The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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DECEMBER, 1922 -
The Commoner
y.v -
The CaiiSes of Repub
lican Defeat
While individuals will differ as to the rela
tive influence exerted by different causes, there
will be general agreement, as to several of the
reasons which ;Jed lo the .Democratic landslide
this year. '';' .
First: The. fajrmers 'revolted against Re
publican policies. . fi . ' ' ' .V
Sdcond: The labo'ring men resented the at
titude of the administration on the coal' and
railroad striKesfN '; ' '
Third: The people with "small incomes were
indignant at the f avoritJsm . stidNvn to profiteers
in the repeal of the excess profits tax arid to the
financiers with big incomes aii shown! in the re
duction of higb rates.
Fourth: Theo'nsumers w.ere angered, by the
burden placed upob them by a bigh tariff made
Jn the interest o-f a few manufacturers. -
Fifth: The exrservice men were indignant
because of the refusal of the Republican party
to vote a bonus "when it was willing to vpto
money to profiteers, to those enjoying big in
comes, to the railroads, and to the ship com
panies desiring subsidies.
Those were causes that contributed materially
to the stunning blow administered to the Re
publican leadership To the national causes
weredded - msihy local causes, chief among
which was ajn.'jncrease in local- taxation. In
Borne states, like' Nebraska, state, county and
municipal taxes 'bad tripled within the last few
years. " '
When one examines the various influences ?
that combined to produce the result, he finds
that one phrase describes that situation now; it,
was a revolt against the rule of the rich. The
government has-been In the hands of big busi
ness and greed which lacked the intelligence
that would lead to sell-restraint and pushed fits
exactions so far r as to excitea' rebellion airiong
enough Republicans to menace the "supremacy of
the party. I remains"1:Q be seen whether the re
buke will bring -reform or simply stir the bene
ficiaries of privilege to. greater activity .in the
'hope of "getting while the getting is good.'l
, The election of 1922. was a wonderful vindi
cation of the wjsdom of popular government.
A nation that .went riotpusly Republican in 1920
sobered aip within two years. The story of the
Prodigal Son nas found its counterpart in the
nation. Many w,bo went away arrogantly two
years ago came' to themselves when they were
confronted by a diet oX h'usks. The repentance
Was sudden -may it jprove complete.
; ". . . W. J. BRYAN.
womS? CMn n?lcnibatantfl, including
mT ? d "dron, while torpedoes at sea aro
o thnly againsi,lthe military and naval forces
?ed hv a my' The 0ri,ginal prPBal was
by.a unauimows vote, save ours. I am not
lti"0? attItVon this auStton
but what can a layman do when ho has against
n m tne foremoBt contemporary military and
naval experts? My hope is that the United
Stages will yet stand, with the majority on tho
record. . .
"I stated afterward in a bantering way to
Captain Mahan, as well as to others, that
,while I could not support any of the arguments
mat had been made in'favor of allowing asphyxi
ating bombs, there was one which somewhat ap
pealed to menamely, that the dread of them
might do something to prevent the rush of tho
rural population to tho c:ties, an the aggrpr
gatlon of the poorer Classes in them, which m
one of the most threatening things to modern
society, and also a second argument that such
bombs would bring home to warlike stay-at-home
orators and writers the realities of war."
The first step toward universal peace would
seem to be tho sending of advocates of peace,
to the peace conferences. Thp professional
soldier, 'whether found in the army or navy, is
quite apt to take a very 'different view of peace
suggestions from that-taken by .the civilian. It
is an honest difference of opinion expressed by
thej)ld saying that each one is inclined to mag
nify lv!s own calling. If the United States is to
lead in the peace movement it must speak
through those who are hoping for the coming
of the day when swords shall be beaten into
plowshares. W. J. BItyAN;
The United States Lwas handicapped in the
first Hague Peace conference by the dominating
influence of militarists. The American Commis
sion was made ftp of Hon. Andrew D, White,
Captain Mahan;. TJ. S. Navy, .and Captain
Crozier, U. S. Army. It seems from the report
of that conference that Captaia Maban did- all
the discussing; dl least noother name appears.
Jbe votes were taken .by countries and. the of
ficial record dfd not show the attitude of individ
ual members of the comrnission. t
From the autobiography of Mr. White, pub
lished in 1914, it' seems that the action on
Poisonous gas, was not unanimous, but the ep
Leaentatives of the army and navy outvoted Mr.
White. The following extract from his auto
biography throws-interesting light upon the pro
ceedings: - ' !'- ' M- v
"Asftto asphyxiating" bombs, Captain Mahan
jpoko at lengtb.against the provision to forbid
Jjem; his ground being that not the slightest
ng. had yqt been' don" e looking tQ such 'an in
dention; thaX even JMhore hadbeen, their use
jould not be ,sb bad ias the use of torpedoes
JEanst ships o .war; -that asphyxiating men by
-vuua oc deleterious gases- was not .worse man
former Was: the less dangerous of the two, since
Jje gases used ,mgbt simply incapacitate men
2 a short? "tini,- wbile tito "blowing up of a
Jj)lP of war means. death to all ormearly all of
tho,se ,vfT'.. '
t ro this it. was answored and, as it seemed
JJ, yy, with, "force -that asphyxiating bombs
""Sat be used against towns for the destruction
The American Legion at it3 recent meeting-
took a strong stanuin favor of universal
peace. It was not merely an expression
of a DESIRE for peace but specifically en
dorsed the steps that lead to peace. Its plan
is to "proceed as rapidly as conditions permit
and the decrees of such international courts he
come operative; entirely to disarm and disband
sea and air forces and to destroy tho imple
ments of warfare." This is a very v sweeping
proposition a very important, program. It is
not to be partial disarmament but ENTIRE dis
armament. The forces are not to Abo merely di
minished but DISBANDED and the plan em
bodies the forces on sea and n the air. That
there may be no doubt as to the completeness
of the program, the Legionyadvises the destroy- ""
ing of "the implements ofwarfare."
Bravo it means something when the men
who fought in tho late war become soldiers of
peace and cast their influence against war as an
institution. But their wisdom is .further mani
fested in a declaration against the .ch'ef cause of
war and in favor of a substitute for war. They
oppose territorial aggrandizement. Experience ,
shows that land hunger- has. been a fruitful
source of international, conflict. People who
would regard robbery on the highway as a
'crime sometimes regard as patriotic the larger
robbery that is accomplished by armies and
navies. The Legion also declares in favor of
international courts to "outlaw war." , War can
not be abolished until a substitute is found and
the international court is tho natural substi-
' tute'for violence, just .as national courts have
taken the 'place of violence between individuals.
While the Legion, resolution d'd not mention
INVESTIGATION as a method of preventing
war it doubtless would endorse the treaties pro
viding for investigation of all disputes because
they Scarry the nation a long way In 'the direc
tion of peace. , ;
In commending the "action taken by the Le.n
jrion.'the personality of Commander Ousley
shouVa not be overlooked.- .His selection raises a,
strong presumption in -his 'favor and this pre
sumption is supported by his utterances. He
has justified the confidence expressed by his.
fr'ends and manifested by tho Legion, He oc
cupies a position of very great importance and
will- exert a large influence. It is extremely
fortunate-for the country that the official head
of so large and so meritorious a group ot
slmor'can' citizens should throw his influence
mSn the right side of so vital a question. Every
frieSd of Peace will rejoice that the Legion un
der Commander Owsley's leadership, is' using its
Powerful influence against war. The cause of
SeSs greatly strengthened by the arrival of
General Owsley and his div's on; the issue of
the battle is no longer in doubt.. &
Glemenceau's Visit ;
Tho Unitod States always welcomes 'difetfn
gu shed men from abroad, whcthor: their"
specialty bo music, science, discovery"! or poll- '
tics. Clcmonceau is ono of tho great men 'off
Fnniqo, oven though ho was dropped as a-'pllot '"
sdon after the war clOsod. ' ' '
But a cordial porsonat wolcomb'- to"1
distinguished mon is vdry different from dndors
irig the r views, and our distinguished French j.
visitor will soon learn that tho United States"
has not tho sightost intontloiuof entering Into
any "ontangllng alliance" either with Frarfco of -any
other nation. QlcmcnconiL has nov6r,sliowtt
ary great imprest in the Leaflb of Natons;hS
has been skeptical in regard to Its usefulness:'
Ho contended for an allianco between OYoat '
Britain, Franco, and tho Unitod States, bolfov-"
Ing that the throo nations could, by acting to-"
gather, insure world peace. Of course ho 6Vbr- '
estimated tho arnled strength pf tho three 'na1
tlons and ho ontiroly mHuntl6nstood tho BftijFft''
of tho United States. The proposed alliance be- .
tweon tho Unitod States and Franco which tho
president brought back from the conference has '
never received any consideration in this coun
try, because there has never been any sentiment:
favorable to it. If there had been any such"
sentiment at that'timo it would havo boon de
stroyed by France's conduct s'neo the war. HerV
imperialistic tendone'es are now well known and
our nation fully realizes that such an alliance as
Clomenceau proposes would be hurtful to Franco
- as well as objectionable to tho United States.
Just as a revolver in tho hip pocket leads men'
into.altercations which they would otherwise
avoid, 8d Franco, w'th tho United States as a
guarantor, would be apt to enter into disputes ,
.which she w'll 'avoid If compelled to reply upon .
her. own strength. - -
The old idea that peace could bo preserved
by terrorism is exploded and thq world now.,,
knows that peaco is impossible without disarma
ment. If tho nations aro to live together .as
f rends, they will havo, to lay Aside their arms:-;
and they must exist, as friends , If jthey ard o&
exist at all. . v . - t ..
'The people will bo interested in hearing what
Clemenceau has to taay but they will not bo in-i
terested in doing what ho wants done. His visit'
will, not strengthen the causo which ho . has
espoused, but 'f ho has-is often to suggestion he
will carryback to his native 'country a warning .
that may he of value in preserving the peace of
the world. J Franco wants to exorcige colonial.'
power over helplesspoople, she will havo to do ..
it, by her own strength or find some other part
ner bes'des the United Statps. Wo dt) Hot coyot .r
r tlie. . riches tfiat can be extorted from the so- '
called inferior people; Wo have prqmised inde
pendence to tlie-.F liplnos and wq willnot help r
to take liberty from any otlier people. Wo can
reply to Clemenceau by paraphrase o a battle-cry
that, has come' down to us from. Revolutionary .
days: Millions for the propogation of peace,
but not a cent for the exploitation of weaker,.
nations. , - w. J. miXASH.
r y ffi
The President has. acted wisely n, suggesting ,
a conference Qf governors to. consider the en? ,-,-fbrcement
of prohibition. It will not only hap
ten effectivo co-operation, but it will give the
country a chance to see how "executives- dne."
under the domination of tho wets., Possibly the r
governors might pass a. resolution f.askkrg the?Jf
Pres'deht to safeguard the., nation, against" f.h
action of friendly nations that allow their-:fla,
to protect smuggling conspiracies against .tpo
law3 of tho United States, ( V t ---- :;r-,
THE NEXT GREAT REORIVlrs"," ,".J5 "...")
The sentiment in favor of the direct election
of president and vice-president, and. far the in-.r.
aucuration of pres'dent and the convening mf)t.,n
congress in January following elect'ons,;
rapidly.' "A favorable committee report for a a
constitutional amendment embodying these 're-.5
forms has already, been secured An the Senate-
and should receive' the "support of' all those who .
favor the people's rule '.n governmental, affairsut-
The election ,bf Hon. Cdrdell Hull,i as cori
gressman from his old Tennessee district, Isas
deserved compliment to him and a recognition -ot J
his former services to the people of his district
and state. Congressman Hull has done splendid
worlfcas chairman of the Democratic national
committee, and his . Teturn, to congress Is fortur '
nat for the country.
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