"W ," W The Commoner Hi APRIL, 1922 18 is w K&asswat !!' uf-AVEN AND HELL n-,V .. .r, am naeres. 2S cents DostoftSd. lace, St. Loalo, Mo. iTsnm's nlcKIc plated Yvntcli. Veet IXSf and set. Guaranteed ono stT Given f? -selling 12, pkgaof self 'ear' .iJ needles at 26c each. Wonders ihr,ndinDi?tTonafy, St. Henry, Ohio. ia'" jjMnr Using our Hew .Method Patented Mechanical DeWce no stencils. . iVlnesoljourown earnlnf from J2.000 to 16,000 a ,u"iUnr store windows, show cards, -barns, roofs walls, Tt,flrt!erinru . kI rf students can have tstabllshed fcfc-!nlkEflnf ol otk In thirty days. We ruldc you V britS Ab-olute satisfaction guaranteed. Wife today. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF LETTERING DeotVH Omaha, Nebraska npJPUQ For Your 1 IREiiJ Own Carl Car Owners Wanted! To use and introduce the world's finest, won derful, new process au tomobile tires. Massively oversize! Astonishing guarantee! Real wholesale prices to one agent in eachcom munity. International Tire Plron (No-Rip) TubeH WRITE for our amazing introductory offer to owner agents. Dept. 113 INTERNATIONAL RUBBER CORPORATION. Grand Rnpldn, Mich. FREE IRe? Jin Jli I riiHS Radium Ore ' Now Being Used by Many Chronic Sick Have you longed for the certain and postlvo relief from sickness that Radi um can bring? Here is the way. Our Radio-Active Pads are filled with high grade Radium Ore, the very ore from which pure radium is extracted. Highly charged and tested .for potency. Suc cessfully applied to any of the follow ing diseases: Chronic Kidney and Liver Troubles, Throat Troubles, Goiter, Sluggish Cir culation, High Blood 'Pressure, General Debility, Rheumatism of the Joints and Muscles, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Blood Diseases, Constipation. Diabetes, Nephritis, Stomach Disorders, etc. Two booklets, ono explaining the Radio-Active Pad and another giving lett rs of patients who have been "ured, are free for the asking. The pad is sold with the privilege of a ten day Tree trial. Write at once to the RADIUM TREATMENT COMPANY, 808 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, U .h. Adv. Blue River Bible Con ference Assembly (Interdenominational.) A Biblical Summer School. The evangelistic, center of Nebraska. Second Year. Great Program of Bible fcjudy and Evangelism by leaders or national and state fame. July 1 W. Plan to attend. For further Particulars write to HEV. E. I JEA3IBEY, Be Witt, Nebraska 'igue 'wful Silk and Velvet Bargains I'or (lulltH, Fancy Work, Portieres, Etc. Send 10 Cents for big package of large beautiful silk rem nants, including free quilt flonnrlKI,;"'' """ J""", u. 'Uir l V""IB uul 4-pOUIlU B11K, bacninBeh,am' an other remnant tarn money at home by sewing. 285 I?-., UNliN S. WORKS, -factory St.. . BoonvHle, N. Y. KldSS,VrA4e fop rce "! Booh & uaei or Rimtnv, TV-... Ji:r"niri'"yi operating costs, particularly in the item of wages, their net profits aver aging more than 1 per cent higher than the individual meat markets. The rapid growth of chain systems in recent years is an indication that they are found more profitable than the individual stores. In the four years from Jan. 1, 1917, to, Jan. 1, 1921, ton large systems showed a growth from a total of 40G stores to 1,267. This survey covered the operating expenses and profits of retail meat stores of various types and classes, and included 214 individual markets, with total sales of $24,640,587 in 1919, and 216 branch stores in seven teen chain systems with eales amounting to $18,425,346. The com plete canvass included such citieB as Harford, Conn., Pittsburgh, Pa., Des Moines, Iowa, Raleigh, N. C, Birm ingham, Ala., and Los Angeles, Cal., and the partial canvass covered the six large cities, New York, Baltimore, Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans and San Francisco. Washington Star. DIFFER ON RESERVE BOARD A Washington dispatch, dated March 15 says: Objection to increas ing the membership of the Federal Reserve Board with a view to giving agricultural interests representation, as proposed in a ball passed by the Senate, was voiced today by Secretary Mellon at a hearing before the House Banking Committee. The measure provides that the board shall have eight instead of seven members and stipulates that the President, in making appoint ments, shall give "due regard to a fair representation" of agriculture as well as commercial and industrial in terests. Mr. Mellon contended that the Reserve Board as now consti tuted was looking after tne interests of farmers, and that it was natural that some one on the board would al ways be interested primarily in credit as it affects farming regions. He also opposed a suggestion that the Secretary of Agriculture be made an ex officio member of the board, saying that such an increase in mem bership would have a tendency to make the board ,unwieldly. At the hearing Representative Strong, Republican, of Kansas, clash ed frequently with the Treasury head. Strong held that commercial ana in dustrial interests were already singled out by the Federal Reserve act for representation on the Gov erning Board. He contended that it would greatly alleviate discontent among farmers if the Senate bill were enacted. Secretary Wallace advocated the Rupture Kills 8,000 Annually being marked "Rupture." Why? Be cause the unfortunate ones had ne glected themselves or had been mere ly taking care of the sign (swelling) of the aflllction and paying no atten tion to the cause. What are you do ing" Are you neglecting yourself by wearing a truss, appliance or whatever name you choose to call It? At best the truss Is only a makeshift a false nrop against a collapsing wall and cannot Bo expected to act as more than a mere mechanical support. The bind ing pressure retards blood circulation, thus robbing the weakened muscles of that which they need most-nour- 18 But "science has found a way. and all ha, eVT? aW "PAD when adhering .JselvtobodV cannot possibly slip SS'lSSftif "of P-KetaTfo opinion n ,;".. OIA invention for free est refrnltB Patentable nature. High tor :t ST,?"ces- Reasonable Terms. Vic- you sleep. No J&J$l& wg as num. " q-n(i your name to- Why You Need Iron To Make You Strong and "Brainy" and Put the rower Into Your Blood To Overcome Disease Germs The food yon cat contains carbon. When your food is di gested it H absorbed from the intestines into the blood. When the carbon in your food cornea In con tact with the oxypen carried by the iron in your blood, the rirllnn nnrl nvtmn unitcandbysodoing Impoverished blood they give off tre- corpuscles highly mendoua energy, magnified. thereby giving you great force, strength and endurance. With out iron your blood carries no oxygen and without oxygen there Is nothing tounitc with the carbon In your food, so that what you eat doesyou no good you donotgetanyitrcngth from it it is like putting coal into a stove without a Arc. You cannot get any heat un less the coal unites with the fire. The strongest weapon with which to pre vent and overcome colds, pneumonia, kidney trouble, rheumatism, nervous prostration, in fact almost any disease or disease germs is plenty of pood rich, pure blood, strength, energyand endurance and the grcatcstencrgjr carrier in the body in organic iron, not metal lic iron which people usually take, but or ganic iron like the iron in spinach, lentils and hpplci, and like the iron contained In what in; lt,novm m organic Nuxatcd Iron, which nay be bad from almost any druggist. Nux&ted Iron "often increases the strength, energy and endurance of weak, nervoud, run down folks in two weeks' time. It has been used and highly recom mended by former United States Sena tor?, Members of Congreis, Judges of U. S. Courts, many physicians and pro minent men. rvr A AAA AAA people are now uslns; Healthy blood cor it annually. Satis- pltsclcs highly factory results are magnified guaranteed or the manufacturers will refund your money. Sold by alt druggists in tablet form only. jfF S 5 1 ires ave iovn on OR 4 TIRES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Most sensational demonstrated tire offer. Our special buying advantages and tremendous business throughout the U. S. make this remarkable tire offer pos sible. Every tire rigidly inspected and sold on the fair, square basis of satis faction. When we say, save 75 on your tire bill, we mean It. Also our new Urea bear a Factory Guarantee of C.000 miles for Fabric and 10,000 miles for Cord, By taking advantage of these unusually attractive prices you save practically half of tne cost or. new .tires. ?! YTia1 Fabric Slice ttHC(l Cord 30x3 30.x:; Vz 31x4 :U!x4 33xl 34x4 33x4 34x4 ::rx4!6 30x4 35x5 37x5 0.50 8.00 0.00 O.50 10.00 11.00 11.50 1.00 12.50 12.50 14.00 14.00 4.00 5.00 0.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 10.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 New Fnbrle 0.50 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 14.50 14.75 18.00 18.75 10.50 21.50 21.50 22.50 23.00 New Cord 12.0O 14.00 10.50 20.00 20.50 22.50 23.50 24.50 20.50 20.50 28.00 20.00 New TllllCN 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.00 2.00 2.15 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.05 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 Tires users from coast to coant buy from us regularly: t-very one satisfied Make your next tire purchase here; take advarlv tatre of these special prices while they are still In effect. " How to order. Send $1.00 Deposit for each tire ordered, balance n r t- aniiinnt in vour examination. State whether 8. S. or Clinch er Cord or each Fabric is desired. 10 DISCOUNT for full amount with order. , ltOYAIi TIUE & SUPPLY CO., 1245 S. Michigan Av Dcpt. 13, Chicago, III. passage of the measure, saying that it would insure for farmers repre sentation at all times on the board. Governor Harding of the Reserve Board opposed the bill. BOOKS .RECEIVED "Prosperity The Postal Saving System." A Message. By Charles Dwight Montague, Member of the American Society of Mechanic l En gineers, New York. Room 191J-80 Church Street. Published by Mono graph Publishing Corporation, New York. f William F. McCombs, The Presi ent Maker. By Maurice F. Wons, Secretary to Mr. McCombs during the Prenomination and Presidential Cam paigns of 1911-1912. The Bancroft Company, 301 Mercantile Library Bldg. Cincinnati. The Philosophy ot Creation. The System.of Philosophy from .the Stand point of the Christian and of the Word. By Rev. George Henry Dole, Author of Divine Selection, or, The Survival of the Useful, etc. The New-Church Board of Publication, 3 West 29th St., New York. VHRIOE-A-WEEK N. Y. WORLD AND THE COMMONER will be mailed to any address, both SL full year for $1.30 Address The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebr. WILL RADIUM LAST AT OPEN THE DOOR OF TP GREAT UNKNOWN If you are sick and want to Get Well and Keep Well, write for literature that tells How and WTiy this almost unknown and wonderful new element brings relVef to so many Buffo re rs from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, ! Neuritis, Neuralgia, Nervous Prostra- ' tion, High Blood Pressure and diseases of the stomach. Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kid- ' ncys and other ailments. You wear ' Degnen'sRadio-ActiveSolar Pad da. and' night, receiving the Hadlo-Actlve Hays continuously into your system, caus ing a healthy circulation, overcoming sluggishness, throwing off Imparities and restoring the tissues and nerves to a normal condition and the next thing you know you are getting welL Sold on a test proposition. Yon are thoroughly satisfied it is helping: you before the appliance is yours Noth ing to do but wear it. No trouble or expense, and the most wonderful fact about the appliance Is that It is sold so reasonable that it Is within the reach of all. both rich and poor. No matter how bad your ailment, or how long standing, we will be pleased to have you try it at our risk. For full information write today not to morrow. Radium Appliance Co., 786 Bradbury Bldg.. Loa Angeles. Calif. F00T0LIME enclosed brush, pre vents odor of feet and armpits. De creases perspiration. 1 trial convinces anybody. Guaranteed. Send 25c coixr. Acrents wanted. BreithauDL. 31SS Mel- grum, Detroit, Mich. (A. ' B '4 i fi f y, f )r i "ji ! '. it 11 i ' t "f i X- Ai ton, b, d " 722 9tn' Washing: uii i s S. . ttfewt ,jjf 1t ( , jtn.