The Commoner MARCH, 1922 vmI' . ncr that a Christian 'will accept Darwinism 8traf Substitute for the Bible when the Bible flV nnlv does not support Darwin's hypothesis St directly and expressly contradicts it? rrhlrd' Neither Darwin nor his supporters t. hPBn able to find a fact in the universe ? MTOort their hypothesis. With millions of Mnq the investigators have not been able to And ONE SINGLE INSTANCE in which, one cnpcies has changed into another although, ac Sine to the hypothesis, ALL species have de vPlonod from one of a few germs of life, the Jfivelopment being through the action of "resi dent forces" and without outside aid. Wher ever a form of life, found in the rocks, is found among living organisms there is no material change from the earliest form; in which it is found WitliV millions of examples nothing im perfect is found nothing in the process of change. This statement may surprise those who have accepted evolution without investigation, as most of those who call themselves evolution ists have done. One preacher who wrote to mo expressing great regret that I should dissent from Darwin said that he had not investigated the matter for himself but that nearly . all scientists seemed to accept Darwinism. The latest word that we have on this subject, comes from Professor Bateson, a high English authority, who journeyed all the way from Lon don to Toronto, Canada, to address the American Association for the Advancement of Science the twenty-eighth day of last December. His speech has been published in full in the January issue of "Science." Professor Bateson is an evolu- tionist but ho tells with real pathos how every effort to discover the origin of species has failed. Ho takes up different lines of investigation, commenced hopefully but ending in disappoint ment. He concludes by saying, "Let us then proclaim in precise and unmistakable language that our faith in evolution is unshaken" and then he adds "our- doubts are not as to the reality or truth of evolution but as to the origin of species, a technical, almost domestic problem. Any day that mystery may be solved," Here is optimism at its maximunn They fall back on faith. They have not yet found the origin . of species, and yet how can evolution explain life unless it can account for change in species? Is it not more rational to believe in Creation of. man by separate act of God than to believe in evolution without a particle of evidence? Fourth: Darwinism is not only without foundation but it compels its believers to re sort to explanations that are more absurd than anything found in the Arabian nights. Darwin explains ' that man's mind became superior to woman's because, .among our brute ancestors, the males fought for the females and thus strengthened their minds. If he had lived until now he would not have felt it necessary to make so ridiculous an explanation because woman's mind is not now believed to be inferior to man's. Darwin also' explained that the hair disap peared from the body, permitting man to be come a hairless animal, because, . among our brute ancestors,' the females preferred the males' with the least hair and thus, in the course of ages, bred the hair off. It is hardly necessary to point out that these explanations conflict; the males and the females could not both select at the same time. Evolutionists, not being willing to accept the theory of creation, have to explain everything and their courage in this respect is as great 'as their efforts are laughable. The eye, for in stance, according to evolutionists, was brought out by "the light beating upon the skin;" the ear came out in response to '-air waves;" the Jeg is the development of a wart that chanced to appear on the belly of an animal; and so the tommyrot runs on ad infinitum, and sensible People are asked to swallow it. Recently a college professor, told an audience m Philadelphia that a baby wiggles its big toe without wiggling its other toes because its ari cestonj climbed trees, also that we dream of lailing because our forefathers fell out of trees jjity thousand years ago, adding that we are ot hurt in our dreams of falling because we y.escended from those that fell and were NOT JULLED. (Jf we descended from animals at all ZQ ce,rtainly did not descend from those that were killed in falling), A professor in Illinois "as fixed as the great day in history the day Vf a water puppy crawled Upon the land and ueciaed to stay there, thus becoming man's first Progenitor. A dispatch from Paris recently an nounced that an eminent scientist' had reported "avrng communicated with the soul of a dog and learned that the' dog was happy, ww ply lnention these explanations to show in 01ne PQPle can- believe who cannot be hllt . Bible.. Evolution seems to close, the "eart of some to the plainest spiritual truths while it opens the mind to the wildest of jubsaori advanced in the name. of science.' in?Uvf , 5re h0K sctenc6- ScIence is classi fied knowledge and a scientist ought to bo the ,ffnP rS01i t0 insi8t upon a SUGSS bein& accepted until proof removes it from the field of hypothe sis into the field of demonstrated truth. Chrls- nit5rUas notlling to fear from any TRUTH ou JhCT diTsrbs, the Christian religion or the ,?i ?!? , is tho unsupported GUESS that is substituted for science to which opposition is made and I think tho objection i a valid one. But, it may bo asked, why should ono object mTSrWimsm EVEN THOUGH' IT IS NOT TRUE? This is a proper question! and deserves a candid answer. . There are many guesses which are perfectly, groundless and at the. same time entirely harmless; and it is not worth while to worry about: a giiess or to disturb the guesser so long as. his guess does not harm others. The objection to Darwinism is that it is HARMFUL, as well as groundless. It entire ly changes one's view of life and undermines faith in the Bible. Evolution has no placo for the miracle or the supernatural. It flatters tho egotist to be told that there Is nothing that his mind cannot understand. Evolution proposes to bring all the processes of nature within tho comprehension of man by making it tho explana tion of everything that is known. Creation im plies a Creator and the finite mind cannot com prehend the Infinite. We can understand some tilings but we run across mystery at every point. Evolution attempts to solve the mystery of life by suggesting a process of development com mencing "in the dawn of time" and continuing uninterrupted up until now. Evolution does not oxplain creation; it simply diverts attention from it by hiding it behind eons of time. If a man accepts Darwinism or evolution applied to man, and is consistent, he reiects the miracle and the supernatural as impossible. He com mences with the first chapter of Genesis and blots, out tho Bible story of man's creation, not because the evidence is insufficient but because the miracle is inconsistent with evolution. If he Is consistent ho will go through the Old Testament step by step and cut out all tho mira cles, and all the supernatural, Ho will then take up the New Testament and cut out all tho supernatural the virgin birth of Christ, His miracles and His resurrection, leaving the Bible a story book without binding authority upon the conscience of man. Of course, not all evolu tionists are consistent; some fail to apply their hypothesis to the end just as some Christians fail to apply their Christianity to life. Most of the evolutionists are materialists; some1 admitting that they are atheists, others calling themselves agnostics. Some call them sejves "Theistic Evolutionists" but the theistic evolutionist puts God so far away that He ceases to be a present influence in the life. Canon Barnes of Westminister some two years ago so interpreted evolution as to put God back of the time when the eloctrons came out of stuff and combined (about 1740 of them) to form an atom. Since then, according to Canon Barnes, things have been devolping according to God's plan but without God's aid. It requires measureless credulity to enable ono to believe that all that we see about us came by chance, by a series of happy-go-lucky accidents. If only an infinite God could have formed hydro gen and oxygen and united them in just the right proportions to produce water the daily need of every living thing scattered among the flowers all the colors of the rainbow and every variety of perfume, adjusted the mocking-bird's throat to its musical scale, and fashioned a soul for man, why should we want to imprison God in an impenetrable past? This is a living world. Why not a LIVING God upon the throne? Why not allow Him to work NOW? Theistic evolutionists insist that they magnify God when they credit Him with devising evolu- tion as a plan of development. They sometimes characterize the Bible God as a "carpenter god" who is described as repairing his work from time to time at man's request. The question is not whether God COULD HAVE made the world according to the plan of evolution of course an all powerful God could make the world as He pleased. The real question i? DID GOD USE EVOLUTION AS HIS PLAN? If it could be shown that man, instead of bein made in the image of God, is a development of beasts we would have to accept it, regardless of u Pffact for truth is truth and must prevail. But when there is NO PROOF we have a right to consider the EFFECT of the acceptance of anDrSmemadttneagnostic out of Darwin. whS he Si a young man he believed in God; worn he dild he declared that the beginning Sf all things is a mystery insoluble by us. When Ho waajfl y,oung;man ho believed, in -&e Bible;? Just bofbfd his death ho declared ?that hd 'did not bellovo that there had over been any revela tion: that banished the Bible as the inspired Word of God and, with it, tho Christ of whom . tho Bible tolls. Whon Darwin was young ho believed in a futuro life; before ho died ho declared that each must decide the question for himself from vague, uncertain probabilities He could not throw any light upon tho great ques tions of life and Immortality. Ho said that ho "must bo contont to remain an agnostic," And then he brought the most terrific indict ment that I have read against his own hypoth esis. Ho asks (just before his death); "Can tho mind of man, which has, as I fully believe, been developed from a mind as low as that possossed by the lowest animal, bo trusted when it draws such grand conclusions?" Ho brought man down to. tho brute levol and then judged man's mind by bruto standards. This is DARWINISM. This is Darwin's own testimony against himself. If Darwinism could make an agnostic of Darwin what is its effect likely to bo upon students to whom Darwinism is taught at tho very ago whon they are throw ing off parental authority and becoming inde pendent? Darwin's guess gives tho student an excuse for rejecting the authority of God, an ex cuse that appeals to him more strongly at this age than at any other age in life. Many of them come back after a while as Romanes camo back. . After feeding upon husks for twenty-five years he began to feel his way back, like a prodigal son, to his father's house, but many never re turn. Professor Louba, who teaches psychology at Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, wrote a book about six years ago, entitled "Belief in God and Im mortality" (it can bo obtained from tho Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago) In which he declared that belief In God and Immortality is dying out among the educated classes. As proof of this- he gavo the results which ho ob tained by submitting questions to the prominent scientists in tho United States. He says that ho found that more than half of them, accord- ing to their own answers, do not believe In a personal God or a personal immortality. To reenforco his position; ho sent questions to stu dents of nine representative colloges and found that unbelief increases from fifteen per cent in. the Freshman year to thirty per con't In tho Junior class and to forty to forty-five per cent . (among the men) at graduation. This ho at tributes to the influence of tho scholarly mon under whoso instruction they pass in college. Anyone desiring to verify those statistics can do so by inquiry at our leading stato institu tions and even among some of our religious denominational colleges. Fathers and mothers complain of their children losing their Interest in religion and speaking lightly of the Bible. This begins when they come under tho influ ence of a teacher who accepts Darwin's guess, ridicules tho Bible story of creation and in structs the child upon the basis of the brute theory. In Columbia a teacher began his course in geology by telling the chil dren to lay aside all that they hail learned in Sunday School. A teacher of philosophy Jn the University of Michigan tells students that Chris tianity is a state of mind and that there aro only two books of literary value in the Bible. Another professor In that university tells stu dents that no thinking man can believe in God or in the Bible. A teaclier in the University of Wisconsin ' tells his students that the Bible fs a collection of myths. Another state university professor diverts a dozen young men from the ministry and the president of a prominent state university tells his students IN A LECTURE ON RELIGION to throw away religion if it does not harmonize with the teaching of biology, psychology, etc. The effect of Darwinism is seen in the pul pits; men of prominent denominations deny the virgin birth of Christ and some even His resur rection.. Two Presbyterians, preaching in New York State, recently told me that agnosticism was tho natural attitude of old people, Evolu tion naturally leads to agnosticism and, if con tinued, finally to' atheism. Those who teach Darwinism are undermining the faith of Chris tians; they are raising questions about tho Bible as an authoritatiye source of truth. , Thev are teaching materialistic views that rob the ) if e of the young of spiritual values. Christians do not -object to freedom of speech ? they believe that Biblical truth can- hold its own In a fair field. .They concede , the right r of ministers to pags from belief to agnosticism or atheism, but they contend that they should be honest enough to separate themselves from m & ' & . M m ' fit ' f Bl 4 Jt -wA ' .:": -,. ft t "A ft 'tv.F .: w twM 'l .m i!3 i1 i' '.Vf ' y 'J,Tf :r'UM ! r.'Li. ' M 1 """ . -- - -- .-