1 T The Commoner 10 VOL. 22, NO. 9 ( - Rheumatism , Left Him As If By Magic! wHllflHsL A Government Ownership is Result of Strikes Certain Had Suffered Orw SO Yeara! Now 83 Year, Yet a Big 4 surprise TpFrind Regains strength Goes Out Fishing Back to Butni Laughs at "URIC acid" How the "Inner MTsteiW Rareak Startling Facts Overlooked By Doctors and Scientists For Centuries "I am olghty-threo years old and I doctored for rhoumatism ever sinco I came out of tho army ovor flfty yeara l an" wrltnn T T AoVmlmnn ''T.IVa many others. I spent money freely for so-c&lled 'cures', and I have read about TJric Acid' until I could almost tasto It. Z could not sleep nights or walk without pain; my hands were so soro and stiff I could not hold a pon. But now, as if by maple, I am again in ac tive business and can walk with ease or writo all day with comfort. Friends are surprised at the chancre" HOW IT IIAPPBNED Mr. A&helroan is only ono of thou sands who suffered for years, owing to the general belief In the old, false theory that "Uric Acid" causes rheuma tism. This erroneous belief induced him and legions of unfortunate men and women to tako wrong treatments. You might Just as. well attempt to put out a flro with oil as to try and got rid of your rheumatism, neuritis and Ulfco complaints, by talcing treatments sup- Bosed to drive Uric Acid out of your lood and body. Many physicians and scientists now know that Uric Acid never did, never can and never will cause rheumatism; that it is a natural and necessary constituent of tho blood; that It Is found In overy new-born babe; and that without it we could not live! Those statements may seem strange to some folks who have all along boon led to belicvo in tho old "Uric Acid" humbug. It took Mr. Ash ol man fifty years to find out this truth. Ho learned how to get rid of tho true cause of his rheumatism, other disor ders; and recover his strength from "Tho Inner Mysteries," a remarkable book now being distributed free by an authority who devoted over twenty years to tho scientific study of this .particular trouble. NOTE: If tfny reader of The Com moner wishes tho book that roveals these facts regarding tho true cause and cure of rheumatism, facts that were overlooked by doctors and scien tists for centuries past, simply send a post card or letter to II. P. Clearwater, No. 1272-G Stroet, Hallowoll, Maine, and It will be sont by return mail without any chargo whatever. Cut out this notico lest you forgot! If not a sufferer yoursolf hand this good news , to some nlpictod friend CTllill dinifiM Cured Before You Pay I will send yoa a $1 .25 bottlo of LAKE'S Treatment on FREE TRIAL. When ompletoly cured Bond too IJ25. Otherwise, your report canceln tho charco. D. J. Lane. 8MLaneS!dii.,SL Marys. Kans. Very Remarkable Offer!!! Prof. Sidney A. Wcltmer. Is nownnbllahlncr Mum. book, THB HEALING HAND." Over m pages Soond in backrnm cloth. Prieo 2.o. v ' 'You may have this book with air month inbscrfo "2?.? 9 Jownal allforfl.00. YOU SAVE 11.76111 Writa TODAY oncloalnjr dollar bill at our risk. Waiting StmUariuro, Dept 108. Nevada, Mo (By Waiter Clark, Chief Justice of North Carolina.) Whatever the result of tho groat striko in the coal mines and on the railroads in 1922 whether it is a compromise or is a defeat far either side, it will not be a finality. On one side there will be still ranged tho power of the vast masses of wealth, the real owners (for the minority stockholders do not count), who are conscious of their unimited power, and determined to use it; and on the other side are arrayed the millions of men with wives and children de pendent on them, who know that they ure absolutely in tho power of those great corporations who can fix their wages, and therefore their conditions of living, at will. In this condition a renewal of the battle from time to timo is inevit able. It is self evident that whoever owns or controls tho consolidated coal mines, water powers and rail roads tho fuel, the' lights and the transportation of a country is the master of its people. When these were owned by small and competi tive corporations the injury sustained from them was the building up of great aggregations of capital. But today the small body of "Associated Railway Executives" and "Associated Coal Operators" representing a still smaller body of great bankers, con trol this vast power and either gov ernment must take over the owner ship of this great power or that pow er can govern tho country. When, as Henry Ford has shown, the coal mine owners are concealing their hoarding coal to force 300 per cdfnt profit tho whole nation must act in self-defense. It is more than a just protection of miners or any theory of government. It is whether a people shall freeze or factories stop at the bidding of profiteers. It is a misconception ta call such strikes as this a contest between Capital and Labor. This has been a a notable episode in the age-old and world-wide contest whether Autoc racy or "men shall control the condi tions of life. Formerly and in other countries Plutocracy was embodied in the monarch, supported by the no bility, an army and state church. With us Plutocracy has none of these supports but relies upon its well known methods of shaping public opinion and making itself the real government by the selection and con trol of officials, and through them shaping or construing laws for its own purposes. Opposed to Plutocracy is the interest of all the -people, of which Labor is only a small part, yet Labor alone is bearing the brunt of this great fight for civilization and the rights of all men against the in visible empire of aggregated wealth, which is as ruthless, and possessed by the same spirit, as when it was visibly embodied in a monarch and sustained by nobility and -array and the terrors of the ohuroh. In this strike of 1922, if the five brotherhoods the engineers, etc. had joined in the strike not a wheel would have turned on a rail road between the two. great oceans. Many cities would have been out of food in a few days. Business ofall kinds would have been at a stand still. The railroad unions woro mnn. ters, if the brotherhoods had struck, ua tuuy may cnoose to do In another strike. The right to strike against the pri vate owners cf railroads is sacred. Men cannot be forced to work unless we repeal the XIII Amendment and maintain standing army of millions to enforce peonage. Laborers, have a right to strike and to peacefully picket. They cannot resort to vio lence against person or property. Hence the strenuous effort of union leaders to prevont all violence and of some corporation agents to pro voke strikers to acts of violence. It seems clear, therefore, that as to the ultimate effort of tho strike there can be but one result, and that is government ownership of all rail roads, telegraphs, telephones, coal mines, water powers and all other public utilities. Aside from tho merits of the controversy, it is 'impossible that the great public and the business interests of the country can abide the uncertainties which will attend a re newal of such strikes. In all other countries, most, if not all, public util ities have passed into public owner ship, and the same must occifr here; and this being so, the sooner it is done, the better. England, the last country, to do this, has owned the telegraphs since 1870, and took over the railroads in 1914, and has practically owned them ever since. When this country made ready to enter the world war it was apparent to all men that the transportation system of this country under private ownership could not possibly func tion efficiently. It was clear that the pecuniary demands of "the Execu tives" of the various systems, the op portunities for profiteering and the certainty of strikes by employees in protest against mismanagement would cause an inevitable and total collapse of the whole system of pri vate ownership. To meet this, the government was forced to take immediate control of the railroad system of the entire country. Tho former railroad execu tives organized a unionwide propa ganda to decry, the success of gov ernment operation. This was for the two-fold purposes of securing the re turn of the railroads to private own ership, and immense profits which were obtained after the war, based upon allegations of the inefficiency of government operation. The same reasons, however, which required government ownership to obtain the proper functioning of our transporta tion system during the war required its continuance for proper and ef ficient operation after its close, At the close of the war every en gine was put in force by the financial interests to educate the public into a wide-spread belief that government operation of the railroad system of the country had been inefficient. The truth was that without it the railroad system could mot have operated at all. But such was the effect of the Fat People Made Slim Lose a pound a day without exercise or dieting. Eat what you like and weigh what you wish. Science has made this possible by the discovery of the real reason why people get fat Simply send me your name and I will send you a folder that tells why you got fat and how you can easily and quickly reduce to the weight you want to be. M. B. Smith, Re-Bild Labora tories, Dept 2015, 1100 Coca Cola Building, Kansas City, Mo. Adv. LreF ivWVVvWfj LarCfk Shtrfr Mimlifurlii.m wanta agent to Bell complete line of ahlrU, direct to wearer. Advertised IJrand, Exclusive patterns. No capi tal or experience required. Bl Vwuea. Entirely new proposition, Wrlto for f reo aamploo MADISON BJEI1BT CO. u & Broadway New Tori Ideal houlLli imi.I h .. JT ""' .J1"1'" '"3! talned by hit-or-mlas methods cAl health brings real beauty Ami V .tv.csi.i. i. uu.ijr viiucit on your woiffhl marks votir nrnnrof f Li. vLInti and beauty. Good hni, i.,n.cal."' and a good figure are your birthright i Know exactly thn nrmm .. .... . ui' ,"l 3 Ina Is riana-ernu. WMh .T.." 17 WW- dally vrllhout clothes It is the only safo way. The HEALTH-O-METER "The Pilot of Health" will Ruaire your health correctly and conveniently. Just step on the. Health O-Melrr and read your cor rert velRht nti the dial. Thousands are In use. Public scales are notor iously inaccurate. Bee. try, and ex umlne tiio llealth-lWUotcr at our pipeline Write for bur Hwelal in Day Trial Offer It means much lo your litsaHh and' beauty. Addrrts CONTINENTAL SCALE WORKS Dcpt. X, 2124 W. 2ht Flue. Uiiujo SfieDoexnY PaSb-SW3"15 Cuass t5ia r Site Knows ' (of Ho Vi JT" WEI6HC OP TO 200 LBS. BIG BARGAIN IN "TUF-E-NUF" ALL - LEATHER WORK GLOVES Wo offer two bargralns that can't be beat. Just the thing: for harvesting or for .mechanics. 7 Style 1132 A No. 1 quality buffed calfskin with genuine horsehide double nalm. All seams welted. Has larce 6-Inch leather cuff with wrist protector. 1 A wonderful wearing work glove. Price $1.00 a pair postage paid. Our surprise package, 2 pairs for $1.00. One horsehide and one hogskin, or buffed calfskin if preferred. Every body is surprised at the big value. 2 pairs for $1.00 postage paid. Send currency, money order or checlc. State size wanted. Wo gladly return your money if not entirely pleased. Send that order NOW. ECONOMY GLOVE FACTORIES Dept. S4A, 4020 N. Albany Ave, Chicago, III. (Makers of Work Gloves Since 1904.) Cures ASTHMA and HAY FEVER Any reader who suffers from Asthma and Hay Fevor can bo quickly cured without risking a penny through tho remarkable discovery of C. Leavengood, 1589 S. W. Blvd., Rosedale, Kan. Don't send a penny just wrlto Mr. Leaven good a.nd he will send you a big pottio of his prescription on 10 days' trial. It it cures pay 1.25. Otherwise you owe nothing. Cures Goitre or Costs Nothing Any reader who suffers from tho above disease can bo quickly cure1 at homo without a penny through the remarkable discovery .of R. F. Boies, 114 16th St., Sedalla, Mo. Don't send a penny just write Mr. Boies and he win send you full particulars about this JU day trial offer which costs you nothing if It does' not cure. When in Omaha stop with us Hotel Conaet Hotel Satrford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing is back of these hotels. Guests may stop at any ono of them with the as surance of receiving honest value anq courteous treatment , CONANT HOTEL COMPANY iiiwiim i ' HiMMHiTW j v ft--