w J" PTP -Jr- ST ' V r- fc tf- 'T7 ' ,?'3,'!Wt?7" - 71- S. V ff ;$ The Commoner jii2kMi0 r ' , v h' ' ' .fr-" !.'&. rr.-V f 'O I-' f v The Commoner " -M ISSUED MONTHLY Entered at the Postofflco at Lincoln, Nobraaka. as s'ocbrid-claso matter. - WILJuJA J. "BRYAN, . CHARLES W. BRYAN Editor and Proprietor Associate ICd. and FubllMn-r Edit Rmd and Business Offlco. Suite 207 Press Blue. 0e Ycnr $1.00 Six rfrtittlin .CO Iri Clubs of Fivo or mororPer year ... .75 5 .10 , Three Months. . Slnsrlc Cony... KAmDlo conies Free. Foreign Post 25c Extra SjlnscmiTIOIVS can bo sent direct to Tho ConT-monftv-They can also bo sent through newspapera. whlcHVhavo advertised a, clubbing rate, or through local agents, nvtifeo such agents have' boen ap pointed. All TcnflttanccB should be sent by post dfflco money order, express order, or by banlc arart oniJJow York, or Chicago. Do not send Individual checks, stamps, or currenpy. - . JtENiflWAJjS-vrho date, on your wrapper shovfH thdtimo to which your subscription Is paid. Thus,, .TafiMdry 22 means that payment has been received "Xo tand Include thp Issue of January. 1022. ( . . Address all corhttiun'toatlons to ; . ' . TUU COMMONBtt. LlNCOIiN. NED.' .. V i i tt Municipal Coal Yard The municipal coal yard In tho city of Lincoln, which was established by Mr. Charles W. Bryan .a.year ago last October and operated so success fully during last winter,r'was opened again for bus.'ness in October of this year, and has been of great sorvico to the joal consumers of Lincoln. As -Mr. Bryan, who established the municipal coal yarifancl has operated It, has been elected as, go'vi ernor and will resign. In a. f e w days:ns-cjtr court oilman' and superintendent of the' municipal coa,l yard to assume his duties as governor, he has made a report of the first two and a half months operation of1 the municipal coal yard commenc ing October lof this year.. The report below covers the, activities pf the coal yard up until the time' Mr. Bryan terminated his connection With it, giv'ng the reader -considerable valuable information as to the coal business. Owing to tho coal strike, .which, ,was' brought abouf: by tho coal operators, the quantity of coal above ground was groatly diminished during, the summer of this, year, and this was takri, as an excuse by thp cqai operators to advance thp, price at the nifties when the miners commenced work hi the all. , '.. ., .The municipal coal 'yard in Lincoln com menced: buying first class bituminous, screened lump 5alfrom the centraf Illinois district in October at $5.50 per ton at the mine and fixed . tho delivery price at the Consumer's bin in Lin coln at :$ 1,00 a ton. DurnTglthe -latter part of October, the prce of coal was reduced at the mine, 50 cents a ton, which was promptly given to the coal consumers in Lincoln. During No vember the price of the same- coal at the mine was reduced another 50 cents a. ton, and later anaddit'onal 25 cents a ton, and thes.e cuts were passed along to the consumer.. This enabled the municipal coal yard- to reduce tho delivery of - coal to $1,0.50 and later to $9.75, and then, find ing that he profits in. the.coai.business were such thati-lt.was not necessary, to continue such a man- ' gin between the purchase price, and the soiling price, another 25 cents -a ton was, cut off of the delivery price,; and! tho-municipal coal yard in Lincoln is now, delivering coal at "$9. 50 a ton. TJUs $.9.50 price makes ian allowance for a dol lar a ton which is paid for hauling, hich leaves a.),Qut,,75 cents for; overhead and. contingencies, wlich-mightv include, unexpected losses such as weigh fc shortages between the purchase weight by.iho car andthe delivery weight, by the wagon t or on :accountof an excessive'-aihount of slack, eXcy nm car of coal which woul(T"br!ng up the lQsarfrppir re-screening abo.vo. the average .bss .pm such sources. . '- . .N ' UTlie tgrado of coal that the municipal coal yard . teaselling delivered at the -consumer's bin at "$9.00 per ton , was being sold by private dealers at from 11 to $13 per ton, but the fact that the municipal coal yard fixes'a reasonable price' for d&Dl-and sollsjust one' grade, which is a high ; class coal suitable for practically all domestic fc purposes, it affects, the price of all kinds' of Coal that the private dealers handle, arid the public" not only get the "benefit from the savings where they buy direct from the municipal coal yartf, but the existence of the municipal coal yard 'causes a saving to all coal consumers on allkinds of?.cpal" regardless of whether theyCbuy it from tiie-'municlpal yard on. whether it is bought from private dealers. The municipal coal yard starts tiompotitign between trie municipal yard and pri- ) vato dealers, where prior to tho establishment of tho municipal coal yard there was no compoti- ' tion among the private dealers, and the Ipublic was compelled to pay about $4.00' a ton more, for their coal than a reasonabloSprico ora roa- "" sonable profit would warrant. Mr. Bryan has demonstrated in tho city of Lincoln that a gov. ernmont can protect its people from being plun- derod in he essential necessaries of life if it de sires to do so. ; ' - , . After reducing the price of coal this tall sev oral dollars a ton and paying the entire operant- y Ing expenses of the. municipal coaldepartment. without requiring any capital to. bo advanced by tho taxpayers and without" using any ''mpjiey other than the receipts from the sale of the coal itself, the municipal coal yard has made a net profit of $1,7,04.41 from Oct. 1, 1922 to Dec. li; -j922, iri handling "a little-more than 3,000 tons ,, .yf coal - Mr. Bryan givesjup ' the managament of the coal' yard with considerable rogretr to take up his duties as governor. Mr. Bryan's campaign for governor was made on the issues of restoring the , state government t& a business basis, reducing . the cost of government and to bring the control" ot the state gbvernment under the will of .the people by a re-arrangpment of the plan under which the state government now operates. "" Mr. Bryan is now getting his recommendations ready to present to thp legislature. The detailed report of the municipal coal yard's activit'es as presented by Mr. Bryan in. his final report to the city council which covers the full report for th6 twp. months and eleven days during .the time the - cbig yardhas been open this fall and followed" by a separate report covering the eleven days in December-is as follows:' " i MUMyvjCOAL YAJtD REPORT ...'-" . " , fc '." - OeCL.l:to Dec 9 inclusive. Total number ofcars?T)Ought .64 Tonnage bought, Trackweight, Tannage sold to D(ec. 9. .,3023 tons Tonnacro sold & nnt dp.-" - ScJ'eenings "v'3jrtoisi J . ' Lumn .,...,.l'ton, -4tohri Slirinlc .l ....fCvi Cash', on hand Dec, k - "v App. -.j i . .-.. .. . .vrrr $10,000.00 -r ' - - - t l-" ," m.vv Hr "W n'TTilLjr 1 ouo-ions -JT ' y .: C03 ton, 23 loin X v: Cash ree'd , on sales "t"6- ' '' t ? 13,522 09 G.547 98 - 4. p . - . . . ' Total .,;.. ..... -. ;.. x- "t . $20,070 07 Cash paid out Coal. '.'$'. G ,200 6 ' Cash pa'd out4-D,elivery 7723.45 ' Cash paid but T. t. ."U.'-' s-3'.8-5 ( 7,095 4 6 r , , '. r 4 - - ApprppriatiortV ' ' ,$10,000 00 rTj 0 r w 1 i ifuuuo, i . t , S - ' o nr.. , -. .. x. .t, ....... . . .p 4,8 11(1 Total aepostited ,jy:r. .?3,842L23 Warrants paid ' '.:, . .-,. . . 29V6'a2l75. " Net in Treasury w..$ 2!f.i8' - Cash on hand C.-boxT JHs3.i3 v '- - j, ' t, $ 2;97.4.61 . ' Bills 'due" on CoaU$71-3.55 T'' '" BlllS due on Dei? . L65.00 ?-xl' f ., 'id 87.8. 5 5- 2,096.'06 415115'' '-Over sales' . .-. ..: . .. !tV" '' $l,6Vtft9lY "Invoice ?of coakbn 'hand . 2350 " i Net profits to-.'date ...'.$ 1,7 O"-!, yt" '- xi ' 362.tons livered ,, if 45 tons Invoice pn hand 2975 r'' 4 ton's tons -J':' Total shrink, at wagons Total shrinlc'at mine I Cost of overhead per ton jCost of shrinkaty wagon Cpsf shrink at'Jnine ; Net profit per Hon' I Ss'-.tp $.26 1-3 .13 ,,. .05 2-3 .56 2 95 2'.. tons' '42 tons 30 Cons Average selling price at' car Average overhead .cost $1-101 ' ' $9.67 .26 t Average cost per ton F. O. B. Lincoln ...... $9.41 $8.85, -J T ) ' ' ; rr Net profit per ton .,; .56 Total cost of coal bought $26,751'.92. Total cost of coal de- livery , 3,012.85 Total" cost of coal .over-, liead .7 ' ..796.53 j , tf - -. "- X f ' r SHIP SUBSIDY ALMOST DEFEATED OlThe passage of the ship suhsidybill by a bare majority of only twenty-four in a House more . than two-thirds Republican . in its membership jsva virtual condemnation oflhe ddministration's position on the subject.' Sixtynine Republicans vqted With the Democrats while" only four Demo- f cr'ats voted with the Republicans. The chances are strongly'in favor bf d.efeat of' the bill In 111 0 Senate rvvhere discussion can be mpre extended and where the agricultural states have a larger proportionate representation than in the House. If there isso large a revolt against. the Repub licans' leadership in- the preSe'nt'corigress, what , may we expect in the next when the progressives 'hohMhe balance of power? '."' -.1 Si i Total Sales' "Total Oversold 4 $32,657.36 415.15 $3 05 61; 30 WESTERN PROGRESSIVES SUCCESSFUL The Democratic party is fortunate-in the re election of her-far-west senators: Jones of New Mexico, Ashhurst of Arizona, Pittman of Nevada, King of Utah, and Kendrick of Wyom'ng-all strong men-r-have been returned by their con stituents, for another term" of six. years. They will .be-powerful aids to' the party in the import ant work before.it. Whe.elerof Montana suc ceeds Myers, and ex-Congressman Dill succeeds Poindexter in Washington. This, gives us eight Democratic votes in the; Senate 'from the moun tain and Pacific states. ( S. Net- sales "of coal de-7 livered . . .' $32,242.2"1 r Invoice on hand ' -" .3 tons, Screenings ( " $5 $15.00) jl con Lump (- ,'.. 8.50) xp ,' . '23.50' $ ( The- fascist! the volunteer organization of citizens who-have taken control of tho Italian government, has raised .two hundred and fifty million dollars by popular, subscription to defray the deficit in the national budget for the cur Tent year. We may expect the Republican -r-ganization to father a fascisti, movement in this country most any timp if it works so conven iently as all that. $52,265:71 $ Total!; net. profit ' R $ 1,704.41 J--MUNY GOAL YARD REPORT- ' f fqrDec, l' to'. 9 inclusive. H- hand, De- Ni. t Tonnage oh .- comber 1 Rec'd atyard to Dec. 9 , j- 224 402 tons, tons .i -, Total Tonnage sold during-De- ce,mbor to the 9th. . .'. 644 tons Tonnage oversold or de- " livered . .' -"'45 626 tons 626 'tons' tons The' various financial letters, that come out of Wall street these days'-all prophesy that an other price ise is on-.its way.' This, iseono f the ways by which the profiteers are able fo get highei' prices. Tbp command a means of making the people believe - that higher prices are inevitable br merely saying they are com" c, and then the big follows see that the prophecy is made good. The President wants the Labor Board trans ferred to the Interstate Commerce commiss.oi and its findings iade -binding." Rot yet, com pulsory arbitration un-American. Invoice $tcoal onjhand 599 tons The President,-in his'.annual .message to con gress, acted wisely in recommending remedial legislation in behalf of the farming interests. 4 Ai ;