.i'SStWI The Commoner 'VOL. 22, NO. 5 "N r I. has behind it a much larger majority than sup ports most of tho laws. The Prohibition Amendment was adopted after a light of nearly fifty years. More than two-thirds oC the states banished the saloon by their own separate act; over two-thirds of the mombors of tho Senate and the House voted to submit a prohibition amendment and forty-six states out of the forty-eight have formally rati fied this amendment, leaving two of the small states, Connecticut and Rhode Island, as the only ones that havo not ratified. One branch of tho Connecticut legislature has voted for rati fication, the magnitude of the majority in favor of prohibition is seen when it is remem bered that n.inety-three of the ninety-six separate branches of the forty-ejght legislatures have given a majority vote in favor of ratifying tho Prohibition Amendment. ' To make the argument in favor- of acquies cence still stronger, attention is called to the fact that two congresses have been olectod s'nee prohibition was submitted; one of them en acted an enforcement law by more than a two thirds vote of both houses and the succeeding congress, elected after the Prohibition Amend ment actually wont into effect, passod by more than a two-thirds vote of both houses a bill prohibiting tho use of beer, even as medicine. In addition to this, tho question has been passed upon, indirectly in all the large states since the saloons were closed by Constitutional Prohibition. New York elected a governor and legislature in 1020 pledged to prohibition as did Pennsylvania and Ohio. Illinois and New Jersey have elected dry legislatures and put their states back of the -federal' government in the enforcement of the law for prohibition. In fact, there wore only five states in which beor could be used as a medicine when the anti-beer law was passed. And yet, in spite of the accumulating evidence that prohibition represents a permanent deter mination on the part of the poople to rid the nation of the curse of alcoholic beverages, many of tho metropolitan papers deliberately encour age lawlessness by editorials criticising enforce ment and defending conspiracies against law. This is the habitual attitude of some of the New Yorjc papers. They give large space and big headlines to each new plan devised for out witting the government. They describe, a& if it wore permissible, the proposed opening of a palatial floating saloon just outside the three mile limit. A Philadelphia paper, ordinarily regarded as respectable, impudently warns the government against attempting to interfere with rum-runners when three miles from shore With such edi torial encouragement from the United States it is not surprising that a corporation is being organized in London, with public offering of stock, to carry cargoes of alcoholic liquors to Mhnee.mile limit tot 'livery to smugglers. While the smugglers are being thus encour aged by editors too cowardly to do what they advise others to do, men, and even some women, consider it smart to give their patronage to the .lawless vendors of liquor they boast of it. It l?oi time for tue law abiding people to notify the wet newspapers that it is as criminal to advise crime as to actually commit it. Is it n?f. time t0 remind these would-be editorial authorities on international law that the hieh seas do not belong to pirates or to conspirators against any other law? The geography tells us that three-fourths of the earth'! surface s SnrflWfIhi1fWoter"aJro th0 smuSElers to un derstand that they reign supreme over three fourths of the earth's surface? It would be a Zftef1? civili?atin t0 say that it must con line itself to cno-fourth of the globe and let law lessness reign everywhere else. Jim?n 7h?, make? hlmself an outlaw can not find protection under any flag when he uses Xlie paths of the ocean to carry into any coun try that which the conscience of the country has condemned. J V1 "Drys"iwere as quick to resent edi torial attacks on virtue as the vicicus are to re sent editorial attacks on vice, the "wet" papers would soon learn that it is good policy to bow to the public will and respect the laws ot state and nation. w. J. BRYAN DARWINISM TO DATE A Cornell professor has found, so he nv that while alcohol weakens the immediate do scendantB of guinea pigs, it strengthens th fourth generation by killing off the- least ruJed This is Darwin's doctrine of the survival of 8?i fittest That is why thebolcfe 5oHowerS o? ni win cair Christianity the doctrine o 'the de?en Dr. Birge, Autocrat Dr. Birge, head of the University of Wiscon sin, has for about a year been hiding in the bushes, so to speak, and dodging questions raised by his attitude on evolution. Finally he has come out into the clearing and expressed himself on two propositions. In the first place, he ad mits that he believes himself to be a descendant of the ape. In a recent letter given to the Capi tal Times of Madison he says: "Mr. Bryan is pleased to ask would-be facetious questions about 'ape ancestry.' He repeats in a cheap fashion the question which Wilberforce ask6d of Huxley on a memorable occasion sixty odd years ago, and I am quite content to give him Huxley's reply; 'A man has no reason to be ashamed of having an ape for his grandfather. If there were an ancestor which I should feel shamed in recalling it would rather be a MAN ... a man of restless and versatile intellect . . . who, not content with equivo cal success in his own sphere of activity, plunged into scientific questions with which he has no real acquaintance, only to obscure them by aimless rhetoric and distract the attention of his hearers from the real point at issue by eloquent digressions and skilled appeals to religious prejudice.' " This may be fairly accepted as evidence that he is proud of his brute ancestry (-proof also that he does not accept the Mosaic account of man's creation.) It is also evidence of his will ingness to endorse Huxley's slur on the ministry. Wilberforce was a great preacher. It is inter esting to obrerve that Dr. Birge carries his evo lution so far as to T)e willing to use "with seem ing relish Huxley's contemptuous reply to the minister's criticism. He would rather be a de scendant cf an ape than a descendant of a great preacher like Wilberforce. , But it will be still more interesting to the tax payers of Wisconsin to note his insistence that he has a right to teach to the studentsMhe Dar winian hypothesis even though it does make the Bible a lie and he insists that he has a Vight to do it regardless of the wishes of the ttix payers of Wisconsin. In discussing the impudence of cortain professors, I gave utterance recently to what would seem to be a self evident truth namely, that the hand that writes the pay check rules the school. I had not supposed that any teacher would be bold enough to put in writing a denial of the right of those who employ him to direct the course of study. But we seem to have one educator we shall know later if anv others agree with himwho resents the very suggestion that he is a hired man. He says: "There is, however, one significant state- . ment m Mr. Bryan's letter, which shows un the general policy that he is advocating ana that he and his friends are trying to force upon us in both church and school. This In Tifp ?ffhhioBeverll1 WS2?' but lt eliminates m the noble maxim, 'The hand that writes the pay check rules the school.' I question whether there was ever advocated a more cynically immoral purpose. Mr. Bryan cre tells us plainly that the power of money il to determine, what shall be taught in the schools Religion, science, history? econom ics soc ology-these are all to be taught as Mrrinr f l:he pay chGck' demands Mr. Bryan is at work to make thp tpn-.tr er into the hired man of mney-teachin; not the truth as he sees it or as God m 0 gressively reveals it to the world bnt peatln in parrot fashion the doctrines thai his paymaster calls for. This is L wl on which Mr. Bryan wishes our yolh,? structed in school and church ami hi V?" us that he is at work to sewre thta result any right to rule the school! The feaohft V cording to his views a tn 2. C10rs' ac" shall teach and'hTw' fheVshalf fiit & ' proposes to set up the most autocVatic fnim H? government ever proposed, it i- to h f posed of professors who will dAw hS !0m from the people and Vet I L! ! ,hel1; Varies out instructions and w thou f anwi' ""h shall teach the children entrusted to ?? ' they No matter what these children l?J2 fheir care home the teacher is to have ?ie leai'necl at substitute what hBcXu? parents of th children believe to be Vt $ matter what effect it may have upon t,n of the child, the teacher's opinion is t imoral8 stituted for tho nnmnt.'a ntt.!n l0 be sub- r W v'l.'.IiUl.I Public sentiment has brought about in noar- lv OVOrV atntek ilia nnnfl.i. . j v-y uvj mv, en u, t, i nit; ill OL laWS COmnnlt? toe cnim 10 go to school. This is a w sV7 K vision, but if the teacher is to be theVoV Vi of what the child Js to be taught in mi a 8' well as in science, compulsory education il' to the omnipotence of the instructors ami V. helplessness of the parents. Ule Dr. Birge's statement is all that is ... to awaken the public to the fact that S 2 ATTITUDE is so hostile to the highest n.Pr ests of the state and of the nation that it vin in in. un uit'i h mii mi -!i in vn - t- mi. not disposed to return to the 'discarded0 sAS of "taxation without representation." em W. J. BRYAN THE BONUS The Republican leaders are like the business man who subscribed for the building of a ciinmh ind then FOUGHT THE LOCATION to S paying the subscription. All the Republicans wan the bonus, but they can not agree upon the way to raise the money. Democrats will vote for it and then find a better way when a Deniocratfo congress is elected c FORD'S PAPER MONEY PLAN On another page will be found Henry Ford's interview on the issue of paper money to pay for Muscle Shoals improvement. The government non-interest bearing notes would do all that he says, but the reactionary leaders of the Repub lican party will never consent to government paperbonds, are better for the big financiers. Liquor treaties Commissioner Haynes is talking of liquor treaties with neighboring nations. Why not' Why should any friendly nation allow its flag to project rum runners? The smugglers are pi ratesthey sail under the black flag. Thev are outlaws and should be dealt with as such. farm: tariffs The Republican-leaders are trying the old flim-flam on the. farmers. They are putting a useless tariff on farm products in order to. induce the farmers to bear a burdensome tariff on the things they have to buy. It is a very one-sided game and the farmers are on the losing side. BIG NAVY MEN WIN The big navy men won in the House. Too bad, but wait until the voters get a chance. They will vote for the smallest navy and the smallest army possible. On any proposition the peoplo will vote for the least number proposed. MR. BRYAN'S STATEMENT ON SENATORIAL ' CONTEST Believing that, as a United States senator, I could render ,valuable service to the state of Florida and to the Democratic party in the na tion, I stated about two months ago, in answer to inquiries, that. I would consider a call from the Democrats of this state from the standpoint of duty, but that I had no thought of entering into a contest for any office. Since that time petitions, numerously signed, have been received from every part of the state asking me to file as a candidate. I am profoundly grateful to these friends for their gejierous confidence and an! happy to know that I can count on their cooperation in Florida politics. But no assur ance of success, unless it were overwhelming, would justify me in entering into a contest for office. My fights have been made for Democratic principles and policies and I have made them as the representative of voters who desired me to act as their spokesman. Nearly all of these principles and policies have been written into the unrepealable law of the land. I cannot at my age turn from such enjoyable work to per sonal politics. It is only fair to others who may desire to file that I at once announce that l shall not be a candidate. As a private citizen I shall be just as active in all that concerns the welfare of the state as I would be in office and shall, as soon as pos eible, visit .all the countiea in the state. These visits will be the more pleasant because I caQ become acquainted with all the peoplo regard less of their views on political questions. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. ., Jtuxit. Jii . i.'tr W. Aitu. j'