POOD PRODUCTS COLORADO Pinto Beans split in threshing, suitable for soup or bak ing; 100 pound sack F. O. B. Oklahoma City or Woodward, $3.26. J. A Jack son, Woodward, Oklahoma. BUY DIRECT — California English Walnuts, 10 pounds; $4.10 delivered any address. Sherman-Williams, Mon rovia, California. OREGON PRUNES Direct, medium siae, $7.75 per hundred. Special 12% lb. sample bag. express paid, $1.80. King wood Orchards, Salem, Oregon. SALAlfl-CERVELATi WURST 35 cents; Excelsior Bacon, best in market. 35 cents;-Kewane© Bacon;! 20 to 25 cents? shipped by parcel post in 6 to 10 lb. packets; home-made, all sugar-cured, finest -quality in market; direct to con sumer. Remit by money order or cer tified check. The Schneider Shipping Co., Smoked Meat. Summer Sausages. Kewanee. Illinois. HONEY FINEST light Extracted Honey, 28 lbs. $3.50; 60 lbs; $6.50', 120 lbs. $12.00 here. Frank H. Drexel & Sons, Bee keepers, Crawford, Colorado. - -—:-Hr *- —----- - DELICIOUS Glover Honey, Six pound sample One Dollar; 'Twelve nounds. Dollar Ninety; and 'Postage, pay on de livery. L. Syverud, Yankton^ S. D. IF YOU WOULD LIKE some of the best and most delicious honey pro-i duced, extracted-or Strained (liquid>, write uS for free price list. We ship by mail, express or freight, and guar antee satisfaction and safe delivery any place. The Rocky Mountain Bee Co., Box 1319, Billings, Montana. - -—----i-;— NEW Clover; i Alfalfa Honey. Guar anteed pure. 60 pound can $7.50, liquid if requested. Blackwell Honey Co., Rapid City, South Dakota. -: HONEY — HENDRICK’S MOUNTAIN HONEY. Most delicious table Money produced. Guaranteed pure. Send four cents for sample and parcels post de livered price. John Hendricks, Honey hill Farm, Powell. Wyoming. HEMSTITCHING, PICOTING, ETC. HEMSTITCHING AND ~TlCOTING at tachment, $2 with instructions. Works on any machine. Easily ad justed. Cirone Sates, 853^ Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. HEMSTITCHING ,& Picoting Attach - ment; superior device: fits any sew ing machine. Attaches firmly; easily adjusted. Price $3.00 delivered, with complete instructions ^nd samples of work. Orders filled promptly. Superior Hemstitching Attachment Co.. 509 Starr St., Corpus Christi, Texas. —--£_.....,.j2_ . j HOME BUILDING DIRECTIONS—How to build good sub stantial homes at reasonable cost by making use of much good building ma terials now going to waste everywhere. Read my book on building; Price re duced to 60 cents. Peter Delinde, Zion, Illinois'. WEARING APPAREL FOUR PAIRS Guaranteed Double Sole Socks, $1.00. Black, brown, navy, gray, or white. Sizes 9?4 to llt£. Post paid anywhere. XLS-ALL. HOSIERY CO., Reading, Pennsylvania. LANGUAGES WORLD-ROMIC SYSTEM. masterkey to All Languages. Six textbooks, $1.73. French Chart, 37c; Spanish, " 37c; Speech-Organs. 37c. Pronunciation Tables, 73 languages. 30c each. Lan guages Publishing Company. 8 West 40 St., New York, N. Y. MONEY-MAKING FORMULAS 1.000,000 FOMULA6, recipes, trade se crets—1016 pages, $2.00. Hillside Lab oratories. 7021-J So. Winchester, Chicago. POCKET KNIFE HANDLE for Gillette Safety Blade Pocket Knife. A. Tubbs & Co., Ham mond, Indiana. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS HON’T MISS THIS—A white linen col lar. Wash with your hand same as your face. Saves laundry. Keeps its rnape. Sample 40c; 3 for $1.00. William son, 137 E. 62nd, Chicago, Illinois. SWEATERS—Write me for sweaters and leggings for children. Splendid Values, all sizes and colors. Address Jones, Box 5833, Westport. Station, Kansas City, Missouri. tdL portraits of yourself or dear one! Strikingly beautiful and wonderfully hfe-like. Nothing like them anywhere! Agents. Samples free, any photo. Chas. . Bruek Artist. 210 North 8th, Phila * delphia, Pa. _kodak finishing FILMS DEVELOPED FREE for pa~ trons who have never had kodak pic tures made by us. we will develop a o1!/ free. Prints 3c each, up to 2V4X4V,; prints 3V4x4VL 4c; 3»4xf»V4 or postcard 5c each. Remit for print or ders or we will mall C. O. D The Camera Company. Box 1126, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. KODAK PRINTS 3c. Postcards 5c. de veloping 5c. /Altine Photo Co., Dept. X, 1982 Kinney, Cincinnati. Ohio. FORD AXTTO ACCESSORIES 1 FORD OWNERS, don’t ruin your carrby' leaving it chatter. Correct same by installing Bredar’s Ball Shim. Price 81.10. Ask yoWr dealer or write for In formation. Nick Bredar’s Son Mfg. Co. Rock Island, Illinois. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS—£ost of patenting divided into SIX payments. Sterling Ruck. 629 F, Washington. D. C. (Oenfral). PATENTS FOR SALE. Patent applica tions fully prepared |15. To sell or buy patents write Patent News-413, Washington, D, 0. Only inventors newspaper. Yearly $2. Copy 20c. PATENTS, TRA'DE-MARKS. COPY RIG HTS—rMechanical, .chemical .and electrical case# solicited. Prompt, skillful services at reasonable charges. Fourteen Yfears* experience. Good rfef at-Law. 361 McGill Bldg.. Washington. : erences. B. R- Fishburne. Attorney-, D. C. t iMEDICAFi , DRINK SASSAFRAS ROOT TEA; healthful, delicious; nicely cleaned fresh selected rich roots for making, 2 Vz pound package $1.00 postpaid. Como Tea Company, Como, Texas. __... j...... INDIGESTION? ^Stamped self^arddressod envelope brings particulars for sur* cure. C, L. Young, Martinsville, Va, FOR SALE—AMMC SALVE—Hemorr hoids, Infections, Burns, fBoHs, etc., GOc ounce jar, pay mail rtian Upon de livery. Dept. 8, AMMC, pifcotorie, 111. -r DANDRUFF,, Itching, Falling Hair Treatment. Free sample. .Dandrex Laboratories, Butte, Montana. DISEASES. Cause and Natural 'Inborn) Remedy. Booklet 50 cts. A. J, Stevens.j Wauseon. Ohio. CATARACTS ABSORBED: A wonder ful remedy. FqP par’ ulars write Dr. Niekersof>5 Miami, Florida. - i TOBACCO TOBACCO—FINEST GRADE—3 and 4 years old. 10 lbs. chewing $3.00; 10 lbs. smoking, $2,50. r Pay for tobac- j co and postage when received. Farmers’ j Exchange, Hawesville, Kentucky. TOBACCO—Handpicked, fragrant, mel low chewing or smoking, 10 lbs., $3.20; 6 lbs.*-$l.«5; 3 lbs., $1.00. Free recipe. Money back if not leased. Clark’s River Plantation* Box F, Hazel, Kentucky, TOBACCO. 5 lbs. medium smokin-r, $1.80; mild, $1.2.5. Postpaid, j Aden Francis, Dresden, Tennessee.' ir THREE POUNDS chewing or four pounds smoking, best grade, prepaid $1.00. Pound package 30c. M^ney re funded, not satisfied. Special Jow prices. Kentucky Tobacco Company: Owens boro, Ky. ' RADIO INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE—Radio sets and Parts at reduced prices. Walter Ladwig, Seneca. Kansas. -> RADIO Sets for all' distances direct from Manufacturer. ' Send for litera ture and prices. Neevel Manufacturing Co., Dept. A., 1409 Kansas Ave., Kansas City, Missouri. SCIENTIFIC STUDY YOUR TYPE! Know what you are good for! Self-revealing Chart and Personal Development tests for 10c Thomson-Heywood, Dept. N, Chronicle Bldg,, San Francisco. RAZOR BLADES RESHARPENED FREE—One Cake Williams Shaving Soap With One dozen Blades Re sharpened, 3c each. Send Ad. Standard Safety Razor. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. FERRETS FERRETS FOR KILLING rats, and hunting rabbits. Instruction book and price list free. Levi Farnsworth, New London, Ohio. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES AND SUPPLIES MACHINES. Films, Supplies. Bargain lists. National Equipment Co., Duluth, Minnesota. FOR SALK—FARMS AND LANDS Arkaa*u ARKANSAS farm and timber lands, splendid climate, good towns, roads, markets, for cattle, sheep, hog, and fruit raising. Land surprisingly cheap Literature- free. Frank K. Crary, Focdyce, Arkansas. i f n ’ 1 T1 r ' " n , “* '' :m I Canada —,—--- *■-■»-* IRRIGATED FARMS—160-acre farms, improved or unimproved: 30 to 160 acres irrigable land on. each parcel,; near I^ethbridge, In sunny Southern Alberta, ,can be bought.for $15 to. $40, an acre.„No need rpr pioneering. well settled country, gppd rpads. < railway*®, schools, telephone's;, agreeable social conditions; lertlle land; supeess of Ir rigation farming ht-re already demon strated; irrigation system, being con structed under government supervision. Water available in 1923. Write for Information concerning crops grown and description and location of farms to; the province of Alberta, Irrigation Cduncll, 19 Pro.v1n 000 pedple, and