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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1923)
by means of INTELLIGENT impulses sent over the nerves. We teach that this power within does EVERY THING that is done in the human body, that it does n*ne distinct things to keep the mechanism in trim and each one o,f these jobs we call a function. It is these nine distinct things, jobs or functions of Innate Intelligence which we call the nine primary physical functions. To use the diagram again for purposes of il lustration we might convey the idea as illus trated above. Please note that in this diagram we have grouped the five organs of special sense under the sensory function, as all of these five senses have to do with vibrations from the outside that are transmitted over the nerves from the re ceivers to the brain, where they ar^ interpreted by Innate Intelligence. This diagram shows that the diflction of the vibration is from the outside to the inside, while the direction of the mental impulse, by means of which the other eight func tions are performed, is from the inside—from Innate Intelligence—to the outside t.ssues. To the chiropractor the body is the temple of the living spirit. It is through the medium of the five senses that the Innate Intelligence comes in contact with the outer world and by means of mental impulses sent over the nerves that Innate Intelligence does the eight jobs by "hieh it INTELLIGENTLY adapts the organism to the requirements of life. What, then, is disease? Dis-ease to the chiropractor is simply one or more of these nine jobs done wrong—a function abnormally expressed. The question naturally arising in your mind at this point is, why are these functions ab normally expressed or why are these jobs done * wrong? Our answer is—because the nerves over which these vibrations and impulses travel are impaired, by a vertebra becoming misaligned and pressing upon the nerve, thereby either excluding the vibration, as in deafness, blind ness, or the loss of smell, taste or touch—or by imprisoning the impulse from Innate to the cells, tissues or organs of the body. , What is deafness, blindness, etc., to the chiropractor? It is simply the exclusion of a vi ASK YOUR CHIROPRACTOR for “THE LAST WORD” bration from the outside by a subluxated verte bra pressing on the nerve. What is paralysis to the chiropractor? It is simply the imprisoning of a motor impulse from Innate by a subluxated vertebra pressing on the nerve. And how does the chiropractor overcome these conditions? ^ By adjusting the vertebrae that are sublux ated, to normal position, thereby restoring free and normal communication between Innate In telligence and the cells, tissues and organs of the boAy. The chiropractor doesn't say that he heals, treats or cures. All he pretends to do is to AD JUST the subluxated vertebra to normal, there by restoring the communication between the in side intelligence and the outside world. Instead of dis ease being something from the outside that somehow gets inside, to the chiro practor it is something—a vibration—from the outside that CANNOT get inside, or it is some thing from the ins de—a functional impulse—• that CANNOT get outside, because the channel over which it travels—the- nerves—are ob structed. Contrast this conception of disease and ad justment with the medical method of diagnosis and treatment, and you will see how radically, fundamentally and absolutely Chiropractic dif fers from all other methods. The graduates of Chiropractic schools that go into the-world w’ith this idea in mind have a mes sage for the world and their practice, necessar ily, consists of finding and adjusting the verte brae that are subluxated, thereby interfering with the normal communication of the inside power with the outside world. However, there is a horde of drugless practitioners who have found it profitable to change their business cards to “Chiropr? ’tor” because of good results achieved by those who are demonstrating the correctness of the Chiropractic idea. These incompetents are bringing the entire Ch.ropractic profession into disrepute, as are also a multitude of schools that teach anything in the name of Chiropractic. Those desiring the service of a chiropractor should get a list of the competent practitioners in their city by writing to the Universal Chiropractor's Association, at Davenport, Iowa, and those desiring to study Chiropractic should get a list of schools that are making an honest effort to inculcate the prin ciples of the science, from the same source. The science stands or falls on the correctness " of the fundamentals upon which it is based, but not upon the hodge-podge that is practiced in the name of Chiropractic by those whose only qualification is a desire to get easy money. For information relative lo Chiropractors write to UN IV ERSALCHIROFRACTOR8* A SSDt ;i A Tit > V Davenport, Iowa, U. S. A. (Adv’t.) _ W—r * ——w—Tur—a—• _ No matter how little you know about music, it you can just remember a tune, 1 teach you to play Jazz, Rag time and Popular Songs BY EAR — easily and quickly. Why spend years studying tiresome scales and finger exercises when you can Learn At Home in 90 Days and play any tune you can remember, by ear—without notes. Original method, won derfully easy. No do-re-mi, no scales—just a few simple rules, a little practice and the results are amazing. Names and letters from hundreds of enthusiastic pupils and interest ing book SENT FREE. Simply write me your name, address, age—and state if you have ever taken piano lessons; if so, how many? Write today. Address RONALD G. WRIGHT, Director, N1AGARA SCHOOL OF MUSIC, «o fishing use Swke Fish Cure. Makes Fish bite like Hungry Wolves. Box 25c. Five $1.00.Union Co„ Barnes City, I*. “RISING TIDE” A London dispatch, dated April 11 says: The British government is con sidering whether action can be taken to meet the representations of Amer ica concerning smuggling of liquor into the United States ffom the West Indies. This announcement was made Wednesday in the house of commons by Roland McNeill, under secretary for foreign affairs. “It is very difficult for the govern ment to interfere with the legitimate export of any article from British territory but the government deplores the complicity of British subjects in infringement of laws of the United States,” McNeill declared. In respose to a question, the under secretary stated that the government was aware of “the rising tide of in dignation” in the United States con cerning rum-running but he said he wras informed of the charges of Emmanuel Shinwell, a laborite, that British seamen are paid high wages and furnished revolvers to carry on their illegal pursuits. WESTMORELAND SPECIALTY CO. The Westmoreland Specialty com pany—Makers of High Grade Table Wear—with offices and plant at Grapeville, Penna., have introduced a novelty this year which is attract- j ing a great deal of attention. They j are manufacturing a glassware cov- 1 ered with a beautiful black enamel. One of the most striking pieces ex hibited at Pittsburgh last winter was a very graceful fruit bowl and a flow er bowl, the black enamel being fig ured to represent watered silk. For further information address the firm at Grapeville, Penna. —SZ&gult-.a*u GMW ITT l¥i»l MWl—■ | ■ -1 hall i-- - .~ CJAwrsrnrgGrTrAgry 3 Success in Photography A Business of YOUR OWN—A Big Salaried Position Our Graduate* earn to $100 per week In PHOTOGRAPHY — PHOTO ENGRAVING — 3-COLOR WORK * Three to six Month** Cour*e. Many splendid opportunities are oien to ambitious men and women la these fascinating, high paying fields. We assist you to secure posi tion. NOW is the time to qualify. Learn in the World’s Leading Insti tution. Tuition low7; living inexpensive. Write for FREE book TODAY. Illinois College of Photogragphy (Established 30 Years) I^G,.»d A., Prd*. Bo* a43' Effingham, III.