TT, The Commoner VOL. 22, NO. 3 i-r- 12 L Wonderful Silk and Velvet Bargains For QnlllH, Fancy Work, I'ortfcrcn, Etc. Send 10 Cent Cor big package of large beautiful silk rem nants, including free quilt final n-riR nnrl flfrntltM Cflta- logue describing our 4-pound silk, velvet, gingham, and other remnant bargain bundles; also instructions how to earn money at homo by sowing. UNION S. WORKS, 285 Factory St, IloonvIIlc, IS. 1. SPRINGFIELD CARBINE Bind by U. H. Oort, Calibre 415 $3.50 si&$!to'2$sZkw?.a.,:A, . i m m -1 1 i ' 1 1' i fff .,v 1t4y riHfJl,iaBT ' K5ajapp Breoch Loading T.'lrat. I 1lM Collllltloil. 41 i.. ii. f mi niin inp RU mnrn vnn mny hn'va n MiiootU r l a"0.!, " 'fe1 TUIH mnict'8 n wonurr ui iihumii ". . il. i.,...l r.i Ivn tutnwlinilfrnri III b 111 111' OIIliiuiu uniini urn ' ; " n " "7 ,, litcn. MIUIoiih oi nira or unii cnuivurniu,,vo conU cncli. Bond lor cnUU kuo. Stokes Kirk, 1027 N. 10th Street Dent. 00 Philadelphia, Pn. The Federal Reserve . System I w. I ',S ? SCIENCE DISCOVERS A WAY TO EXTEND THE RADIUM CURE Come out of your sick room, Into tho sunshine of health. Thanks to Radium,-, nature's wonderful euro of slckneBS.v? humanity Is being relieved of its pains and Its sufforlng. Tho Radlo-Actlvo Pad filled with the samo ore that radi um Is extracted from, Is now being ap plied to all chronic troubles. Success fully used In tho treatment of tho fol lowing diseases and disorders. Chronic Kidney and Liver Troubles, throat Troubles, Goiter, Sluggish Cir- culatlon, High Blood Pressure, General ' Debility, Rheumatism of tho Joints and Muscles, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Blood Diseases, Constipation, Diabetes, Nephritis, Stomach Disorders, etc.. Two booklets, one explaining the Stadlo-Actlvo Pad and another giving otters of patients who. havo boon ured, aro frco for tho asking. Tho )n, Is sold with tho privilege of a ten Kay free &L Write at ono Jathe tlADIUM TREATMENT GMBANg8g8 Nowhouso Buljuing, Salt Lako aGity, Ut-h. Adv. p If R uptured iry Ifass rree Apply it to Any Rupture, Old pr Re cent, iinrgo or Smnll and You aro on tho Road That Has Con vinced Thousands Sent Free to Prove This Anyone ruptured, man woman or (fchlld, should write at once to W. S. IRice, COG-A Main St., Adams, N. Y. for ia free trial of his wonderful stimu lating application. Just put it on tho rupturo and tho muscles begin to tight en; they begin to bind together so that Rho opening closes naturally and tho eed of a support or truss is then done away with. Don't neglect to send for this freo trial. Even if your rupturo doesn't bother you what is the use of wearing supports all your lfo? Why suffer this nuisance? Why run tho lsk of gangrone and such dangers from a small and innocent littlo rupturo, tho Kind that has thrown thousands on tho operating table? A host of mon and women aro dally running such risk just because their ruptures do not hurt nor prevent thorn from getting around. Write at once for thi3 freo trial, as it Is certainly a wonderful thing and has aided In the cure of ruptures that wore s big as a man's two fists. Try and write at once, using the coupon below. Free Forllwpture W. S. Rice, Inc.. 506-A Main St., Adams, N, Y. You .mays sepd rae entirely freo a Sample Treatment of your stimulat ing application for Rupturo. Namb. :. ..,....,. Address ...,. i . M ;.. . puu tr.. ,, .- Btr Ub(.iu , i,ri .... Kansas City, Missouri, March 2, 1922. To The Commoner: Let ters received recently by me from the United States treasury depart ment and the secretary of the Fod eral Reserve Board, state that in round numbers that tho government is loaning to the banking system, fed eral and national, about four and one-half billions of dollars under three different classifications. First, the national bank-notes, second, the federal reserve bank notes, third, the federal reserve notes. The national bank notes and tlie federal reserve notes, according to this information, are paying the government for the use of both kinds of bank notes from one quarter of one per cent to one-half of one per cent per an num. And of these two classifica tions it would seem that the amount furnished by the government is about one million dollars. When you analyze these figures of borrowing money, from the govern ment paying $2.50 for the use of one thousand dollars and loaning it out at from 60 to 100 dollars per thou sand, it would seem to the write and I think it will be apparent to everybody, that $55 profit is a pretty good return on an investment of 5.00, or that $95 to $97.50 would )o a pretty good profit on an invest ment or $z.ou to $o.uu, wnicn is ttie one-iftuarter and one-half of one pe centTper annum. Some of this money 'is 'loaned at 6 per cent, some at 8 per cent and a good deal at 10 per cent, but anybody can figure for themselves that it is a pretty profit able business from the standpoint of the banker and that is what they are doing according to these letters re ceived about the first of February. The most extreme case of profiteer inec reported bv Mr. Brvan in rmo of Ms Chautauqua tallcs, was a case of tv anoo ueaicr wno, u seems, out or every dollar's worth of shoes he sold took-8Gc for his own profit. This fellow was a mere piker in compari son with the profits the banks arc making from the money which they borrow from the government. Now, what about the Federal Re serve notes, which is the third class ification before mentioned? In the year 1920 according to their state ment, nearly three and one-half bil. lions of federal reserve notes were issued to the federal banks. This letter also stated that although Sec tion 16 of the Federal Reserve Act empowered the Federal Reserve Board to fix the rate of interest which the Federal Reserve bank should pay the. government, said that they had never fixed any rate whatever, (Just overlooked it) but they gave as a reason for not doing so that under the law after 6 per cent earnings on the capital stock of the Federal Re serve bank were made, they could pay the overplus to the government as a franchise tax or, use it to buila up a surplus for themselves. Their letter to me shows what they did with this extra amount of money over "and above the surplus of 6 per cent, viz: the amount of money paid by the Federal banks to the government as a franchise tax jumped from two million dollars in 1919 to sixty mil lions of dollars in 1920 and sixty-nine millions of dollars in 1921, as a di rect resut of the progressive redis count rate. This sum went to tho government as a franchise tax but let s look into the surplus the banks got, their statement to me shows that while in the years of 1919, 1920 and 1921, they paid the government one hundred twenty-three millions of dollars as a franchise tax. In those same years out of this very fund they took for themslves more than one hundred and sixty millions of dollars to build up their own sur plus, and I think they still have it. Mind you, that what they paid the government as a franchise tax and what they took out of the fund and put into their own surplus was after the system had paid all expenses, raise in salaries, and 6 per cent on the capital stock. Every dollar of this vast sum was taken from the pockets of the people, while the Fed eral Reserve system was wickedly enforcing the most drastic deflation of prices that the world ever saw. Wheat dropped from $2.50 per bushel to 80c in a few months- out in the country; corn dropped from $2.00 a bushel in the central market down to 60c, and later on down to 30c out in the country. Cotton fell from 35c a pound down to nothing, millions of acres of it rotted in the field where it grew. The live stock market was paralyzed and the bank ruptcy court began working over time. Factories closed down, millions of men were unemployed. Our sol dier boys returning from overseas ready to take their old jobs, found the factories closed, no jobs and not a dollar of money to pay bonuses. Prices going down, debts mounting sky-high. No wonder banks like the New York branch of the Federal Re serve bank made a dividend of 2115" per cent in 1920; and while they were making these large profits a, statement of the Kansas City Feder al bank published in local newspap ers showed that the Kansas City federal bank, between the month of November 1920 and tho last days of June 1921, restricted and restrained the credit of the borrowers in the 10-J Federal Bank district over 50 per cent. That's their own state cent. And still some people won dered what was the matter with the country. If tho government would loan this same money direct to every farm ing community or -county in the United States at the same rate of interest that they have been loaning the national banks and federal reserve system, which" in no case exceeds one-half of one per cent per annum, would there have been any drastic deflation in credits, would prices have gone down to a point of bankruptcy, would the fac tories have been compelled to close because they couldn't sell their goods because the buying power of the imb ue was crippled to such an extent they couldn't buy them from the re tail stores? It is a significant fact the price of our dollar rose along with the inter est and rediscount rate, and the price of everything else went down, notice the rise in the price of discount on foreign exchange, notice, too, as this occurred how our export trade began to fall off and has been falling off ever since. And still we wonder why they don't pay us what they owe us in gold and we have all the gold, and we want to squeeze them on the dis count rate. No wonder Henry Ford a?d,dif on ,want the Sold standard abolished. Mr. Bryan began action on it twenty-five years ago when he ?on ?,L.tUe ,Chlcaeo convention in 1896 'Thou shalt not press down up on the brow of labor this crown of thorns.'' "Thou shalt not crucify mankind on a cross of gold " I have within the last two months received letters from every state in the Union, calling for Mr. Bryan to ?? fW against this grS Out lay. It is peculiarly his fight Ha nafWilll8hhe. is ille oWesf living foe rhnfn"1"11.""11-..0.1 us insist "End Your Jtheumatisni Ukm I DM jmn& -. Saw. Also Rid ofNml 8uffrd Tortura For Years -Now Tmillnt Good News To Other that Mr. Rrvn 'i,:, "Bu SSdT W"" 33 tuhpe Gold Standard, when ho carried the campaign into every state of the Union with the result that the Demo cratic party had a new b uemo vot&n'Teniion' 8lx million men PresniLnt and Bn?T three times rresiaent, and many more than r!t million men and six million women are "raring" for him to JSta? W. B. JOHNSTON. "Don't Bollflv That old Hambn Abort UrI 4chV Belngr tko Cnuio of Bhou MfcJj i It's 2fot Sol" Emphatically asserting that thou sands of unfortunate sufferers have bqen led-into talcing wrong treatments under the old and falso belief that "Uric Acid" causes rheumatism, Pas tor H. W. Beed says: "As do some of our highest medical authorities, I now know that 'Uric Add' never did, and-never will cause rheumatism! But it took mo many years; to And out this truth. I learned how to got rid of my rheumatism and recover my health and strength, through reading 'Tho Inner Mysteries of Rheumatism a work written by an authority who has scientifically studied the cause and treatment of rheumatism for over twenty years. It was indeed a veritable revelation I "I had suffered agony for years from rheumatism and associated disorders, and Mrs. Reed was tortured with tho demon neuritis almost beyond endur ance. Wo had read and talked so much about 'Uric Acid' that our minds seemed poisoned. .But the 'Inner Mys teries of Rheumatism' made It all clear to us and now we are both free from tho suffering' and misery we endured so many years. 1 1 believe I was tho hardest man lit tho world to convert! For mo to dlHcard the old 'Uric Acid' theory, and what I now know to bo absolutely false, for the now, scientific under standing o tho causes and cure or Tfteumatism, was like asking me to change my my religious beliefs! But i did change, and it was a fortunate day for mo and mine when I did so." - NOT1L: "Tho Inner Mysteries of Rheumatism" referred to above y Pastor Reed lays bare facts about rheumatism and Its associated disorders- overlooked by doctors and scien tists for centuries past. It is a worK that should bo in tho hands of every man or woman who has the slightest symptoms of rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago or gout. Anyone who senus namo and address to H. P, Clearwater. 1272-B Street, Hallbwell, Maine, will receive it by mail, .postage paid ana absolutely free, Send now, lest you forget the address! If not a sufCeier, cut out this- explanation and hand It to some amicrea inena. HCxiuhbj:mb hb (L m m uAAV Fi'fi&fM'Tggfisig A pUr of AUd CvrbMrtojB Straw; Jaw? to Morimber of wm f or plM M to Normler or ? '"SUaiX t. . W bmve bien bre'n KvrirliftrwDrri'rv1.j- SSBSar-Ajtil will brtoj uj. r with Md fot mHlUf '" "l""s;nH W cent for raaDIaa nptBSf.or not jrou pij nV",c iyi, nd iijU. TOtt OARBNeft M0R8EHY CO., Nurr)fmi n" inon. Soa 841 .0. Iowa. . . Cfh.rr cUnbi taalUd at propor rlantinx ttaa tot f 1.00 u order0 OQW jTromthlaftdvarUMotrat. , PATENTS. Wrc for free Guide """Mf Evidence of Conception Blank. Sen" .ji i-a-i. in.tnHnn for free opinion of its patentable nature. est references; Reasonable Terms, m tor J. Evans & Co. 722 9th, Washing ton. D. C. . "Aladdla Bulletins" Free. NoveltU'S. Magic. GaS Jet Heaters. Pocket W ers. How to secure Money Making Plans. J, Thomas Desk 8, Box Shi French Lick, Indiana. .WVfH ... '.J v ! i!. A ii''V-...,