. ? "vjyywftP ftj$r"ir . MAY eoil SALE FARMS AND LAMPS Virginia The Commoner AUTOMOBILES. TIKES, PARTS. ETC. r.T7tfmbpr, mineral lands on good AB,7- S P. Powell. Owner. Spotsyl i.Krg'nla. ri "TTi'i'ci.-'i.MCKRS. fiend for Virginia "fifm list Finest "climate. Dept. O. jjniporia. Va. ' Colorado SIJISi?JiXA(Pol,.d) STARTER $20. G ao5?tTeemep,clin S,mP,ex Co.. An son, Indiana. nar- nder- iTTstkrN Colorado farms; buy, from 1 dwner. large list for your use in Amnirliii? values: some, trade offers; fflSation free. Gust Westnian., Flag Ier. Colo. . rfiCF ""200-acre combination wheat and stock ranch. 1 mile from good trading' point on Santa Fe, 6 miles Vroin county scat; on Kansas-Colorado boulevard; 700 acres under eulti iiitlon. 500 in wheat; good KM'oom lVoiise barn and other Improvements; mile fine timber alonoWalnut Creek; iicst ranch in Western Kansas; price 137 !i0 per acre: easy terms at 6 per cent For particulars write Floyd & Floyd, Ness City. Kas. BARGAIN Scott County, Kansas. 150 acres choice level wheab land, six" u., ftnn nnfintv seat, lfivol ronds CA nnrou 111 wlient. llfllf Will fO lo hllV- tr. $30 per acre, terms to suit. D. Mc- i Donald, Atwood, Kansas. 1 Montana FARMERS Rich, fertile farms, bought through our "Own Your Own Farm" Thirty-Year Payment Plan mean "Wealth and Prosperity. Illustrated Booklet Free. Write C. B. Taylor Land Co., Saco, Mont. mil A'PfNT ir A T T 1? V 17A TJTirC! n n J , 1, VlJjiJil 1 Hi riiuijjji raiwuo IAIIU OUJUA 1 ranches. AVrite Bueii-Hines & Berthot, Bozeinan. Montana. Wyoming 10,000 MILES of uninterrupted service guaranteed; ride like fy Inflated Pneumatics; no punctures rim, cutsor blowouts, or caseings to buy; t lev average 20.000 miles; for lour ng and trucks; write for description and prices mbert Trublpruf Cord Tire Co Knlghtstown, Indiana. AXaWjB ownRS you will get 20 to 40 more miles per gallon by UH nS Superior Gasoline Va "ri"ers price $1.50. Free trial; proving Is con vincing. Postal brings information and cuts; state make and model. L. L. Mont gomery, 1916 Banks Ave., Superior, Wisconsin. Manufacturer and Distributor. DOUBLE your tire mileage. Our secret tested four years. One dollar. Noth ing else to buy. Box 22, Vancouver. Wash. 15 FOIt SALE MISCELLANEOUS paalfv nrtSffi! i0n W so.wlng machine, easwy adjusted. Price $2.50 with full lotions. Oriental Novelty Co, Box 11, Corpus Chrlstl, Texas. PATENT ATTORNEYS PnSi? 0R SAUS- Pfttt,t ftPPHcn hi.i0oii"Vy PrVnftrc1 15- T Holl or ivi.iPiate,nls w.r,le PntPUt Nowb-413, Washington, D. c. Only Inventors newspaper. Yearly $2. Copy "oc. IN?.?i?9PSi" c rst1tc7Tov7arda" patent Is a proper search cf tno per ils UinT,ted ?lttA?s records, sicml ni Sm if0ru,CrG .Woodwiinl. attorney, i01 9th .St., Washington. Highest ref erences, reasonable charges TO FORD OWNERS PAnTiS?S 'fA DE-MARKS. COPY RIGHTS Mechanical, chemical .and aL(n,t,r,?al ,,.asos "oliplloil. Prompt, skillful services at reasonable charges. Fourteen Years' experience. Good ref erences. M P VIol.Ki.v.,,, Ail. nt-Law, 3C1 McGIll Bldg.. Washington, 'J. V. CYCLO "Modified Vapor" system em bodies revolutionary hot-spot prin ciple, giving full power an hills, with wonderful economy. Makes Ford run hundred per cent smoother. Big chance for Ford owner agents. Cyclo Manifold Co., High & Chestnut Sts.. Akron, Ohio. TWO CENTS recharges Fords or Ford son magnetos from alternating light socket without removing bolts. $40.00; $5.00 monthly. Build yours. Blue prints, list materials. $1.00. We sell parts. Benner Mfg. Co., Webb City, Missouri. TOBACCO FREE LAND For homestead informa tion send self-addressed stamped en velope to Fred W. Bray, Medicine Bow, Wyo. WlxcoiiHin HOMESPUN smoking or chewing to bacco collect on delivery, r pounds ''.BO; 10 pounds $2.50: 20 pounds $4.00. Farmers Association, Paducah, Ky. CIGARS Panetela cigars direct to con sumer, $2 per 100. Somerset Cigar Co., Barnesville, Ohio. BUY A READY made farm in southern Sawyer county, Wisconsin; cash, balance on 30-year plan. Building stock, tools; write Jonas Bergh, Eau Claire. Wisconsin. FARMS WANTED WANT TO HEAR from owner Having farm for sale; give particulars and 'west price. John J. Black, 12th Street, Chippewa Falls. Wisconsin. WANTED POULTRY .SHIP your white and brown eggs to New lork; we pay good prices and make prompt returns; write for prices nnd how to pack for shipping. S. Bet- Ya"l Cit 317 Gree,nvich st- New SEEDS 1IOLLYRROOK SOY BEANS from, field that yielded over 25 bushels per acre, guaranteed good clean seed. fre6 from morning glory or other obnoxious jveeds. Price, $2.75 per bushel F. O. B. OlUman, Ills. H. F. Husman. PURE FOOD PRODUCTS PURE RED leaf tobacco, quality guar anteed. Best chewing, 4 lbs., $1.'40, 10 lbs., $3.30. Mild smoking, 4 lbs., $1.00; 10 lbs., $2.10, postpaid. O. D. Collier, Agent. Marshall, Tenn Collier is absolutely honest and reliable, Mar tin Bank, Raymer, Cashier. THREE POUNDS chewing or four pounds smoking, best grade, prepaid $1.00. Pound package 30c. Money re funded, not satisfied. Special low prices. Kentucky Tobacco Company. Owens boro, Ky. HOMESPUN TOBACCO 5 ibs. chew ing, $1.80 : 5 10s. smoKing. i.u; 5 lbs. choice burley, $2.75. All Pre paid Satisfaction guaranteed. Farm ers' Assn, Dukedom, Tenn. (Reference Dukedom Bank.) SALAMI-CERVELAT WURST 35 cents; nn,Vccl2lor Bacon, best in market. 35 ffi ,Ktwanco Bacon. 20 to- 25 cents; Wd b,y Parcel post in 5 to 10 lb. flnoifets: J!me.-matle' all sugar-cured, lnmiqu&llty.Jn market; direct to con tin,1? ,Re,mit by money order or cer lilled check. The Schneider Shipping KW okeTd Meat, Summer Sausages, Kewanee, Illinois. HONEY HS, HENDRICKS' MOUNTAIN prodiSiY oMost delicious table honey cpS ?' Guaranteed pure. Send four Hverwi f,.iampl0an$,- Parcels post de 1111 n5,p'l0& Jhn Hendricks, Honey ,marm, Powell, Wyoming. flSSi?. HONEY-Dellclous, mild antS.1 n.1,fifht color! satisfaction .guar Sid LmneX back: B-lb. can post s' ty: C- 2 D- If desired. Colo Dete"cnoClXradPo'0dUCer3 Assoc,atIon' TOBACCO NATURAL LEAF For mild smoking; 10 lbs. $1.50; 20 lbs. $2.75; will furnish free receipt for preparing. Leaf Tobacco Exchange. Mayfleld, Ky., Star route. TOBACCO Kentucky's best; properly aged, line flavor, no bite: strictly first-class: chewing, 2 pounds, $1: 10 pounds, $4; first grade smoking, 3 pounds, $1; second grade, 5 pounds, $1, postpaid. Brown Tobacco Assn, C 5, ITawesville, Ky. MEDICAL 10c OF RAINBOW Capsules will break that cold! Send today. They rell ve headache, neuralgia, all pain, family size 25c. Vlnel Co., Nashua, N. H. DISEASES, Cause and Natural (Inborn) Remedy. Booklet 50 cts. A. J. Stevens, Wauseon, Ohio. CARARACTS ABSORBED. A wonder ful remedy. For particulars write Dr. Nickerson, Miami, Florida. GOITRE What it is and how to bo rid of it explained in booklet sent free on venues. W. C. Knowlton, Canon City, Colorado. HONrcvxT4. . " "" : .. GinvA a Vre s ,?wn sweet, White 15c Pr V,A,mller.' Buckwheat, Sample Box m ,CT8riJW fe' ohn D' ttietrlcV, M. Mlddlovliie, Mich. . MAPLE PRODUCTS M Gallon SIR,UoPr GVARANTEED PURE. Wart ?5o.$m2n5i, half allon' $1'75 Maple Dw,.iin,ple suffar. 45c pound. vf SuBar Groves,- Cayuga, HERB MEDICINE, tablet form, fresh from nature, fields, forests. Descrip tive circular 25 compound formulas, various diseases, absolutely free. Won derful results reported Trial .convneeB. Herb Tablet Co., Dept. 11. Hutchinson, Kansas. PATENTS Anto qivCo8t ofx Patenting, dlvldea . Washington. D. C. Central). NATURE'S GIFT. Mined in hills of Ari zona Cures all cases inflamation known to man Works miracles, heals SS 1 sores stomach, kidneys, pyorrhea, 68th, Los Angelca. Cnlirornla, INFORMATION PUZZLE CONTESTANTS : lirt. of wo PEHSONAL WIILIS D. WILLIAMS, formerly of Arizona, advise Mrs. Dan Condron, or M. A. Copps. 742 So. ew Hainnshlre St.. Los Angeles. Calif., of your address. POSTCARDS, NOVKLTiaS, 3AMI4M. ETC, TEN magnificent mountain views, 30 cents. Return for mailing. MirpflKQ friendH. Great fun. Hadlcr, 4oStA' Sol Broadway, Denver, Colo. TRICKS, Pu.Je. Magic Goods. Cntn loguo Free. Thos. Youngblood. J 6 Grove St.. Charlotte. N. C. "THE PASSION PLAY at Oborammer gau," portrayed in a set of Co Mag nlficient Postcards, showing 55 scenes and characters In this noted drama at its last production; Illustrated In beuu tiful colors; each scene and character fully described. This, net of eardu should be In the hands of every Blblo student, and placed In the hands of children to give them an intimate ac quaintance wjlh tho wonderful charnct ters of Biblical history. An oIaborat set of cards, neatly packed In box. and mailed postpaid to any address on re ceipt of SO cents (coin or stamps). Ad diess O. L. Ogg, 1431 G St.. Lincoln, Nebraska. MISCELLANEOUS YOUR Horoscope Life revelation . showing your character, talents, suit able occupation. Scientific and accu rate. Send birth date, 10c. The Aslro llte Company, Sharpsburg, Pa. YOUR horoscope covering full year for 35c. Includes an extensive rending, valuable dally guide, large pictorial chart and sneclal forecasts for each month. Scientific, eomplete. Try It! Money back If dissatisfied. Give birth date. Address K. Daniels. Flatbush Sta., Box 32. Brooklyn. N. Y. MUSIC rubber stamps, adjustable burn ing brands, adjustable, stencils, lodgo seals, egg daters. Rubber typo catal-j ogue 25c. Karstaedt's Mammoth Pe cans. Samples $1.30. W. Karstaedt, 15 S. Jefferson, Dayton, Ohio PLEASANT Root inexpensively over comes any tobacco habit. Send ad dress. James Stokes, Mohawk, Fla. MONEY-MAKING FORMULAS FORMULAS, 20c Luminous Pa-t, Paint-Varnish Remover, Gasoline Tonic, Hand Cleaning Paste. Auto Furniture Veneer, Battery Renewer, Auto Top Dressing, Polishing Cloth, Cementless Patches, Puncture Plugger, Auto Body Cleaner, Auto See-Clear. En tire Collection, 51.00. Myers. Box 280, Reading, Pa. MAKE CAKES, Pastry, Candles, Ice Creams the business way. List free. One Practical Formula and eomnkte instructions $2. Edw. Lucas. 109 West 8th St.. Wilmington. Del. When in Omaha stop with us Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford ! Hotel Henshaw I Cur reputation of 29 years fair dealing; is back of these hotels. Guests may 1 stop at any one of them with the as surance of receiving honest value and i courteous treatment. CONANT HOTEL COMPANY ManBa-aHH----MHaBaB-NHnaiM New York World Three Times iAf 44w mA 6 !. I jwfflvrfe-"-ira4C' I C J f JOl WlRVJl AAI VSAAM!llMrc;i One Year for $1.30 Both Think of it! 168 Papers in a year for only $1.30. No other combination gives you the news bo much and so often at so low . a price. The New York World Is one of the great newspapers of the country, and will keep you promptly and accurately informed on, current events. The Thrice-a-Week edition is practically as good as a daily. It prints only the choicest matter contained In the daily editions, eliminates all the non-essentials, and carries the ex clusive special correspondence and special articles of a notable list of staff writers stationed in the important political and economic centers of tho world. By the terms of a special reduction offer, limited for a short time, effective January 10, 1921, and subject to withdrawal without notice, we can send the Thrice-a-Week New York World and The Commoner both one full year for $1.30. If at present a subscriber, you can take advantage of this offer and your present expiration date will be extended one year. Accept this offer at once. Make remittances payablo to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. Cut Out and Mail This Coupon Today THE COMMONER, LINCOLN, NEB. Gentlemen: I enclose $1.30 for your special bargain offer The Com moner and the Thrlcc-a-W.sk New York j World both tor one year, vhlcM you will kindly mall to Name 5 Address .................. ...... 1 1 5i' ; ...., " fi $ t &Al rj 1 ,, .: ! & n . 4 n Jk . il j!!. m w "' i W .'At f y-i m '4 : .i f ikatt. Jiw i