t ? 99mpwvwwjt!ir 'JT 1 The Commoner VOL. 22, NO. 3 16 T LetMeSendYou mat ontmhPm offfandsome Tortoise Shell Glasses i t!l $ 77 LADY RHONDDA WINS SEAT AMONG XORDS By Associated Pross, London, March 2. The petition of Lady Ithondda to sit in the House of Lords was granted by the committee on privileges of the House of Lords today. If she takes the seat awarded her by this ruling, she will bo the first woman to sit in the upper house of the Britiah Parliament, as Lady Astor was in the lower chamber. Lady Ittiondcla is the daughter of Viscount Rhondda. Great Britain's wartime-food controller, who, died in 1U18 fiom an illness brought on by overwork. His . only child was a daUKhter. the wife of Sir Humphrey Mackworth. After Lady Rhondda's right to- the present title was established her counsel argued that the sex disquali cation removal act clearly applied to a case like the present, and that the disability existing in the past now being removed, Lady Rhondda, was entitled to sit in the House of Lords. After further argument, the At torney General, on behalf of the Grown, said ho raised no objection to the petition, which was therefore granted. Interviewed after the decision, Lady Rhondda expressed her delight that the case had gone in her favor. I' For many vonffi nonnln have boon coming to mo from every part of Chicago on account of my wido reputation for sup plying classes that lit. I am now of fering tho peno rtt of this wido nxnnrlnnco t o people everywhere. No matter whore you llvo, I positively guarantee to give you n, porfoct lit or there will ho no chargo whatovor. I promlso to send you a pair of glasses that will onablo you to see perfectly and satisfy you In every way, or you will owe mo noth ing. They will protect your eyes, pro venting eye strain and headache. They will enable you to read the smallost; print,- thread tho finest needle, see far or ncai. . . SEND NO MONEY I will not accept a slnglo penny of your money until you aro satisfied and tell mo so. Simply fill In and mall the coupon below giving mo tho simple easy Information I as'., for and I will oend you a pair of my Extra Largo Tor tolso Shell Spectacles, for you to wear, examine and Inspect, for ten days, In your own homo. Tho glasses I send aro not to bo compared with any you have ever seen advertised. They aro equal to spectacles being sold at retail at from $12.00 to $15.00 a pah. You will find them so scientifically ground as to enable you to see far or near, do tho finest kind of work or read tho very amallest print. Theso Extra Largo Slzo Lenses, with Tortoise Shell Rims, aro very becoming and your friends are sure to compliment you oa- your improved appearance. Thero aro no "lfs" or "ands" about my liberal of for, I trust you absolutely. You are tho solo judge. If they do not glvo you moro real satisfaction than any glasses you have ever worn, you aro not out a slnglo penny. I ask you, could arfy qffer. bo fairer? , ,. a ' SPECIAL THIS MONTH ;v If you sepd your order at once' I will make you a present of a handsome Vclvoten Lined. Spring Back, Packet Bqok Spectacle Caso which you wlJl bo proud In own. Sign and mail cfcupon Now. Jr. Itlthloz, Madison & Laflln Stv. Station -C. Chlcaevj, 111., Doctor Of QpUco, Member American Optclal Assq Clallnn. Illinois State Society of Opto metrists. Graduate Illinois College of Opthnmology and Otology, Famoua'Eyo Strain Specialist. ACCEPT THIS FREE OFFISH TODAY Dt?. RJthlojs, DRR44 MadlRnn &JikflIn i St., Station C, Chicago, 111. .: ' You may send mo by prepaid 'parcel potyt a pair, of your Extra Large-Tor-nio Shell Gold Filled Spectacled. I vljl wear them 10 days and If con vinced that they are equal to., any glujs spiling at $15.00. I will:, .'send y&1Mi5i v Otherwise, I will jUktuvn tivbmnand there will bo no chargO i4fdro ou7 ; ,;v-:- HdwJjmany years l.avo you uscd.gltfsses ......... 'v'V BRAZED CENTENNIAL EXPO SITION Tho President of Brazil has in structed Senhor Sebastiao Sampaio, Commercial Attache and Consul Promerio Classe for the Republica, to visit all parts of tho United States and meet with commercial organiza tion and business people, in order that he may be able to inform him self -ana ins Government as to the commercial development. This official visit bv Senhor Sam paio will give our people an oppor tunity to show the friendly spirit which exists here toward Brazil. At tho same time, business men will be able to learn much about the oppor tunities for mutual trade between the two republics. Senhor Sampaio is a distinguished journalist in his own country and a charming speaker in English. The proposed participation In the Brazil Centennial Exposition by the United States gives our Commission an opportunity to cooperate with the Brazil representative in this tour of the country, and in this we will have the endorsement and- help of th6 U. S. Department of Commerce and the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. As Deputy Commissioner General in charge of the work of tho rvm0 sion at Washington, Frank A. Har rison of Nebraska will accompany Senhor Sampaio an help him to meet as many of the commercial organiza tions and poople as possible. From time to time othei1 Government repre sentatives will join us for a part of the schedule. (Jflfcttrix) State Box No. - 4- i,if" PROHIBITION IMPROVES HPALTH "While an atmosphere of pessim ism still hovers aver certain groups and Sections flirt nnnxttnr ,. -i has passed a searching examination at the hands of tho life insurance companies, and is declared to be en titled to a policy of good physical and economic health." This is the foreword to a pamphlet Some Statistical Reflections on the State of the Nation in 1921," issued by the Association of Life Insurance Presidents. The pamphlet sets forth the combined results of four sur veys which show that the people of the United States had in 1921 the health est year of their existence; that they bought $8,500,000;000 of new life insurance, and that the pro portion of accumulated borrowing on policies is well below the high level of 1914 while tho assets held as re serves to mature- policies have made substantial growth. N. Y. HeraTd. In His Image By William Jennings Bryan . This volume, which will be issued in March by Fleming H. Revell Company, publishers, will contain the nine lec tures delivered by Mr. Bryan at the Union Theological Seminary; Richmond, -Virginia, last October under the fol- lowing titles , r- In the Beginning, God. - - The Bible. What Think Ye of Christ? The Origin of Man.' The Larger Life. The Value of a Soul. . : Three Priceless Gifts. "His Government and Peace." . , The Spoken Word. These lectures cover the fundamentals of the Chris tian faith and present from the standpoint of a layman Christianity's appeal to the average man, special atten tion being given to students. The price of the book is $1.75, postage prepaid to any part of the country. Those desiring this book can order through The Commoner if the do not -find it in local book stores. Address " The Commoner, .207 Press B13g., Lincoln, Neb. First : Second-: Third : Fourth : Fifth: -'Sixth : Seventh : Eighth : Ninth : What Is A Christian College? amentoS StandS f0r and ""Stains the fund- What Are Some of These Fundamentals ,Hi!Eu?idam-?ta! S the Christian faith that the BIblo is tho true JS!tSi!?alt,nf or-d 90d Without the Bible wo should not know ? abi0ut M?e Lord Jesus Christ. We should not know anything ?!.. Hiplan of salvation. Wo should not in religious faith bo su of the sea savaffes o Afrca, or those of China, India, und the islands vonTJSi FMFJ'A of ty0 Christian faith that Jesus Christ re nn iinw.e Blble is iGod manifest In the flesh. He himself said tho -Snm wn wcw m(7 Ms s?Ton h? Fa"er. Ho said that before Abra ihini bnH? ex sted". Ho claimed power to heal the dick, to raise tho dead, , and to forgive sin. These acts aro the -acts of deity, not man. foi u? iA FUNDAMENTAL of tho Christian faith that the only remedy h?nn?i ,. i? orifice made by Jeaus" Christ. Without" the shedding of Kni n,i ?J?ono r?mIssIn of sin and It is Immposslblo for the blood of ?hi lin a ht2.taiki aay sIn- but Jesus Christ died on tho cross for Tn?fln ?,yVld,t 3VJen, wh0 confess with their mouths the Lord S nrdSV0i? their hearts that God has raised 'Him from the dead, are saved. Those who will not believe aro lost. to$n$R,?Sm0J,F C0IEGE is an institution which requires lvc n-SStfnn? 3(.ear? f secondary work sich as is done by a Stand AmnrE?nn mM hIeh B,chooli Building upon this foundation a Standard omtllrnno SreluIre,s at ,least 120 semester hours of work in math oev hfninv nLaod modem languages history, and chemistry, psychol ogy, biology and such other subjects as may be prescribed. Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois It EafinJnflliK10J!itIt Ia Seated twenty-five miles West of Chicago years At thSE1 Hgfl Y.rlc. J the best sort for moro than sixty fct that thn iSH?ffHtlme lts student body is increasing because of tho lege sub1er.tR hnwo0, n?J .only does excellent work In ordinary col inl ho f SSdamJt bu Biu ltA? ?Ke,ny avowedly, and continually press to its : in?i?iUl,ent5rof thi Christian faith on all those who are wubject the Php?RHnJ?faifIoniandi womon who believe In the fundamentals of of this kind as 1 li1; JTi1? elldoy bellff associated with an institution cato with th &?' students, or patrons, are requested to communi who desipfl infnPm f0?1"? hIm at Wheaon, Illinois, Thoso tho rt?fl J,nm,rma4iIon fr0m friends outside tho college may address itltute- 'Dr0fiCaine,;: DS- .Gray Dea" of tho floody yBlble In Mlnneanoils Mite,SsBenk of lho Northwestern Bible Institute. RAISE RABBITS FOR ME! U1A.JNT BLACK 1?TIR wadt?5 wv j10'.1:" JiiAJLAiNJLi xxmuo uiiu u""-:- , 1 Ti rir. f?y -"ARES. I furnish mn.trnfiHnt nftfUG-roed stock . cheap GOo per pound alive, and I pay express cimrijw da mnlrn Kcr mnnni, Qnml inn tntltlV for wUM QffiTl&TL5SH GIANTS, NEW ZEALAND REDS and SIBBMA? rttu "". t?J?ra8? at 25 and GOo per nound ailvn anrl'l nSv express clii tTacbreedeVsPinstrTctionTool?dSotmako hlfS money' SendlOo today for St. IiOuli M 3185 Easlon Ave. . U0SS G,Xnt HADBITliY. y "L iW