The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 01, 1923, Page 14, Image 14
HELP WANTED CHOOSE TIIE RIGHT VOCATION. Ask for Free Vocational Analysis Chart Cl. Vocational Service Bureau, Eighth Floor, 20 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Illinois. DETECTIVES Earn Big Money. Ex cellent opportunity. Travel. Fasci nating work. Experience unnecessary. Particulars free. Write, American De tective System, 19G8 Broadway,Jtf. Y. WE PAY $10 to $50 weekly, clerical work at home. Send 25c for sample, instructions. Zoll, Lead, S. Dak. MALE HELP—WANTED RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, Gov’t clerks and carriers; $125-$200; steady work; experience unnecessary. Particulars free. Write Moltane, Dept. A-26, Denver, Colorado. WANTED—Ambitious men to work at home. Entirely new business; local or mail order. Previous experience unes sential. Ordinary man made $15 day. Write immediately. Krafft, Box 896-* Com., San Francisco, California. FEMALE HELP WANTED WE PAY big money fonjpainting pil- I low tops. Simple, eas™ quick. Ex perience unnecessary. Nileart Company, 2227, Ft. Wayne, Ind. WANTED v WANTED—Old postage stamps. Lee Tubbs, 4021, First, San Diego, Calif. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS: See our adv. on page 11. Modern Specialty Co., Los Angeles, California. AGENTS—New Discovery makes all jelly ‘‘jell.’’ Big profits, constant re peater. Sample free. Joy-Jel Company, 829 Grand, St. Joseph, Missouri. MAKE YOUR OWN Imitation Vanilla for 50c gal; guaranteed, formula $1.00; 50 others. Arthur Schwartz, 1439 American Ave„ Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Dept. A. AGENTS—HERE THEY ARE. Some thing new—Emblematic Belts. All lodge men buy. Samples $1.00. Hurry. Emblematic Belt Co., Ashland, Ohio. EARN $10 DAILY silvering mirrors, plating, refinishing metalware, head lights, chandeliers, bedsteads. Outfits furnished. Nestor-Decie Laboratories, 1133 Broadway, New York. AGENTS—Wonderful Opportunity! Sal ary and commission. One policy a day means $1 30 a month for you! Perma nent income on renewals. Policy pays $5,000 death; $25 weekly benefit—In jury or sickness. Premium $10 yearly. Big demand everywhere. Write quick for territory and outfit. Underwriters. Dept. 424, Newark, N. J. AGENTS: $75.00-$150.00 weekly. Free Samples. Largest assortment of win dow sign letters. Easily applied. Ex perience unnecessary. Acme Sign Let ter Co., 361 W. Superior, Chicago. WANTED: Men who can sell quality line direct to home. Good Localities open in Kansas and Nebraska for re liable men who can sell Rawleigh’s Good Health Products. No experience, practically no capital needed. Applica tions desired from those who can qualify for this permanent and profit able business. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. 1477, Freeport, Illinois. WE PAY $200 monthly salary, furnish rig and expenses to introduce our guaranteed poultry and stock powders. Bigler Company, X315, Springfield,'111. BUY YOUR CIGARS DIRECT. Fifty Hand Mades prepaid $1.50. Money back if dissatisfied. Agents wanted. Havana Smokehouse, Homeland, Ga. AGENTS WANTED—$1.50 an hour sell ing kerosene lamp burners. Gener ates large white flame. ' Smokeless. Odorless. Quick sales. Secure territory now. Vapolite Company, Dept. 46, Toledo, Ohio. PORTRAIT and other agents make real money selling our line Photo Medal lion, Clock Medallions, Buttons and Jewelry. Four day service; satisfaction guaranteed. Send for new catalog. Gib son Photo Jewelry Co., 608 Gravesend Ave., Brooklyn, New York. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS, AUTO OWNERS, Make your own Metal Polish, Auto Polish, Car bon Remover, etc. Sell to others. Guar anteed Formulas. Write today. ArLhuT Schwartz, 14.39 American Ave., Mil waukee, Wisconsin. Dept. A. ^ AGENTS WANTED in every City to sell and take orders for our WINONA Pearl Necklaces; finest Oriental Inde structible; direct from importer, at less than wholesale price; liberal commis sion and exclusive sale given to active representatives. The Winona Company, 109 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois. SELL SPARK PLUG Attachment. They lock out trouble, for all motors. (Patent Pending.) Sample 10c, four 40c. Bert Sparkeyes, 2041 2nd Blvd., Detroit, Michigan. HAND Oil Painted Portrait in Life Colors, from your photo. Agents wanted. Prank Cadle, Augusta, Ga. AGENT.' : Make $10 daily. Big line food products, perfumes, toilet goods. Luclle Jones of N. C. sold $5.45 worth after school. G. H. Marshall of Mass, took orders for $36.30 in one day. Over 100 repeaters. $15 Super-Salesmanship Course free. J. R. Beaman, 411 Cool springs Streci, Fayetteville, N. C. AGENTS WANTED. Repeat orders sure. 40% commission. Sells to every home and business house. Sample 10c. O. P. Strong, 1120 Kendal Ave., Portsmouth, Ohio. WANTED—Spectacle agents; big pay. Nu-Way Co., Birmingham, Illinois. WONDERFUL discovery. Charges bat teries in ten minutes. Gallon free to Agents. Address, Radiolite Co., St. Paul, Minnesota. PHOTO PLAYS WANTED $$$ FOR Ideas. Photoplay plots ac cepted any form; revised, criticised, copyrighted, marketed. Advice free. Universal Scenario Corporation, 254 Western Mutual Life Bldg., Los Angeles. MSS or STORIES WANTED STORIES, POEMS, PLAYS, etc., are wanted for publication. Submit Mss or write Literary Bureau, 137, Hanni bal, Mo. STAMPS, COINS, ETC. 78 STAMPS 15c. Bermuda, Nyassa Land, Cyprus, Tranacore, Zanzibar, etc. 100 Colonials 36c. 10 Siam 16c. 30 Portugese 16c. Brooks-Edwards, 43 Edmund Street, Camberwell, England. START COLLECTION Pictorial War Money! Hungarian, German, Aus trian. 12 different Notes 22c, 28-52c 47-$1.02, 100-$3., 500 different (fine col lection) $25. Lists free with orders. Postage extra. A. W. Dunning, Brook line, 47, Mass. FREE—25 different U. S. Stamps with 60% approvals to reliable parties. 8u different U. S., 25c. 10 different Nyassa 1901, 30. C. Seidenberg, Mer ton, Wisconsin. 1,000 DIFFERENT stamps $2.00; 550 $1.00; 325, 50c. Fred Onken, 630 79th Street, Brooklyn, New York. PRINTING AND ENGRAVING HAMMERMILL BOND CABINETS of 250 sheets and 250 envelopes with your name and address, monogram or busi ness letterhead Electro-Engraved or Electro-Embossed. Distinctive, conven ient and economical at $5.00 per cabi net. Printcraft, 39 Saratoga Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. WE PRINT anything. Circulars, sta tionery. Catalogs. Samples. Com mercial Press, Batavia, Ohio. TYPEWRITERS AND OFFICE SUPPLIES 100 LETTER Carbon Paper Greenfield Silk Bond. 100 Sheets $2.15 prepaid; any make of Ribbon, Silk Bond, 70c each. All prepaid. Guaranteed. Special on quantity orders. Greenfield Carbon & Ribbons, C. H. Davis & Son, 614 Jef ferson, Greenfield, Ohio. FOR SALE — Practically new No. 9 Oliver Typewriter; first-class condi tion. Ship anywhere. Write for price. The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebr. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SELL US YOUR SPARE TIME. You can arn Fifteen to Fifty dollars weekly writing showcards at home. No canvassing; pleasant profitable profes sion easily quickly learned by our sim ple graphic block system, artistic abil ity unnecessary; we instruct you and supply work. Wilson Methods, Limited, Dept. 98, Toronto, Canada. START in business. Samples and stock 15c. Cochran, Graysville, Ohio. UNUSUAL opporitunities for men with out capital. Learn Real Estate. Synopsis of Instructions, free. Nat’l Co-Operative Realty Company, T. Mar den Bldg., Washington, D. C. -; FORTUNE Maker — Thread-Cutting Thimble. Live wires only. Sample 15c. Automote Mfg. Co., 3753 Monticelo, Chicago. $75 WEEKLY Up Easily Earned In stalling Publicity Clocks in motion picture theatres. You can build up a permanent, profitable business on very small investment by selling advertise ments that flash their message on face of clock automatically. A real oppor tunity for hustlers. Write fully. Pub licity Clock Company, Inc., 105 West 40th St., . ew York. IF you want to make a nice little in come on the side, send 25c, coin pre ferred. Louis Tangeman, Coldwater, O. LEGITIMATE, steady income any where, cannot fail. Capital unneces sary. Plans with full particulars 25c. Stamps accepted. Wendt Mail Order Service, 3108 Canal St., Chicago, 111. PHOTO DEVELOPING ANY SIZE ROLL film developed, 6 prints 25c cash; 8x10 Enlargement Free with $3.00 worth of work. Brooks Kodak Shop, 3826 Prospect, Kansas City, Mo. QUICK SERVICE Kodak Finishing. Send for Free Sample and Prices. Schupp & Son, Mountain Grove. Mo. KODAK FILMS—Special trial offer; your next kodak film developed 5c— prints 2c each. Moser & Son, 1923 St. James Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. BORDERGRAPHIC PRINTS will add that desired pep and individuality to your photo collection. Sample and par ticulars 10c. (No stamps). Lavallee Studio, Box 476, Worcester, Mass. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE for pa trons who have never had kodak pic tures made by us, we will develop a trial roll free. Prints 3c each, up to 2^x4Va; prints 3^x4%, 4c; 3%x5}£ or postcard 5c each. Remit for print or ders or we will mail C. O. D. The Camera Company, Box 1126, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.* KODAK PRINTS 3c, Postcards 5c, de veloping 5c. Altine Photo Co., Dept. X, 1982 Kinney, Cincinnati, Ohio. RADIO OUTFITS AND SUPPLIES LOUD Speaker for any Crystal Set with Amplifier. Hear music over en tire house. Easily constructed by ama teurs. Eliminates Storage Battery. In structions complete 25c. Catalogue 5c. Steinmetz Wireless Manufacturing Co., East End, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ARMSTRONG Regenerative Tuner Li censed. Using coil similar to Rhein artz. Complete $10.00 and postage. Knocked dowh parts $5.00. Catalog 10c. Address Tresco, Davenport, Iowa. BUILD your own Radiophone, Instruc tion book ten cents. Radio Service Institute, U. S. Bank Bldg., Washing ton, D. C. LANGUAGES WORLD-ROMIC SYSTEM" masterkey to All Languages. Six textbooks, $1 73 French Chart, 37c; Spanish, 37c’ Speech-Organs. 37c. Pronunciation Tables, 73 languages, 30c each. Lan guages Publishing Company, 8 "West 40 St., New York, N. Y. BUSINESS BOOKS 20th CENTURY BUSINESS ENCYCLO PEDIA. Price $1.00. Guaranteed to please or money refunded. Get this wonderful book. Circular free. Snell Co., 1921 State Avenue, Cincinnati, O. POCKET KNIFE HANDLE for Gillette Safety Blade Pocket Knife. A. Tubbs & Co.. Ham mond, Indiana. ROWBOATS ROWBOATS—EASILY MADE. PaTtk^T lars free. Weesho-Uco, 41-J West market, Detroitj Michigan. INFORMATION MANUFACTURING, buying, selling in vestigations mail-order ppportun ities. Prospectus free. Cottrell Busi ness Service, Chicago. SEEDS, TREES, BULBS, PLANTS PURE Pedigreed home Illinois farm grown government endorsed Broom Corn Seed all varieties, bu., eight dol lars; half, four fifty; quarter, two fifty; eighth, one fifty, remittances with all seed orders, write Fanning Broom Corn Seed Co., entire main flooi Fanning Block, Oakland, Illinois. DEPENDABLE Fruit and Shade Trees, Shrubbery, Small Fruits, Roses Vines, Perennials, Plants, Bulbs and Supplies. 48-page Catalog Free. Hutch inson Nurseries, Kearney, Nebraska. PLANTS — Flower, Vegetable, Vine, Bulb Plants; choicest varieties, ex pert grown, delivered you at planting time, mail or express prepaid. Send name for circular. Weavers Gardens, R. 9, Wichita, Kansas. KUDZU: World’s Best Hay and Past ure. Improves Soil. Stops Washing. Lasts Lifetime. Get Plants from Origi nal Introducers. C. E. Pleas Plant Co., Chipley, Florida. CABBAGE, Onion, Tomato, and Potato plants, $100, 1,000, best varieties. Evergreen Farms, Thomasville, Ga. CHOICE INSPECTED LOGANBERRY Plants. Fancy Evaporated Logan berries. Unusual Low price. Harry Lan4im, Route 4, Salem, Oregon. 10c BRINGS 10 PACKETS High Grade Tested Garden Seeds and a Free copy of, our catalog with information about hundreds of varieties of Fruit Trees, Seeds and Plants. A coupon, good for 10c, will be sent you to apply on your next order. Send today. Arkansas Seed & Nursery Co., Dept. 5, Fayetteville, Arkansas. $1 POSTPAID (any one selection)—ICO strawberries, 50 raspberries, 3 app’es, 3 grapes, 3 peonies, 4 shrubs, 4 ever greens. Catalog free. Strand s Nursery, Box 12, Taylors Falls, Minn. 12 CONCORD GRAPEVINES, 2 years, $1; 36 one year, $2. 25 rhubarb, $1. 100 asparagus, $1. (Prepaid). Checks accepted. Catalog free. Welch Nursery, Shenandoah, Iowa. POULTRY, BABY CHICKS, EGGS IMPORTED, TRAPNESTED BARRON Famous Winterlay Pedigreed 300 egg strain of Pure-bred English S. C. White Leghorns—Guaranteed to lay two eggs to common Leghorn’s one or money refunded. Eggs, 16-$2.00; 100 $10.00; Chicks, 20c, 100 per cent live delivery, prepaid, insured. Scientific poultry book free. Snowwhite Egg farm, Dr. Cantrell, Carthage, Mo. QUALITY CHICKS, EGGS. Sixteen standard bred varieties. Best winter laying strains. Free delivery. Reason able prices. Catalogue free. Missouri Poultry Farms, Columbia, Missouri. POULTRY CATALOG FREE. All vari eties at reduced prices, also Baby Chicks and Eggs. Poultry Farm, Janes ville, Minnesota. BABY CHICKS — Popular varieties. Purebred pens and small flocks, scientifically mated. All chicks accli mated before shipped. 100% delivery guaranteed. Catalogue Free. H. R. Hatchery, Box C, Windsor, Missouri. BABY CHICKS—200,000 to sell; you buy the best for the least money; guaranteed alive from Colwell’s Hatch ery, Smith Center, Kansas. BABY CHICKS — Hatching eggs. All popular breeds from hardy Ozark f.toek. Catalog free. KenneGale Hatch ery, Springfield, Missouri. BABY CHICKS, pure bred stock. Dis count for early orders. Guarantee live delivery. Valuable information free. Lake Hill Hatchery, El Dorado Springs. Missouri. GEESE: Toulouse, African, Emden. Ducks: Pekin, Rouen. Muscovey. Price reasonable. John Hass, Betten dorf, Iowa. FANCY POULTRY FOR SALE; 30 varieties; catalogue free. Herman Blumer, Berger, Missouri. GARDEN AND FARM IMPLEMENTS GARDEN TRACTOR SAVES LABOR on large or small truck gardens. Shaw 2V2 H. P. Tractor will run from 4 to 8 hours on a gallon of gasoline, de pending upon the work. Write for particulars. Shaw Mfg. Co., Dept TC, Galesburg, Kansas. DOGS, PET STOCK, ETC. LARGE Black Newfoundlands. The child's Gog supreme. EulQgized in poetry and story. Registered puppies from America's leading kennel; males $40, females $25 delivered. Sent C. O. D. to reliable parties. Bert Carmony, Shelbyville, Indiana. INVENTIONS INVENTIONS COMMERCIALIZED. Pat ented or unpatented. Write Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 102, St. Louis, Mo.