imww'!w''F f- ' l, 1922 """-- 7 Pincolled stamps' and ... PAID ?or i?rin- Herman Leo. ffsfr ,cw;aVo : Illinois. : oifron l, w 1 F"- QJIk Stockings B ..,!,! lustrous silk "rSioned-Hsle gar ftp! reinforced heel and I pure aftBBSi GC UBlaok. Grey, Cor En iStbbd perfect ,39e3 8tol0'4,in call y?ur doran ana --y-wo will yourordervlaParcol .. h rcci iv -- rc St prices. You pay uiu fftman the amount .of '",.. nml DOSUlKf. i.u.unjr ffi If not satisfied. H your order today. K and color desired. tf - !nic Agency, ManuftctBrer I U Mil &e Commoner MORE TAXES. INCOME T.Tiwa A Washington dispatch dated, Oct 5, says: Increased taxes coming upon decreased price for farm products presents the outstanding factor in the economic situation of the farmer which will be discussed at the annual meeting of the national grange at Wichita, Kas., it was announced here today by Dr. 1?. C. Atkeson, legisla- IT C Declaration of Indepcnd U Ua ence 10 Cents a Copy. E. Walsh, COO Devon St., Arlington, K..). IB "'u"u Luriuurs irom all sections of the Unitmi stn, ,J " ?reltC(1 l attend tbe grange meet in "uBaa, iNovemuer 24. It represents GLOVES bo or Mir, TtARGAlN IN "TUF-E-NUF" .LEATHER WORK UliUV rTnffer two bargains that can't " Titst the thing tor narvcauB 1, 0r mechanics. nuality buffed lidn with genuine double 15b All seams weltcu. aas large A gather cuff with wrist protector. , tr.nnn o nnlr nnstftGTO T)ald. Oar surprise package, 2 -pairs for ii0 One horsehide and one.nogskin, Bffed calfskin if preferred; Evey yy Is surprised at the big't value. 2 nit! for $1.00 postage paid ' Send currency, money order or check, lute size wanted. We gladly return nor money -if not entirely pleased. Send that order NOW. EC0NO3IY GLOVE FACTORIES n. 0,4 Anon V tllinnv trt.. tf utjiu -", --. " ."""' F lylllUIIKU, All. (Makers of Work Gloves Sinco 1904.) . i HANDY IRONING BOARD Automatically clamps to "any table.' lewlng machine or suitable shelf by topping the one leg on which it stands. falsing and folding the supporting toidard releases the clamp; no metal parts to mar the table. Will clamp to itrilght side or corner of table. Folds compactly when not in use. Verv light, arable, easily attached and holds f irm- ' Hhen In use. Can bo shipped by . Mcel Post. Price 1st to 4th zone, $2.50 each Postpaid Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 19 LARGE CAMERA ETErC Takea lecture 2 tfx3tf r KG.E. - lniCTIIini. Mnbaa .... - . Dlctor.I. Bnan.w. r.7V '''"" P"?tor... Snap ahottwtbnt. KuJ'to op! fumed Jronlntr Wax at fi,.iT.P': iBht. Send no money. KxtrVpref ent If ycu order now. We ftemiom IJoVk r... MH.nufco.mpi. s,u BtaBliamton.N.Y. ir ijAVflir7!l Ijtrtrn hlrt Manufart,tr.iii Tranti awnta to cll complete line of nhirti. direct to wearer. Advertised Brand. Exclusive patterns. No capi. tal or experience requited. JJig values. Entirely new proposition. Write for free samples MADISON SlinVT CO. W3 Broadway New York A Very Remarkable Offer!!! Now you can demonstrate to your own satisfaction that YOU HAVE HEALING POWER. YOURSELF, and that It can bo uaad for Uia bealtnc of youraclt aa wall as otfcari. Prof. Bidnoy A.YVeltmer, io nowpublbhinirhianew book, "THE HEALING HAND." Over 200 pagco. Bound in buckram cloth. Price $2.25. Yoa may have this book with nix month's subscrip tion to our Journal all for S1.00. YOU SAVE 11.76111 Write TODAY enclosing dollar bill at our risk. Weltmer Sanitarium, Dept. 108. Nevada, Mo. MaMaaaaMBMMBHaHiiMBaiMiBMaHaiBMiMataHBaMaaaiBMaBBMBanaHiMaMMBMaMBaBMBBaaaaaaH Make Over $800 Monthly Owning and Operating An Anderson Vulcanizing Station. We guarantee wo manu facture The Best Money Making Vulcanizer Made. Write us for Terms and Prlnns Anderson Stcnm Vnlcnnlzcr Co., iBdinnnpollH, inu., u. a. a. Com-WIHlnm ldg., An Anderson School is Near You SMWE?WWmiBgjjggtMj2gasJ mmSSXSissi WM j If Potent I Pending . Will save one hour' 5th zone $2.75 6th zone $3.00 7th zone $3.25 8th zono $S.5Q It " one hour's time on . each Sunr! .Unde,r most rds now used. , wnufactured and For Sale by MENOMINEE BOX & LUMBER CO. .ucuuiuincc. Jiiieu. A New Invention -for the DEAF The VACTUPHONE aviwmoN op baiil o. hanson Anfnnn1 J1' V?ln "c Vacuum "Hand nnivV .'u vaciupnono is tno tt Vacuumyt,arlll? instrument using Posalble. the Wireless telephone '''"'Selonm0" rlavo bocn spent in 1 uid t? i.The Vacuum tube 'volJo JtWpVy Pr"iient Hard Btlco Day. lrmuSuration and on fevaoInF devJce ca compare "s of tonoomii1?610' p-wor' clear" Call for , d dIstance liearing. rtPUvo mSt?r!tratlon r Write for (,lSrJ,nS!nE MF. COMPANY, Keadlner. Mskn, SALESROOMS Boston plladobhia Now Yorlc San Pranci Chicago Wngton Los Angeles Om. , , Oloyoland -olumbus, Ohio " Cured Her Rheumatism , . v, 4a-rthin pxrifirience the B. Hurst, who lives at 608 E. Douglas rv,or,irf,ii nt having cured herself that thankful at navntiu anxious to ralTthofVrusthowtot rid of their torture u u. o..i"- --- -- hMrs. Hurst has nothing to sell Mere iv out out this notice, mall it to nei with your own name and address, and once before you forget. Feel "Old"? JUST TRY THIS 85vcent Bottle FREE (32 Doses) just because you start the day wor ried and tired, stiff Jg anurnlnB and muscles, art aching n"jj back worn bearing down pains i in tne not out before the ?ay begi ns--u think you havo to stay in u' tlBne strong, well, witl no stiff Joints, 8SS ricbyTSfcaed'by body made acids. ninfirler weakness, If you suffer from oer w with burning, scalding pa ns. or So In and out of bed hall AdSF'd Mo ment sho'uld give. hc Williams uric aciu, " stubborn. , not,Co with your nameandddress we win fiv. 85 cent bottle (32 doses; postage, send 10 cents to le,lTJe Dr d A. packing, otf- y-1009, P. O. BuiW Williams Co., Dei" Ann send at once ing. East Hampto n, Con n , post and we will ma fi charges nn regular 85 cent bottle will ue tivTw;re8f,itative of the farm biiv- Jt y0Ulttm! farmers from all Kansas. T ine Iirst time since 1888 the eranire nas come to Kansas (or its annual meeting. The pre-eminent subject the organization will take up is that of taxation. "A P.nmnllnHrtM nt i.A i ... -- M'tuuii ml inu uiurcasp in the costs of federal and state govern ments since 1915 shows that federal taxes have increased from 380 million dollars to 3,197 million dollars, or more than 800 per cent, in spite of a decrease since 1921 of nearly 1,300 million dollars," Dr. Atkeson said, in explaining why the farmer was so sorely distressed over present taxes. "In the same period, the tax budgets of the various states have in creased from a total of 1JM million dollars to 1)05 million dollars, or nearly double," he said. "While taxes havo been going up, the prices of farm products, especial ly since 1920, have been declining more rapidly than at any other time in the history of American agricul ture. The sharp decline of 1920 was lessened somewhat in 1921, but began again in May, 1922, as shown by careful charting of the figures. "The showing does not represent the comparative position of agricul ture with other American industries, because the price of skilled labor and the price of nearly every manufac tured article, as shown by the index fitrures for July. 1922. will average from 50 to 100 per cent above their pre-war prices. "The index prices of agricultural commodities, as compared with other products, are as follows: "September, 1922 Wheat, 101; corn, 86; oats, 82; hay, 91; potatoes, 109; cotton, 182; butter, 136. "July, 1922 Clothes and clothing, 180; fuel and lighting, 254; metals and metal products, 121; building materials, 170;. chemicals, etc., 121; house furnishings, 173; all commod ities (av.), 155. "While taxes on village and city property also are greatly increased, income from these properties has in creased so that the taxes are no more a burden now than heretofore. It is the discrepancy between the tax in crease and the decrease in farm in come that makes this a serious ques Hnn tn all farmers. "The time has come for farmers, as well as others, to understand this situation. Unless taxes and the costs of materials and supplies come down, or the value of agricultural products go up, the decline in farm production and in rural population will be ac centuated." SWEDEN'S DRINK REFERENDUM The first thing of importance about the vote on prohibition in Sweden, we are told, is to keep in mind that it was a referendum merely of an ad visory character. Most to be hoped rrom it was a large majority on either side calculated to influence future prohibition policies in Sweden deci sively. Second in interest, perhaps is thP discovery that in the pre-election ! ,,n , qweden was visited by Su iSKr- from the United Sates Norway and Finland, who in states, wrJ"f. , hearers on condi- w! M0901. Several country dis wlth 9J. , ng sentiment for "ihwSrlrWtouS larger cities P"h' n'SoTm and Gothenburg re- Don! Snore TriU Mirk tt ii a n:A t ta.u.i if.ii STOPS INURIHU. STOPS MOUTH hUCA1nHt Bl a ftftpraiat U nj rIUkU fr: MICK t nmr lifi DKYICX CO., HI Ur(, Ta IMd tlJdO Kt II GENUINE LEATHFR COVER GUARANTEED EOB7E1 TQ EJOYS k CoTar.tMtRBtUrRUd4n' rHC1 1 M")ar,WaatlCearl. H U fU WHla laay end no . a H.a n wf . VS&Q'P&i.B&bf'J TYPE tba trr 'JrlanmA frokU tm tacar ftMtff nt minii. rra praaantlf na r& hm. WnoOo.Dcpt. 27 Btatfuafon,HA V.l WRITERS 1 li i htv "x' pays fur a genuine Ul d Uay TU1j,e Underwood or U c. Smith rebuilt Tyix-wrlter Hare I'M to $30 (in famous Larkln Y.ttrf I'irrariit 1'lau Uuioraly OrtUttol . Year OtiaranlH' 210 Dar Trial. HpiiU fur KItKt: HOOK TODAY LtrrkitxCoue. Desk TCn-022 Buldlo. N. Y. Peorit & Qua to, II!. like Stockholm a"lngly turtnd ?bT preliminary flgnre. for wet. aeaJ: 21 910 for prohibition M,S"SS?.t prohlbltloa- Literary Di&est- EARN SI0.ed lo S25.09 DAILY Urf. cr bT own alicp arvl lndpndnca. Kaay to Warn br ur nrw M laon In 160 hoora' rouraa iih Indlvkiual corratpendenc Inttructlon wllrt hand Wirl fjnow card i .lum aof Intent Ml lACMINe tvwiik ana miuintt rLt. w nnancr nnu isyii-n ynuln parinir tleniiliop, orpaytna; ''Job awalli you. WRIT TOOAV forlllutiralnl raatur. c lea aad trm ifllP I2SSL EMPIRE CM. INSTITUTE OP LETTERING. Ntw York. N.Y. i f Jm niKw fTTn 111 l tfi You can complete this simplified High Ida of two ytara. WaaUall ranplrcaaaata tit antraaca to aallfiral and tha laaJlnr prafeaalaba, Thla and UJrty.tlr nlhr nragkaH cvoraaa axa daacrlbad ia anr rraa UollaUa. Sand tat It XOllXT. I AMERICAN SCHOOL Pt. 11.71 19 Draxal Av. BOtli t. CMCMS M..nn. MMt kll Mn nnv ft nla tilann hv ai vrltfaoot y.u" "rfji'.i rr "ti?z a r-. Ztrc .- r.:- to iz nuics or music uj our urouu uin iuikjk kw w v ... . method. Send now for FREE Sfimpl Lewi I nnd ploy real chord at one. Tlie WorW tmjAti, culei method. Nothlnir elw like It. No ma5cl eypericnoe neces ary, play piano as eaay aa jroa ton or whbUe a tune, urn a ragtime artlat. Send for FltEB aVBipto kon now be-. fore edition is rone. Don't delay. . DAVID PUWO COURSE " gJS25SSS.,M $40 TO $60 A WEEK Paid representatives (men or women) for whole or part time. Introducing a new nnd wonderful cleaning com pound. Work Is dignified nnd ftnrt yoa In a bnti neao of your own. This remnrknblc clcnner sella on sight. Is not sold In stores, only through ouf agents. Some of our representatives make ns high as $15 a day. Costs nothing to Investigate. Write today tor special proposition REDDVS PALPRODUCTS COMPANY HIS Weet Randolph Strt Chleaa OUICK PROFITS Start permanent busi- '.w.uo HunrvtM nc Tlir- niahed. Work anywhere, only table room required. ?25 to $75 weekly ope rating Tangley Art Portrait-Landscape Painting business. No experi ence necessary. Hundreds successful workers. Free booklet TANGLEY COMPANY, 185 Main, Muscatine, Iowa Pi MkkWx NSEk?1 BUNIONS way. , Ma finpps SENT ON TRIAL l&iSg&ggSffi tiubuuibt wtmm KAY LABORATOnia. tVlt Z mt 9m wMwm tJlm Vi WfLm .nn fco Instantly relieved andgtilckly healed by tho use of CRANOLENB, the euc "Ctt... .:..!,. rnm freatment for stab- born skin troubles. At draff etores, 3Co anfl : aa ..rifnr Trta Teat Treatment to fCT.Coxnnauir.Depi. 7C!rrd,KaBaa r -.i family. -JW0f TftT -f r - iW.iL.ia-