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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1923)
MEDICAL HAIR GROWN on bald heads where fine fuzzy roots. $10.00. Superfluous hair removed forever, $5.00. Satisfaction or money back. Knapp Trio, Dept. K, St. Paul, Minnesota. RADIO-ACTIVE PADS—Ore, salve for rheumatism, kidney trouble, goiter, stomach trouble; our own mines; free literature; write today. Radium Mines, Green River, Utah. TOBACCO, liquor and morphine habits can be overcome with the aid of Hills Chloride of Gold Preparations. Liquor remedy can be given secretly. Particulars f'-ee. Ohio Chemical Works, Dept. 6, Charleston, South Carolina. HAIRGROWTH—Guaranteed trial at my risk. Anton Spier, Boulder, Colo. EYES SORE OR WEAK. Write Nobles Co., A-461, Jefferson City. Missouri. FREE DIET LISTS of proper and in jurious foods for various common ailments. Address Diet Publishers, 22 Quincy St., Chicago. RHEUMATISM — Cause nerve fluid stagnation, Propulsion—vibation un clogs. Instructions how to treat selt fifty cents. Write Lee Remedy Co., Blackwell, Oklahoma. DRINK SASSAFRAS ROOT TEA; healthful, delicious; nicely cleaned fresh selected rich roots for making, 2% pound package $1.00 postpaid. Como Tea Company, Como, Texas. INDIGESTION? Stamped self-addressed envelope brings particulars for sure cure. C. L. Young, Martinsville, Va. EDUCATIONAL AND INSTRUCTION FREE. Shorthand course. Secretary, 1552 Broadway Avenue, Grand Rapids, Michigan. LEARN DRAFTING at home by new method. Get into the big pay class. Send for particulars. The Locke Sys tem, 3113 Linden Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. CARTOON Course, $1. Christman, 2925 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Missouri. BE a Finger Print Expert. Demand increasing. Write for special free offer. American Finger Print System, 1966 Broadway, New York City. MASTER the typewriter by mail; the toueh system taught in 6 lessons; only $15; why pay more? Typewriting School, 715 Baltimore Bldg., Chicago, Illinois. AUTO OWNERS AUTO OWNERS! Get your tires Free. Be our Factory Agent. Big spare time mone.--maker. Sample tires fur nished. No capital or experience needed. Write today. Armour Tire & Rubber Co., Desk 101, Dayton, Ohio. FORD AUTO ACCESSORIES FORD OWNERS, don’t ruin your car by leaving it chatter. Correct same by Installing- Bredar’s Ball Shim. Price $1.10. Ask your dealer or write for In formation. Nick Bredar’s Son Mfg. Co., Rock Island, Illinois. HONEY DELICIOUS Clover Honey; 6 pound sample, $1.00 and postage; 12 lbs. $1.90 and postage; pay on delivery. L. Syverud, Yankton, S. D. HONEY—Pure extracted, 60 lbs., $6.50; 120 lbs., $12.00 at Greeley. J. P. Lin dahl, Box 939, Greeley, Colorado. HONEY - HENDRICK’S MOUNTAIN HONEY. Most delicious table honey produced. Guaranteed pure. Send four cents for sample and parcels post de livered price. John Hendricks. Honey hill Farm, Powell, Wyoming. —-----i PURE FOOD PRODUCTS FOUR Pounds Good Ground Coffee, $1.25 postpaid. R. E. Hawes. Owens boro, Kentucky. O INTEREST TO MEN AND WOMEN 9^ OF ALlT HEAD AND EYE TROUBLES are improved with proper Eye Glasses. Order a pair of our sCentifie, focused beveled, Shell Rim Glasses at Manufacturers price of $2.75. Guaranteed to help you or money re funded. Give age. Block Mfg. Co.. 1241 S. Turner Ave., Chicago, Illinois. ~HAIR and scalp treatment LADIES! Will grow' your hair four to twelve inches in four to six months and correct any hair disorder. Send stamp for my Information Sheet, price and particulars. Men treated. Carry Hannibal. Hair Specialist, 551 East 26th Street, Brooklyn, New’ York. RAZOR blades resharpened better SHAVING—Your Blades Re sharpened Good as New, 3c each. Standard Safety Razor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1FOK SALE—FARMS AND LANDS •California IF YOU WANT to live in California 1 write Dept. C, Kings County Chamber of Commerce. Hanford, California, for free booklets. Florida NUT. FRUIT & KUDZU FARM. Ideal climate and soil. Plesant, helthy okupation. Safe investment. S. Kider, Monticello, Florida. TIP-TOP OF FLORIDA—Book of 40 big pages, 300 pictures, truth about farms, orange groves, climate, churches, schools, health, sanitation, etc., in county of 1,400 lakes, center state, highest elevation, three rail roads, 400 miles improved highways; fastest growing most talked-of Florida county; health, tourist resorts, three golf courses, million dollar hotel and scores smaller ones; write for free copy this most comprehensive book—■ stating what about Florida interests you most. Address I^ake County Cham ber Commerce, Box 595, Tavares, Fla. Iowa 160 ACRES, Improved, ten miles from Sioux City, Iowa, where we have 75, 000 people, and close to cement paved road. Further information given. Some larger. Write for information. W. H. H. Nivling, Sioux City, Iowa. Minninnippl PECAN-ORANGE Units. Easy terms. ! Big returns. Write Dept. C, Suburban Orchards Co., Biloxi, Mississippi. Maryland 50-ACRE, 11-year-old orchard, mostly j Jonathans, located at top of Blue Ridge Mountains of Maryland. Build ings and equipment, including 4 mules. Price 118,000.00. Easy terms. L. Jacques, Sr., Hagerstown, Maryland. Oklahoma For FARMS, rentals, business and resi dence property in Oklahoma, address Hansen & Hayes, Hobart, Oklahoma. Oregon SOUTHERN OREGON HOMES. Ideal year round climate. Fertile valley, surrounded by mountains. Paying or chards. Grain and stock ranch bargains to offer. E. T. Staples, Ashland, Ore. Texan SELECT your land now, buy next fall: rich coast country lands on 20 years’ time. Theo. M. Plummer, Russell Bldg., San Antonio, Texas. Washington WHITE SALMON Orchard homes, stock and dairy ranches, timber tracts, large and small; resorts and business chances for sale and exchange; health ful climate and scenic attractions pre vail. C. H. Estes & Co., White Salmon, Washington. Wisconsin FREE WISCONSIN BULLETINS: Soil, climate, crops. Immigration Bureau, Wisconsin Dept, of Agriculture, Capitol 108, Madison, Wisconsin. Virginia FARM BARGAINS—200 farms, mineral and timber lands for sale in Buck ingham County on easy terms. Write for catalogue or come and see me. Emmet D. Gregory, care First National Bank, Dillwyn, Virginia. Various States 30 000 ACRES, 5 acres up at $10 up; .Iso 30 improved farms in Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana, tenth cash, tenth annually, year’s r^nt free; mild, most healthful in U. S.; 60 bu. corn, $500 truck or equivalents; homestead map, etc., 5c. T. C. Trust Co.. Loranger. Louisiana. THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY has 8,000 miles of railroad in Minne sota North Dakota. Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. In this vast | empire lands are cheap. Send for free book describing grain lands, dairying, fruit growing and stock raising. E. C. Leedy, General Agricultural Develop ment Agent, Dept. 97, St. Paul, Minn. FARMS WANTED _ WANT to hear from owner having farm for sale; give particulars and lowest price. John J. Black, Chippewa 1 Falls, Wisconsin._| TO FARM BUYERS AND SELLERS AT7CTIONEERS and every one inter ested in buying or selling farms in any part of United States should write for copy of only publication of its kind The International Auctioneer and Land Salesman, Springfield, Illinois. Mr. Bryan’s Books The Commoner has on hand a limited number of the books listed below. These volumes have been especially reserved for Com moner readers as the editions were published, but they are now out of print. They are offered for quick sale at prices quoted below. Pick out your choice and send your order immediately. THE FIRST BATTLE This is a history of the great "battle of ballots’* In the national election In 1896, compiled and published by Mr. Bryan at the close of his first campaign as the democratic candidate for president.—*73 pages. $1.50 postpaid. LIFE AND SPEECHES OF BRYAN This book was published in the year 1900, and Is a very complete record of the life and work of Mr. Bryan up to that date; it contain* many of his best speeches.—465 pages. $1 postpaid. THE FRUITS OF THE TREE An address delivered by Mr. Bryan at the World’s Missionary Con ference, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 17, 1910. Bound In heavy Art board covers.—50 cents postpaid. — THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES This is a very neat limp leather booklet in which are printed Mr. Bryan’s lecture “The Signs of The Times” and an article entitled “Faith.”—72 pages. 75 cents postpaid. LETTERS TO A CHINESE OFFICIAL This little book is a defence of the Christian religlaq and western civilization written by Mr. Bryan during his visit n China in the year 1906.—97 pages. 60 cents postpaid. A TALE OF TWO CONVENTIONS An account of the Republican and Democratic, national conventions of 1912, written by Mr. Bryan, with outline of Progressive national convention of the same year. Cloth bound. 307 pages. $1.00 postpaid. COMMONER CONDENSED These are cloth bound volumes of about 400 pages each, being made up of the editorial matter from The Commoner for the years 1906 and 1907 respectfully.—Vols. 6 and 7. 50 cents each postpaid. THE REAL BRYAN This hook is a collection of the choicest parts of all speeches and writings of Mr. Bryan, compiled by Richard L. Metcalfe in the year 1908. —320 pages. $1 postpaid. BRYAN THE MAN An appreciation of the Great Commoner at Close Range from a re publican viewpoint.—191 pages, $1 postpaid. The above prices pay for these books by mail postage prepaid and will hold good so long as the supplv lasts; if you order reaches us too late your money will be refunded. Mail all orders to THE COMMONER, LINCOLN, NERR. PATENT ATTORNEYS EUGENE E. Stevens, Jr., Registered Patent Attorney, 307 Barrister Bldg.. Washington, D. C. Patents, trade-marks and copyrights all countries. Prompt personal service. Moderate fees. Full information upon request. (Former Lieutenant of Infantry, World War). INVENTORS! Patents procured, Trade marks registered, prompt personal services, fees reasonable, request free "Inventor’s Guide” giving detailed in formation. Franklin H. Hough, Inc., 597 Washington Loan & Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. PATENTS. My fees in installments. Ad vice book free. Frank Fuller. Wash ington, D. C. PATENTS—Cost of patenting Jivided into SIX payments. Sterling Buck, 629 F, Washington. D. C. (Central). PATENTS FOR SALE. Patent applica tions fully prepared $15. To sell or buy patents write Patent News-413, Washington, D. C. Only inventors newspaper. Yearly $2. Copy 20c. PATENTS, TRADE-MARKS. COPY RIGHTS—Mechanical, chemical .and electrical cases solicited. Prompt, skillful services at reasonable charges. Fourteen Years’ experience. Good ref erences. B. P. Fishbume. Attorney at-Law. 361 McGill Bldg.. Washington. D. C.> _ TOBACCO KENTUCKY TOBACCO—Select chew ing or smoking 4 lbs. $1.00. Recipe furnished. Clements Tobacco Associa tion, Hawesville, Kentucky. TOBACCO — Fine yellow mammoth chewing, 10 lbs.. $3.00: smoking 10 lbs., $2.00; 20 lbs.. $3.50. Farmers Club. Mayfield, Kentucky._ THREE POUNDS chewing or four pounds smoking, best grade, prepaid $1.00. Pound package 30c. Money re funded, not satisfied. Special low prices. Kentucky Tobacco Company. Owens boro, Ky. ____ OF INTEREST TO WOMEN JAR COLD CREA.M; can Rose Talcum and Face Powder; can Tooth Pow der that cleans the teeth. All three for 35c. Postage 10c extra. Money re funded if not satisfactory. Burson Chemical Laboratory, Ottumwa, Iowa. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS lumber and shingles at re duced PRICES. Farmers’ trade our specialty. Best quality. Robert Emer son Company. Box 1156-S, Tacoma, Washington. HEMSTITCHING. IMCOTING. ETC. HEMSTITCHING AND* IMCOTING at tachment, |2 with instructions. Works on any macliine. Easily ad- * justed. Cirone Sales, 853 Kent Avenue, | Brooklyn, New York. SCIENTIFIC (STUDY YOUR TYPE! Know what you are good for! Self-revealing Chart I and Personal. Development tests for jlOc. Thomson-Hey wood, Dept. N. 'Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco. OF INTEREST TO MEN j HA VE TIME SHAVING! No soap and brush needed. Face left soft and smooth. Satisfaction guaranteed. 50 ! cents. J. Gaub. Pittsb’gh. Aspinwall, ! Pennsylvania. TANNING TANNING ALL KINDS. Simple way. Information booklet, formula, sample 'leather, free. Tools, materials furn ished. Representatives wanted. Custom Tanning Co., Carlton, Texas. POST CARD EXCHANGE EXCHANGE post cards and books. Members everywhere. Write Century Club, Box fi7, Copley Square, Boston, Massachusetts, MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS $35 PROFIT nightly. Small capital starts you. No experience needed. Our machines are used and indorsed by government institutions. Catalog free. Atlas Moving Picture Company, 709 Morton Bldg., Chicago, Illinois. AUTOMOBILES. TIMES. PARTS. ETC. SAMPLE TIRES below wholesale. Tubes Free. Write, Bellville Tire Co., Belleville, N. J. SIMPLEX (Ford) STARTER $20. CP.-ar anteed. American Simplex Co., Ander son. Indiana. MISCELLANEOUS PRINTING CUTS anybody can make. Simple, cheap process. $1. Specimens, particulars. 2c stamp. Day, Windfall, Indiana. PERSONAL MAKE interesting, new friends thru jolly letters. Send stamp. Betty Lee Inc., 4254 Broadway, New York City. MISCELLANEOUS ~jHj PLEASANT ROOT inexpensively ove^B comes any tobacco habit. Seud a^B§ dress. Jacob Stokes, Mohawk, Florl<^K|