ry 12 The Commoner Rheumatism A JtcmnrlcnMo Home Treatment Given by One Who Hnd It In the year of 1893 I was attacked by Muscular and Sub-Acute Itheu matlHtn. I fluttered as only tho&e who arc thus aflllctcd know for ovor three years. I tried remedy after remedy, but nuch relief lis I ob tained was only temporary. Finally, I found a treatment jLhat cured mo completely and such a pitiful condi tion has never returned. I havo Riven It to a number who Wore ter ribly afflicted, even bedridden, some of In em Bovcnty to eighty years old, and the results were tho same as In my own ease. I want ovcry sufferer from any form of muscular and sub-acuto (swelling at the, loints) rheumatism, to try tho great value of rny Im proved "Home Treatment" for Its remarkable healing power. Don't send n cent; slmpTy mall your name and address, and I will send it free to try. After you havo used it, and it has proven' Itself to be that long looked for means of getting rid of fluch forms of rh'cumatl&m, you may send tho prico of it, Ono Dollar, but understand I do not want your money unless vou r.ro perfectly sat isfied to sond It. Isn't that fair7 "Why suffer any longer, when relief is thus ottorbd you free, Don't do lay. Writo today. Mnrk II. Jncknon, 428II rMirxton Illdg., Syracuse, N. Y. VOL. 22, NO. 2 SPRINGFIELD CARBINE Mndeby l.N. Gov!, Ctillbio-IK S3. SO J32SCKVH ES - uw&la j.- Jtinnranv. Brooch Loadln? T'f.t t In... Miui.llflAH At in. Iouk. 7 11m, S3.BO. Then (or 3 mnro. you muy wive iiniiiubi.ii muf i nrivi 111 biiupi num. Thin mnki'H it wonder nl coin blnm Ion. Tho smooth l):irI cjiii Im Ititercliniigetl In 5 mln utp.f, MIllioiiH ol Bird or Hull fchot cartridges, 3 contaonch. Hcnd lortuliil suo. W. Stokes Kirk, 1027 N. loth Street " Dcpt,00 Philadelphia, Pa.' Dr. Eliot for Prohibi tion (Remarks of Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president emeritus of Harvard Uni versity, at the hearing befove the committee on legal affairs, Massa chusetts legislature, March 1, 1921, in behalf of Senate Bill 68, an act to carry into effect so far as the commonwealth of Massachusetts is concerned tho Eighteenth amend ment to the constitution of the United States.) Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Committee: I am quite convinced, from what I have already hoard here today, that I am incompetent to offer even a Dingle word of advice to the Commit tee with regard to their legal or con stitutional action. Neither am I an accredited witness here as a life-long believer in prohibition. On the con trary, I favored for many years the local ontion law for Massachusetts: but under that law I voted steadily for no license In Cambridge. My ob servation and experience as a sum mer resident In Maine since 1871 satisfied mo that no State prohibi tion law could possibly be enforced, except in communities where a de sided majority of the voters favored enforcement. It seemed to me that national action was essential to the creation and enforcement of an ef fective prohibition law. Therefore I never became an advocate of prohibi tion until tho adoption of the Consti tutional Amendment which made prohibition the law of the land. Ever j since congress enacted a law to en- lorce proamnion i uuvu uouii u, vurm advocate of similar enforcement acts in all tho States; and I have deeply regretted that Massachusetts has held back in the support of the won- In His Image By William Jennings Bryan This volume, which will he issued in March by Fleming H. Revell Company, publishers, will contain the nine lec tures delivered by Mr. Bryan at the Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia, last October under the following-titles: 1 First : .Second: Third : Fourth : Fifth: Sixth: Seventh : Eighth : Ninth : In the Beginning, God. The Bible. - , . v What Think Ye of Christ? ' The Origin of Man. The Larger Life. The Value of a Soul. Three Priceless Gifts. . "His Government and Peace." The Spoken Word. . These lectures cover the fundamentals of the Chris tian 'faith and present from the standpoint of a layman Christianity's appeal to the average man, special' atten tion fteing given to students. 4 The 'price of the book is $1.75, postage prepaid to any part of the country. Those desiring this book can order through The Commoner if they do not find it in local book stores. Address The Commoner, 207! Press Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. derful reform which national prohibi tion promises. It is a matter for profound aston ishment and gratitude that this great est of social and industrial reforms in our time has gained such broad popular support within the last ten or twelve years, and especially since the outbreak of the Eurcpeon War. I had opportunities to observe in 'sev eral places the starting of the move ment in our southern states from ten to twenty years ago. It began there among the most thoughtful white citizens, because of the in creasing intoxication of negroes and poor whites, and also because of the prevalence of various crimes of vio lence in both races, including mur derous conflicts between members of the two races who had been drinking together. A little later the whole country got a strong impression in favor or promoition rrom tne experi nnp.fi nf tho little American armv which was stationed along the Moxi- can border to prevent the raids of ir responsible bandits into our ter ritory. You remember that that small army of not more than twenty thousand men contained both regi ments of the regular army and regi ments of the, national guard . from several states. The officers Of the regular army 'took no measures "jtfe prevent the establishment of saloons and brothels m the immediate vicin ity of their camps. Some national1 guard officers, on the contrary, took; effective measures to prevent easy access by- their men to bars and houses" of prostitution. In fact, they drove away to a distance both) saloons and houses of prostitution,, and prevented both of these nefarious' businesses from succeeding. In cbn- sequence, our whole people learnt that to keep a body of troops in ef fective condition it was necessary to defend them against both alcoholism and venereal diseases. We had not all forgotten the published reports of Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War under President Taft, thatv the American army was ftio worst in the world in respect to the prevalence oJE venereal diseases. We. all welcomed heartily the war prohibition meas ures which kent the camns of the national army in this country and the communities surrounding them com paratively free from' both saloons and brothels. The secretaries of war and the navy and the army and navy be came of the opinion that prohibition was. necessary m order that wfl.mihf be enabled to put two or three mil lion men into France fit to fight. That opinion went all over the coun try, and became the strong founda tion of the popular movement whinii carried the 18th amendment of the constitution and tho corresponding legislation in congress. It is interest in this tho mnat ., markable physical and social reform ever auemptea by a free people which brings me hither. As a Massachusetts man nPoiiamn,i see Massachusetts leading in all promising measures for the promo tion of the public welfare, I deplore the fact that Massachusetts, of all states in the union, is holding back from doing her part in the prosecu f fw,8 reform-. Holding has been doing For the honor of the commonwealth, for the credit of its peop e; I plead with thig commit tee on legal affairs, that that hold ing back be stopped. Let Massa chusetts join forthwith the long pre cession of sister states that have? al- rea?l ??actert enforcement laws to match the national law. Let Massa- KS; ?ntce take hor oi shS ShFfnlS S Int executIn these pro hibitory measures, which are sure to promote public health, public han Piness and industrial efficiency throughout the country, and td Rheumatism Left Him As If By Magic! Mf JKn mSm Kffii WUr2!M?3mfM?yL a Had Suffered Over 50 Years! Now 83 Ykr, Yetitf Surprise To Friends Regains Strength Goes Out 'Fishing Back to Business Laughs at "URIC AGIO" How tho "Inner" Mysteries" Reveals Startling i Facts Overlooked t By Doctors and Scientists For Centuries 4 I r .hi "I am eighty-three years old and I doctored for rheumatism ever since I camo out qf tho ,army over fifty years ago';, writes J. B. Ashelman. "Like man y4 others, .1 spent money freely for so-caJIJifc'd 'cures', and I have read about Uric Acid' until I could almost taste it. I could not sleep nights or walk without, pain; my hands were so soro and stiff -Iob$lfl.'hot hold a pen. But now.Jifc if by-magic, I am again In ac tive business and can walk with easo or write all day with comfort. Friends are surprised at the change." , WOW IT 'HAPPENED Mr; A&helman is only one of thou sands who suffered for years, owing1 to tne general beiier -in tho old, raise theory that "Uric Acid" causes rheuma tism. This erroneous belief Induced him and legions of unfortunate men and women to take wrong treatments. You might Just as well attempt to put out a fire with oil as to try and get rid of your rheumatism, neuritis and llko complaints, by taking treatments sup- Bosed to drive-Uric Acid out of your lood and body.- Many physicians and scientists now know that Uric Acid never did, "never can and never will cause rheumatism; that it Is a natural and necessary constituent of the blood; that ft -Is found In every new-born babe; and that without it wo could not live.!. .... -, - "These statements may seem strango to some' forks who have all along been ..led-. to pellevo in tho old "Uric Acid" humbug. It took' Mr. Ashelman fifty years to find- out this truth. He learned how to get rid of the true cause of his rheumatism, other disor ders, and recover his strength from "The- Inner Mysteries," a remarkable book now being distributed free by an authority who , devoted, over twenty years, to tho scientific study of this particular trouble. .NOTE: If any reader of "The Com moner" wishes the book that reveals these facts' regarding the true cause, and cure of rheumatism, facts that were overlooked by doctors and sci entists for centuries past, simply send a post card or letter to H. P. Clear water, No. -1272-I Streot, Hallovcll, Maine, and it will bee sent by return mail without any charge whatever. Cut out this notice lest you forgot! It not a sufferer yourself hand this pood news to some afflicted friend. Wonderful Silleand Velvet Bargains For Q.uUtH, Fancy Worw. Portiere, Etc. Send 10 CentM for big package or large beautiful silk rem nants, including free quilt rtPHlirns n.nrt airents cata logue describing our 4-pound silk, velvet, gingham, and other remnanc bargain bundles; also instructions liou to earn money at homo by sewing. tJNION S. WORKS, v 285 Factory St., BounvHle, N. PATENTS. Wrlie for tree Guide HMf Evidence of Goncentlpn Slunk, henu model or sketch of invention for ire opinion of Its patentable nature. Hlffii est references. Reasonable Terms, vie tor J. Evans & Co., 722. 9th, Washing ton. D. C. "Aliiadln Bulletin" Free. Novelties. Magic. Gas Jet Heaters. Pocket "Kilt ers. Hqw to secure Money M"1"? Plans. J.- Thomas Desk, 8, Box French Lick, Indiana.. ; . ' ft 'c . , Ttf.i-rt-'-JWfti.mV