to see every quarter section oc cupied by .a settler. Reccollect, that Uncle Sam allows every man 1G0 acres of land and only charges him $200. Don't forget that, you who are living in the old States, working a whole year for money enough to buy one acre of ground, not so good as can be had in Nebraska for $1,25. Just-think come ou here and take a good look come, now Ne braska is not out of the world, and having for its chief productions rattlesnakes and wolves No, it is in the very-centre of this great Re public, and is rapidly filling up with good citi lens from every State in the .Union. There is no need to fear the Indians, Four railroads wijl soon touch the eastern border. What then, can hinder our progress; situated as w are on the noble Missouri river. - Respectfully Tours, A. D. Kkk. Abcheb, N. Tn July 2, 1856. We see by the Cincinnati papers, that sev eral military companies of Ohio among which we notice the "Lafayette Blues"' of pleasan reccollection have been holding aa Encamp ment, at Lebanon,-in that State. It would have been pleasant to spend a few days with you, fellow Blues; but as politicians say, "cir cumstances over which we had no control" prevented. "Distance, it is said, "lends en chantment to the view." We imagined our selves "on drill"- several times, the week of the encampment; but reality found us "playing the Devil" we mean rollinz for our Press- man, or writing editorial on a pine box ia Ne. brauka. "Next time, may we be there to see.' Sheriff Coleman and Deputy U. S. Mar shall Lake, are now making "fashionable calls" on the good people of Nemaha county. The.former assessing the taxable property, the later " taking the Census. When they get through we will furnish our readers with the "footing up" of their labors. Gentlemen, keep the Nebraska Advertiser "before the people" if you find any who do not "take the papers," labor with such aa one. and endeavor to convince him of the "error of his ways'.' "that It may be well with, hla and his children's children." , Tjis CxrrroL. We learn from a gentleman from" the North Platte,- that the" Territorial Capitol, is rapidly looming up with' its fair proportions, under the immediate Superintend ence of our worthy Got. , Izabd. The Gov erncr, wo leara devotes himself with great asddoity to tins work, and when it is com pleted, it will not only be an ornament to the Capital of our Territory; but a monument of the fidelity of its executive, who sees that "every stone is in its right place."" . " ; " J. H. Lucas Akbad. The steamer J. H Lucas, Capt Andrew Wineland, regular packet from St. Louis to St. Joseph, has made the quickest time, on record. She made the trip ia 60 hours and 57 minutes.- We came np tho river on this excellent Boat, and in addition to being a "fast boat," she setts the best table, and is managed by the most gentle- raenly officers we have met with. The Steamer olar Star it will be recollected was presented with a magnificent pair of Elk Horns by tho citizens of 'St, ' Joseph, for Having made the quickest time. She passes them over to the Lucas.'': , , : . Y. V ' Nathan Mtess, Esq., brought in a load of Stone Coal last week of very fair quality. Mr. Miller, one of our Btack Smiths, is'tising it in his shop with success. The coal was procured rom a bank below the Little Nemaha in this i county., .. ; : .: Missoubi Elections. Took place on Mon- day last. K At the time our paper went to press, we had no news of importance: " " la "Atchison county opposite us the issue was local linden vs Rockport our informant reports Linden "a head." N. 0. Hopkins was elected Representative, J. Y. ; Bird' Treasuerer, and S. Moore Sheriff. , Benton for Governor, and Craig for Congress, have large majorities in Atchison county. j:, ... . .. v. A paper published at Norway, ia this State, has thrown to the breeze the banner of dis- umon. its nag Dears upon its iront out sixteen stars; thus striking out from the glorious gal axy of the confederacy, fifteen States. Port land (limine) Argus. - We care not from what source, or what sec ion of country, or what political party or in dividual, such doctrines come, its author should be hung as a traitor to his country. We have perused with great pleasure the Oration delivered by Hon. E. R. Habdeit, at Nebraska City, Julj 4tb; and had we become possessed of a copy in season, would have re published it It wa3 published in . the "Ne braska City News" of July 12th, which reach ed Brownville August 2d. . - ' Hons. C. McDonald, of Pawneo county, and P. S. Scxlivak , of DeSoto, have our thanks for a club of subscribers sent us, from each of . their neighborhoods. Hoirna Johnson has placed us under obli gations to him, by leaving at our residence two large Beets, one of which measured 20 inches in' circumference. If any of you think you have a beet, that will beat this beet, bring along the beet that will beat this beet. " ; ' f "Wild Woman.' Our readers will reccol lect that some weeks ago, we copied from a Cincinnati paper an account of a "Wild Wo man." then on exhibition in that place. We expressed ourself that it was a "Mermaid," "Woollev Horse." or "Sea-serpent", story. It has turned out just as we expected. The wo man is crazy, and some scamp was exhibiting her as a "Wild woman." She has been sent to the Lunatic Asylum. ' . ; Sportsmen, read the article on our first page, "Prepare for the Birds." If any of you should go out "armed and equipped," as our friend of the "News", directs, with the box to fill with "game for a friend,' Suffer such packages to come nnto- us, for upon such do we like to feed. Mjsteob. On Sunday morning last, several persons in this vicinity, witnessed a bright meteor ; and a gentleman from' out on the Prairie states that he saw two, near noon the same day. Such sights by day light are rare. '- " ' . ' ' "Hare received by this mail a copy of your paper, for which please accept our thanks and congratulations on your success. ' We really think its appearance equal to anytning west o the mountains." .... . - - - The above is an extract from a letter received from C..F. O'Djoscoli. & Co., Franklin Type Foundry Cincinnati. ; Such a notice of the Ad- tiser from such a source means something. Tzbbitobial Road. The Commissioners appointed for that purpose, have just located the Road from Brown ville to Archer. The greater portion of the road is marked out by plowing a furrow, the balance', flag-staked. Distance 23 miles. : ' 1 ' , B. B. Thompson has been appointed Depu ty District Clerk, in place of W. Hooveb, re signed. Wo are sorry to lose Billy, but know of no one better qualified to 11 his place than Mr. Thompson. : . . ; After the expulsion of .Bbooks from the House, Mr. Kettt, another member from South Carolina, tendered his resignation. . Tomatoes aro said to be excellen for cows, Laving the effect to increase the quantity and add to the richness of the iailk. - A large gang of robbers has been broken up in the vicinitw of If ew Bos ton, IlL, and a number of them arrested and put in jail. ; One of - the leaders has been made to disclose the names of forty others of the gang, some b whom live in Iowa. ; . The Kector of Trinity Churchl says a New York paper, estimates the -whole property in ins possession atSlO.000. 000. Judge Jay shows it to be double that amount. There is no ecclesiasti cal corporation in England that has so much wealth in its possession.' What utility in killing bogs, if they are cuxcu curcciiy aitcrwarcU: .. ' Presidential Candidates.' Z ' , - PKISIEKVr. . . TTCB PRESIDENT. J. 0. lJreckenridgo. W, L-Dajtoa. . A. J. DoneUon. y? F. Johnson. Kennth Kaynor. S. MuFarlafid. j A.J. Davis. Democratic ; J as. Buchanan. Kepulliciin' 1. - J. C. Fremont. ' American iiillnnl Fillmore. JV'. American Nath'l Banks.: ' Half Shell AnCi R F. Stockton. Abolition"- ..Gorritt Smith. - Spiritualist .Jodgo Edwards. ELECTORAL VOTES OF THE STATES. Alabama .... ,9 4 4 .6 .3 Mississippi.... .. Missouri. .... New Hampebiro. New Jersey.... . New York -.... . North Carolina Ohio -it Pennsylvania Rhode Island.... South Carolina Tennessee Texas .. .. Arkansas ..' California Connecticut Delaware? .. .... Florida. '. .7 . ..35 ....10 ..-23 ..-27 ..4 8 ....12 4 3 10 11 13 Georgia ............. linois' .... .... .. owa 4 Kentucky 12 Louisiana 6 Maine ...... Maryland .......... Maffiachnsotta ....... 8 8 13 6 Vermont Virginia. .. . Wisconsin - ...5 ..15 5 .299 Michigan ............ . , - Total Land OfSce at Brownville. AH persons knowing themselves indebted ti!t: am 1ip.rp.riv rintifip.d that thfiir rfnnnfa aa to due, and must be Settled Immediately, by Note or Cash : as a settlement ; we must have, in order to continue our business. 1 ' ...... . B. B. & J. V. N. Tsoiipsoif.: : : Brown ville, July 1st, 1856. , i t ? First Come, First Served, ONE HUNDRED TOTO ) LOTS Donated to acta a 1 settlers, in the best town site on the Missouri river, Nemaha City, Nemaha County, ' -Nebraska Territorr.1 NEMAHA CITY, is situated at the junction of the Littlo Nemaha and Missouri rivers, in the. most thickly settled and improved part of the nenaaim Val ley, being the centre of the county, on the river, 72 miles above St. Joseph, and 65 miles below Council Huffs, and on the huge thoroughfare from Iowa to Kansas, lhe tow site 13 beautifully located on an elevation of 32 feet above low water mark, on a level plain, rolling enough for drainage, but not a bill on the town site no unnecessary expenses for grading Lots or streets. A beautiful Public Square, 316 feet by 352. Two streets 100 feet wide, erossinz each other at nght angles, m the centre of the town; all other streets are 8Q. feet wide; Lots 44 by. 150 feet, with a sixteen foot alley. . A Ferry is in operation at this point, the road from which intersects the Bluff buy road through Missouri. A permanent Landinz. a Saw and Grist Mill now in operation, and a Steam bawmill to be in operation by 1st beptcmber next. It is immediately on the Territorial Road from Brown ville to Archer, where it intersects the Territorial Road from Oregon, Mo., to Fort Kearney; a Post Office weekly mail, building material, limber, Stone and Stonecoal in abundance. Tho Proprietors pledge themselves to donate 100 lots in the town to actual settlers, who will erect on a lot, they may select, a respectable building, within a reasonable time, to be agreed upon. 1 1 ,- For particulars address either the Secretary or Pres ident, at Nemaha vity, aemaha county, . T. J E liO JlE ; 1100 Villi, rrest. E.M.McCOMA5,Soo'y..- ' 7 . : . : : ; Nemaha City,N. T.Aog. 9,1855.... vl-nlOtf. Bridge Notice. ; THE stock holders of the Nemaha Bridge Company are requested to meet at the place des ignated for the erecthn of the Bridge, on Saturday, August 9th, 1856, to elect officers and make the nec essary arrangements for tho immediate croction of said Bridge. - .,..-.. August 2, 1856.-v2-n9-2t JOHN S. MINNICK. BricK : Bricli ! ! TTSTE HAVE now ready'for sale 100,000 iroodmer- T chantable Urick. WiiSTFALL & MAELOTT. Brownville, August 2, 1856. vl-n9tf ' . CLAIM FOR SALE. - A1GO acre Chuu within 2 miles of Brownville, on the County Road leading to Nebraska Citv: with a good log House, 20 acres in corn and under fence, and a good spring. Lnquire of j: Urownville, Aug. 2, 1855. li. AV. FURNAS. TO STEAMBOATMEN. CORD-WOOD FOR. SALE. At 82,25 per Cord. TAMES W. COLEMAN informs the Boats runnin the upper Missouri trade, that he keeps constantly a3 good a supply of Dry Cord-Wood, as can bo found on the river. Landing always good. - Wood Yard one mile above Brownville, Nebraska Territory, on the Nebraska shore. , August 2, 1850-xl-nStf - D. PLASTERS, -II. BACEB. BROWNVILLE FERRY PLASTERS & BAKER, A NNOCNCE to the Travclline Public, that thev il are prepared with every facility to accommodate those crossing tho Missouri river. Thi being the best crossing point on the upper Missouri, travellers coining to Nebraska, will find it greatly to their .ad vantage to cross at tnis point. FERRY RATES. I For every two hor jes, mules or oxen & wagon, ' : $1,00 each individual pair or hones mules or oxti 25 u u horse or mule"and buggy,. 75 led horse or mule, 25 10 1 05 " loose cattle per bead, . ':' ! " sheep and hogs per bead, :- : i each footman, ' ' ;' -: cwt. of freight, " ' ; ;: ,; " M feet of lumber, - : u ; u unloaded wagon and borsas, mules or ' oxen therewith, ' . ' ' Brownville, August 2, 1855.-ly ' ' 10 10 2,00 ' 75 B. A. WHITRIDCK. R; J. M'KIXXET, E. A. WniTRIDGE & CO. .. ilANCFACTCBEHS OP , f ; Mas'onicr Clotliinc: and Odd Fellows nEGALIA. - Also Regalia for Temperance'and other Societies, No. 128 , Walnut Street, up Stairst . CIXCINNATI, O. ' . - ' masons. References; ' odd fULLOws W.T5.Dodd3,GMof Ohio O. P. Morton. P G M Ind C. Moore Ed Masonic Rev; Turner & Gray, pub Casket F. J. Phillips, H. P. City W. G. Neilson, P G M Ohio The Editor of the Advertiser will have specimens of Regalia from tho above Manufactory, and recieve orders from Lodges or private members for Regalia. August i, lojo. vi-nyii . ... ; , . NUCKOLLS, RUSSELL, &j" CO. H-Oclijoort, IVTo- " WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALERS IN : IY GOODS. EIC1E HARDWARE ; AND , CUTLERY, ' . Medicines, Dye Stufis, Saddlery, Boots & Shoes, : Hats & Caps, QTJEENSWAI1E, STONEWARE, TINWAHE, IRON, liAILS, STOVES, PLOWS As. Also Furniture of all kinds, Wiudov Sish, 6e J. HART & SON Oregon, Holt Couuty, Missouri. ' Keep constantly on band all description of Earness, Saddles, Dridles, Ac Ac. . i , . . N. B. Every article in our shop is manufactured by ourselves, and warranted to give satisfaction. - ;; : a v. sow, . , : PHYSICIAN, SUKGE0N, And ixcoovioliovu:, ROCKPORT, MO, , Jt;, OLIVES BEXXET. JAME8 P. FISEK. WM. B. GAEBIT, Accrsrcs ryiGarr, OLIVER BENNETT & CO., ... Manufacturers and Whalcsale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES KO, S7 IIAIK STREET, .- (FOEXZKLT, XO. 1CI1V COB.VX2 OF iljJH liT LOCTST ' ST. LOUIS, MO. ; ,liliAAA lt-KlillUKV, ; - CARPENTER ID JOINER: i O.i o' Hi i i J -'i j- rnilE Erownrilld LodTO. No. 3: Tndenendent Order JL of Good Templars, meets every Saturday eve ning, at 7 o'clnek, at Templars' Hall, No. 23, Atlan tic street (Thurburt Block). 1 ' Members of tho order visitlns the citv. aro rerrect- fully invited to attend, when convenient; and those locatinghere, are earnestly solicited to join the Lodge, aa we look for tho support of all friends of Temper ance, both male and female. r or information concernin? the Order, enquire of Wm. Thurbur. Atlanti etreet. 0.; F. Lake, No. 27, Main street, or Richard Brown, corner of Main and irst 8U9CI. ' ' lsj order ot tne ixxlze, Mrs. C. E. THURBUR, W. C. T. Attest: H. P. BUXTON, W. S. ' 1 July 2G, 1856. rl-n8tf GEO. p: luckhakdt, t WATGHMAKEE TVnd T owollor, OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, MO. TLKES the liberty to inform the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that be has otened a WATCH, CLOCK! JEWELRY STOH.E n Oregon, Uolt county, Mo where he will keep con tantly on hand, and for sale, a eood assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of V loans, Accordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles. Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ac. . , lie is prepared to repair V atches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on lhe most reasonable terms. . . " Every article bought in his establishment, ia war ranted to be what it is represented to be. ' Watch re pairing warranted for one year. JulyZG, 1855. vl-nStf ' : '' ' u UNITED STATES ; E5PKE.SS COBIPAW GIVE every possible facility for the safe and speedy; transmission of... ".J : J. ' . Money, Valuable Packages, Parcels, . : . Goods, and -.Merchandize ,.r. . ..-, Of every description", on reasonable terms. " " ' x i-EixciPAL UFKicics-rJNew York, Buffalo, Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago. Dayton, lndianopolis, and all the smaller towns "on Railroads lh the E'astern, Mid dle and Western States, connecting at St: Lonia with Richardson's Missouri River Express. : H. KIPP. July20jl8o5.'.vl-nS Ueneral superintendent. TVTOTICE is herebv eiven. that the oo-nartriershin l heretofore existing under the name and stylo of Urown, Kogers a UoH was, on the 20 th day of x ebru ary, A. Aooi, dxssolred. K. BROWX. . . S. E. ROGERS, . ' B. B. FRAZER, HEXRY EMERSOX. H. W. LAKE A BRO. July25;i3j6.-Tl-n3 ,t NOTICE is hereby given, that tha co-partnership formerly existing between H. W. and O. F.Lake, under the name and style of II, W. Lake A Bro. was by mutual consent dissolved, February 20th, A. D., X80. : . .1 . 1LW.LAKK. July 28, 1856.-Tl-n8-3t ... O.F.LAKE. CHAELES WEST. ,i ,? 2T. J. , U' ASH EN. , WEST & McASIIEX, -. ' FORWARDING, & COMMISSION Grocers and Steamboat Agents, Corner Second arid Francis Streets . (Opposite A. Beatie's Banking House!)' ,V St. Josoplx, ZOClsso-ujri. AX assortment of Boat Stores, Groceries, Wines. Liquors, Meal, Flour. &c kept constantly on hand.,. .' ... , .. "". July 20. 1855. vl-n3 1S5G. PURNITUIIE. 183C. . SCARRITT & MASON. FTJRNITTJRE & UPHOLSTERY, r DEALERS AXD ""rr-' Xo. 40 and 42 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Mo HAYIXG completed our arrangementa for a full stock of Goods in our line, and havinz the best assortment in the West; we take pleasure in offering to pursnaaers ootn w uubJaALiti and lii.TAlL : 3000 Bedsteads, 500 doien wood seat Chairs. 1000 Bureaus. zuo- ao cane seat do; 100 do rocking do, 100 ' do , childrens' :I do, 500 tin safes, s : ., 200 Cribs, assorted sizes, 200 Lounges, 500 Dining Tables, 500 Breakfast do, 200 Work Stands, 200 Wash. do, 100 Wardrobes, 1000 Looking Glasses, 100 dot. Rush and split bot tom cnairs, f3TTo which we add mahogany and walnut, rar- lor and rocking Chairs, Sofas, centre, side and exten sion Tables: secretaries and Book Cases. Upholstery m great variety, euch as epnnj. hair. cotton, moss and husk Matresses, Comforts, Spreads, and JJiansets. i Our work is all Warranted as representedour fnces as liow cs the Lowest. Orders promiitly and faithfully executed and re- specuuuy soucjica. iarisiacuon guaranteed. 1t.!A. 1 O 1. A. . rlease call and satisfy Yourselves. ' St. Louis, July 26. 1856. ' vln8-6m ' , ' NEBRASKA CITY HOTEL. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T.. , :rt - BAMES & BAItNUM, Proprietors. - rrHIS commodious Hotel,; ''situated. upon ! JL Main Strent, Xcbraska Cityj will bo found a de- for all parts of the Territory. 4 V. 1. I.OAV, ATTOSFJBY AT LAW, LAND AND LOT AGENT; AKCHER, RICHARDSON COUNTY, N. T, - - . UST OF LETTERS - ' ' Remaining in the Post Office at Brownville, X." T., July 1st, 1856, and if not taken out within three months, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Wash ington, D. C. ' ; 7 , ' ' Beatty Daniel . Brewcr Saml A Cooper Jas II Gibson Silas A IIutchins,M ,. , Stinson John Brown Jackson 2 Cortner D II ; Enel Jacob . . Gates A J MclTierson John Tcague Wm All persons enquiring for any of the above Letters, will please say they are advertised, ... A. S, nOLLD'A" Y, P M. NO BOOKS KEPT!! ALL CASH!!! A. S. HOLLADAY, . ,. WHOLESALE ASD EETAIL DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines Main Street, Brownville, N. T. THE undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform . the rublie. that he has now on hand a conroleU assortment of everything, ; usually kept in. Drug Stores, which he offers for sale, Exclusively on a Hew system or CASH AND! CASH ONLY! : It will be entirely foreign to this beautiful system, to 'Book," "keep account," "note" or "remember for a few days." Come with the "Spondulicks " if you want anything in the Orughne. : .... - - Prescriptions Compounded at all Hours -with Accuracj and Dispatch.;; Remember the system t have adopted, and my pocket and your feelings will not suffer. Credit will potilively not be given, unless under circumstances of peculiar destitution. July 12, 1856.-vl-n6tf A. S.HOLLADAY.r BROWirVTLLE . STE AM MILL, : Srowxivillo. 3r. T. N. B. Wo would rospeutfullv inform, th o eit! zens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we nave always on hand a large and well selected supply ol It, which we can furnish at low er rates than any mill in the Territcrr. , : Market prices paid for logs delivered at the yard, or on the bank of the river. : ' - . All orders accompanied with the ca3i, will receive our immediate attention. : ., ' Wholesale Paper Warehouse, BUADNER, lVARREX CO., "T7II0LESALE Dealers in Papers of every des- , i f, onp'tion: . ;i . '. I'rinting, Book Paper, Wrapping, Manilas, - , k Colored Papers, Folio Port,. Flat Cap,' '' ;.I Foolscap, Letter i. Note.-! ' r ' Medium & Demy'j, of the "very best Eastern and Western Manufacture, and Tor sate at Very law priceK . -i , BRAD5EK, WARREN A CO.. cmcajo, junc. zsth. ; ."rvl-ul Hotel for : Sale of Trade.; ' THE well known Hotel stand, at present occupied by J. W Garrison in Linden, Mo.' Is i3 in good repair, good Well of water, good cellar, ice boaso and excellent stable, grainory and wagon yard and every other convenience necessary for the purpose for which it is occupied. Six large lots, CO by 120 will bo sold with the above. It is one of the best stands between St. Joe and Council Bluffi; the Stae oHiee i3 kept at this place. Call and see me; I am determined foselF. A 123 acre Land Warrant for sale. ',j Also,' one of C. C. Ilarrison'a best Camera's and Apparatus, complete. I will learn any person who buys it, free of charge. For farther particulars, address me at Linden, Mo., or at Brownville, X. T. ' . A. J.'ilOXllOE. July 12,1 Sjo. . vln5-Ct Hcliraslia Hons Proat Street, near Steamtbat landicj, . : BROWNVILLE, N. T.- ' : " A. J. BEXEDICT, AXXOUXCES to the public that ha has taken the above House, formerly kept by T. H. Edwards, in Brownville, X. T., and ia now prepared to accomo date all who may favor him with their patronage. A new addition has been built to tho house, and ad ditions made of Furniture and Bed ling, and all ar rangements now are such as to rentier this Houso equal to any, in the Territory. ; .-,"...' lirownville, July 5, laoo. vl-r.vftf . : . . , A I ALL persons are hereby forwarned from buying the South West fourth of Section 25, Township 6, North Range 15, Last of the sixth Principal Mori-dian,-in' Nemaha eounty, X. TM riw occupied by lhos. lleddy; as 1 have a right to s:ud claim that is indisputable. ' ' ' B. B. T1I03IPSOX. ISrownviIle, July 5th, 1555. vl-n5tf f ' , ; .w; ii, willi A3is, . ; 1 ' WHOLESALE AXD KIT AIL DEALER IX ' ' STOVES & TINWARE it".;! Orosbn, Mo., : TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or gon and the public in general,' that he has on hand the niost extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tia wture is of my own manufacture, "and is for sale nt Whobisale and Iietall at St. Louis prices. - r ' : 1 would call particular attention to my Stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may ba found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now n use, the Asiatic Air Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium. -Also ' .; 7 ' . . '1 .) 1 Parlor & Boi Stoves r. Of various Siaes and Patterns, which 1 will SELL. LOWR THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to makins and nuttin" up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. AI30. re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term. Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchanre for work or ware . W. W. WILLIAMS. . l-n5 - ; - Oregon, Mo., July 5, 185(3. ' F0ETY TH0TJSAITD D0LLAHS Worti of Gooda at a small advance on cost and carriage by 1 joist eb xt 7"xz:, ROCKPORT, MO.,. . ; TTA.Wii. c. 33IT.iXiOSJ. IIEM3IES LADIXG, MO. WE HAVTE in store, and are receiving per Steam ers. Hannibal, Warner, Edinburgh and Omaha, a large and well assorted stock of . Dry Oood3, Bonnets, ' . Medicines, . , . Drugs, ' f furniture, r j -i Tinware,' ' , Saddlery,: ' '. '. ' Groceries, ..' 1 Castings , Sa3h, . - Nails, ' ' . " . V , Iron Clothing, (Hardware, r ( ' Qucensware, " ;- ) i Hoots & Shoes, . i ; Hats A Caps,- . ' 1 Cutlery, ; 1 Paints. : , ' Doors,' . . Oils, CARPENTERS A -BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS AC. All of which we offer at very low prices for Cash or Country Produce. .f . - , ' NO HUMBUG! "We will tell at SOME PSICEl! , DILLON A HAWK. P. S. Ladies, if you haven't got a fine Silk Dress. Shawl or Bonnet, don't blame Dillon A Hawk, for we certainly have the best assortment of Fancy Dre33 Goods ever offered in this market. No trouble to show Goods.' vl-nJ , , -1 . ' D. & H. Great Inducement. rpHOSE wishing to purchase LOTS in the Town of . A ' Brown ville would do well to give us a call, as we have 50 Lots which will be sold very choapfor cash. Also, 5 Lots in OMAHA CITY, for pale.' Enquire of B. B. A J. J). N. THOMPSON. Brownville, N.T.June 23, 13 i3. 4tf ' - GEO. C. FERGTJSOtf. jMILLWRIGHT and engineer BROWNVILLE, JT. T. ANNOENCES to the public, that ho is prepared to erect Steam Saw and Mcrchrnt Mills at short notice and reasonable tcrm3. . ; ALL WORK WARRANTED. '.; ' . He is also Agent for ' I , A. B. IIOLLIBIRD & CO'S., , . Western Foundry. , , 'r CINCINNATI, O., , :. ' !. LEE & LEAVITT'S : Saw Blanuf actor y, - CINCINNATI, O., . . ; And is prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these cs- tabasbmenta.- : , ; . . .. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. r f ' REFFERENCES. " ' " , Noel, Lake & Co., Brownville, N..T. Steam Mill. Nuckolls A White, Rockport, Mo. James Lowe, JUnden, . ... M . " ' yln31y. ; ' ' Brownville, June 21, 1S53 r. -.1 t JOSEPH : .r : -n CAHKIAGE JMANUFACTORY. ""10RNER Second and Edmund (orpoeittf Market V Square) have on hand- and linisbing, a fine lot of the latest and best styles of Coaches, Rockaway3, Ba rouches, Buggies and Hack?, and will sell lis low a3 can. be had in St Louis, cf ehinrhere, and the work warranted to be made of the best material.- Jly tim ber I shrp front the cas therefore I do ntft hesiate in saying it is tfcfr bcsS. . Persons wishing to purchase a carrifgo.of ary kind, will do well to give me a call, as I vriH satisfy them; that they caii' do &3 well with me as an where else.- Orders for any kind of carriaze promptly attended. Repairing tone on shcrt notice, and satisfactorily. Mr. U. Uova is authorised to sell work and receive orders for me in Council Bluffs. St. Joseph, Jans l-'oC. 2-tf . A.DOLPII. NOTICE TO SETTLERS IN KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. . Surveyor Gentraft Office, ) ' : TYyandott City, K. TJ, Nov. 22, 1S55.: t ' 'A S frequent enqumea are made cf this office in XX relation to the manner in which notices of Pre- emtion claims to the public Iand3, in Kansas and Ne braska, are to be given through the burvevor Gener al'a Offioc, this totice 'is .published for the benefit of aa wnom it may concern. ' The following form of a declaration to claim under the law, any tract of land subject to pre-emption, haj been furnished this office by the Commissioner of the General Land OSce. The declaration of intention may be written or printed, and must bo signed by the applicant in presence of some person who will sign the same s a wi tness. ; The declaration may be made ana signed at this omce, or any where else in the Ter ritories and sent by mail or otherwise to this office The form must be carefully observed. . Declaratory Statement for Cases wliero the Zand ' i ia not Bubject to Private Eatry. L of r, being have, on the day of " ', A. D., 13 , settled and improved the -quarter of section, number , in township nurauer , oi range nnmoer , m the dia trict of lands subject to sale in the land office at and containing acres, which land h$ not yet been, offend at public sale, and thm rendered tubiect to- private entry ana i ua nereoy aeciare my mten hon to claim the said tract of land as a pre-emption ngnt, unaer ire provisions oi said aet ot Ita Septem Der, ion. .. - Given under iny hand, this day of A. In presence of ; - Xpon filing the declaration ia this oSce thoro will issue to the appilea'nt the followiag certificate: No. - ' . " : ''Surveyor Geutrar Ofic'e, K. T' ' ' - ,13 . I certify that has this day Clod in my office a notica in accordance with the 12 Ui section of the Aetcstabiishinir. the oQce of the Surveyor Genaral of Kansas and Nebraska,' and granting pre-emption rights to actual settlers for the -quarter section number . , in townshio number , in ranjre namocr east of the CtbrrniipaIMcridan,iir Trritorjt Surveyor General ef Kansas and Nebraska. BLANKS of crcry descrirUon, fcr sola at tYis Office. - . .j. t . KIDEN & WHITER V LAND AGENTS. t NEBRASKA Cn X. T. , ' HAVING mada arrangemen-a by which wa will receive accurate copiej of all tha Towns iip embraced in the Eastern portion of .Nebraska,, wo are now prepared to offer our services to the .: "SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTOHY," In Filing Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Land : 1 Vaf rants Anfi ENTERING- LAND. .;. LAND" WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD. Land Entered on Time, kc., Partk ular attention paid to Buying and SeiL'ng Property cn commission: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of tLatnin. 01 ail Kinds always on hand. : , , 'KIDEN A WHITE. !; r.EFLr.ENCZS. Hon. A. A. BradTarJ, S.F.Nuho11s, Messrs. Dolman A West, Peter A. Keller, Thomas Lumpkin,1 ' June 23, 1S55. vl-n4 Nebraska City'.-' u u St. ' Joseph, 3ro., -Washington City,' HIPOETAIIT NEW WOPJIS.- ' Moore, Wilstacb, -Keys k Co. 1 No. 23 TVestTourth Street, Cincinnati, 6i Oomegys, Professor in Jiliami Medical College. On Volume, large 8vo. 750 pages, Prico $3,0t). - An Introduction to the Study of ..Esthetics. . Hj Professor. J. J. C. Moffat, of the College of New Jer sey, Princeton. Author of "Life of Chalmers:" At. 1 vol. 12mo, pages. Price 51. . - The Teacher's Miscellany. A -selection of article! from tie proceedings of the College of Professional Teachers.' Ey J. M. Campbell and A. M. Hadler', oJ Wabash College. One vol, 12mo, 45!) puges. Prico ' WILL DE READY IN. SEPTEMBER, Tho Cyclopedia of Llodem Travilr 'A Record of. Adventure, Exploration and,.! . Disco very' for tha last' Fifty "years.' Edited by Bayard Taylor, Anther of "Views Afoot,n , "Travels in Central Africa." Aa.- - ;. One vob, 8vo., Handsomely illustrated with" 12 MOORE, WiLSTACH. KEVS A CO.. .'; " Wholesale and Retail Booksellers 25 West Fourth street. Cincinnati.- , ; C. II. WILLIAMS'; ti : ;T Patent D ouble' Acting Ball, Valre, Force ::..!;'"- '-und lilt. Pump.- V.."-;1 THE aUention of the public ii respectfully solic ited to the ezaminination of this valuable Pump, as the most valuable one in use at the present time. Simple in its construction, durable, sulsttjitial, and not easily , impaired by use. Perfectly adapted to Railroad Stations, Steamboats, Manufactories of ev ry description, Mines, Furnaces, Salt Wells, Oil Mills,, , Hot Liquids, (the balls for such being of mrtal,) Fift " and Garden Lnglnis, Cisterns, and, la fact, all pu poscs for which a pump is required, and capable of throwing water to a. great height or distance, with great force and power. The highest prizes havs been awarded by the New York, Ohiu ana Indiana Stale Fairs. Town, County and single Rights for tairtj nino Counties Lit th Eastern part of Cbio, extend ing from tlo Ohio River to Lake Erie, and tb Co-antics cf Augusta, Albermarl, Pittsylvania and 'Rich mond City County ia the State of Yirginin, for sal upon the most reasonable terms. , Address throu!i the Cincinnati P. O., the undersigned 1-ni , ;'. . ... B.-EAZEN; MOHE MEN WANTEIV ; A FEW more active and energetic young mien can find immediato employment, by which they can easily'make$3G0 fc $1000 a year, to act as a gents for several new and popular works, just published fur agents, aud not for sala in book stores- ' ; : We have a great many agents employed mary of whom are making from $15 to $20 per week: Thos who wiih jto cngago ia thia pleasant and agreeable business, will for particulars, requisites, 1c address . , C. L DERBY A CO. Publishers and Wholesale Booksellers.- Editors of Ne-ifspapBrs, by cirinrr the above and following, three insertions, and calling attention to it, shall receive any three of thj fuUowin!? worksf i xjiia oi Josipmnc, Dy tieaciy, StJ t Life of Lafayette a - 515 Life of Napoleon. . $l,2i r Wild Scenes of a Hunter's Life, , . - $1,00 : Life of Mary and Martha-Washington,' ' $l,0t ' Odd Fellows' Amulet, ;-. $l,Ctr Auy person wishing any of the above bocka! cm have them sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of tlic above retail price.- . , . vi-n4 C. L. DERBY A CO., New York. inia Hotel, ST. LOUIS, no; : , ... TO j THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. THIS new and extensive Hotel, located ch the cor ner, cf Main and Green strSctsia the city of SL Louis, continues in succesffal operation' nntfer th Proprietorship of J. H. Spake and- LU alda assi tants. ... For the information of strangers. : would' stat that this is the most extensive Hotel ia this City, fronting on Main, Green and Second sts, and havirg a southerly front of 320 feet, which affords gocd ven tilation during tha summer month3, tho roods being well arranged to insure that end; and is one aiuABjs ONLT from the Kailroad Packet Landirg, and directly opposite tha Railroad Ferry. Thor i attaebod 1 4 1 T T . 1 - f . .... . I tuu iiuicj, uii eiieusive saaving oaioon, Wiia iiaiQi; and tho Proprietor 5a3 fitted vrp; . - i t BathiDg Roo ms for tho Ladies, : Which thej may enjoy free of Charjj. " ' The Public are respectfully invited to ealL tha Proprietor pledging for his betue, every coiafcrt us ually found in first c!sj Hotels. Meals furniilicd to suit Railroad time. Charges $2,00 per dar. vl-n4 . . j . ; .J. IL'SPATHL-: . - Improved Little Giant CORN & COB PLANTATION MlLL Price ZlociuoodLi THE subscriber ba purchased exclusive right of Territory. ia the West, of the above celebrated Mills, aiid ij prepared to furnish them at all times, either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in th most positive taanncr.' .. , It is niw mora than a year since tb" ' '4fcliitllc "Giaiit,y; Was introduced to the public, during which tfcie, it has been constantly growing1 ia the popular favor , Tho improvements recently effected and ratentod, makes it the most perfect machine evef oSTered. for general farm uso. It Is furniihed readyfor attaching team, and weighs as follows: No. 1, 225 No. 2, 330,. No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minutes ar" suScient to set One up, without mechanical aid, and when once adjusted, it can with safety b entrustad to a boy. Full directions accompany each Mill;' : TT EU. 33 CZZ3 3233 No 1, $S5,.will grind S bu meal tKr hour" with 1 hors No2 40, " u Id" " u i -. No3 50, ' ' l. ' ' . i : u . No 4 CO, " 20 " " ''''" 2 " ' tf Liberal dweounfc to dealers. : : . j JAMES B. CHADWICK, ' No. C3 Locust street, bet. 2d and Zd June2S, 185-5. 'vl-n-i . St. Louis, Mo. : h. vniTTEiioaa. k. b. -wbittemokz. . y. e AETta. II. & R. B. W1IITTEM0KE & CO.,. - ' Wholetat'e Deater i '. BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS NO, 143 MAIN STRRET, . ' . (Fin,t door above the Bank of Mi3souri.) - J"Ci3h paid for Furs and Deer Skiss. . '; i ' Tl TXTP ATT .t a TTfNTTTvi French and American Window Clas tfr 0'la$r.caret Sicei, Indigo, JTaddirPerfuraerie, do, - SPRING STOCK! Y! CHARLluS3,- BLOW c CO . . IUPOKTKE3 4 WnOLESALE DEALER?. ,' ' o. 63 aid 67, llaia street, St. Lcuia, Ho. "; Are now in receipt cf their new Stock, embradi;.j everything in their line, ' ' " , - liMervhanw viiitiug our City aro requested to give U3 a call, a? we are determined to sell fur Caa r Prompt Time Paper, M low as any Houje in tha United State-'. ; ... AIUSTOBY OF MEDICINE, from it Origia to the Close-of the Eighteenth Century. Hy'Df. lienouard, of 'Paris. Translated, bv Dr. K). C. maps by Schonberg; and numerous wood cngravfogj by Orr, and an el-aborato steel frcntispeicc by Battl e. tSf Will be sold to subscribers onlv, . . ll II