ffntyv ripmrfr- ",i f" " DECEMBER, 1922 TnT The Commoner HONEY IF YOU WOULD- LIKE some of the best and most delicious honey pro duced, extracted or strained (liquid), write us for free price list We ship bv mail, express or freight, and guar antee satisfaction and safe delivery any n ace. The Rotfky Mountain Bee Co., Sox 1319, Billing?, Montana. FINEST Light, Extracted Honey, 60-lb. can $6.50; two- ?12 . here. Amber, Strained, can $5,50: two $10. Prank H. Drexel Ik Sons, Beekeepers, Crawford, Colorado. NEW Clover Alfalfa Honey. Guar anteed pure. CO pound can $7.50, liquid if requested. Blackwell Honey Co., Rapid City, South Dakota. WHITE CLOVER nt Basswood honey. 60-pound can $8.00, 2 for $15.00. Prices on pails upon request. F. A.. Crowell, Granger, Minnesota. HONEY HEtHDniCKS MOUNTAIN HONEY. Most- delicious table honey produced. Guaranteed pure. Send four cents for sample and parcels post de livered price. John Hendricks, Honey hill Farm, Powell, Wyoming. FOR SAMS MISCELLANEOUS D(?arT WSiL T-A Whit0 llnen eol i f Waah with your hand same as your face. Saves laundry. Keeps its shape. Sample 40c; 3 for $1.00. William 80137 E. 62nd, Chlcagd, Illinois. SWEATERS Wrlto me for sweaters and leggings for children. Splendid values, all sizes and colors. Address fr0n4 ? P' Westport, Station, Kansas City, Missouri. P.f traits of yourself or dear one! it, ,m lnifl? beautiful and wonderfully life-like. Nothing like them anywhere! Agents. Saniples free, any photo. Chas. Bruck Artist. 210 North 8th, Phila delphia, Pa. MEN'S all wool home knit, socks, .$1 per pair prepaid. George MacElree, Bclle fontalne, Ohio. FOR BALE INARMS AND LANDS ArknnNfui 5A15?ASi?arm and Umber lands, splendid climate, good towns, roads, markets, for cattle, aheep, hog, and fruit raising. Land aurprlslngly cheap. Literaturo free. Prank H. Crary, Pordyce, Arkansas. Cnnada THIRTY Film Star photo's Fifty Cents. Pulton System, Paducab. Kentucky. PERSONAL nni.ORADO Pihto Beans sDlit fn threshing, Suitable for soup or bale-4 ing; 100 pound sack f. u. u. Oklahoma City or Woodward, $3,251 J. A. Jack son, Woodward, Oklahoma. BUY DIRECT California English Walnuts, 10 pounds, $4.10 delivered any address. She'rman-William3, Mon rovia, California.. OREGON PRUNES Direct,' inediutn Vsizo, $7.75 per hundred. Special 12 lb. sample bag, express paid; $1.80. "IClng Vood Orchards, Salem, Oregon. BALAMI-CERVELAT WURST 35 cents; Excelsior Bacon,' best fn "market, 35 cents; Kewanco Bacbn, -20 to 25 cents; shipped by parcel post In 5 to 10 lb. nackets: home-Jriladoi ' -all.iBUgar-cufredi finest quality in market; direct to cbb suraer. Remit- by money order or cer tified chock, t iT.be Schneider Shipping! Co., Smoked Meat. Summer Sausages, Kewanee Illinois iji r IIEMSTlTCttiftfiiS? PICOTJNSJ,, ETC. MAKE interesting new friends through Jolly letters. Send stamp. Betty Lee, Incorporated, 4254 Broadway, New York City. HEMSTITCHING JviRiqo.fclnar AtAi--. menu sjjperiorT-aevioet jits any sow ing machines. Afeta-cjies' firmly; easily adjusted!. "(Price i$3.Q0. delivered, -ftvlth' complete instructions and samples. ;of.' work. Orders filled promptly.-Superior-Hemstitching-JVttachmpqt Co,. 509 Starr Bt, Corpus Christ!, Texas. . .- -: - -'.Hi ' HOME BUILDING5 mRECTIONS--How -to build -good sub stantial homes .at) reasonable cbst by making .use'ofJmuoh. goodt building ma terials now gdingrtOiWastc everywhere. Read myvbook oh: building; Pxi6e re duced ta ilO -cents, t BetenDelinde, Ziori, IUinois. . j . ' i W.OMAN'S WANTS i' -ti LEARN TO- KNIT Kiddles Brushwool Mittens. Fasilv. TCnltPfl.TnnxnnnsIvG. beautiful. warm. SeU -them to your Friends. Carefully prepared. Instruct tlons for one Dltne, Mrav J. B. Fpgal, .Asbury Parkv jy.ew Jersey. , WEARING APPAHEIT FOUR PAIRS 'Guaranteed Double Sole Socks, $1.00! Blaftk; - Brown, navy, gray, or white, Sizes 9 to 11, Post Paid anywhere. XLS-ALL HOSIERY t-O., Reading, Pennsylvania. PLEASANT root, easily, inexpensively, overcomes any tobacco habit. Send address. Jacob Stokes, Mohawk, Fla. ASTROLOGY REVEALS 2000 word test reading only 25e. Cholnn nf two questions considered freci Stato birth- uate. Fror. Audrey, Section L-23, Box 834, Washington, D. C. IRRIGATED FARMS IGO-acro farms, improved or unimproved: 30 to 100 acres irrigable land ' on each parcel; near Lethbridge, In sunny southern Alberta, can be bought for $15 to $40 "" re. ino neea lor pioneering, well settled country, good roads, railways, schools, telephones; agreeablo social conditions; fertile land; success of ir rigation farming hero already demon strated; irrigation system being con structed under government supervision. Water availablo In 1923. Write for information concerning crops grown and description and location of farms to the province of Alberta, Irrigation Council, ID Provincial Building, Leth bridge, Canada. POR SALE-FARMS AND LANDS North Dakufa Colorado IF Interested in Southeastern Colorado wheat land write for circular and prices; $15 to $25 per acre. J. G. Wads worth, Holly, Colorado. F9J . .SALE Boundary farm, adjoining . Malda, North Dakota. Bank, store, elevator and post office 14 mile. 400. acres cultivated, 4C acres meadow audi pasture. Abundanco water. Good build- ngfl, good soil, reasonable- price. Write John J. Power, Langdon, North Dakota, Oklahoma - " FARMS FOR SAM; GOOD FARMS, well improved, located all sections Oklahoma, offered ntj Lurgvu am priccH anu on very liberal terms. Only small cash payment nec essary. Have farms of all sizes from 40 acres to 0G0 acres. Wonderful p nortunlty to double your money In short time. Tenants can become land ownors. Farms will never bo as cheap" again. Act quickly while I have CO farms for you to choose from. Wrlto immediately for booklet fully doscrlb-''' Ing theso farms. V. IL STEVENS, " " 307 Southeast National Bank Building, Oklahoma City. Okla. .' For FARMS, rentals, business and rest. ' denco property In OkJahomn. address Hansen & Hayes, Hobart, Oklahoma, - KILL KOOTIE, kills" loaches, bed bugs and vormin that Infest children's heads. Non-poisonous, non-explosive; an excellent shampoo; scaled package 35c prepaid. If it does not kill, money back. Linsine Oil & Paint Co., 2919 Clin ton Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.r SCENARIOS WANTED Direct studio service,, Membership now open to talented amateurs. Address Corre sponding Sccrctaty, American Screen writers' Society, 5821 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, California. HEALTH Happiness and Success! Which Is your problem? May I help7 Alberta Hllands, Rawlins, Wyoming. MEDICAL FOR ,SALE-rAMMC SALVE Hemorr " hbids,, Ihfc,ctions,i Burna, Boils, etc., 60c ,qunce , jar, .pay .mail man upon- de livpry, Iept. 8, AMMC, Peotone, 111. U M I ' . . DANDRUFF, Treatment. Itching, Falling Hair Free sample. Dandrex Laboratories, Butte, MtJntana. DISEASES, Cause and Natural (inborn) B.emedy-v Booklet 50. cts. A. J. Stevens, Wau3eon, t .Qhlo. CATARACTS ABSORBED. , A wonder ful remedy. For part'ulars write Dr. Nlckersonr Miami, Florida. IRRIGATED RANCHES in famous Middle Parle Unlimited grass and water No destructive hail, blizzards or snaices. w. J. uarsna, Kremmimg, Colo. FARMS WANTED Florida FLORIDA NUT AND FRUIT FARM. Ideal Climate. Pleasant, healthy oc cupation. Safe investment. Forced sale. S. R. Kider, Monticello, Florida. FIVE, 10 and 20-acro Florida orange groves sold on convenient payments, so that fruit crop3 will help pay for grove. Full information and beautiful booklet on Florida free on request. Lake Henry Citrus Groves Ass'p., Inc., Fort Meade, Florida. x WANT tf hcaV,from owner having. iurm lor aaio; givo particulars ana lowest price. John J. Black, 12 Street, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. AUTOMOBILES. TIRES, PARTS, ETC.' n TIP-TOP OF FLORIDA Book of 40 big pages, 300 picture, truth about farms, orange g'rbves, climate, churches, schools, health, sanitation, etc., in county of 1,400 lakes, center state, highest elevation, three 'rail roads, 400 miles improved highways; fastest growing most talked-of Florida county; health, tourist resorts, threo golf courses, million dollar hotel and scores smaller ones; wrlto for free copy this most comprehensive book stating what about Florida interests you most. Address Lake County .Cham ber Commerce, Box 595, Tavares, Fla. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS, My;fees ip. installments.' Ad vice book free. viErank Fuller, Waijh- blUIl, u. j. - ; - i ' PATENTS gost of .patenting di video Into SIX, pyroeh&. Sterling Buck. 2!) F, WashmgtFfcD. 0; (Central PATENTS tiVYR itklXi hntn't onnllnn.. .tlons fully prepared $15. To sell or uy .patents wfite Patent News-413, Washington I),, J, .Only inventors newspa-per. eairly $2, Cqpy 20c. ENTS, ,TRADE-MARKS. COPY-RIGHTS-Mechaical, chemical -.and trical cases solicited. Prompt, i.v.vV11 Services, at reasonable charges, fourteen Years' experience. Good ref efences. B. P. Fishburne. Attorney-Jt-Lu-w, 301 MGtU' Blflg.; Washington. dqgs: pev stock; etc?. !'OR RALE Coop, opossum, skunk and squirrel dogs; fbx, cat and rabbit nounds, sent -pn trial, Catalor free.. Address Mt; on.ah Farm ICehnels, Cleveland, Georgia. SCIENTIFIC kTUDY YOUR- TYPEI Know what you Qa.rKod fort-.iSelfreveallng Chart dim Personal -Development tests for J"e. Thomeon-Heyiwood, D,e.pt. N, Ironlclo 331dg.,:.Sah Francisco, EPILEPTICS At last a treatment which positively stoos all seizures from first day's use. No bromides or narcotics. Information free. Hunter Laboratories, 207 Main St., Xiltle Rock, Arkansas. TOBACCO GRANULATED SMOKING TOBACCO (MIld)7c per-12 oz .package, post paid. ' Sample free Moeller Tobacco Co.f Green Bay, Wisconsin. TOBACCO FINEST GRADE 3 and 4 years old. 10 lbs. chewing $3.00; 10 lbs. smoking, $2.50. Pay for tobac co and postage when received. Farmers' Exchange, Hawdsville, Kentucky. TOBACCO Handpicked, fragrant, mel low chewing or smoking, 10 lbs., $3.20; 5 lbs., $1.65; 3 lbs., $1.00. Free recipe. Mdney back If not leased. Clark's Rive Plantation, Bpx F,Hazel, Kentucky. - FOR SALE IN NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA FINE OLD ESTATE 3 miles south of DeFunlak Springs on main line L & N Railway). 20 miles north of Gulf of Mexico, 550 acres high grade land lying solid body, an under fence, fronting one mile on main .highway. Comiortaoie residence (U large rooms, spacious verandas) surrounded by magnificent shade trees; live oak. mag nolia, holly, champhor, etc. Two unusually large dairy barns, poultry houses, etc. About 75 pecan trees, many bearing heavily. 60 acres in cultivation, cross fenced, balance woodland and pasture, practically all of which can be put in cultivation or or chard. Threo springs of crystal water with in 150 yards of house and barns. Wonderful opportunity for one desir ing a. real home amid congenial sur roundings and unexcelled year round climate. Priced for quick acceptance at 410,000.00 $5,000.00 cash $5,000.00 five' years 6 interest. McCASKILL INVESTMENT COMPANY, DeFuplak Springs, Florida BARGAINS RADIATQR8 Sport ; bodies. All Makes ana models ask for prteo or your requirements. Chevro let 490 $17.95, Dodge and Maxwell Radiat6rs $19,95, Ford 10.90. Wbash Radiator Co., 1117 Wabash "AVc.. Chicago. SIMPLEX (Ford) STARTER $20. CiviLtr antccd. American Simplex Co., Ander son, Indiana. RADIO" EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES , l r r t RADIO Sct for all distances dlrcpt from Manufacturer. Send for 11 to' fu ture" and prices;' Neevel Manufacturing Co., Dept. A., 1409 Kansas' Ave., Kansas jity, Ayssouri. 'i i '. RADIO, Suppflhs Send . for American ' Radio Co., 107 E.' Kansas City, 'Missouri. cfita'log ,l;3l ' TANNING i. -a. LET US TAN YOCJR HIDE Cow and horse hides for fur coats and robes.; Cow and steer hides into harness or sole leather. -Catalog on request We rcpealr and remodel worn furs; eatl-' mates tfurnished. The. CroBby Fri8lan Fur Co., Rochester, New York. T" '' i ...w t, -- il -p IIAZOR BLADES RKSHAUPENED Slaryland TOBACCO. 5 lbs. medium smokinr, $1.80; mild, $1.25. Postpaid. Aden Francis, Dresden, Tennessee. NATURAL LEAF TOBACCO. Chewing 5 pounds, $1.75; 10 pounds, $3.00, Smoking 5 pounds, $1.25; 10 pounds, $2:00. Send no money. Pay when re- ceived. Tobacco Growers Union, Pa ducah, Kentucky. KENTUCKY TOBACCO, Natural Leaf; mild and mellow -smoking 10 lbs., $2.50; 20 lbs., $4. Send no -money, pay on arrival. Farmers Tobacco Union, Sedalia, Kentucky. THREE POUNDS chewing or four pounds smoking, best grade, prepaid $1.00. Pound package 30c. Mney re funded, not satisfied. Special low prices1. Kentucky Tobacco Company, Owens boro, K NATURAL LEAF TOBACCO: Chewing, 6 pounds, $1.75; IB pounds, $4.00. Smoking. 5 pounds, $1.25; 15 pounds, 53.-00. Bona no uiuuay, pa. " ,i 50-ACRE, 11-year-old orchard, mostly Jonathans located at top of Blue Ridge Mountains of Maryland. Build ings and equipment, Including 4 mules. Price $18,000.00. Easy terms. L. Jacques, Sr., Hagerstown, Maryland. FREE One Cako Williams ShaVihg Soap With One dozen Blades, Ke sharpened, 3c each. Send Ad. Standard Safety Razor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,, FERRETS FERRETS FOR KILLING rats,, and, hunting rabbits. Instruction bo'djc and price list free. Levi Farnswortp,, iNCW -iOIJUOII, KJlllU. . , ( MOTION PICTURE MACIIIIVKS AND SUPPLIES ' fi f&n, 'I MACHINES, Films, Supplies. Bargain! lists. National Equipment 'Cq Duluth, Minnesota. tV"; INVENTIONS "! ), 'W II'' MIsHonrl SOUTHEAST MISSOURI'S best drained lands, reduced prices, good terms, mild cftmate. Write for price list, Ernest Bacon, Popular Bluff, Missouri. TeancMHee TENNESSEE FARMS: Ranging from a few acres up to several hundred. Mooro Land Company. Knoxville, Tenn. Virginia HOMESEEKERS. send for Virginia farm list. Finest climate. Dept. J. Emporia, Va. Wiufttaffioa TiOCATE in the best climate on earth, TitrPt Sound. Ten acres enough to fluonort a family. Our free folder ex- tit 5i inn. i hi am v"w V ----. - - i.Ai ITHU.1IIC .v '"- -LT . . . . - ceived. Farmers JLooacco jssovmuva, -- Clinton, Wasningion Paducan, Kentucky. ur Information INVENTIONS COMMERCIALIZED.' Pat1- ented or unpatented. Write ' Adarn' Fisher Mfg. Co., 102, St. Louis, Mo.- 1 II.V, CROPWEATIIER ironECASTS r-T , i-i i 1 r ' ' M'.i)); CROPWEATHER FORECASTS FREE for next month. Foster's Wciith,er Bureau, Washington, x. c MISCELLANEOUS .. J1..IL. 5 MASTER Keys. Work like magic In emergencies or prove whether your home is burglars-proof. Test and open thousands of locks. Send $1 .today Novel key chain Free. Master Key Co.. 3 Manhattan Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. MUSIC rubber stamps, adjustable burn ing brands, adjustable stencils. lodge seals, egg daters. Rubber type catal ogue 25c. Karstacdt's Mammoth Pe cans. Samples $1.30. W. Karstaedt, 15 S. Jefferson, Dayton, Ohio LIVE STOCK GRANVILLE A. ICENXEDY Order Buyer Cattle, Stock Hogs, Sheep, Goats In care of VANCE. & COMPANY' 20 Live Stodk Exchange Kansas City, Mo. i y i 5 i 3J 1 I ul Jf vi i 'A .1 . HH P25- " ,i HrfiLfetUftJtt '. .?.