The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 01, 1923, Page 11, Image 11

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\ I J\S/WffOME
Would you like to know law? Would
you like to have your opinion sought—
your judgment respected? Above all,
would you like to be fitted for the big
ger job ahead? We have taught law
by mail sucessfully for 31 years. Thou
sands of our students have passed the
bar examinations of their respective
States and are now successful in the
practice. An even greater number are
big executives in the business world.
Send for booklet': describing briefly
the scope and merit, of our course and
containing helpful Vegal pointers that
will be of value to you. It is yours for
the asking. You incur no obligation.
Dept. 316, 4753 Grand Blvd., Chicago
-4 »;FK n !A VtUM6
Work like magic in emergen- m
cies or prove whether' your y
door or padlocks a#e burglar- 9J
proof. Open and test tl»ou- h
Hands of different locks. Rec- j
ommended by users in ten dif- •
ferent nations. Most wonderful and only
keys of their kind/ Send $1 today. NoV*el
key chain FREE with set.
S3 M Manhattan Block, Milwaukee, W1h.
prove quick relief. Dr. Coffee had
catarrh', deafness, head noises. He
found a treatment that gave com
plete relief. Thousands used »t success
fully. Want you to try it frrt. Write
| rtr. w. O. COpppp
I Dept. 199 Davenport, Iowa
4 rifTTVll A Difficult breath
ASI HM A in^- bronchial
Aiks Jl Aliliil wheezing sound,
cough, mucus ex
pectoration, tiahtntfss in the chest, suf
focating feeliptf, gasping for air, heart
pains, etc., etc., are quickly relieved
with my prescription No. 20. Sufficient
treatment for 10 days $3.00. Ten or
twenty days treatment have been
known to cure son/e very stubborn and
Jong standing cases. Sent on receipt of
price to any address, charges prepaid,
1)R. B. m. ROSS, 35 South Dearborn St.,
Chicago, Illinois.
Cured Her
Knowing from terrible experience the
Buffering caused by rheumatism, Mrs. J.
E. Hurst, who lives at 608 E. Douglas
Street, C-47, Bloomington, 111., is so
thankful at having cured herself that
cut of pure gratitude shevis anxious to
tell all other sufferers just how to get
rid of their torture by a simple way at
Mrs. Hurst has nothing to sell. Mere*
ly cut out this notice, mail it to her
with your own name and address, and
she will gladly send you this valuable
information entirely free. Write her at
once before you forget.
Strawberry Plants
ffiJtO per thousand, and up. Our strong,
healthy tremendous bearing plants
guarantee big crops of luscious berries.
Best varieties for all kinds of soils.
Many new varieties such as Eaton, Bun
Special, Premier, Marvel and Cooper.
The world’s greatest new Everbearing
Strawberry CHAMPION. Full line of
Raspberries, Blackberries and Aspara
gus. Greatly Kedriced Prices. Our cus
tomers are making up to $1200.00 per
acre from small fruits.
theo°u°sd GRAPE PLANTS
Beautiful new color catalog free. Write
Box 11, Bridgman, Mich.
Write me today and I will send you a
free trial of my mild, soothing, guar
anteed treatment that will prove it.
Stops the itching and heals permanent
ly. Send no money—just write me—that
is all you have to do. Address
1716 Park Square* Sedsliu* Mo.
All Wool Knitting YmfJJn/^nSfSSti
urer, at »5c, 91.35 and 91.40 a pound.
Postage paid on five dollar orders.
Write for Samples. H. A. BARTLETT,
Harmony, Maine.
it goes back and forth between its »
northern and its southern homes, the
poet sums up the lesson in two '
Thou art gone, the abyss of heaven
Has swallowed up thy form; yet
. on my heart
Deeply hath sunk the lesson thou
hast given,
And shall not soon depart.
He who from zone to zone,
Guides through the boundless sky
✓ thy certain flight,
In the long way that I must tread
Will lead my steps aright.”
The futility, of this excessive anx
iety for worldly things was very
forcibly expressed by Dr. Talmage in
one of his sermons. His argument
ran something like this:
‘‘One who has worn himself out in
the effort to amass more money than
be needs suddenly drops dead. His
pastor tells a group of sorrowing
friends that, by a mysterious dispen
sation of Providence, death has
claimed the departed. Why not tell
the truth about it? Why not say
that the man was kicked to death by
the golden calf.”
Tolstoy emphasizes the same
thought in another way.
He pictures a man greedy foi; land
who, having bought all that his
means would purchase, sells it to buy
a larger quantity. Then he sells this
and buys a still larger tract at a low
er price.
Finally he hears of a savage chief
tain who offe4|§ to land hunters alb
that they can walk around in a day
for a hundred rubles. He puts the
money in his purse and seelfs to
make this'new addition to his posses
He finds that the promise is bona
fide and is told to put the money on
the ground and that he will be given
all the land that fie can encompass
between sunrise and sunset
The man starts out, eager to get
as much land as possible. He walks
faster and faster AtiU; by the time he
begins the second side more than a
fourth of the time has elapsed.
He increases his speed and does
not turn again until after the sun
has vcrossed tile meridian. Then he
must hurry still more to make the
remaining sides, and befdre he
reaches the starting point he is
alarmed for fear sunset will overtake
him before he has finished his
But by constantly increasing effort
he reaches the end of the fourth side
just as the orb of day is sinking be
low the horizon. He w ns the race,
the land is his, but he falls exhausted
on the spot and then he needs the
common allotment^ for the dead—
only six feet of ground.
But the / two lessons preceding
would not have their full force with
out the third—"Seek ye the kingdom
of God.” . , '
If Christ had only rebuked, those
who desired to follow him might
have lost their way. But when Christ
admonished, He also directed, and
so, after He had spoken of the fool
ish man who glorified in his bounti
ful crops and planned to spend his
time in ease—after converting the
birds, grass, grain and the flowers
into teachers of spiritual truths.
Christ set before His disciples that
which should be the real purpose of
"Seek ye the kingdom of God,” or,
as Matthew records it. "Seek ye first
the kingdom of God.”
There must be a paramount pur
pose in life to which all other pur
posses should be made subordinate
and by which all other plans must
be regulated.
What the north star is to the
mariner. Christ’s teachings are to
the voyagers on life’s uncertain sea.
There are many stars in the heav
ens, but there is only one by which
the pilot can steer the ship—one star
that will give us our direction and by
which we can locate the other stars.
So in life there must be a controll
ing purpose to which all other pur
poses are made subordinate—one
rule by which all life’s activities can
be measured.
“Seek ye the kingdom of God:”
those who go in this direction cannot
go astray.
Not only are such protected from
wanderings that waste time and con
sume energy, but all other good
things are added.
There is no promise that we shall
find the kingdom as a result of the
seeking of other things, but we haye
the assurance that we shall find all
other good things that are needful
and beneficial if we first seek the
kingdom of God.
While I have commented on the
verses suggested for the Christmas
lesson by the Internat'onal Sunday
School Committee? I have not forgot
ten that Christinas Day lies jusi
Only one birth is “celebrated by so
many hundreds of millions—proof
sfifffcient that Christ was more than J
On Dec. 25 we bow in humble rev
erence before God’s greatest gift to
man and manifest our gratitude in
gifts of affection to family and
fr'ends and gifts of impersonal love
to those less fortunate than our
]\lay the Heavenly Father impart
to us all the Christmas spirit as we
greet the anniversary of our Savi
our’s birth.
During the year soon to end, thou
sands of Sunday School classes
throughout the Christ an world have
been studying the Bible. They began
with some wonderful passages from
the Old Testament and concluded
with wonderful passages from the i
Violin Music Free
Send os names and addresses of three violin
players and we’ll send you free of cost aS&oent
Music Book at 23 select pieces for Violin in *asy
arrangement ”<Ve want every viohnjplayer to
have free our musical magazine. The Musi
cians' Mouthpiece," listing easy orchestra Books
and Music. Enclose 10c for packing and
mailing Music Book and Cataioga.
1 n„ „ n«u aoon pays for a genuine ,
*fC 1 L/«y risible Underwood or L.j|
C. Smith rebuilt Typewriter. Hare ,-^i
$201 to 120 on famous Larkin Easy
Payment Plan, Handsomely finished. 1^
5 Year\ (guarantee. 30 Days Trial Md
Heinl for HBKE HOOK TODAY. .- •
LitfktnCoim. Desk TCR-I2J
BoHik), N. Y. Peoria li Cbicato. III.
] t Education
Qllje Ummxflitq of (Eijirago
3Ut Vrur IHvIftion 41, Chieaco, IIIJ
Spectacles FREE!
On Trial .
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No Money
Let me send yoa on Ten Days Free Trial a pair of my
famous "True Fit” Shell Run Spectacles. Hundred#
of thousands now in use everywhere. These splendid
Glasses will enable anyone to read the smallest print, thread
the finest needle, aw* far and war and prevent eyestrain or
headaches. If after trying them for 10 daya and nights yoa
are amazed and delighted, and think them equal to
glaases add elsewhere at $1£.00, send only $4.49; if yoa
don't want to keep them return them and there will be no
chars*. Send n* Money! Pay no C. O. O.f Klmolr 1-nr n-*
drcsa and as*, aad *tat* lh* lansth of tfan* you ha** worn s<*—**, if
may A b**nUful vaiveUwa Used. «okt letter** 8*<oe*ael* Gw nOBB.
Madison and Laflin Sts. Dopt. Dr 1949 flilrtt, tt»
_m_- -. — - T
See How Easy It Is To
Leant Music This New Way
YOU-know how easy It Is to put let
ters together and form words,
once you hare learned the alpha
bet. Playing a musical instrument
Is not very much different Once you
learn the notes, playing melodies on the
mandolin, piano or violin Is simply a
matter of putting the notes together cor
rectly. _
me nrst note Known aooye is r
Whether you are singing frum notes, playing the piano
or banjo or any other musical Instrument, that note
in the first space is always V The four notes indi
cated are F, A, C, E. easy to remember, because they
spell the word "face." Certain strings on the man
dolin. certain keys on the piano represent tliese same
notes—and once you learn them, playing melodies on
the instrument is largely a matter of following the
notes. ,
Anyone can now leant to play a musical Instrument
at home, without a teacher A new, simplified method
of teaching reduces all music to its simplest possible
fonn. You can now master singing, piano playing or
any musical instrument you wish, right at home,
quickly, easily, without endless study and practice.
You don’t have to know anything whatever about
music to leani to play a musical instrument this new
way You don't have to pin yourself down to reg
ular hours, to regular classes You practice whenever
you can, leani as quickly as you please. Ail the Intri
cate "mysteries” of music have been reduced to a
method of amazing simplicity—each step is made as
clear as ABC. Thousands have already learned to play
, . ■ i their favorite musical
Mandolin Saxophone
Drums and Piano
Traps Oman
Harmony and violin
Composition Banjo
Sight Singing Clarinet
Ukulele Flute
Piccolo Harp
Trombone Cornet
Hawaiian 'Celle
Steel Guitar Guitar
Voice and Speech Culture
Automatic Finger Control
instruments mis splen
did. \new, quick way.
You Can Play Your
Favorite Instrument
Three Months From
If you are dissatisfied
with your present work,
let music act as a step
ping-stone into a new
career. If you long for a
hobby, a means of self
e*pressicn, let music be
the new interest in your
life. If you wish to be a
social favorite, if you wish to gain pop
ularity—choose your favorite Instrument
and. through the wonderful home-study
method of the U. H. School of music,
play It three months from to-day.
I'm can <io it. Youngsters of 10 and
12 l>ave done ft. and men sa old as 00
have new interest and enjoyment In
learning how to play a musical Instru
ment. You don't have to listen while
others entertain any tonger iuii can oc me center
of attraction, the talented person who holds the audi
ence fascinated.
Free Book Explain* New Method. «
Krery one who ia interested in music should send
at once for our valuable book. "Music Lawsons in
Your Own Home " It not only explains the wonder
ful new simplified method of learning music but teila
about a special short-time offer now being made to
music lovers.
Mail this coupon at once for your copy Remember,
it obligates you in no way whatever—it's free. Hut
art not* before the supply is exhausted U. 8. School pf
Music, 1841 Brunswick Building, N. Y. C.
1641 Brunswick Building, New York City.
i Please send me your free book. "Music Lessons
■ In Your Own Home." and [.articular* of your spe
! cial offer I am interested in the following course.
Z (Name of Inatrument or fours*)
S /