i FATEE2 AND E OSvTITH BIX TTCYTS EACH. . The Manchester (N. LT.) Mirror gives a long account of the proceedings in that place and in Rutland, Vt., of two men, calling themselves Dr. Lyman A. Abbott and James II. Alott, said' to be father "and son, who are both npv; under arrest on the charge of bigamy. lcIi within a short period Wcd'no less than rfx 1.. r...i, .i t,.j,m. tor, SAL, u the "rich old uncle" of, Via enn orwl in rnnonnPTiCO 01 his li:Sb evil, ui&m, w. - ; ' v.,i.nr, nc fn ! )f Man-1 uu 5o5i5? "chester wereTictimizcd to the .of several hundred dollars, Tha care er of both parties for a number of years V r r i HSfi T -,c..Wn?u:iin tlin Mfwvr v.-HWw W7 Messrs. ; Glorer and Mather, nutencss. - s : : 1 7 " At Newark, 24 J. in 1854, the elder Abbott was married to Airs.-.khzabeth Kobsrts, who soon discovered that he had a wife living in Syracuse, :N. Y. IT . . , .1. T 1 Jf" tic was conseauenuv arresieu lor biiamVf convicted, and sentenced to ten 0 ? ' ,i . V t T:: .Tears in 111c icw jersey xcunt-uuiii v, seven" rdner, but : was pardoned out attc of Westmoreland, N. II.', states that hc married the" 5am6 man: under" the. 1111111 1 11 a uij llii Lii'iit - v sa v c -v-- - . t o i T1. Y-, !1C40 he persuaded a Miss Sherman to elope with Urn, and they were married by a Justice of the Peace. He was soon after obliged to abscond for, threaten ing his .wife's life in order to. obtain her property. It was "also ascertained that the true,- original . name ; of the "old doctor is Aaron Andrews Abbey, and the true name of the young"' maa James Henry Abbey the latter being the oldest son of the former by his first "yife. Both parties arc held- for trial. ArrHAT BETWEEN GOV. WISE AND HUGH L PLEASANTS, IN THE CAPITOL OF VA. PticnMoxD,'July 7, 185G. Hugh R. Pleasants, a brother of the ''late .John. Hampden Pleasants, and formerly editor of the Penny JPok of this city, went this morning into the Executive Chamber of the Capitol, where Gov. "Wise w:as engaged writing, and taking a scat by invitation bt 'the Governor, said, after "a brief period : ."I thought gizzard foot was nere," Gov. "Wise smilingly replied: "I am the- 'man." Pleasants, rising- from his scat, and . approaching the, table r at which, .the Governor sat, said: "By" .God; I did not know you; and so you jirc ebo shin and gizzard foot." . "I 'am," remarked Gov. Wise, with a smile, "and you. arc Huh. Plea.ants." - X lCEUUS lUCI UUj)UU .UUlUi UUCl'U uuu.- Ing the Governor, "without any provoca- tion . whatever, when tho Governor ordered hira to leave the room," but Tic refused to do so. . .The Governor, then iwv iium iiia c-at, pjJ-l uamv x itUB" antsjand taking bold of him, endeavor cd to push him out. -Pleasants resist ed, squared off, and placing himself in Van attitude to strike, when the Gov ernor struck liirn with his fist under lUl lHH j V,UV1 I,UI(111U1 jUL Wl-J o He then seized him by the arm, turried liim round and kickcd.hiiiu ,l At this time the messensrer of the . Executive came up, and had him re moved by order of the Governor. It is said that Pierian ts was intoxicated. rrY T . .' f.i -i- iac ivnow rsouung oi me cuy. are very indignant about the affair. ' Yellow Fever at HavXxa iad . Matanzas. The-stip, Lady Franklin, from Matanzas for Trieste, spoken at . sea some days since by the steamer "Black Warrior, arrived jat Quarantine on jSunday last, with nearly the whole crew disabled by yellow fever. Mat anzas is usually a very healthy -port, and the captain of the Lady Franklin reports that no feverprevaiied there " until recently, and' not until several " vessels had arrived there from Havana naving yeuow icvcr on Doara. xrom HaVarra rcsseh the fever first spread among the shipping at Matanzas, and then. into the town. The ofSccrs and crew of the Ladv Franklin, whd wer6 ivcon their arrival, were Eent toihe "'Marine Hospital at Quarantine, .and . the vessel was sent by the Health Officer far down the bay for a safe anchorage. " --Tew York Herald. : i . : A letter from Vienna savs that the Austrian Government has given orders for the troops in Lombardy to bo re inforced. It is said that Field-Marshal Radetaky has pointed out the necessity nf increasing the number of troop3 to 120,000 men,, double what he has usually under command. ... ," The Wallachian Government,' says a letter from Vienna, in the lVurzlury Gazette f has formed a planof the rail ways to be executed in thatvcpuntry. A line forty-seven leagues in length, is to connect Bucharest with Vcrtscvora by passing through Slatina, Crajova, and Czcneiz;t a second line is to con nect'Bucharest, Giurgevo and Varna; a third line is to go from Bucharest to Brcdail; and a fourth from Bucharest to the frontiers of the Bukowina. , ; PnoTOGKArnv uder Water. An Englishman,by the name of Thomnson. .recently took a. very good photograph of the rocks and weeds at the bottom of Weymouth Bay, in England. 'He placed his camera obscura : in a box, with plate glass front and moveable shutter, to be drawn up as soon as the camera had been sunk to the hottom. The apparatus was then letdown from a boat, carrying with it the collodion plate, prepared in the ordinary way. Vhcn at the bottom, the shutter of the box was raised, and the plate exposed for a period of ten minutes, with a suc- . ccssful rcpult. It is believed that this method will prove a ready and expen sive means of arriving at a knowledge of the condition of piers, bridges, piles, structures and rocks under water. Julv 17.- The Secretary of the Treasury has asked Congress to amend the act of 1842, so as in addition to deront mints, namtimrs and' trans par- 1 'X . . - . encies, tn , rmbrance statuettes tnu figures of a similar tendency. The Senate to Jay coniirmed,- m oatotwo yesterday, no bundred and ninety-five appointments or pro- - - " . -wo.v j v"v. .iVrrrir - 1 board. .,WV. our omcf ra suitu ; uic iiuuu- . The Senate - acted on them en mam. rn ' 'l a ; A x for 8200,0Q0,. awarded ,byr .the first ; Comptroller, I nst' indemnity Jfoiv the ; breach of their contract. byerostmaster Campbell, for carrying the mail between Louisville and New Orlean3. ; 7. , ' July 18. -The President sent to the kTL-uiuu iu-ua , vuu liuuiiiiftiiuus vkuvuu Forsyth ' . as Minister,; . and: Walker Fcarkq as Secretary of Legation V to Mexico, both 'of Alabama, in place !of yaasacn .pps, recaiica,,,, .... . .;, Those having the subject immeliat( y l l 11 y . , : - - u . . i , 1 , late ly in chareeY have concluded riot now 0 . Louis fNAroLEors Tyeaxst.-A late, letter from .Paris says: A ' :T ; "The Government is very severe in its resentments the trovcrnment journals all belabor Yictor. Hiigo, the the foulest abufio rmor Lefrolivnt still 1' lio Trtiiloci nrintn tiAat T.rfr1 i vrf o fill littlh reason-to ho -mtefuLto the Em- u v:v. rv,rt-,rtxr T,o , . he'gave: them,' has received orders to withdraw from the: corn market, and to Arftl Tiic following announcementappears m the Ummone ot lunn, ot tlio ITtn: ."If we are well informed; the dispute winch had arisen at rarma between the Austnaa commandant and the local auiuor ucs nas rcceiveu an unexpeciea solution. ; The Austrian military com- mandant insisted upon extending .his events anterior to those which had caused the - state of siege; the Ideal authorities suonorted bv the Duchess. refused their assent;' whereupon Count CrenneYille declared that he would not pretext the Government any longer, but would leave it to its own resources. H-c has been tajken at Hs word, and the Government immediately opened the state prisons What the result of this step will be we do not know." ' - . The Bourse Gazette of Berlin of the 17thrsays:'. "A Visit of the Queeit of England to the Court oLBerlin,' and that of the rrince and Trincess of Prussia to Lbn- aon,.nas long cecn tnesuDjectoi con- vcrsation, and it is now said that these reciprocal visits1 will- certainly take place. -.The Prince and Princess of Prussia will probably leave for London hi me cnu oi uuiy, anu remain mere for a .week; and it -is- thought that Queen Victoria will come to Berlin in Srntnmhpr - P. - 1 . ,m . .. ! i -j The Paris corfesponpent of the New Evening Post in a recent letter remarks: Russia ' is- angry with ' herself for uai ing t gneu a vrey 01 peauo .o uuie . . v.v " a-u A yK uit-Mug up 76-- -- ance. The last treaty of April 15, has proved to Russia the entente between the two ' countries to be more cordiale than ever, and the settlement of the Principalities shows that they are on the" best of terms with Austria also. Russia docs: not attempt to conceal her chagrin. She is fast rebuilding Sebas- topol and Nic'olaieff,' and dismantling those fortresses which! bv treat v. f she is compelled to restore to their nVht- fill owners. Orders ara'fivp.n ,v Czar to lav down lines of railw-iv in all directions, and to Tie"h nn tTnTw noraes upon the trimeafrom the utter- most limits of his empire, he would nnvn Leon cnnvnil il,. 1.. n to present the application Of the people arrangements uaye ut-cu mamy mw of Uta".!, for admission as a State into Mrs-Harriet Beecher Stowe, for gepa-f?;z-"- - ' 1 :'vv. ' ' ' rate editions- ln'Enorland. France, and Liii uiiivjii- . . , . i : : a , . ,.. . struction with renewed activity. The omen, young persons ana smaii c.nu Czar thinks that if he had been able as witnessed that afternoon: by means of railways, to pour in his Lowell. (Mats?) Journal. ccu me liuuuuauon oinveQnesday,tnenumicroi appucauons being di-iven out of Sebastopol. In for admission to the college one hun-; fciiun, iae nger is preparing tor another x & . i ;., LMroRTAvr to Sttopm Airrc A hnnt and shoe comnnnv fnr mnCao.hmntr ooots and shoes by Bernard's patent machine, has been formed in England, with a. capital of ?600,000. '"The machine is said to supercede1 manual labor entirely.- r A factory already in existence makes by. it 200 pairs a day. hPPTTionrlirra ftf ht TihtMllSnftn OT w -iuui vv, rr tue united lunsraom ior dooxs ana shoes is estimated at seventy-five mil- linna C A rAl n . Tf1 Vila ATrtTVinV uuia. nl iajiiaj.o, uiiu ""j vum uuj , lnokinf tn acradual extension of their powers of production, contemplate an ultimate increase of their: capital to hist, about one o'clock, Mr. Wnii Kelly, 2,500,000. ? , 'Lo resides in Caroline county,' Va., ' t t,,V rrt, T . Bedest Promoted. The Altgemeine Zedung learns from Rome that Men- seignorBedini,(whovisitedthiscountry iVVOy -gg,, ueen namecitecre- tary of the Propaganda, m . place of rSSr? -r 1Sed ? Jf nation sausiy all parties depending on the Propa-an- da, except Ireland." the clerico-Sadlierites of The contract for the construction of the Cleveland fOhin enstnm bo-nce post office. United , rooms, has been awarded by tho Secre- when they sort the letter These ! OT57 0 : 3- y.. Ca' V .lingular, eoinddenee jloroW. ... . arc generally found tb'containmoncj! pins Jtchts. A Munchausen story ha .3 leen. going 1 the rounds lieaded, ""Wl at aI)iver Saw." i It represents tha t U. P. Har rington, who dived down and brought up the safe of the Atlantic, which was 1 1 -r 1 1 T" ? -tor.C it- sunn in. ijai;e Xirie.-in xoo-, isai. -a j d d -d t' fc M "V. , . t of pre,ervtion. It is aWnSdte. to sav that this wonderful vision never , .17lV feet of. water, -and was'?unk, in r17p-feet of. water -ajid that perfect darkness reigned at ' the deptn ot.80.feet. v A delicate case has justeenrdecided NeVOrlean: 2 A lady had'ordered andTeceiYedn:artificiarieg fronr thc manufacturer for -$250, tnd afterward declined rjayinff 'for the same.- - Thk maker had. a writ issued, requiring the cnenii to taKe xne iesr ,inio nisDosses- sion. , That gentleman gave. Jiis' deputy the disagreeable-job,; and'the 1 functionary, after, , some trouble, latter !- tained the litigated limb, and it i3 now in the Sheriffs, office at He w. Orleans. Germany ofi'her new novel now going through theJpress of Messrs.: Phillips, Sampson & Co', of Boston, so thaVthe book ,tfill have simultaneous issue ' in the. four great' publishing citiesof the wld Boston, J Londori,!Paris:rand .'; " I il J .f" reliable , intorniation ' ,yrc' learn; ,tha J.1 - -1 J. O - AAA 1 fl 1 Jl utr W aupftyyumiaretttieatt euucauon lnxnerrovmce.; .ms 13 a Plorablo .b ate, of affairs, .and needs to be regretted.: ,It 13 by no means nor flattering to the wisdom of .herie& UsIatOI's., . A rlplnrjThln iWVlmqWm fnntrht. a Valencia, SDain. between- tho Vice Consul -of England and -an officer of the staff. Tho former was run through the bodv with a small sword. nd little hbpe'STemairied of saving kis life. "The officer was also wounded: but slightly. . - .v, 1, vii,,., near .Jerusalem has been purchased J fuaaame , r oiacK, xne wiaow ol a vrealthy banker of the Hehrew pursua sion," at. Konigsberg: This ladyi in tendls to beautify the place and improve the whole neighborhood at her solo ex pense.;. The first . thing that she had done Vas to plant the whole-area with a Src of . ?llT0. tr.C(f and hns .t0'f8- lr . . -Iuai "r? Steamer Bukst"' and Great Loss CV l.VPV. "Rnffnln JnW 1 7t ri TKa stonmpr 'North pm Tndi.ann. t.nnV '.firft at hi o'clock this morninV on'hprr.assare A Tnlnrln nnd-rmmp.l A w9W edjre.' Lame numbers were taken off by the steamer Mississippi, a propellor, and a schooner. Fifteen to twenty are known to be tnisain.ir. aricl ! thirtv to forty are reported lost. The names 0f the lost are not yet ascertained, " ; , ' x. VrT y ot an agricultural scnooi m connection with -vi nn :-.i,r xl .i. jluic vuuege, xa iiuw uciure iue people at Connecticut. - It is proposed to lo- cate' the . school of New Haven, .where the advantages already existing are estimated at 100,000. c nl de TocqnCTfflc fatlier of author of Democracy in America, recently died at. an advanced age, m hi3 Chateau in France. He wrote and published after he had completed his 5,- v- v' i.i.:AI.i iJ, eightieth yearseveral historical works of acknowledged meritamong others', a Philosophical History of Louis XV. .New Exglaxd Economy. .We understand that" . the deposits . at the Five Cent Savings Bank on Saturday, reached $207,000. Nine- thousand dollars were deposited Saturday, after- noon' The smallest sum deposited was five cents: thd largest 1,000. It nvas pleasant to 'see -such -a general swarmino to . tha hank - of men and f At the commencement of Harvard University 1 (Cambridge, Mass.;) last , l r- ! dred and sixteen, ot whom one: hun area na unie were uuuuueu, a, pari, ot thorn conditionally. - orty-three Har- rd graduates are reported as having weauurwg j ear, among mem IIon- Timothy; Walker, of Cincinnati. 'James1 Clark, 22 years of age, was shot. inLafavette.Indi daV mhrhti bv ROTO O nfll-Tinirn vM.nn wldle standing at the. d nor nf n lift-nco i TirhnrA . V.J 11 . J i . , i nuuu jac uau CiiUKU LO VI Sit a YOimer indv n.nned Hiletr - Tl,T.ii ed the left lunsr, and will Throve, Intnl. Fatal Mistake A Wife Shot by Her Husband. On Friday morning ana wno M in the ! habit of keeping a ntAA i . suddenly, roused from his sleep, and, nnder the. ,. .1,;. was broken into, seized his - gun and fired npbn some one entering the door, but foun t0 horror, that it was his -ifehowasfasteningit. Mrs.Kelly Kelly lingered until Saturday morning, WPR n imnt . MiLA i fche husband an infant son eleven months old, and a large number of relations to mourn her loss. amington Union.- v Adhesive IlxvELors. Those. I 1 II '.I M i that states -court stick to the post office rWW fir, SOOK" STORE! JUST OPEXED AT THE HADOF BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WHERE iiy be found a 3argo assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, and Rvprrt.tuTKr in tv,7 5r liao. cos:3uri in part, as 101- .j 0 j , y - lovrs: : I . v- I ! Histories andBiograpbiaa,-; J Narratives nnd Travels, J . School Boole?; ' j. i M MissceHaneou Work?, - ; Lives of Eniint'nt Persons, 1 Agricultural Works, Stondard Poeticnl Works, Religious "Works, Song Books, Bibles and Hymn Books, .Novdi and LisUt Kea-in,-,., Pictorial Works, " BlankBook?, s t'st t 7 Paer, Pens and Ink; L J. I Card3 and ttiffc looKf, . Toys and Fancy Primers, Portfolios and Albums, And a thousand other "useful and necessary artiple. in tha linpt.'! .. '. ' ? I 1 I "AIs6. red.- Wak and blul INKS.'Of our ovrti man- ufsictu-e- Wholcsala and HetaiL as cheap .-&nb had in St. Louis, .nd warranted of the best quality, put up in quart, pint and half-pint Lotties; also, four and. two tame? bottle's.', ; : '"5 f i ' j" Profeional meri wisMng ft bill cf . v il Can be -ncnlied hiiro at 20 Der 'cent-above pub lishers prices, wef piiying all costs and ob -lining' them at the shortest notice. . Our arrangements 'embrace any STANDARD BOOKS prLted"4n-the"Uhi-ted.StatcB- . .. . 1 1 . !-s . - : ; Call and see our stock we are new begin aers but willstorve bur.ustonicri to the best of oar- awhty Our prices, we are Sur.9 will be satisfactor. 1 ' ' ; v ? r - V CRAIG & SAXFOKD. Council Elnaii. Iowa; Jnn-14J6 vlnl ": -: , 1 :', ' XUc-iardson's LXissouri',,1 ' '" Priiicipai; Officq o;.12, N. Mahfet: ;ul '-iST. IOTJISj .MISSOURI." inii!) TEG leave to inform the public, that they have fj extended their Expi-ess Lino to this place. ' Hav ing Complied with the requisition of their1 Charter, and being luily organiiea, are.now preparea tu trans act a r ' , . :r; ,r ,. general; 1 Agency, , Business. ; The success which, haa attended the orrdnal Propri etor, is a guarantee, of tho satisfaction rendered, and it will always be tho aini and study of the Executive of, this , Company, to give every possible tacmtj' lor the speedy and gafo transmission or .Money, Valuable Packages, Parcels," and Bandies ot C.oods, merchandize, and every description of Freight, on reasonable terms, toll points on the Missouri Kiver, and at t liouis, with other regDonsible Express Companies, for New York, New OrleaiuL Boston, Philadelphia, Qhicago, Cincinnati, Burlington.. Louisville, Rock Island, Mem phis, Pittsburgh and Buffalo, and to almost every town and vintage m the Lmted fetatep, liurope, Aus tralia and California r i A Messenger will ba put on the new steamer Oma ha; making weekly trips between here and b 5. i Jo seph, there connecting with oar daily lino to St Louis and all points as above; In behalf of the tnterjinse. the "patronajre of tho publio is respecuuiir:8oaeitea AH business entrusted to as, will meet with the samo enerffotio and bronmt attention which 'has always characterized this Express, and made It pre-eminent in Vv estern iiXprcss business. - r. . j. j ... ( , jjiREcjToiiS. :'. . , SU Louis.' . ' -:': ' Edwaed Mead. , : SAitsri. JIcGahtxev VT: D.'.W. Bern-Abd, . 'John W. Toolky. r:j.' JOSEM F, B1CHABD80X.' U::.: jvil B. F. Barbt, Alton. - .W. J. Piffcrr, l,exington. . just-ru jp. iuuuAi4iJiu,-rres t. :S.:M. Gbat, Sea'y.:.'. ii i" - - -n;- j , Tln2. .' . , , ' , rllEssT Kyle, General Agent. vat;brown.ville t. ; : TV.' IIOBLITZELL & ! ' CO. i v , ARE SOW IN KEqjIFT OP A FRESH SOTLY. OP, : v hich, when comjuete, will compose the Largest - and best selected stock in this country. , . -UR STOCK OF GROCERIES ARE, BOUGHT J. at the lowest pries for cash, and consists of r Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Fish, Rice, Currants llaisms, Candies, Molasses, byrup, Fruit.- uts, &.c, &c. . . ( ., , DRY GOODS.--Lalie3 and Gents, call and sec them, and price for yourselves. Lato styles and a full assortment of Dress Goods, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS & PARASOLS CLOTHINGY. A fina stock eld and young. fogies and jfaat men, Cull soon if you want a nice coat, rest or pant3 on reasonable terms. ?. IIATS.-ew styles cheap and duraoie. ILUIDWAR E. A very larsre assortment, con sistin-r in tart of Smiths' Tools, , Spades, bhovels. Itakes. Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut and Handsaws; riles, Augers, Axes, Uroadaxes, Adzs, niseis c, t-c to the end of the chapter. . . TiIllLDING MATERIALS. A large lot. consisting of Pine Doors; Sash, Shutter Blind3r Oil?, Faints, Nails, Locks, Latches, Futty, Glass Ac. , , - vrrnwiTlTllK-nnreans.- BedsWddsl' Tables. Chairs. Tinafes. Cupboards, Stands &c. V ' We will sell cheaper for cash than any house in Nebraska Territory. - June 7, 1856. ... - - r .- u r LUTELLS' LIVING AGE ' Extractt of Lettert from Judge Story, .Cfiancellor . . Kent, and Pretident Adamt. 1 .'; . Cambridge, April 27, 184 i I have read the prospectus with the greatest pleas are, and entirely approve the; plan. , If it can only t it- L 1 1 . . obtain xuc pu&uc raironjiie lonz enouzu, ana larec enouzh, and securely enough, to attan its true ends. it will contriDuie in an eminent acgreo to give' a healtlij tone, not only to our literature but to public opinion.' It will enable us to possess, in a moderate compass, & select library pi tne best productions o Tl Ml 3 ?A . tne aje. n win ao more n wm reacem our period ical literature from tho reproach of bein devoted to lizht and superficial readm?, to transitory snccula tions, to sictuy ana epDcmerai sentimentalities, and false and extravagant sketches of lifo'and'eharactcr. - i - ; ; JUbEPU STORY. . rt f ' ) - ' New York, 7th, 18i4. ? 1 approve very much of the plan of the "Livin Age ;" and if it be conducted with the intelligence spirit and taste, thai the prospectus indicates, (of which I have no reason to doubt)- it will bo one of the most instructive aad popular jperiodicals of the day. , : :i :: ?: JAMES KENT. ' . . Washington-, 27 th Dec, 1844. ' Of all the Periodical Journals devoted to litera ture and science which abound in Europe, and in this country, thisappeared to rao the most useful. Itcon tains indeed the exposition only of the current liter ature of the English language; this, by its immense extent and comprehension, Includes a portrature . of the human mind in the utmost expansion of the prcs-1 ent age. ; . v. ; vi .' :i : J.: Q. ADAiLS 1 ' -.This work is made up tf the elaborate and statelv essayg of the 'Edinbnrg,'. 'Quarterly,' and other Re viewsj aniBlaekwood'' noble criticisms on Poetry, his "keen political Uomraentaries,; highly .wrought Tales, and vivid descriptioni of rural and mountain Scenery; and the contribution! to Literature, Histo ry, and. Common iife, by the sagacious 'Spectator,' tho sparkling 'Examiner, the judicious 'Athenjeum,' the busy and industrious literary Gazet te,' the sen sible and comprehensive 'Britannia the: sober and respectable 'Christian Observer; these are intermis ed with the Military and Naval reminiscences of the TJnited Service,' and with ' the best articles of the Dublin University,' 'Ntw Monthly,' 'Frascrs,' 'Tait3,' 'Ainsworth'a, 'Hood's' and 'Sporting Magaiine's, and of 'Chamber's' admirable 'Journal,' We de not con sider it beneath our dignity to borrow wit and wis dom from 'Punch;' and when we think it good enough, make use of the thunder; of, 'The Times.' We shall increase nr. variety by importations from the Conti nent of Europe, and from the new growth of the British Colonics., r ; . ., - Published every Satarlayl Trice 12 .Cents' a number, or Six Dollars per year in advance. Sekt fbee of Postage. .. ! -.. ( . The SECOND SERIES began With .April,' 1S53. It makes four large volumes a year. j . Complete Sets of the FIRST SERIES, in thirty six volumes, handsomely bound, packed in neat boxes and delivered in all the principal Cities, free of ex pense of freight, are for sale at seventy -two dollars. Any volume may bo Lad seperately, at two dollars, bound, or a dollar and a half in numbers. : ' - - ,.a.ny camber may be Lai for .twelve, and a half uut'wl ,tma7 no worm wnile f6r subscribers or purchasers to complete auj Iroken volume, they mar have, and thus greatly nhaace their value. J .- ' ... . ' LITTLE, SON A CO., Boston. S. B. MILLER, AIID 'WAGOir i T.TATTET? First St, : bet tlain and 'Water:' BKOWNVILLE, N. T. MCilLIiS MOT BLACKSMITH iRKfT'"RPRTNG SALES. I806. JL.KJJ J - LOW FEICESTO CASH i.M PBOMPT TIME BCYEBS. JOklI H All SAL L, WHOLESALE AKO EETAIL . ' BOOKSELLER & STATI02IEIL 5,d bla::k boot, manufaci lueks. X So. 120 Hala, St. Louis,' ITo ' iS for $ali all the Spelling books; Ceographie?, to-. T isfnririe.s: Chemistries; I ictionarie-: Arithmetics; Philosophies, tTc, now w use,.toset..cr wih a lar-e s toe it oi iaw, jicuh-w m a.wu.-wua books foming the most complete assortment to be found in the city. Also, rumg y-, - v6- and Domestic sUtionary, 01 w country merchants and others should not fail to call at No. 120 Main 8t. GREAT ,7 -J 1 i. WJI. P MARTIN J 1856. I 0. C. MARTIN, New lork. ) St. Louis. MARTIN 7&'TmOTHEK., r i!- " : - , v - i. rniTrrn cf THE OLD JJtilUlJSAJj LL,viiiiuxto, ST. LOUIS, HO. i FOR the approaohin? spring, we will have a Kk urevnoiTSrSTOOK OP OLOTinXG, manufac tured by ourselves in New York, expressly for this I? roint'ef STYLE; QT7ALITY and PRICE, we defy aiiy aid Call compotrtton I T .We IliaVe marked down our price very lowas we intend selling to none but .. . -. CASH AND PR OJIPT MEJS. J To suei we would ask a thorough examination of our Stock before piirchaing. - ;' V, ; SIIAW, BUEL & BAIIBOUR, ; . . , . . IJtPQBTEiS & JOBBET.S OF. .. f ! 55 1'ean ;streei, vanciimau. . L. BAB30CR, C. G. SHAW, L. C. iSLJtur, u. u. damulo. N. M.' FLOKEE; ' WHOLESALE DEALEB IJJ Pork, Bacon, 'Lard S.- Cured Hams, DRIED BEEF AND BEEF TONGUES, j No. Ov Sycamore Street," Cincinnati, O. i .ROBBLNSv& POMEBOy, t WHOLESALE DEALERS IS. i ;:T , BOOTS, SHOES & SOLE LEATHER Nos. 9, Pearl and 71,' Slam Street, ;v.;ciNCOTATi,'omo.;;T K CBDCIIIY. IS: JOHN ,W. TOOLE Y. ! (Successor to NOOSTAN, TOOLEY Vt Co,) ! 53 Main st., Old Stand, Si. Loxds Mo. IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer,' in China, Glass and Queenswarc, Yellow nd ISockingham Ware, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns, Looking-glasses, Britannia Ware, &c. Ac with a great variety of Fancy Mantle and Parlor Ornaments, direct from the' Potteries and Manufacturers, . 57Now arriving and in store, a full stdck of the above line of goods, which is offered to the Trade at reasonable rates. An examination is solicited. : JOn hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade. N. B. Packing receives special attention. , J. T. DOWDALL. . B.X.CARR. DOWDAXL, - CAJIR & CO.i WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, Engine and Machine-Maniifactory. ' Corner Second and Morgan Streets.- . . ST. LOUIS, MO. i MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines and Boil ers, Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Tobacco Screws and Presses, Lard Kettles, Lard Screws and Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines, Young's Patent Smut Machines, Building Castings, 4ci- ' I tir'Agents for tho sale of James Smith & Co.'a Superior MACHINE CARDS. YOUNG'S PATENT 'SMUT MACHINE. Well tried, always successful, fully .Guarantied: '3Ianu factured and for sale by , D0WALLCARR,&CO., Washington Foundry, St. Louis, Mo. E. O. TCTTLE. R. G. PERLET. , H. W. SMITH. TUTTLE, PBRLEYv & SLIITH. SPRING STYLES.lSod. 77 Main street, S I. Louis, Mo. MANUFACTURERS of Straw and Silk Bonnets, Importers and Wholesale dealers in Ribbons. Silk Millinery, Flo wers Trimmings, Lace Goods, Em broideries, 4c. , "Merchants and Milliners are particularly in vited to examine our stock, before making their spring purchases, as we (relying fully on the superiority of our styles,) intend to offer inducements equal, if not superion, to any jobbing house in the Unified States. SAIUEL SPENCER & CO., No. Eighty-Two North Fourth Street, Near Locust. ST. LOUIS, MO. ; 1 TANUFACTUREBS of - every description of ItI Frames, dealers in Paintings,Engravings, Litho graphs, Ac; Ijooking-glass Plates of every size, and framed to any pattern in the best manner. Advertising Cards, Ac, Stained and Varnished or Framed at short notice., i ... Rosewood, Walnut and other fancy wood Picture Frame Mouldings. . . , The Trade Supplied.' Old Frames', ic, Re-gilt.' FRESH DRY GOODS. EEDY, JAMESON & CO., Nos. 170 and 172 Main St. y St. Louis. WE are now in receipt of the most complete and magnificent stock, ereroffcred to the Western Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited to make an examination of our stock and prices. 'EDDY, JAMESON A CO: KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE, EDITED BY LOUIS GAYLOR CLARK. . Tho number for Jantury. 1S58. bezina tho Foett- Sevestii VoLrnE of the Knickerbocker Magazine. Since the price of subscrition has been reduced from Five to Three Dollars a year, the circulation of the Knickerbocker has been increased more than five to one. In many places, ten are sold where was but one before, and through tho year past it has been steadily increasing. " It 13 now offered as cheap as any of the Magazines, all things considered. Instead of making new and prodigious promises, we submit a few extracts from notices of late numbers, which wo might extend to a number of pages. . ; OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. ; Those, who are familiar with the Editor's monthly 'Gossip" with his readers, have doubUcss, with our selves, admired the perennial soureo of its pleasant wit and joyf alnesa. ' In this number "The Gossip" holds on its way, like some fair rivulet glancing and dancing in the sunshine of a May morning. We used to wonder how Mr. Clark held out, expecting ho would certainly "snow brown" In the coming number; but this number gives no sign of exhaustion. Rational Intelligencer, Washington. KxiCK is himself, and nobody elso, a living fact, possessing within hini3ett every variety of fresh, choice literature, from the ablest, the wittiest, and most humorous pens of the.times.Xtuer Union. The Knickerbocker has been ana wlR be a fact or its own; a genuine living thing, all the more de sirable now that ;the new crop of magizines, filled with artidea pirated from English author. maVo fresh home creations more sonspicuous and welcome. JTetc York Christian Enquirer. Rev. F. W. Sheiton, Author of Letters 'from Up the River, etc, will be a regular contributor. The best talent in the cduntry will be enlisted, and no expense or effort spared, to make tho Kxick bbbocier more than ever deserving of the first posi tion among our original American Slagazines. TEBJia.-T-Three Dollars a year, strictly in advance there will be no deviation from this condition. Specimen numbers will be sent'gratis, on application, pot-piL;-vy-' t -..-'--J . -r Postage. Two cents per number, prepaid at the office where the work is delivered, quarterly in ad vance.' . ' . All remittances - and Vd business communications must be addressed, post-paid, to 1 : -: . : ' SAMUEL LTUESTON, - -. ",. 348, Broadway, New, York. OREGON, MO. ROBT. L. IIATTEN, Proprietor. ' No pain? or expense will be spared by tho subscri ber,to make liis guests comfortable in every ra.ipect, at this well known and highly reputable House. The very, best attention given to animals by. a good and attentive Hoetlcr. Tl'nl ROBERT L. HATTEN. V JUST RECEIVED Bx b: ,-b-ti; J. d. ir. thoiipsoh, ' BROWNYILLE, N. T. f, thli Market, a large and U e..- TtoY HOODS. GROCEF.IES, .m -m. w w CLOTHING, QUEEN SWA RE, HATS & CAF3, 1 CASTINGS, PINE DOORS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LATCHES LOCKS, V.. NAILS, IRON, RASH. V BOOTS & SHOES, WINDOW SHUTTERS &, &c. HATDTG" been bought and shipped at low f gures, w flatter ourselTes we are bt3"to offer such in du jements as hare. not heretofore been cfiered. .. We ask an examination of our Goods and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. The Ladied will find at our Store a largo assortment of DRESS GOOD5. Challi, Berage, Delaius 1 J Poplins, Ginghams, Victoria Lawns, . Embroidered itooes, i-iai. rrrrrrtr.: : -silAS," ic., Jtc,. A;c. ALL OF WHICH ; WILL BE S0LD.TJ31Y LOW. .June, 71855. ,, ,. , . , -t - n J DANIEL ZOOK, .T WHOLI3ALX AND jD 2 o.-'sr"jer is Oregon, Jlalt County, JIo If-. Jlaa in." Stores i l Tare (White Lead, ; ; Linseed Oil, Spanish Whiting, T Kcd LeaJ, V . , v t Litheiajo, I j i V Whjte Chalk, i ' Venitian Kedr , . - ' Window Class, . Pntty,,- Caster Oil, . Ex. Logwood, r Blue Stone, j" ..IAlumr - t- Ground GiDger,,- ; 1 Root do, ' . ."" i Saint Louis Glue, Paris Green ' Chrome do, ' do yellow, - Iron Paint, . - White Zink do,., i - Fish Oil,- - - -. . Whale do, - j WrighU'Pill.: - Champian's do, Jayan'8 do, , London's' ' do, " ;1 j Bad way's R. R., , Davis Pain Killer, .1 Spanish provn,. ; Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, ' . SulpherCarb. Soda,. Vinegar,' Turptintine, ; Sal Soda, j , ( i r , Cor!raa, Saltpeter. . Betax. c Mex. Liniment, -Vol. Oil do, Jfdrland's do, 1 ' ' Nerrer and Bono do, Farrela ,do, , , , T.ii-ina ' 'Art' y ' Fahncstock's Ver, Jays' Expt., - r-.r-. Stone's Congh Candy, McLane's Liver Pills. In addition to the above, I have the largest Stock pf Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture, Chcmi calj,-Surgical 'ingtruincnts, and Patent Mediciens ever offered for sale in thi3 Country Merchants and lTiystcians of Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, are respectfully invited to give me a call. Juno 7, 1856.' ' DA5IEL ZOOK. Fresh Arrival cf NEW GOODS! AT ROCILTORT, 3IO. TILE ; eubscribcrs would respectfully tender their thanks to their customers- and the Public Gene rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, and solicit a continuance of the same ; as they are determined to sell Goods as low if not lower than any other Ilouje west of St. Joseph. Having just received a largo and well selected Stock of Spring and Summer Goods: also a superior Stock of Family . Groceries with Hardware,- Glass and Queensw&re, Furniture, Saddlery, Iron, &c . 7 : , . -. : . -' '. Come ene and alL - ' ' , , . ,k For well we know; , ' ', . v .. Again youH call, ' - f. ..,.;,) . Well Sell SO 10W. ' ! ';.,, ' I '. -' Of Goods the best, . . ,; 1 . . T f ... And profits small, . ' ; ' ,t : ' . ' We'll beat the rest, . " , ' ' ' ' ' And suit you all." ''; ; , Our Stock cf Dry Gooda having been purchased in tho Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that we can surpass our competitors in the low prices and good qualities of tjur Stock, and earnestly believe all will make by calling, and seeing for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. ' CAREY, JONES, & CO. N. B. Couatry Produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest prices, for Goods. June 7, '56. CI1UST MILL! ! Patent Portable Hill. THE subscribers havo entered into a partnership under the firm of Reed, Holabird A Co., to manufacture the J. C.Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and aro now prepared to furniah all those in want of a good Corn or- Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simplicty and economy; excel any Mill in the world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute, in Cincinnati, a Gold Medal was awarded them for it. It U adapted to all Grain grinding purposes ; it is superior to all othey for the most extensive Merchant Mill, as rt is for grinding the Farmers feed by Horse power. ' . The above Mills aro manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., whero they cu be famished in any quantity at short notice. .The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: 34 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, 300 30 '.!--.. 30 "'.- 1 " 230 24 " " 20 " 13 " 200 20 " M a i5 g a 150 As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to quoieirum our numerous recommendations, received . . REED, HOLABIRD CO. : Cincinnati, O. A. B. HOLLABIED & CO. Machinists, Founders and : ENGINE BUILDERS : ) Froat . Street, 7est of, Smiti, CINCINNATI,, O, : - Would most respectfully inform their friends and , the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in their line, with prompt- nef xlaving lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. ' . Saw Mill , Engines of every. Description. Constantly on hand: consisting of the rs'ash, Circu lar and Jiuley. ilill Gears and every description of C astir gs, warranted to be well made ia every particu lar. They hare. also a Boiler Yard attached to their establiHhment, hieb enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. Thosain want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call and examine our new pattern3. .. I v : . A. li. HOLABIRD A CO. JOHN S. HOYT,: County Surveyor and Lac ' Agent, , Of Richardson county, NT., will attend promptly to all business in his profession, when called on: such as Paying Taxes, Recording Claims, Subdividing Land, Laying out Town Lot3,Drafting City HaU Ao. Residence and address , . ... . ." , ARCHER, Richardson co., N. T. . FRANKLIN TYPE STEREOTYPE FOUIIDRY K0..163 Tine St, bet. Jourti. aad Tiftli, ; " ' CINCINNATI, a t;. 1. U' Aims COLL & CO. l Tanufaeturers and dealers in News, Rook and job j. iypc, rnnting 1'resses, Cases, Gallics, Ac Ac. Jrint5n2: Mterial of Every Dewiption. STEREOTYPING of all kind-Books, Music latent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Ensrevirijrs, Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, Txrr tv ' mi7a.m. iujir&us. J. H. TAAITE - THOMPSON & TAAFFE; ! ; (Successors to Barrows & Thompson,) . i Wholesale Grocers, , And -Commission Merchants, No. IS, Pearl Btreet, Cinciaaatl. b.-V 1 articular attention will be trWm in a for Groceries, which will always be executed at current market prices. - . - -. . . . . L. FORSYTH k CO. COMMISSION merchants' Ami Freight Agents, OF THE BALTIMOEE . AND OHIO KAILTiOAD. . No. 3, Olive 'Street, St. Louis. Mo. mi goods a::d cheap good A. C. FCSD, FORD & Attornop and Cocnscllcrs - COL'NCIL ELEFIS,lOTri OSce at tha corner of Broad wit nj street, up sta.rs. Attorr.ey ;:ntl Counsellor at T i l Art lntfitr,r in r-1 , t " "aacerj. glESZT, FRZiXOST Coujity, lo- - uiac in ice uonn noase. L. LINGENFi:LTa7 ATTORNEY AT- Wil Til practice ia the 6th and 7th Judicial owa, and Nebraska Territory. . - UlJ of lowi E. F. SE.1RS, Attorney jmtl Counsellor at Ana oclIor in Jhaucer 1 SIDNEY, IOWA.' ' Will practice ia- the District Courts of Iowa. . r. tgr OZce at the Court Hoie, vp stair,; , , , . J.' II. BltOH'Nj Attorney - and Counsellor at'L O ; TLATTSiTOUTH, X' T. " JILL attend promptly to" all profesiio' V V ness intrusted to his ciire, ia anv of v. k' of this Territory. - -I .- Letters of .inquiry, relating ti any part of n., ritory, answered protnptly and with disptteh. . D. II. SOL03ION, Attorney and Counsellor at Ij : ; OLD -I WOOD,- IOWA. i Will practice ia tie Six'-h r.n'I Seraj Districts of Iowa. ' T - A. J. rOPPLETON. XX. itq. POPPLETOX .fc BYERS, ATTOHNEYS AT U And General JLanl Agents. Oil AHA, NEBRASKA. Land Warrants Bought aid Sd LAND ENTERED ONTLMS QPECIAL attention given to the sekctioa 1 Otry of Land3 for Settler?, and all others daj choice locations. ' . . . Land Claims, Town LoU and all kinds of So! tate, bought and sold and investments made for, tant Dealers. ct. lr.. O. P. 2I.1SON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Ii ;And General Land Agents, - . NEBRASKA CITT, X. T. WIIJj promptly attend to- Land Agencies, tions. investing money, location and -r. land warrants, and all ether business pertain tneirprolession, in eorasxa iemtory and Wm Iowa. CHARLES B SMITH, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Oil AHA CITY, N.T.; Oflsa la St&t Hous?. ' WILL give particular attention to orders and j missions from abroad, and t the snprrruici the sale of lots and Claims in Nebraska Territor References. ' Hos. JessiD. BRicnT.i Wanirgton,I).C m' , " Jon Vas Dc3ex,' i New York City. " Edwix Croswell, " " " , If irk W. Izzirp, Gov. of NebnuU ' " T.B. Clmixg, ' See.- Creese, Wxare A Dcvton, CaancilBluJj.Lii! r.c: ti: .co ; brx ha!, ': tha ; Z2.il 1 hzl tcrl: tLat 13 OU Bear tlo r. it ' JACOB SAFFORD, " Attorney and " Counsellor at 'L' GENERAL INSURANCE AND LAND AGEI ;i And ITotary Public Nebraska Cityt Nebraska Territory. T7ILli attend promptlr to all balm ess entra vv to his care, in ebra3ka Territory tnd cn', em Iowa. ' - . . , : to s 1, II. D. JOHNSON. J. T. CASS AD T", ; J.B.TBrgVa'J JOKNSON, CASSAUY &. TEST, , Attorneys and Counsellors at Lr eT And General Land Agents, ja A COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. ri?CJ WILL promptly attend, to Land Agenciet! vesting Money, Locating and selling L "" Warrants, and all other business pertaining to 4 st3 : profession, ia Western Iowa and Nebraska. f A. D. JONES, jr: : DEALER IN REAL JESTAIouti General Land Agent. wLo i OilAUA? CITY X. T, ,eke3 II. A. TERRY & CO. - " WHOL'ESAI.E AJtD KETAIL T3EAIXB3 IX Cl.A'cj t GARDEN & TLOWER SEHXen- TT'RUITS and Shrcbs, Grape and Cranberry ro A, Grass Clover seeds, Lrd geU of all kintis.ir cr cultural and Horticultural book.'; Implements, V ' Agents for all the best Raial l'nblicatloia iitncrs, united btates. Store next door to PtstfiSfift. CniiTwil THaffiIi 5 : - -foral ar Wholesale and Retail CommisE'LJo, r House, Omahi andiFontenclIe-Wiii.:; THOMAS GIBSON. Docn- T S now receiving for sale, a large assortment t3 ths C X latest styles of liliDHTEADn, tic. r Also Leavitts' Corn Millsadapted fJrpjtfZ, , meal or horse feed with two hones. 3ic:n, i Also, a larje lot of Hall-bushel 3Ieasuf?, stssarU of t Merchants supplied on wholesale terms. ' . ; ; GLENWOOD HOUSH inJy, THE .undersigned Laving again take laivs to known House, b&s t:ted it np-with entiKljew and complete Furniture,' and b op9 strict tion to business, to mtrit a liberal share of p'-Iurr.; patronage. Hi3 Table will at all times be fnVcr' with the best the market afford.. liis large modious stables will at all times be gupp'id'-1 L grain and, attended by careful ofctlera. Insan L 5 so elaims "to be himself again," and will at aS c latest styles of DEDHTEADrf, be glad to sec his old friends. 1 - s ' ogilvie ndusiC611 By USIIJJR 4c TITAYER, : CORNER of 1Vt.r .Street od IowttttvacJi .: J. . the Steamboat Lnadln?, ' . : 2irSCATT5E,I0 GtSERAL Stacs Offtcs. Ba ie ukea to a Cxs v from Steamboats, free of chxrv. .., i ; l.,JVXi.'K)JXV XlUUOXJ. refitted the above well known and popular css'.ct, c lie Ilouse, he tmsU by strict and studious tw; ' , 10 me wants or his guests, to merit alibcri . , CUblie favnr. will be spread with the best the market slrt is no pains will be spared to make his guests at home, and comfortable. C. A. EODlsent I Council Bluffs, May 14, 1S35. 1 ! . . ycrtv h FO ITTEITNLLE nOUSJet W3I. U. DAVIS. Tronrletor. J0Ct U 3 .... - . mi . 'ti in k Wuujuij respecuuiij iniarcitcs a Public, that ho is now preptrcd toK Ect date any quantity of travelers and board11 jEcU! cr be found readv at all hour to dministtf ' ' wants of visitors. Uo is now encased in it tensive additions to his Ilouse and Stable, r,icr to his Ilouse and Stablw, u spare no pains in makia? the Fantene'le a1' home for all who may favor hira with A viai ontenclle,.N.T.,MiyU,lSi5. Ai' Trrenty Laborers Wantei a rpWEKTT.LALOliBES, too can 1 . JL. tha m&Je. ara wjir.tsH 5mmvt;.iMy it Brownville, Nebraska Territorr Liberal rages will ba given by th sub1;, A?:;t j. v.y.mo Ft c. : 1VJI. GARRISON, . K"r : Meal Estate Agc'F.' . rLATTSMOUTn; N.-.T. ' jARLOTT, HASi also now cn hand several valuitlo to" "Tr . , u r . so Timber and Trairie Cliiins.wtp OJ ell cheap. ' v vT''-r-: Beins ajent for the City of nationottl rurnish lots to those wh. wish to sottle b f tn cbean and reasonahln term?. 1 OElce with J. If. Il t , 1 : C