The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner
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??, NO. 12
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Throw Away Your Truss
$r. Manx Years We Have Been Telling You That No Truss Will Ever Help You -We Have Told Yoi
the Harm That Trusses Are Doing. We Have Told You That the Only Iruly Comfortable and
Scientific Device for Holding Rupture is the Brooks Rupture Applianc6---and That It Is
Sent on Trial to Prove It
If you havo tried mostyevory thing elso,
-oamotto us. Whore others fail ispwhena
wo liavo our greater success.
Soniil attached coupon today and vc .will
send', 'you , froo our illustrated book on
Rupture And Its euro, showing our Appli
ance and giving you prices and names of
many peoplo who have tried It and wovo
cured. It Is Instant relief when all others
fall. Remember, wo uso wio salvos, no
harness, no lies. ,
Wo send on trial to prove, what wo say
is. true. Thcro Is no bettor guldo in llfo
. than tho experience of others.
Below are a few letters picked,, all rrom
our 19151 flies, and coming from all sec
tions of tho courttry; They cover tho ex
perience of men, .women and children.
Some of thorn may prove of Inter6st to
?'o.u Wo havo trtouHnmlrt of similar let
ers all of them telling tho gratitude and
Joy folt by tho writers over tho relief and
cures brought by tho Brooks Appliance.
Read .then! and, try to Imagine your own
joy if yojLtoo had found all youtrupturo
troubles over
Haverhill, Mass, 8D Water St.,
Mr. C E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear, Sir: It has been nearly a year and
a half since I wore my Appliance and I
feel I amcompletoly curod. Am a carpen
ter on heavy mill cbnstructlon and havo
never felt any effects from tho rupturo
since. Tho work alono Is enough to; give
it a thorough tost. Wherever I can say a
word of pralso for your Appllanco I will
very readily do so and If you should evor
ha'vo an opportunity to use this letter for
reference I would bo pleased to- haVo you.
f Eugene L, Iler&om; -
" k-
;- : $o Reasonable in Price
Oswdgb, 111.', B9X 53, Van Bu'ren St.,
.iuiy 1, iyzi.
Mr C; E. Brooks, Marshall. Mich.
:&(a.r Sir: I am pleaded to Inform
you 'that your Appllanco absolutely
cured 'me and I truthfully recommend
it to anyone that is ruptured. I thank
you' for the wonderful euro that your
. Appliance gave mo and. as It's within
tho reach of everybody, I should surely
think they would get one. If this will
helpyou along you can uso it as ou
Wish With Best Wishes.
... ,, David T. Matthows.
, .
.. V I ' Believe Your Appliance, Will
Cure Any Rupture"
, Iianslng", Mich., 911, Princeton Ave.,
August 10, 1921.
Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
' Dear Sir: I bought an Appliance of
you about a year ago -and, as I haven't
i worn it for tho past three1 months, I
' consider myself cured. I have waited
l, to write until I could test It; longer and thankful I am cured. I bolleva
that your Appllanco win euro any rupja
turc if they will put It on and wear it.
I wish that riveryone suffering' from
rupture could know of this cure.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Carrlo B. Morgan.
The AlVe t C. IS. Brooks, Inventor of the Appliance. Mr. HrookN Cured
HlitiMclC of Rupture Over 30 Years Ago, and Patented tlic Api'Uuncc
from IIIm Personal Experience. If Ruptured Write Today to .
.the UrookH Appliance Co., Marshall, Qleh. ;
"Ten Reasons Why
You Should Send For Brooks
Rupture Appliance
1. It is absolutely the only Appliance
of-' tho kin3 on the markot today, and in
it are embodied tho principles that inven
tors bave sought after for years.
2. The Appllanco for retaining the rup
ture cannot tics thrown out of position.
3.' Being Jin air cushion of soft rubber
it clings closely to tho body, yet never
blisters or causes irritation.
4. Unlike the ordinary so-called pads,
used in other trusses, it is riot cumber
some or ungalriiy.
5. It is dmaii , soft and- pliable, and
positively dannot bo detected -through the
clothing. . '.'
6. Tlite soft, pliable bands holding the
Appliance do not givo ono the unpleasant
sensation of wearing a harness.
7. There is nothing about it to get
foul, and when it becomes soiled it can
be washed without injuring it in tho least.
.8. There are no;-metal spring's in the
Appllanco to torture one by cutting and
bruising tho flesh,.
9.. All of tho material. of which- the Ap
pliances are made is of tho very best that
money can biy, making it a durable and
safe Appliance to wear.
10. Wc guarantee your comfort at all
times and In all positions, and sell every
Appliance with this , positive understanding.
Thought We Would Try Your
Appliance First .
Princeton, Minn., R. No. 5,
April 2G, 1921.
Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir: Our little girl became
ruptured about three years ago. Tho
Doctor said an operation would bo
about the only euro for her, but wo
thought we'd try your Annlianco firtt.
After' wearing It about ono year she
was cured. 'She hasn't worn It now for
over a year and is perfectly cured.
Use my name in any manner for the
benefit- of those who are suffering.
With best wishes, Wm. Vedders.
Experience of a Molder
Dayton, Ohio, 329 is. 3rd St;,
February 14, 1921.
Brooks Appliance Co., Marshall, Mich.
Gentlemen: About a year and a half
ago I bought an Appliance of you and
It has cured me of my rupture. Haven't
Worn it since October 23rd and r$el as
if I am entirely cured. I am a molder
and did heavy work during that tlmo.
I am recommending your Appllanco to
all I know. Yours' truly,
C. D. Robinson.
' ' Two Physicians Pronounced '
Him qured"
Baraboo,' Wis., 522 Elizabeth St.,
. Juno 20, 1 9121;
Brooks Rupturo Appliance Co.,
Marshall. Mich.
' Dear Sirs: Over a year ago I pur-j
chased a Double Appliance for my In
mnt son. jne tnen nau a bad r.upture,
weighed 9 lbs. and was 4 months old. I
never saw tho rupture after putting1
your Appliance; on him and two physi
cians pronounce him cured. For a
month ho has not had the Appliance on
and I now foel he is absolutely cured. I
am writing this in case you might wish
10 reier someone to mo who 'also has a R
Never on sale in stores, as every Ap
pliance is made to order, tho proper
size and shape of Air 'cushion denend
ng on thp naturo of each case. Beware
vt. iuiitutiona. juooK ror trade-mark
bearing portrait and signature of G. E.
Brooks which appears on every Ap
pliance. None other genuine
: Tried All 'Kinds of Trusses ' '
Gordon, Nebr., R. No. 1,
...- -' - January C, 1921.
Mr. C. E.. Brooks, Marshall; Mich.
Dear Slr:-J tried all kinds of trusse3
I without any relief until' I bought your
Appliance. Wrwcn I sent tor the Appu
anoe I thought It was like all other
trusses, hilt no It relieved me. I wore
your Appllanco a long time, being
afraid, to go without it, but am com
pletely cured. I will be glad to answer
any inquiry that is made and words
tell how thankful I am.
Sincerely yours,
Gust Nordwall.
"Cured in 10 Months"
Toston, Mont., Box 81,
. Mnrnh 1 1091-
MrJC. E; Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
V D'ear, Sir: Tho Appllanco which I
thirchascd from you last ..spring en--tirely
curod-mo of my rupturo aftor
wearing1 it for 10 months. I can do
wnric ,imw and not bo troubled in any
way. You mav use this letter as rojV
CrenCO ll It Will oe ni any kuuu lu yuu.
- i -" Tours truly,
.'-. ' JDlmer B. Ross.
pannot Express Gratitude Pelt
Mattoon, Wis., Box C05,
April 10, 1921
Mr. G. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir: I cannot find words1 to ox
press my gratitude all I can say is
"Thanks to ytur Appllanco." It has
done wonders for my potv It is a year
and four months since he was ruptured
and after wearing your Appliance four
months it disappeared. You can uso
this in your testimonials'.
Truly" yours, Frank Bock.
"Have pone All Kinds of Work"
Monson, Maine, Box 23-1,
" ' March 15, 1921.
Mr. C. 53. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. H
Dear Sir: It has been1 two years and
over slnqo I wore my Appllanco and
have donfe all "kinds of work-and have
felt, fine ever- since. It's the best Ap
pliance I evef had and will encourage
everyone I see that has a rupturo to
get, ono of your Applianqes.
Yours, J. W. Russell.
FREE Information Co'uoon
193 G State St., -Marshall, Mich. - -
infrt?catsi mc by mafl ln PlaIn wrapper yowr Illustrated" book and full
Information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. ., 7
R. F. D.
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