Vfr-T trt Ttiwr',''i T " -r.r ,--. W iron i.R-a The Commoner MAY, 1921 13 'H mam w i wi ; 1 'fl , , ' . .$W ' ?ja '!, , ? W" f.', ' ? -i.a . &r' v :ss ,Uffi ."r-1 'T- - '! " ,:33 -r, ' v: ' ii ( . " emulating you should know be-. nd doubt the ultimate effect of ich a situation is price recossron. When conditions demon- trated by the barometer show pro- iction in a dangerous condition, we tould apply the remedy individually, Ithout consulting our neighbors anu Ithout discussing it with our lends, trusting to their business mmea and good sense to do like Hie." Phis anneal by the president of the jociation was published and circu ited in an official association pampb- itll.j imi. .A Dnt nHam ' this time there was outstanding ittblic appeal by the president of ie united states lor tne greatest issible production as a war meas ure. There is also evidence herewith of ibsequdnt efforts by association tders to keep the membership Ewake to the importance of restrlct- ig their individual production pro- rtionatoly to any excess of tne total Loduction over the total demand, as Falcated by the barometer. In a let- ir or June zu, iyxu, mr. unaa. s. feith, in discussing the general dis tribution of the barometers, stated Bnat when "the public might expect recession in values," the manu facturer "should ouickly see the con- gjtion and apply the only corrective iremeay, to wit, instead or normal (production while the public is buy-! ig less, tne manufacturer snouia woduce less lumber." Mr. Keith ited that if this were done the buy- were welcome to the. information Gained in the barometers, espe- lly sinc the mills had knowledge the barometer information four Iflye days in advance of the public. VAb shown by the association baro- sters. the production of southern the has been below "normal" ever Knee 1916, and with the exception of Six or seven scattered months the rders placed during the same period lave also been below "normal." It rould seem to follow that the high (prices obtained for southern pine llumber have not been the result or unusual demand as such, but becausa ghe demand has almost constantly Exceeded a less than normal supply. The continued shortage of produc- Kion as compared with the demand mas been reflected in prices and prof- Its. For the year 1918, 39 southern Ksine companies paid excess profits (taxes averaging 43.5 per cent on their Rr combined sales, 13 of them paying jlxnore than 50 per cent each, as re ported by them to an official of their f8sociation. These profits were made rhile an average price of $28.00 per "thousand feet or less was in jeffect, that figure being the government maximum price during the last six I months of 1918. The excess profits taxes for 1919, when the average price realized was $35.00 per thou sand, and for 1920, when the average price at times reached from $55,00 to $59.00 per thousand, ,are not avail able to the commission. The documents show that besides regulating the production to the de mand, the Southern Pine .association I lias been the medium for direct and K concerted action on prices, both be- fore and since the war. The associa tion, however, has been less open in its dealing with the price question than many of its sister associations. Several of its prominent members had been found guilty and Taeavily fined by the Supreme Court of Miss ouri in 1914 for having conspirea among other things, for the purpose of curtailing production and fixing prices through the medium of the old Yellow Pine Manufacturers asso ciation, as reported in 2 CO Missouri Reports, page 212. As a result of this . decision, the present association was formed in 1915, an dwithln a few months after Its. formation its leaders were busily engaged in a movement not only to curtail production but to advance prices. As the result .of a meeting on April 20, 1915, the southern pine manufacturers put advanced prices into effect and also began to curtail production. In September, 1916, Mr. Chas. S. Keith invited four of his principal competitors, who had con trol of the bulk of the stocks on hand, to raise their prices. This group had led in curtailing produc tion and had accumulated heavy stocks in an effort to hold the mar ket. Mr. Keith's invitation was ac cepted. In April, 1917, the same month war was declared, prices were ad vanced at a meeting held in Memphis in connection with a meeting of the association directors as shown by correspondence of Mr. Edward Hines, who was prominent in the delibera tions of this meeting and described the advances made in a telegram sent to his Minnesota mill, urging the Minnesota manufacturers to advance their prices correspondingly. In October, 1917, conferences were held at Chicago and Memphis as a result of which prices wore advanced, . as shown by letters, including those of Mr. Hines, "Who was active in these conferences and described the results secured. In 1918 commercial orders were being favored by the manufacturers in preference to government orders because the commercial prices were higher. The government, for its own protection fixed maximum prices on southern pine, for commercial as well us government purposes. The manu facturers took the position that the government maximum prices should be treated as a minimum and not in frequently exceeded the legal maxi mum. On November 22, 1918, fol lowing the Armistice, the manu facturers held a national conference in Chicago. In this the southern pine manufacturers were prominently represented. The manufacturers ex pressed themselves as a unit to the effect that the government maximum price should be adhered to as a mini mum basis until government control expired on December 23d, 1918. A few days before the expiration of government price control, a meet ing of southern pine manufacturers was held at St. Louis, Mo., under the auspices of the association's commit tee on sales and -distribution. As a result of this meeting, documents evidence that prices were radically over the government maximum ana that the 'market was held firm at the advanced figures in the face of a weak demand for several months. Government requests through the in dustrial board of the department of commerce for a reduction of prices In the spring of 1919 were refused by resolutions adopted at New Orleans, one ground given for the refusal being that concerted action to reduce prices would be a violation of the law. Yet by their concerted refusal, they ratified and confirmed their concerted action of several months previous in advancing prices. At the New Orleans meeting, Chas. S. Keith, gave notice of his right to sue for triple damages under the Sher man Law, those manufacturers who might join together to accede to the industrial board's request for a reduc tion in prices. During the same period the south ern pine manufacturers conducted a campaign to induce the fir manu facturers of the west coast to raise their prices so that the advanced prices on southern pine might be maintained and further advanced. The fir manufacturers concertedly raised their prices in April, 1919, and the opportunity was thus given for southern pine to make further advances. This was followed by rapid advances in the price of fir and jail other competitive wooas. Aboarthls time the "build a home" campaign brought the public into the market, and prices went through a sky-rocketing proces, which put them, in the words ofv& prominent lumberman, In a letter herewith submitted, "far boyond anything the present genera tion over dreamed of." A review of the conditions obtain ing In the manufacture and sale or southern pine since the close of the commission's formal investigation in June, 1920, is of Interest. When the market showed signs ot weakness last Juno and tho recession from the abnormally high prices thoh current began, the mills generally curtailed their production as shown by the association baromoters issued since that time. That curtailment has continued to tho present. It ap pears that tho southern pine mills as a whole have lately been curtailing to the extent Of nearly 50 per cent of their normal output, that the downward price tendency has already been checked as the supply has been brought below the demand, and that prices have again started upward. While the wholesale prices ot southern pine receded materially from tho unprecedented figures of last spring, tho average price ob tained by a representative manu facturer during December, 1920, was about $7 per thousand feet in excess of the government maximum of $28, under which the industry made largo profits. Item prices on substantial portions of tho production are szill far in excess of those obtaining under the government maximum. An in creased demand would seem to be all that is lacking to bring about mucn higher prices. As indicated by current trade news, the Southern pine,, manufacturers are prominent in a campaign jiow be ing organized to induce the public to believe that prices will not ana cannot be further reduced owing to the costof production and that they should not further delay any contem plated building operations. In this connection, the cost of production has been enhanced by the continued oper ation of the mills far below their capacity and normal output. This campaign is being conducted under the ausrlces of tho National Lumber Manufacturers association, and special assessments have been and are being voted by tho various affiliated regional associations, to raise a large fund for the expense Of the campaign. Tho National Manu facturers association has also re quested tho retail lumber dealers of the country to contribute to this fund and to join in this movement to stim ulate buying. A similar campaign was success fully carried out in 1919. Many thousands of dollars were spent for advertising purposes and tho retail lumber dealers and leaders of pub lic opinion in each community were enlisted in tho "build now" and "own our homo" movement. As a results prices advanced so rapidly and radically that in a few months ttnfo tho retailers began to criticize the manufacturers. A representative of tho manufacturers reported the feel ing of the rotailors in 'June, 1919, in part as follows: "Very wise dealers said to mo. 'The mills got us to start these build ing campaigns, and they were a groat mistake, because as soon as we got them well started the prices began to jump, and wo had to raise our prices every week, and now our cus tomers think we got the town lined up in a building campaign just so that wo could raise the price. The townspeople don't know whether lumber has really gone up or not. They simply know that we lined them all up from school teachers and children to the preachers in their pulpits, and then jumped the prices on them.' " As Indicated by the documents sent to tho committee on January 10th, it appears that the manufact urers of every important kind ot lumber in the country are organized into associations for the purpose of compiling and distributing informa tion as to each element entering in to the supply and demand. This en ables the members to take advantage of all favorable market condition either by concerted action or by New York World Three Times a Week and The Commoner Both One Year for $1.30 Think of it! 168 Papers in a yea for only $1.30. No other combination gives you tho news so much a'nd so oftOn at so low a price. The New York World is one of the great newspapers of the country, and will keep you promptly and accurately Informed on current events. The Thrico-a-Week edition is practically as good as a daily. 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