$ W' ' JMpqw . ".I ' X '&' ' DECEMBER, 1922 Hon as to how His followers should act as they carried out His instruc tions. He was-Bending them forth "as lambs among wolves' There was no campaign fiindwith hich to provide . for them; they were to depend en- tirely upon the hospitality of those among whom they went. "The la borer is worthy of his hire," andhey wero engaged in a great work. They were taught what to preach ."The kingdom of God is come" nigh unto you;" and it .came, nigh both to those who received them and to those who rejected them. The former re ceived their reward for extending a welcome and the latter their" con demnation for'rejectmg the oppor tunity offered A GREAT NEED One thought stands out so promi nontlyMirour text that I shall leave others to comment upon other, parts of it while I ask attention to the plentitude of the harvest; and the scarcity of the laborers. ' When was the harvest more plentiful or the need for laborers greater than now? The world is groaning beneath the burden of civilization. It has every thing except the one thing that it needs most. Behold the evidences of material wealth! When did man have such mastery over the lorces of nature? The waterfalls that once plunged use lessly down the mountain side are now estimated in units of horsepow er; the lightning that was once re garded only as a messenger of death is now man's most useful servant. Man once was content to dwell on the earth's surface, now ho burrows down thousands of feet in search of fuel and the precious metals, and as cends into the clouds with his air ships. Inventions have followed fast upon each other until one arm can' do what a thousand arms could riot have done a few centuries ago. IN SPITE OP ALL THIS Cities have sprung up with their massive business buildings and ma jestic temples of worship. Libraries, schools, colleges and. universities are scattered over our land' Riches are Cores Goitre or Costs Nothing Any ' reader who suffers from the above disease can be quickly cured at homo without rf penny through the remarkable discovery of R. F. Boies, 114 16th St., Sedalla, Mo. Don't send a penny jiut write Mr. Boies and he will eend you fullftparticulars about this 30 pay trial offer which costs you nothing: , if it does not cure. The Commoner accumulated as never before, and learning anion? tim r,, '" the dreams of the ancients. mignty slips plow the Ocean and enormous engines carry freight and passengers across the land; and poo plo rush to and fro in horseless cars. Distant regions are bound together by iron rails and widely scattered continents are united by rapid ships. J he telephone has converted each nation into a whispering gallery. The telegraph system ha niiminnf epace and the radio opens up pos- BV"iiues mat ooscure the lino bo tween dreams and real life. Tractors drag gang plows,through the fields, complicated machines cut and bind the grain, steam threshers separate the wheat from the chaff and mighty mills turn out billions of bushels of flour and meal. And yet the problem of existence is more serious than when the soil was tilled by oxen and man plowed with a crooked stick more serious than when wheat was trampled out by horses and ground in mortars. 11',; Radium s Restoring Health to Thousands If you suffer -from Constipation, Uhenmatiam, Neuritis, IjUglt Blood iTreHHure, Nervous Profrtrntion, or diseases of the Stomach, . Heart,. Mingti, Liver, Kidaeys, or othor ail ments, write now for full informa tion concerning: Dccrncn'H Radio-Active Solar Pad and proof of its effectivencaa in inra Mnlmr dlncaae, no matter hQW seri ous or loner-standing: your ailment may be CONTAINS klBAlj RADIUM SOLD ON TRIAL t must make grood in your case or It costs you nothing:. Write today, 7ft. VADIUM APPLIANCE CO., fiM Bradbury Bldpr., Los Angeles Cal. Cured His Rupture Jjas badly ruptured while lifting- a -rnv nlc,Beveral years ago. Doctors said Sv only hope of cure was an operation. finMSea.did m no Sftpd. Finally I got wm?..i0 "something that quickly and nrwVp!?.t(5ly cured me. YeartHiave passed hi. tn9 rPture has never returned, BnVnOU5h am doing: hard work as a w Ptor- There was no operation, no raii tLm? ao trouble. I have nothing- to ahn',.bPt wln S-lvo full information e? hw yu mfty And a complete Jjuro without operation, if you write to Snr iUBOno M Pullon, Carpenter, 33J Keilusx Avenue, Manasquan, N. J. t0&cut out this notico and show.it innv ,y otners who are ruptured you r$Lavo, a 1If0 or at lcast stop tho darK. S ruPturo and tho worry and Bor of an operation. PENALTIES OP CIJLIZATION In proportion as people crowd to gether in cities they become es tranged, crime increases and destitution-snreads. Commfirn.'fil rlvnlrv ho. comes a1 ca.use of international con- uicts and science makes war more hellish and more destructive. We have just come out of a war which resulfed, directly or indirectly in the death of 30,000,000 human beings, in the destruction of $300, 000,000,000 worth of property and in the multiplying of the world's debts more than six fold, and think of it nearly every nation engaged in the war was a so-called Christian nation and the nominal patron of some branch of the church that bears tho name of the Prince of Peace. And now the profiteers are trying to de vour those who escaped tho sword. In our own favored land the greatest republic in history, and the nation with the greatest moral pres tige we have to have "white slave" laws to protect women from being kidnapped and sold into a life of shame; child labor laws to keep the blood of children from being coined into diivdends; anti-trust laws to keep small enterpr'ses from being driven into bankruptcy by larger business rivals; anti-option laws to protect the farmer from gamblers on the market; restrictions and re straints of every kind are necessary to keep avarice within bounds. This is but a brief review of a few of the larger evils with which society and government are compelled to grapple.. Are they the product of modern civilization or do they exist in spite of civilization? THE HARVEST IS RIPE If ever the world needed the teach ings of Christ it needs those teach ings now. The world has been wear ing the devil's yvoke and bearing the devil's burden, but tho yoke is be coming too hard and the burden too heavy. The greatest nations of Eu rope stand on the verge of an abyss and look down upon universal bank ruptcy, while in this nation we., una the gulf between Capital and Labor more acute tnan it nas ever oeen De fore. To whom can the world turn ex cept to the One whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light? His Gospel is for nations as well as for individuals for tho regeneration of society through the regeneration of individuals. Surely the harvest isripe, but how can laborers be secured? Mission aries, are needed to carry tho gospel into heathen lands and they are also needed at home to avert calamities that threaten, if it so be that "the wages of sin is death." How can so ciety be saved from the punishments that are linked to transgressions? Onlyby those who bolievo in God, Without a belief in Gpd man can- jot understand tho world, and tho Bible gives us our only conception of Sv and our only conception of Christ. Without a bolief in God thero can be no sense of responsibility, and without a senso of responsibility there is no foundatiou upon which to build society. THE CHURCH'S TASK The Church mu,st lead in all moral reforms or forfeit its claims to con fidence; and tho Sunday School comes next to tho Church, in tho muuence whicn it exerts upon the thought of tho religious world. Education cannot be substituted for religion; the mind is but a ma chine apd is fit only to servo tho heart. The heart must occupy tho throno and direct one's course, "for out of it are tho issues of 1'fe." Tho mind may wander its thoughts are superficial but as a man "thinketh in his heartuso is he.'; Mind worship is tho basic sin of this, generation. Science, one of tho most honorable branches of learning" when it deals with truth, at times descends from its high plane and in dulges in guesses which, unsupported by facts, attack all that is sacred. The most destructive of these guesses is tho one that links man in genera tions with the brute and paralyzes his sense of responsibility to God. REVERENT WORRWTP NRPntiin The world needs reverent worslffp. iouuy more .tnan it needs va:n specu lations and light literature. We not only need to double our church mem bership and multiply our Sunday School rolls, but we need Bven moro to intensify our devotion and to ap ply to every phase of life the codo of morals that Moses brought down from Sinai and that Christ enlarged m iis sermon on the Mount. Christ taught that His followers should be the salt of the earth, but He warned against tho uselessness of salt when it loses its savor. Every Christian should be a missionary, spreading the gospel of Christ by word and illustrating it by example "Be Vo' doers of tho word, aSSflot hoarors only." A heart can bo changed In a "mo ment and, thoroforo, a nation can bo born in a day ss Learn by Mail to Pl$y Your Favorite Instrument Of nil tho arts, tntfltc hu the widest popular npseal. You hear orchestras, bands, (tapers. Instrumental soloists eyery whero you go-at cfauccs, In theater, hotels, amuse ment parks, ate. . There hu nerer been such a great demand for musicians an now. Play any Instrument and tie way Is open to you for earning big money. the way Is open to you for carnl Tha University Extension Co your disposal the teaching experience of some of the greatest Master Musicians of both America and Kurope lesMna that are no less than marvelous In their simplicity and thoroughness, leading you from the first rudiment 'of music to a complete mastery of your favorite Instru ment. Endorsed by Paderewskl. You are taught and coached every step of the way by the IndWIdoal wtrtroe tlon of mipeclalist. What Instrument Interests You? ' Write, telling us the course you aro Interested fn Piano, Harmony, Voice, Public School Music, Violin, "in 2u",uo,,n viuiiar, wsnjoor ueea urgan ana we TTIII DI7I1U- others, t In trniftl Mt'truetlon methods. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 711 Siegel-Myers DuOimg, Chicago, III. wur rreo aiaiox tozaioer wiia rroor ox oovr otli lKginners and those more or less advanced r hdVA marl fnAneWn. ti4 mmm m v riwuvvsw4 iHSHinwj UUUHi VW IV -1 Higher Education fiiru in " ,?-1- - Kaiheaaatfrt. Ctu miiiry. Draw. mc, r.mmrixmm, nmmmstm shmi m 35 other aabiccta are gives lay coa reapcnkseaice. uevn , Slat Year a wmj hit. Dlvlilou 48, CfcleatTO .ntlF mtmm omoc aono: as: aocaoE aono Florida, Come to Miami Beach is Calling, You , Sovihd Investments-?.- ' Sure Profits v Shrewd investors today consider property atfiMiami Beach an absolutely s.ound investment. -t Shrewd speculators today consider property at Miami Beach an absolutely safe speculation. " ' . There is just so much land to live on at tho Beach - - Less Than 3,000 Acres ' ' The tremendous increase in travel, in hotels, guests, number. ' of rentals and patronage at the Beach overcast winter proves -the popularity of Miami Beach. Miami Beach is now known the world over. -, Miami Beach .is now acknowledged'; to be the finest,-most complete winter resort in the world!- f Miami Beach Improvement Company, Miami Beach Florida . Thos. J. Pancoast, Secretary & Treasurer. O O D OE30E 30E30E aonoc aono in J 3mm M i ii 'M n 2 -i 'i -i i m m 41 ijJslsiitlyiiiiflsMiirli i fiiTsVastfeij nVTiilafa "iaii MM Jiin naiiietfiiMgli i1! t"ihyli'i "tTirT ii ir i Bii; faih strtrtf f n 'WC 4uL&Ai MMtifttiuSitoflA. .