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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1856)
3 W w ; ' i i ! I ; Troia tie Cleveland Herald,- -aly 3, ILLinr 3 C7 TZZ SAT2 C7 X22 i.TL-l3T- Osr reas73 verc several iLajs sir.ce , .-tt i r x ..-r.T t- ! the Detroit A rl verier, of the raisin f tr.; safe- cf the steamer A . 1 .ftvered "witt ST. interview vita- K.f.j' TTestSelL, W Yortr -j.t w r of the Safer ar.-i irA dre the I:en:3 cf tE occcrreaee, vtlc if it le-dsrohl cf Tor.derfrJ mectiTisj U r.eTerteI?fl, rerr fateretln- 2adtl jTOC-l ia tae scr.oer i: isjciier 10 1 th; Iocahty of the steaKr Atlantic, ! . . . t ttt . t i rr 'wcica Ihes aocr, trj-ee Liiifs iron tne : trrire;! there on the Istndf Jnne, and! "V A 'Vi'i'"1 4 . zrze 4ir- .iT&. - ' 1 vLo departed ttia Lie TeatenlxTinoni . ' jr' enenceas a diTcr,and dnnn j j taring anked it tie stz&of skir- ' the Mh'rl'rpi ia As- at iWIi, Kev ILampaluW, 'Feb. : . ?oc;.i'-! fim in this cr.dsrtazmsl lOthlTC'and Irori-hi; t;p atlkitael, Kcrc :'r.rt.;a Qa'-Iej and Charley O.! At ar. early a.jre ae locanne a ' ' tjarrl-fir, cf CLatanpe,. c- ij;"-r i tn.ier.t at Yale CoIIev -rlsre Le the lti, Mr. llamnon, nscd m ; did at Te,r ig;. He.frst velU & Goens sabmanne anr.or,l Jettl:d &i LeIronrjrititfter. jsaa.le his rst descent, i iu? ana or w-rerinjrj2 - Verrdimited cwd I T7.?.M oi io layers fit cn. a-M ifj..; 4 r'- ' ,t riren. .7. X I . I- - - 1. i . ... . . T " "iatrsitbetTcea'lmraanajtcnrti : 111uwn.;i.wurth7j..Wou.(.. iic conducted Vita crecut ana ability, . . in front of Xt monta proceed atcleJfor y yra. In the winter' of r.cmj--;edof nine alicrnatcr layers oft tLc cf pfej. .-cf ; . canra.3 anci rnoer,ntn a copper jirs aemiatry in the Ohio 3redical College S railed iWe to preTcnt conapsc. Thia VM pr05ered to and accepted o? tin,! h f.exio tc, and as long aa anrj retained up to the Deriod'cf lis! the t:ppr end bcin in the cpen air, " f ecu re a proper respiration. Ti.e aper- Jnrgr ia three-eighths cf an incn in "jir- eter. A wreck-line lad preTiona ly teen dropped and rested aplnst the Me of the steamer, ". Dreaaerl aa aVjre deacrihed, "sritl leaden sicca and with lead weights e Utahed to LFa lody, amounting in all , to. twolandred and forty-eight ponnda, with a rope aronnd his waiat, ly wlicl heconld be raiaed to the; jnrface, and : a check or signal line in his hand, the ..Vadrentarous direr commenced Lia first tleacent. Ife wa3 froremed ly the wreck-line, and struck the promenade . ole'sk alont forty-feet aft the atate room wHcre .the Expreaa Ccmpsny's safe was, which was in the third state-room aft the wheel-Lonae on tic larloard 'fvle.. lie remained on deck Int one ramnte After descendins from fifty . ir seeniy-nre, aepenamg trpon tne clearn3 of tie "air alore, all 13 dark ' . -t'o th e diTcr, and to is governed entirely '. . lj feeling. Jle romantic sights re- " Vorded ly the AdreTtiaer, are, therc- . Tore, without loan oaticn. lhe greatest ". . caution ai to cntasgling lines must, s tlpcreforc,letiaed, and2Ir. Harrington . ;. . wept cach time outside of the stan- ." 'rliona, moTlng, as le adranced, li3 ' V ' "seck -line, so that with each dire te .- . -. . adrancod nearer the state-room. Tie . ; pecond dire te wa3 tlreeminntC3 upon 9 . '. ffeck; lie third four; the fourth, seren. On th220th le made four dires, and m 9 the time on deck was respectively four . . minafesseren ditto, " tlrce ditto, and .. the ncxtj or eighth, six, at which time ' "he reacled the state-room, rrerions . tlisle had all tie time lecn groping .-.. . . .alnt, and twice wa3 on tic Inrricane ". -deck, and once near the m'in deck. -. .The 21st le made seven descents, times 1 - . respectively,-four, six, five, three, five, . six ana cigai rainutca, ana aanng m ' whlch;he was tuay Ireaking in the room- widow, and breaking down the " ' " . y& votIz on .the side and lelow it, ,; " "and succeeded at last in getting a line .'"" . 'fast to the ring in tie lid of tic safe, ." . nt finding the aperture he lad made ". . . too email to allow the passage of the ; " ."eifsj ascended to wait till the coming cay. . . . On the twenty-second, the sixteenth ." ' . .dive. Icing the first that day, te was . J ., X . Jl f t t . vn uctit :.:h'u ijxiiiaiea, uunng which " -time te cawed through the casing and . panelwork, and tried to treak it ofT . . . .with lis land, but could not. The ." .seventeenth te wa3 on deck nine " minutes, in wtieh te fastened a line to . thewood-rork, and by it the men above . ...'pulled it olT. Tic cigttcenth and last , descent te was onJeck eleven minutes, .. and during it te succeeded in fastening . a line to the end ring of the safe, and j tell hira now, that hd 13 onlj doing . : 'helping it out of the aperture, it was' Jraracyman's ork for the Slave rabed to the deck of the schooner. Dcmocracr. ' Then ther bca.t him and V ; 'The perilous ork tras done, and the General Scott. K010 we sliali beat .. R'lvcnturoTis mennpon opening the fe,! both. Albany Etrcnin j Journal. ; - cr rather iron chest, ttvcnty-eicrht by nghtccn by sixteen inches in size,fonn(J . theinselTC.i the possessors of about $5,000 in gold, and $31,000 in bills, a . prnall portioa of which were useless from tne action of the water and in solvency of bank, and six watches, two of which were valuable gold one?,. "The ehest contained papers for which the American Express Company paid abdme ?alvoe. The Atlantic lies c..r t.c 1, her larbored eide being one htir.'lrcd and seventy-five feet, and the T-.-4cr on her starboard one hundred f.T.i fixty feet deep. The Fafc wa.s ''sbcut one hundred and fifty-seven feet from the surface. Upon her deck Mr. II. found a light sediment of three or four inches depth. lie could, A3 we have paid aboVe, fee nothing, and en countered nothing but the wood-work, chains, g!as? and the chest. The water was very chilly, and Mr. H.'s hands were so numb that ho could not bv "mere feeling distinguish glass from wood. It was only by the former's bcakirg thathc kncwit3 material. He thinks his strength when h low not ncrc than one-tenth that he has when in the open air. He sniftered but little from pressure, except two or three time?', when such was the rush of blood , lo the head that, as he savp, he saw -right t,ahcs in . electric park.." j . r - hi . helmet,- TTe lave tests tBiu accnraiey fro r-aticc- to- 3t. II, wt lias tbxs accoci- 1 pllilacl x feat never fccfsre we fceLeve -A- , Tr? t tr , nan, and 13 not a " litis u r.oTr m tLe ctrr and La? : r..i t' xuake -crv estixition, cf bn n.: r-roceec?froritiieatea:r.rOccia7 aid . f . e K , 7 raaT vet it at a fatsr? dar. . I2ir3 c7 pxcJ2CXC2 ICCXI. ItbC-raejr.paInfd(iirrioWecrdr Jeatf 0f Frt,fcs307' JoU Locie, toners. After receiving his nedlcaJ Ks entered , the 'IT. S. IfaTal or,r c r. v .. vt. ta p, rested Lis position, and Mccnclrided to rem ore to the WesvTrhtca TValnnt wnica deceaae. To Profeaacr Locke is tie scientific world indebted for the magnetic clock, for making astronomical ooacrrsnons. giatheladfew eqnal3,andlis scientific -1 . ,1 f . , 1 . . . ,u r r.-xrc-l attainments. nare tnade Lis name well known in loth the old . world and the new. Cm, Commercial. Col Fremont teing called trpon at 1 Lis residence in ISew 1 crk, by :he!ew j York and 'New England delegations, 1 wtich were among the firft and fittest of lia fncTidi in the Philadelphia Con vention and a speech being made at lira as is made in such cases', he re plied, the A.T. Pod says, Hn sub stance as follows;". '- -' ' - Gentlemen: It will not be expected of me, I am sure, that a formal re sponse will he made toyoti at this time I thank yon cordially for your action, and for this kind and nnopialified ex pression of confidence in me. I shall endeavor to deserve it. You live been engaged, gentlemen, in a ' caiso that 0 aid draw to its support all ths fjnend3 Ox Constitutional Irecdom. I have read the platform which yon lave adopted, and have examined with care the principles it embodi;3. It J3, at this time, lie a second Declaration of Independence. I believe in its truth, and can adopt it in ail its parta; and it will be mv irsmoae. if the voice of the people 'shall ratify the nominations which yon have made, so to conduct the government that these principles, thus avowed, shall tccomc effective. Somebody, it would seem, urges Mr. Fillmore to "save lis breath to cool his porridge," instead of attempting, to work back against wind and tide, to the White House. Eat the AT. Y. Ex pre publishes a letter from Mr. F., in wtich, like Barnaby Rudge's Ptaven, te exclaims, 'Nevcr eay dieP' Here it is: - 4In reference to the cfTorts wtich have teen used to drive me from my course, ttey wtolly xnktate my charac ter. It i3 true I did net desire tie nomination; but my name las been placed tefore the public by my friends, and there it will remain regardles3 cf all consequences, unles a they shall desire its withdrawal. The "friends" wlo nominated ilr. Fillmore were those he purchased (pay ing too dear for the whistle) m I8o0. They used him then to elect Gen. Pierce, and are using him now for the benefit of Mr. BachanE.n. TTc told him in 1850, in thia Journal, what we "Should I be placed in the executive chair, I shall u.-c my best exertions to cultivate peace and fricniLihip with all nations, believing this to be our highest policy, as well as our most imperative duty. Jama Buchanan. In connection with the above, we give the following from the Kcw York Commercial Advcrtizcr, a leading op position papen "Mr. Buchanan has constructed his own platform on which to base the for eign policy of his administration, in the event of his election, and it is a sound one. - FLAXX-TJP WITH 2HL SAIL A 3 rrri t- t w w . . inc ana jortli American mail steamer Africa, Captain Ryrie, from Livcrool, afternoon of Saturday the Sic th cf June, arrive! ether wharf, at New York, at noon on Friday. American matters or, rather, man ners have :igain been in everybody's mouth. Tho exciting caufij was a conlrcfempt that happened - at ;the Queen's levee. Divested cf il.o- out rageous exaggerations of tha Erfcisli presses, the facts are simrl'v c that Mr. Dallas, aecomrnnied hv friend, went to the Queen's levee: , the friend'? costume was not in accordance lifcciththerf.Uni,.,.d Mth Seatlo t. ' -M..a ou..4 iiivhu, Tciurneujomier-lliesarc born of "mo?. .- t - tr r . of tHj iaeident the .JLar-, fatin.cE natenal for a. savage cni.rgtt ..?.xAx. err, T V'. leaat: davj, i.rr Dallas hi c.retl trnfc tie Enpteafccr navmp r f. r$ stoiTcl r-5rcrjt npor. tie- Q-isen. Trratla vas 'cmiciies.!arilT waited caLIa ;j A most lasierxtihre and slnuhrafr-ur : thlirtj-th eet. vTeLaei-.hv ctctkh htr a party cf; friendj- virre inTiEed to taT2 tea Itn j the faxnilv cf Mr. James Steele, and all j ':"f4lTC3y an; etiimed to I Lc-ici In arood faith. XJ u. jVa. w t CT- f . 7 rng Hr.s Steele's family, were taien rlclently ill, and aent for thelrrespec tire family ph-pfcianj. Since their first 'attack, tLsy Lit all'; tmderg-one the; r.c:t: intense sn pc - . ; : . znlzzy of IiaTing leen .As Tct.' the xaitsre cf the poison, nor the manner in which it was taken, has not leen, ascertained. TT;e following la a list of the nnfirtdhate snfTerers": Mr. Janes Steele, wife anil two cul- . Mr. Thomas : Unaton, wife and two cni.ten. - Mrs. Jc s. Walker and child. . Mra. TT. Bradley and chili. Idlas Jclia llergan. Mrs. "VTelh., ' Mrs. Thecplilm? Jones. Tle-Tcrineat danhterof Mr. Steele di ed on TLnnidaT night. A po d noitem examination ci the lody wa3 made ye! terday evening, but it wa3 too late to ascertain the resxut setc-re cur pancr m r: rr-r ft.rr stilt :n stptt frvr- ffafTcrers arc still in arery critical con- Git:on IZmng bun (Id.) utter. State Election. The following States will told their elections previous t the great contest for the Presidency: irtofky' "Anjiiat 4 California Sex.t. 4 AJahama."" .- 4y i Mainft-.-' iV S Te:ru "-"- io 4 fJor Oct. 5 Kiiwari"" "" d 4 Tlorida.-.-... do ' S Arkansas .... d 4 - 'FenrnjlrmiA d It ?ror:hCr-Jita... i.v ' 7 OhI. d It T-"2H33--.- -- in 1 Iruilaai ... da 4 Vesrauixt - -Sejt. 2 Soatli Carolina Lj It Information was received a few daya ago at St. Paul, from a reliable source, that a party of Sioux recently came in the night to Piatt Lake, fifteen milc3 east of Swan river, and tilled Francis Brunett and.tist' whole family, consist ing of five peiona. Brunett. wa3 a well Inown half-breed, and had been a Chippewa trader for thirty-years. The Pioneer say3 that the Superin tendent of Indian Affairs is doing "all in lis power to put a stop to these horri ble murders. The Sioux payment was stopped, became they refused to, give up a party of murderers. But so far even this has not had the desired effect. CLOTinzrr; Tp.ale a tt Co ctsta tt. The wholesale clothing trade cT Cin cinnati, according to the Gazette, ia immense. Eighty houses on Main and Pearl streets are computed to make Bales aT not less than. 16.000.000 ner - , jj annum. They give employment to 50,000 persona, A large number of sewing machines are employed. One man has twenty cf these machines and fifty girls on satin vests alone. It is stated that the President ta3 been advised by Governor Stevens, of w astiington Territory, that the reaaon 1 for his declaration of martial law m Pierce countv wa3 the necessity of arresting and trying certain influential white residents by military commission ior xreason in inciting me inaian war there. Tte United States Judrc he arrested for diii-cgarding lis proclama tion cf martial law and attempting to issue a habeas corpus for the accused. An order for 25,000 American riflea with the Minnie sight and knob for the "lock lajonct," ia in course of execution at the extensive works at Windsor, Yt, and i3 now probably half completed. Another order for 10,000 SharpeV rifles, also on account of parties fn England, is now in course cf fulfilment at Colt's factory in Hartford. GrassnoprET-? at Salt Lake. Wc kiarn from one direct from Great Salt Lake that there 13 danger of starva tion, in that region, owing to the grass hoppers. The prairies and the desert are covered with them, and like the locusts of Egypt, they destroy every thing before them. Desolation will follow in their track, and suffering and disaster eventually, perhaps speedily, be the result. tit. Joseph Cycle. Liberal Bequest- Hon. John M. LNiles, who died on the 3d ult., be queathed $20,000 in trust for the poor of Hartford, Ct., one half the income for the wants of the deserving indigent, and the half to supply them with fuel. Americax Race Hoeses Goutg to EcPxOPE. Among the passengers of tne steamship, Asia, which sailed from ISTcw lork on ednesday, was K. Ten Brocck, the Napoleon of the American turf. The object of Mr. Ten BroccFs visit to Europe is to test the power of tt;e iingiish race horte on English grounds by actual experiment, with these bred in America. For that pur pose he takes out with him Lecompte, l'ryor, and the filly Prioressthree of the fastest hcrse3 in thi3 country. .! , The CrcmrnY PLAXT.There is a certary plant, now blooming in the garden of the Hon. Mr. Van Ranssalaer, at Ogdcnsburg, New York. It lias grown since March 1st, to a height of thirty seven feet, has leavc3 six inchc3 thick and eighteen feet Ion"-, and will i C0Iltl'mic to Wooai for two months. - 1 ' IVodiU aic born of mkcrCas n ie ersxassrv ins xi.ari.eT . u s ! everytlunj; rat tiuiir Eaej. fli8Ut met. n.r ; .1- irltii boot A gnculiant Wot t. StaaiLiri Faetltuul cLt, EfiLea fiadEyiia Coots, , ya'niliaiui Licit: Ba-diz.. ..... ... ami Fancy Wee PflitftiCoff ami JLlljoai, inltlu3ti33iui o tiler uatfilasJ naassaj axtils Lwl la Sic, Loai, aa.1 warraatiiii cf th beat CjualiDj, pan ap is r5artrf fat aui Ibilf-fniS l'5tleaj ijr ia it, iiiiMLill mA 1 Cart sra-jpTIe.1 Eer a! ST ' pr cent "aliovs pnb--tt f rixieif- w pfiylsg: '- bl-air.Inj tliem th. slKtrteiili t-.-ir.iV.. Otif nn;saet eniL-rrwe ar;' TA-VDAJXD EOO-i-3 frlitoi lit tt UaS-j, t.ii . -. ' "i '-" CaH ant as a:rr atci-Hs ar bw ln7lt: will sent 7eT.oiec!f 8 f aLL"')" Our zvkAi w JAe sur riH f saf.fitorjr - ,i ST. LOU13riaSSOUSL '' PiZCf If.aT toforritaBIJ, that tcy iarej. Inj,' en-pIHei witit the rRcjiuitlija cf tiierr Charter, it Lftij fiillytrjai-ziljare now prepared fc traao act s ( General Agency Bu-iiiicss. . Th STweeaf whlcft a a tit J-?I th orIrTaI .Pfjrf ft:r. U :i Fiacaule cf thfl aatfaf-n-Io1! r;r.i.Ted,atJ it will always fe5 the irt txtf steJy of tie- Exwitlre if tin Coorpaay, to jItb cirery p tt3ih!3 i4ity liar nt - r'-,..r., ir..t,,j Esile of GhmIm9 JJercIiaad.'ze, sail STrry d.J3crij'tIaa t( .Fre'. reaaocah'e fciraiav to nil poia-tJ ea zhs Mlimnri Rrrer, and at St Loirja, wtiS titer ripca-?ill Kijtb! C&tapftaie for yew Tri, 5'arr Orlaax. Eo!itn, Philivlelpfclav Gaf-as, phis, Pitt !nri aaI EafTaLt, arul to aimed. CT-ery So wa aui riiiiajre ia tL U&.it&i&ta staiej,Earcpe,Aaf- tralia aaci Cautlurrua. A Jxftffleajrer will ht tut ea the r. w stearriir Czi:v- Iiamaiiij wwiluly tripfaetwcea bene and St. J- sepbv there aoix aH AEi im-vesa tztrzst&d te iu, will a-att wlthi the aaaie I tnartt'e an.t p-otnpt ttca:ioa wah. taa always I a.arat.3t3i tixs Ezzwa, ar-i jaade it pnxailaeai ia Wste Exrresw bEsi-vt. 1 . DiE:zcror.3. St. Loaf. - Ebwas- 3rar. - ? ?.t3rErt. ilcCximrr. W. D. V. Ussx23'f . Jany W. Toot.iT. Jofrtrs F. Bicaj.trwo'y. B. F. Bi-EiT. Alton. W. J. Prcwr, l,eiInjtoa. JCSEPii 7. EICEAI-DiO", Ir?a'u S. GiAT'See'y. tIjx2, . Jjcssr Kixr, Csaeral Agat. .LATE -ARRIVAL!! AT EEOWIsTILLE, 2v. T. " W. HOBLITZELL k CO. 1EK yjV IS ESCZXTT OS A rUS2 STPTI.T OT ' M WiIITY GODBS. Wbicb, wnea complete, will eorcrcae tae Lorg-st - and Vt selected stock ia this eoaatry. . OO S10CK OF GItOCERIES AP.E EOUCET at tie Irtweat pnea foT eaah, arI ccDsijU of Coffirf, Sn;ar,Tea, Fisb,Ric, Corraat, . Kmsjn, Candies, lolae, Syrap, ' Fruit. Xntji, &.c, tc. DRY CJOODS. EaIiiM and Genta, eaU aad see th ?ra. aod itriee for yoarie'vea. Late styles and a fall avsttBient of Dtfr Hood, from a tea cent Lawn t a Tws Dollar H il r. Also, a few Eae SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS & PAHASOLS . , , ' A-Saa rtock U ail yoarg, a, Cill fooa if you want a aic-e CLOTIII5f: fbjiea atd fart' raea eoa. re rr rAnts oo majoiiabl terms HATS. 'w ty!es eitap and darxUe. IIA R.DWARC A Ttrr largs aajortmraf, eon "it:cz ia tart of Smithy fool. Spaies. SaoTeLs, IrUikes Koes, EILj, 1IL11, Crcswat aoi UanLjawf, File?, Aarf, Axe?, iircadaies, Adra, LaiseU te, to the isnd of theeharter. BUIJA1ING MATERIALS. A Ur lot. consiatia' of Ilae Door?, Saih, Shatter K:o-1j, Oils, I'ai nts, ail. Liek., Lsdst, Fatty, Glass he. rURNITUREw-L'iireaa Exitea.ii, Tab!:, Cialrs, Tia Safis, Cap50!uif otau.13 4c. II T WT 1 I e wu e.j caeijer icr ca,ia iaaa acy aewt i ia Nebraska Territory. LI1TELLS' LIVING AGE .. ' Extract of LttUrt fro Judyt Story, Chancellor Kent, ad Pruidtnt Adams. - Caitrsiiicx, AprUZi. 1544. xiA cntireTT atBrorB tha tlan. If it earl orIr . . .... - x . - J I - reritd ical literatare from the nj.rr.ach of lieb dercted to liht aad enperfieial r4iB, to transltorj- fpecala- tions, to icfciy ana cpjhein?rat scatjineatahtie?, aad fale aaa exiraragaai i2.;;cnes 01 iiie and haraeter. JOSEPH ror.r. ' Nrr Tobi. 7d.. 1311. 1 arm-ore rery rna:h cf the plan of ths "Lmc a Tt . J W t m. 1 1 . i J m . ... - ; ana u i conaaciea wim lac inieuiqrense. imn .and taste, that t he prwpectM wdiate, (of bicb I br no reason to donbt) it w, ae one cf . ' fQ tv, ix7' ' JA3lta (vENT. WaSSTSGTOy. 27(1 Dee- 13 14. Of tJl the Periodical Jenraala derotcl to liters - tare and acieace which aboand in Earorx. and in this coaatry, thia appeared toma ths most D3efnl. Iter.a- taias ialfed th exposition enly of taecon'eat litsr- atare ti the English lan.raagc; this, by its immense exteat and comehensioa, Lnelade. a portratare of the haman nuad in tiienunostexpanfionof thepres- cat . - - J. Q. ADAJLS. esiay: view? bis Tale fcccnery: ana tae contn&ations to L.iteratare, Huto- the skiing aixaininer the jadiehasAtWa,V the ba-y and indnstrions literarr Garette.' the sen- w- iLiin xifiiiixi rii uiir. aj i n.c rj' .ir if tii .nwrauir L'iU 0 waiKsctlar witli nasd-iUf Lsa to St Levis t 1 i ujriiix.iv aoieaaicaaa mtm iar, mwiaa reaaff ftf the utLIw Li lesristfallT sr.Ikiteii. I VV ars, tcaoiicliers. LAzaps, Lanterns, Leoxxn.r-3 cbUia the pnbiie patronage long eacosb, ad large i OS. 1 1 U and 1 1 Z Jlain tit., tit. lXAlVi. enoaE.aad ejare!y tataffh, toattia ita trae enia, ww--rT- - x ' itwUleottritale ia an eminent dee to jrire a f.7F: are new of tae raoft cooptete aad lusltby Umt, not oaly to ear literate tat to public erero2re4 to the Western opiaion. It enabl lis to jwsaeas, in a moderate jTTe' "f TiaiucS this city are ranted to ct.rapais, select library cf the bet productions cf maken "anunatscn of car rtock and ni. Thia work is made ap of the elaVjrate and stat.;Iv holda on its war. like iome fair rivalet rianeino-'anil of the lEdiabarg' 'Quarterly, aad othr Ke- daaciag in the sunshine cf a May moraine Wened ; and EIackwood s noble criticise on Foetrr. tnwnn,iirkirMr.ll9rk!pUMi .,w.f;,v,. , tkecn political Comaentarie., hihlr wronrht I rprtAnlr rw U.f," th .r,r,L vl. , and ririd descriptioai of rural and moantain this nnmber m'r rn f (TV,n;. v..- t rible and comprchensire 'Britannia,' the sober andr . v"ieraiore '"V?9 the withest, and resectable 'Christian Ohscrrer these are inti: mo5t baDJorons pens cf the times... Zeni rorf. ed with the Military and Zvaval reminiscences cf the dora from 'Mb' and when we think it good encngh, " n5B 01 u,m7 CI 1 no limes e shall . : . . i--' iuu vuuii- Sr?'. . nl Irom thc DC,r f tho i.nrian AinTt.iu ... Pnb!ihft:l erprr Sahtr-liT 11' f nambcr, or Six Dollars per year in advance. Sixr .-j a IR7.Z OF J'OSTACE. TLe SECOND SERIE:3 began with April, "1353. It mates four large rolnroei a Tear. Complete Sets cf tho FIRST SERIES, In thirty six ToUnmes, handsomely bound, packed in neat bones and delivered ia ail the jrineiral Citiea, free cf ex pense of freight, are for sale as jevcaty-two dollars. Any Toiume may bo had eperately, at two dollar?" boaadjora dollar and a half in narabers. ' . Any ambsr may bo had for twelro and a half cents, and it may bo worMv while for gncscribers or Enrchaaera toeomplete any broken volnme, they rxay are, and thas grcatl? rnbance their viilae. - LITTLE; SOX 4 CO.r Boston.; S. B. MLLEK, 13 L A O K S M T T TT xrritrtT AND WAGON IIAKEIL First St, bet I.Iain and Water; , BROWXVILLE, N. T. 'Lnited femce,' and winh the beat article of the 01 118 oWI) Ean'ne bying thinj, all the more de- 'DabliaUniTeTjity,' 'New Monthly, 'FraserfTaits,' siraWc now that the new crop of taagixincf, filled 'Ainsworth's,' 'HoodV and 'Sporting Magazine's, and wit!l cles pirated from English aathors, makes of 'Chamber' admirable 'Jonrnil.' Ve do not con- fr?5 tome ereations more eonspicnons and wehome. rider it beneath oar digidly to borrow wit and wi- 3ew York C&rittiam Eiirtr. -itti:es"r ...iiariea: . EV.r.:.jrsrITL:- rinas:: iofcii?)tnr"a" tie most nmr,Ut adaorSmcn U!; uhj in th city. i aoit DbmoatTe stationary; f ,1 eoaatrj mereSataf aaul otiers ahoald not w 3 cax , at ITo. 123 yum. 3Z, I - GREAT ' - r.x3T FIT .Cldtliins'SalC: . '.J.. 1S5S. MAIlTDi "& '-BROIHEK. Tim 'OLD OZIGiyJLL CLOimESS t .X ) sr. ions, IO. j tJiral !.y oaraetTesf la .JfeiT Tori; xprsl j f ir ti j; pruas T2rj Lij'X J-.- JUJijri i! T sach. we -null adi a. tarons e-aalaa-xoa Cx jj "flar S..e ef.ire prcaiaj. SIIAW, BITEL & BAIlBOrE, Uzrr Creeds ;' 55 Feail Sireef, Ci3cla:i. " , jTi-saTTJc, c. c. 2, t- c. zrjtxr, g. ai3iKrit- N. M. FLOREK, WtrOLOlLS: E2JLLE3 n PoT'Ricon, Lard, . Cored Huns', DRIED BZEF A?7D BEHT TONGUES. IT 9, Syeamore Street, Claciaaatu O. KOBBUVS & - POMERO Y, BDDTSSHOES&SOIEIEATKER, Jas. O, Pear! aad 71, Haia Street, CrXCDTXATL OHIO. 10IB. CROCKEnY. 105S. JOHN " W. TOOLEY. (Saeai;r 't 3T0O5"A5, TOO LET X- Co, 53 Jikti sty Old j?JL, EL Louis, Ji?. iiaai LV5- Eiritaaai Ware-, te. witln a great nriaty of any Jiaau aiut raru)r ursamaaa, oxrect tie Potteri and jlaacfactareTJ. r57"Sw arriTin-; ac ia itons. a fall tirc f tae i ahore II a of jrood wLiea is GiTered to La Trtda at I rea.0T!aU rates. A a exinilnatloa Lr solid teJ. Zjf'OTi aati.I, Aborted Crat?, for Coan try TraiJ. B. Pacltfn rccciTes rpcclal atteation. j. t. ccirDaLL. K.E.Caaa. DOWDAXL, CAIin & COM WASmyGTOx rouDirr, - T?ngiTjft ?T!r! Llachins l3znactozy.. Comer Seco&I aal forjaa Streeu. ST. LOUIS, 3IO. . MACTACTL P.ERS of Steam ta-Iaes aa i Ikrl rf. Saw aa.I Griit 5!1H ilacllaerT, Tc'bacm Srewj a&l Prcase?, Lard Kettle, Lara irerewa and Cylinin, WorJ Cariin JLicLiais, Tcan'j Patent bmat 3Ia:aias, iau.lxn; tiitinj?, &e. I5rAjrntf frt-i ;a.e cf James sauLa & C0.1 Saperkr 1IACTII5E CARDS. YOT3GT3 PATE5T Well trieti, alway reeceaafar, folly CoarxatisJ. Jxaau fae tared aai for sals by - ' DOWALL CATiTI. & CO-, . Wasoiatoa Foaairy, LoaL3r3. K. G. TTTTLx. S. G. miI7. H. "W. STSTTH. TTJTTIiE, PSHLST & SLUTHL SPEIXG STYLES. -1856. 77 3I.iIa strest, St. Lni, il. MATTACT LKE KS of Straw and SITk Rniietir Isa-sorters aad Wholeaale dealers ia Elfcbocs. Silk Killinery. FLjWire, Trimraln?, Laeg G jod. Eai- broi'dfries, le. -ra-jjarehatta aad Slixliaers are TartIcaTarlT ia- rited to exaraine oar rtok, before siakic their fx-rinj parcli3ef, aa we f reljia? faHy on the aurerioriry cf oar st jles,) intend to ofTer indaeensects eqaa!T if not I saperoa, to anyjobtin aoae ia tae L aited states. SA3ILtEjL SPjEXCER CO., Xo. Eility-Two Xorth Foarta S'trcet, !Tear Lccast- ST. LOUIS, MO. MAXFACTUr.Zl;S cf every description of ' Frame?. dealers in PaintiEjr EaTraTinr, Litio- ' 7 framed to any pattern in the boat raaaner. AiTeriuinz Cards, Ac S tained arJ, Varaiiied or Fraosd at short notice. . Eoaewwyl, "Walaat aal other finer wood Ketare Frams lloaldia. Th Trade Sap-plied. Old FraacH, icP.e -gilt. FRESH DRY GOODS. LfcU1 A 31 EM) If & CO., KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE. EDITED BY LOUIS GATLOR CLAHX. Tau narater for Janaarr. 1?3S. berlrts the Foztt- 5EVESTH VOLrHE of the KS1CXEK30CCEK MAS AZ1SE. bicee the price cf rabseritioa haa Lee a redaced of tha KxicsiXBOCira taa fceentaerea5ed more than fire to one. In many places, ten are aold where was DBione before, aadthrong!i the year past it has been steadily iacreasir:'?- It ii now offered aa chean aa I aar of the ilajraxiiies. alt thin?n eonsidcre!. ! of making n jw aad prod:zioa3 Dromise.we rabmifra I few extract from notices of late nanxbers. which we 1 might extend to a number of pagrej. Om5x03 OF THE PRE53 n-u , - ... ". wh-?." llh e ?tor ?Ptbl7 t w- ljea admirea th pertnmal sonree of ia pleasant ww at. otu j a uiura. iu ju UUlVcl IDO VTrii J D i ... . . . Ut'Uii7ieer. Watlimnton w ... cl3C' -a UTin fael P?3!-15'1!? wuhin hiniseif eyery lanety of fresh, I e Ksicxeebocker haa been ani will be a fact Rer. F. T'. Sect tox, Anther of Letters frcm Fn tha Hirer, etc, will be a regalar ccntribator. xuo ircsi. laieut in too connrrT wiii t pniiiprf. and no expen?e or effort T5ared. to make the Kxick' i .. ... uminrffTa mnr. )... .J : p .v. ... 1 : t . . ... . C, . - ou ixiocx our cniTiaai American jiaaainsa. Tesj3. Three Dollar a rear. strietlT in adrane there will be no deriation from this condition. Specimen nnmbers will be sent gratis, on application, 1'oiiTAGE. Tro cent3 pr number, prer aid at the ofdee where the work is dslirered, qaartcrly in ad rance. All remittance? and all business ebrrmtcications mast bo addressed, post-paid, to . .. SAMUEL HCESTOX, . ' 313, Broadway, IS'cw Ycrk. oeegox, m. . EOBT. L. IIATTEN, Proprietor. I Xo paiES or bc fp-i t-, - ? r crrr i;T r.Tr. it semi jr'i;-----. , defy aij-a.i all eotapctitloa I W Lara niraj. io wa our poas tstj fc. w. a ws aelllajtu!ix.n ; hnft it I ?;? rrespeeMiMiu a? rcisriii Affeins.iseiTehV;; . at this well known and highly reputable House. j j Thc Tery bct, attention given to animals by a! lLStSAS. j vl-ni n by E0EERT L. HATTEX. E- 3. c - I- IT.-TH! Zr-r"5' t'jC tlu ZtxTrsBtr a, Lar -. - - r .1 . Xi.J.- CASTINGS, no:;. li.L. .i -r U- x. xj-. - SIS'J, E03T3 Jt S HO ES. - JL . TP'J u? 1- ar-a ! . i to T.r rie a ia- j. V.i-J-rii?rl--eaa-!-r GOO 135. CTi-i" IUrac. i?auix2 Iibrei ier;! 1 b -5. f S tr . 1 n- iXvV.. baiiiiil zoo: Cr.rjr, !r j Lc-i, . - XTLnilii w CLir3. X Ei. Li-rw'xxf,, ; ; a...-i Li thenar- Tarurie- A.;iir Siilpaer Carb. i-jda. Vtauar, r ; Tarj.natia'?, Sal! jc'J-r, -Cogens, . , . D"5TjVI. ' " -3rx.LiaHir-T.tT VgL Oit dn. ifirLiacl' d ITerrtriiruil Boce da, rxrr?LT Ljtidlf;a"j di, Jij'ErplL, ijj 'yeli)W, ' InaFaLas. ''. Vv"iirZLai(i7, ? I. h . T"h.x; ; . , ' V"r:rh-iFir.'.f. Chaoipiaa'j d.jy Jjjna's Ld.Ioa'j do, lad Tj H- B... tS-Tii Faxa Eiller, LSS)as"3 Cooa Cindy, HILaa" Lrxtsr Illf Loiil 3a do. of Ers -rIit a ci Fa ys.tUM Sic? firaitare, Ci.ras - f n x h Ti P.'jw -rr ' . 'I. Xt'.:iiL.a XI. ii.xi;g'.M mrrrr k . 5"ebnidko, are raarciiti'illj Liri:! to srtTt an ealL I jTsrcIiaa aai I'1:yKi.is3:f Sowa, Eazwoj aa.I Fresi AxxiTal cf j """"T7' TTT' I ' ' f TT O f s . II. I V ItI V ) 1 in ! ! 1 f- 1 1 " AT nOClkPOUT, HO. -- ! THE snltri'ieTS wnaSI -rsrectfallT telir tl.elr tliaals t tlieir aad tie Fa'jllii Gene- tailr Vj: Laeir liberal tatrcaarsliereccf a ecaunaancti ef tit sara? ; a-f taey are d-jtenrlaad J to sell Goodi i . low if tiit Sower . tia a aay ctieT Er,aj west ci" Hz. J-uejo. liana jja-it rei?iiiTed a larje aad well iel-wterf St.:ci cf Sprrrj aad Saauaer Golf: al3. saerir jjck cf FaciZj- G-xceafsa wl;ai Hariware. Glua tffi'i. Cxeeaawar?, Faraltart. Saiilery, In 3,; i - Coma eaeaad a", Frwell ma kaaw; Axi5a yiall ealT, - VtiZL i&iH i low. . Of Gflr..d th b3tT . . - - . AridEre5.aalI, Vt&"2 faeivt tae re, . .. Ar.JI iT'.it yoaall. Oar Stoeiof Dry Good.? airiz Iens irjLa3ed ia the Eaitera eiea. we Eatter canelre we eaa sarpass oareijmntxijr ia tie law price. aad -y.H. aaalltTes cf our StocJ aad earaestly Ixllrrs ill will aake ly enlllr and ieetr-j f:r tbeni.sCres tfre parehajiaeLiewae?-. CAITT, J02Ei?.4 Ct. 3. D. Ccaa'try P.nJace cf all ils-Is tikea ia tr-' rfUE at the Lf-i3t priees. f r Go. J iu 7. GRIST MILL!! Patent Portable illill. THE aac?rrlbr3 bavt; eatrre.! iat. a rartreTsiii aader tie frai' cf JU-L i!:!airri i Co.. tj raicuficttrr; tt.' J. C. Roe!. raseBtriT.ii!s Gsi Hill ad are ow piupa.ri i fsrcKi all tLce ia waat of a y-xnd C-ir: cr Tieat Mill tiai f r .JcraT bulty, aimjjiicty aad economy : ex:?I aay JIH1 ia tie world. Oa ta Luc eahltuloa ff tie ' Heeaaai:- iartitate ia Ciaelcaati, a Gd JTl-il waa awarIJ them for it. It 13 adapted to all Graa gricila jrrve3 ; it i ?iperior to all others f.:rtara-exEerxsiveMT?aaat Jliil, aj it la for grinding tie Faraiers feI by Eorse power. The abore MHI an maaafae'ared by the ncd?r aijaed at their shop ia CiEciarati, 0, waers tiey eon be farniihedia anTtaaatitT at short aotii!. lhe aocTe iUJj wtmated to perform f jZowi : in. disci- per be ar 50 C. CrarCi Vheai, :i - 24 " 23 2C u 130 Aj thia 11111 tella it! own st ry,is is csneeessary to qaote frca ear naineTra rxoms -i:i-)aj,reeeired. IIED,EOLABir.D CO. - - - - Cinci-niiti, O. A. B. HOIJLABIED & CO. Mic!iipist5, Fiiirs izi rn txt rroai Slrect, T7et of Eiaita, CIXCCfXATI, O, . "YTToald nont rerpec tf ally iaf era tZmr friends and V V the public atrally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in thcirline.withrrra:-:- aess. LLtrirr lately ealarge-1 their sh jp and with ; the laereafe! taciliti-3 taey now po?e??, taey hope to merit a contiaaation of the liberal patroaa: which has heretofore beea extended to them. Saw Mill Engines cf eury DescrijiiGD. Conitaatly 03 baa I: eoa-tin cf the isaab, Ciren lar and Maley. Mill Gears and erery descriptioa of L astiag, warranted to be well made in every partlca lar. They bare also a Boiler Yari attached to their establishment, which enables thera to orer?e all work, in that line famished by theni, and are pre pared to work on 9.3 rsisonitble terms ts any ether ahrp in the coisntrr. Those ia wact cf aaythiaj ia oar line, woa'I do .-v .u uj a. tu a.r,a cini:ne onr new pAttras. ... A. b. IIOLABIKD Jt CO. JOHN S. HOYT, Ccty Saircyor asd Laul Agent, Oe Licsanlicn cnnr.ty, T, will attend promptly to all basirtess in h is profc$?ion, when called on: racb as Frying Tax ?, Recording Claim?. SabdiridiEg Land, Laying oat Town Lotrafurg City Flat5 Ac. Eesidence and aldrs AFXIIZH, Richardson eo., X. T. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FGUHDRY ITo. 13S Yine St., tet. Fourtlt ara TLX, CIXCIXNATI, 0. C. F. O'DRISCOLt fc CO. "1 rannfactnrers and dealers ia News, Book and Job A'-L Typ, Frintirg Presse?. Cases. Gallies. Ae- Ae. Inks, and Printin? Material of Ererr Decrip'ioa. STEREOTYPING cf all kin d-Sooks, ilana. Ac f-c. 0 Bran3 nnd Pattern Lexers, vancus styles, TII01MPS0N k TAAFFE, (Successors to Earrow3 Tljoxpon,) Wliolcsalc Grocers, - And Commission Merchants, . 'Ho. 13, Pearl Street, CiaciauiatL' ' Particular attention trill bo giTcn to order for GracTies, which wm always be exited at current! mFricC3- . I L. FORSYTH & CO. winnssiox mervhaxts OF THE a; BALTIMORE AND OHIO BAILBOAD Xo. T, Olire Street, St. Lou-?, lb. MGKE BUILDERS C.. o lTll jB1j' xJJ J C, . ... I'll 11 L"2 J?1IT, Attcr- aV. 1 Ccci!-II:r at . 5c-j3T, razscaanr Cocjttt, tw.i. "C Hje- Li ti drt IL)ajiS. ij ituar.. AXTOH2CE.Y AT li rrT rrajtT:a La Eii Sixiir:l.f xujj 0 c 1 5 ti, x- jm.'.-.u -x..-..v,- x. r. 5T x r r5C -H-.e xi t-u Cn-m Eit 113 t-. t J. II- ExtOll, FAttcmeT and CoarsaErr at IV I '. . . PJL-kTTS:! G CrE, X. T. 1 TT7lLLa;:ii.i.I zrzvsrjlj t aZI -9".) ' L Bi-H irxrrz-szdd t aa ear, ij a.iy fii si C X f V a 1 r- 1 .t. of th Lectersof uK'vi:ry.rej:,tin fir 3-;-- u-. cf tatT- riiiry, aia-Tanii -it; tartly xa.t t D. 11. !H)L.-J. .uUx.xxt. y . ,j .'.x.k- . i. ia Li 2i rcricTa f Iowa. --1 Ci ATTORNEYS AT LAW. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. F elxi'ijie L),;.rfjc.. . i-tT?' ; " " " AttOmVS S.I1U CO itZots at Lit And Ccaera! tan2 . Ayrata, -xt till rr-.?crT at:r,i taJi xii-.a-r r." ti,:ai. iarertlztr a:r--y, inrair - azJ jeZs , Iaa.I wirracM, iz.I 2 c-t- ;r innzisa tfra "aia, l- tae rrr;fsij3, ia wrviATerrllarj J wSa 't' Iowa. o t CHARLES D. S jIITII, . rla'3 pen ,-to',v: i lex. AND NOTARY PUBUC. OITAILA C1TT, ..T Cf2 Lr Eu.a Zass?. . l .rILL r?rs raxicalar ar.certtija 5 In cl s i V aiiaaioaj frcta aliriai, aad Si t!w firerr-jioa til sale of lata aad Cliiiasra Xesrteka territory Referesccs. ,. IToy. Jrssi D. Farsrr. " Vr lia.ia, 17. C. - J.;ax Tax Draz:', Xiw Yirk Cl j. Eawix Csca-s Eii. . it Jlaax TV. IzziiS, G-yr. oT 3" rv-j. T. B. CncM. Srr. -s JACOB SfArrOILD, Attornev and" Ccniel!i3T si Lit And Zlctnzj TzCzZc r ths ret-, T7ILIj atica;! rr-T.-rt!y to all tsijaaas et7w I V to his cari, i i-i j;ca.ika Ttzlur ci 3" cratowa. . .. - " : --.;,. JOIWSO, CASSADY'fc'TZST, Attcrr.vs and CouiisiI!:r3 at.Li' , wi: i. . . , And flea em! Land! Agents, f,1 , COUNCIL BLUFFS, 10TT1. "T7XLL pr-srr'.ly attin-l to lmzl Aze;9. S V " Tehran 5 iloaey, L:ati!:j eHi:j La TfarranLJ, aad all esher laiae?a. twrxiiaicg u tie J : pritissica, ia er.cra Ir. wa ac-1 .trai. SC., er t xi. D. JOCS, UhALr.t, IxN lUAli LlAiivL General L33d A?t'n. ar '03! AH A aTY, r. T.' II. A, TERKY & CO. , ; GARDES - Iz TLOWZR Sm; ?t T7"F.UITS aad Shral.5rtr! u ! Criaberry Cor. A Ur Carer reels, lliri . U of all iinis, i? . . . caltcrrl and E.-rSi-ralranl b-xly. I3;lraa,i 'Agrni f- iill the l Saral. IVoLiajlai ia3 - Uc:;i Su:. - . .. J S:c-re neat dxr toPje;l!Ije, Csatcl' Ka',! 7 - Wholesale and Rctxiil Cohriis: lloiisej Orsnha c.r.d . Fcntcndli ; Tno:iA cxisscj - eor.: IS n lat now rtce tceirh foe 5. a larje 'nascrtrsixi ... tjles of LZUIEAD:,, c. . - J est tt A! Leariity Corn Mill, mlasteil frr-- meal or ho??e fel with twihorjei. , . Also, alargfllctcf Ilalt-ta-ajl Mii'art? z Merehaats sap'.lei oa whitejal terai5. Jc " glenwood norsE. aVr- rpmi ntderjljael taring: tgiiz. tal?a 4'r" J. kacwa Ilcnj?, Su Stfoi it arp wi'Ji estirij torj, v. andecmplete Farai;are, aad lips ky itv j---; -lion to boiinef to m.rit a 1.3nal share ef F' " p?ronage. nia Table will at all ti raes be ftt 1 : 1 " 1 with the beat the mark af ri. LMslargta3 mc-iioas stables w;'.l aj all t-3j v nr-' . . graia an-l, attended- br earefal oille.-s. Ia tr . I f so claims Mo be h-a'-e'lf again,"' aat will -at S - .. be ria l to see bis eld friend. ' - Glcnwoo-i, May 14.131.3. . JESSE FA3T3-I ; vjvjxvjx xixj jav. iUx r Cy rsiiiin TIIAYEB. C0R5XR Cf WrW Sir-:aai Ia X- 'S 6 '' ' tho Indlr r. - " &I v :imcj.Ti52!.:c7i from Steombcats, free of eharg . ?t " . ' ROBINSON- HOUSE- ai c : reSUed th; abore w?l kim.wti KT' lie IToaje. he tnts by sriet aid gta llos aS i: to tie wact3 cf hi g-.e;i, to iierir. a Lbenl is c. TT7 f TV.-W AI)' ?ana v.5 ..itMaaM Rj : v m -xv . l -' ri. i.. - F O IT T E IT XI L L 13 H O IJ S J f . r t': : Vill. II. jOATIS, Irof rlctor. 4 Y70ULD rcsxctfclly it form li:, 1 Pablic. that he is now mee aate aay 1 . . - V . 1 . bo foand wants 1 srare no rains it thii 7an?ea4 t home for all who mw f;.Tor hua with a f-' Fontenelle,.T.,"Mayll,liC. . ' TVrrr,-nf TT TTl tha spade, ar war ted Jsaricdiaiilj BrownTille, Jicbrt".-1 TerTi9.'a t Liberal warreswHJ be ir.rV"W t"t c" vtkaaa.w. Meat-IBs tatc Affl .1Y3I. CARKISO. I - . PLATTSIf 0T:TIL HAS now on banl-;veralia!a:.'Ii K.. ; alio Timber and i'rairia CU ia wJ'' . ' ; a "iu i f,m i wiia ins j Eiirsc - no pains will be parel tv xaake hi irner-J j j-.ot t at heme, and ccnvfortaW. - O. A. E0S1" C oaaeilKal, M y 1 L 5. . 110 Sa quantity of trvrelers aad bc&nr xcu v. ready at all loan to idmla:.?" - ,; - of visitors. He i now enirir?d in b ' """ ..T.TtT.,. l,r, 1f., . 1 1 i ' ieing agent r.r iaa ty ovl -famish lots t tho- e who wi.-r ;'-cl "n rhcio and r?-omtIe tmn.' ., 02 -e'with J . 11, Dr?Tn. E-'i . lit ' I Ic u.. h:: th;.- r:::! ma: ha? to c: ever car tlV-3 1 1 . p