M " 4 f The Commoner FEBRUARY, 1922 13 Cures Asthma or Costs Nothing. Any trader who suffers from the ." Upjisc can DO quicrciy cueu aD0JL..t riakinff a penny tnrougn tne wilhrkablo discovery o C. Leavengood, rPmarkabio aw Rosedale, Kansas. l589.f b,Rpnd a penny Just write Mr. Don't sonj J he will semi you a Leavenffood anu rcscrlptIon 0n 10 bff. .,b0",fi If it cures pay. $1.25 Sthcrwlso you owe nothing, auv. m nnr pne Most ProrUnttlepUKhbred h HnEEUa Northern raisea cnicKens. ducks cce. turkey-. Fowls, cb, Incubators it reduced priced. 29th year. jCawat Want. 1)0 abolished, do we not all believe that they will ruin the white race, if no other! Ruin is the right word because these evils bring physical as well as moral ruin on their victims, and that physical ruin is apt to be passed down from generation to gen eration. Think of the horrible waste of human life and power which pro ceeds oven in this favored common wealth from the two evils, alcoholism and venereal diseases. Think of the her, and joyless. I regret to say that among the men of Boston and Cam bridge with whom I have the habit of associating, I hear a good deal of that talk. It seems to come more from the well-to-do class than from what is called the laboring class. Is there any sense in that talk? It is said in Holy Writ that wine makes glad tho heart of man. But what sort oi a gladness is it? As Presi heavy burden of taxation whir.h rn 5& from the necessity of tnklntr '& R. F. NEUBERT Or, 8g 882 Meib, MIb. care, of the victims of these evils, ana or tneir uerective or incapable descendants. It is not an exaggera tion to- say that the futuro of the white race depends on the inhibition of these two crushing evils. ThGre is one other aspect of this question which I should like to put before the committee; because I no tice that there is a considerable propaganda now going on in the press and on the platform against prohibition and its enforcement. It is alleged that the advocates of prohibi tion measures are joy-killers,that they are proposing to make life, sad, som- 48-H)I ?fta $j! 5-JKjgrl-- ucJh t Wi3&l2E& ' nUM JfHiuNr DEAF? HEADNOISES? Tlio Tbcraphono Ear-MasNigo pro vcnti further propro s and jrlves prompt rcUor. vWrlto fori sympton blank today. No oblijmtlon. TlltBtOfctTIONrHOHKro.,Ine. ' Greenwh Xi enne Hew York City Goitre Cure THE DIRECT WAY 'Hare your Goitre reraorcd without taking ITlOttlClDO or iiaiiui it tm out. We hare a conrenlsnt. sooth ing appliance which is worn on the neck at night and cures while you sjocpu It checks tho growth. I all pain .and distress ,lna abort 1 time. 2 years success, write to a tar rrflo booklet and full par Uculars. including testmonfaU from eterjr autt. HYSICIANS REMEDY COMPANY. - f03 Snn Pcrnnnilo Bl. IjOS AKeIe; ?nlf. ' When in Omaha stop with us Ho tel Conant otel Sanford Otel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing is back of these hotels. Guests may Btop at any one of them with the as surance of receiving honest value and courteo.ua treatment. CONANT HOTEL COMPANY H JUL H wWSSmk Hft r- -rZiy .JHHA KMi.'JMhm& Y&ifMiL. iJEJlii i " 'i" .w LtwJJsMt?? t 7f imtodm9 la & monthly matrazino. crammed full of Hunting, Fishintr. Camping AWUV i4UUUii. A U.MI'li. SUUJyiil nndTrappins atorico ana pictures. -rarqanto lniormnuon noouc cone. rifleo. revolvers, Usbtns tacaie, camp outfits, best places to (ro for fish and sramo, changes in fish and framo laws, and a thousand and one helpful hinta for sportsmen. National Sportsman tells youwhat to do when loot In tho woods, bow to cook your crub. how to bufld camps and blinds, how to tram your huntunx dor, how to pre- ocrvo your trophies, how tp start a KUd club, bow to build a riflo Ho book or set of books you can buy will give you tho amount of up-to-date fnf orma- tion about life In tho opon that you can tret from a year's subscription to the National Sportsman. Special Otter On receipt of $1.00 we will aand red til Nation! gporteman trether vtth onaof 1 our wn ur raolo CoEfWatth fob hown here with. Usil nw orter today. .Ymjt tnoney brt It ypu r. not f uUr satis fied. NATIONAL SPORTSMAN 300 TJowbury 3t, Boston. MM, b jjg. f fi l I IMS 1 Eife limlltali m-9 c7raCMMtctfC.ria&7VTnsa . .TktmnmmwjmaamMLmm tfBjtnfM?! fiSBsifWWaE ',yjkfejiPv!iuK(GwBBRFKw W'Jt&t?wmMs?Kmn SmffvSslSKBBBmSK Shio DIRECT to FUNSTEN if ' you want the big money! Don't wait ro wruci . ac ,""u.a W" Fur House w giving higheat grading, best service bigecat ctecka. vTrA , 1UTOT?!? Rl'imlr. Mink. Muihrct. Raccoon, Fos, Wolf, Civet Cat, etc.. Quick, ZSZZ1 ;crVnn nicM nowl Get clieck by return maU. Write for our special information to Fur Buyers. Funsten AaiimaS Bait Used by sucr cessful trappers for w years. jl7ou1c "j atch. State kind wanted. $1.00 per can; 3 cans z)U; postpaia. OTWSTEM f&ROS. & U, Ag4 FnnstcnBIdS.,B'-wwiuyiv Bel I nSHEn BvbTJtIi!sk KlVaC RAIQF RARRITS FOR ME! &IAN HARES. FLEMISH GIA'NTS, NEW Z3nNtD tndnWBaK FUR HARES. I furnish ma&niflclent podigreeu charge3 oS anULH y?u faise a 25 And 0c Pe,r WndJB send 10c today for Con- traoi llKyou ship to me. Hundreds make big money, bena auu "act. breeders instruction book, etc, ... , r 34R. A CROSS GIANT HADDITRY, gi Lous Bio. 418,1 Easton Ave , dent of Harvard University, I uaed to ne invited every year to tho annual dinner of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in Fanouil HalL The ground for inviting tho President of Harvard was that Harvard College was next in age to tho Ancient and Honorablo Artillery Company as to creation by the Colony. I went oc casionally. Now that dinner perfect ly illustrated the effoct of alcohol on tho average human being at a festive occasion. It began cheerfully and quietly; but soon tho whisky began to flow, and then the champagne. Their effects wore produced within fifteen minutes. What had been an orderly company became a boisterous and rowdy company; noisy talk and loud' laughter broke out all over thd hall; irrational and inarticulate mer riment prevailed. Such are the only pleasures it would be absurd to call them joys which the disuse of al cohol will kill. Now, on the other hand, what kind of joy will die suc cess of prohibition increase among mankind? Tho joys of health and of the family, the joy of playing with children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, the joy in successful work, the joys, in short, which come with the exerciso of the finest human faculties and of the finest emotions. Do not listen to this silly talk about disuse of alcohol killing joy. It will promote the highest joys. It will pre vent only certain trival pleasures Which are for many people unwhole some, and for some people danger ous. I wish I had a larger audience to hear this testimony from an old man who was never a total abstainer un til war prohibition was enacted by congress. It is just a matter of fact that I have taken wine and beer never spirituous liquors when I was in company; and although I never felt the sensation of relief from fatigue said to be produced by al coholic drinks, or laughed more, or talked louder from taking wine, since these effects wore not produced on me, doubtless I have had such enjoy ments as a moderate use of alcohol can give. I was more than eighty years old when I became a total ab stainer; but I can now testify con fidently that total abstinence has killed no joys in me that are worth having. There is nothing in this talk about killing joy by dispensing with alcohol in the life of the community or of the individual. Your committee, Mr. Chairman, can now render a great service to all the people of the commonwealth by recommending the immediate pass age of Senate Bill 68, or some equivalent. TEACHING EVOLUTION FORBID DEN BY BILL IN KENTUCKY An Associated Press dispatch, dated Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 23, says: Teaching of evolution as it relates to Tin nrijrin of man would be forbid den in any public school, county grade, city high school, college or university which receives support wholly or in part from the state un der a bill introduced in the house o representatives today by Representa tive Ellis, of Barren county. The measure forbids teaching of "Darwinism, atheism, agnosticism or evolution as it pertains to the origin of man." It was referred to the com mittee on Kentucky statutes. The antievolution bill provides that any professor or teacher who teaches any of the prescribed sub jects shall be fined ?50 to $500 or given ten days to one year in jail or both for each offense. Oirtof From Our Farms to iti The Cream of tho flntst eropu Kntacky' botrBtlfaJ oil can prodoca- rips, rich kayca smooth and paai low -frith that raro olJ fashioned flavor nrd fra grance that only th proper "aglna" can prola W bank on it you hava never tailed a finer CarcrtjJ, more intmytoz tobacco tn ail yoar me. Rip Old Kentucky Hcmtjptm la tho Natural Leaf its wo Ship Rich. Old - Fashion Leaf Our Famous Old Kentucky llomespon Is no mors llko tranufactared tobacco than day Is Ilka nljjht coaranteed free from chemical and all oUtcr adulterations that conceal Imperfections, delude the sens of tasta and undermine tho heal til. Grown and naturcd in Kentucky's finest soil, cnt at tho proper lime, carefully relectcd, seed, mellowed, cored and "sweated" hy tne aonta method our irrandr fathers need In preparing tobacco for their own nso vory ftraca f harshnss faavoa It nothing to "blU" your toneua or parch your mouth- nothing , fotira your taato. Mellow as tl moon llorht f racTp.nt as tha roco Libs old wlno from Uio cellar it rich f marines genncates the cJr, Thoucands of bacco foyers tiut world orsr swear by its Inimitable smoking end cbcwlnjr qualities. "Per tlstMQ recti I hara nss4 t-taunt every ortfid t n Oi markst bat roax u ue but I erer UU1." W. K, FvT4, Bt. Karfrt. rmuK "Tatimrea Litfartarr In mr rav. 1 DowrriDiahow toeMi I li bfn pyur jheittlint trlrrn of tha middleman lo trad of boytrtr direct from tha grower aMOCutfoa.' C. J. tttlitoff, MtUiano, Wath, 'Bay ron, yoar tobaec U tbbat I bare bw wnra Aorr tud (nr lH ban Abrnrian Llooolo and Irmokrd Utlir to thaHunny uoulu.TeU Jchnti'. btout, LOt-j, Unl. KcducoYour Tobacco BUI 75 W r anwrera of tobacco as m fiooe bat oar tiro ercw-our c-preU markaUoa Ua allmlnaUa all rennotJe all m1ildlan - rp n tat In v 7i pr canter umxt. tU (mcy paekafM, nadccoraUoiia-jiMtQadtly iwUlgUont. oiievSavasisPriees 5 lbs. $2-98 - 10 lbs, $5.85 (Wo Pay All Ohlpping Chars) r- S ponndJ will malra K bl aek r,t mobtner. or 66 chewlnaev aioekliiff IwUU With acli order wo tnJ comoleU lilu4traUl Imtrpctlona ahowlr bow to maka arajitilftUil mvtlng, OIO (ubfoo etiewlua ml smoklixr tr JiU, claim, etc. Wo Pay AIS Shipping Charge a Kaa3iCBsIaIamrai xvvvSvl XXWhliSTTLfex a K & n'WVKII.'KidST' Safiet?iff2yiir'v th f-tl,VlZ- Mm 0hm, wmimwm Pay only whan tobae eo arrlf at. Try It far tan daa il ItfalU to plraaa roa -Kit dotin't tutt your Uit - If for any r aeon yon are H!MlJa . flad. eesA It back -and your mAfli ivlll ha returned Drotnotly without qulbbla or quaatlon , Vou , niah Nathlnc. Sltfn and mail coupan today and eiOortil tobacco traatof yoar lire. m wm TOBACCO GROWERS ASS'Na OF KENTUCKY, Worohouao C5 Mayf ield Kentucky a Sand mo pounds of Old Kantocky Homcffetm Tobaeeo tha tobacco asd you wiUrafDOd ray swoey. J Wamc 5 a Cnterbolew pounds) each crado wantadr " SMOKltiQ mild modlum strooT JJ CHCWINQ mild medium stroS ? BBBBBBBBaBr! y' MAxT Don't Wear a Truss BROOK'S APPLIANCE, tho modern ni (jntlflc invention, the wonderful new discovery that relieves rupture will b o s e n t on trial, No obnoxious springs or pads. Has auto matic Air Cushions Binds and draws tho broken parts togeth er as you would a broken limb. No salves. No lies. Dur able, cheap. Scat on trial to' prove it Protected by U. S. patents. Catalog- and measure blanks mailed free. Send name and address today, . r -wTt nnnmrc 13F State' Street, Marshall, 3ilcW ! A) 1 K Wi M "fe 4 . i r ''I "f f I, ' -. - "J vi '3 m , ! V I ,l r 'AVi , .f I V ?l ;",: ilBBBBaBBBBBBr IMF tLMBBBBBBT L, ' S llsSeW. Jl. i A-i