The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 01, 1922, Image 1

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    ' 1
VOL 22, NO. 2
nil iii n in ii ii in r-nT1
Lincoln, Nebraska, February, 1922
Conference Begins
New Epoch
The Arms Conference has passed Into history
after a session that may be regarded as the be
ginning of an epoch. It did not do all that the
most sanguine hoped for, but movements by
large masses are never as rapid as the en
thusiast wishes. The idealist goes in advance
of events and he must not be disappointed if
those who move more slowly retard the pace
of the army.
That which has been accomplished is sub
stantial and the educational influence that the
conference will exert is even more important
than its accomplishments.
the world takes a long step in advance when
the leading naval powers scrap half their bat
tleship tonnage and agree to a naval holiday.
Besides that they have excluded the submarine
as a weapon against commerce and they have
made poisonous gas illegitimate in war .,. .The.
conference makes possible a largo reduction' in
current taxation. Who can belittle such a meas-'
lire of relief at a time like his?
Scarcely of less importance is the adjustment
of many of the troublesome problems of the Far
East. The Shantung question could not be
solved at Paris: It is solved at Washington,
and China has nad a new birth; her national
hopes are about to be realized. Japan has won
one of the greatest victories of the conference,
viz., the confidence of the world. She will not
lose pecuniarily by recognizing China's rights,
but it is real progress when any ambitious na
tion recognizes human rights, especially the
right so greatly emphasized in recent years,
viz., the right of self-determination.
While the danger of , war in the Pacific has
been greatly exaggerated; still it is gratifying
to have measures "taken that will allay even
groundless fears and 'furnish guarantees of
The failure of the conference to deal with the
Question of land armaments is to be regretted,
but it is a sin of omission that can and will be
corrected later.
Democrats will ungrudgingly commend what
bas been done; they will not &eek to detract from
r to minimize the work of the conference.
Principle as well as policy will compel them to
give credit to the,N administration for what has
been done. Theyhave reason td be as happy as
the Republicans because every step that the
conference has taken has" been along the Demo
cratic line of march. Things have been accom
plished this year that were impossible one year
Qgo and still more impossible two years ago,
Just as some things are left for the future whicji
we not now ripe for settlement. The Bible
Phrase, "the fullness of time," presents a real
truth. The world was not ready for the Arms-
Conference before . the late war, or even at its
The leading nations were obsessed with the
Idea that preparednosB would prevent ivar and
Lincoln's Appeal for Loyalty
to Law
Lot every American, every lover of lib
' erty , every well wisher to his posterity,
swear by the blood of the Revolution never
to violate in the least particular the laws of
the country, and never to tolerate thoir vio
lation by others. As the patriots of seventy
six did to tho support of the Declaration of
Independence, so to the support of tho Con
stitution and laws let every American
pledge liis lifo, his property and his sacred
honor. Lot every man remember that to
violate the law is to trample on the blood
of his father, and to tear tho charter of his
own and his children's liberty. Let revcr
ence for tho laws bo breathed by every
American mother to tho lisping babe that
prattles en her lap; let it be taught in
schools, in seminaries, and in colleges;
let it bo written in primers, spelling books
and almanacs; let it be preached from tho
pulpit, proclaimed in tho legislative halls,
and enforced in courts of justice. From
address to Young Men's Lyceum of Spring-
field, 111., Jan. 27, 1837, when Lincoln was
twenty-seven years of age.
they engaged in a mad rivalry that deluged the
world with blood. Anger was still hot when
the treaty was framed. Now to the moral sense
of the nations has been added the fear of uni
versal bankruptcy; they have faced about and
are marching toward the only peace that is pos-sible-ipeace
through friendship and coopera
tion. The Arms Conference vindicates the plan
embodied in the thirty treaties negotiated by
the United States with three-fourths of the
world and afterwards embodied in the covenant
of the League "of Nations. The plan provided
for investigation before war with a view to
peaceful settlement. Confer before a resort to
The success of this Conference makes certain
the calling of other conferences of the same
kind. The precedent now established will be
followed until we shall have a permanent Inter
national Tribunal before which all world prob
lems can be openly discussed and by which all
can be settled.
World peace is seemingly nearer than it has
ever been before; the song of the Shepherds at
Bethlehem may soon become the international
Ai. W. J. BRYAN,
On another page will be found a statement
showing that the New York branch made a prof
it of 215 per cent in 1920 and 19 per cent in
1921. Why should a government bank profiteer?
Governor Edwards is running true to form.
He appointed James Nugent as public prosecu
te? The New Jersey Senate refused to confirm
Dy a vote of 17 to 3. The dry sentiment is growing.
. i
' ' Whole' Number 754
Next Congress Must
Be Dry
It is time for tho friends of prohibition to
take notice of tho fight that is on. More than
thirty organizations have been formed for tho
purpose of overthrowing prohibition.. They do
not openly attack tho amendment; . that ' is
neither necessary nor wise. All they need to do
is to secure a congress that will change tho al
coholic percentage.
The Supreme Court has declared that congress
has power to fix tho alcoholic percentage;' pro
vided, of course, the beverage is not to be mado
intoxicating. But there may be a difference of
opinion as to what constitutes intoxicating
liquor. A per cent that. would intoxicate a be
ginner would not, of course, intoxicate tho old
toper. Just where the Supreme Court would
draw the line if it were called upon to nullify
a percentage law no one can say in .advance.
Until the decision was rendered the question
would bo in doubt and saloons-would open up
everywhere. But even graver consequences are
possible. A "wet" congress could refuse money
to enforce tho law and that would bo equivalent
to repeal. Even one House could obstruct ap
propriations. It is necessary, therefore, that
the drys shall bo on their guard in every district
and in every state in which a Senator will bo
elected. Put none but the faithful on guard.
If the "wets" get control of congress prohibition
will hecome the only issue untfl congress is
again "dry," and one back-set would encourage
the "wets" to continue their efforts in the hope
of again catching tho "drys" napping.
Every man and every woman who favors pro
hibition should be on the alert. Let no man bo
nominated for congress or the senate who is not
openly and unequivocally for the law as it now
stands and for any additional laws that may be
found necessary to make prohibition effective.
The "wets" have nd politics they have simply
thirst. They are not interested in other ques
tions; they think only of this question. The
"drys" must not allow their Interest in other is
sues to lead them into carelessness. Vigilance
is the price of law and order. Let all be awake
and on guard. W. J. BRYAN.
The "pioneer selclom receives thereward that
he earns. He discovers, usually at great sacri
fice to himself, the riches of undeveloped coun
tries and, when tho hidden wealth Is proclaimed
to the world, others come in and profit by his
explorations. As a rule, he passes away before
hfs prophecies are entirely fulfilled and is re
membered by monuments or distinctions, often
In the form of cities and counties named after
him. While the visible rewards bestowed upon
the pioneer are usually very Inadequate, he has
what money cannot buy the satisfaction - that
comes with the consciousness of service ren
dered; This is really the richest reward that any
one can earn.
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