! iironTof tc Extracts from akntcr Sated Fort v ancouver, Wasliington Territory, April 1st 1836. St. Louis Republican. For the past six rr.orjtbs tho clouds have Leon thickening around us and in almost all our attempts to brighten matters, our enemies have come ol Gr&t best. From JJaller's defeat up to the last masterly strokes, enacted a few miles above this post, the Indians certainly have Lad the better of us. It became necessary, a few months since, to apply to the authorities at Washington for ad ditional troops and they, were promptly grant ed. The Oth Infantry came to this post, when Cnl. Wright was invested with full powers to conduct the campaign gainst t the Indians.' Fc'.'tv Utiles above this place the river cavita tion ceases, and over frve miles, the falls and rapids of tharlrtr, all stores have to be trans ported, in part, ly small boats, cordelled, and the balance cf the way, about a mile and a half, by a woolen Railway; tho small cars carving about a ton of freight: b :r :r drawn by mule und hand rower. At the lower end of this Railroad a I) lock IIcu:ew.is constructed in October hist, which has, pro identially been Ihe means vf saving many valuable lives. This portage of five miles is one of the strong est places that I have ever seen, once in pos f . :.on of the enemy and all supplies to the r.rcr country, Fort Dallas, Walla Wa'la, &c, c, must cease, Uesides this, trom tne Eature cf the srou'd, the party having possession must have i::y.ner.se advantage over those at tempting to dislodge them. In a military point .of view it, therefore, is necessary to hold thi3 place, or of what use are our river steamers to . tn on either tide, or how is the army, about to t-V- t' ? cld, i j be supplied with tb-ir JalJy "1. , : . Rumor , upon rumor ,1.3 1 reached us thai Ue Indians intended to h:Id this place, so soon as the troops all got pa? and n route for the Walla Walla country, and that they intended to burn the steamers, after which they would make a descent upon 1 ort Vancouver, the great depot of ammunition and supplies of li kinds. . All these were laughed 'at by the knowing ones. ."The idea of these miserable ' half clad, half fed . creatures' attacking the jxDrtage is preposterous ! Have we not a Block i IIousheld by a Serjeant and einJit men about rnid way on this formidable bug-bear ?" . .As before remarked, Col. Wright was 5ri tjusted with the management of affairs in .this rt;ion. Lieut. Col. Casey, with two companies or. theOtb, having been ordered bv Gen, Wool, to Tcget Sound, The Colonel went to .work .with a will and got things in readiness, in the shortest possible time, to take the field. Hia disposition of the forces was as follows : One company of the 9th and one of the 4th Infantry at Fort Vancouver. One of the 9th at the portage, ilie Cascades of t?ie Colunibia. One company of the 4th at Fort Dallas. One at the Indian reservation, sixty miles South of the Dallas and the balance six companies of the 9th, one cf Artillery and one of Dragoons disposable for service in the field, with himself ' at their head.- In the meantime the mail steamer arrives, having on board the General commanding, and it was necessary and proper to take the company of the 9th, destined for the Btror ghold at the Cascades and the one ordered to remain here with him, to Puget Sound. What are the" consequences? CoL Wright leaves the Dallas with his command ; the Indians wait until they think that he has a clever start and then make a simultaneous de Rtvnt UDon this unprotected five miles of port Ae and upon one of the steamers at the upper ianding, blow up the houses and Government property and murder on3 soldier, out lrom tne Block Llouse getting wood, shoo; two others, vtmndin,T them badlv, and kill thirteen women and' children. The little steamer at the upper 3i' -d:r"T mukes a gallant defence until thev can -et an steam and ruts back to Dallas with the 'c'lrninf intelligence mat me line oi com munication i is latcrmpted; tnat the portage another, and oin company, seventy fV"o protect it, the necessity existed to a4?ttlFt the relief of those poor -fellows beoed in the Block House. Attachment p'ty-one from the beventpxrttt ine Drf?0ns under Lieut.) Sheridas sent off.,,-)13 Vancouver1 Av;. twenty-nine xnvt0T protection. The , -tndians cognizant'' these facts, as they are in daily comnxv,:catl'on with those who have disarmed ai pretend to be friendly, con iemplatc an attack upon this place that bight, but we detered, we hear, by the timely arri val tf the Columbia, mail steamer, about 8 c;och, r. wua eiguty recruits. Lieut. Sheridan repaired to the relief of those men in the4JIock house, on. Thursday, the 27th, and fought all day, and at night were obliged to withdraw to the opposite side of the river, and send tne steamer down for addition al force. He reported the Indians five to his one, ana they in position disputing every foot cu ground, xie aiso reported tne steamer Mary had been captured, and no chance, in conse quence, for reinforcements from the Dallas. The timely arrival of the recruits, per Columbia, enabled the commanding officer to spare twenty-nine men- to the assistance of Lieut. Sheri dan. They started at 2 o'clock, p. m., and reached his camp at 10 r. m., the night exceed ingly dark and rainy. The men were loaded and ready to jump on shore the instant the boat touched the land. We reared the bank slowly, hailing and received "for answer that the Cascades had been re-taken from the Indians by a large command under Colonel Wright, and the detachment under Lieutenant Sheridan. Those of us who were about to jump ashoro and hold the bank, were not dis appointed at this news. What the plan of campaign now will be, is more than I can tell you. It would seem that the settlement of new posts above Fort Dallas Jc v;":lrr fntorfl consideration, when more: 'troops get into the country. I0T7C3 JSr- TEXAS LIFESNAKES, SCOS- pAK Astoxio, Texas, April 15, 56. Thesis no use disputing the matter. Texas is a great State. We mean the soil, the "bound less plains, the beautiful oak forests, the luxu rious grass, and just at this time its soft, I'.lny ,b"cezei and its beautiful nights. Don't undui 'standus that e admire everything in Texas. Not by considerable. . Its nasty little rivers, its bu" and snakes and varmints of all kinds, in cluding a smart sprinkling of the natives, we do beg leave most respectfully to despise. We have just returned from a trip up among the ' Camanches and the Sogers on the Clear Fork of the Brazos River, and if we are not almost scared out of our senses, we don't know our eelf. The warm weather for the last month ha3 made everything look like midsummer, "and all sorts of creeping and stinging things . have emerged from their winter lodgings in such quantities that I fear I shall never get home sfa. It was only a few rights since. that I pitched my tent on the banks of the Colorado. 1 thought I had selected a good clean spot for my humble blankets, and I was about to turn in, when I heard a rattle that nearly made me jump out of my skin. There he was, not three feet from my tent, taking a good lock at my dog, which had come a little too close to the reptile. Where the critter camo from the Lord may know; I'll swear he was'nt there a half hour before. WelL we "killed the snake, and being weakly, I took one-half pint of toddy, concocted of the meanest whisky that , ever was seen. They don't have any other sort here. Well, the men of my party went otf to bed, leaving only your correspon dent, "Dick," my dog, aid Ben, my nigger J himself up in . . t., ...w . TV.'r hiroagb- th djaeeiit citieC thousandsifrpm i..s r-ould be the next place attacked. WijhBdck0 Wand and Daveuport stoodthe a sea tiered garmoa of a quarter of a shores i vatchi ng the sublime spec; 161. one direction and more than a half miV 1Q 1 e-cre'.T):ck took tf siim!Brr3-TCrt mv blankets, at mv feet inside of the tent, and I thought I would read myself to steep, x caa scarcely finished 2 pages whea, I saw crawlx slowly up the side of my tent what looked to me like the father of all Fpiders. I- was sure at first that only that one drink of whisky had rrPif rT O fit fl f "the monkevs:" and I had UlUUlui w" " - ' .... i no doubt that 1 should crown myseu ueiwo morning. Meanwhile, with remarkable pres ence ofmind. I called to Ben to convince my self that I was cot really ont of my proper mind. To my delight, that n:;;:;er camj into the tent, at! I pointed out to rny visitor.r u Why, dat's a trontulum," says he; "jes wait a minute till I slosh him on de kqe." You see the darkie has been living near the Dutch settlements a!; Frs3ricksburg, and he iikes to show off bis knowledge cf the Germsa vernac ular. After tilling the "trantulum " he calmed my fears.bv telling me that there was only one thin that eo aid cure the bite of lias insect, and nf whiskv. As I hadn't mere than three drinks left, aad it wa3 fifty r r res to the nearest sememem, i vuw w.r oiim;4"W6'""' vw i.w a a roor comforter; and I vras about to remark i to be tendered to the remaining civilized Powers that much to hirn, when I saw something thtt of Europe and the rest of mankind for accopt looked like . little "fiddler," (tiuch as you s?o . Gnce, with the added understanding that they on the sea shore in these parts,) wita a tail to it, crawling over my shirt bosom. My first ira- j pulse was to brush the thing away with my1 hand, which I did, bvit in a moment I felt as though a needle had beers run into the end of my finger ai d shoved up to my elbow. The pain made me start to my feet, but Ben only laughed, "Yaw, yaw, mass Jeemes dat's a scorripin-2 ou musn't tech 'em." bo, between the rattle-snakes, the tarantulas and the scor pions, you may be sure that I shall never for get the night I spent on the Colorado, lly finger swelled up to the size of a good-sized sausage, and I have no doubt it would have mined me a jrood deal had I not fancied that it was going to go hard with me, all of which induced me to take mv remaining three drinks of bad whisky, and from the efiect3 ot wmcn I have no doutt 1 was at nrsc lovingly, senu mentallv: then loariog drunk, and then- don't recollect how it was I slept until 10 o'clock the next day, and then I was aroused by the melodious voices of twelve hungry mules tied to the wagons in front of my tent. Correspondent of the N. Y. Daily Times. MoitE A110UT THE LOSS OF THE EFFIE AfTOU. A' correspondent of the Chicago Press, writ- tin from the Kock Island House on tne i tn insL, gives a graphic description of the des. truction of the Erfie Afton , of which he says "She was acknowledged to be the finest boat that has appeared in these waters." We quote from this write: The river is now higher than it has been known to be for years past. Of course tne current here 'at the foot of the rapids is now R'mn-T Passtne through the draw of the "o" a o - hride. the steamer had almost cleared every tHug, when, as is alleged, by the lorce oi tne curnt, the stern ol tne boat was earned against the pis; cn the right. Thw tnrew tue bow toward the Illinois shore above the bridge, and the cuent carried the boat around against the outer spai of the bridge. Ihe unr voiks of the boat struck against the bridge Jitb. so much violence as to knock all in piece$:smoke pipes, stoves and the like were tnrowndn. The boat was set on'nre in two or three places. The hull of the boat by theforceof theWent. The deck stood nearly at an angle o fortv-five degrees. Boat and bridge were locWl together. All was confusion and yet seral attempts were made to extinguish the fires. Vphese were supposed for a time to be successf and yet soon after the flames broke out with such violence as to baffle all effort; but the connection with the bridge enabled the passera to escape. They got themselves and their baggage on shore. The flames, however, were soon communicated Tho outer end burned ou and burnin, sterner:' the.oth.r j stcaviei tuateJ down-t .lera sheet cfilame. tr.r. j the cir. ient had spread New3 feom Salt Lake. Mr. G. W. Hood, and six others have j ost got in from SaJt Lake, 47 days out. Mr. Hood states there haf been irreat sufiferinf? in S:ilf Tit mi nfw.rmt r m m m of the severity of the winter, and shorfnessTTi'ith the happiness of her, future." "You are crop3 occasion isioned bv the Grasshoppers. The Ledslature met at Film ore. 160 miles South of Salt Lake, Gth December, had aquht time, and Delegates had been appointed to present a State Constitution to Cor.'Tess, asking admis sion into the Union as a Slate. Mr Babbitt, Secretary of the Territory, and Judge Kinney and family, along with Missionaries for differ ent parts of the world are cow on their way in. Alout ten thousand head of stock per ished daring the winter, in. the Northern val leys. A posse of men, under a Deputy TJ. S. Marshal, went out in February, to take some prisoners among the Pah Utah Indians, who it is charged murdered Lieut Gunnison. They arrested three and killed two ono of the Ind ians cut his throat after being arrested. This tribe of I jdians, in Cedar Valley, stole 150 head of stock. They were pursued into the mountains, 50 head of stock was captured eight Mormons were killed, and two or three Indians. Business has been very dull on account of the scarcity and high prices of provisions. '1 his party left bait Lake with the small party seven in all on the 11th March. Had great difficulty in getting through the Moun tains, on account of the great quantity of snow. After passins the Mountains, had rleasant weather and good trip. Saw a number Siouxs at Fort Laramie, all peaceable. It was under stood that peace would be made. Kansas Herald, May 8. Shipv,t:eck and Awful suffeeings at Sea Ten Lives lostNabbative ofCapt. ltuDOLra. We have by a 'private nand news from,, bk. Joans to the Utu ulL The seal fishery had so far been pretty good. About forty one-fourth of the whole fiaet had ar rived, with about 100,000 seals. It was feared, however, that the remainder would meet with but indifferent fortune. A dieadful shipwreck had occurred to a vessel commanded by Capt Piudolf, well known among us. - The British bark Blake, of SOO tons, Ed ward Rudolf, master, belonging to Messrs. Finnie, Brothers & Co., of Liverpool, England, sailed from Ship Island Harbor, State of Mis sissippi, United States, with a cargo of pitch pine deals, bound to Cork for orders, in fine trim ana beautiful order, on the 8th ot x eoru ary last, with a fine fair wind and weather, with every hope of making a good and pros perous passage. On the 13th, during a snow-storm, she was capsized; seven were washed overboard, the decks burst open, all the hatches washed off, and every morsel of provisions carried away. The remaiuder of those on board were without food or drink for five days; on the eighth day a sms.ll cask of water was got at, and a half- drowaed rat was caught and devoured; after wards a man died and his body was reserved to be eaten, and was actually eaten in part, when on the ninth day after the disaster, tho aschconer Pigeon, of St. Johns, N. F hove in iht and rescued the sufferers. Eight persons were washed overbdard, two died of cold and starvation, and seven were saved. n The celebratsd banking-housa of the Roths childs loaned during the past year, $515,000,- UOO, as follows: England, $50,000,000; Tur key, $ 10,000,000 ; Sardinia, $10,000,000 ; Austria, $120,000,000; Eussia, first loan, $130, 000,000; Eussia, second loan,' $100,000,000; ! England, on Exciter bills, $3"OOOl,X"0. ItHeems scarceTossiteffatnC'bcr.ent, "to- yon d peace itself, was to bo secured ;to tns world at large by the Fr.-isian Ccafercnces. We are happy to recog:. ;:e the contrary fact. Anions the documents attending the treaty as specific conventions, we have published one determining three highly important principles of narirlmelaw, long disputed, only partially admitted even in theory by the majority of Christian Powers, and lor g insisted upon by the Go vernment of the unitea estates, xney run thu3: ' " . ;l . "1. rrivateering is and remains abolished. . ' 2. Tho neutral flag covers enemy's goods, wi'.h tb exception of contraband of war. "3. Neutral goods, with the exception of con traband of war, are not liable to capture under enemy's flag. 4 , Blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective that is to 6ay, mabtained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coasts bv the enemy." .At ted upon and unanimously signed by the shall not. accrue to tne advantage ol any Power declining to become a party. There is ltue fear that any commercial community will hesitate about that. Our own Government will naturally be among the first to consent, having labored the last forty years to introduce these very doctrines into the international code of all maratime countries, and failing in that, have embodied them in separate treaties with as many friendly States as could be persuaded to accept them. Theso evangel cal labors are now ended; the necessary guarantees of pacific commerce in war times are secured as far as the solemn faith of nations cansstablish them. Mew York Tines. Who Owss 'em ? We notice a large num ber of boys wandering about the city, who we suppose must be lost. They are lor tne most part very well dressed, wearing long coats, tight pantaloons, shiny nats and boots, and generally carry small canes in their kid gloved hands. From the manner in which they stare at the ladies who pass them, we infer that they are trying to find their mothers. Why don't our charitable citizens get up an asylum for these poor children ? It is a shame to allow them to be wandering about the city by themselves in this manner. Thev are muchmore.fit to be in the nursery. The kind-hearted keepers of taverns and billiard saloons, allow them i refuge in their establishment, and most charit ably supply them with segars and adulterated liquors. At all houre of tho day and eight these unfortunates crowd beneath their hospit able roofs. Parents in search of their sons wil hear of them by paying these places a visit. Phila. Evening Journal. The wat to get a Claim. Horace Greeley writes to the Tribune, from Washington, the way "claims" are sometimes obtained. It is thus: " "I have been told that a man who had claim on the government for four or five thou sand dollars, danced &tteDdoc acxne capicoi fnr twrt or thrpA sessions to no purpose. At leroth an old Tn'ember, who knew the rope and wbpuwas struct oy ms pertinacity, cauea hlmjas'ide, and gave him the benefit of some O . . 11 Il l r" V i ' na vnn'h, Win see you are green, long as voir have beenin Washington. U ust witnaraw your paper, ana increase your claim to twenty or thirty thou sand. Then promise a thousand to this one, and two thousand to that one, and so on through a list of half a dozen who can help you, all of course on the contingency of your gaining your, claim. ; If you should be cut down a little;you can afford iL"; The claimant thankfully took the' advice,- acted on it, and in'duo time, carried home his honest due and .litlarnnTe. .j. , . . ., ... Popping the Question. "What a strange thing is acquaintance!" said a beautiful girl, the other day, to a friend of ours. "A year ago we had not; seen each other many a season had rolled its 'course, bringing hope, happiness, and perchance sorrow to each, with out the cognizance of the"other, and noio we are so intimate." Our friend says she looked so lovely he could not help pressing her deli cate cheek he asked her, "if he aught to do in all my dreams of the coming days," replied she. ; They are to be married next month. We consider this one of tie neatest "popping" cspeciallasit happens in leap year Portland TranscripL JL .... XI A Faithful Wife. A young man who was convicted of bigamy at Xewburyport last spring, upon serving out hh term of punish ment, was met at the railroad station by his first wife, who took him to a clothing store, gave him a new rig, then presented to him $300 she had earned since he deserted her, and they departed together for their former home in New Hampshire. Such an act of forgiveness should bring the runaway to his senses. Cleveland Herald. If he deserts her again, he desirves to be vuited by the devil every night until Beelze bub makes him his own. Where are the Heirs? The public ad ministrator of Nevada county, California, has published a statement of the funds belonging to various estates, as follows: Lbenezer Reeves, Sl.845; John Wingate, $36; Thos. Hockland, $102; W. P. Brown, $127; Michael Reynolds, $222; Michael Mc Laughlin, appraised value of estate, $829; S. Hutchings, $27,60; C. Hanson, $217; W. II. Harrison, $247; A. A. Carle, $92; G. H.Rus- sell, $98; Hugh Grant, $812; John Boyce, $84, and Israel. Joiner, appraised value of estate, $920. The publication is official, having been made by order of the county judge. The Curctjlio. A reward of $500 was offered by the Kentucky Horticultural Society at its meeting in Louisville, last week, to the discoverers of a certain and effectual remsdy against the curexdio. Said remedy not to be so costly or ' troublesome as to prevent general application. jv That's So.The folio )wia answer was madelcffFyoung Ipdy who had sent her lover aki!sin aletter:! Thanks to my absent friend Akisayouiny ? letter send. But, ah! thetli'r, charm is lost In kiasea that arriFeV :' ' That fruit can only ta? ' -1 be When gathered, mclti ! -"rom ihe treef The editor of the UlT herald says that he once knew a wild wido cut out her own daughter in the good g- ces of her lover and married him herself! obtain revenge for this mean unmotherly iVk, the daughter set her cap for the young yian's rich father (of whom he was the ocy heir,) and actually married him, and had1 to Q infinite annoyance of the other?arty. This occurred Onandago county. $ 'it A Psoyckutq Ez-jtz. In the second para graph of theadver,j;;,eme':it of Millwood Acad emy, as publish for several weeks pest, the following jiofltencs occurred : "Though sub ject to ague, you could tot find a more desira ble place." It should have read "Those sub ject to ague could net find a more desirable place," and we have accordingly corrected it tnis weeK. anaae uap, where the Academy is located, is entirely free from asue. and ia al together one of the most healthv valleys in te oiatc. irm uevocnt Ltictsioicn, Fa. Alettter from Genoa, Italy, "says: "the dis patch announcing thit. Eussia accepts the pre liminaries of peace, las naturally rot produced the same effect in the different Italian states &s in the rest of Europe. There had always been a lingering idea thit Italy ,, would find some aleviatioucf itslmtery in the results of the war: tho .xonclusioi of peace takes away all hope. T.iz datu, qjfy will be maintained, and foreign domination ponsolidated." - The Sugar crop hn the Island of Jamaca this season is 50,00 hhds., greater than ever before. This is attlbuted to "Yankees" hav ing taken the man gement of several of the largest sugar estates In working they employ the negroes at so mlch per day, paying in cash every week. The' cash wakes up the best energies of the sabli laborers, and gives a life never before seen pr heard of to the sugar- making business. '!'"! The passege by congress of a bill granting large quantities of jands to the State of Iowa for the constructionbf four railroads has had the effect to create j panic in the market for land warrants. Aithis measure win almost close the land oSick in that State, warrants are expected to falllbelow one dollar per acre. Purchasers are relultant to go much beyond that rate at present! f The Sidney (IT. 8. W.) Mercantile Journal, States that the expop of gold dnst from that port during the yeai 1855, amounted to l.y-U,-589 ounces, which at 65a. per ounce, is equal to 7,202,211, or 236,000,000. The value of imports during theyear w&a 2,900,122, against 5.9SL063 in the rrevict.s year. The '.".value of - "merchandise " exported during"T855 v as 2,354,530against $1,010,126. ' An' omciaVreturrf of the Spanish debt has just been putlished The total amount of in debtedness h 13,5bO,4bb,lIO reals. Among the items isone of "inscription m favor of the United Stales, 12,000,000 reals." The total sum of redeemable debt, purchased from 1851 to the eniof June, 1855, was 931,935,271 reals, and cost the state 67,108,131 reals. The Philadelphia papers estimate the total loss at tie recent terrible fire in that city at $607,200,- upon which was an insurance of $380,20). Araotg the slain in the engagement at Mo hdumdpore, (Oude) says the Calcutta English man, was found the body of a woman, dress ed in a' garment dyed black; she was armed like the rest ot her tribe, with a pair of pistols and a swordi and must have been killed by a grape-shot 1 It i3 said she was a very religious woman, an was much venerated in conse quence of hiving made a pilgrimage to Mecca. The intellgence is confirmed that the great city of Jeddv, in Japan, has been destroyed by an earthquake, with the loss of thirty thous and lives and a hundred thousand houses.' It is by far the rreatest calamity of the kind that has occurred n a century,' even exceeding, in the magnitute of the disaster, the destruction -of X-Uoa.in.leru, and Lisbon, in Portugal, by earthquakes,jWhicH Iiappened many years ago. We learn, vith deep regret, tWiWintahi. tants of Jer salem, and . more especially the Jews, are sujfering severely from the lack of water and the high price of food. The funds sent from Europe by the Jews for the relief of "their distressed brethern are equally divided lamong all living in the four holy cities, so that "but little falls to the share of each. The mass of the people have no means of subsistence. The Anthracite Coal mined in Pennsylvania1 last year, equalled in value half the gold taken from California. J The loss by . the fall in brcadstuffs on the) Liverpool stock alone is estimated to be 300,- Several of the insurance companies in Rhode Island have resoled not to insure building any parts of which ard occupied for the sale of in toxicating liquors or for gambling purposes. ": The Judiciary Committee in the House of Jlerjresentatives, have under consideration the propnefylof making the office of Postmaster an elective one. The Lapwing has returned to New Bedford, from her first whaling cruise of thirty months, with a cargo worth $135,000. The 93d redment, that distinguished itself so nobly at Ballaklava, was the same that got so awfully whipped at New Orleans. The Tobacco Market. The actual cash sales of leaf tobacco in this market during the past week amounted to 939 hogsheads. Prices ranged from $4 40 to $5 for scraps and iDferior lugs, $5 50 to $10 for fair lug3 to choice, and $10 90 to $11 25, $11 75 to $18, and $15 50 for extra manufacturing leaf. These were about the largest sales and highest prices ever obtained in this market in one week. The aggregate cash price paid to farmers by the tobaccobuyers of Louisville during tho week, at a moderate average, amounted to the sum of $155,100. Louisville Courier, 19th. Clear writers, like clear fountains, do not seem so deep as they are; the turbid look the most profound. Extraordinary Hail Stobil An unusual hail storm occurred at Auburn, Ala., on tho 14th inst, ' A writer in the Montgomery Mail, says: "The size of the stones varied from as small as a pea to as large as a lemon. The large ones were mostly of the shape of an oblate spheroid. I measured one of ordinary size, and found it eight inches latitudinally, and seven inches longitudinally. The prevailing size was that of a guinea egg, w hile tho shape varied greatly. I -found plenty that would weigh four ounces." Belgians at Grtes Bat. The Green Bay Advocate 'notices the arrival of 900 Bel gians that point QlsTSpnng, "and states that there are from 3000 to 4000 more on the way there. They settle' principally on the Peninsula,-between Green Bay and Sturgeon Bay, and are described as strong and healthy looking settlers. ; " An Australian Legislator. Mr. Daniel Cameron, who was selected representative for the digging district of Woolshed, Australia, had the compliment paid to him by his sup porters of having the horse'Jhe rode on at the time of the contest, shod with shoes of solid gold. ' He was also presented with a sum of 1,500. S . i -' " Arrival op the Camels. By a letter re ceived in this city from Maj. Wayne, we learn that the U. S. storeship Supply, which was dis patched last year by the government to the East for the purpose of procuring a cargo of camels, has arrived at lialveston, Texas. The Supply,' left Smyrna on the 15th of February, and during the long. journey lost but a single camel. Under the order for their importation, these animals are to be kept one year in Texas after they are landed, for the purpose of acch mation and breeding, after which they are to be placed on the overland route to the Pacific, for the purpose of carrying the mails, and, per haps, small packages of freight. Savannah Republican, 6th. Ice as an Allayer of Patn. The French discovery of the use of ice as an anassthetic agent m surgery. Las been applied by Dr. Wol cott.of Utica. He has repeatedly made the application of ice, and found it to be better than chloroform , or ether, as its effects are local, and the result is attained without injury to the system. By applying snow and salt, he was enabled to remove a large tumor with out pain to tho patient .. SIAIX STREET, .-174 W. & A. SENSENDERFER. IMPORTERS AM WUOX.E3AI.S DEALERS IX Havana and Domestic Cigars & Tobacco. f3T. XjiOXJXO, MO. WE have in store, and to arrive, a very br m assortment of the very best brands of la'f j, Cigars. Wo desire to call the special attention v: cash buyers to oar lare stock, which w0 are da xt Biined to sell very low fcr cash. They consist, in iiext, of the following brands : Prer.tituda Ecgalias; Diana Millars: Mi Disstiiio , - do Aiii'uedad ' do Ljstamanto do Caraelia do Delirante do Salaadora do Staffanoni do Meridianas , do Washington do El Sol do Empero Nichalis d Mensagero do Carventns do Newton do Victoria do Iberia do Espenola do BegAdera do LaAlonna do Nensagero do Emalacion do -La Voj do Fortuno Londress; Fidelidad do ' -Granadina do Pocahonta do La Flora do Keinas Sultana do ' ElSoldelaDrimea do Doce Meses do Figaro Cillindradosi D. B. Castanon do Prensado D. D. do J. Y. P. Fama do V de la Kama do Vignera Plantations; P.L. do Vellegas do Mensagero Trabucasj De la Oruj Principcs; Victoria do Barrios do Leght Guarfl Opera, Star do J. L. Panetclas: Des'gnio Prest. May , W. & J. SEXSENDERFEIt. DIc3Iechan & Eallentlne, WHOLESALE Grocer3 and Commission Mer chants, No., 3t Levee, St. Louis, Mo., between Olive and Locust sts, hare now in store and receiv ing the, largest and most general jstock of Groceries ;hey have ever offered, which they intend to sell at the lowest market rates. Their stock consists in part of ; 375 hhds N. 0. suar; 400 bbls clarified; .. 225 bbls loaf, crashed and powdered sugar; 300 do and hf do plantation molasses: . , . '., 400. ptg Belcher's ay. molacs; 15Q tlsr XOSH; 150 hf chestj X 11 tea; 'U j do imp. u r ana x Black do: ' . r 150 casks S. Carb soda; 25 do saleratas; " 200 boxes Babbitt's Baleratus; 275 do Va and Mo tobacco: 75,000 Spanish cigars; 200,000 Ilav and Cuba sixes; 300 bxs star candles; 111 casks currant"?; 1000 bbls, bf do and kits 1 and 2, makerel; '50 pkgs No. 1 salmon; 3000 bxs ass'd tumblers; 200 qtand pt flasks; 3000 nests tubs, 3 and 8; 500 dozen assorted pails; 1500 sks prime Rio coffee; 300 packets Java; 75 sacks Mocha do; 2500 kgs Wheeling and Boston nails and brads assorted 3d to 40d; 75 bxs Bait Cove oysters; 275 bales batting; 200 sks Eagle cotton yarn assorted; 400 coila Man. and Jute rope; 100 bxs peperand pimento; 75 bbls almonds; 100 drnms figs; 600 bxs hf and qr M It raisins; 5 drums coil fish; 125 bxs do; 15 cases sardines hf and qr; 350 boxes assorted pickles, ketchup; 300 bxs palm and fam. soap: 30 do mould c'dls; 500 do asst window glass: 50 bgs carpet chain; 100 doz zino washboards; 50 gross yeast pow'ds; 60 nests willow baskets; Together with a general and full stock of for ein and domestic Wines brandies, ic. 1 W. S. GILMAN. WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 130 Second street, St. Louis, has in store a large and well select ed stock, which is offered af the market rates, con tisting in part as follows: 370 hhds N. O. sugar; 200 bbls loaf, crushed powdered do; 1500 bags Rio coffee; 100 do Java do; 150 bbls S. II. syrup molasses; 850 do S. II. molasses; 250 bbls plantation molasses; 100 pkgs mackerel 100 boxes codfish: 100 bbls Wilmington tar; tr Kegs Boston ana nttsburgn 65 kegs fine 3d nails; 75 bags cottoa yarn; 50 bales carpet chain: 150 do cotton twine; 100 bales wicking; 450 els Manilla and Jute cordage;- 100 do plow and clothes lines; 400 boxes window class, assorted sizes: 2000 Tbs W. chalk; 300 do alum; 1500 do s'tpcter; 20000 osnaburg sacks; 10 kegs sup. corb. soda; 200 half cheats Imp., V. H. and G. P. teas; 300 boxes Imp., Y. H. and G. P. teas; 450 boxes Virginia and Missouri tobacco; 100 bx. smoking tobacco; 50 do cut chewing do; 150 bx. star candles; 70 do sperm ao; 300 caudle moulds; 250 boxes soap; 350 pkgssaleratus: 3 cases Ma. indico: B eoroons S. F. do: , 80 bsrs np-nerr i dO pii,onto; 200 bxs g'd s'ices; pPf rap., A'. rtrtr J- I 1 pttj v.300 doz com. and fancy pvils, 100 no 3-booldo; 800 nests 2 and 8 qt tubs; 250 mats cassia; ) 25 cases prunes; 40 cks currants; 3 do madier; 5 bbls whiting; 400 rms wrapping paper; 50 bales osnaburgs; brooms, zino wabboards. churns, tc, &c June 7, '56 GLASGOW Sc BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING AND C03IMISS10N MERCHANTS. No. 50 Levee, have in store and to arrive the following Gaods, which they offcr for sale at the lowest prices, vi . 1000 hhds fair to prime N. 500 boxes Yeast powdrs; O. Sugar; 100 kegs sup Carb Soda; 1000 bbls clfd sugar; 100 boxes saleratus; bOO do If and crush'd do; 500 els .Manilla Lordage; 500 do S. H. molassos; 300 do Jute do; 8du do plantation do; , 100 tcs prime Rice; 500 dos Manilla L Grass Bed Cords; 500 boxes Raisins; 25 bbls Almonds; 100 boxes Lem. Syrup, 300 do ass'd Candles; 100 Preserved Fruits; 100 do Meats; 100 do Pickles: 100 do ' Ketchups; 100 do Olive Oil; 75 do Brand'd Cher.; 50 do do Peaches; 30 cases Cariaccas Chocolate; 1000 pks G, and B. Teas; lOOObags Rio coffee; 100 do prime old Gov ernment Ja. coffee: 1000 kegs Nails; 1000 box?a I'm, Oleino & family Soap; 100 boxes Fancy Soap; 800 do Star Candles; 250 do Mould do; 50 do Castile Soap; 100 do Starch; 300 do Va. mafd To bacco; 200 do Mo. do; 800 do Smoking do; 40 do Wood bx match's; 50 do Sardines, quarter and half boxes; 5 cases Citron; 10 bbls Mason's Blk'ing; 5 cases Nutmeg3; 5 do Indigo; 50 sdo B. C. Oysters; 1100 do Cuba Cigars; 00,000 Reg. Cig. Imp.; 100 bags Pepper; 25 do Abpice; 300 bbls & hf do Ma'cl.; 500 boxes Glass; 100 brJes Batting; 200 doz Painted BuTcts; 1500 reams Wrop. Letter and Lap Paper; 300 nests Tubs, 3's-S's LIQUORS. 10 half pipes pure old 58 bbls Malaga Wine; Brandies; 100 bkts Dennis Champ. 100 do Heidsick do; 100 cases do do do; 100 bbls Monon. Whis'y; 100 do old Rye Whisky, very superior; June 7th, 1856. 50 cases old Md. Wine; 200 boxes Llaret Wine, St. Louis, Mo. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. Walieia'gAHand Corn-Planter. rpHE Western Corn Planter Company, havinsrcom X plcted their arrangements for Manufacturing valuable Labor-Saving Imrdcmo&t- them to the Farmers of the West, in the full confi dence that IJiey will at once supply a want long felt by all, for a irabstitute to the old laborious, alow, and expensive methods of planting with a hoe. Tho ob jections heretofore made to Corn Planters, are, in akefield invention, entirely obviated: their sim plicity, accuracy, cheapness, and durability, wilKal once recommend them toall Farmers. It is carried and used as a cane or walking stick, requirinff no de lay or additional motion or effort is. adapted for planting in rocKy ana uneven ground, ana in all kinds of soil is easily adjusted to plant at any desired depth, and to drop any required number of seees in a mil. The method hy which the seed is planted with this Planter is new, and, it is believed, possesses advan tages over every other, not only! in facility of use,but in hastening germination. The seed is forced, by pressure, obliquely 'from the surface of the ground to the required depth, thus insuring the immediate absorbtiou f moisture, by bringing it into perfect and hard contact with the soil, under and around it, while the earth faffing loosely over, cannot abstract the coming up and growth of the blade. The economy of using this Planter, that will more than pay for itself if only wanted to plant in a com mon garden is apparent to all "Persons wishing to purchase Planters or Righta, may obtain further information by address ing Western Corn Planter's Co. office, No. 84 Main street, between Olive and Locust streets, St. Louis, Missouri. T. SMITH, Agent. THE NEW FLOURING LULL. CLARK'S PATENT COMBINED GRINDING and Bolting or Merchant Flouring Mill. This highly ingenious and much needed invention forms an entirely new feature in the manufacture of WHEAT and FLOUR, by the superior manner in which it performs its work GRINDING and BOLT ING the Grain at a single operation into Seven different kinds of flour and feed. This mill possesses advantages to numerous to be enumerated in any advertisement. The prope? way to folly appreciate its great merit is to seet it run. It is in operation daily at No. 313 Broadway, Corner Court St., St. Louis, Mo. State and Country Rights and Mills For Sale. W. W. IIAMER & CO., Broad way and Court, 2d Story. 171- X: V ARRANGEMENTS Via ST. LOUIS & TERSE HAUTE 11, II, rpiIE Shortest acJ Quickest all Eailro.il Route to J Cincinnati, Louisville, Baltimore, rhiIudo.'phi;i, New York, Boston, and all Eastern Cities. i. S LOUIS AND TEr.IlE HAUTE P.. Pt. O'n to Tcrro Ilaote, di: of cars 22 miles sh.,r ctt'iroujrh, vithouti.1. ..- than by a:v l ther liail- .. Louis at rivLo'r at roR.il ijine, ana one less cnarge I c i 7so T' r: :tj?i Trains Daily, Si:'.: l t. ; OWNING EXPRESS-Loavt 8.D0 a. if, and IUinois'.ovva tt &.30 A. : Terr ILiu teatS. 45 pm. 2J. EVENING EXI'ItESS Leaves St. Louis at 5 p. if. and IllSnristown at G T. M. an .1 arrivinir at Tcrro II sute t 7.15 a.m., one hoar aai ten minutes quicker ;" n axr other route. One Sunday Train at 6 p. jr. - Coniiectinj at Indianapolis with Indianapolis it Cine innati Railroad, ar.i Indianapolis and LeUcfon. tain Railroad, for Cleveland, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Niagara Fall?. Albany, lnton, Xer York, Cr:?tlin3, I'ittdbursh, II : : r! '-uvn-h, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington :', y'l-'htnoiiJ, Cincinnati, Louisville, Dayton, Coluu- i.Zrjiesville, Wheeling, Lexington JTer York Fassenf.T3 'have a choice of four gord route from Indianapolis; via N. Y. Central, N. Y. & Erie, Pennsylvania Central, and Baltimore A; Ohi j Railroads. RrPawengew taking the ST. L0CI3, ALTON & TERRE HAUTE RAILROAD make close and aura connections for all the above-named points. Passengers for Dwatur, Ebomington, La.a!lo, Mendota, Rock Island, Burlington, Golena, Dunleith and Chicago, connect at Pan; with Blinois Central R. R., direct through, makin? this the shortost and most reliablo route to tho Northern points above named. . Also connecting at Matoon with the Chicago Branch of the Blinois Central, for all pcints on that Road. Passengers are rcquo-fed to s:uro their Through Tickets by this most reliable route. B.rsno handled and checked free of charge. ISl'hrou-h tickets can he procured at thy Com pany's OSice, l',o. 22 Fourth sreet, urder tho Plant ers House; 'wofra ' su inionjijt,ioa rtptwung tno different routes will be chcerfuL'y furnished. ii. It. SARGENT, Sup't. WM. O. HUNT, Ass't Sap'd. B. F. Fifteld, General Ticket Ag't. ffOmnibus es will call for pessengers in any part of tho city, by leaving their aldres3 at this office. PACIFIC RAILltOAD. OPEN TO JEFFERSON CITY. ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th, this road was put in operation for transportation of Passengers and freight, through without change of cars. Until further notice, the Passenger trains will run daily, ( Sundays excepted ) as follows Leave St. Louis at 10 a.m. Arrive at Jef. City, 5 P.M. u Jefferson at 8.30 a. sr. " St. Lcuis, 3.30 r. M. " Franklin at 6.00 a.m. u St. Louis, S.00 A.M. " St. Louis at 5.50 p. m. " Franklin, 7.00 P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS. Leave St. Louis at 7 A. M. Arrive at Jeff, at 4.12 P. M. " Jefferson at 11.20 AJT. ' St. Louis at 6.30 P.M. Passengers can go out by the 10 o'clock, A. M., Train as far as Washington, have 15 minutes there, and return to St. Louis at 3.30, p. m. Persons frcm Franklin and points East of it, by taking the morn ing train in, can have two hours at St. Liuis, and return home on the train which starts out at 10, A. M., or, those who come in at 3.30, p. m., can go out on tho 5, p. ar. train, having an hour and a half in tho city. Passengers aro requested to procure Tickets be fore taking seats in the cars. Extra charye for tickets purchased in the Cars. UNITED STATES MAIL. I"Kimball, Moore & Co's., Daily Lino of four horse Post Coaches will connect at Jefferson City with the traiiwan.1 run regularly to West to Boon ville, Lexington, Independence and St.-JompK. Ai, North to FultoD, Columbia, Glasgow and Brunswick: and South to Versailles and Springfield, 3Io, anl VanBurcn and Fort Smith, Arkans:is. For through tickets, including Railroad fare, apply at. the Stage Company's Oflico, under tho llanter's House, cornerof Chestnut and Fourth .ts, St. Lcuis. C2F"F. Bartold will run his lin-j of Express Hacks between Barrett's and 3Ianchester, in connection with each Passenger Train. Tickets procured at the Railroad Depot on 7th street. This extension of the Road to Jefferson City gives great advantages to tho travelling public, enabling them to avoid many hours of tedious river convey ance; and merchandize is conveyed speedily to ar.d from market on reasonable terms. FREIGHT will bo received for transportion at the fourteenth street Station, (Suadays excepted,) be- te the hnra-( 8. a xr . Freight to those Stations where the Com pan y hare no Agents, must be pre-paid. EMIGKAXIS and SHIPPERS, and ot'-aers inte rested, are invited to call for further information at the office of Master of Transportation, corner of Third and Chestnut streets, and at tho ticket ofE'ie, oevenm street, near pruce. U. BROWN , Engineer and Superintendent. ST. JOSEPn AND COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET LINE. Season Arrangements for 1856. THE entirely new and fine passenger packet, OMAHA, J. B. Ildland. Commander. F. B. Kercheval, Clerk;) having been built expressly for the trade, is now running as a regular weekly packet between tho cities of i't. Joseph and Council Bluffs. Leaving St. Joseph every Monday at 12 o'clock M. And returning will leave Council Bluffs and Om?,ha City every Friday morning f.t 8 o'clock, andfernr.ng a connection with tho live packets leaving St. Louis on Mondays and Tuesdays, which arrire hero on Saturday and Sunday evening?, by which arrange ment passengers or freight will not be detained at St. Joseph: but to prepare against all contingencies, the owners ot the Omiha have a large V are-liouse to store all goods not meeting them promptly, and without charge to the owners, which we deem the most perrect arrangement to passenger or shipper tnat can or will be maUe the present season, and they therefore hope by promptness and strict atten tion of her officers and agents to receive a large thare of public patronage. DONNELL,SAATON MCDONALD,' TOOTLES & FAIRLEIGH, ) 1-tf Agents. ST. LOUIS AND COUNCIL BLUFFS . ' PACKET. . THE steamer ADMIRAL, having beeii thoroughly repaired and refitted, will ply rejrul irlv between St. Louis and Council Bluffs, during tho season of 1&55, touching at Jefferson City, Boonville, Leaven worth, St. Joseph, Savannah, Brownville, Sonora, Nebraska City, St. Mary,andatl intermediate points. Thankful for the patronage extended to the AD MIRAL during the past season, the oQiers hope, by punctuality and dispatch, to merit thd 'continuance of the favors conferred by shippers, and passengers -;n n i. CUAS. K. BAKER, Master. R. A. DARST, Clerk. ... MISSOURI . RITEP. PICKET. i alHEjnew, elegant anl fast running passenrer packet and freight steamer, E. A. OGDEN, Baldwin, Upmmander, is now running her regular trips between St. Louis and Council Bluffs. She is one of the best freight steamers on tha river, having been built expressly for this trade. COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET. THE fine passenger steamer GENOA, Throckmor ton, Master, will run regularly during the season, between St. Louis and Council Bluffs. Her officers hope by regularly and strict attention to business to merit a share ol tne puono patronage. J. THROCKMORTON, Master, t J.E.GORMAN, Clerk. 1 B. W. LEWIS JAXE3 W.LEWIS TH03. J. late PEiir BAETH0LOW BARTHCLOW B. W. LEWIS & BROS. MANXFACTUBEKS OT ALL TE3CB1TTI0X OF CHEWING TOBACCO. GLASGOW, MISSOURI. THANKFUL for the very liberal patronage that we have heretofore received from our numerous friends and customers, and while respectfully solicit ing a continuance of tho same, pledging ourselves to spare neither pains r.or expense to merit the patron age of the public, we beg -leave to announce that William J. Lewis h&a withdrawn from our firm, and Thos. J. Bartholow is admitted a partner from this date, the style of the firm remaining unchanged, and that we have secured the services of Capt. George G. Davis who will hereafter act in the capacity of tbatelinq Salesman in connection with our Mr. Bartholow and will during the coming Season per sonally wait upon our customers lor tho purpose cf soliciting their orders. Our stock hell over from last year of all descriptions is unanimously large, the quality of which caanot fail to give fmtire latinfac tion to consumers. B. W. LEWIS 4 Eros. Glasgow, Mo., January 6, 1S55. AY & MATLACK, Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods Eo. 57 Tcarl street, between 'Wal nut and Vjno, Cincinnati, Ohio. , PATENT GRAIN SEPARAr fi rillir. SUBSCRIBER is now prcparl X niih Farmers and others 'with his , "GRAIN' SEPARATOR," : ifcr the present season. It is nnneccs?er 1 . particularly of the mcriJs of these 31 Jch'i" ; ani too well known thrr.uglu.ut the cou tiy i. extolling ;'but the fact that they have hrra .- :' are continuing to receive tha preuiiuiu, t t! ind Countv Fairs where thev hve hm e.rbi iuEcicnt to induce all thos in want of stsfc u J chine, to purchaso ono of the. ; At a practical test of this Separator in ? y.y t ! with the best of those made m hnguna, ia I reecived the highest commendations cf the a A f, (. 1 i of the leading . grigulturali.its of that m.ft-y, I have a large number or t.P.eni on oana.rf j the coming crop, made of t! lest materia!, a a I us ranted to do good work i I. ( 1 have machines in warrantin; I am also preparm-r. a large Improvrd Clev er llullert, pa'.enteil in 1S5J, which aro greatly 8up,r: rantnf 1S44. beict ia itsdf feeder, an : ihead or it la otQer rt-iwia. mc; nuiii av- . - . ' .. i . TV : lL fa:tured under tSa im7nLdiate siipcrvif.i patentee, who has pennanently located in t The above cut represent?, mv four hor""1 tor, ana is Ucsignia etpt -.uy iur r.t use."- . ' lm also agent for MeCormicVs cclebrr.te.l'i!'.r'. '.I i Elt and 1IO WING JIACUINE.combire d. Q ; J. R MOFFITT, Piqua, Hiami couniy ,r: 44 OLIVER BEFNETT & ' CO., MAXrFACTCEEB3 AXD WHOLESALE BEAU .".H ;. Boots Shoes Sc. Brogarii . . XO. 87 ITALY STREET, SAIST L0Vh Srj. 4 RE NOW IN RECEIPT of a complete as? . , a-4 "V. of goods from their own and other n ii i tories, adapted especially to the Wtstera tr -J. Purchasers are invited to examine the;- . ,! manufactured and selected with great e,iC(i warranted of superior quality. Orders will a prompt and careful attention. 183G. FURNITURE. SCARRITT & MASON. FURNITURE oc UPHOLSZ DEALERS AND IVIfraiTxlixc turcrs No. 40 and 42 Washington Avenue, St. L( ui.-. . . , HAVING completed our arrangements fx i ij stock of Good- in our line, and having f i assortment in the West, we take pleasure ia o ' r.f j to pursha-ers both WHOLESALE aad RET.i' . : , 3000 Bedsteads, 500 dozen wod sea' l.'L.". 1000 Bureaus. 200 do car seat c , 100 do 'rocktag 1 ii , ' 100 do chill.-cns'-- ;c i 500 tin safes, 't ' j 200 Cribs, averted :; ': 200 L: unges. j 100 d jz. Rush and : -.t ',.;. toniChsirj. I 500 Dining Tables, 500 Breakfast do, 200 Work Stands, '200 Wash do, 100 Wardrobes, 1000 Looking Glasses, ;-7To wbich v. e add mahogany and wall at, pr ior and roc kin; CliUlra, f-a. cntr. idc air '- sion Tables: Secretaries and B.ok taits. - Upholstery in great variety, Euch as rpnn; ...-, cotton, moss and huk Matressos, Comfrts, u: and Blankets. h- Our work is all "Warrantel as represent I o i: Prfees as Low as the Lowo-'t. Orders promptly and laitluuuy executed a t I r spetfully solicited. Sar.L?fju-ti.)n gua-f.utoeJ. I Please call and sansiy yourselves. . made many valuable improvement ?t . within tho I.iit year, ana nave n- tx i: ' 4 ; them surt-nur to any m ue. I . ' ! ; , M r. EAOIiS iUlLlLS, ST. JOSEPH. mUE MILLS being now in good reftiiia; i . 1... rinj order, I nni i re r.tnu order. 1 am iTPrnircj lv?:'i"j ' I ers with the very tnri.jst iiimKit yn:o hiirh.js I can irriiid all I can K"t anJ r.kY ltr MI i k 1 Come and see me you tbat waat to but F: L'ran, Shorts, or anything c;;j uppuiiiM my farming friend do not want cishf.ir have plenty of Flour for .then. If they cash and want to sell thslf Wl-cat, cal'. at Bran, Shorts, or anything cli8 kopt i:i the I t. and it will be a trade. ' ' i Remember the plai-e, the Brick M.ll, cij Charles and Second streets. . JAMES CARCTi GENE'S -PATE5T"" CENTRIFUGAL TWM2, THE undersigned, sola agents for the Suit West, for the sale of the aboro .Tamps,! " respectfully call the attention i! miurs, a , turcrs. railroad companies, and itentn'at JsesJ superior advantages thes? pumt-j pa-wt-s r others hercroforo brought before th a .tublic. their chief recommendations mr.y be ru,;n:iv0: following: " ; . s W They are less liatl-a to get ont f order t'ja ? other. ','. k They have les3 friction and arecor.iiciacp i"y durable. . . . i ,1 They are not aToctod hy mx.Ior eand,ai force water to almost any height. . I Thty will raiso more water pTrtinute 4 same-j'ower, and samo priced piuapthan inl ever invented. These are f.icta. j They are sold by the undera-ru'd at the uai turer's New York prices, withj'.ho :st o? trs. tation a.lded. They are waifmeJ to give satisfaction. All sues on bant, .liters pnj j answered ai..l information criven ll T EADt f LLSU, N.i. 252 North rt., St. L 1850. SPRING TItXJjE. II- EDWARD 3ir.4f)cj- OUext Jlomt cfthe l ind . '.'--2'a WiVj -0. 50 MAIN 8TBEET, CnKXIJ ,e pr. T. H'f ; TuPi 1K.TKK.S A T) W IIOLI 'ii'is Cl T.at . 1 Jewelry and Fancy G-.x W1,t:hmnker' and Materials, Silver and 1". d Ware, Shot LU.' Rifles, Pistols, Revolvers. If..,: l T. . TV-i reofype, Aral.':! Ilot.'l and Si.a . 0 &c, Chrystalotype Material Tablo Ware. Dayton, Xenia q Eejpre E. t Direct Throngh. 1i th Ea? "WINTER AURJl'f ! TCEW yOSz an. tha wtr 3iALjl,V T Yia..Dunkiik, Buffalof) U;rara alJ. f Connections Direct and'wirfut detention W 1 York,Eoston,Baltimore.I' d;lphia, ashi -ton City, Albany, Buffalo iararaFalKDul ling, Zanesviile, Nefrk; Columbus, : Springfield l ienia. ' ON and after Wednft-dsyJ)ec. 27, trains ww from Depot at junction If Th-r l street an nal as follows : ( I ' ' 'I r Express Train,- - " 4 : "i rk Accommodation Tr-jin-f T Mail Train, i-if 6:03 V- it'- ( T . 1... (IM T,nTr. trrm T)n (Am,iv.t flk T:. --,tK tn.ift? ExDrtS of L. i C. i. X. I'ailroad t.lewVk,lt)nura l ii . Buffalo, Dunkirk, Ovelaf, Cresvhne, Pitts r.- ; and Philadelphia. Also f i Baltimore, anhid zt .. City,Wheelin-tZ3.isvin-lNe'ttrk-nd sPn :; u" JPaascngcrs by the lU'.oL M. Train from Dai connect at Xtr.ia wih the) ftcn k.c train fori- a s hm. -.,. ;n 'hisclmz. Baltimore. l! F - 7 - bonuect at XenUwih tve-n;n? Kxiirc.-s, fjr n falo, New York, BgsSbj Ilphurgh, and lhilak.pl Tnxtii-hL Tickets. . To all the a.ove pia i ry wa.r of CrI ambus, 1 be obtained ot the DjX-& B- i'- D.;pot. All trains wiH tp'.-t Harbire, and at ulie. Shor.p's and Frosl't iaj.tieo or signal toConl .: Ii ; A. W. RlCii, Ticket A JOS. CLEQG,piit. at AG PERSONS a cut iomed toproc ire fcSoriV s1 Boohs, Mgnl!9 Ae or get up eiubs t-r i ? j-d-a dress, tut ire forward thira. frttfof c. t specimen r.un-1 ft if a pul.tinfor which t ; find ready sa'o: and we will allr. w them a cou: ; ,; cf 50 per ecu'. their services. - - J.BRADFORD A BROTHER f , No. 3 CounLiud ,t., Nw V.-; . also with the' downwird-tfain f r Cincinnati, U i lu, tfiWilUffj 1 UIW'!"! O an 1 Lancaster. ;' . , T; t Passenr bv th(;6:0C P. M. Ti-ain from U 13 X r.ati :' Y Loc! A f,;r :. ! t-' . net ever: reas j Ord' attc" -I sun: fori i; fkn; roe caa redj evi, .re! frs . on : our otr! re' ox cu be t la1 taf q0 L '! 8 H T.' i ... I ,7