The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 01, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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, 1fa
The Commoner
-w thing It IS tms erase iVr no
toriety' There's something patnetlc
a1)IUnevGrsee a little, yague,.. futile,
incDt person longing for fame but I
Sink of a poor little boy. standing in
the street and crying because bo
Sulci not fly like the seagull which
rose above his head and beat its wild
way out to sea.
The little boy wasn't a . seagull
he was something a good deal bettefc
, T.mhablv'hap'Sler and a- thousand
Hmpfl more usefuk But, no, all h&
could do was'ito neariten. muserauuy,
tn theibeaUngioMhe seagull's Avings
hkeauserne watT lorcVfcr
cause and effect. Run home, little
boy-you're not a seagull; you're a
nice, wholesome, good-natured little
boy, worth a million seagulls.
Prejudice and Politics
(By,.P. H. Callahan, Chairman of
tho Commission on Religious Prej
udice, which started in 1014 mid or
the Auspices of the. Knights of Oo-d
nimbus and terminated in 1917.)
We arc now f ar ehdtiKh aWav from
the late political campaign to" prevent
any wrong construction, being' but on'
. jlkiuiv. uiauuaaiuii ui me aixftmnr.
made to Jnjdcfc rejfgjqtjs "prejucfice
ku.iv mo yon test.
From all accounts ft was a sorry
attempt, shamefaced and anonymous,
which happily failed to create any
great stir. It appeared In spots all
over the country; but nowhere, ex
cept in sections where bigotry Is
systematically cultivated between
ri IwrtAn
ttnti tr fho earth- $' ?
Qf all tho vi&U Vnawfng, searing
jcw on p-artlii this 'modern craria
for publicity and notoriety Seems' Vo
me the most astonisning.
Every other poor Httlo nobody you
know is working day and night not
lo do something that's of some use
to somebody, not even, to do some
thing that's .fun for herself but to
Pfit Somebody to gay something about
f t Miss4V ntl 41 n "ntA1tllWff tttYtacf Timet 14-1 rllr-j-IM nnnUMnti 5
Jier lu oiicovu,u ai - jux v .. t, wmco, wtui it miicu. aciiuuoi, UUU,
talk" or in a club paper or In a news-
paper-r-or, at any'ate, around tile
dinner table. "'"-' !l '
What a cruelfjest itis that puts
into tlie breast of a timid, scurrying,
little mouse Uie burning desire to "be
an eaglel ' : "' ,J
And all the time if the "iftouse'
but knew it the eagle is probably
wishing he could -find somewhere a
nice, quiet little home in which to
hide and a good piece of ripe cheese
to add zest to' the occasion.
I have never yet known anyone
to achieve fame of any kind who
went deliberately out( to get it. The
painter paints because he must
the writer, writes either because he
loves it or because he wants to mr.Ice'
some money and neither has 'the
faintest thought .of fame" .except as
a means to an end..
How mixed up waall'doget with
Are You Suffering From
Nerve Force Exhaustion?
How to Tell and What to Do. ': .
Thousands are failures in life and a burden to themselves
j;: ard families from depletion of the nevvo-vital fluid.
ll aucccs and happiness in liCedo-IOf all dlneaaes, except insanity, thoro ,,
v-j upuii tno nervous system wnicn arc icw, u any, more tcrriuio in tneir
consists of countless millions of cells.
in tnese cells is stored that mlgrhty
myatorloua energy which wc call nerve
force, when your nerve force becomes
weakened or exhausted, yout may suf
fer from all kinds of alarming symp
toms. The nervous woman of leisure
feels bright and like herself during
any exciting" pleasure, yet every time
she Indulges in such, she is only furth
er spending her already small supply
of reserve nerve forco and further air-
ravatingner already lamentable con-
ition. when such a woman has no ex
citing pleasure, she at onco feels mor
bid and depressed, has headaches,
periods of great weakness and moods
in which she wants to scream.
The, nervous business man feels In a
perpetual Jiurry. He Is impatient and
restless while walfintr for his ear or
luncheon. Ho eats ranidly. fidcreib. and
. .. . t . '-
ac mgiu tosses ana tn
Jy . fitters
rT??wt$iAi"A jfai
-jim Trriir. nr-ji
Goitre Cure
'Hut ycuc Goltro removed without
taxing- medicine or nimnff it cat
out Wo hiwo c conrcnicnt, rocth
lng appliance which Is worn on
too ntxK at night and cures while
you ticcv. It citccka wo grovtuu
reduces mo tfnarKetneni. ano ffiopa
,all oaliv nd dlstreis In ft short
7!'kS unw. a year success, wruq vw-
Ucolara. Includlnjt tcjUinonlala from vttrr &
Orlcc. etc. Not sold In ntorcs.
ffoasau fc'ernaado i$ Ah coles, CI If.
New Business PuWcatwns
Just off tho press, Pub
lished to sell at 25c
each or $1.50. Cover
Buslncn Arfmtnfntrn
on AdverilnlHK, Acem.ntlnK, Parcel
l out IVIervkaHdl.ilHgr Salesmaiuriilf l
Federal Taiad.m, Education ia them
B.e,vcs. Valuable, instructive-, helpful.
ah prepaid to Introduce bur Business
service and Courses, for only 25c. Your
IiJiPayetle QaHdlMg, PhllRdcIpkla, Ta
mJa ynSu are sick and "want to Get Well
v! Keep Well, write for literature
tnat tells How and Why this almost
unknown and wonderful new element
orings reltef to so many sufferers
&.! ahfeumatlsnl. Sciatica. Gtaut.
SrIl?' Neuralgia. Nervous- Prcstra
ni HlBh Bl00d Pressure and diseases
or the stomach. Heart, Lungs. Liver, ICld
eys and other ailments. You wear
"nen'sRaaio-ActiveSolar Pad da. and
S receiving the Radlo-Activo Rays
wlLnUi?U3.lX. into yur ytem, caus
Vt Vca,thy.,cllcu,atl0nr overcoming
sluggishness, throwing off fmpurlties
and restoring the tissues and nerves
Slnrrn,mnd:tIon andl tJe next
c&fi3" nw you are getting welt
thi,.J?n a test .proposition. You are
SrfJWiK 8ati?e t Is helping your
ini t "e appliance is yourd Toth
exnftid0 bt wear it. No trouble or
ahonV "fkHi ? mo?t wbnderful fact
a0Jt the appliance Is that It Is sold
3n l it11 V yiu.ricn ana poor.
lent, or
how0 uVi hy? bad' yuc ament.
SLSSF' wrirc todIyIiHnKot ?.
SraAhnAr STi luni appliance Co., 704
raabury Bldg:., Lo Angeles,, Calif.
inks for an hour-f
poor and he often makes bad decisions,
wnicn greatly injuro ana sometimes
ruin his business. The nervous student
broods over his studies and cannot
fasten his attention upon his work. The
nervous motner or nouseKeeper is
highly Irritable, forgets where she
puts things and often cannot remem
ber what she started to do. At night
she often has a "good cry" and ex
cuses it by saying It is a relief for
her nerves, when it means a high &tac
of nerve force exhaustion. Without
"nerve force," your will power becomes
weakened. You have noble impulses
and desires, but you do not carry them
through. The most pitirui sight in lire
is a man or woman who Jias "no wilK'" ) nerves Is sold by all druggists.
generally, it was as a 'thing outlawed.
This is a great improvement over
conditions us they have exiated in
prior campaigns, when no- pains
were taken to conceal responsibility Qr two before he can go to sleep. Hi
fkr aMrrfnr n -iii.T! wh t memorj? fals. liis Judgment become;
pie grew wrought up and embittered
ahd deep, gaping wounds were opened
that It took months and even years
to heal
We of the older generation can
remember the time when In one cam
paign' nleii running on anti-Catholic
platforms were elected governors in'
half a dozen states. More than
twenty congressmen' elected at the
same time were out and out anti's.
Both of the great political parties
truckled to the bigots-; and every
where over the country communities
were divided and embittered, and
friends suspected one another and
neighbors were afraid of one an
other. Bigotry in those days was tho
stpek-in-trade of almost every pol
itician, regardless of party or re
ligious .belief. Political campaigns
were the rich harvest season for pro
fessional propagandists, Who usually
managed to bleed all the parties In
the contest. There Is a delphic
peculiarity about religious prejudice
propaganda that adapts It to use on
all sides It was common in the old
days to see the same stuff used by
opposing parties in different com
munities Even in the same community-
ft was employed by both
sides, one far the flare-up, the
other for the flare-back. The prop
aganda makers calculated on both.
It was all of a piece to them -which
side grew exicted first, as they could
trust the managers on the other side
to answer in kind. And it was all
the same1 to the managers what deep
passions' they set aflame, so long as
they rallied support to 'their party or
The propaganda anonymously cir
culated during the late campaign
was typically delphic in character.
It was adapted to use by Republican
politicians to Incite susceptible Prot
estants lo vote Republican, and it
was adapted to use by Democratic
politicians to. induce susceptible
Catholics to vote Democratic. There
was no way of telling who prepared
it, and the only means of judging
as to who was circulating it, was by
observing the class of persons re
ceiving it and the effect it was cal
culated td have on them.
If they were of that class of Prot
estants who pay any attention to
such things, they were likely to vote
Republican, and it is safe to say
Democratic politicians were not re-
nihio fnr circulating it to them.
On the other hand, if it was being
sent to Catnoiics, tne i .n
those who would consider it at all,
!;" a Kirdv vote Democratic,
hicli makes it safe to say that the
nnTiMntiAri on Page 1&
n XV, V, 11 Ullj. I1IUII1 klilliuiu " fcHWl
nature than exhaustion of tho nervo
vital fluid. In such catc, it Is often
worse than foolish to take mere stimu
lating medicines or narcotic drugs,
which only whip up your fagging vital
powers for the moment, may be at the.
expense of your Hfo lator on. "What
you need is to put more nervo foro6
into your nerves and more iron Into
your blood, to , help make new nerve
force with which to feed your starving
nervo cells. This is most effectively
accomplished by tho free use of Nux
atcd Iron. This valuable product con
tains the principal chemical cpn&tftu
ont of active living nerve force In a
form, which most nearly resembles
tiiat In the nerve and brain colls of
It aTso contains organic Iron like tho
iron in your blood and like the iron mv
spinach, lentils and apples. This form
of iron will not blacken nor Injure the
teeth nor upset the stomach. It Is an
entirely different thing from metallic;
iron which people usually take. Nux-
atcd Iron may therefore bo termed
both a blood and a nervo food, as it
feeds strength-giving iron to your
blood and the principal chemical In
gredient of active living nervo forco
to your brain and nerve cellB. Oyer
four million people aro using Nuxated
Iron annually, and from tho remark
able beneficial results which it has pro-f
duced, the manufacturers feel so cer
tain of its cfllcacy, that they guaranr'
tee satisfactory results to every pur
chaser, or they will refund your money.
Beware of substitutes, look for tho'
word "Nuxated" on every package.
Nuxated Iron for the blood and
Ctiavrm ITVtmw DAihr Conserve Yoar HcaMh
jaw 1UIII I0UUJ and Efficiency First
"I WaM Net Pari WfitSt Xt Fr $1O,O0"
Bo writes ftn enthusiastic, cratef nl customer. "Worth mora than a farm
Bayatnotaer. m. ujcemannor tenuis ovr jw.wo people xtno asva worn it.
Ttie Natural Body Brace
JUKNoud WOMEN. JDovelopfl erect, cracef ul ftzare. Urinca
resciu reuei, wnuort, wumy to oo uusji, neuui ana oirenffiu.
WearitSOBaysErccntOar Excise ??$
patn or otaname ami vraikina: rcpiaccfl Jmu supports mi
ens ana 8trBgucuM Daeajcarrecta ntocpinff inoasnecs;
derelopa Janco. cbeot and fcnit: relieves backache, emtra-
taros. nerroaaaeM. rasteres. conrtisation. after efTectx at Via.
Comfbrtablo and csayjto wear. Keep Yourself VIU Writa t
day for i hatrstcd fcaoklct, ftieacnrement blank, etc., and
tead oar liberal jwoposkloa. KOWAHI) C XAKH, irea.
jNataral Body Brace Co 4gKaflixMg-lalljtia,Ka3.
klTtkJjZfim jijaaA
MiWLj m m m
n 1 1 ar.'iB jhh
a ATimTiBIi UMiAi
kL Wfc-'QrISft Jki OJIsaJ
VJHiEV k..
Mil U
you want metHMrnoneyl Don't
wait to write! Trie World's Larim
Fur Bouoe ia gfvingr highest grsdia
best 8etvke 'bisiMt ckeJlu,
We want MORE Sktmk. Kis3. Ulnlcnt.
n.r.nnn K7aw WV flrm.-fl C?-l.
and are DayJoK too Drlccsnowl Get check hv
return maiL Write fi onr tjpedal iaformatfoa
to ifurtJuyers,
FimsUn An!ml Bait Used by suc
cessful trappers for 20 years. Double your
eaten. ate una wsmtea. uw per can; d
cans mu; poaipani.
Continued on Pago
- -t
. , ftt ' iCj-aaA-ffa J