"i",-)" The Commoner 12 VOL. 22, No. 10 r-vy 'j vssrW5g?r yfww Subscribers' Advertising Department Tlitfl department of small classified advertisements Is for the benefit of Commoner subscribers, and a special rate of six cents a word per insertion the lowest rate has been made for them. This department Is also open to any legitimate advertiser. No misleading: medical or financial advertising will bo accepted. Cash must accompany all ordors. Wrlto for special ratos for three, six or twelve insertions. Address all communications to The Commonor, Suite 207, Press Bldg., Lincoln, Nebraska. HELP WANTEft DETECTIVES Earn Big? Money. Ex cellent opportunity. Travel. Fasci nating work. Experience unnecessary. Particulars freo. Write, American De tectlvo System, 1968 Broadway, N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS $192 month ly. Men: boys over 17, Experience unnecessary, Expenso allowance. Other Government positions, Wrlto Suite 406, 271 West 125th St., New York City. WANT man or woman to demonstrate marcel electric hair waver. Needed by every woman. Now in biff demand. Wonderful opportunity to make $25 to $75 weekly. Wrlto Midland Electric Co., 220 So. State Street, Chicago, 111. ESTABLISH A PERMANENT, pleasant, profitable business of your own in your own honie. No monoy working1 for others; big monoy In this. Wo fur nish everything. A postal will bring full Information. The Merrythought Co., Box 284, Alhambra, California. GOVERNMENT CLERKS Many need od; railway mall, postmasters, rural and city carriers; list and how to se cure positions free. Secretary, 1722 Newton St., Washington, D. C. WANTED Canvassers for our famous low-priced visiting, business, profes sional cards and special stationery. Equal to engraved at one-third cot. Big commissions, genteel work. Ex perienced lady canvassers solicited. All orders postpaid. Forman Prlntery, Sta tion D, Plantsvllle, Conn. REPRESENTATIVES: Each county to call on physicians and merchants to obtain outstanding accounts; Pleasant work: Good pay. Field-manager, Room 313 Wells Bldg., Qulncy, Illinois. DETECTIVES Earn Big Money. Excol lent' opportunity. Travel. Fascinat ing work. Experience unnecessary. Particulars free. Write American De tective System, 1968 Broadway. New York. HELP WANTED MALE BE A DETECTIVE 550-JJ100 weekly; travel over world? experience unnec essary. American Detective Agency. 1107 Lucas, St. Louis, Missouri. WANTED Ambitious men to work at home. Entirely new business; local or mall order. Previous experience unes sential. Ordinary man made $15 day. Write Immediately, Krafft, Box 896 Corn., San Francisco, California. HELP WANTED MAfE OR FEMALE EARN $25 WEEKLY, spare time, writ ing for newspapers, magazines. Ex perience unncessary; details freo. Press Syndicate. 1050. St Louis, Mo. FEMALE HELP WANTED WE PAY big money for painting pil low tops. Simple, easy, quick. Ex perience unnecessary. Nileart Com pany, 227 Spyrun, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. SALESMEN WANTED TIRE SALESMEN. Make Big Monoy. $100 per week and up. All or spare time. No experience or capital needed. Sell best, guaranteed Akron standard make cord and fabric tires, below deal ers' prices. Save auto owners money. Dignified, profitable work. Federal Rubber Goods Co., Dept 15, Akron, O. DISTRICT MANAGERS WANTED 150,000 SALES of a $12.50 household appliance in New England have paid salesmen $25 to $150 weekly. We want District managers of exclusive small town territory elsewhere to sell direct or objtain sub-agents. The Reeves Company,- 8G Broad St., Milford, Conn. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS New and Fast selling novel ty; Hand Weaving and darning ap paratus? Sample outfit with direc tions, 25c. H. J. Bremer, 3213 Vernon Ave., Chicago, Illinois. vtrnon TISUHEW fRUIT DATE MARVEL PRUNE contains fifty per cent sugar Sells to every lot owner, every farmer Trees succeed wherever the nium grows. Selling experience not neces sary. Write quick for protected ter ritory. Big commissions paid. Bit money made. BlggestMhlng ever. Ad OregoS.reSOi NUr?ery Company, Orenco. AGENTS AND SALES3IEN WANTED AGENTS' Wonderful Opportunity. Big Margin selling our comb uieaner. Sample 25 cents, $10 a gross. Superior Novelty Co., 95 Commerce St., Hartford, Connecticut. AGENTS Become Independent; own your business; $40-$60 a week easily mado selling Heberllng's medicines, oxtracts, spices, toilet articles, etc., di rect to consumers; experience and capi tal not required; old established com pany; complete lino of necessities used In the homo every day; large repeat sales; liberal profits; exclusive territory, write today for full particulars and se cure your homo county. Heberllng Modlclno Co., Dept. 54, Bloomlngton, Illinois. SALESMAN Acquainted with bankers, and who can obtain orders for bank deposit slips; can make favorable com mission arrangements with leading Chicago concern in this line. Chicago Sales Book Co., 337 W. Madison St., Chicago. ANTI-MIST Big demand; prevents steaming and frdsting of eyeglasses, windshields, goggles, headlights, mir rors, etc.; try It; price 35c and 13c; samples and terms 10c. C. Fleming & Son, E. Watortown, Massachusetts. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED WHY SELL tho other fellow's goods; mnlrn nnil anil Vftllr OWn ' Wft fumish formulas. 35 money makers, $1.00; list. free. Southern iormuia uo juawrenee burg, Tennessee. OFFICE Necessity. Costs 25c, sells $1.00. Big repeater. Agents coining money. 3240 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. TO EARN BIG PROFITS with our quick-selling non-alcoholic extracts, toilet articles and household neces sities. Open territory. No money re quired. We trust you. Hurry! Write toilav. Dent 245. The Llnro Co.. St Louis, Mo. WANTED Spectacle agents; big pay. Nu-Way Co., Birmingham, Illinois. AGENTS double your money. Polmet Pollshlng Cloth cleans all metals. Retails 25c. Samula free. Galo & Co., 17 Edjnboro St., Boston. Mr.sachusetts. AGENTS, 500 PROFIT. Make and Sell Auto and Furniture Polish. Guaranteed Formula 25c. Chemical Co., Steger, Illinois. EVERYBODY uses extracts. Sell Duo Double Strength Extracts. Complete line household necessities. Big repeat ers. Write today. Duo Co., Dept. E3, Attica, New York. RUMMAGE SALES make $50.00 daily. We start you. Representatives wanted everywhere. "Wholesale Dis tributors," Dept 48, 609 Division Street, Chicago. AGENTS: Learn about tho profits bup , Plying perfume to families by ad dressing -Leffler & Co., 781 Walton, St. Louis, Missouri. AGENTS WANTED Men and Women. Our "Dalntee-Dri" Waterproof Aprons contain no rubber. May be boiled and Ironed. Absolutely guaran teed. Beautiful patterns. Exclusive ter ritory. Liberal commission Write for details. Marengo Company. Rockford, Illinois. ' AGENTS! Sell- Joy-Jel! Converts canned, dried and fresh fruits into perfect jellies and jams. Joy-Jel Com pany, St. Joseph, Missouri. AGENTS' WpnderfurOpportunlty. Big hJKok selll"e ur Comb Cleaner. Sample 25 cents, $10 a gross. Superior Novelty Co., 95 Commerce St., Hartford, Connecticut. ' MAKE $2 an Hour. Articlo that re moves iron rust, grass, medicine, fruit, mildew stains. Cleans. Panama and Straw Hats. Bleaches clothes. Sells Every home. Write for free demonstrating outfit and start taking AGENTS I have a pocket article that can be worked In spare time Sample and terms, 10c. F. J. Keeley, 601 First Avenue, New York, New York. FASTEST Selling Auto Specialty on Market; 500,000 will bo sold next six months. Splendid proposition; wrlto quick; $5 brings samples and details; samples sell at sight. O. B. Herlth Mfg. Co., Inc., Hartford, Conn. POCKET SAMPLES. 50 Commission, Strlckler's remarkable collection no tices and good will builders, in book lets, for business people- and doctors. Full time or part. Experience unneces sary. C. E. Strlckler Co., 122 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago. ALUMINUM AGENTS Our sides line profits beat Aluminum. 30c sample postpaid for 10c. Texply Co.. Somer- vlllc. N .J. MSS or STORIES WANTED STORIES, POEMS. PLAYS, etc., are wanted for publication. Submit Mss or write Literary Bureau, 137, Hanni bal, Mo. WANTED TO BUY CASH PAID Mail us your Discarded Jewelry, Gold Crowns and Bridges, Watches, Diamonds, Silver, Platinum. Highest Prices paid. We pay $1.00 to $25.00 per set for Old Falso Teeth (broken or not). Money sent by re turn mall. Packages held 4 to 12 days and returned at our expense if our of fer Is refused. United States Smelting Works. (Tho Old Reliable") Dept 7, Chicago, Illinois. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS All makes slightly used, $20 up. Easy payments. Free trial. Guaranteed two years. Express prepaid. Payne Company, Dept. C. Rosedale Station, Kansas City, KANSAS. TYPEWRITERS, all standard make's, $10 up. Guaranteed two years. Freo trial. Wrlto for Illustrated Bargain list. Northwestern Typewriter Ex change, Dept. 2, 320 West Goethe St, Chicago, 111. STAMPS, COINS, ETC. CALIFORNIA GOLD; $ size 53c, $ size 27c, Dollar slzo $1.10. Rare coin and Catalogue 10c. Norman Shultz, Colorado Springs, Colo. FOREIGN Stamp Collection Sent Free. Cornish Company, Schenectady, N. Y. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS HARLAN Eugeno Rea'd's great book "Tho Abolition of Inheritances." Cloth, Two Dollars, Paper Fifty Cents. St. Louis Book Company, St Louis, Mo. GREAT fun magazine, 40 pages, 15c year. Family Herald, 3442 Gleason Ave., Los Angeles, California. MONEY-MAKING FORMULAS fff'nS1 ??elers' Beginners, send dime for Mall Order Magazine con taining business building plans, new id83aS4 ?pSunAt,ea Christiansen, Box 18.1, s. O. Sta., Omaha, Nebraska. H?i?SL iv?mPlo,yment evenings. Start little Mall Order business anywhere Stamp brings instruction. Alvin Pier 72 Cortlandt Street, New York, N Y ' SALEMEN: Something Entirely Now in Advertising pencils. ComolSE nn ol$eat, and leoBt pencil concern gas tsss6. s;0uweanlr Lead penSi & " WbSTS?nn?SS, "jen-wom, sell SnC &mJ?Hrrfe?? Floma'r . 9KVrrV.J"ttttW' write Quick. , , mn.y,, WHCUJJO, JU1. A?5?2SfR,e itoAPn'fit, sell- fefcffl?" Brm ?" GREAT seller, Luminous Paint Form- u-"i i cexn?f Jagie Novelty Co., 37 Weybossot Street, Providence, R. I. 1,000,000 FOMULAS, recipes, trade so crets 1016 pages, $2.00. Hillside Laboratories-, 7021-J So. Winchester, Chicago. ' LANGUAGES WORLp-ROMIC SYSTEM, masterkey to All Languages. Six textbooks. $1 73 French Chart, .37c; Spanish, 37c; Speech-Organs. 37c. Pronunciation Tables, 73 languages, 30c each. Lan guages Publishing Company. 8 West 40 St., New York, N. Y. ' West MONUMENTS, IRON FENCE, STO. MONUMENTS, Iron Fence, Factory to customer. Savn 4n tn kn .T- r. rr Catalogue free. Roberts Monument Co.! Main St., English, Indiana. ' WATCH REPAIRING I CAN mako your watch keep correct time. Swiss or American, Largo or Jl 5E..c2ilmSte, flt. mailing w, 42nd 8t New York. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TurATrT! nrwo on r. " ""anu opcVat.ran TKH? flffilP --- j r r i nn a a i . - (k wai m.v IXXL i?T.?-maKe tho bosl profits, See "Fur ad on" rgemft $H iUi sj. VjUUI v i in mn wii -. m apolis, Indiana. 'ue, inuian- START a cleaning, pressing TuTi shop. Splendid field, big prSnis Piil free. International ' k.,u& na! Excelsior SDrlrnrs. Mlntn.i ' P1- 23,j - t. Dtfi t,rf-K.r'rrftr -r .. aa-i .a.ai ia A. .1 ill nn r . u . each town or county, bottling ni selllnir Hartmnn'n noi"iu"? ftnd We nrlnt vonr , " '." ., . "acts.l iki " -r:r";" """ "-uuress on.l Mn mn Arri 9 ? Y. Ui"PleS' P. - , v-, o.u.i4 avivui, iviass. SELL MENTHOLENE under yourTw name. Build up your own bu8lnP j.nauint roiiet ior nose, throat, catarfhl torles, Pleasantvll'le, Now Jcraoy? " MAKE monoy at "home making tovsl - ..wTv-.k.o. iuiuuuiura iree. New i sfrr i& v;s;"'' "Al UHt "t &vwv, ii,n a ui iv. START a Mail Order Business or Trust Scheme, Sample and particulars loo a. cacioy uo., 129 Woodward Road m vr . .u.., Ifcliuuq XDIUUU. ARTIFICIAL Marble, sanitary flooring I ,n;T.frv,"Z. "1."lt,"u"u.a-!,.. castinB,J 7J v t,rovi1' puiici--inuciio uecora tions, garden furniture, statuary, Rub-ber-moulds, Electro-metallurgy, parti culars and 200 illustrations free. Chris Mahler, Huntington, New York. "MONEY-MAKING SCHEMES," 6 4 pages. 20c (coin). Joe Tlllberg, Proc tor, Vermont. MAKE RUBBER STAMPS. Wo furnish everything. Big Profits. Enormous Demand Everywhere. Write. Sears. Main St., Ashland, Ohio. BECOME MASTTCT TVTO AT. -tor t ,.., Secrots Real Estate Success. Big 1 .fronts. lntlenendenr.fi. T0lf-lnr Rnv a Guaranteed. Snoofnl rffi Pn. STEPHENS SYSTEM. 618 Wiser, 1 tfiuncie, j.nuiana. "SOWRATTr." MArjATMTT! Alllonni. nv.t prints big profit schemes; one sub- Hcnoer maKing $zb,uuu rrom tnree an other $10,000 from one. Try your uck. Year only $lv00; three months, 25c. BUSINESS SERVICE COLLECTIONS," Accounts, Notes, claims collected everywhere on commission; no collection, no pay. Allen Mercantile Service, 249 Lathrop Bldg., Kansas City, Missouri. ACCOUNTS, Notes, Claims collected anywhere In world. No charges un less collected. May's Collection Agency, Somerset, Kentucky. PRINTING, CARD-WRITING, ETC. 2000 LETTERHEADS or Envelopes ?6.25. Complete line of attractive samples Free. We print everything. Quality Printshop, Marietta, Ohio. 100 ENVELOPES and paper neatly printed with your name and address $1;10 postpaid. Berry Printers, Mattoon, Illinois. 200' NOTE HEADS and 150 Envelopes, printed three or four lines, $1.00 pre paid. Samples free. Burrill Printing Co., Kankakee, Illinois. 500 Letterheads and envelopes Bond $4.75. Rubber stamps made to order. The Automatic Print Shop, Newcastle, Indiana. WEDDING Invitations and Announce ments neatly printed. Write for samples, prices. William Helm, 2138 N. Sayro Ave., Chicago, Illinois. 250 Letterheads, 250 white envelopes' printed, and mailed, $3.00. Samples printing freo. Sunco, Mohawk, N. Y. CHRISTMAS CARDS 18 STEEL Engraved Colored Christmas Cards and Envelopes for $1 postpaid. G largo and 12 small. Retail value 5 Letterhead Press, 1451 Broadway, New York. MUSICAL USED PIANOS $85 Upward. Months trial. Wrlto for Bulletin 67. Piano Mart, Box 784, St. Louis, Missouri. "MUSIC COMPOSED" to words. Bauer Bros." (formerly of Sousa's Band), Oshkosh, Wisconsin. FURS FURS, Coats, ScaVfs, Muffs, Chokers, etc., made from your raw or tanned furs. Remodeling and Ropalring. Enr" mous savings. Write for Free Catalog today. Tells everything. Arthur Felbcr Fur Co., Dept. 44, 25 N. Dearborn St, Chicago, Illinois, . V-Jit