i ll.tlMULln mwftsm H From the Country Gentleman. KITCHEN UOTES 12021 THE TJKITED STATES PATENT 01TICE. From the reply of Mr. Jolm White of Lisbon, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., to inquiries from the Patent office, in relation to "Market and Kitchen Gardening," the following notes are taken : Asparagus. The Giant is much esteemed on account of its close head and large size. The ground is trench ed to three feet; then fill the trench with a compost, composed of hot-bed manure, swamp-muck, lime, ashes, and refuse of the ardcn 1 loads of muck, one of manure, one of garden mould, ' five bushels of lime, and five bushels of ashes, to every twenty-five loads of manure, well tossed through each - other. The plants put in in the usual irnv. and covered with six inches of fine mould, then a covering of manure. Sales at 4 cents per doz. Beets. There are many varieties of this tribe, tut those in general use in the kitchen carden, are the long dark blood, requiring deep tillage and hirrh manurein with rotten manure. From one fourth of an acre, I raised S00 bushels. The turnip-rooted, Blood variety, as a summer vegetable, is very prolific- I received from the Patent Uihce, three varieties ot beet, oi n rencn seed, which returned a bountiful yield. The Bassano beet is a new variety here the first seen in this part of the State. Seed time first of May in market 1st of July. Cabbage. The best variety, in my collection, as a summer plant, is the r - ' Pointed Winninjrstadt, French seed which I imported from France las winter. The head of medium size and pointed, little outside leaf; head close to the soil. Value m market b cents In rows 2 feet by 2 feet 2,723 heads to i acre. '-." . Winter varieties. I have 13!differen specimens. The most luxuriant among ihr Int. i fhfi French Quintal heads " verv lame and firm, good flavor; a rare kind in . market, and much sought for shipping. Weight of some heads, 50 and blh lbs. Close to the ground. In row's 3 jr by 3? feet 1,778'heads to acre, at 4 cents. Seed sown in hot bed first of . April: at maturity first of Au rust. Manure, horse ilroppings from . village stables; cost per acre, thirty .dollars. ' . . rotted manure with the coil. I harrow very fine, then put on the cultivator, and mix each and every part aiie ; hen plow it again 4 inches deep, drag it fine and even, and sow with a seed drill in 1G inch rows. v hen the seed has germinated, or the ascending axis is making its appearance, I dust on the drills raw ashes and lime, ot equal parts. By this means they mount lux- uricntly to the axis of growth. Radish. The Olive-shaped Radish received, turned out very fine, and will endeavor to raise seed from them next Carrots. The long Orange is an year. Lettuce. "Asiatic Lab Ij ago .Let tuce, received, a very choice variety, and promises to do well in ISorthern INew-icrk. Meloxs. uJrlontleur ALelon, a very choice fruit, delicious flavor, and much sought for; value when in market, eacii one 2o cents. Squashes. "Lime Cocoanut Squash Seeds," received from your office, have prospered well ; a most bountiful yield. Market value 2a cents each; period from 10 of May to 10th of feeptember. particular counties. Thus, in the county of Ldmburgh, the produce of Wheat per acre is 30 bush.; of Barley, 3G bush.; and of Oat3 39 bush. In Perth the produce is 25J 27 and 28 bushels ot these crops respectively. Accurate observations might bring to light simi lar facts as to the cereal crops here. and correct some erroneous opinions. POTATOES 102 PLAITTTSa. A "correspondent of the New lara annually ; Moses & Son "pay '50,-Eng- 000 dollars; 60,000 dollars' is also paid CTJT-T70EKS AND THEUi 2ISTEUCTI01T. ' Editors of the Country Gentle man Beading in the last two numbers of your paper, the interesting account cf the "cut-worm,", and its habits, by Dr. Fitch, I was reminded of an exter minating war that dates back to 1840. I will give actual experience, and the result a sure remedy for the mischief of the worm, that has not failed for fifteen years. E. Risley & Brothers, (myself being one of the number,) Lad a piece oif onions, containing three acres, "which J after being wed out the second timeiii June, when all were standing well, wero entirely destroyed by the worm, and tho land was plowed up. Twenty hands were engaged for more than one week to save the crop, and in that time there land Earner, writing fromEast Bridge- by Rowland for his Macassar Oil, etc. ; water, says: ' 50,000 by Dr. De Johns for his .Cod I am rather inclined to believe that Liver Oilr Heal & Sons, pay 30,000 pay the advocates for lanre potatoes ior dollars per year tor advertising th seedare apt to try small culture as well bedsteads and bed furniture; andEden as small potatoes, wnen mey inujiu ua- xuuuixr, u. iouui wvc3 iu inu ca noriments thnt irav. Permit me to tent of 20,000 dollars. Although ad . -i r-ni . i' j give my experience in relation to smaii veins cm cms are uear m wo xuusiraieu potatoes as seed potatoes. , News, still as that sheet has a weekly 1 am a mechanic, and cultivate only circulation oi. iov,vvv, ,ujb man wno a small warden : it is. therefore, for my chooses to patronize it gets four miles interest to produce as much as I can on of advertisement in linear measure for a small snace. Mv traraen consisiea every uonar exueuuyu. xi no nm often square rods in 1853-54, and spend his money on the London Times thi3.vear there were two rods more he may do still better, and get adver . - I . . ' y? m in x xl added. Of this Lplanted some two- tisedhve miles lor a dollar, or at me thirds to potatoes. In 1853 1 planted very reasonable rate of twenty cents with amixturo of .large and smau pota- per mue. toes, and in Octnber dun nearly six 7 . w MOORE'S FIRST PREllC-l jight jti'CTniumz A From the Country Genileman, COHPLUmvS YALTTE 07 TEE WEEAT U-na bnchpU of thp. wnrms dpstrnved (this will appear incredible, but it is CS0P. 1 ; generality ot cases more remunerative A . . o,,T t them m cups so that an accurate account than any other gram. .Let any one uii. who questions or doubs this take a fair w r;: ? average of the amount of the different pearedakindof necessity that genend graincrops per. acre, multiply these J precedes invention. late in the fall o i -v, ' ' price. and then note the . result He li h S open, it was a nam plowed, and the practice' of fall-plowing has been yearly kept up, and in winter when possible, and the result has been perfect safety from injuries by the worm. Before the time mentioned, the onion crop was often much injured, will in this way be led to the conclu sion that the money-value of an acre pf wheat is greater than that of any other grain crop usually raised in this country.. This obser?ation holds true also of wheat and other grain crops in 1 V ". Great Britain. This fact, to which the an? always a large, sorplus of small fanners of that country are not safflci- w"w t ently alive, or which they cannotavail ravages of the cu worm, which caused themselves on account of clauses in 6at ad?n to labor m thinning out. their leases binding them to a certain . -mc ,to beJieye toweyer, rotation, has been arrived at by fixing ?f e eS produces the worm upon the tltree cropswheatf barle? SS' and oats taking the average price of ia" ao1"ttfc?1': "-V . V XUAlAvl y 4JLA. Ull . tilUI VAUOJ VI VO that occupy two annual stages, the worm and the- miller, deposits its eggs .1 t .1 A.I these irom the averages oi the seven previous years, and pultiplying by the average produce of these three cereals, and thence calculating the value of an acre of each of these three respective ly. In this way it has been found that, taking several counties into the. calcu in the fall and dies. In the spring, as warm weather ' approaches, the worm is produced, and the same amount of warmth that brings forward the tender excellent root for feeding. ;. Sowed by geed drill, first of May. Yield 0 bulhels to the acre, in deep soil, highly il. Market value .25 cents. I received two specimens of carrots from the Patent office one the. Short Bed carrot, (" Carothe Rouge Courte,") a very fine carrot, very stocky; sown first of May, in rich light loam on bed " by 36 bushels pulled them first week of October.' Market value'. 251 cents. The other variety,' St. James Carrot, or "devil's bit," so called from .the abruptness of the tap-root, sown same time as the . former, and on the uivjU- I i , , - i .j ;a lation, an acre of wheat ranges from Pia raresme " J 91 Gd to'7 4t,' (or from about 45 and 80 raP;d -13 S .ecr .,9' dolls, to 36 dolls.) 'The range of the tbree weeks ends, its work-.m that value of an acre of .barlev extends capacity. If the worm lived. through downward, from 7 15. 9-fW, the winter, there would all sizes appear (or from about 38 doll The range of the value oats extends from 614 6dto-3 5$ bushels, large and small, besides what my family used tlrough the summer. From these I tool all the small ones for the next year's seed ; there was none larger than a good-sized plum, mid m.in v wpw GTp.allpr. In 1854 I planted these potatoes, time ago, though I can jist mind it. - ta foil pio-ht bushels of When I "used to come home then she EEVT2EE CF A DILUITSAED. I think liquor's injuring me. It's spoiling my temperament. Sometimes I gets mad when I m dnink, and abuse Betty and the brats it used to be Lizzie and the children that s some- used to put her arms around my neck, and kiss me, and call me dear v llliam. When I come home now, she takes her pipe out of her mouth, and puts and du in the fall eight bushels of good-sized potatoes, besides the small, and what were used in my family be fore digging timei This year I planted tr-p. small nf -List, vpnr's misinc and. having finished digging, I find, besides the hair out of her eyes, and looks at what were used before digging, that I me and says sometmng nxe O I 1-1-11 -1 t -1 L XI linvA niiA Tmndrprf rnd fiftppn htishfila "15111, -TOU CLTUnKCn oniie, BUUl iu in jill. which makes ahont two hundred door after you: we're cold enough, and fifty bushels per acre. I think, havin' no fire, without you lettin' rmicwWmr thft pffppd nf thp ilrnnth SUOW blow in that Way. in this region, this gives a good result Yes, she's Betty and I in Bill, now, in favor of small potatoes. The manure ain't a good bill nuthar spect 1 m which I used was ashes mixed -with a counterfeit won t pass a tavern without ?om? in and cettins a drinK. 0 0 1 - the night-soil, and the collection of a. sink last bank on; Don't know what bank I m Sunday I was on the river drunk. 1 stav out riretty late now, some- LU.VI IS X m HOW TO EXPEL EATS. The last number of the Farm Journal, Philadelphia, gives a scientific recipe t:mp, t nm ont all niffht tor clearing a house of rats. 'Ihc plan 0ut pretty much all over out of friends, cneimcai gue, aim me eunor uea- out of qq 0ut at elbows and knees, cribesit as having been put in force Ln.iaiwavsontrapouslvtUrtv.soBettv by a chemical friend of his ih Boston, saTSbut then she's no judge, for she's 10 espeiim army vi rais, aner uu ouier never clean herself. means had tailed. Ihe following is the There's one good quality I've got arm journal s account 01 xne anair : t n :n ht- T npvpr mh i do it. Raising a small board in the garret Thpfp. now. nne of mv coat tails is cone: a . r i ? . r . . Q noor, our menu openeu a communica- ot tore off I 'spect, when 1 fell down x: v x xi, jj 1 xl, I P - . ' r uuu uuunceu iiiu uuui ouumc 'ere; . ill have to get anew suit soon. beneath, which interior communicated a fplov told me the other dav. I'd with the spaces between the side walls mai,c A p0odsi?n for a naner mill: if 1 .1 1 1 .! .1 i xl. - I O O IT IT . ' ena -iaeiams anu piaster oer mt- lfi T,-nn't Rn h o- T'fl 1 okpd liim. I 've . 1 it 8,640 DrjLLs Is UsA Tills nachino was Fat-jnteJ Apr) ISti t-'?, : r,lJn!72J, 1200, and reissued lt. l! l:2, anJa-.vsri'idtiia Illzhost Prpir.-nn at 6 Arri' i ; :r.il Society Exhibition, inolrn- 6 Stit? SljJcf, namely: Delawaro S'atelair. teld at SeTrt'aiUs inlfcO; -aryland State i'uir, hcIJ at P-lnore, lSOur. , ISolj Michigan State Fair. 18:1 -r!iR5i- lVr : -v., . :.ia, Ohio and Indiana SutiFr j.333; ani OxiK, 13ii. It also reecired 6 Firit CI.ij Di- pjoKiis iv ..ere no Prcmiuin.i were war Jil any Theaa Machines haro been much ira-vl an! perfected, and will drill Wheat, Eye, L..-yOats ifl.,witha Tlas, Millet, Clover and Tlfbj1 .Seed bower a . - si wich can ha used at the lami una of driU:;3t!.e grain or othertrise a destedl All liability of injury by corairZ in contact nithVoo-J orrocki, w ccaipietely obviated, and tea ac-fa p-T da? of crdL.irrgromKicfcnbe drilled witli eai to ligbtteam. a l principal of drllins orer brddcaat at $is day i ' well understoid by most rimer? to njced any t. ; Nation. We till only say, t jit vt j are ' certain ,i lew Kstairkl bv th-msiida of Farmers wha hira naed this drill, that by driUiiig, savit? of frcra one to two peclk of gcej per acre is gairieJjby tha grain being disibuted anLforuily thedired 3 ;-tand leariEa ridge of earth U tweco tho rows, for the action f the rain and frcst to moulder Uowa asi r.ourih te roots of the plinr insteaiof bol wcaei bejfor heaved out, aa i3 often the c&ie ia broadcast goring; on this accoaa? the stocks are su onr and le.-l liable to Fist or mil dew, aid not so oft to be iri-red by tho fly, as starts mach earlier in thj g ring, and we staad ready to gie them the naitei nd residence of hutd reds of Fanners, who will uin us in eaying, ttat there basbocn many instanoei f a gain of from threo to five, aaJ sometimes ten buj.elsper acre obtained ona fair test ever broadexstJ )V the tue of a drill; and tho Moon Drill U no distribute! over country, and is used by raorexan. 8,640 Of Our Bit Farmers! In twenty of the Grab-grcv will testify to its superiority sufficient rwonmenaation. vantages W3 cm cloi;novero snrvoYor that measures tho it, and measuring the Grain SILO CIS, MO. . JOIIX SHERSON $ ERO " , 'jZxx foj Sale the comia Spring -0,f DO Appl:Trecs,3 and 4yoar3o'd,embrat. ins 175 Tarifties, jrico 25 to 40 cent;. : 5 Feath Tjees, fr&m 6 to S fee t b'2;h, 53 viria- tlcs,froia2i to 20c. 2,500 StanJard Pears, erclracii.s 43 TiricticL price from 40 to 5 cents. 5,0 Dvrarf Pears, embracing 311 varieties, pric il 00 each. 5,000 Chwry Trees, 31 ytctics, 5C to 75 eeuj each. 50S Af ricot?, Early CoUen, Tuda,. Tc-wh ricots. Lar-ra Farlv, trice 50 eeDtj. ' Qu:nce, ?eorttd 2 to 50 the States, who can and which is considVren mo of tho mary W- r Drills are, it ha.J a and as it passos crer to the tiox, we Know wnicn Tfii--flvMie amount we ire nntn? toth.3 acre is very important; and vheriirer it is necessary t r.n V, a mianfitv it ran V.iJ...tia in a.n instant, al VlXUllu xuu " I ways niaiaii whole house. Into this opening he he placed a dish containing finely-pul verized black pxjd ot manganese, ana poured over it a suitable quantity of strnTi ff fivdrochloric muriatic -acid. i j.uo, lj c.t o uu, . . . i , f, X ilxll it IXU U. s..to22 50 dolls.) early in the sprmg,,but the first seen The" floor board was then replaced, clothes are nearly aU lue of an acre of are n than ne-eighth or one- Tlc effect of fhc chemical mixture of j css X tore tllfs ho- same quantity of ground ; ' yield 30 nnn rrni rf onl lfioli Inn the same; therefore 1 conclude that djoricYacid is to disensrase irithe cold W J o .1 . v.- nf J- iumi- In common with (or from about 33 dolls, to 16 dolls.Mae saniei mereioro x concmue u c xi, -x the ecrjrs are deposited in tne laii, so m flpn.lArm protected tnat it lett undisturbed, tney (T:rtinr' rras. chlorine. In enmrnr " "-u" J xx uxxx w lv-x vtlU - ij j ,-1 lxxl.1' I O O O ' over barley, from 120 to 40 per cent odd produce the worm, but the plow- all gases it gndually diffuses itself over oats in cash value. . flow much "b"a " D""- c tiirougn tne air, out navmg a greater the money-value of an acre of wheat pom uku .-uicj ue u. weight than atmospheric airtccumu exceeds that of an acre of barley, oats, observation has alsoiiidaced iae ateg at the lowest lvels.T 'XEe tenden had this shirt on for ninety days, and I it -won t come oS Without tearing. People ought to respect me more than they do, for I'm in holy I ain't no dandy, though my jrrcasecian stvle. hole in my pants be hind, the other night when I sat down on a nail in the carpenter shop. I've got to get it mended up or I'll catch cold. ' Lend me three cents, will you? I feel an a wful goncsa, clear away down or other grain usuaUy cultivatedinthis f heheve that the worms, though active cy ofthe ga3 liberated, therefore, was ween countrv. must be calculated ' bv each in the TUghV are not such i -pedestrians to penetrate every vacant space bet district for itself, orbv each individual. ,as t0 trav.el lr0?n?d to neia. i nave the waUs and ceiling, and at last found for it will Varv accoWto eircum! k?ov.n her! land -was PrePared S exit in the ' j " o stances, which are different in the case plowing for the crops the worm woidd celler. It may be here stated that the quan- CkULlvvo, i xxxv. xx uiit v-ixxx . x v xx u axx ixiv V4xcv I i , -t xJ l, - I - - '""J , .fM,f;A..',i;.f,;M0 ;r;,i, destroy, .and only, separated by an Ux f lihpmtcrl enn exert, no J L t;ixx uv. kxxxcx vxic lx xiv vx luvxinuuixiot n , . !" i l l I J v o . . . loll axr. civ toot rirlo T rrm lonri Trnnro I. . . -t t .. where J r .j i " injurious, ettect upon tne nouseor its I VV e iirOC iiTTl ra T fin Oil OCnO rm I V, 111 V Ulilu -LllllL. .AlK tiii l.(1.1l..1 V. U 1 MAM -a4- Y-r VI lArtfo 'I hft ' I 7 , uuauwj. ctvo.ux. x. wheat can be grown so as to yield an vue wuurjauuui-ai- inmates; indeed the result is rather first ofthe Short variety mtrodaced a r0u& it wU1 be f0Und, as 7? no fear of the worm beneficial, than otherwise upon the into this county, and was much admired o, , A ,rL the land. was not plowed m the. fall c,PT;prnl npnith. ; , : r T X IX A I xw 1 V , buu H1W XXXV UU I f (XX IXv VI LX.XX IX vx I . x xi . x r : amon: tne iarmers, ana. Acis ta-t.m , r ... . . - . , tney would cut aown oeans or cucum- w u-n ;n nnnMi;n. an I r sought for for seed, look the highest bein r bers about as fast as they would come vhen it became x3Tideilt that S0methin2 0. 7 1 ' i " K at is considerably greater than a, me worms j ere nur the farmers, and was eagerly , . . :.J . , they would cut down beans that the worms were so numerous that ri chemical arrangement described QursnoiTS aitd axstzzs:. " " No. i. ' ' Q. ' What is as elastic as India rub ber? , . A. A Jew's conscience. Q. What is the "Dead Sea; A. An Alderman's stomach Q. Why? A. Because it is fathomless. Q. How is gold like charity ? A. Because it 4.'covers a multitude like? the charge ireUly the same to eaca Hrwv which !. dec-uci airari-d over many okutxa. Different soils require a dxfFcriit amount of seal a change is often necessary in;he same EeU, hence the necessity of makin the fcange without a mo ment's celay. TLis Drill u iirranted to perform oonni f n irtheri and is jnrrflnr to anr other in its simpliiiity of construotU.n,"hiria; no COG GSAIiDfC', or othtar compucaieti Jiacuaner to get oui cjjxx, Of s nicg the aboye Machined deliverol at Brorii Tille : Price $35, S 10 of whkh i to be yaid when the M.-uihi-ieia taken away. '.If thebiwhino operates as above described, then tie purciaer giTes his rote, payable in 6 months for the Natinder, -EJ if it ilcs not operate as above named, th the money paid, a tn hrt rpitm.i.i ami iBO tia.aliv; DrOUJUb ux. These machinia are mado anl wrrantel by ADA.MPWTZiCO. ADAM FRITZ A CO., Propnaton of Pond Foundry and Agricultural Works cornet of Second, Webster, and Pond Sts.,Dajton. O. manafacture the celebrat ed Patent One and Two-I!rse llailroad Enllc Chain Hcrse Towers, Thrushers wilh Shaker, (which hare given more general satufaction to the farming cnmmanitT for ease i the horse?, and durability. than any other Horsj Tower ia use.) Wood Saws,for f.nttinr fine wotxl. and aa janu cf casiinis aow w 0 , - - - order. ! ; ' All orders thaaifullj received, and prompay at ndodto. ! K.W.VUHXAS, tende 1-ly General Asent fir li. T - 500 Lwarf Arcles 500 lite Grape Currants 500 L!ackISap,.e3.' - 5C J Cherry Currant 5!') lied Dutch Carraut 5l J Victoria Currants 5:0 White Dutch. Currants 500 large Red Dutch Curran1s-- fOO EnslLJi Black do 2JC0 Prolific Green 1JD0O Houzhton'3 Seedling- 2i ,00 AVarringtoa do do do do d 12 15 12 12 ' 25 fCEti; 25 25 1,000 Sulpher l,0UO Aihton 500 Crown Bob ' 500 F.iiemen 2,003 Yellow Antwarp Kajpberries -10 1,000 Ohio Everbearing d '-25 2,000 Large German Antwarp do ...Hi '1,000 Red Antwarp 1) 1,000 English Filbert3 W 1,000 Horse ChesnaH 5) 5,000 Grape Vines, 2 to 2 years old 25toj.) 150,000 Grape Vines, 1 year oil. $51 i)) 5,000 Dahlias assorted, each j j - 5C0 Pernia3 do, ..;,) 10,000 Giant Asparagus Roots-. .$5 lo), 5,000 Tube Roses - -10e each 2.000 Yards link 'Ocfjirj 2j000 Ilants Victoria Rhubard " 50? .ot $iO-i)i) ' 8,000 Wilmoi's Early Red Rhubarl -i 50,000 Strawberry plant?, 12 tarietlu... ib to $10 xxr ld 10,000 Shade ar.d Ornamental Trew, e&bridrv I'-,1- Insf f-n!rnr.;i 1 a m M ' m m Lcmbardy Poplar, Silver Leaved pu- Linden Wood, Sweet GunvEiu, Balsam Poplar, AUianthus, Tttlip Ivxi, Cphal Er.Muioerry.Aj,eri.. premium among the vegetables. Celery. Two varieties, "Seymour's white solid," English seed, from U." S. P. Office, choice varieties, sown first this being so, it will hold true here, as )le deaf, li.- uoes it renacr people dumb and blind, and how ? A.. les; it makes them deaf to the whisperings of conscience as well as to the cry of misery; dumb when they well as in Great Britain, that tho area np wnenpianwa among me omer crops, wa3 occurring in ratdom. "All night of the wheat crop may be trreatly cx- and,uld als, cut off.the leaves from w, it would seem,", says the narrator, tehdedwithmanifestincreaseof profits. sf- 0nS T V,," eYer Pfs "as if. Bedlam had broken loose bctwen TWa ? nni Prlonn f Jr eTe sma11 and tender the partitions' of mv house " .Toward " ... 1 . 1 . Ml .uvv X. VXXW VXXWX X V iX Vl'iX I . . 1 . 1 . 1 I I J ' April m hot-bed, transplanted nrst ot giderabie importance which may be lf. tne vonns. most relisn were m0rning all had -become quiet the should hear true testimony: and blind ".u, o' u""u"o" " rats naa vamoseu, Dig and little, and to vice and . 1. VI u P x U xl t 1 ' I 1 i 1 iinin:i 11 v irii arL t 11 so 1 h pr r i i xi xi i ft ... o 1 o 1 1 r-i " 1 1 1 1 1 ji. 1 it 1 1 1 if 1 ih 1 1 tr v 111 nH iiiiiii i us r i rt i i m i i nc titnti --r I Uk.. tUVi UX Lllll ' III I I ' l.llll.lllli I . 1 .V . ' V - I v w v w.us vwi III III .1 ll.lll Mill pianxs irom one pape i , ieuiucu iium tion The sums in(iicating the reuuu.. a?.uo 1.8re" u 8 one was heard or seen on the premises. Q. . What is the greatest of modern . a vwAn nn iiiti i iim ' in ii iii i ii iii ihi w m.v m iirr-fivirifr iii i mv t i i i - v i nu r-t a 11 rinin iiii i tii lxv-xx u-u. .xx. - - n il money-value ot the adherent crops,are A ; i. " -x Market value Gt cents. Ihe bleached Uii oi- rxr rm,5'i.. little inducement for them to cross it. leafstalks 31 feet long, sweet .mild and of an acreof vw an acre of barley, -Wm Jsley Frcdcma, A . I; cripsy. Celenac (turnip-rooted celery,) an(j an -acte of oas ,m of . . , is very little known in this country. on I inn PEEP TILLAGE. " -r 1 -l , " i xx Uxxx V IU XV V Ufl: llUl. I ... i-rom one paper x raised ano- storea y ethan that of the same crops - We have abundant evidence, from ENGLISH AND AHERICAII ADYEETISHTG In the office of the London Times crimes. A Poverty. . v Why didShakespcar say, ""Who steals my purse steals trash !" A. Because there was nothing m it. Q. "Was" Shakespeare unlike other - , j - I c ""x "" v vxxv uuuv vxvui - ' ; . -j - 1 . . . ... I . II uo uuuabOIUUl u uxxx away three waggon loads, and tnen leu RnPrtxT,0-Ax- TvrKt.r,,t.rt-mn0 vnrinns Rnnrrns. oftripsnTiPrinrKpnits there is a sort of man which cives ah:f ; c? w - . - - xxx "V"v vmv vutiili,iji II UV.UHVWU1.J ' 7 -- w s, - x O Ulbldi XUVU XXX LXXO. 1WU1.VH. . -upon the garden bed three otherloads, this great difference? '-It comes from obtained by plowing eight or ten inches graphic representation of the fluctua- A. No; he was the father ofthe being no market for it. Citizens, in thig factj tQat gg . taa tecn deep, instead of five or six, .as was tions in the circulation of that journal, hole race of poor devils who write for greater extent in that once tne almost universal custom, l et it is iiKe me secuonai pronies oi our i a Livin. ieral are ignorant of. its value and carrjed to foVXXV-XX -C good qualities. Parsnips. Are much on the in crease, in cultivation, for shipping pur county than in any other, and the. use many still continue the old practice, as- railroads and canals an increased cir ot guano -and other concentrated sertmg tnat tney nave, tried the other cuiation Deing indicated oy arise in manures has also teen rreater. ' To and found it injurious,- the crop3 in- the surface line, while a fallin- off in poses, l nad two papers trpm your those who wish to increase the fertility variably depreciating on land thus tne circulation is represented by ade oSce one the Round Parsnip, a very 0f. their lands, and to stow larger crops treated. What is the cause of this dis- pression. ' During the year 1845 the nice tap-root, but did not do very, well on the same area, this fact furnishes a crepancy in the results? "We assert circulation of the Times averaged only Q. "Who .is considered the wisest and smartest ? " A. He who acquires most money no matter how ! A young man was driving a horse the other, "Hollow-Crowned Pars- lesson which they will probably profit that in every case where the subsoil is 23,000, and it began the year 1848 which had a habit of stopping at every nip, a most desirable vegetable by. " And the same lesson is taught bv of equal or superior fertility to the with an edition oi no more than l:y,UUU. I tavern on tne roacisiae. incoming to ground measured -4 by 3b feet sown! the reports we have of draining wher-1 auxface; and haa 'been-Babjeerto-txxe in drills 10 inches apart. "From this ever it has been tried. Th2 imnroved ameliorating influence ofthe afcnos- plot of ground I raised 38 bushels", of fanning of every, .county or district or phere for a short time, that deep plow snnerb roots. Market value. 50 cents, fnrm where tbis lias sTiTpr?;pded the old in 2 increases the crop! But, unfortu- svstPTT.s.hnshpnTiTn!i nlvbron.?ht about nateiy, many oi our tuns a ie luciies J 7 J O I . . - . r 1 1 bv thorough draining . Delow tne suriace are nearly Darren ; revolution of February raised it at once quite a crowd of countrymen, the to 43,000. . It fell, however, with the animal halted, in spite of all the driver s fall of liberty, and averaged but 36,000 efforts to force him along. Of course durin2l852. The Ions suspenccpre- he was erected with boisterous shouts ceeding the present war . cradually of merriment, and some one inauired Arr-.rfA cf?cHV?l fnrtq tp often and to throw up, say four inches, of raised it till the war actually broke out; if that horse could be bought. cTvti lof c atyi a nprallT reived this barren soil to the surface, and, since which time the edition has fluctu- "Yes " said the driver, "but I can't opinions and prevailing practices were without ' cross-plowing, or mixing it ated between 58,000 and 60,000 copies, recommend him, except to a butcher, ! without any real foundation. ' The sta- with the mould, sow the grain on it, and affording an income from the sale of for he has a knack of always stopping - Sown first of May ; raised last of Oc tober. The "Guernsey Parsnip, a ' very choice root, and highly productive here. I got one ' ounce of this seed, by way of. Montreal ; sowed it the first u-ppK in iav: on a nea oi iinL .nca rithrmt nnv soil, 100 feet by 24 feet,and 16 inches tistical returns which have lately been drag it in, no wonder that the young the papers alone of about 28,000 dol- when he hears the calves bleat." apart. From this, plot 1 raised 4U made of the agriculture of bcotland plants, m mcir vain &iruggie xo nnu iars per weeiu iiuverusemens are, xne crowci sloped ment. should dwindle and die. however, the exeat source of profit, as L : uaouv. xj vyx i j xx jv Lnutui)U) ' xx i cxiv. T wxxxixcx i vx 7 m,iv --xx v i I t -ft I A Jl' 1 T J -i . iht But it is believed that such. or. in the cost ofthe paper on which the ' An' individual who doesnt, claim to . fl.ivnr. Pnlld on tbft last of October. M,mrnr. ns nlsr amnnrr the farmers of fact, any soil, can ultimately be bene- Times is printed nearly equah the be a god JdSe of swine, says: Market value 50 cents. this country, is destitute of any foun- fitted by deep plowing, if judiciously amount received for it. Common- ad- rLast spring ! bought a little pig out Oxions. I received two papers; one dation, or is contrary to well ascer- performed. . " : . .- ' vertisements of five lines or less pay of drove which was going by, and he "Deep Blood-red Brunswick Onion." tained facts. The majority of farmers ."We would in the above case deepen seven shillings and sixpence each, or odn t seem to grow much aU summer, one inch the first year, and mix nearly two dollars. Such an advertise- though he was a mighty bis eater. One one and a nnnrtor l,q Thft other, money value of an acre of oats and well together manuremg, if necessary ment costs three dollars and tliree day l took liim a large bucket full of i.T'o r-i tt vi,u c va cJwuo m10t rrrn?n ? nparlv tKfi'saTne and then in one. two. or three years. Quarters in the "Weekly Tribune, wliile KouS11 an(i alter he had cot it all down JU.IAXXJ I , XXXV.V J XXX U XI, 11.0 XXV l- UUXH OVlJVXxv """x J I . ' . 1 -ni " T T IV 1 . , . . . well, as the former, of which I have as that of an acre of wheat, on account according to circumstances, deepen in the Illustrated Kews it costs seven 1 picked nim up and put him m the JTurscrtpnen, FrMi5nKenr-Mul.s.rtntr$ THE NEW TOIiK ' A JOURNAL OF 8CxiL'xnixJAN AKT. SnwrLW and rrofuselr Iliot;raocl. Dcvotfl t the Advancement of tie Uural IaterSs in Ameri. THIS is ono of iho largest and xest elaborate wcrka cf the kind in the world. Rural Architectura forcn ona cf the principal features. Each lrambcr, contains from two to four engravings cf mold cottars, from dejijni by emi nent and skilful architect, ijpace ii aIs- ai-isncl to the tasteful art of Landaap.;, Uari-Jai: ea-rav- j cd plans of gardens in ererj s.jIj, aad adattid to the peculiarities of dixTeront criers cf ariicturo, ' beautify the work. ' : Enra'rias of new fruits, new Jlcrrerv re- wgcti blcs. xtc, are illustrated and tf?Kibe:l anwn w TrictrTe?pBTOTB qdalliies can be deajri.ine-i.i irMfn; the most ccrupleto and elegant llinaal of rirxlllai bandry ever aiteinpti'dL. ; ' . j' ' An experienced corps af pratial irrr.cri icrea in number, are engaged to till its. colami?, f -It contains seventy large pat, aad is priated on the finest pearl surfaced parer, uanafatured ex pressly. , I . 1 . TE3. $2 per annum, payable invariably in ad vance. Fifty cents commission ta ereb. subscriber allowed to those who act as agents. S 1,00 will be distributed at the . end of the rear aaung tioso wno end os the twenty largest lists of gub:rib.-rs. These premiums will be paid in cash.- Tha first premium winveSoUU. , The following are selected from hmdrcds of simi lar notices, yd witarily contributed bycoatomp'jrane- ons puiHieauons ; . . ( . The HoKTicriTCSAi. Revif.it d.'rvcs the most liberal patronage. It is not eminent practical, but is written in a style that equals the bfst eiTorU of the lato A. J. Downing. JCnickeriincker: The most elegant and useful book (f the kind that has ever come under cor observation fr'tUttr. Mr. Rea-rlcs, the Editor of the HouricrLTCKAL Ketiext, is a practical fomobigisi, nnl'eno ofthe finest 9:holars oar country bou f. I'e possesses the glowing descriptive povrtrs tf Sickens, the elegant jrossipof "Walpole, cmlinei witi a thorough knowledge ot rural art. a' 2 Hue i,t-aue. Farmers buy it for your eons buy it f jt your tlrm-riter. It is a mh intellectual treat; a rare combination of the beautiful and te useful. Arjut jv. r. . r - . We had thought in Downing s leath, the eloquent advocate of rural adornment lid become only i Wished remembrance; but in Jr; I'.uazKs we dis nnr n Mnallv rich mn3 of iien'al wealth, that "w - 1 ... L betokens the liulaeace ot tlie nt taat 13 gone. 3foutrne Tribune. 1 xdvertisera will find this aa qnsurpr'used medinm of publicity, as the llOKTTCCLTfRAL Ke view circu latcs extensively in every State in t Union. Ad vertisements inserted at the rati of ilO per page. ' WOOD E5G2AY1X(1 Those requirins Wcod Enrnving, can have thei orders executed in an unriv-illed manner. Specia attention is given to viewsof anuiaU; an experienced English Draughtsman is ecgged Toi this express jjurpose. l ersons imng at au-wuisce can lorwaru daguerotype oi ice cojeci ty maiii tney wis engraved, which trill beaguQcient guile to obtain a perfect fac-tiniU. txk Lreeufirs will be dealt with on very liberal tmas. Our Exchange List is already very Iarze. A further extension 13 notdasued, unless palushers are willin to give the above advertuemeut stvcral insertions in their respective paperi ; i Ackiccltcbai. Ilo-iJ tan be furnished en evwv useful subject, froaib-iia EcglisS a id Amerk an pub- Specimen copies will bo rorwariol cn tha receipt oi l cts. in Tjosia go stamr- - C. IISAGUSS, rublbhcr. ''. 204 Broadway, X. Y. can Jxarcn, weeping liow, tat-keys Jlountaia Ash, White TJircb, Pwhl iLipie9 varying in price froia 2.c to $ I ii) accord ing to size. 15,000 Evergreens, embracing Red Ceders, price each 50o to Jl White line do 50c to jl. Yellow Pino- do 50n to 12. EalsimFir do 50o to SI. American Axborvitaa 25c, 5Cc,7k, Jl 50. Chinese Arborvitas, 50-. $1 50. European Savin 50c; Tree Box 50c. Norway Spruce 50c, 75c to $1. . White Spruce 51. 12,500 ttaati of Ornamental Shrubbery, raW , ing in part as follows : Stow Bars, evh ziy.c to si. Lylac, each 50c; Spireaa aborted, eac'j 25c. Hardy Hose?, each 50c. Honthly Fu ses, each 5;)c. Iloaey Suckles, assort!, 25, 5V:,aBd$l. Syringa Fhiladelphus Hoc to 5('c. Kose Acasia. 25c to 50c. Privet for Hfdes 25c. ( Elaldacina 25c; Coiroraa Japonka 2x. 1 Ella gnus 25c; Liburnuai 5(c Tamarix Africana 25c to 5Cc. - , Kibes Gor loni 25c to 5'K:. j Weeping Mountain Ash $1 50. White Fringe Tree $1 50. Forsythea 5Gc to 51. Cornice Dogwood Silver S rirxd. 5t to$l. Deutza SeabU 25c; D:utn Urocalis )c. Weeping Birch 50c. Magnolia Acuminetta 50c. Vv'eepingLijden $1 5i). Dwarf Lox 50c, pcr y;ird. Eauonimus 50c. Altheas, assorted, 25c to 50c. 157" la offering the above Si.ock tooarcu.ta?r!v we beg to say it is saocriur in CTowth ac l uuxirrw anyheretofure offered, ar.d pers?n3 wish ing a snlj. can avail of further information, by addreii: tu undersigned at St. Louis. Catalogues furnisli.J ' 11 post-paid applications. KnectfUxiy, JVJ1L SJULJUiU.N A W i-iy " xVCil dumber of the Alaganno wul cuauiu JU a octavo caes. in double columris, ca h your Aai f comprising nearly two thousand p-ige S Ae c Jok-mI ilbjcellaneous Literaturo of tho day. Icry 010- , ber will contain numerous lVtonal Latra'.:on.f accurate Plates of the rashioni, aeopicus Vhr.m:le of , Current Events, an l impartuil ' Notices ef tie im portant Books of the ilonth. ln u.nm rora- mence with the I umbora for JL.iitr.i vtxA- BEii; but SubscriitiuixS nuj coiamcjie wia 127 Number. TEaas. secured some for seedthonPTt seasou. of the lower moncv value per bushel another inch, and so continue till you dollars. Large Red onion, is the variety in com- being compensated for by the greater have a soil as deep as one pair of oxen The Times has an average of eight mon use, which is a prolific yielder. number of bushels. Accurate . statis- or horses will ordinarily plow with a or ten pages of advertisements; which My main onion bed, I keep for onions tics show that this is an erroneous im- good, strong plow, which is about eight can not amountto less than 30,000 dol- each and every year. Isowassoonas pression, the number of bushels pro- or ten inches. Iars per we ek. The receipts from this .the ground will permit, say about the duced per acre of wheat, barley, and The advantages of such tillage have source have in some single weeks 20th cf April; matured first Septem- octs being much closer than has been been apparent during dry seasons, and amounted to nearly 40,000 dollars. ' ber. Iraisesome seasons half an acre: nenerallv suDDOsed. For example, the in wetseasons they are no less so. It The weekly averase of entire receints this year one-fourth of an acre, which produce of these three crops respec- yielded 200 bushels of choice onions, tively for 1S55, are found to be, for Market value from 50 to 75 cents. My the whole of Scotland, of wheat, 26 land is prepared in the fall cf the year. bush. 2 pecks; Barlev, 23 bush. 3 Yhen spring arrives I plow my ground pecks; Oats, 32 bush. pecks. The to 4 inches deep, incorporating the well approximation is still close in some is true, were there always just moisture can scarcely be set down at less than enougn, and not any too much, shallow bU,UU0 dollars, or 3,000,000 dollars a plowing would do better than it now year. No where is advertising carried docs; but, as we are vrfays liable to on to such an extent a3 in England, extremes, deep tilhgsis. the only safe "Professor" Holloway's pills are ad- wuiei;.-jnutm i'-'.v jlvtk, vcruscaio me amount 01 lau.uutidn sehers. lhjs. The Magazine may be obtained of Bool , Periodical Agents, or fiom the Publishers, i TintKK Dollars a year, or Twenty-fits tivrs N'amber. The Semi-annual Volanies, ; complete., neatly bound in Cloth, are sold. t Two Dollars each, and Muslin Covers are furnished lo these who wish to have their back -N'ambers unifurnJy bjuni, at Twenty-Eve Centj each. Ela ren Vl;jnej are cow ready, bound ia Cloth, and a2o in Halt Calf. Tho Publishers will supply Specmcn .lijnoers gratuitously to xg3nU and fos tioas'ers, nd win make liberal arrangements wiih them fureirrainj tho Magazine. Thev will alsa su pply CiaH-n wo K?rsons at Five Dollars a year, or live per?orJ A Ten )ollar3. Clergymen and Tethers suppliel ul') Dollan a year. Numbers from the oiuowncenaii can now be supplied. Also, tlie bound Volanw. Ihe JUgazine weigas ovT S:ven aau " eight ounees. The Postage ufon eich i aailcr, tri ( must he i-atd quarterly it arfranc, nilht (jit" the 3-i'jizim i rtceictJ, is Thse:s Ci-NT3. ExclmuQ" Nt:Kpnpfrt and rerio lie qufited to dirtct to uJIirprr'$ JIa 'jazi.it. 2"- Jf ine ruoiisners wouivi give noi-ce '"j -7, no Agents for whoso contracts tt ey tit resp'J' Those ordering the Magazine froia Agent? wwa.-H must look to thera for the lupply of ihe ox Dayton, Xenia & Belpre E. 1 Direct Throagh Itoate to the Li WINTER ARRAN GEHENT. The onl v Route aut'uo'zea to Ticket t NEW YOSZ all tie wi.y lj RAIL S-"-, Via. Dunkirk, Eudaio nad .Nia'-ara t . Connections Direct atd without detention t York, Dotiton, Baltimore, li:bwlelphia, V a.-, ton City, Albany, Buffalo, Nuigar.iFaE.'.i."' kirk. Cleveland. Crestlir.e. Pittsburgh a Znesville. e-varl UotaiuDai, 1 1 Tl Srj-in fiM and Xenii. p " --"fk - - . - VT TW tl tn:nS from Depot at j unction of Third street same bucket I had fed him from, and the U'tle cuss didn't Jill it half full! The following stanza contains every letter in the English Alphabet, except "E." It is a question whether any other English rhyme can be produced (in print) without the letter E. which is a letter employed more than any other: A joTial swain may rack his brain, And tax his fancy's might, .' To quia ia vain, for 'tis most plain That what I say is right. Try it all ye lovers of the curious. Wertz's Patent Submersed Water Wheel. rjlaES wheels are eiempt frcra til liability to X claims of Pattenttcs of 'other VTbecls. as will be shown by the following letter r,ia Mr. Merchant, agent of Z. Parker : ' DaytctiJtarch lt, 1S55. Messrs. Chafmam A Edgab, . " Dear Sirs: -la Answ er to your enqui ries, I would state that the p;'.ent granted to Z. &. A.Parker, for imr rovemitits in Water "Wheels expired on the 19th d.;y of (Jet. 1S50, having run 21 .years from the 19th of Oct Vi2d. The second patent granted to Z. Prktr aad Robert MeXelsy for the Draft Box, or aie tibht chest, (so called,) wa3 granted in June, 13ii, and exjir.dia June, 1S54, having run 14 year:-. ethr-f re claim nothing for the use of either of. Cm al-,c te improvements since the abovo dates. Res :tf ally Yours, L. Miix.aAxT, Ageat for Z. Parker. The subscribers "hate secured tlia right to manu facture the abevo "Vfc:ol, and are jjepared to furnish all sizes on short notice. These Wheels hara been thoroughly tested in this vicinity, and give ciiversal satisfaction. CIIAI'ilAN St EDGAR. Dayton, June 7, 13j5 nal as follows : Exiwe. Train... . - r . Accommodation Train l l" , t Mail Train, 1 , Cninsr JP?vstr -Set r$secgeT Dy tLv u,v a.m.. I ra.ia ik-b v , connect at Xcnia with morning Eipre of k C. 4 X. Railroad to New York, Roston. S-v3 : Buifalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Crestiin'. l'-'-; and Itiladelpbia. Also for RiJtiaMe. City, AVheelicg, Zanesville, Newark aui - p "ff Passengers by the 11:03 A. Tiaia from p$ connt at Xenia with the afternoon train te- bus, Newark, ZancsvilleWheeling, IJalti;'' t also with the downward train lor Cincinna-i. land. Morrow, Wilmington, Washington, " and Lancaster. - r Passengers by the 6:00 P. M. Traia fr"; connect at Xenia with ever in Erjress, fJ field. Cf.lumbn. Crestline. Clevelajrd. Dar.t' falo, New York, Bost.in, Kttsburgh, and Fai'--' Through Tickets. . , To all the above points by way oi Colam: be obtained at the D. X. O.B.R. Dep.. All trains will stop at Ilirbiae, and at r -r Shoup's and Frost's on not e cr pign:d to d a. v. met, licjici JOS. CLEGO, Pres't. . Great Plow end Wagcn M'ANUFAbTORY, Head of St. Clair Str?et,ra the bank of tha River, DAYTON, OHIO. ELli de5eTlpt.oa of Plows and Virions kept constant on Land sad niariufacturi!d to (Tder. The Plow i " turned out-' at this Establish nent, among which may le - fo je I Crain's celebrated Pat ent, are not excelled by i ay in tho United States in fact, their reiUtjUon Lis already eittnded over the country. ( Persons ii wantof Wagnrjcr Plow3 wonlldjwcll to call hero before rnrwhaiiiiS tLuwhcre. JuncT.lSW. H. K1ME3. The Great Western Central l- TX through trains without chinas ' iBetwecn Dayton, Indiarapolis and Dayton & Western & l&t T .'if I TenO' Fir?t Morning Twin leaves Davten fur t' at 7:15 A. Jt. Second, Evening Train leaves Da jt-a U argils at 3:15 P. M. jaiuls 5s. surra 1 u a a 44 a u u u u AGEKTSt AGEST PERSONS iiccustome-l to procure sube-: Books, Magruines Ae or ct up cluf-' papers, are reiuestedto ssni us thoirua" dress, and we will forwat-d them, fre cf. specimen number of a publication for !C n.l ready sale; and wo will a.'low thea of Jl) percent. f.ir their wrvke. - B L L Q i - No.