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Get ill the latest news and music by Radio. Bend 25c In silver for our complete blue prints of the drawings, plans and Instructions. Eastern Motor Co., Box. toil, Philadelphia, Pn. The Commoner 7 W) $& BIG PROFITS FROM POULTRY WiTiachYou How; Easily Learned at Home; our guaranteed methods make success certain; write for free book, "Mow to Raise Poultry for Profit," i Free. Dont delay; I write today. fie National Poultry Institute, Inc., Dept. 353, Washington, D. C. i Make Over $800 Monthly Owning and Operating An Anderson Vulcanizing Station. Sold on Terms. ANDERSON STEAM VULCANIZER CO., Coiu-WlIHnms Bid?., InulnnnpoliM, Indiana. LEARN MOTOR MECHANICS Our Big Shop Standard methods pro pare you for the best paying jobs S,.l,you a ,real mechanic. Test and HwV01 aone Is worth tuition. Completely equipped shops. Get full Information. Write for Big Free J2?k'i1?w!1 State Auto & Tractor RSLPA 9u5"ty School." Dept! "'"M oi aioux uity, lovrn. nlDIDZ0.0, make a Hmo Radio eTatTiriinMx,li 0001C telIS ln simple SfSinn afb , la.neaBo without a mate nf technical terms. Just "How IcSt J, w1Jmo recelv,nS r station at ffietlonaV8 sIx doars. Complete CttL1" constructing a Home llcen ed tn iwT st ?f Radio Stations Harket nenf5t?ad5ast Concerts, News, WlrinRnKof' etc-.:-Symbols used in K S .tPary of Radio pflce 50 centat!nal 9?de Charts, etc. inow! ThSn-8!-.80113 your OT- tAT.Sidney A w2ffif ouelf aa wall a. oUjira. "SSsfjSS,!rt,h!. "Wiiixnrath-. .otaerio- ""SaSnnutn.Deni Ira m j itmimoM!ZJZZ2112Iamf" Cured Her Rheumatism Lvhur fr . nt,n6 caused hv'tr10 caPernco the L?urst. who ?iv y rloumatlsm, Mrs. J. V ibtioZV? I,60.8 D. Olive St., k. flnS cured w- wiJ8 B0 thankful Silltao she 1 Tanvf lf t.hat out of Pu Sfe?! jU8Ct few to tell all other t y a Bliwnia set rld ot their irs-Hurst wPe.Way at home. lift ou ml no? Wng t0 so11' Mere" sssf S5S rfeTi - v MR. BRYAN IS RIGHT" Rockford welcomes one of the most distinguished citizens in Amer ica today. 1Lr Three times a candidate for presi dent, evangelist of democracy, of temperance and right living, Mr Bryan stands before the people the real 'peerless leader," in the things for which he stands. In 1896, when Bryan rose from political obscurity to national fame in a single hour this country was waiting for a cru sader and Bryan took up the torch. Whether Bryan's views about free silver were sound or whether his ideas about its coinage were prac ticable are closed subjects now. The thing which Bryan did in that mem orable campaign is probably of far greater consequence than his pro gram for monetary reform. What he really did is often lost sight of in the maze of abuse and discord which followed his nomination. He captured the control of the Demo cratic party in the interest of the great west and broke the back of eastern control. Bryan raisnri rhn voice of the new west with its grow ing pains and struggles for a place in the sun, and, in so doing, gave liberal democracy an inning which has had its influence upon both nf the old parties. From 1896 dates the great liberal wave which swept over this country. Roosevelt broke up the Republican party in 1912 in about the same way that Bryan broke up the Democratic party in 1896. Bryan's ability as a crusader, his dogmatic stand for doing right by rule and his facility for presenting the understandable moral phases of American life, have made him a con spicuous and enduring national character. Bryan's power over men is tre mendous. Only those who have seen Bryan in action, in a national political convention where the ad vocate must win his case before thousands, and meet the brunt of in telligent and seasoned opposition, can appreciate his power. Bryan defeated Parker in the St. Louis convention, alone and unaided, after the Parker faction had captured the numerical strength of the convention. He so "confused the resolutions committee that it failed to make itself clear on the money question and necessitated the sending of that memorable tele gram "from Esopus," which declared that the gold standard was "irrevo cably established." Parker was not only defeated but overwhelmingly so. Bryan nominated Wilson, which by those who admire Wilson, will ever be regarded as the greatest act of his career. Bryan could have nominated someone else. His allegi ance to Wilson was one of principle, certainly not of affiliation through organization for the men were as far apart as the poles in everything save that both were fired by the lib eral spirit of democracy. Bryan had seen the Republican break at Ohicaco and sensed the need for a progressive candidate. He asked Wil son, Underwood, Clark and Harmon to state their views. Wilson alone came clean. Wilson replied: "Mr. Bryan is right. The convention is a nrntrrooaivA n.nnvention and should have a progressive chairman." That telegram gave Wilson the nomina tion, the election and made him one of the characters in the world s his tory. That was Bryan's contribution to humanity and the democracy of the world. That will be written in the Books of the Ages. Possibly we of this time should not be expected to grasp its full portent. That will be for the unprejudiced historian. But it is sufficient now to recall that Woodrow Wilson once wired that "Mr. Bryan is right and whether we all agree with Mr. Bryan in all the things he encourages us to believe, thnf .,.,.. i. sheS and ,. noT dimmed X givBersynLthtlnkS hG iS rlght that Plain SnSiWeP-, Bryan know 'he Uiouirhi1 n aml , QX' their and riifo, Fyan :ha8 grcat faIth veil fQL UPn U- Bryan ls the liBinn- (lemo1cracy' wholesome, re gions, self-denying, hard-tn thed democracy, which is never at rest and which finds no poace in com promise at thc price of moral defla- 13 Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Httor, Evan, gelist, 2114 Millor Street, Indian apolis, Ind. Price $1.50, postage 15 cents. Tobacco Redeemer banlahcs tho habit corn- It is a great honor to entertain plftdy.aUmMt before you know It An abaolutdy Mr. Bryan, to havo him In i clontiflc. thoroughly reliable treatment. No for - ,.lr i 1U in tllc ritv I mattr how lonir tho habit, or In what form ued. ,., . . uuu lu gei- into touch .u "J unT0 no craving Tor tobacco after you wiui nn for he is one of tho most potential men the country has evor produced. Rockford, 111., star. BOOKS RECEIVED Grace. An unfolding of the greatest discovery God can disclose to the hu man mind. By Lewis Sperry Chafer. The Sunday School Times Company, 1031 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Price $1.50. The Spirit and Magnitude of The Real Beast and Its Image. The Rev elations of John. By George Sturm Ben Davis. Published by the Author. The Millennium or The Key to tho Solution of the World's Problem. By Philip Henry Crocker. Philip H. Crocker, Publisher, Chicago, 111. Grover Cleveland: A Study in Political Courage. By Roland Hugins. The Anchor-Lee Publishing Com pany, Washington, D. C. Price $1.00. Life in The Word. By Philip Mauro, Author of "The World and Its God," and "The Man's Day." Hamilton Bros., Scripture Truth Depot. 120 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Questions and Answers on Divine Healing. (Pamphlet). By Mrs. M. N. Woodworth-Etter, Indianapolis, Ind. Price 25 cents. World Metric Standardization. An Urgent Issue. A Volume of testimony urging worldwide adoption of the metric units of weights and meas-ures-meter-Iiter-gram. Compiled by Aubrey Drury. Published by World Metric Standardization Council, G81 Market Street, San Francisco. Price $5.00. Songs of a Dream. (Poems) By Alfred James Fritchey. Published by the Author, 523 San Julian Street, Los Angeles, Cal. The Blue-Dragon Ballads. By Al fred James Fritchey. Published by A. J. Fritchey, 423 San Julian St., Los Angeles, Cal. Signs and Wonders. God Wrought in The Ministry for Forty Years. By toko tbia Dleaiant. InoxDcnnlvn trnntment. fhla wo Doiltlvcly iruarantee. Your monoy returned without argument or qnettion If not satisfied. Wrlto for frco explanatory booklet and proof of what Tobacco Redeemer haa dono for men addicted to tho tobacco habit. Send poatcard or letter today. Hcwcll Pharmacal Co., BepL 919 , SL Louis, Ho 15 Ik Lars Shirt Manufacturer winta x tnU to tll complete Una of ihlrt. direct to vearer. AdvcrtJied Ilrand. Exclutlrcpatternt. No eapU tal or experience required. jllg value. Entirely new proportion. Writ for fro sample U AMBON 8IIIHT CO. MO Ilroadway New York M 1 mxrl I ripTCljtTfav71"1lKTvvMnian ouncr and old can now learn to nlav nl.nn h atiiunf notea or music bj our brand now quick and easy 10 leaaoo method. Send now for FREE Sample Lesson ! and play real chorda at once. Tho World's almpleat, oaateat method. Nothing else like It. No muilcal experlcnco nccea ary, play piano u can aa yoo hum or whistle n tune. Be a ragtime artist. Send for FltKE sample lesion now b fore edition Ii eons. Don't delav. DAVID PIANO COURSE m cutuimmmmcb bum. UMWIW riHHU UUUHOC CHICAGO. ILUNOUS CTflD SNEEZING! d I Ur WHEEZING! DO IT with ATLAS It blti thc ipot and relieve all ASTHMA. DRONCHITiS or HAY FKVER no lonrer any meexJnf. wheczlnr. courb in. cbokinr ipelJi or raipirif for breath no more restleti. ilctpleii nlrbtr you eel better from thc first dose. Marvel ous rriulti in hopelfii chronic cues. Free Trial of rcnu Ine ATLAS Treatment to everyone suffrrlne with ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS or HAY FEVER. Tell your frlendc Write today rivinr name, address, ate and deictfpdon of condition. ATLAS MEDIC CO., H93 JYIRS BLDC, BUFFALO, H. Y. AMU UU3 You can cam 115 to W) a week writing show cards lu your own home. No canrajulnsr. A filetiuiit profitable profenlon easily and quickly bimt by our new simple gTphlc block ayiteni. Artlltic aliilltr not nerjtin&rr.Wii taj- vnn bow, ami nupply you wltli vork. DUUuco to ouitci. rail iMrucuursann bookjnt rree. WILSON METHODS LIMITEIP-DEPT. 20 Cl Ktrt lilchmond, Toronto, Csnada. In His Image By William Jennings Bryan This volume, issued in March by Fleming H. Revell Company, publishers, contains the nine lectures delivered by Mr. Bryan at the Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia, last Octo ber under the following titles: First: In the Beginning, God. Second: The Bible. Third: What Think Yc of Christ? Fourth: Tho Origin of Man. Fifth: Tho Larger Life. Sixth: Thc Value of a Soul. Seventh: Three Priceless Gifts. Eighth: "His Government and Peace." Ninth: The Spoken Word. These lectures cover the fundamentals of the Christian faith and present from the standpoint of a layman Christianity's ap neal to the average man, special attention being given to students. The price of the book is $1.75, postage prepaid to any part of the country. Those desiring this book can order through The Commoner if they do not find it in local book stores. Address The Commoner, 207 Press Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. i r.n & 1 N r ii Ltfittii