Uoutrulitv And Public pinion t !'(' j f ', ! ?H " ' , ' -'.. - v V A;?;fffii t f Mm CMAftLf.l f A Cl ft L intmtt nrtttf , s Onmmffr nn.f Lnbof undrr thf Afl.'itlnlfttrntirm of IV lost. PHImM un. IN Au,il- f thu s,O.,'. h :".,, ri r, it, lrtni? i t t I ! ! T - i i .1 1 k' ' , I , ! t (i'J " " j , ..'!'. I j j ' ! . , i ! . '. I k tlie . ! ! , tr'n .f. r j!C ' I II if I , i 1 i , i. , I : Its l 'i 1 ' f.ry tt iv i sm! I .er ihjcv iiottf l'r :it !' 1 , l'l, !' i rn iriy i f ff , , , r " I if r , ,,4 ff I , sirt'i hi si 1 fjüt f ? ,, , r. i Krrni m frif ( tlutf ff in li. Uuiin ! fii fii whiih'ic "t II1 tar. 'nin , . '",,,',' W4 1h.it litf ! !'ltfl h ti' V f y ,1 Lif-Kf Ihr Be vit iw)Hl.tncr ! hr, cn liilrrt'il, Ast'S h tlie caii.' t a i j-far, (irftiiÄtijr riri.mhlr.tly r -..'.( m lirr ii!in i"n and in hrr ,! iu:nn, In ary fvfnf, thcre deal in !, i, l Trvfly!i at thc ime nf hi tf.iti.itt"n fsom ihc J.Uitrh Ciilinf( t tlte k,,n ! tf ar; I (Ii.s.ipitmvp ai mucli any i.tie the hrradi of I! li;nim neu Iraüty ly (icrnunv, btit 1 insist that if France hat! hrrn giulty of this wron, w-e wimlil Ikivc protosted in tinie faihion without coimiiittintf our country to war." Aliive all, what becomr of the Engtiüh claim that Great l'.ritain va induccd to join thi war brcausc of the trjutticc that Germany had done to Belgium, whcn Grcy, on tlte third of August, in hi, Speech to Parlia mcttt, said that on the rlay hcfore. namely, on the second of Aiißiist, and before Germany had touched Ucdgium, he had promiscd France that if France and Germany became engaged in war, the Flnsltsh fleet would protect the north coast of France with British ships. Was that nrntrality? There is no ; claim that this promise was not made before Germany was guilty of any conduct with respect to Bcl "i'ium. In the same peech Grey admits that as early as 1906 the ofileers of the Engliab. and the oflicers of the French army had been communicating for the purpose of preparing themselves aKainst a common enemy. Even now in an Enfrlish maeazine we may read praise of Churchill for having had the foresight to have the English fleet re viewed as early as July (while the German Kaiser was sailiiitf in his yacht in the North Sea), in order that the fleet mierht be ready for prompt action when the war commenced. And that Statement finds support 1n the correspondence to the New York Na tion. No wonder Trevelyan said whcn he resißned that they had been ' assured that England was free to act, but that they found now that she had been committcd all the timc. Are not these circumstances to be weighed in determining the question of Kuut or nnocence ot this world war? . " 11 is not for me to say that this or that is true; but I do say that it. is gtated in re'sponsible Journals, lnasmuch a wc are judginfj men and nations by books and articles, it is fair to present this side. It is also fair to add that the attache of Bel Kium in St. Petersburg officially re- ported in so many words, that it was obvious that the Kaiser had done rverything within his power to prevent the war, and that there was littje Question that the war party in Russia could not be kept in control after the considcncc had gained ground in St, Fctersbursr that Great Britain would stnd behind Kussia in any event. These, too, are only circumstances, but why should they not be weighed? To my mind there is strong proof i'aat the Belgian governnient was rc 6onsiblc, and that the Belgtan peoplc are innocent. All the synipathy that :es out to them they deserve. , No one pn this side can 'do too much; but, let me aak, why not other peoples? Do you suppose that the Cossacks inflicted no suffering upon wotnen and children in Fast Prus i sia? Or do we fail to think about I t'hcir ssyfiscring because the English l'nguage fails to record it? Why not , ie Poles; are they guilty? They do ss.ot belong to any country. And does lfy one need to be told about their : . ferinj?, with two armics niarching j.oss their country as oflen as three y s and does any one raise a voice ff band for them? If we are to Aveep, why not shed our tears im parrially? Why not remember Finland? . A cilized country with her own re ligion and her own literäture, de prived of her constitutional inde pendchee by, the stroke of the Czar's perl,, and now furiher subjected to wrong and deprivation? Why not sympathize with that peoplc? If you douht tlie grivity of their case, read the voluiue by F'ishcr, who is an F.nglishman. Ihcre are two other matters that rfeeive their coloring froin the re porti that corae to u by way of England. 1 repeat, it is a mistake to tut oft conimunication with Ger itiany and Austria-Hungary, because had we feit froin the beginning that wc heard both sides impalience would never have entered our judgment, iirtd it would be unnecessary for us to present the other side in such meet- ,, ! f I I I k I I tr l i i" ( i ' I II i -, 4 "i i , ' " , I !, f ..rifi f - ,,!, ,. ni tr.it . .wt ff !". Sxi ! t', N--r.if tr I 1 1. n l .' .1 It II !. lr I r I i I ' , ' . ü( I, Grr it i'.fitJi'i ! ,4 1. ,,,, , " ! f trti.f sr. ,.,, ,,, ,,,! .,ii! e, n.wdift ,.s i !. r I ,., prp f l ',,, (, ,,!,, rcu IHtt f" , . ,!h .'!' f:T Klül 's ptt IN trrt I'nl.iiu an rn t,- riiain U'i a prat . A M"i !,,!'! ,,f it, k"i, i! her d, i (f lirt tli .tr-rri f üiit k l.t'i. 1 Hi). 1 hrrt ihrre J tlie t.ilc lh.it Ihr Karier had u Inndrcd (hm-wIimi bot. t kriiiw that the ,,,, ,,i!ir, wlm f, II wem at the front t In? ('i.ilit voted aHimit one war !. prnpriation, and ninre hai listn rnad'' 'i! that that) of tlip r linaliou nl tltrrr of l.rrat Bnlatn's ni"it dit tiliKtiished rilietis front her Cahiitrt. because Ihcy did not approve of the war. We hrar ahout atrocitits. 1 shall not g int that stihicct. We km.w that there are atroeititrs in ajl war.s. and that thrrc are had peoplte in all countries. Hut, upnn reflection, the American mind will hardly accept that the German soldier n least a product of a schooling systeni and ot a System ot laftor anl work is innre brutal than an army that it composed es English, French, Begtatis, Kussians, Japanese, Hindus and Turcosl It does not appeal to the imaginatton and judgment; and rather than listen to all these accusations, I would takc the words of Lord Roberts an Enclish man such as Great Britain has ever had, a man, every inch of him who, in wrtting the boc k Fortv Ycars in India," observcd the moderation and the modesty that Graut showed in his memoirs, and who deprecated these accusations because, as he said. "there are atrocities in all wars." Finally, as investigations are made by Arner icans, and even by Enghshmen, these accusations fall to the ground. And so about the attcks upon the coast. It is the puroose now to have us believe that those attacks are bar- barous and savage. It is true a man reading an aecount like that is bound to put down the paper, One child or one woman killed or injured in that manner is eiiotich of traedy for a whole war. Have you read about the little, peasant girl in Galicia who re ceived the highest order froin the Austrian Emperor because her leg was shot off while arrying water to the fighting soldiers? But let us re member that the first attack on an undefended coast was made by the British ship Pegasus, while the coast of England is at least defended; and the firsUaerial raid was made upon unfortisied Duesseldorf in Germany. That was the introduction in the early part of the war. which has been. followed up since then at other points; and the only dtiference between the two is that the one has been effective and the other was not. hat brings to my mind the point to whTch yotir chairman referred, and which should not be forgotten. Great Britain will naturally make much of these attacks because she has not sinelt foreign powder in her country for several centuries. I do- not say that rejoicingly, but these are facts. Great Britain has fought many war, and has had many peoples help her fight, but she has had no hghting on English soil. Granting that her men have fought like brave men and they have been and are a brave peoplc, in spite of everything that may be said now they have not know for cen turies what it is to have English wo nien and children subjected to the ravages of war. Germany, on the other band, knows what war means. She has never had time to sorget, and she is not apt to declare war hastily. When abroad last summer I asked whether I could get a picce of old German furntture. 1 knew I could get French and Italian, but I wanted a representative picce of old German, I was told it could not be had, because the thirty years war had lest none. That is the whole story. , No one knows now that country has been devastated by wars fought upon its soil. ; often hv foreian contendintr forcee. Only the other day I read that no lustorian has ever darert to put in print the real story of the thirty years' war. Was it very dirterent in the Napoleonic war? llumiliation hero- lsm, but no rccogtiuion in tue treaty of Vienna. Had Germany been given Elsas and Lothringen by treaty hen, that question would have been justly and linally scttled. She was denied even so much. She was lest to take these provinces in 1870, and thus was sowed the sced for another war. Ger many knows the story that England has forgotten; and the pcople nf Great Britain are naturally morc sen sitive, in view of their experience uring the last few centuries about tlie real suTerings of war, , t Howevcr, all this does not go to the real cause, We cannot determine 1 ) I ' , .l , I (' i ;t I I I ,,, mS i ( i, ii 1 1 1 AI ",, ! t . , .! , ! t. in i I ittp fr liU !'' t-.r-j,,! I ,f i'irilii.i! i i ,,i .U :.! r.j !. !'s.i;i, f U n . , I all I ! . ' ! I J t,' U) in i r th r 'j li fl t.ulur .l.iy, tirrnnny . t !. jr the t'fi'tiA Uiiilard-I'r,iri r (.( f,(,;t1 ciilif. !.! i;iiii,i i j-i n r in r.,tt linu nt lir f.iiiso I iu:l.tml has i t ini'c titin 4 a!ais'Irn i tlie k.tit','. lhal 1 t!i iiiihwiiii tn;u ,-xi,t, ,.,,!,, n. 1 ,,, nt hruii,' Cirvitale, Ihr 'pt,"li,, ically as Itow iihcr (ouniiir I allein uh'hi-( nf . liatue iliirc cmild he 11, , ,!,,,!,, , had d'i-ra!,', the sia'iic of -.U;i all these years am! the peoplc V.I10 did that could Hot rriM Ihc w ar frvrr h, 11 th clianer cante. She had her war party and the day, had toine. Ecry one accejits that, and every one even her cniiims fi et prul'utindcst sym palhy for her. But that does not say that LUas has not been as well gov- ernttl by Germany lreland has been by EttIand. she seriotu ques tmn was whether l.nla,id would ally herseif with her natural friend Germany, 10 postpone war, or with ner trauitionai enemy. Kussia, to bring war about. As Grey said, she consulted her own interest. She had a civihzed compelitor anainst whom sne 11 an no cause tor war, but lor whose humiliation she was willing to ttecome a party to anv Combination In my judgment, she comniitted the greatest blunder in her htstory, be cause her uii(uestioned triumph would ue her protoundest deieat. If Great Britain succeeds with Rus sia and Japan in dtfeating Germany for the time betng. is there doubt in your minds that Russia will take Con- stantinople, will in that way control the way to India, and will lay the sirst foundatton for the dismember- ment of the British Empire? Who would chttle the questions which must surely arise in such a contingency be tween England and her Eastern al ly? ., vhol are Great Britain' allies? First ahd foremost, Russia. Is that a Combination to invite our considence and our synipathy? What has be- cotne 01 the sentiment that was creat ed.iil years past by the writtugs of hennan about the horrors of Sibcriai What has become of the impressions that were created by the fate of Fin land? What is there to change the attttude of the United States, whose people sympathized with Japan agamst Russia and are now asked to side with Russia agamst Germany? VVhere is the populär demand that fpreed an abrogation of all treaties between the United States and kus sia because of the oppressive rnea sures which Russia exercised agamst citizens of the United States visit iug their old homes? Do those who prate about brutality really wish the triumph of a government whose rep utation speaks naught but oppres sion? And what of Japan? What is the foundation and where is the justisica tion of that alliance? Will anybody believe that Japan entered the war without definite assurance of eonl-es sions? Then what has become of this abhorrence of comptest? Does any one know when, uuder what circum stances, and with what obliations the treaty between Great Britain and Ja pan was made? Was it an offensive and defensive treaty against the world? If we were excepted, was as much true of other countries? If so, who are they? And if Germany alone was had in mind in that treaty do we not get a hint as to responsibility for this war? I ask is not such a condition sug gestive for us for the future in the far East? Who are the other allies? The Hindus? No. They are not allies, They have not the independence to form an alliance. They are. citizens for tlte purpose of br ing soldiers, and for no other. I do not desire to critieize the Hindu; but I am endeav oring to see just how it would look to us. 1 It is gomewhat anoifialous,- il appearu to me, to know that a Hindu is practically exeluded front Canada, and, if he gets in, is generally sent back, althouh he comes under the flag of Great Britain. And yet the Canadian and the Hindu are fighting side by side in the name of Civilisa tion aainst Germany. Not unlike, Auslralia, suspicious of the encourage- rfttnt to Japan in the l'acihc Uccan, but gt orifying in the Combination of their flects to humilate Germany. Is there attythiitg inspiring in the presence of the Turco? No American will say that he ought to be a soldier in such a war. He belongs to a Subject race. There is no tliought of his figtiting for his own independence or cause. i he muhest motive that can be attnbuted. to bim 11 his joy ini 1 1 I i . ( r ! 1 I r I II i- ! ii'i !, , 1 1 i i 1 .,, l v I (), r ,, ! . 1 1 'I li n l I il I, , - . ,,,,,, t-, -j i , ! " .it 1 o,, r ( ( , i, ,!,o,,, ( Holst I I f . , I r I I : II Vl'i'f '.'1' f! ruh ir-li "A I i"t i f !; ifoin ti, .,',1)11 r ( o;oüi; i , r t'o n,(r ;n d, d, li r ii.id 1,1 the In 'm ttii'iii-i l n, i, l.rt'rr, il Sie , ,d r ad ,,!het bo -fcs !.o.it tu i tii4 f. v, be ..(il, ( kiio (lut he bas roni!l.'ii ly nneil the omt , f t'n e autiiors. I'hfir piral to the t i.iit pcoi-b: as to n K . up: that was t It r r real ptt';i. TIk v fi an d that the öl I Splitt of ihr Deutsche Michel had aijain cotne tipoii the i-o-.ititry, cir that the i!-oplc mii;ht jütfti-r the coiuriiott fate of prospenty; "1 thry otilst to aronse the pcople front what they thotii'Jit to be klh.triiv and hiMiry. Bitt if we must sju-k f brutality, let us rccall hat atuhors of olhrr countries have said. Hitc there been no Fu!thtncn who talked war and idvocated prenaration? Lord Roberts counseled an Eiu-li-di artiiy based Jtpori Service, and he was a respected soiiiier and cittzcti. Churchill had for soiiie time avowedly aitued at Ger many in his public ittterances, Lea, ,in American, as late as l'J12, in a buok dedicated to Lord Roberts, an nounced it to be the first duty of Great B ritain to crush Germany; and Kttchene reputatton rests upon Ins ahility to ruthlessly mow down sav- ages. Is there notnmg savage, for Il lustration, in Kipling, the poet? Has any man succeeded in puttitig bru tality in so poetic a form, with the eternal refrain of the white man's bürden, and never a thouk'ht for the yellow man? Is there nothing bru tal in Curzon s speech, in which he anticipates the joy of seeing the Xurcos dance ou the sidewalks of Potsdam? And has France had no war spirtt? Her present Minister of War has for many years favored an attack upon Germany. Russia has had her war party, mena;tng the peace of the world. Our country had Admiral Mahan, who believed in tak- intr territory for the purpose of spreading Civilisation and meeting our responsilnlity to the world. Nor should we sorget that there was a time when we had Roosevelt, and re- garded hirn as something of an In terpreter of public sentiment. So let us dcal with these facts, and let us not be lost in phrases of mili tarisni. If Germany was strong in her own army, let it be reincmbered that she had not as large a percenjage of sol diers to her Population as France; and her appropriations per capita were smaller. Her appropriations for army and navy were not as large as those of Great Britain, and per cap ita they were much smaller. They were not as large as those of Russia. And above all, her army is composed of her own citizens the same citi zens who have made her a Nation of first rank by every test of high civi- lization. When we speak of the dangers of such a power in Germany, wdiy not reflect upon the power of the British fleet? Is there no signisicance in a fleet which arbitrarily controls the seas, and, so far as we can see, niakes international law to meet the case? As for the Kaiser, he is not an abso lute Monarch, 'as is so often stated. These impressions about militari sin, monarchy and burcaucraey m Ger many have been permitted to grow and live, because English Information has not kept pace with German de velopment. But now since we have watched the Kaiser for some five months, I think we must ad mit that there is at least one imperial figure who with every son at the front, chal lenges the world's attention; They :ire a part of a System of which the people themselves form a part; more cornpletely than is the case in any one of the other countries. Germany is country of Service from Kaiser to Knecht in peace and in war. I had not been in Germany for forty-two years, arriving . there two days before the state of war was de clared; but I witnessed the greatest demonstration that was ever pre-i sentea to nie. 1 could not have be lieved that it was possible for any people to exhibit such unanimity of spirit and devotiön. On the day be fore the war, apparently every human being hoped that war might be averted; but in one hour the change was wrought, an army was created, an army of men at the front, and an army of warnen at home. Without sicn of rejoictng or dismay upon every lip the word Schicksalsstunde. I stood at the railroad Station in Muen chen for hours and saw the strangers apparently of all countries rush to get away. with alt the anxiety ana terror arnong them, I never heard a word of uniriendlincss: never saw an act caleulated to invite friction or dis comfort, As late as September, in f " 1 t t 1 I i r f . I . ! I Y- .. ' '!. 01 t . ,1 ' I i 4 !i I I - I'IIM i r i. ( !. tilf i I, I !'!. A ... I it IK-tl its ' !r ' ! . I .otr,!,., our i: i. 1:1 i .",) i ai Iv i J!ritih ,(i ,, l'ort-ijiititri ik at lotn Hl 1 1 i in - r i ' v h 1 1 11 i.i '.Nt had ff-tt;. I U sott. i I ;o pilH It f.l.tltilv I I 1 IHjl.itl l, li .it tf U'f , a n i s to , ,,o ,,, !? will (,t'ri;i.iMy ' must Work t n t i.i.tiiv. In ,i, r i !,o(4 he .avs that hui -iiii rary i! ,, , tiül tu i i an! y iiiimH the i.iüie thiiii; ! in Mso cf.'ititries, und that Ihr grratcsl 'll.islake I Umland has liiade tlli re- sfcit to ,, , it, anv tu niiiiiders!ad her I al k nietn, Ihc foitriilalion of her ri atiottal tretti;ih. lle s.i l.tig lattd has kept the turn of Ine r,;ovcrn im nt, but has disinisscd the lisc ,,f ex perts. Germany has rrtaiucd the rx lirrt, and has rvolnd the tuost stic ce. f u t j'Mtctn of liberal self-govern- iciit upon tlie old rtile laid down by Mein, that ts ktiowu to the iivibzed world of the present day. The restilt is that uermaiiy has no paui,crs: she has only poor; she has rio fecling of coiiiempt tor poor peoplc, but she has solicitude; she has no beggars on the streets. because there is work or sup port; she has no unprotecled orphans, because the government takes control and secs to their bringing up. If per stiasive evidence were needed of the pertection of her system in the care of her destitute, it need only be said that in spite of all the horrors and cost of her war, she has even now made an appropriation of $100,000,000 for the reconstruction of East I'rus sia, destroyed by Russian invasion Within the last few months. ihe has not rested with the appropriation, but she has appointed a Commission of trained men to ascertain the best method for the restoratton of the de stroyed country, uporf lines and in a fashion that will conslitutc an im provement ove'.' the conditions that prevailed before the war. These are evidences of her success in a sield in which, despite all our declamations ahout liberty, rrtost civilized countries of the present day have failed. ' I need not say that it is not for us to make comparisons in passion. For one, I do not share the fecling that is sometimes expressed with respect to England. I think England has made a great political mistake. That is my judgment, and in that I am borne out by the Statement made by Trevelyan at the time of his resignation. He said among other things that war had been dcclared because they did not wish to see France destroyed, but that he was just as much interested in the name of civilization not to see iermany destroyed. He asked whether they are to rejoice to see Russia come out of this war successfully with her wild and ever renewing hordes of endlcss peoples to pour down upon bowed western civiliza tion? He adds that they are really fighting for Russia. As many of you no doubt know, I have always been an admirer of Eng land. The books of srreat Ensrlishmen are on my shelves, and I cannot sor get that such Inspiration as has come to me I must attnbute in large part to English influence. I can not ques tion that most of our citizenship, whatever its origin, must be in some measurc indebted for the same experi ence. srue, there are German books upon my shelves, and I may regret that they are not more widcly under stood in my country. I cannot but believe that our people would be ben efited by a ,better appreciation of the sublime idealism of Schiller, the pro- iound philosophy of Goethe, the in tensc patriotisin of Arndt and Jahn, and the great statesinanship of Stein, But with all that, no American can be asked to sorget that England always had her great men as she has now. I mtst still turn to Burke, Pitt, Fox and others, who were friendc to oUr country in the day of her need, and who today vrovide Inspiration for high patriotism. We cannot be asked to sorget that in the day of our Civil War, but for Bright, the great Englishman, we might have had Eng land against us. I cannot sorget that in this day there are Morley, Treve lyan, Burns and others, who see Eng land's case much as l see it, and who regard her attitude as a blunder.. I cannot sorget that Bryce wrote a book which was an awakening for the United States, and thereby rendered a' Service of inestimable value to us. The'truth is that the peoples of Germany and England are so closely related that this Conflict should never have . been. All the strengt! they have should have gone to each other's support, to sustain them in tlie ulti mate Conflict. Germany has under stood the literature and the laws of England, and has profited by them. Although the English people have no corresponding acquaintance with Ger man literature, her distinguished men havcrepeatcdly paid tribute to Ger man thought and influence. We need 1 1' . . , i . I !!'.. Mi . t , , I ' " ' '" . I ii- i H 'tf! ( '; J !- ' .!' . I . ' I ! ' I , : t ,.. I? . .., ,', j .- I, , , ! i - ! .i I c I I '1 ' H ' I' I V.. .f ,i 1 v ; i !) , !.", ,....,. ,-! ) , ,jt ... I 'S ' I I' l t t ' ,!.,., I 'jf ., ,., ( t ! "", !' '' ' ! i'-' !'. ! ; l i , 1 :" !' ' '! I t ! - (..' , i.ii'rt- ': t ti? i o t 5 P.'ilH ii 4 , I" 1 '. ' ' ' ' ' , ,,,,.. til . ' ime !'' ,-,.'!, rtr e ;, mo , .1 Arol . ' r i,.s ,.,1,! f. ir ! !,.,' ..( i bitt ,. r, Jf Uf ... ! Ülf 1,1 t , ,..!,., ', !;,,! ,,f Vi- be "i'l !'f als hrulrali'y. J'.nt I f 1 1 r i ' f v" do- iioi mr.il! per ;if- ''!" "' " C. ! ' l,H rtll a'ik'dlH!" iiti I .Tt.:!n y l.itvsi'ti In Dieri nt. ftnd , tt r i tt i n n s ' in e ution our own rlts. ;Kn i Ii ii ii f 1 1 t I f p f t f ü it f i ( f r . Pin tidti iiitmrr, after frhr miihtirtrr .'iwrt i itiitrf Otrliriiiieit'ttftif. Gugnt fiihontcrif.inifd; Gclchtle fe'ta ttüu'rdt, da kl sie niemaU folcsx löpfcrci '.(rtifcf gcschcn hätten, ttte it iitü.ikänische Forscher It, Fa tabee sie cuf feiner ichieit ürpebilion in die Wildnlffe des unbekannlen eru Iei l5oiiebo-Jdiancrn gesunden hat. (ti sind wahre Wunderwetke dieser Siunft darunter, so z. !8 Kru ge von fast 4 Fuß Höhe und über 4 Fuß Weite und dabei ausfallend dünn nlir einen f leinen Bruch teil von einem Zoll dick, manche klei' nere sind so dünn wie Papier und mit sehr schönen Dekorationen. Und das alles ist ciusschließlich Handar beit, nicht einmal ein Töpfer-Rad wird von den Eingeborenen dabei benutzt! Das sind, wohlgemerkt, heutige Kunstwerke,' nicht etwa Ueberbleibsel einer glänzenden Vorzeit. Dr. Gara bce erlangte 100 Proben solcher Ar tikel, von denen man nicht weiß, zu welchem Zweck sie von den Indianern angefertigt werden. Es ist schade, daß seine Expedition infolge des Welt krieges, welcher die Transport- und die Geldwcchslungs-Verhältnisse zu schwierig gestaltete, vor der Zeit ab gebrochen werden ' mußte; sie dürfte aber unter günstigeren Verhältnissen wieder aufgenommen werden. Merk würdigerweise können die Conebos ein noch so gut wie unbekannter Stamm, der etwa 3500 Meilen von der Mündung des Amazonen-Stro-mes lebt außer diesen erstauii chen Kunstwerken nichts von irgend welcher Bedeutung schaffen: es ist ihr einziger Beitrag zur Kultur. Die Krüge geben beim Anschlagen einen metallischen Klang, nicht selten einen melodischen. ' Das furchtbarste Grubenun glück der letzten 20 Jahre war das von Courrires, bei dem 1200 Men- schen ums Leben gekommen sind.. .Die Pappel wächst schnell; ein bei . 'Königswusterhausen . stehender Pappelbaum, der erst im Jahre 1848 gepflanzt wurde, hat jetzt bereits eta 18 Fuß Stammumsang. Das Wort Muskete kommt aus dem Jiälienischm Moschetto, eine Art kleiner Habicht. ,Das Wort Husar aus dem Ungarischen husz, welches 20 bedeutet, also eine kleine Truppe. Um den Film Hans Gersten korn" (eine Verherrlichung des Biers) aus den Bildertheatern zu entfernen, haben die Prohibitionisten Z25.000 geboten. ' Inder berühmten Fingals-Höhle auf einer der Hebriden-Jnseln ertönt dauernd eine melodische Musik, wahr fcheinlich verursacht durch Tropfen, die von der Basaltdccke niederfallen ins Meer) oder durch Luftwellen, die von der Meeresbewegung in Schwin gungen versetzt werden. Paris erhält sein Trinkwasser aus der .Ferne durch die Leitungen, von denen eine 173 Kilometer lang ist. Das alt, st e deutsche Kirchen lied, das wir noch besitzen, stammt aus dem 9. Jahrhundert und ist dem heiligen Petrus gewidmet.-' . Als der große Krieg ausgebrochen war, gingen den amerikanischen Rei senden 23.000 Stück Gepäck in Deutschland verloren, die sie aber fast alle zurückerhielten. , Die Kakaobohnen dienten in Alt-Mexiko als Scheidemünze; 100 Stück von ihnen hatten etwa den Wert von 75 Cents' In manchen Teilen von Costarica ersetzen sie noch heute die kleinen Kupfermünzen. t i t"t : ' ' . . , it . ' i ' ' :' l t ' i ' ' , , ' I I ' f f , ä ., , , t , I M t .'..ff :; . ' . .H t '' M ; t ' ff t ,..,.( (-f i i : ! I m f - 1 . I;-, ,-! ,r.r."t j ''.;!( r .. ! 'V;1 tf.: , t-t li u i. M. I "1 ;U i t üi, : i! ' ! i';vn;i:t:t, ' oIH'l fr'5,:l.,; . 6-4 r,.in I: tit (' .vJ!'..f i"l -.'', tit V.'i ! '.. rt :.,., t:r-..-k'.'..k. i:t kn ::tan '.it intr, N!. '!'!!..: ') i-,m Vk.'Vi ren Kttitn. r! t'is: x.,t el eine g !,'! ?ikl!ct v.'N -,,n:ettrn, lie küiti, s.'ikN'iüiilkN ,'i;.oi'ni!;ui'l) (d'iifn, d. tj. tvn (.V dek sie 'l'uufc auf 1 uc.u ki, !,!!, Jt.uten da hinjitiit. ('s geirälzr? tiuw foitt-etdfi reit Anblick, wenn da! 'I"usikkirpt eines derartigen Ne,'.in:ek!tS anniin sicrt kommt und wkiin ir.Uttn darin dir L'tiwe Hund eifrig itlnb d,ihcr italicf, h!,i!,r sich den nttdrigen. tour eckig: i'uuitr.ljrmt, aus dem hit gtot;e Trommel ruh,', die der Pau lenichläger kraftiz bearbkitet. Bei dielen ösierreichiicken Negimentöinu sikcn tritt an die Stelle des Hundes ein Ponn. Man sollte es laicht glauben, aber es ist tatsächlich . wahr: auch die Katze bildet einen Bestandteil deZ Heeres, und zwr des deutschen! Freilich zieht sie nicht mit ins Feld, aber für die Futtermagazine der Äar nisonen ist das Vorhandensein einer Katze vorgeschrieben, die ein Halsband mit den Buchstaben K. M. i't." trägt, wodurch sie als amtliche Königliche Magazin Katze" gekennzeichnet ist. Da sich überall da, wo größere Fut tervorräte . lagern, erfahrungsgemäß Ratten und Mäuse einnisten, so so durch .das Halten dieser - Katze ' dem Überhandnehmen dieser Nager borge beugt werden. Im Haushalt des deutschen Heeres sind für die Bekö stigung jeder dieser Maaazinkatzen monatlich zwei Mark ausgeworfen. Man erkennt auch aus diesem ' klei nen Zuge, wie fürsorglich die Hee resverwaltung jede Einzelheit ihrer umfangreichen Organisation behan delt. Im französischen Heere gibt es gleichfalls Katzen, die sogar mit in die Schlacht gehen. Es sind gewöhnlich die Turkos, : also eine afrikanische Truppe, die ' aus dem Tornister zu weilen eine Katze mitzuschleppen pfle gen, von der sie glauben, daß sie Glück 1 bringe. Dieser afrikanische Aberglaube mag noch daher rühren, daß die Katze bei den Aegyptern ein heiliges Tier war. 1870 wurden noch zahlreiche Turkos mitsamt ihren Kat zen gefangen. Ueber ein noch sonderbares Tier verfügt die englische Marine, r.äm lich über weiße Mäuse. Auch ihre Haltung und Pflege ist amtlich borge schrieben, und zwar auf den Unter feebooten. Auf den englischen Unter seebooten ereigneten sich bei früheren Probefahrten dadurch mehrfach Un fälle, daß ' schädliche Gase in den Mannschaftsraum ausströmten. Nun hat man durch besondere Versuche er kannt, daß gewisse Vögel sowie vor allem weiße Mäuse gegen eine derar tige Luftverschlechterung sehr empfind liche sind. Sobald auch nur geringe Mengen von schädlichen Gasen in der Luft sich zeigen, lassen die weißen Mäuse ein ängstliches Piepsen hö ren. Infolgedessen erging die Vor schrift, daß auf jedem englischen Unterseeboot in bestimmten Räumen Käfige mit Weißen Mäusen mitzufüh ren sind. Auch in die Flagge der englischen Unterseeboote sind, um sie als 'Unterseebootsflagge zu kennzeich nen, derartige Mäuse aufgenommen worden. I n S a n Antonio, T e x., wurde der Löwenbändiger, Kapitän Harry Carling, der Miller BrotherZ Show" angehörend, welche dort Bor stellungen gibt, deren Reinertrag für die Erdbeben-Notleidenden in Italien bestimmt ist, von einem jungen Lö wen angegriffen rntf- wäre jedenfalls zerrissen worden, wenn man ihm nicht rechtzeitig hätte zu Hilfe kommen kön nen. ' ''"' .." - 1 Im Altervon80 Jahren hat sich Henry Meyers im Hause sei ms Sohnes in Leech Corners bei Greenville, Pa., erschossen. Er hatte, mit der Familie das Abendessen ein genommen und ging dann in sein Schlafzimmer, wo er sich aus unbe kanntem Grunde das Leben nahm, ' ! '