rvmyy v TW." jfQgiflfpr-r- The Commoner VOL. 22, NO. 4 4 The Commoner ISSUICD MONTHLY lCntored at the Poatofllco at Lincoln. Nebraska, an Hccontl-cla.ss matter. WILLIAM J. I3RYAN, CHARLES W. BRYAN, Hditor and Proprietor Anoolare 15d. and Publisher FSrllt. Ilmn and BuslncsB Ofjlce, Suite 207 Press Bldt;. fc . I ! One Your $1.00 Three Month -" Six Month HO SliiKli Copy 10 In Clubs of Five or Sample copies irroo. Foreign PoBt. 2e wxti more per year .75 tra . SOllSCHIPTION.S can be sent direct to The Com moner. Thoy can also be sent through newspupera which have advertlned a clubbing rate, or through local agents, where such ngenta have been ap pointed. All remittances should be sent by post olTlco money order, express order, or by bunk draft on Now York or Chicago. Do not send Individual cheeks, statnpB, or currency. KBNICWAIiS The date on your wrapper show the tlmo to which your subscription Is paid. Thus, January 21 means that payment has been received to and Including the Issue of January. 1921. ADVERTISING Rate,s will bo furnished upon application. OIIANCJQ OF ADDIireSS .Subscribers requesting n ehango of address must give old as well as new address. Address all communications to THIS COMMONER. LINCOLN, NEI1. OP COURSE THEY OBJECT On another page will bo found a press dis patch from Washington saying that Secretary Mellon and Governor Harding, of the Reserve Board, oppose the bill giving the farmers repre sentation on the Federal Reserve Board. The reason advanced is, of course, not the real one. The Secretary of the Treasury was not even will ing to have the Secretary of Agriculture made an ex-offlcio member. Such an increase of mem bership "would have a tendency to make the board un wieldly'." Well, why not substitute the Secretary of Agriculture for one pf the other members? But the farmers are going to have a mem ber lot us hope that the selection will be made from those who have whiskers so as to scare the rest of the board as much as possible. Farmers represent one-third of the population of the couivry and the board can by a majority vote reduce the value of their crop by billions; why should not the farmers have a voice? And why not give the laboring man a voice? The board can close the factories and bring about a condition that will result in a reduc tion of wages. On what meat doth this banker-director feed that he hath grown so great? Should there not ba.a diroctor to represent the business men who are not in the banking business? They far out number the bankers. The bankers made their proilts largely out of those business men. Why mould the entire' business of the country be at tho mercy of a board which has no non-banking business men to represent the rank and file of those in trade. "The movement to compel the selection of a farmer who farms is just begin ning. The time will come when the board will also contain a laboring man who labors and a business man who is not a banker. When these throe groups; the farmers, who constitute a third of the nation; tho laborers, who are near ly as numerous as the farmers; and the busi ness men, who borrow instead of loan (who with the farmers and laborers, make up nearly threo-fourtlis of the nation) have each a real representative on the board, panics will be les likely because trade squeezing will bo impossible W. J. BRYAN. .REPUBLICAN MAJORITIES GREATLY ' REDUCED , An Augusta, Me., dispatch, dated March 21 says: Republicans retain their hold of ,the Third Maine congressional district, but by a margin greatly reduced from the- record Repub lican vote of 1920. John E. Nelson, Republican was elected over E. L. McLean, Democrat by a majority of over 6,000. In 1920, tho Republican majority for congressman in this district was 1 J,4u7. A Corning, N. Y., dispatch, dated April 11 says: With the Republican normal plurality greatly reduced, the Thirty-seventh congression al district elected Lels Henry, Republican of Elmyria, to the house of representatives to the 'vacancy caused by the resignation of Alanson B. Houghton, now United States ambassador to Berlin. Henry's plurality over Judge Frank Irvine, Democrat, of Ithaca, was 3,087 In Defense of a Friend -The Now York Journal of Tuesday, March 21, 1922, in the column which is conspicuous be cause the name of Arthur Brisbane is published at its head, contains the following reference to myself: "Sunday was the birthday of William Jen nings Bryan, sincere, useful soul. He celebrated it with a speech denouncing evolution. As he spoke, just at the bottom of his waistcoat, on the right side of his body, there snuggled a tiny veriform appendix that could have refuted all his arguments. Evolution has made it vestigial, only a nuisance, but in some of Mr. Bryan's herbivorous relatives that appendix is more than twenty feet long, as compared with three or four inches in humans. ''And the ear with which Mr. Bryan listened to applause is only an evolution, of the gill with which his ancestor, the fish, allowed water to escape, after extracting the oxygen. "The hand with which Mr. Bryan points and waves has five fingers, because that was the number of toes on the foot of the salamander in the carniferous age millions of years ago. "It's a pity, too, for the five finigers gave us the imperfect decimal system. Six fingers would have made it duodecimal much better, as mathematicians will tell Mr. Bryan. Ten has only two divisors, five and two. Twelve has four; two, three, four, and six. Read Wallace's book on Darwinism. You'll admire -Mr. Bryan's power, knowing all about evolution without hav ing studied it. Darwin was a slowpoke. He devoted thirty years to his study of earthworms before announcing the part they' play in soil formation." Arthur has so often disclosed and discussed the secrets of my anatomy that I may have seemed lacking in courtesy not to have made' before this an acknowledgement of his friendly interest, expressed in his own peculiar way. Arthur is a unique creature. Besides being a highly paid writer on subjects political and so cial, he 3eems to have spare time to davote lo biology, psychology, zoology, and several other 'ologies. But he is not impartial, bestowing his affections equally upon his intellectual compan ions. On the contrary, he shows a marked tend ency to specialize in man's family tree. He has looked into the subject carefully, and having min utely inspected himself, externally and internal ly, finds so many resemblances between himself and the brutes that he" has reached the conclu sion that he has in him the blood of the beast instead of the breath of the Almighty. Having decided this question, and having adopted a philosophy that teaches that "whatever is is right," he glories in his lineage and loses no opportunity to. express his pity for anyone who can find pleasure in imagining himself made in the image of God. Whenever a man has a dominating impulse, he gradually brings all of his activities into har mony with that impulse. So with Arthur In stead of twirling a mustache, he pats the'point n his ear which Darwin tells him is so much like the point in the ape's ear as to leave no doubt of a common ancestry. When he chews his food he shifts the burden to the "cwSnl teeth" because by so doing he feels that he is Uvea Way' PaylnS UiS respects t0 distant rela Those who have noted with awe and admira tion the wrinkles that, like minature Alps rise at his will from his massive brow may have imagined that he was trying to look wise. Not so Arthur knows, as his friends do, that his wisdom manifests itself without any console effort on his part. Those wrinkles are . Bimniv a way he has of reminding himself that helol sesses some of the rudimentary muscles with which the horse is wont to wlggTe his ears Arthur has learned from Darwin that only a Sw have inherited this physical characteristic t 'Vef $&? an!ma,s' 5 "8Urv " I might mention other survivals, but as he oniv refers to my appendix, my ear and my fingers I ZS?otZant! oast ot a neater fammaritv with him than he does with me tt"my The trouble with Arthur is that n hQ v, to establish blood connection wUh'the jngHe has tried to trace the pedigree of but ono-thirS of himself, and that the lowest third. He haa given less time to man's brain and sni,i ti Darwin (if we can trust Mr. Brisbane)0 gave tS worms. Arthur's friends, even though Hi self, they may be denied the delights of conHffyr companionship with him, suspect him of ha ing an intellect that reveals no similarity a simian brain. When we visit tho zooloeioIS gardens we never say of a gorilla, "He reminX me of Arthur." uus Darwin says that everything in the human mind can be found in miniature in tho mind of the brute, but Darwin did not know Arthur No monkey can ever hope to use his tongue as Arthur does, much less aspire to the written Ian guage in which Arthur is so proficient. Man is the possessor of a soul, as well as a mind, and here too, Arthur can find no hint of kinship with the brute. When Arthur surveys the handiwork of man and contemplates the measureless vision that travels faster than the mind can run and siezes upon high ideals that elude the grasp of reason, he forgets the baboon and the chimpanzee and is absorbed in man and his destiny. Arthur is too wise of brain and too big of heart to boast of being a son of an ape or brother to a woJf or cousin to the monkey. It is only his modesty that leads him to hide in a cage in a menagerie ho belongs on the hill-top where worshipful man builds tpmples to Jehovah. W. J. BRYAN. A LAW-ABIDING GOVERNOR On another page will be found a letter writ ten by Governor William D. Denney of Delaware to the City Council of Wilmington, Delaware, in response to a request from the city council that the governor aid in amending the Volstead Act. The governor's reply is Worth reading. Surely few city councils would be guilty of so open a defiance to the Constitution and it is to be hoped jthat if there are any more such, the governors "of their states will answer in the same way as did the governor of Delaware. .The prohibition amendment was adopted in accordance with the provisions of the Constitu tion and surely the "wets" had advantage enough in the fight that resulted in the ratifica tion of the amendment. If they had been able to control ONE MORE THAN ONE-THIRD in either House of Congress they could have pre vented submission. But the "drys," obtained more than two-thirds of both houses in Congress, which means that tho representatives of more than two-thirds the population of the United States voted, to submit prohibition. If the "wets" could have held one branch of the legislature in thirteen states they could have prevented ratification, ut they have been able to hold only three houses out of the ninety-six two in Connecticut and one in Rhode Island. No other reform has ever been adopted by so large a vote. In order to take prohibition out of the Constitution the "wets" would have to secure two-thirds of both houses and three fourths of the states, just .as the "drys" did. If they could not hold one-third of one House how can they hope to get two-thirds of both houses? Ifthey could hold but three branches of the legislatures out of the ninetv-six how can they hope to secure seventy-two branches in thirty-six states, the number necessary to ratify a repealing amendment even if they could suc ceed in submitting such an amendment? And again, if the "wets" could not prevent the adoption of prohibition when the women voted in but a few states, how can they hope to bring back the saloon when the women are vot ing in all the states? The "wets" knew that they cannot repeal the prohibition amendment; their only hope is to secure a majority of Congress pledged to vio late the Constitution. Could lawlessness go farther? Even if they secured a majority base enough to attempt to violate the Constitution by authorizing the manufacture and sale of in toxicating liquors, the Supreme Court would he in duty bound to nullify such a law. All that a "wot" Congress could legally do woud be to increase the alcoholic content from one-half of one per cent to a high er per cent but below an intoxicating per cent. If the "wets" can not get enough alcohol to make them drunk, why do they make such a struggle to get more than one-half of one per cent? What they really hope to do is to get a Congress that will refuse to make the appropria tions necessary for the enforcement of tho law and thus inaugurate a reign of lawlessness. Even the most ardent advocates of prohibition have never brought against the "wets" as grae an incident as they boastfully confess to, viz.. that of favoring lawlessness. , .... Strange that a city council should take tne position that the Wilmington Council did, ana fortunate for the state that it had a law-aDia-ing citizen for governor. What would wew Jersey's governor have done in such a case. W. J. BRYAN. , -iijJnU 4 1 'JM