The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 01, 1922, Page 15, Image 15

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    'S ".r&jW'' i-
The Commoner
? .
. t
or a New fair jpree
That's our guarantee of
Kornbbor. Phosphor Bronzoy
HnrlDJPi Kl'W iwvr vwiwi
anil factlug otrotoli ana
novor rot. aihojh ronww
.1- n ANflam -"rws'A
liora-ixj. yinii xunr ---j -
hasn't them, scmartmsosc"""""
' dibs. I: Xrownfco onavary pir.
Mo-Wy F'tci Supeauer G.f Mir.
- -i
Dent. F 4011 Adrian. Mich.
Kll Fear and Worry instantly
by Simple Breathing Method.
(Formerly sold for $1'.00).
This Kill-Fear Secret is ful
ly explained In October
REJUVENATION,, 64-page "
Magazine, edited Jy Sidney
B. Flower. Regular price.
20 cents. Not 'sold on news
stands. Dr. Brinkley, Milfod,
Kansas, discoyerer, of goat-,,
gland transplantation, writes
exclusively fpV this magazine.
for this OCTOBER' Number. Address
85 cent Bottle FREE
(32 Doses)-
Just because you start the dn,y wor
ried and tired, stiff. legs and arms and
muscles, an aching headf burning and.
bearing down' pains in the back vroru
nt before the day begins do not
think you have to stay in that condi
tion. Bo strong, well, with nq stiff joints,
Bore muscles, rheumatic pains, achlrfg
back or kidney trouble caused by body
made acids.
If you suffer from bladder weakness
with burning, scalding pains or if you
nre in and out of, bed half a dozen
times a night, you -will appreciate the
rest, comfort and strength this treat
ment should give., . '
We want to . prpyo The Williams
Treatment gets results '.in Rheumatism,
Kidney irritation . Bladder weakness
and all ailments caused by excessive
uric acid, no matter how chronic 6r
If you send this notice with your
name and address Ye"will give you ah,
85 cent bottle (32 doses) free. Please
send 10 cents, to .help pay postage;
packing, etc., to the The Dr. D. A
Williams Co., Dept. Y-10Q9, P. O. Build
in?, East Hampton, Conn. Senddt once
nd wo willr mall you by parcel post
one regular 85 cent bottle all charges
Prepaid. Only one freV bottle, will bo
cent to the 'same person, address, or
Cured Her,
Knowing fronterriblo experience the
eimering caused by rheumatism. Mrs. J.
. Hurst, who Uvea at 608 E. Douglas
Street, C-47, Bloomlngton, 111., is so,
thankful at having cured herself .that
out of pure gratitude she 'is anxious to
tell all other sufferers just how to get
pu of their torture by a simple wayat
Mrs. Hurst has nothing to sell. Mere
ly cut out this- notice, mail it to her.
witn your own name and address, and
i.V,e wlu Sladly send you this valuable
'"formation entirely free. Write her at
- umore you rorget.
Order Buyer Cattle. Stock Hogs,
Sheep, Goats
In care of '
620 Live Stock Exchange
Kansas City, Mo
nisli the music for tho parade when
tuo code bill in repealed and the
army of unnecessary employes be
gins its march from the corncrib
back to private occupations.
"Tho housewives of Lincoln have
kept the'r coal bills' and each one
knows how much of tho total saving
of $150,000 for coal came to each
particular household. They know
how much they have saved an ice,
how much they have saved ort gas
and the amount of the rebate checks
when they got back tho overcharge
from the gas company.
"They have been among Candi
date Bryan's most enthusiastic sup
porters and they know. .too. that ho
has been on the women's side ' of
every issue tfiat.has coine up in poli
tics. The women, too, are top prac
tical to be fooled by the high tariff
sophistry. They are experts in home
mathematics. When they find that the
enormous sum of $3,000,000,000 to
$4,000,000,000 was added to the bur
den of the masses by increase in the
price of tariff protected goods, they
go to figuring. They divide- the
amount by the population, approxi
mately 100,0.00,000, and find that it
amounts to between $30 and $40 for
each man, woman and child,, or from
$150 to $200 per family of five.
"Then they calculate the use they
can make of this sum. When a Re
publican husband' sayd to his wife,
'My dear, I wish I could afford to
give you and the children a little va
cation, at some inexpensive . summer
resort, but we can't really spare the
mony' tUewffo replies, 4Why"hot let
me have the amount that you arc
sending down east every year to help
the tariff barons take their wives
and children tglBar Harbor in the
Slimmer' tlmn. $alm "Roach in tKn
writer time, and to. Eurrjpe, between
"TJje Nebraska wife who is com
pelled to deny herself vacations
which she has earned is not jealous
of the , wives .to whom her husband
has been contributing, because she
does not know them and she knows
that, her husband will never get
within gunshot of them, but she can
not help but feel just a little. sad be
cause ho divides his affeotions be
tween her and these unknown bene
ficiaries of his generosity.
"If the tariff law was so worked
out that the farmers could pick out
the eastern wfves to whose happi
ness tliey have b'een contributing
and send the money direct, the cor
respondence would soon be inter
cepted by their better halves.''
"In concluding one-of .his speeches
today, he used a Hew story after il
lustrating the means of securing re
lief, by reference to the old way of
fichtinc when the best man pounded
the whipped man until the latter hol
lered "Enough," saying, "If the peo
ple of Nebraska feel that they have
been pounded- enough -by Republi
cans' extravagance, they will have a
chance to holler 'Enough' on the sev
enth of November, and can do so by
putting the 'X' before the names of
Democratic candidates, both state
and- national. ,
"But," he added, "some of the tax
payers may not be ready to holler
Enough.' They may. bo like the
westerner who stopped for a few
days at an easternhotel. When the
bill was handed him, he was amazed
at the amount, and addressing tho
clerk, said, 'Guess again, I've got
more than that.'
"Now, if there are any Neoraska
taxpayers who feel that they are not
paying taxes enough if they feel that
they st'll have some left that ought
to bo taken and refuse to vote for re
lief, I know the Republican leaders
enough to know that the taxpayers
will be pounded until they do holler
'Enough.' Why try to see how long
you can hold out after you're
Fre Proof T Y
All I"vr ant io your name ami nddrcus bo I can eend you
treatment. I want you Just to try ttils trefttratsnt
. Just try it. That's my only argument.
a free trial
treatment that's nil
.. iV0,bccuAn tho Uetail Driip Burincss forHOycara. I eerved fonr yearn as a member of
tho Indinna State Hoard Of Pharmacy and flvo years m President of the Itetall DrujrKlsUV
Association, wearir crcrr ono In Port Wayno knows me and known abonl my succeMful
treatment. Over TwontV-Flvo Thousand Men, Women and Children ontaido of
ort wayno nave, according to their own Btateracnta. been curod by this treatment aince
I ilrat maio this offer public.
Myu ha-o Eczema, Itch, Salt Rheum, Tottor-novcrmlnd hew bml-mr trent
monthas cured tho worst caecsloverBaw-.glvo mo a chanco to proyo my claim.
bona mo Tonr nnrao and addreas on tho coupon Delnir and get the trial treatment I -want
to Bend you. FREE. Tho wonders accomplished in your own case will bo proof.
J. O. HUTZELL, Druggist, No. 4422 West Main St., Fort Wayno, Ind.
ricaoo send without cost or obligation to mo your Froo Proof Treatment.
Post Offlco.
1 1
Street and Ho..
5,oy Solid Copper Vacuum Washer
Will Last AXiietime! Get One Toiay
,-,. .
If you wnit tho very beat that can bo made, here It is. "Wo have Bold over
600,000 tin washors, and they have given satisfaction, but, of course, tho -solid
copper is much better. We arc jUBt selling a few at ?2.B0 to introduce them.
After which the price will go back to Tt.0.Q. Don't mlso this wonderful chanco.
Toll your friends about U- SfcNp TODAY.
Tt-i- . ATTi.n.11 I Wc Absolutely Cnnranirc the TajIcx Will
". r. wll -rrr.,,.1. i..u..i n..uin ..ii.i- I- l,-,. ..te.
thn SPPfm V!OU It 1.UU1U1 Ul ilil lillllft YV4lilim.UlU 411 11IIUU Willi-
--Of its curtains, towels, iiandkorchlefs, ANYTHING. ifanllH
3UCCC33 qo not come in contact wun trie water uicr.ciorc.
it can oc cajciing noi, o easy to operate mat a.
child can do it. Will not -wear out your clothes.
Tho Duplex forces the boiling suds through tho'
clothes, NOT tho clothes through the suds. Will
savo your .back and many hours of needless toll. An
ordinary weekly wash can bo washed, blued and on
the line In one hour. Your money back without
question if it will not do all wo claim and-mora.
Don't thlii Mpcclul ofTr,r. Sond only $2. HO and
this ad TODAY and wo wllliscnd you the solid cop
per Duplex Vacuum Washer, regular price 55.00, by
parcel post to any address. AGENTS WANTED.
DIIIiEX MFG. CO., Dcpt. C-103, Detroit, Mich.
trie Jpj5s&?&
Rupture Kills
7,000 Annually
Seven thousand persons each year aro
laid away the burial certificate being
marked "Rupture" Why? Because tho
unfortunate ones had neglected them
selves or had been merely taking care
of the sign (swelling) of the affliction
and paying no attention to the cause.
What aro you doing? Are you neglect
ing yourself by wearing a truss, ap
pliance, or wliatcver name you chooso
to call It? At best, the truss is only a
makeshift a false prop against a col
lapsing wall and cannot be expected
to act as more than a mere mechanical
support. The binding pressure retards
blood circulation, thus robbing the
weakenv h muscles of that which they
need most nourishment.
But science has found a wax, ind
every truss sufferer In the land is In
vited to make a FREE test right In the
privacy of their own home. The
PLAPAO method is unquestionably the
most scientific, logical and successful
self-treatment for rupture the world
has ever known.
The PLAPAO PAD when adhering
closely to the body cannot possibly slip
or shift out of place, therefore, cannot
chafo or pinch. Soft as velvet -easy to
aPply inexpensive. To be used whilst
you work and whilst you sleep. No
straps, buckles or springs attached.
Learn how to close the hernial open
ing as nature intended so the rupture
CAN'T come down. Send your name to
day to PLAPAO CO., Block 1338, St.
Louis, Mo., for FREE trJal Plrpao and
the information necessary.
Get Rid of Them. Make Your Skin
Oler-O Pimples and Eruptions.
Wo Tell You How. Free Booklet.
Sent upon receipt of name. Think of
tho embarrassment and inconvenience
you have suffered in addition to money
you have spent In efforts to get rid of
thorn. You will be amazed how simple
it is and how Utile it costs. Send no
money. Just write for booklet
221 Gibraltar Bids. Kansas City, Mo.
A New Invention
for the
A Nevr Hcarlaj?: Aid, VbIsk the Vacant
Tube Ampliacr. The Vactuphone is tho
first and only hearing Inttrument using
Hn Vnoinim tiiho. tho nmnllfvlnir de-
1 vice that made tho wireless telcphono
Millions' of dollars have been spent In
its development. The Vacuum tubo
was used to amplify President Hard
ing's voice at his inauguration and on
Armistice Day.
No other hearing devlco can qomparo
with the Vactuphone for power, clear
ness of tono and distance hearing.
Call for a demonstration or write for
descriptive matter.
General Offices and Factory
Ilea dlai?, Mnx.
Boston New York
Philadelphia Chicago
San Francisco Los Angeles s
Washington Cleveland
Columbus, Ohio
Difficult breath
ing, bronchial '
wheezing sound,
p.nntrh. mucus ex
pectoration, tightness In the chest, suf
focating feeling, gasping for air, heart
pains, etc., etc, aro quickly relieved
with my prescription No. 20. Sufficient
treatment for 10 days ?3.00. Ten or
twenty days treatment have been
known to euro some very stubborn and
long' standing cases. Sent on receipt of
nrlce to any address, charges prepaid,
DR. B. BS. ROSS, 35 Soatb Dearborn S.,
Cbleae-o, illinoM.